Chapter 167: Blasting off

Chapter 167: Blasting off

Unbidden, I had flashbacks of all the times Surge had come around and helped me out. All the times hed helped advise me on how to run my gym and schedule out my year to make it manageable.

Hed stopped into a role of mentor that should have been Flints to fill.

Hed never be a father figure, but he was like an uncle to me.

To see him standing with Team Rocket

I clenched my fists and felt darkness run through me.

Surge offered me a shrug. Hey, sorry about all this, I got

I felt some of my darkness leak out of me. No, I said heatedly.

My words caused a ripple in the people around me. They shifted in agitation, with Sabrina and Will twitching. Sabrina didnt take her eyes off Surge though.

I dont want to hear some excuses or any reasons that you have for this I took a deep breath, before exhaling venom in a single word, betrayal.

Surge grimaced and opened his mouth but I beat him to it.

No, as far as Im concerned youve set yourself against me, and Im going to show you how much of a mistake that is. I pointed at Will. Im going to beat you half to death with him, I said.

Everyone blinked at the strange phrasing Id used.

I beg your pardon? Will said in astonishment.

I held my finger in place, still levelled at him with all the intent of a loaded gun. You heard me. Youve been strutting around and pissing me off for way, way too long. I knew you had to be dirty, and I was right. So youre getting a beating, but Im not going to let whatever you think youre doing here pass, I said shifting my hand to point it at Surge.

I slashed a hand through the air. Hell no. So Im going to use Will like a whacking stick so you both get what you deserve.

Intellectually I knew I was being ridiculous, but the hateful part of me that had reared its head with Will, Giovanni, and Surge of all people standing together was far too strong.

Everyone but Sabrina stared at me. She merely nodded her head, like what I said was perfectly reasonable.

Surge just threw his head back and laughed. You gonna beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker? I love it!

I growled, annoyed that he was praising me and at myself for enjoying this. In another set of circumstances, this could almost be considered pre-battle banter.

I swept my hand across my belt and unleashed all of my pokemon, sparking a reaction from everyone.

On our side, fifty six pokemon took to the field, spreading out by sinking into the ground, floating up, or outright taking to the sky.

From me, Titan, Bertha, Sanchez, Cypher, Jormungandr, Link, Shrek, and Selene all appeared. I kept a single pokemon back, knowing that if I released Empress, shed rampage. I wanted her focussed and unleashed when I was ready.

This triggered a response from Team Rocket with their hands sweeping across their own pokebelts to disgorge pokemon.

It took me a moment to register that there appeared to be almost an equal amount of pokemon on their side, if not more.

Giovannis team of Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Rhydon, Marowak, and Persian were all powerful examples of their species. But they were footnotes compared to the Hippodown, Gliscor, Gastrodon, and Torterra.

The second half of his team all but screamed that he had inroads with Sinnoh, a region no one had discovered safe routes to as yet. If I hadnt already encountered Gible, I would have been surprised by how many pokemon he had access to.

Watch out for those foreign pokemon! Theyre Ground type but they're all strong pokemon! I said firmly. I glanced about, surprised to find that the most notable pokemon Giovanni commanded wasnt here.

Agatha huffed. Theyve broken their carry limit, be careful as they are carrying more pokemon than they should! They will be like cornered Raticate if they start to lose as their energy may cause them to white out or worse, she muttered.

I nodded and swept my hand in a predetermined manner. My pokemon instantly shifted around me. Cypher by my side! I commanded, calling back the small digital pokemon that Id brought along for his assistance with technology. I was slightly regretting that choice now but in a pinch he could bolster Selenes defense so it wasnt a complete loss.

Agatha floated to Loreleis left side, her pokemon shimmering and vanishing while Koga vanished.

Lorelei spared her fellow Elite Four member a glance before nodding her head and thrusting her hand forward. WIND! she ordered, and from the maw of all her pokemon a huge gust of Icey Wind howled forth.

I noted the inclusion of Mamoswine standing tall next to her Lapras.

For my part, Selene, Cypher, and Link took up positions behind me only for Link to point his hand at Surge and shoot a finger gun.

