Chapter 31 - Midnight Party: What a Surprise!

Chapter 31 - Midnight Party: What a Surprise!

Chapter 31: What a Surprise!

Doctor X chuckled lightly and approached Xiangnu leisurely.

The dangerous aura on her was too strong, and the over-sensitive Xiangnu felt so overwhelmed that he couldn’t help but take a few steps back and stumbled when he hit the railing, his jacket swaying slightly.

Doctor X stretched out his hand and pulled him to a stop, Xiang Nu was a little surprised by her action, and glanced at her in surprise, only to find that Doctor X had a pair of dark red eyes, cold and gloomy, without the slightest emotion and temperature in them.

Doctor X raised her hand. Her ten fingers were long and slender. The nails were painted bright red and dazzling. The patterns were drawn with unknown white materials painting a thousand faces of evil spirits, the only thing they have in common is that they were all exceptionally scary.

She tugged on the collar of Xuangnu’s jacket with folded fingers, elegantly straightened his clothes, and gently smiled as she admonished, “Now that you’ve run out, you must put on your elder’s clothes properly, if they fall off, something bad will happen.”

The beautiful young man lowered his brows. He put on his collar and answered softly, hesitatingly asked, “Who are you?”

Doctor X glanced at him with a half-smile but didn’t answer.

The inspectors carried the corpse to the Red Queen. The moment she saw the corpse, the Red Queen tore off her normal disguise, and countless curly tentacles madly spread out from underneath her skirt, and flew wildly in that spacious room, knocking down all the decorations in the room.

She roughly protruded several entangled tentacles and snatched the body directly from the inspector.

Then the tentacles quickly swelled and shook, and a stream of mucus came out from the small holes under her tentacles, instantly melting and corroding the corpse.

Xiangnu’s beautiful eyes stared at this scene quietly. Those inspectors were very afraid of being affected by the Red Queen, at the moment when the Red Queen rolled the body over, the few inspectors scrambled to avoid it and ran towards Dr. X’s side.

Doctor X quietly watched the Red Queen make a mess in the room in the West Zone, and saw her spraying venom everywhere, destroying the decoration and floor in the room, and said softly, “This is a lunatic who is already on the verge of collapse. …”

She glanced at Xiangnu, and the meaning of her words was unclear, “For such a being, insanity means extinction, and many things will seek to replace her.”

The beautiful young man looked at the swollen Red Queen seriously, tilted his head upon hearing this, and smiled brightly at Doctor X.

Those inspectors breathed a sigh of relief when they were out of the Red Queen’s attack range, and their expressions and movements returned to their composure.

They straightened up their clothes, restored their orderly and upright appearance, and came to Dr. X and Xiang Nu with solemn faces.

Different from before, this time the inspectors all looked cold and solemn, no longer showing suspicion and distrust from time to time like when they looked at Xiangnu before.

Doctor X walked to Xiangnu’s side, lying on the railing with his fingers interlaced, looking at the taskers below.

This batch of taskers was all experienced. Although the death of the middle-aged man surprised them, none of them appeared panicked.

They watched coldly as the middle-aged man’s body was removed, and didn’t say anything, but spread out tacitly and no longer gathered into a crowd.

The death of the middle-aged man was really strange. First, the lights in the hall suddenly went out. It was hard to figure out how he was killed and who was the murderer.

The crystal lamp on the third floor should be an electrical device, but when the missionaries entered the third floor, they had already quietly circled the hall on the third floor. Because the inspector did not have clear instructions, everyone did not dare to go to other places. Even after searching, they couldn’t find the switch button for the light.

The second was the location of the middle-aged man. The position of the middle-aged man was not remote, and it could even be said to be lively.

But he was blatantly killed in such a lively place. There were many experienced missionaries around, but no one noticed the abnormality in time. It was not until the middle-aged man screamed that everyone found out that he was dead.

The environment in the hall on the third floor was silent for a while. Although everyone did not speak, their eyes seemed to be on the fourth floor.

The terrifying doctor wearing a ceramic mask and evil-looking beauty in uniform stared coldly below, the indifference in her eyes made strangers feel very uncomfortable.

At present, no one has discovered the abnormality of the identity of Xuangnu.

Dr. X stared at them for a moment and asked Xiang Nu carelessly, “There’s been an accident, the guests look very uneasy now, do you think we should continue with the banquet?”

Xiangnu pondered for a few seconds, then said tentatively, “Why don’t we stop for a while, find the murderer, and then continue the banquet?”

Doctor X looked at the Red Queen on the opposite side, and answered the question, “Concentrate on finding the murderer? If the murderer is found too early, there will be fewer victims, and the Red Queen will not have enough food.”

Xiangnu is puzzled, “She doesn’t have enough food, what does it have to do with us?”

Doctor X chuckled, “Of course, the Red Queen is not weaker than us when she is most powerful, but the taste of blood will tempt her to indulge in madness and depravity. We finally found such a weakness to restrain her and make her gradually lose her mind and go crazy. If we slowed down the feeding, the Red Queen might gradually wake up.”

