Chapter 19: Cooling down

Chapter 19: Cooling down

The crowd was on their feet cheering and screaming. As everyone clamoured to make some form of noise I could only watch and take it in.

Some cheered the Dragonites fall, just as others wailed for the icons loss. It smashed together into an inharmonious symphony that was more a wall of incoherent emotion than articulated words.

I can only stare at the crowd in numb silence. Titan turned, his large reptilian face stretched in a gigantic grin. Then it clicks home. I unlock my arms from where I had crossed them over my body and I lean back, my mouth opening as I join the chorus of screams. Titan followed my lead as our roar of victory shook the arena.

That only made it even worse in the arena as the crowd got louder. I couldnt hear the announcers over the mob and flashes were irritating my eyes as cameras blazed. With the groan of machinery, my podium lowered downwards but I leapt off before it could level out with the ground. The small issue of Titan making the field a misshapen wasteland that had sunk below its starting point caused me to stumble as I caught my balance. I wasted no more time as I scrambled over chunks of turned-up earth and rock to reach my pokemon before throwing myself into a hug that would make a Japanese anime about cute little girls and their big brothers proud. Titan took the hit and merely warbled his joy as I tackled him.

You did it buddy!

He roared back and I laughed, knowing he was saying we in his own way.

We continued to hug, ignoring the world and just allowing ourselves this moment. Its only when I needed to take a shuddering breath that I dropped from him to pat his flank.

I led the towering pokemon towards Lance where hes been standing next to his podium.

Around him debris is still littering the field, showing off the aftermath. I took a moment to take it in. It wasnt just the arena rectangle that was damaged. The other sections had rocks strewn about, a brief look around revealing that the podium I had been on actually had a boulder embedded into it and hadnt been able to lower as it should have.

Lance had an amused look on his face. Somehow, Id been expecting it. In some way, I felt that I knew Lance the Dragonmaster a bit better after this battle.

Youre an incredible trainer Gym Leader Brock, and I must apologise for my words. He turned outwards to the watching crowd. I doubt anyone will dare to think you weak in the future.

Thank you, Champion Lance. It certainly helps to hear you say that. I extended a hand, which he took. We shook firmly, both of our eyes locked on the other, not in challenge but in understanding. The crowd once more makes itself known with the cheers that had been dying off renewing at the friendly gesture after an impressive match.

I glance to the side where a group of officials were entering the arena. The only faces that really stood out to me was Charles Goodshow with his gigantic grin. slightly in front of him to the side was the man that had entered with Lance during the initial pre-match interview, who I still couldnt match a name to. The other officials all had the air of being important in the social circles they frequented but I couldnt attribute names to them.

With them approaching and the less fun official part of the match about to start I couldnt resist a dig at Lance. I clenched my hand with his still firmly in my grasp. Youre still going to be paying me that bet by the way.

His face morphed into a grimace before he blinked and huffed at me. I hadnt thought too much about that the Clan Elders will be annoying to deal with, but Ill make it back soon enough.

I hummed in thought. Sounds like ten million wasnt as much of an inconvenience as I thought it would have been.

Lance shook his head. It's a not inconsiderable sum of money but you will come to learn there are plenty of people at our level that trade that around easily. He squeezed my hand back. Welcome to the big leagues, I hope youre ready for the attention it will bring. Lance chuckled at my wince. We released the handshake and he gestured to the small group of League officials. Behind them, a horde of reporters and cameramen surged past onto the grounds to get an interview.

What followed was a lot of pomp where people that worked as administrators talked about how amazing the battle was. That it was a wonderful opening act, which would serve to I honestly stopped listening as what I could only assume were career politicians rattled on. Theyd been given a mic and a semi-captive audience, if I cared I probably would have kept an ear out for how they were trying to align the crowd.

I was just too buzzed though. During a pause, where the man had tried to take a breath, the horde of reporters pivoted from him like well-oiled machines, their microphones all pointed at me.

One reporter was quicker than the rest. Gym Leader Brock! With this victory are you thinking of making a formal challenge to become Champion?!