From the tip, a Moonblast rocketed forward only to be intercepted by a Thunder. I stepped to the side and allowed Selene to unleash her own version with a blast from the crescents of her body.

It arced forth only for a poison pokemon to fire off a Gunk Shot and swat it out of the air.

Hmmm, it seems someone had been keeping up to date with the latest research on Fairy type pokemon.

Theyd only just worked out poison pokemon were counters to the enigmatic Fairy type. Rocks flew as my pokemon unleashed a huge barrage, only for Wills pokemon to grasp them with Psychic and attempt to hurl them back upon Loreleis team.

Sabrina intercepted them, and a contest of Psychic might once more played out with Will having to drop the rocks and raise Barriers for Team Rocket. The rocks slammed into shining Barriers and Reflects.

A roar preceded Giovannis Nidoking jumping forward and stomping his whole body into the ground.

Brace! Lorelei shouted as she leapt atop her Lapras back. Lapras and most of her pokemon formed Aqua Rings around themselves to allow them to float despite the Earthquake that Giovannis Nidoking had unleashed.

My pokemon strode forward and unleashed their own Earthquake to negate the attack.

The ground buckled between our two groups and the truck that was off to the side was thrown slightly to the side. Another attack slammed into it and fuel began to leak out.

Giovanni grimaced. Work them to the side! I need the plane to remain safe for our exit! he said loudly.

I didnt trust that a man like Giovanni didnt have at least another method of getting out. With one of the easiest methods being the still-absent Mewtwo.

But then again, perhaps he wasnt willing to put his faith in a pokemon?

I left that thought for later consideration as Team Rocket began to retreat in lock step back into the warehouse, narrowing the points that we could attack while making us tread over uneven ground.

Golem? asked Sanchez, flicking a finger at the ground.

I shook my head, not willing to commit my pokemon without knowing where Mewtwo was. If I knew I might commit them, but with him lurking I knew there was an axe just waiting to drop on a pokemon that got itself out of position.

Keep up the pressure on that Blastoise over there, I commented.

A flash of light had me snapping my head around to watch as one of Surges pokemon hurtled forward, glowing and discharging light as it rocketed towards our group. Titan and Bertha stomped their feet, unleashing Stone Edge into the pokemon but it barrelled on only to slam into a layer of Barriers that Sabrinas pokemon erected.

Lorelei and Agatha had their pokemon unleash a barrage of attacks to take up the pressure only for the Electrode that had shot towards us to explode in a blast of light and sound.

The actual shockwave was knocked away thanks to the barriers but it still blinded us for a few moments.

Titan and Bertha slammed their hands into the ground using Protect to absorb any incoming attacks.

When the light died away and we were able to take in the field I was surprised to find Team Rocket had pulled all the way back into the warehouse.

Trap? I said to Sabrina as the last Rocket Executive smirked at us as he vanished behind the large open doors.

Trap, Sabrina agreed. Her eyes glowed for a moment before she spoke up once again.

Theyve deployed poison pokemon in the chokepoints, and appear to be retreating back into the hangar proper, Sabrina said.

Appear? Agatha questioned.

The hangar has dark emitters on it. Weak ones, but I wouldnt be confident in using Teleport to ambush them in the warehouse, Sabrina replied. Her eyes continued to glow and she hummed. There is an exit at the back that we need to secure.

Lorelei hummed and looked around. Im not sure about dividing ourselves any further with Koga she trailed off uncertainly, obviously unsure what to make of his disappearing act.

Sabrina, Agatha, and I all spoke at the same time, Hes scouting ahead. In perfect sync we continued to speak, He will lay traps and attack from ambush positions where possible or support us with disruptions, we said.

Lorelei stared at us. You all know him that well? she said incredulously.

We all nodded and she coughed. Well that is reassuring. She chewed her lip. I think I agree we need to advance after them, as I dont want them to have time for themselves. But I also want them cut off.

Sabrina nodded and locked eyes with Lorelei. I can transport Brock and our teams to the other side of the warehouse. Her tone was dead serious. If you encounter a powerful pokemon that is armoured I will return to assist you, she said.