“According to the original plan, this is a very bad decision. It will give some greedy hyenas a chance to grab food, and maybe the Red Queen will take the opportunity to fight back…”

Doctor X paused and said inexplicably, “But the situation has changed now, and it’s okay to slow down. The Red Queen’s struggle between sobriety and madness will undoubtedly slow down the speed of destroying death, but this is just right. The little lion has not grown up yet, and now he can’t go up and eat the delicious flesh of the Red Queen.”

“Then let’s start looking for the murderer, give our lovely red queen a little more time to struggle, and give our little lion a little more time to grow up, anyway… the red queen will be ours after all, no one can change that, right?”

Xiang Nu looked at her blankly, seeing Doctor X staring at him as if waiting for his response, Xiang Nu hesitated for a moment, then pursed his lips and said, “I don’t understand what you mean.”

Dr. X reached out and nonchalantly pinched the youth’s pretty little face, leaving a shallow red mark on the snowy soft white cheeks as she lightly sighed, “The little lion is still very tender.”

After speaking, she turned around and walked down the stairs, Xiangnu touched his face in a daze.

Little lion… she meant him?

Xiangnu fell into deep thought, thinking of the previous conversation with Yu Su, and recalling Doctor X’s words, a strange but exciting guess gradually emerged in his heart.

It could be seen from the second copy that the relationship between monsters was not very harmonious, and some of them even hated each other deeply.

The Red Queen was a monster that was just as powerful as Doctor X, but her fatal weakness was accidentally caught by Doctor X.

Doctor X took advantage of this weakness to erode the consciousness of the Red Queen. She always said ‘we’, indicating that Doctor X had a companion. She and her companions began to capture the Red Queen, and used the Red Queen’s weakness very decisively to feed her to destroy her will.

However, there was an accident in the process. Doctor X and her companions had a ‘little lion’ to be cultivated. They wanted to feed the red queen as food to the little lion, but the little lion was still very weak and could not eat the red queen. For this reason, Doctor X and her companions decided to slow down the action of killing the Red Queen, giving the Red Queen some breathing time for her to struggle, and also giving their ‘little lion’ some time to grow.

And Doctor X told Xiangnu that he was equal to a ‘little lion’.

Then, the identity of Doctor X’s companion is clear at a glance. Except for the eccentric Mr. Yu, Xiangnu can’t think of any other monster who would think so for himself.

Coincidentally, before this mission started, Xiangnu had a conversation with Mr. Yu about the ‘monsterization problem’, and Yu Su told Xiangnu not to worry.

He also said that he has a sister.

Doctor X is also a woman.

Train G369, starting point, Newtown Hospital, Doctor X.

The endpoint was the old capital prison, Yu Su’s unknown position.

Xiang Nu understood what she meant from Doctor X’s twisting words, his tense body suddenly loosened, and he walked up lightly, followed behind Doctor X, and tentatively called out, “Sister?”

Doctor X looked back at him, her cold eyes finally fluctuated a little, her expression looking very subtle.

The eyes under the ceramic mask seemed to be smiling but not smiling. Xiangnu couldn’t see them, but he could feel that Doctor X felt much less threatening to him.

Although Mr. Yu had disappeared, Mr. Yu’s sister was still there. She looked really ‘gentle and kind’, and Xiangnu regained confidence in an instant, and he also walked down the stairs with his chin slightly raised.

This dungeon was not too dangerous. Only the murderer hiding in the dark had the ability to kill. Others, including the four unknown monsters on the fourth floor, will not do anything.

Although the task of the taskers was to catch the murderer, the log did not say what would happen if the murderer was not caught, and the task was in the form of a reward order. Xiangnu guessed, that even if the murderer could not be found tonight, as long as everyone survived the night and won’t be successfully assassinated and attacked by the murderer, it would be fine.

The inspector cleared the way ahead, and Doctor X and Xiangnu walked in calmly.

When they saw the two of them appearing, the taskers on the third floor were a little surprised, and they didn’t expect the monsters in the dungeon to intervene.

Of course, if the slave was not the tasker, maybe he really wouldn’t care, and he would be more than happy to see other taskers do their best to catch the murderer.

But who made him also one of them, and the bounty reward this time is still very rich.

Xiangnu didn’t know the consumption level of the Holy City yet, but from the 99998 map recommended by the staff member, one million HP may not be enough, and he still has to work hard to earn HP to maintain financial freedom.

However the current ‘monster’ identity is very useful, and Xiangnu did not intend to expose this for the time being. After all, his real strength was not good. If his true identity is exposed, Xiangnu will easily be targeted and may become the murderer’s goal.

Therefore, Xiangnu didn’t intend to come forward to stir up the topic by himself. He stood a little behind Doctor X and looked at everyone in the arena with the same eyes as Doctor X.

The inspector camp and the tasker camp were deadlocked with each other and the deadlock finally broke with a question from an impulsive tasker in the tasker camp.

