Chapter 189: Tough act to follow!

Chapter 189: Tough act to follow!

When Solidad stepped up people leaned forward, a hush falling over the crowd. They were aware that this was the hometown girl for this event.

Rachel made use of the quiet to hype up said hometown heroine. Oh! Heres the first of our experienced Coordinators stepping up today! High hopes are resting on this lass! Lets see what Solidad can do!

Solidad stepped forward with a long coat and sturdy boots when she took to the stage she effected a bow to us at the judges table before presenting her pokeball. Solidad of Pewter City presenting her Lapras!

Monique nodded. Good, proper deference, and a good sequence with presenting her pokemon, she said.

Lets start strong! Come on out! Lapras! shouted Solidad, as she twisted out of the bow.

From her pokeball Lapras emerged not on the field but rather in the air like it was breaching a wave, neck extended upwards as it rose high. Before it even touched the ground it was exhaling a controlled Icy Wind causing a shimmering effect around itself.

The Icy Wind blanketed outwards still sparkling as it hid Lapras flippers.

It looked like they were landing in a field of diamonds. When the Lapras flicked its long neck it opened its eyes and glimmered.

Sequence one! Lets make a statement! Solidad shouted, stepping forward to punch the sky.

Lapras rose onto its back flippers towering over the stage, then from its maw a gigantic ball of ice was created.

It continued to charge beyond the point where the move would be useful before launching it straight up into the air.

It rose only to reach an early zenith as gravity reasserted itself.

Solidad surprised everyone by stepping around her pokemon and into the path of the falling glacier.

She grinned as the crowd gasped and even Monique wasnt unaffected as she clutched her pearls in fright with one hand as the other darted to her purse where she grabbed a pokeball.

Lapras however lowered itself down and the horn atop its head began to glow.

It lunged , driving its horn up into the falling glacier and for a moment the two were frozen.

Then the glacier cracked and splintered, sending a wave of fine snow powder out as the split icicles sheared off to form thin sheets that refracted the light.

When the field was clear of fog, it was revealed that the icicle shards had formed a barrier around Solidad and her pokemon who was now channelling and holding an Ice Beam instead of releasing it while Solidad held her hand aloft.

It created an impressive visual display of Solidad holding an orb of energy above her head with the light from the energy causing a rainbow to play out around the Gym.

The crowd roared their approval and Solidad bowed in time with her pokemon swallowing the Ice Beam, Lapras joined her in a long bow for a moment before they both rose.

Solidad then turned to us with an expectant air.

Nurse Joy giggled and took the lead for once. I loved it! Ten from me!

Monique smiled at her daughter. You scared me dear, dont do that again, Nine for the fright! she said giving her highest score to date.

The crowd turned to me and I crossed my arms. I liked the light demonstration, I liked the entrance and your correct etiquette, something we havent seen today. I levelled a finger. I almost fell asleep with how long it took for Lapras to form that Ice Shard, however. I think a Sheer Cold would do the job better in future but that will take training to reach. Im sad to see you didnt style your pokemon, and instead just yourself. So its a seven from me! I said.

I earned some boos for that and Solidad rolled her eyes but kept smiling. That was the second-highest score Id given out today, and with her twenty six she ousted Jessie from second.

I hummed as Monique shot me an exasperated look. I think youre enjoying being the heel a bit too much dont you?

Sorry, not sorry, I said, with a smirk before shooting her a look. Why didnt she style her Lapras?

Monique coughed. Its not something done in Hoenn I didnt give her any cues that you might like such a thing but she should have considered it.

I hummed, happy that she hadnt given her daughter all the tricks to get past me.

And now, Rachel said, getting us back to the contest. Kaede from Blackthorn City!

I blinked in surprise and sat up, looking over to find a woman in a rather traditional robe of soft purple with stitches into the sleeves. I couldnt see her face as she wore a wide brimmed straw hat with a veil that obscured her face.

I considered the icicle patterns on her dress with a small frown. That was an interesting statement from a place that prided itself on its dragons.

