Chapter 192: The Beauties and the Brutes of Contests

Chapter 192: The Beauties and the Brutes of Contests

“—on the red side we have Solidad of Pewter City! Can I get a Pewter City welcome?” roared Rachel into the microphone.

There were obviously enough locals, or those at least in the know, to stomp twice and clap, creating the signature welcome we’d cultivated in the Gym.

Solidad, now in a leather jacket with her hair in pigtails pumped up the crowd with her fist punching the air in time with the claps as she walked onto the stage. When she reached her podium the stomping and the clapping dissolved into merely applause and she waved both hands excitedly before locking her gaze upon Zek.

Zek for his part looked thoroughly put off his game.

I leaned towards my fellow judges. “I’m not sure if we should allow this in future, what’s your thoughts?” I asked. I idly tracked a disturbance in the green gathering from Erika’s Gym as another young woman joined them only to push her way to the center and hug Erika and Sabrina while nodding towards Janine and other Celadon Gym trainers.

Monique shrugged, not noticing I was looking elsewhere. “It is rare that a Coordinator gets the home field advantage and it is something that their opponents have to be ready for,” she said blithely.

Nurse Joy nodded slowly. “It’s no different than a trainer fight, so I think it is fine. It might be a bit… rougher than Hoenn contests, but we’re not Hoenn. This is Pewter city and if the people have favourites then let it be.”

I nodded slowly and shot Monique a smirk, “So if this was Cerulean, or Celadon and Solidad had the crowd cheering for her opponent would you be so ambivalent?”

Monique huffed. “I would, Solidad has faced worse in other Contests, as I said this is a rarity, and for my daughter, it is something of a treat to have the crowd’s support for once. She will have to make sure it doesn’t give her too big a head,” she said.

“Good point,” I said, knowing how headey it could be to have the home-field advantage. I and my pokemon had gotten used to it, but it had changed some things for me. Such as how Sanchez, who’d never experienced the crowd not cheering him, had been despondent when he didn’t get the usual reaction from his antics.

Extrinsically motivated, was the term. Sanchez did better when he had a crowd behind him. I’d also gotten used to the facilities and the way certain small changes led to differences such as the fields outside Lavender Town. The match at Goldenrod had shown me what it was like to have a crowd actively work against you before being turned at the end. If I fought there again against anyone but the home favourite I might even be the one they cheer for. That’d be neat.

Still, there were a lot more matches I’d need to look into and I didn’t doubt for a second there wouldn’t be other niche aspects of being an Ace trainer in which I was lacking.

Zek palmed his pokeball and locked eyes with Solidad. “You ain’t gonna find me easy sistah!” he sneered.

“Good! I look forward to the challenge. Let’s Go Pidgeot!” called Solidad.

“Bring the style! Arbok!” shouted Zek.

Both pokemon emerged and I had to admit to being rather intrigued by their choices.

Zek had a Roselia that had done him well last round with good use of Petal Blizzard to hide in a swirl of pink only to strike hard. The Celadon Gym had been very loud in their approval of that.

Pidgeot was wearing a vest with small buckles that tightened around his stomach, playing into a biker fashion.

Arbok had a form of hood jewellery with metal spikes and dangling links of metal.

Both pokemon looked like they were part of the pokemon cast of Mad Max Fury Road rather than attending a contest. I just knew that somewhere in the world, a coordinator was frothing with rage.

“Sludge Bomb!” shouted Zek, getting the order off first. His pokemon spat wads of purple at Pidgeot only for the pokemon to deftly evade by tucking its wings and darting low.

“Sand Attack to form a wall then use Quick Attack!” responded Solidad, making the most of the lowered position of her pokemon to have it sweep its wings and form a wall of sand for a moment.

“Get ready to catch em!” said Zek, leaning forward, his eyes glinting with intent.

Arbok copied him. Its tail curled behind itself and a tension built in its form.

A moment later, Pidgeot shot through the sand from a different angle looking to take Arbok unawares.

Arbok adjusted and matched it, shooting forward in readiness only for Pidgeot to get off the first hit. Arbok faltered despite the power of its lunge. It had broken the floor behind it with the power of its leap. It spoke well of both pokemon’s training that they had been able to react like they had. Zek’s points dropped away due to the missed coupled with the hit from Solidad landing.