The one who spoke was the lizard man. He wore a real hoody, and the scales of the leather armor were smooth and translucent, even slightly glowing.

He got up from the sofa he was sitting on, the color of the scales changed from beige to normal green, and his expression and voice were a little bit unclear, “Hello, sirs, we have been invited to participate in the party in disguise to look for the murderer. Previously, we were not sure if the murderer had appeared, so we all stayed quiet and lurked around quietly. But now that the murderer has appeared and hurt one of the taskmasters in a very brutal way, I’m asking sirs to seal the banquet hall directly, and then search for the murderer directly among us taskmasters!”

There was nothing wrong with the Lizardman’s proposal, but his eyes were very strange. He glanced at Xiangnu from time to time when he spoke, and his tone was respectful, but not afraid.

Xiangnu observed the clothes of the lizardmen. The other clothes were not very obvious. It could be said that the decoration was realistic, but the clothes of the lizardmen could change color according to the environment, which was beyond the understanding of Xiangnu.

After seeing him, Xiangnu had some guesses about the disguise of the tasker in this mission.

These missionaries might not have changed their costumes randomly, and their costumes might be the type of attributes they have after monsterization.

Monster transformation does not seem to be a rare thing for missionaries. If this mission is based on the richness of life points, then the HP of these missionaries must be quite high, and the means to deal with the mission must also be more, turning yourself into a monster in exchange for a powerful life-saving ability was very cost-effective.

Doctor X’s response to the lizardman’s application was indifferent, “All the guests have arrived, the party has begun, and no one can leave until it is over.”

Glancing at Xiangnu, she continued to walk downstairs.

Xiangnu hesitated, followed behind Doctor X, walked down from the third floor, and entered the second floor.

In this apartment, the changes from floor to floor are different, even worlds apart.

The banquet hall on the third floor was very lively, gorgeous, and bright, while the second floor was the opposite, full of darkness and silence.

Doctor X took Xiangnu to the depths of the corridor on the second floor and then stopped in front of an office.

She gently pressed the door handle and opened the door, and a white light penetrated through the gap. She stood behind Xiangnu, and her icy tone was very cold in the middle of the night: “Go in.”

Xiangnu didn’t move, and asked softly, “Sister, I’m going to the third floor to check the situation.”

Doctor X refused: “You are on of th observers, how can you participate in the stage to act?”

She opened the door a little wider and nudged Xiangnu to let him in.

Behind the door was very spacious and normal office, and there was nothing surprising about the layout.

Xiang Nu looked at the door closed by Doctor X and pondered, not understanding what Doctor X meant.

Is it because he wore Yu Su’s clothes and appeared as Yu Su? So he can’t participate in the task as a tasker?

But in this case, what to do with the 100,000 bounty, just give up? Xuangnu was a little reluctant.

Xiangnu took off Yu Su’s coat and hung it on the office chair, thinking about what to do next.

Yu Su’s coat were his shackles, but also his life-saving charm. If it is true as Xiangnu guessed, if the outside taskers’ disguise is their monster manifestation, Xiangnu really had no advantage in it, participating in the task was like delivering food.

When Xiangnu was struggling, someone knocked on the door of his office, and it was very rhythmic.

Xiangnu was silent for two seconds and asked, “Who is it?”

“It’s me.” The voice of the outsider was very familiar.

Xiangnu’s heart moved, and he got up and walked to the door and stood still, but did not open the door.

The people outside knocked for a while and then stopped, asking, “Why aren’t you open the door again?”

Xiangnu sighed lightly: “This is a copy…”

The people outside didn’t say a word, obviously still waiting for the follow-up of Xiangnu.

Xiangnu paused for a while before saying, “I’m not sure what is knocking on the door outside.”

“So…” The man outside whispered softly and said word by word, “You don’t want to open the door for me, do you?”

Black shadows seeped in from the gap under the door, eroding the brick-red planks as before.

The shadow wrapped around Xiangnu’s ankle. The difference was different from last time. Xiangnu did not run this time, but obediently stayed where he was, letting the shadows submerge him, immersed in that man’s embrace.

The shadows were like dry tree branches, and they released their teeth and claws in all directions, like ropes to tie Sang-nu from behind, and finally transformed little by little into a cold young man’s shape, who said, “Are you enjoying this?”

The beautiful young man who didn’t want to have conflicts on the same issue twice opened his eyes, his thoughts were interrupted, he frowned lightly and looked puzzled. Mr. Yu put his chin on his shoulder and said softly, “So standing in front of the door on purpose to complete the action of last time?”

Xiangnu pondered and asked uncertainly, “Do you think I like it?”

“It’s a surprise, isn’t it?” said Mr. Yu.

Xiangnu was silent for two seconds, and said reluctantly, “I think you may have misunderstood the term surprise.”

The author has something to say:

Xiangnu: I don’t want to be entangled with the same problem all the time, forget it, just bear with it

Mr. Yu: He didn’t resist this time. Did he like this feeling?

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