This one greets the judges, and Gym Leader Brock, your abode is mighty and your pokemon hearty, she said, her voice carrying easily with a husky quality to it.

I nodded slowly. I should know this woman Kaede why was that ringing bells in my mind? My hand inched towards my Greatball as I smiled at the hidden woman.

Kaede for her part straightened and plucked a pokeball out. Come forth my champion she said loftly.

The words twigged a memory and I suddenly knew exactly who was about to appear on the stage.

A small form emerged from the light.

Atop its head a wide, beaten metal samurai helmet glinted under the Gyms lights. At its hip, a small blade was sheathed. Its whiskers twitched as its dark beady eyes took in its surroundings.

It bowed to us. Fur-ret! it said with a strange deep voice.

The kids in the crowd all stood up and cheered as one. Samurai Furret!

They waved and cheered and a few tried to make their way to the edge of the stage only to be caught by their parents.

Kaede raised a hand that was covered in a far too long sleeve to her mouth. Oh my, his fame precedes him as always, she murmured.

I chuckled and glanced towards the section of the stands that was behind where Id had my Crystal Onix lay up. Sure enough my own younger siblings were cheering and waving as well. Thankfully they were behaving better than others and staying in their seats. Something Flint looked immensely grateful for.

It might have also had something to do with Nanny Grav sitting among them.

I turned back to the matter at hand.

Kaede raised her hand with a flourishing sweep. Your fans call for you, my champion, sweep them away, she called.

Furret nodded his little armour head and dropped to all fours. Unlike the show where he pretended to brandish the sword, he instead began to glow with a light blue energy, causing the stage to begin taking on a cold atmosphere then suddenly it began to rain shards of ice easily as big as the small pokemon.

Furret kept up the blizzard causing more and more large icicles to rain down from the forming clouds.

Kaede stabbed her hand up at the cloud. Defeat thy enemy my champion! She called and Furret shot forward displaying amazing speed as he raced through the Blizzard, dodging the attacks. Then, to everyones surprise he leapt and began jumping from falling shard to falling shard, making his way higher by running up the blizzard.

That was a display of skill, to be sure and soon enough Furret leapt teeth barred at the cloud as though he would fight a natural force itself. He vanished for a moment in the cloud only for the cloud to fade in on itself.

Everyone leaned in as Furret failed to appear out the other side or fall.

I had to admit I had no idea how it was doing this. The cloud broke apart and on the final shard of ice, Furret was revealed riding the Blizzard to the ground like a surfboard. It hit another shard of ice and skipped forward over a field full of sharp icicles, all of the glinting like knives that would tear Furret apart should he fall upon them.

He fell slowly and once more the crowd gasped.

Shatter, said Kaede, and Furret twisted about himself and opened his mouth to scream out in defiance with Hypervoice, in his hand a suddenly drawn toy blade swept about himself as though he was unleashing some super attack.

Around him a resonation occurred with the ice shards and then the field of ice exploded in a cascade of small ice fragments. He landed deftly and skated through to safety where he came to stop before coming to a stop before the judges panel, kneeling with his sword extended like hed just exchanged strikes with a foe. He stood on tiny furry feet and sheathed his plastic blade with a soft thunk. Ret! he finished, nodding his head to us.

The crowd went nuts and I could hear my siblings among the chorus of voices for that cool critter.

I hummed, rubbing my chin in thought. I waited for the crowd to settle, but sadly it seemed they werent willing to let that happen on their own. I listened with amusement as the applause rose and fell.

Eventually, I made a sign to Rachel. Yooooo! Lets bring it back down! Pewter! Kaede and Furret are feeling the love, but now its the time for judging! Give us some quiet please! she boomed over the speakers.

The crowd settled and all eyes turned towards myself, Monique and Nurse Joy.

Joy giggled. I have no issues with giving the mighty Champion a ten for that performance! she said, raising her paddle.