Do it, Agatha said without hesitation.

Lorelei nodded and checked her transceiver, the League are aware of our position, if we can simply hold them here, that will be enough. Im not sure how long, but Lance will be coming.

Sabrina and I nodded, and a moment later we vanished in a mass Teleport. We appeared at the back of the giant hangar.

I shook myself. Hope Koga knows what hes doing, I said. I then whistled to my pokemon. Buff up! I shouted. Around me my pokemon began to snarl, or glimmer with polish. Cypher wobbled next to me uncertainly. I stroked his head. Use Agility buddy, the others are getting stronger. This isnt like Gym matches, if were each giving each other time, expect the opposite side to be doing the same, I said, recounting some of the lessons Id picked up from trianing with the Guardians.

Koga knows where he is best and he is working to his strengths, Sabrina said to reassure me as she copied me with her own pokemon. Agatha can handle herself long enough if Mewtwo returns, but like this ,we can deny them fleeing from one point.

She pointedly looked behind herself at yet another plane parked on a hidden runway. Interestingly this looked like a cargo plane with its much greater wingspan and yawning cargo bay that had its back ramp deployed.

I noted that there was a forklift sitting in front of the ramp and an operator in hi-vis sprinting away as if his life depended on it. He obviously knew that standing near a plane while a fight was breaking out was a bad idea. Weird how much common sense these people were showing.

I stared at the massive plane that had been out of sight from the front of the hangar. Of course, he had another plane just sitting ready, I said.

I noted that this one had two prop engines on each wing. This thing wouldnt be pretty or as sleek, but I had little doubt it could fly a very long distance. And it was just another way Giovanni might have escaped if wed allowed him the chance.

He always seemed to have another card to play.

I narrowed my eyes as that thought properly registered to me. If his last few bases had underground escape tunnels and escape pods Bertha! Check underground! First, check if there is anything dangerous, and then also if there are any deeper structures?

Bertha threw herself into the ground while the others took up guard positions around us, more flashes of light indicated they were buffing themselves up more and more, boosting for our eventual clash with Team Rocket.

Brock about Surge, Sabrina started to say only to stop when I shook my head.

Im sure he has his reasons but stopping to listen is just playing into whatever reason Team Rocket brought him here. It was by no means a small implication for him to turn up here.

Sadly, now was definitely the wrong time to ponder on them. If I did so I would be distracted. I had to push them to the side and stay on task. Surge was just another threat, and hed be one that I was very well suited to handling.

Bertha popped her head up and shook her head. Traps, mines, and buildings underneath the hangar? I asked.

She shook her head again. I hummed. Any chance to get underneath them?

She shook her head. I clicked my tongue. Figures the one time Team Rocket would care for proper building codes would be when its Giovannis air base for escape.

Sabrina nodded but otherwise didnt comment. With a gesture, the back door began to grind open. Inside a number of storage containers littered the area, making it impossible to determine what was on the other side. The storage containers were laid out in huge towers that formed small walkways between a few of them that cut off to dead ends suddenly. It was like a maze.

This hangar must have been used as a holding site for whatever the massive cargo plane had brought in. I controlled my urge to open the containers to peek inside and instead took in the rest of the cavernous hangar.

Any read on where they are? I asked.

Sabrina focused only to frown. It is rather hard with the emitters in the hangar still active. They appear to be in front of some containers in the middle of the hangar. She continued to hold out a hand while narrowing her eyes. Now they are breaking apart. Four of them are heading into positions that will see them intercept Agatha and Lorelei, while two more are making their way towards us.

Without Sabrina even saying anything, I knew who was about to show up.

I waved a hand and grunted, Team, Stealth Rock.

My pokemon shifted and sharp needle points appeared around them, floating in preparation. Sabrina gestured her own hand and Barriers and Reflects appeared in front of us.

A Medicham and Exeggutor walked into view and stiffened when they caught sight of us. Exeggutors rear-facing head barked a warning and shimmered as Medicham took up a fighting stance.

A moment later Raichu sprinted up only to scowl at us. Rai! it barked.

Titan snorted in response to whatever Raichu had said earning a dark look from the electric mouse.