Arbok hit the ground only to twist about and lock onto the smug Pidgeot. Pidgeot began to rise for altitude but did so slowly and with its back to Arbok.

“Damn, use Toxic screen!” Zek called.

The snake went from regathering itself to launching a wave of purple fluid over the field in an instant.

“Twister! Deny it!” Solidad said, and her pokemon began to spin around and around blocking the attack while forming a defensive barrier.

The points that both pokemon had shifted accordingly with Solidad clearly having a lead now.

Zek noticed that and cursed. “Arbok boost up! We need more speed buddy!” he said.

Arbok stood and began to shine with light as what I suspected was Stockpile began, a move most notably not known for its speed boosts. Arbok sadly didn’t know such a move so it was nothing but a bluff, sadly an unstylish one as well. I dropped his points a little more.

I shot Solidad a look and wondered if she knew that Zek was bluffing her.

She narrowed her eyes before huffing, “If you want to make it a battle of speed I shall oblige! Pidgeot build up a Tailwind!” A wind began to sweep through the arena as Pidgeot circled, faster and faster as it built up speed. The display was visually impressive at the very least and fit with the theme. You had to be tough to create, or endure a tornado after all.

“Now form another Twister!” called Solidad, after what had to be a full minute of both pokemon bolstering themselves even as their points trickled away.

Zek clicked his tongue and pointed at Pidgeot. “Glare!” he ordered, making Arbok snap its gaze upwards and reveal shining red eyes that caused a glow to form around Pidgeot.

Pidgeot stiffened and cried out in fear as its move failed. With Pidgeot startled, Zek went on the offensive. “Sludge Bomb again!” he called once more. This time Arbok rose up and shimmied as it unleashed a trio of shots. It was lacking compared to anything I’d seen from watching coordinators in the past but I had to give them credit for attempting something.

This time Pidgeot was caught before it could escape. The trio of purple gunk splattered over Pidgeot.

Solidad grimaced as her points dipped down and Pidgeot levelled Arbok a fierce look of its own. It was no Glare, but it promised retribution.

“Let’s play to our strengths, Twister again before going for the finisher!” Solidad called.

Pidgeot spun once again and with how turbulent the winds were a Twister was formed quickly. The Twister shot towards Arbok and Zek scowled.

“Fill the Twister with Poison! Fire at the base” called Zek and his Arbok followed the command perfectly unleashing a huge gout of fluid that seemed more like it had become a fire hose with how it continued to exhale noxious liquid. It landed at the base of the Twister even as it advanced on Arbok and a hiss of gas rose.

I was impressed with how it turned the blue Twister purple. The inside of that Twister would be a death pit.

I had to wonder if that didn’t mean the energy holding it together hadn’t changed from Dragon to Poison. The Twister fell apart to reveal no Pidgeot however and a moment later the missing pokemon appeared behind Arbok mid-attack.

Distraction and delay before attacking from a weak point through Aerial Ace. I nodded with approval as Pidgeot slammed once more into Arbok and sent the pokemon down.

Surprisingly Arbok stood even after that hit and it did so with a huge swallowing action.

“Ah, I see, those earlier Stockpiles,” I said, awarding Zek some points to his tally for the foresight he’d had to bolster Arbok. It was keeping him in this fight. Barely, but it was still there.

“Arbok! Glare and Poison Sting! Aim for the wings to slow it down!” called Zek making his pokemon put Pidgeot back under pressure.

Both pokemon continued to slug it out until a moment later a bell sounded and startled everyone.

I blinked in surprise only to recall what it signified.

Monique wasn’t caught off guard however and she was the first to stand. “Time! The match is over! The winner will be determined through who has the highest points!”

The crowd shot their gaze up, only to find a blank screen waiting with circling rings where we judges ‘aimed’ in deliberating who won. Please prepare to cheer for the victor’.

Eyes turned to us just as small tablets in front of us showed Solidad’s picture with a small prompt asking if we agreed with this. While she’d gone into the end with the most points, if she’d pulled something we didn’t like, or all of us as judges disagreed with, we could still penalise her.