Monique went next. I too give out a ten! It was an amazing performance from start to finish! You show a mastery of your skills and know how to deliver a mighty performance! She raised her own ten paddle and the crowd cheered as with just those two scores, Kaede and Samurai Furret scored higher than half the field straight away.

I opened my mouth only for Cindys voice to call from the other side of the room. You be nice Brock!

I leaned to the side and gave her a thoroughly unimpressed look which she and all of my siblings returned with a flat stare that was a little unnerving to receive as a united front.

I huffed. Your performance has without a doubt, been the best demonstration of skill thus far, you display wonderfully cool skills, I said.

I coughed. However! I said, raising a finger. They were cool, and some could argue not that tough!

A gasp went through the crowd as they feared the worst of me only for me to grin. That said, it was so damn cool I think it isnt a problem! If facing down and beating a storm cant be considered both cool and tough well Im out of touch! I said as I raised my ten-paddle for the first time.

Fireworks went off from the big screen as the first thirty was awarded and Kaede and Samurai Furrets pictures were put on display.

Kaede bowed to us. This one thanks the judges for their kind words and their recognition of our efforts. She stayed bowed. I must also beg the crowds forgiveness as today will be the only day that we can compete, sadly we are contractually obligated to be at work tomorrow to start filming for the next Samurai Furret Movie, Blades of Justice three.

Fuuuuuuuur, said Samurai Furret morosely.

I blinked. So you came for just the first day? I said, caught off guard by this development.

Kaede nodded. Sadly the life of a star is demanding and this one was greedy with her desire to take part in Pewters first contest. We have achieved our best and will look to schedule ourselves better in future, once more this one can only apologise and beg the crowds forgiveness.

We love you Samurai Furret and Kaede! screamed Tommy and Cindy together causing another cascade of voices to sweep the field. Damn this pair were popular and damn that was unfortunate that we were not going to get them for the whole event.

I tilted my head. Any chance you could make it if a Psychic pokemon could be arranged? I offered.

Kaede shook her head. The director for the movie is very particular, he only films for one day but it is from dawn till dusk.

I sighed and nodded saddened that we wouldnt get to see her again. A shame, truly, but thank you for raising the bar. I think a lot of your fellow coordinators are breathing sighs of relief with your bowing out.

Kaede giggled at this and bowed again. This one shall depart, we thank you for allowing us this indulgence, she said, as Samurai Furret ran up onto her shoulder and waved. Kids poured out onto the stairs and formed a tunnel for her exit and I could only sigh and shake my head as an impromptu fan meet and greet formed.

Id certainly never gotten mobbed by kids like that. I shook my head in mock frustration as Kaede handed out presigned cards featuring Samurai Furret on them to the kids who happily scuttled away with their prizes.

So thats what being truly famous looks like, I said, to Monique getting a giggle from her.

Eventually Kaede left, sadly leaving a lot of kids that were oscillating between jubilant that they got to meet Samurai Furret and sad that hed left.

I coughed and signalled to Rachel who nodded. Wow wow wow! Kids wasnt that crazy! A shot from the blue and a perfect score! Kaede and Samurai Furret shake things up! Shes certainly going to be a tough act to follow!

A few older kids groaned at the pun but Rachel powered on. Next up we have a true power from Hoenn! So! With expectations so high lets bring out an experienced Coordinator in Chaz from Lilycove City! The home of Contests!

The narrative has been illicitly obtained; should you discover it on Amazon, report the violation.

A blond boy with his hair swept to the side stepped forward. His entire look, from his hair to his suit screamed money. To further feed into the trope, he had his head at just the right angle to announce himself as a pounce without saying a word.

You should be honoured that I have come to this contest, he said, his words dripping with derision. He nodded his head and Nurse Joy, Monique and myself and both of the ladies eyebrows rose at the faint show of respect after the recent bows wed had.

Go Macherie my dear! he said, sending out a Machoke like Walter had earlier.

Brick Break into Low Sweep with a finale Bulk up, Chaz said dismissively.

Machoke leapt up high and I had to give it to her, she achieved a good height with the jump flipping as she did so, one fist cocked back.