Surge stepped forward and clicked his tongue. Damn it should have known this was going to go tits up, Surge said as he locked eyes with me.

He grimaced at whatever he saw. His eyes darted about, taking in my pokemon and our position. Good to see youve prepped the field, he said approvingly.

Stand down, I said. Im not letting Giovanni escape Surge.

Surge sighed. Yeah, I know. You gotta do you, and I gotta do me.

I almost spoke up demanding an answer for why he was carrying on with this before I shut my mouth.

Not the time, I forced myself to think. I needed to act on that.

Surges arm snapped up and I tensed, Rock energy flowing through me. I started to step in front of Sabrina only for Sabrina to have a Barrier raised in front of me as a gunshot went off.

Surge nodded again, the smoking gun in his hand a damning display. Hed shot at me?

Part of me couldnt believe what hed done. The other part crushed that thought ruthlessly. Launch! I barked and my pokemon unleashed a barrage of Stone Edges straight at Surge.

Surge stepped back and Psychic pokemon poured forth to deflect the attacks. Sabrinas team joined us with their own Psybeams and Link got off another Moonblast as Selene orbited me protectively.

They must have acquired guns from the containers, Sabrina said tonelessly.

I grunted. So it would seem, think Lorelei will be alright? Of all of us, she was perhaps the one most likely to be in danger to such weaponry. With my rock aura, Id hopefully be able to shrug off any bullet but I really didnt want to test that theory.

Agatha, out of all of us would be best suited to handling guns.

A burst of gunfire punctuated that thought, and I chewed my lip, wondering what Koga was doing.

When the gunfire died off, a mad cackle rose from behind Will and Surge. This was followed by a chill sweeping through the hangar

Oh fuck this! Im not dealing with Agatha in a maze like this shit show! Get us an exit! he barked.

His Magnezone, and I blinked as a huge shaggy form that hadnt been present before strode forth, It exhaled a torrent of fire at the steel wall of the hangar. Damn it, of course, he had an Electivire.

Youre not going to get out that way! We need to blast our way out! Will said with a scoff as he gestured and had his pokemon return fire with Psybeam, Ice Beam and other attacks. With the narrow walkway created by the containers Sabrina and I were forced to block or match attack for attack.

This resulted in our team overpowering the beams in a straight head-to-head battle as our pokemon quickly overpowered Wills.

Will was quick to react as he realised how dangerous clicked his tongue. Protect! he shouted and two pokemon stepped forward to absorb the attacks.

Sabrina flicked her eyes upwards. I grunted and whistled. Selene up! I said. Selene to a level close to the roof to gain a better angle to unleash her attacks. Alakazam followed her a moment later, levitating with his spoons raised threateningly.

A little help! Will snarled towards Surge who was focussing on the steel wall.

Gimme a second! he barked back. Stop the Flamethrower and go hard on Ice Beam! he said and a moment later his pokemon unleashed a blast of powerful ice that dropped the temperature of the wall hed just been melting. A huge cloud of mist billowed out, obscuring him and Will.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

Recall your pokemon and get outside, Sabrina said firmly.

I didnt question her I simply did as she asked, but I did question one issue that stood out to me. What about the plane behind us?

Were going to leave it as bait, Giovanni would need to hold the plane while it builds speed. It isnt viable for him but if it looks possible we will step into a trap, she said as we darted back so that we were outside.

Sounds good, I said. The instant we were outside we vanished once again into a Teleport.

We reappeared to the side of the hangar where Surge and Will were. I swept my hands out and once more my team appeared and locked eyes with their foes.

Will waved a hand towards our team which was one more blocking his escape. Well, that achieved a lot! Didnt it!? Will said waspishly.

Surge grunted and swept his hands outwards. What it achieved, punk, was to get us out of advancing along a defended, trapped kill zone, and into the open where were on a more even footing.

His pokemon suddenly accelerated out to the side with his Magnezone and Electrivire stepping up in front of him.

And it got me back into the open where I can fight at my best, he said. His Raichu became a line of light as it continued to accelerate away from him before arcing around.