I quickly ticked yes alongside Nurse Joy and Monique. Within moments Solidad’s image appeared on the big screen.

“And the winner is Solidad!” shouted Rachel, causing a round of cheers.

Archibald nodded his head in a knowing manner while Gardevoir clapped her hands with the crowd.

Solidad beamed only to blanch and rush out to fix up her obviously poisoned pokemon. Hmmm Pidgeot had done well to not let the poison slow it down at the end there.

I keyed the microphone once everyone had given the victor their praise and Solidad had healed up Pidgeot with an Antidote.

I stood and gestured to Solidad and then to Zek. “I’d like to acknowledge both trainers—” “Coordinators”, corrected Monique.

“—Coordinators,” I said, adjusting my words to the amusement of the crowd. “I’d like to applaud both for their showing. This match is the first that has gone the distance and has showcased a lot of strengths and clever thinking. You are both wonderful… Coordinators and for the first to reach adjudication, I thought it worth mentioning. I hope to see it from many more today!” I said, hopeful that the level of skill would continue to rise.

This earned another round of applause for them both and Solidad marched over to shake Zek’s hand. He seemed a bit bashful at the positive attention but his friends in the crowd hooted and hollered for him like they were a gang of Primeape.

He scuttled off the stage, waving and smiling. On the way up the stairs he clapped hands with his fellow Venom Pack member in Bosco. Bosco descended with a smirk on his lips while twisting a pokeball around. I noted that Mittens wasn’t out and about this time.

That being said, it didn’t take long for her to appear as she was Bosco’s to go to pick for this fight. She landed with a slight crouch and a loud cheer from one section of the stands.

“Gooooo! Mittens! Rock em sock em!” cried a nasally tone of voice that even without looking I could tell was Meowth from Team Rocket cheering.

Across from Bosco, one of the only people to advance with the use of rock pokemon stepped forward. Jet, oddly with no home city listed now that I reviewed his notes.

He had a much quieter appearance in the first round that had almost been downright bland to get him to the top eight. His opponent had chosen poorly against him, fielding an Ariados which Jet’s Graveller had destroyed in seconds.

Today, he stepped out without the headpiece covering his hair. He displayed a much more tribal appearance today, if anything with how he was sporting beads in his hair. With each step he took they clacked. His eyes searched through the crowd with a look of utter bewilderment as people cheered and waved at him. My own family seemed rather pleased to see him as they waved and chanted for him and his ‘painted onix’.

Monique cupped her chin in thought. “Seems the big guy isn’t used to huge crowds,” she said.

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I tilted my head looking Jet over. He was certainly solidly built but he was by no means what I’d call big. Then again hanging out with Surge had probably caused my sense of size to be thrown off.

“Hmmm,” I said, not saying anything and choosing to just take a drink from a handy bottle of milk displaying Lonlon’s brand. Monique was also flying Pewter’s producer’s flag proud but had gone for a cappuccino with the mug sporting a local cafe’s name.

Nurse Joy shot us a gleeful look as we both began to drink. “Think he’s going to show us his rock snake?” said Nurse Joy excitedly.

I coughed causing a splutter of water to fountain out. Monique snorted into her foam causing it to shoot up and leave streaks up her face like she’d gained an unusual take on make up for this match. I wiped myself up and shot Joy an annoyed look.

“You’re off the chain,” I said, causing her to giggle and nod. Apparently, if you take a Joy away from their pokemon centre duties they get to let their hair down and in our Joy’s case that means she becomes a bit of a menace.

When Jet released his Onix for the match Joy giggled ominously and I vowed to not touch my drink for the rest of the battle. Monique ignored Joy and I’s banter as she opened a clutch purse to get a mirror. “Hmmm, this isn’t bad… not great but there’s some potential here,” she murmured as she fixed her make up from having four eyebrows to just two with deft swipes of her hand.

“Begin!” shouted Rachel to get the battle between Jet and Bosco underway.

I looked up to find Onix facing off against Mittens the Persian and I felt a moment of deja vu.

Bosco grinned, his huge hairy arms crossed over his chest as Jet smirked like he’d already won.

“Ha! A normal type won’t do well against a rock type! Onix! Shake up the field and spike a rock as your follow up!”