She landed like a superhero and the shockwave caused spikes of earth to jut up only for Machoke to spin like a breakdancer casting them aside. Before standing and posing like a muscle builder with her biceps bulging.

Rocks rained down and dust wafted behind her with Chaz posing to the side, a terrible dichotomy that only called out how little thought had been shown.

Five for the good showing but you lose out for making no attempt at sticking to the briefing of Tough, I said firmly, showing a four to the crowd.

Chaz spluttered only for Monique and Nurse Joy to both raise sixes, which was extremely notable.

Chaz face purpled. I never! I have competed in top contests! This is a backwater display with you acting like common Mr Mime with how you copycat your betters! he said. I deserved at least a nine! he ranted and for a moment I thought he was about to stomp his foot.

When everyone on the judging panel stared him down, he growled. I shall do it again, slower this time so you might understand the intrcic

A pink glow surrounded Chaz and Macherie. They rose as one and barely had time to squawk before they were hoisted off the stage and towards the exit.

I glanced over and found Gardevoir, with her headset still on flicking her fingers at the pair with glowing eyes. Huh, neat, shed just given them the hook as it was known.

Chaz now openly stomped his feet in rage and was about to thoroughly ruin the mood with his antics.

Rachel stood and began waving to him. If you could all join me? she said to the crowd with a huge grin.

As one! Na na na na, hey, hey, heeeey, Goodbye! she sang and within a few seconds most of the crowd had stood and were happily singing along.

Facing this Chaz seemed to finally understand his drama wasnt wanted. He stormed off, shaking his fist and shooting a venomous look at me. Hmmm I hadnt faced that kid yet had I?

That promised to be a fun encounter.

I shot Rachel a huge thumbs up and she grinned. And with that folks! Lets get onto the fun stuff! Our next coordinator representing the Junior Trainers of Pewter, keep an eye out for her. Shes going to be big! Its Crystal!

I grinned as Crystal bounced down the stars seemingly undaunted by the previous display. If there had been anyone that could have livened things up after Chaz Crystal was the perfect call.

Crystal bounced onto the stage, her energy causing some people to perk up. I smiled, interested in what shed bring to the table. She wore a bikers jacket that was far too big for her and had likely been borrowed at the last minute, but I gave her points mentally for achieving a cutesy yet tough look.

Alright girl! Lets show our stuff! she shouted, sending an Eevee out with its hair spiked into a punk look while it also wore what looked like a tiny Venom pack jacket with a spiked collar.

Crystal opened her mouth only to pause and offer a curtsy that looked odd for her to perform towards us.

She was obviously trying. Monique and Nurse Joy both giggled.

Crystal then shot her hand forward and shouted. Lets go Eevee! Sand Attack! she said making her pokemon kick up a burst of sand into the air. As it began to descend Eevee turned about and Crystal crossed her arms before them slashing out. Tail Whip! she said.

From her little pokemons tail, a snap-snap went off like a whip double cracking. I was impressed as I watched the sand be slashed apart.

Huh, I said. She had a pokemon that was very young with only low levelled moves, and shed still created an impressive display.

Eevee yipped in excitement and spun about on itself before hopping in place.

Crystal grinned and shot us a V for victory before remembering herself and bowing.

I chuckled, more than happy to take the lead. So, Lord Kris? Wasnt that how you introduced yourself to me when we first met? I said smugly.

Crystal blushed. That was just a joke, she said.

I snorted. It was a more confident you. Dont bother curtsying ever again. Own the real you, bow or nod or salute, but dont try bringing that curtsy back, I said, making her cringe back.

I huffed and shot her a smile. That said, I want to applaud your ingenuity. Youve got a young pokemon there, with moves that are only the ones it knows very early on. Despite that, youve honed them well enough to put on a performance that I think has outdone a good number of others today. You also met the briefing for Tough!

I shot her a thumbs-up as I held up my scorecard. Six! I said happily.

Monique laughed and awarded an eight and Nurse Joy joined her. With that Crystal inched herself into a place in the top ten for now.