Shit, Selene, Future Sight, I said while waving for her to get into a position that would see her guarding my teams back with Cypher. Link stayed at my side with his eyes tracking another threat that looked to be Jolteon.

Metal dig dip, I said deciding to keep Surge and Will guessing. Jormungandr vanished beneath the earth. I didnt want him coming under fire from that Electivire if it knew fire moves.

Sabrina seemed to be very aware of the danger that Jolteon presented to her as her Farigiraf took a solid step back while still facing forward. The eyes of the hood on her Farigiraf shot backwards instantly.

Surge cupped his hands in front of his mouth. Any chance we can just

Quake, I said, shutting him down. I was going to beat Will and him down.

Hup! Surge said and his pokemon all kipped up into the air where they discharged a wave of electricity towards us.

Bertha, I said, deciding on something simple instead of attempting to constrain a Sandstorm that might block the oncoming electrical attack. Sabrina would be impeeded by it as well and I needed to consider her and not just myself.

Bertha stepped forward with her arms spread wide to tank the Thunder Wave as others stepped behind her.

Hydro Pump! Will said, snapping a finger right at her to take advantage of her stepping forward like she had. A huge torrent of water from his Starmie fired off only to be intercepted by Sabrinas Exeggutor. I mentally noted that this would be a perfect opportunity for a pokemon like Cradilly to be part of the team.

Jormungandr chose that moment to erupt from the ground underneath Wills feet. He leapt back quickly but I scented blood. DP, I said.

Jormungandr erupted with Dark energy causing all of Wills pokemon team to stagger.

Lanturn! Rescue that punk! said Surge.

Dig dip retreat! I barked.

Surges attack proved quick enough to clip Jormungandr. I clicked my tongue in annoyance but quickly noticed that Sabrina had made good use of my pokemons distraction to hammer the Hydro pump Will had unleashed back into Wills Claydol.

It staggered under the weight of the blows but remained standing thanks to Medicham forming Barriers in front of Claydol, allowing it some breathing room.

Surge once more tried for diplomacy. Alright I get that you

Sabrina jerked her chin and her Espeon traded places with her Slowking. Espeon then leapt overhead to unleash a Psybeam that tore what few Barriers Will had in front of his Medicham.

The dual fighting-psychic type was hurled away in the face fo the attack. It slammed into the hangar behind Will and grunted in pain. It started to slump in on itself only for Will to rouse it.

Get back in the fight Medicham! I need all pokemon fighting! Will said. Medicham staggered to its feet only for an Arbok to appear in the hole that Surge and Will had used.

It spat a wad of poison that slammed into Medichams head and ended any comeback Wills pokemon might have made. Will gaped at the sudden insertion of another pokemon striking from the rear.

Blast that snake! he snapped directing his Claydoll to unleash a Psybeam. Arbok dove behind the cover of the hangar wall.

Shit! Koga! Surge said. Team Spark up! Were in a kill zone! he barked.

Suddenly they all sparked up only for Magnezone to absorb the energy and begin to glow. Surge chopped his hand forward. You better dodge kids! he roared.

Magnezone unleashed a huge lance of lightning straight at us. Bertha inserted herself in the way but I didnt feel as confident in that so I punched my hand upward. Jormungandr! Up now! I barked my fist shooting upwards even as I flooded all of my energy towards Jormungandr.

He shot out of the ground slightly to the side and I watched as the lightning curved to slam into him.

I reached out everything I had to empower him, knowing hed be my best bet to deny Surges attack and defend my team.

Through my bond, I knew he felt the same way.

Right before the lightning touched him I felt something click as we worked together. The keystone on my forearm glowed with incandescent light.

The battlefield vanished as the lightning attack slammed into Jormungandr, he roared and for a moment I thought I had made a terrible decision, but then elation swept through the bond and I felt my energy vanish as Jormungandr took it in.

A moment later his energy swept back into me and I felt like Id just gained the best second wind Id ever experienced in my life.

A calm certainty swept through me as the light died down from the electrical attack.

Surge was already walking forward with a grim certainty to his gair only to pause as he took in my Mega-Steelix.

Holy shit! You can do that too? Fucking A Brock thats nice! Surge said.