That made me pause. Id been so focused on winning I hadnt played out all the scenarios of what it would mean to win. Lance had hinted at it earlier with making people aware I was capable of a higher level of pokemon battles, but having this outright asked made it punch home.

I was young and strong. At least thats how it must have looked to people looking in. The real situation was a little different.

I had a huge leg up on people because of my wider knowledge starting off. You never could quite grasp how much of a difference it would make with your life to have a solid base to start from. Understanding what was and was not important saved you so much time when you were young.

The games always pushed for two things. One, to catch all the pokemon in them. Becoming a pokemon master in a sense, and becoming the Pokemon Champion. And now I was being asked specifically that.

Did I want to become the champion?

Visions of myself in charge of the league played out in my mind. Id have the power, the money a chipper tune cut through my thoughts as a small transceiver I had on my wrist signalled messages that were beginning to pour in.

Most were from my family. They cheered for me and were horribly misspelled in their haste to message me. I noted a few from the Gym trainers, Mayor, Officer Jenny, Joy, and the museum staff I gave patronage to. I looked up to the sea of expectant reporters. Their mics honed as cameras captured my image. Standing quietly off to the side, someone shifted, drawing my gaze. Sabrina stared back at me. I couldnt read her expression from so far away, and she didnt approach. She merely hung back and watched me.

And yet It felt all too similar to me. I remembered reading authors in the past who often commented on the scrappy patchwork way history repeated itself.

Gym Leader? The group of reporters leaned in unsure of this non-reaction. Lance stepped up next to me, concern appearing on his face for a moment. I gave the crowd a smile as I swallowed down the feelings that were bubbling up.

Heh, sorry. Its all still sinking in for me I guess. It was a lot of work to get here, you know? I smiled at Lance as he retreated half a step. It isnt easy to throw down against you Lance. He nodded in appreciation.

That wasnt enough for the reporter though, as he abruptly thrust his mic closer in. But will you? Will you be making a formal challenge now that you know you can do it?

I shook my head. No, Im needed at home. I waved the reporter off before he could ask a follow-up, This was Lance and I putting things to rest in a controlled manner that people can understand. It also helped to put on a great show. I think this years Indigo tournament is going to really be something special, with us only serving as the opening act.

The rest of the questions pass slowly from there. I was still way too amped-up from the recent match to give them my full attention. The way they repeated the same questions time and time again, not wanting some of the answers while furiously scribbling down certain things I said really made me wonder how much attention they were paying to what was actually being said and what they thought or decided they heard from my words.

Then I remembered that they were reporters. They were only here for a story, most of which had already occurred. Now it was the small follow-ups. Unless something else big took their attention they were practically halfway to printing. I decided to clap my hands and end things.

Well I think Ive given enough of my time. I need to get my team to the pokecenter for a comprehensive look over. I ignored the cries for more answers. One reporter even called out the people want to know more! which almost got a laugh out of me for how cliche it was.

Instead of answering any more questions I bowed from the hips in semi-formal thanks and turned away. Titan followed, easily making all of the reporters rethink their approach. Having a pokemon that causes the earth to shake just from moving will do that.

Instead, the reporters pivoted only to find Lance had similarly departed. They didn't even give the League official any consideration before the group began to drift away, looking for actual subjects of interest for their interviews . Others headed off to the stands to catch some images of the still cheering crowd. I waved to the stands and made a slow loop around the arena. When I passed the bunker I gestured for Celia and June to come up but they both shook their heads adamantly, too intimidated by the still present crowd. I shook my head at them.

Theyd have to get used to that soon, as theyd be the show which people would turn up to watch in the coming days. When I finished my lap I walked up to a group of annoyed looking officials. Goodshow broke away from them with his smile stretching his face. He proffered up the briefcase and offered me a handshake. Congratulations once more on a wonderful victory! He peered back at the other officials to see they were still too caught up in their own drama. If you want, you can head off now.