The next Coordinator stepped up and surprised me by unleashing an Onix with artwork reminiscent of cave painting along its side.

I sat up and got to enjoy a well-controlled Sandstorm that was then melted with Dragonsbreath to form a crystal-like structure which Onix then destroyed with a well-placed Iron Tail to cause glass to radiate around it.

The trainer, a man who was wearing something almost reminiscent of the outfit Id seen in the Pewter Museum stood stoically in the middle of the destruction, arms crossed and unaffected.

I had to give him points for radiating a tough aura. I like the details of your outfit, I said to start my judging.

The man grunted at me and I chuckled at his committing to the act. Its very proto-unification with the Crusher Tribe vibe, glad to see a history buff presenting today, I said, and the man merely blinked slowly at me.

Next to me Monique and Nurse Joy perked up. Monique gave the outfit another look. Oh? Is your outfit paying homage to history? I hadnt realised! That is wonderfully clever! she said, as she raised an eight for the man.

Nurse Joy nodded along. Wonderful use of Onixs abilities and toughness! said the nurse, raising a nine for herself leaving Arnold a place in the top of the leaderboard for now.

As the man walked away he shot me a look and I waved easily. Shame he didnt go through the standard greeting and ending weve established. If hed bowed and stuck to forms I could have scored him higher, I said.

When the next contestant sent out an Ice type and almost copied Solidads performance move for move I could only scowl.

Hmmmm, seeing a lot of people doing things similar to Solidads earlier move but not quite I said, allowed during a pause as a Coordinator made their way to the stage.

Monique hummed. Its proven to be a useful move but its not something that can be simply done, she said.

And now! Coordinator Bosco of Celadon City! announced Rachel.

I looked up and found the giant biker from earlier standing tall with two fingers raised. He then produced a blindfold which he donned. He then turned towards us, bowed with the air of a martial arts student to a master and took his pose.

Like we practised Mittens, he said, aloud before exploding into action. Persian crouched down and then leapt up high into the air. I could only gape in surprise.

It was just a big jump, but for a moment I had thought that Persian had flown.

I almost missed the Power Gems being fired down into the ground. Over and over, as Persian rose into the air it unleashed a barrage of attacks.

I glanced down in time to see the rocks strike home precisely in front of Bosco. A few times it looked like he would collide with them only for a twist or a pause to be enough to delay the strike.

Bosco was putting himself on the line with his display of trust and it was something I had to approve of. Bosco performed what had to be a kata while his pokemon fired Power Gem after Power Gem down at him.

Each step brought another attack in which you thought that surely he would have to take a hit soon. One Rock looked to be off course as it shot straight at Bosco.

Everyone held their breath, expecting the next step only for that to not happen.

Bosco held his ground.

Instead, a star from Persian shot forward and scattered the rock into dust as Bosco advanced through the debris, unmarked from it as he stepped through a wave of stars that lit up the area around him.

Bosco performed a final huge stomp only to turn on the spot towards us bowing wide and sweeping his arms out. A clatter of rocks slammed into the ground and Persian landed lightly on his back causing him to bend but not buckle at the knees, still deep in his bow to us.

He was facing us, with his pokemon on his back with a sequence that would have been hellish to train.

It was damn impressive that hed learnt it so well.

I stood and clapped, leading the crowd in thunderous applause.

I shot Monique a look when it died off and Bosco stood before us with Mittens the Persian. I think we have a dark horse here, I said, as I pulled out a small booklet that had been prepared for me. I began to leaf through it quickly, signalling that I needed a moment.

Monique nodded and raised a paddle. Your demonstration was everything a coordinator should aim to be, daring, and delightful all at once! I couldnt take my eyes away! Ten from me!

Nurse Joy nodded. And from me! I enjoyed how you took part and made the performance more than it otherwise should have been!

When everyone turned to me I huffed. I see you have observed all the forms and procedures, you have also announced your intent and the only possible way that I can think of you improving on it was to use but one move at the start instead of the two that you told us you'd restrict yourself to. Power Gem was of course a given, but the use of Swift was not what I was expecting.