I snorted. Surrender now, I said firmly.

Jormungandr growled, and with how his body spun about he also unleashed the sound of screeching glass that sent a shudder through everyone that heard it.

I just grinned wider. Or dont, I seriously am hoping that you wont, I said as I cracked my neck from side to side.

Will stared at Jorm only to scoff. That Steelix took a powerful hit earlier and is weakened. We can take it! he said directing his Exeggutor and Starmie to unleash their own attacks on it.

Dig deep to my side, I said neutrally. I made a gesture and Link nodded, an orb of energy forming up in his hands.

Jorm evaded the attacks and tunnelled back to my side in mere moments.

I was surprised by how quickly he appeared at my side and with him now towering over me I realised just how much he had grown from Mega-evolving. The gems that I had fed him and laced through his body during his evolution from Onix to Steelix were now gigantic crystals that bulged from his sides with sharp edges. He gave off a slight shimmering field of energy and with him being so close I could feel the power that was contained within him.

Ha! I was right! You were bluffing! Will crowed.

I snapped a finger and Link raised his hands, a glowing orb held aloft which he then pressed into Jormungandrs flank.

Instantly I felt another kick of energy surge through the bond as I suddenly felt even more energetic. The sparkle around Jormungandr intensified and his front thorax spun around quickly.

Steeeeeeeeeeel! he roared, rising up even taller to loom large over the battlefield.

I grinned and pointed straight ahead. Your turn to dodge, I said to Surge. Jorm, Go, I said.

Surge whistled and the streak of light that had been threatening to attack us from the rear suddenly sprinted in and coiled its tail around Surge. Surges pokemon team either hunkered down or were withdrawn.

Jormungandr threw himself into the attack and his landing caused a quake that caused everyone to buckle or be thrown from their feet. Wills Alakazam hurriedly raised Will off the ground and pulled him to the side while other Psychic pokemon also tried to evade the side effect of Jormungandr merely hitting the ground as the first part of his attack.

Jorm didnt build up speed like he normally would in a Giga Impact, instead he simply lunged tore through the earth and reached his top speed.

Get me outta h was as far as Surge got before Jormungandr shot through his and Wills team of pokemon.

Rocks and metal flew everywhere. I saw pokemon thrown about like toys in the face of a toddlers rampage.

A screech of metal announced Jorm impacting the hangar itself only to tear an even bigger hole through the wall. A huge boom resounded and I winced knowing Jorm had probably just slammed headfirst into the containers.

Apparently that had been enough to stop his Giga Impact. If it wasnt for the pokemon, and the wall before it, I had no doubt he would have sent thsoe containers flying as well which, with Lorelei still in there, made for a worrying image.

It took a moment for the dust to settle and I felt a wave of sheepishness fill my bond as Jormungandr righted himself and turned around. His massive form loomed through the dust.

I saw a few pokemon stagger into an upright position only to totter about.

The dust fell away and I realised that a number of them seemed to be shocked or, in-game mechanics, stuck in a state of flinching merely due to be caught in the wake of Jormgandrs attack. I noticed that Jynx, Exeggutor, and Slowking were all down and were not getting back up.

I whistled, impressed. Three pokemon, with more greatly weakened from one attack in a widespread area. Very nice.

Close and take them out, I said to my pokemon.

Sanchez and Shrek were quick to lunge forward. Titan stalked after them while Bertha and Selene stayed close to me.

I glanced back at Link and found him kneeling and regathering his energy, his eyes shut in Rest. I grinned. Hed pulled off the specialised Healing Wish perfectly.

I gave the state of the battlefield another look. Honestly, his renegerising Jorm like that had probably contributed to the devastation of Jormungandrs attack.

A powerful strike, Sabrina said, her eyes still locked forward. Will is not done however, she said indicating Will and his Alakazam off to the side.

Will took in the field, his mask was interestingly absent and this allowed me to see how his eyes roved around the battlefield in disbelief. No, thats its a Steelix he said to himself.

Sabrinas eyes glowed and a moment later her Alakazam Teleported behind Will and into the space Jorm had carved up. From there it was a simply matter to float up behind Will.