Thanks, Mr Goodshow. I was going to do that right away. Get my pokemon seen to. He merely nodded before waving me off. With the briefcase in hand, I marched towards the exit. Only then did Celia exit the bunker to catch up with me, leaving June to make her own way to her accommodation.

Heh! Some match, yeah? I said in greeting, tossing up the briefcase with my winnings in it only to catch it.

Celia makes a noise like a teapot boiling over. Her hands twitch towards the briefcase momentarily but then lock into her sides. Brock! Thats a lot of money! Dont you think you should be careful?! she says through a locked jaw.

Nah, its just dummy money with the only actually important thing being the documents in here. I patted a pocket not the actual pocket I had put the documents in though before flicking the case up and over. Its like the big cheques they give out for charity matches. Those are for show to put on walls more than to actually use to bank anything. I continued to work through the hallways that made up passageways of the arena. Eventually, I reached a door too small for Titan which made him warble disappointedly. I shook my head and patted him once before withdrawing him.

I pretty much needed to bring him back out of his greatball within another minute due to the crowd that was still waiting outside the arena. They greeted me with a huge cheer that only grew when Titan was released. I locked my face into a pseudo happy mask. I really should have just messaged Sabrina to teleport me to the pokecenter. I ignored the question that continued to be repeated over and over.

Do you want to try for the championship? By the fifth person asking this question, I recalled Selene being able to teleport me.

I really could be an idiot sometimes. Now it was too late; teleporting now would be a serious snub, and everyone was so excited to see me. I knew Id feel bad for running off.

Titan just grinned and stalked down the boulevard, his wounds from facing down Lances Dragonite on proud display and only serving to make him seem so much cooler. I waved at some people, signed autographs, and just generally smiled for everyone.

A five-minute walk to reach the pokecenter from the arena took half an hour. Most of the crowd knew better than to follow me into the pokecenter but more than a few trundled in before backing off when I made a beeline towards the front desk. The three Nurse Joys that stood behind the desk looked extremely amused as I gave them a smile they were all too wise to not see through.

Congratulations on your victory, Gym Leader! They chimed. A tray for six pokeballs was put before me with the clinical professionalism of nurses everywhere. Please place your pokemon in these trays! they said like I wasnt an old hand at this. It was probably one of those things they said more from habit than giving any thought to it. One Nurse stepped to the side and smiled very politely at the crowd. I got a little breathing room for that.

Thanks, I said as I placed four pokeballs into the offered tray carefully, running my hands over them. My pokemon had done well. Theyd done more than that in truth. I would have to reward them. I looked to one of the only empty pokeball slots and at Titan who studiously didnt meet my gaze. Then I jerked a thumb to the tray at Titan who grumbled once more. No, no grumbling. Get in the ball so you can be assessed and treated. He continued to grumble as I withdrew him and added his greatball to the tray.

Brock. I glanced up, surprised to see Lance next to me. Apparently, Id been too occupied with handing over my pokemon to notice that Lance was standing in the waiting area.

Around us, the bubble of space grew wider as the crowd of people that were watching me veered away. Theyd allowed me some privacy before but with Lances approach, I noticed the space grow. As if we made more of a show but at the same time we were offered more space. Was it because it was Lance? I wasnt sure.

He leaned against the counter, nodding as the Nurses took my tray of pokeballs away. His eyes tracked the tray back to the adjacent room which you could look into from behind the counter. This was primarily because trainers tended to get rather anxious when pokemon that were injured left their sight. It generally didnt do to take them out of sight unless things were really, really bad.

The nurses each took a ball, placing them into a receptacle before a screen lit up with my pokemons vitals. I grimaced as a number of minor red sections were highlighted. The other aspect of a high-level pokemon match was that there was practically a guarantee of injuries after the match. A glance to the side showed another two nurses working on a pair of screens with Dragonite displayed on them. When Titans screen showed up I wasnt surprised to see hed gained a trio of fractures along with the superficial wounds to his hardened skin. He also had a number of tears and injuries to some internal structures. All of which were highlighted in red.