I shook my head. I am surprised that Persian could leap as high as it did without assistance from a Move. The only way I can conclude that this would be better would be to do it with one move, but then you wouldnt have the build-up that you do. For the people in the know, they are left wondering until right at the end when everything looks ready to crumble. I cant find anything to fault in your performance except that you didnt style your pokemon.

I held up a nine with a cheeky smile as Bosco laughed. His image shot to the top of the leaderboard at twenty-nine right under Kaede and Samurai Furret. He and Walter were tied for second while really being first on the leaderboard.

Haha! Bosco shouted. I should have thought of that but Mittens! She is a natural pokemon through and through! Hates wearing anything! he explained amicably.

He then bowed again and walked off with his head held high and the crowd cheering his name.

Mittens walked at his side only to be stunned when a Meowth appeared out of nowhere with an ink pad and a piece of paper. I missed what was said but Mittens was amused and gave Meowth a pawprint and a lick on the coin on its forehead playfully.

Meowth stiffened and was struck spellbound as Mittens moved on to where the Venom pack were welcoming Bosco back having missed the small bit of drama playing out behind him.

Meowth shot back to his seat only for me to blink as I realised it was Meowth. Jessie and James shared smiles as their third musketeer sat next to them with a dopey smile on his face.

I snorted and turned my attention back to the rest of the performances.

And now!!! Introducing this years dark maiden! The Pewter Princessssssss! Yoooooo Landa! said Rachel, as she did one of the most over-the-top announcements Id heard.

Yolanda walked forward with a slight blush and her head held high, in her hand a Pokeball was held and she was wearing what looked like my entire wardrobe of belts all about her, to form like some sort of punk rocker from a cheap anime.

She shot me an unrepentant look as she bowed. I sighed as I waved for her to get on with it.

My name is Yolanda! And this is my pokemon Izumi and were here to rock! shouted Yolanda, as she released the strongest Geodude I possessed.

Izumi soared through the air and landed with a slam that shook the field causing it to quake. It was rather well timed with Yolandas here to rock statement and I hummed. She must have practised that.

With the field broken up Yolanda punched her fist into the air and Izumi launched a huge segment of rock into the air only for the tiny pokemon to leap, fist cocked back as it began to fall.

When her fist connected the boulder was blasted to smithereens leaving only a dust cloud. Izumi then fell from said cloud only to land in Yolandas waiting grasp. Yolanda twisted and raised Izumi up tall like she was presenting her to the world and Izumi bellowed out as she began to shine under the lights.

I chuckled as the pair then signalled their act was done by bowing.

It had been clean, concise and well executed with the chance to make the most of each moment. Everything was fast, from start to finish without any chance to linger on a move.

Yolanda didnt have Izumi charge up her attack, shed flown seamlessly into her next move or display which others had used to build suspense.

I nodded, impressed with her foresight. It was vastly different from what any other Geodude user would be capable of, but then again Izumi was Izumi for a reason.

Youve got a powerful pokemon there and you let us know from the outset. You rocked your way in and then didnt let up, each move flowed into each other with a notable smoothness that others wish they could duplicate. Youve been working with Izumi on this sequence, havent you? I said. Yolanda nodded happily.

I hummed only to narrow my eyes at her and point at the belts. Are those my belts? I asked, and Yolanda coughed.

Maybe? she said shamelessly.

I sighed and shook my head. Youre spending too much time with Crystal, I said with mock sadness. I raised an eight and waved to the others who awarded her nines respectively.

I hummed, with that. Crystal and Yolanda were now in the top ten with Crystal currently tenth and Yolanda tied with Jessie.

Next up! Green girl Greta! called Rachel, signalling for the final girl from the trio of friends.

After her bow, she whipped out her pokemon. Lets show them what weve been working on! Come on out! Vulpix!

I grinned. This wasnt the pokemon Id been expecting. Id expected Bulbasaur from her. When had she caught this pokemon?