Will spun about on the threat and pointed. No! Were not getting trapped here! Damn Giovanni! Alakazam flickered for a moment and I grinned. Hed forgotten why Id sent Jormungandr into his team of pokemon.

Dark Pulse was a wonderful method of disabling a pokemon from Teleporting away.

Both Alakazams eyed each other off and glowed, rocks forming around them as they began exchanging blows. Wills head roamed around. To me! Will shouted and his pokemon, those that werent being manhandled by my pokemon already, ran or floated to comply.

I didnt even have to order my pokemon to intercept them. Wills Espeon attempted to flee to Wills side only for Sanchez to flatten it. Espeon wailed in pain and tried to give Sanchez Baby-doll eyes to get off but he merely pinned the smaller pokemon and zapped it harder, not falling for the trick.

I turned my attention to Jormungandr. I could feel the energy holding his mega-evolution starting to corrode. It might not have been the wisest of moves to have him perform Giga-Impact, as that seemed to have accelerated the process.

He was still regathering himself but his attack had turned the battle for us.

Still, it was time to seal the deal. Titan, Dig dip like you did last time against Will, I said.

Titan vanished into the earth. Without Sand Tomb giving away Alakazams location Titan wouldnt be able to lock onto Alakazam.

Not that he needed to.

Wills Alakazam, locked in battle with Sabrinas was taken unawares as Titan surged out of the ground behind him. It had enough time to turn and gasp in fear before Titan caught it once again.

A dark glint of joy sparked in Titans eyes right before he whipped his head back and forth, slamming Alakazam over and over into the ground.

This time no psychic energy was able to stop Alakazam from being slammed repeatedly. Titan didnt let up until with a mighty, final slam he hurled Alakazam down.

He then planted his foot on Alakazams chest and loomed over it.

He growled and inspected the other pokemon before nodding in satisfaction.

Titan then turned his attention to Will who dropped to his knees and raised his hands. I-I s-surrender? he said weakly.

I growled and stalked up to him. He seemed to have an idea of what I intended as he waved his hands. No you cant I surren I stepped close, planting my foot and twisting through my body as my fist rocketed forward. I pictured punching through him and was rewarded by my punch shattering something in Wills face.

He flew backwards and topped into the ground only to lay still.

Thats for Forrest, I said.

Will didnt reply and I stalked over to him to give him another punch only to scowl when I saw that he was knocked out.

Daaaaaaamn! That was good! It feel nice? said a loud voice from the side.

I paused, my fist raised and recalled that Surge was still here. I snapped my head around only to note that he had no pokemon out beyond Raichu. Surges arm was limp and hanging oddly.

I blinked and considered asking him if he was alright before clamping my mouth shut and scowling at him. Shut the hell up! I said, contemplating following through on my earlier threat. Sure Will was knocked out but throwing a dead weight wouldnt be that hard right?

Surge inspected Will only to scoff. Urgh really? One punch is all it took? Damn, hes a pussy, he said before looking at me.

I guess you did remember how to throw a punch. Now you gotta work on your speed. Make it so they cant see it coming! Surge glanced at his limp hand and raised his other hand. Hang on a second, he said as he grabbed his arm and wrenched it back into place.

I shuddered at the sight but Surge merely grunted. Urgh, been a while since Ive had that happen.

Sabrina and her pokemon encircled us. I assume youre surrendering? she said.

Surge nodded, his eyes roaming the field. Yeah, I was considering running off but I reckon you and Brock would be able to track me. Was still going to do it, sort of have this epic showdown with Brock, man to man, but then I realised that he didnt need to learn that lesson from me.

I scowled. Of course I didnt! I snapped, my anger returning in force.

Sabrina narrowed her eyes. I would have also not allowed it, and I would have made you think you were a Rattata about to be eaten for the rest of your life if you had, she said.

Surge nodded, his head bouncing up and down as he said without a hint of shame, Yup! That factored in as well!

I scowled harder. Is this a fucking game to you?!