It had been cool as hell to have him go head to head with a hyper beam but that came with some issues. Even winning didnt mean youd get away clean.

Sometimes it meant you got away worse, in fact.

I considered this for another few minutes as Lance stood next to me. Hed also settled in to watch and wait for his pokemon to be healed it seemed. The recovery would take a bit of energy from them so it wasnt advised that you try and make pokemon like that go back-to-back across matches. When someone challenged the Champion they had to go through the gauntlet of the Elite Four. You could and should bring more than six pokemon but you were still allowed at least three days between each match.

I turned the question Id been bombarded with since the conclusion of the match over in my mind.

Did I want to be the champion?

Id have to deepen my pokemon pool of elites, even more if I wanted to actually have a chance. I had perhaps eight to ten that could classify that way but I couldnt use the same strategies Id used tonight for the various Elite Four.

I turned it over in my mind, thoughts and plans coiling as I played with possibilities. Id claimed victory, but if Lance had been prepared for the challenge and had as long as I had to get ready would he have walked away the victor? Being the champion had lots of glitter to the position. People hailed the champion far and wide. It was the ultimate position of status and prestige.

It wasnt a position you could ever rest easily in though.

Id just proven as much.

Acknowledging that didnt fully curb the building hunger in my gut though. Nor the way it fought with part of me that knew I had to return to my gym. To my family that needed their older brother.

For now, another part whispered.

I stamped that out as the nurses returned with two trays, placing one before each of us. My own five pokemon were returned to me while next to me, Lance received his six.

Youre pokemon are healthy but highly fatigued. It is recommended that you allow them to rest with only light activity for the next week, said the nurse in her chirpy tone. We hope to see you again! She bowed and we both inclined our heads in thanks.

Lance tilted his head, Care to grab something to eat? I considered him. He gave a small twitch to the watching crowd before bringing up a hand, palm up. Otherwise I might head home for the night, but I really think a burger and fries might be what I need. I know a place close by. My treat?

I snorted and tapped the briefcase. I think its supposed to be my treat actually. I waved a hand in front of us. Lead on.

Lance and I walked through the crowd to a rather fancy burger joint that reminded me of the retro seventies old shoppe that were considered iconic of the times. The plush cushions and large open area arrangement allowed lots of people to enter and leave. The people that were already inside were rather stunned when Lance and I casually sauntered in.

The man behind the till openly gaped as we both made a show of looking over their menu. I eyed the pokemon section before glancing at the ceiling. Think your Dragonite would mind if I let Shin and Sanchez out to eat with us?

Lance thought that over. Your Kabutops and Golem? I think I could let out my first Dragonite but not the others. My Starter is certainly too tall. The first Dragonite I have is quite juvenile. I shared a nod as his eyes flickered to the ceiling. It was tall but not anywhere near tall enough for larger pokemon.

I made my order before asking for a larger booth. A waitress practically sprinted to make sure the table was clean before sweeping her hands towards the booth. Lance swept in with an imperious nod claiming one side before popping Dragonite out behind him. The juvenile pokemon appeared with a shake of its head before glancing around. It let out a soft croon of sadness as Lance patted it on the belly.

You did wonderfully girl.

I claimed the other side of the table and released my two pokemon. Shin and Sanchez appeared, and like Draongite they both glanced around curiously. When they settled their gaze on me I raised a thumbs up before patting the chair. Shin chose to settle into a squat next to the chair while the golem happily claimed a seat next to me on the booth.

Golem! Go! Go! He cheered happily before shutting up as a frothy milkshake was dropped in front of him. Shin bowed his head as a lemonade was deposited where he could drink it, and Lance with his Dragonite each had a root beer dropped in front of them. The waitress that deposited them then bowed before turning to sprint back into the kitchen.

People always like this around you? I said while watching Dragonite happily suck through a large metal straw. The erratic flapping of her wings was actually rather adorable as it trilled happily.