I frowned. When had she? As her sponsor, I felt like I should have known that.

Greta grinned and waved her hand causing a Fire spin to whip up around her pokemon, Greta walked around it and Will-o-Wisp shot out of the flames in front of her in a sequence that looked like she would step into, only for her to time it well enough.

She had to be sweating something fierce with being so close to the fire but she seemed determined to complete her sequence.

I bit my lip, how long had she practised this? It would have been extremely dangerous to do and I suddenly felt worried about what Greta was getting up to when I was busy.

Then I noticed Missy, Dennis, and Rocko cheering for Greta along with a small, almost impossible-to-notice white sheen around Greta.

Shes using Safeguard, I said, honestly impressed with the forethought that had gone into it. It looked dangerous and tough but with enough preparation she and her Vulpix were obviously safe.

I shot my older Gym trainers a thoughtful look and they waved, noticing my glance. Rocko grinned knowingly, entirely aware hed surprised me with this development. Hmmm maybe theyd done it deliberately? Show me just how much Greta had grown.

I laced my fingers together and watched as the Fire Spin reformed into a twisting Inferno. I shook my head. That was a damn strong Vulpix, and Greta must have been working on it for a while now. I watched as the performance ended and Vulpix happily pranced while Greta bowed.

This This was a surprise.

Both Ash, and Gary had surprised me with their skills and insight. Id thought Greta to be a bit more average but if that Vuplix was as strong as I thought, then perhaps she had a lot more skill than anyone was aware of.

Eight, you forgot to style yourselves but otherwise I think you showed some clever use of Fire Spin, Will-o-wisp, Safeguard, and Inferno.

I chuckled. I thought I knew what you were capable of Greta, I shook my head. Youve just blown my expectations of you out of the water. That is an amazing bond you have with Vulpix and Ill be looking forward to discussing it with you later.

Greta beamed at me and giggled. Thanks, the others have been helping out. I read your notes to the other sponsored trainers and saw how much you rated Vulpix and Growlithe as great choices and I was able to make a trade for another pokemon that didnt suit me for her. she hugged her Vulpix and it nuzzled into her.

Monique coughed politely, reminding us this wasnt the time for such a talk and I coughed, raising my eight-paddle for her.

Nurse Joy and Monique both raised their own nine paddles and with that Jessie, Yolanda, and Greta were all in top spots.

When Greta left the stage another of the Venom pack stalked forward with their chin jutted out. I paused when I recognised the tall man as Zek. He gave a shallow bow and raised his pokeball. Lets roll! Nidoking! he roared releasing a pokemon that slammed into the stage and spun its arm while looking to the side as though it was doing an air guitar solo.

It took me a moment that it was doing precisely that while thumping its tail to create a pseudo rhythm.

Zek started hyping the crowd by swinging his arms up and down. Come on Pewter! I heard you had more rocks than this! he shouted and this was enough to draw the crowd onto its feet for his performance.

It was a rather clever use of Earth Power to raise some earth before having Nidoking stomp around and through the earth, crushing and smashing all while Zek belted out a song underscored by Zek. When Nidoking tripped on one lyric Zek shouted for Sludge Wave and his pokemon skated on its knees to finish out the performance.

I shot Zek a smile. That had been a neat save but it had been a save he shouldnt have needed.

I gave him an eight for his efforts as hed been overly reliant on his own, admittedly good singing skills to carry the performance.

From there more and more demonstrations occurred, but by the end of the day and the first stage of the contest, the top list was littered with names that I knew.

In first, but sadly not continuing, thereby allowing the seventeenth-placed person to advance, was of course Kaede. Under her, tied for second was Bosco, and Walter. Then Solidad, before Yolanda, Greta, Jessie, Zek from the Venom pack, and in an extremely lucky turn of events, Crystal in what had been seventeenth.

With that done performers took to the stage as I departed.

I was happy to be able to stand and move about but mostly I wanted to talk with Yolanda and her friends, theyd really done well.

I could only hope they carried that into tomorrows stage!

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