Surge dropped his jovial expression. No, it aint. What it is is me paying for a lot of debts I built up in the army. I might be a lot of things, but I am a man of my word, and you wouldnt get Lt. Surge, he said gesturing to himself, without Giovanni He sighed and slumped.

You wouldnt have even gotten Sergeant Surge for that matter Giovanni saved my life during the war Brock. Im sorry but theres been a debt hanging over me for years. Giovanni, he called it in and I

Surge looked at his feet only to frown and look behind us. Now aint the time to chit-chat if you want to stop Giovanni. Surge turned and pointedly looked at Sabrina. She blinked in surprise and I could only frown. Something had just happened.

No, it is not, Koga said as he blurred next to us. He threw some dust into Surges face and Surge shook his head.

Did you just fucking Pocket Sand me, Koga you ol Whatever Surge was saying died as he collapsed onto the ground.

Koga pointed at the Raichu that growled at him. Protect your master, he said before turning to me.

Brock, Sabrina, we dont have time to stand around, he said, turning to face us. I noted he had a lot of singe marks and some wounds about his body.

Agatha, Lorelei and myself have whittled away at Team Rockets pokemon but he sent out another signal, we expect things to escalate. Sabrina, are you able to replicate what you did during your match against Will?

Sabrina nodded tightly. I can but it will take a little time Im not sure if it will be enough.

We just need to hold out! Koga stated firmly.

I glanced back hangar in time to see a pair Rocket Executives emerge with Giovanni in their midst. A much smaller number of pokemon were with them and they looked battle-worn and tired.

Giovanni swept his gaze about, pausing on the still-present aeroplane only to continue around. He grimaced as his eyes took in the downed forms of Will and Surge only to snap his head back around.

The other Team Rocket Executives openly gawped in fear when Jormungandrs giant glittering head swivelled onto them.

What in Kanto is that?! screeched one.

Theyve got foreign pokemon as well?!

No, Giovanni said, his tone flat as he stared at Jormungandr. That is another Mega-evolution that Steelix is capable of. His eyes turned to me and a flash of respect appeared in them.

Never mind it, it wont last long, he said firmly.

He snapped his fingers and smirked.

From the skies, a figure descended.

The armour glinted in the morning sun and Koga hissed slightly as his gaze locked on the hovering Legendary.

Giovanni looked back and grinned. Mewtwo! Take them out! he ordered.

Sabrina tossed her head and stepped forward only to pause. Her eyes glowed and Mewtwos head snapped towards her.

Sabrina buckled slightly only for her pokemon to dart in and form a ring around her. Alakazam steadied her.

I stepped up to her other side and helped support her.

Sabrina groaned. You. dont. Need to fight us! she said through clenched teeth.

I flickered my gaze from Sabrina to Mewtwo. It seemed they were conversing but just doing so was straining Sabrina.

No she said, each word coming as a struggle. You are not just a tool dont

Mewtwo! Obey! ordered Giovanni. He glowered up at the pokemon angered by its lack of immediate action. At his sides, the pair of Rocket Executives shifted in agitation.

I noticed Agatha and Lo[relei emerge through the hangar doors only to stiffen when they caught sight of Mewtwo.

Lorelei stabbed her hand forward and I realised with dread she was still reacting instead of thinking. Lorelei! Dont fight it! Sabrinas trying to talk it down!

Lorelei paused at that and glanced at Sabrina. Id missed whatever Sabrina was muttering but she seemed to be getting worse.

........ resist, she said. Then she shook herself an gasped. Mewtwo is having to fight the programming Giovanni has placed in him. I think a lot of that is reinforced by the armour he wears! If we can get that off he might be reached! she said.

I sighed. Why couldnt this just be easy?

I pulled off the last pokeball I had on my pokebelt. Well, I do happen to have a pokemon that has been looking for that rematch, I said.

Mewtwo locked eyes with me and I tossed out Empress pokeball and she emerged.

Instantly she locked eyes with Mewtwo and roared her challenge.

Titan, Jorm, Bertha and all of my pokemon joined in their challenge echoing over the runway.

This would make the third encounter Id had with Mewtwo.

What was the saying, third times the charm?

Updated from fr𝒆ewebnov𝒆l.(c)om

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