For the most part. Id have to say Im rather used to it. Blackthorn residents are typically more reserved, but Ive been treated this way often. Both before and since becoming champion. He raised an eyebrow. Is it different as a gym leader? My cousin doesnt talk about that much, but she also doesnt leave Blackthorn often.

I considered that before shaking my head. Theres respect, certainly, but well, with Pewter things are pretty relaxed. A lot of the old folk remember me as a kid running around the streets. The older Ladies often call in to check on my family. The city only got smaller after I took over as Gym Leader.

Smaller? If anything Pewter has grown. I researched you after the initial challenge, and realized Id made a mistake when I saw all youd done. Your gym facilities are rather impressive.

Thanks, I said before waving about helplessly, Smaller was the wrong word Maybe closer-knit is a better word?

Lance made a noise that I couldnt really decipher. Well, taking over for your father has worked out well for you then. Its good to hear that youre close with your city like that. Did I hear relief in his tone just now? But you should probably expect things to start changing. Youve shown yourself to be far more capable than people thought. Now people will have to reconcile their previous image of you with the revelation that you are strong.

He stared straight at me as he said this. He nodded slowly before continuing, Youll face more challenges. People will see you more as a worthy test than they might have in the past. More people will come with teams prepared to battle you for one of their final four badges as opposed to their first badge.

The waitress appeared next to us causing Shin to jerk in surprise as she started offloading burgers onto the table, rattling off the order as she did so. When she was done she heaved in a breath, causing her face to slightly lessen in its red tone. Had this girl been sprinting through cooking our burgers? She smiled winningly at us both as I surreptitiously checked that the burger had actually had a chance to be cooked. Is there anything at all I can do to help you further sirs?

I glanced over the meals before gesturing at the table. Some cold water for the table as well, please.

Sparkling water please, Lance cut in. The girl practically vanished to get our order. Shin turned his head after her.

Kabutops? Dragonite stopped drinking to shrug her shoulders. This was apparently enough for Shin as he nodded and returned to his meal. I glanced over to the small drinks menu that had been left on the table.

Is sparkling water even an option? Lance coughed at that, his eyes darting to the menu.

Ive ordered it here before? I chuckled and waved my hand back and forth.

Heh I think youre just used to fancier places in general. I shifted in my seat. I wasnt going to chastise him for it. He hadnt done anything wrong by asking and neither had the place by meeting his request.

It did however reveal that he was used to getting his way. Was this due to his clan or something else? I hadnt gone through Johto for my journey, and instead went for a quick trip to the Sevii islands before challenging the Orange islands and then Hoenn. Perhaps going to Blackthorn would have given me more of a sneak peek into how Lance was raised. Or perhaps it just highlighted the treatment the Champion received. Not sure if Ill get that sort of treatment even in Pewter.

Lance hummed noncommittally as he cut his burger into quarters. Your tactics were rather interesting against my team. It seems you anticipated me rather well.

I shrugged. It was a fifty-fifty on which pokemon you were going to lead with. Having Gyrados out first suited me best with my plan so things were ideal to start certainly. Would have preferred you followed up with the Kingdra. Your pokemon are beasts though. Wasnt expecting Charizard to be able to tank Sanchezs explosion. Next to me Sanchez snapped a look at Lance and I.

Golem!? The pokemon was obviously stunned to hear he hadn't taken out his last foe.

I patted his shoulder. Nah you didnt get him Sanchez. Charizard was really strong.

Kabutops!!! said Shin happily as he brandished his arms. He happily began to regale Dragonite and Sanchez of how he won his fight. Lance watched him for a moment as he chewed on his meal.

Your pokemon are certainly strong. I must admit to being highly interested in your Aerodactyl.

I gave him a sly look. Thought you might be. Ancient dragon and all that.

It does rather fit with the template of pokemon I would be expected to field. Do you have a breeder lined up with him? Id happily pay for a pokemon like that.

Im sure wed be able to Your water sirs! Said the waitress as she heaved air in and out causing her chest to rise and fall in a rather distracting manner. sirs? Anything else you needed? I coughed having zoned out. Lance likewise shifted before shaking his head. She bounced in place before nodding as she seemed to recall that there were in fact other people in the diner than us. She darted away, leaving us to share a look.

He coughed to hide a laugh while I chuckled openly. Then we turned our attention to our meals.

The rest of the meal went by rather well with Lance and I tentatively sounding each other out on how we think our pokemon did in the match.

Surprised you dont have a Salamance yet, I said after drinking some water.

Lance nodded. I do have some promising Bagon. I tried my hand with one a few months ago but they are not yet up to my standards. If you challenge me at the end of the next circuit I will have an even larger grouping of pokemon to draw on.

Hmmm, that so? I considered asking if another region had been located and opened up yet but I doubted Lance would tell me. If he did it certainly wouldnt be in a diner.

I would be interested, as would the rest of the Blackthorn Clan, in opening up options to have Aerodactyl breed. His specific breed would be a highly welcome addition to many of our trainers.

Sure, I think I will need to line up an actual breeder for that. I doubt you want me just letting it happen naturally. Lance shook his head to show that no he would not.

Do you have anyone in mind?

Not right now. Ive had other things on my mind. Don has only recently reached a proper maturity despite being an ancient pokemon.

Is that so? He said, smiling as he mimicked my words. I nodded and we let the conversation lull as we finished our meals, neither of us feeling the need to talk anymore. Part of me was surprised at how normal this felt. Fight a high stakes match, then go for burgers with your opponent afterwards. It was pretty nice.

When a few reporters came by I feared the worst but Lance gave them a pointed look and a small shake of his head.

Huh, how do you get them to do that? I asked when they kept their distance. When he raised an eyebrow I gestured at the empty space around us. I sort of got swamped after our match but you just gave them a look and those reporters stayed clear of us. In fact, most people are giving us space.

Mostly it is how I ask to be treated. Only certain people can casually approach me. Prior to becoming champion I made sure to be very clear that I didnt want anyone to be overly familiar with me. That has carried on since my rise. He gestured to me and smirked. Id suggest hiring a media representative going forwards to teach you certain methods. Youll need to find what works for you, but I suspect your approachableness might cause you some issues.

I clicked my tongue but filed the information away. It was good advice even if it wasnt the surefire easy answer I wanted. Life can be complicated sometimes.

Lance merely shrugged. Sounds like a you problem.

I paused to stare at him before laughing. Nice one, yeah alright Ill see who I can talk with back home. I then scrunched up my wrapper before considering the now empty cans. Before I could do anything the overly helpful waitress zoomed by, collecting them before checking in that we were happy with everything. Lance merely nodded and dropped one hundred poke dollars on the table. The girl grinned as I matched him, my pride acting up.

You know we kind of overtipped just then yeah? I said once we were outside.

I overtipped but I hadnt known she was going so far out of her way to get me sparkling water in the past. He nodded at me. Once again. Im sorry for my thoughtless words. Thank you for the wonderful match. I will be looking forward to a rematch in the future. He smirked and gave a short bow only to pause. His gaze locked on mine. Brock, while you displayed great strength today in our match, you have also revealed some of your potential. People will expect things. He held his smirk, When the time comes I hope I can call on you as a representative for Kanto for the World championship. Then, he turned away, cape flaring out behind him. He marched off towards some central buildings.

Later Lance! I called after him, he tossed a wave over his shoulder before I turned towards my own hotel.

I hadn't really ever thought about the world championships before. But to have Lance of all people mention it, and certainly not as an idle thought, meant he fully expected me to be there in the mix. I whistled to myself and continued on home. I had a long road to go before then thankfully, but it held a lot more appeal than the previous suggestion of Elite Four status.

It was something to dream for and look towards. For now though, Id call my brother to see if anyone was in bed yet before going to sleep myself.

My plans for tomorrow?

I honestly had no idea what to do. I spun the briefcase about before grinning. Cashing in on my efforts seemed a pretty good way to kill time though. Suddenly it seemed I had a lot more options open to me.

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