Onix raised its giant tail, all along it’s depictions of people and pokemon wove themselves across the tail making for a mesmerising pattern. It was an interesting addition that we’d seen during the ‘performance’ but now we saw it in play during the battle phase and I realised there was a slight hypnotic effect to it. A quick glance at Mittens showed that she was tracking the tail instead of moving like Bosco was ordering her to do.

Was this like an item effect? Lulling your opponent into a hypnosis-like state only to allow you the first move?” If you weren’t careful the pattern itself would lower your guard.

Thoughts of this interesting adaptation to battling was tossed aside as the tail struck the ground causing a huge rumble and for Mittens to be thrown about with a small shriek.

Rocks shot up into the air due to the power of the attack and Onix grinned as the tail raised once more before slapping them down.

Earthquake into Rock Throw, not bad. It had style certainly.

Mittens didn’t let a little shaken earth disrupt beyond an initial toss however and she accelerated into a blur shooting around the oncoming rocks. Bending, twisting and dancing with an amazing display of grace. At one point she even stopped to lick her front paw nonchalantly.

I considered it a rather marvellous flex at first before realising that it was actually Taunt.

I awarded Bosco a few points for that and watched as he baited Onix into continually trying to crush Mittens only for Mittens to gain more and more control of the match.

Mittens dodged and began delivering Screech after Screech to soften up Onix without taking any more damage herself.

Jet seemed to cotton on that something was going on here and went for another Earthquake only for Mittens to leap up and fall on a rock that shot into the air.

There was a moment of stunned surprise as Mittens and the Onix locked gazes on an even level for the first time in this match.

Then before anyone could realise how it had happened, Mittens was on Onix’s face slashing Metal Claw after Metal Claw into the stunned Onix.

Bosco grinned as Mittens landed lightly. Onix toppled with a mighty groan. “I saw a cool cat do this earlier in the year!” He then shot out a victory sign. “We built our own method based on that!”

“Oh, Arceus she’s seen my figh—” a hysterical voice was cut off as the crowd rose to cheer out the impressive Battle Out win.

With that Bosco and his team of pokemon advanced yet again. I watched Jet frown at his pokemon. He returned it after a moment and offered Bosco a firm nod before stalking off without a backward glance. I made a mental note to seek him out, that paint job on his pokemon had been an interesting piece before but now it offered a potential advantage I’d never seen before.

I glanced over to Sabrina and found her staring at me. She nodded, and I felt a connection as I pulled in my dark energy as close as possible. ‘The body art for his Onix?’ I thought to myself.

‘Yes it was much more than it see—’ the connection faltered a little ‘—Mittens was entranced at the beginning of the match, allowing Onix the first move despite being slower.’

I nodded. I’d have to seek Jet out later and have a chat with him. I was already interested in him due to his apparent interest in the Crusher Tribe. He must be a history buff of some sort. I nodded to Sabrina and shot her a blown kiss before turning my gaze back to our coordinators. Bosco was making his way off the stage having enjoyed a ‘victory lap’ so to speak with Mittens at his side.

This time Meowth didn’t approach his newest crush. I suspected he was too embarrassed knowing she’d watched his fight and approved his methods of taking down my Onix. I chuckled.

“What’s funny?” asked Nurse Joy.

“Oh, just that I remember the match Bosco is talking about, I don’t think he realised he just complimented his opponent Jessie though.”

“Oh?” Nurse Joy frowned and looked over the remaining trainers. “Jessadia you mean?”

I coughed and nodded. “Yup, her,” I said. “She used Meowth like that earlier in the year against me and my Onix,” I said.

“Hmmmm, they’ll face each other if she advances,” commented Nurse Joy. she then gained a coy smile and I knew where she was going.

“My Onix is fine, and she’s only going to advance if she can beat Greta,” I said. Joy tsked at the missed chance to tease me and I rolled my eyes while Monique lowered her drink, having raised it. Hmmm, it seemed Joy was trying to get her again.

“And now! Introducing the Pewter preppie! The last hope for the Gym! But also the youngest coordinator to make it this far! We have our girl! Grrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeta Green!” shouted Rachel.

I shot Greta a thumbs-up as she marched down the stairs as Jessie matched her on the other side. Jessie shot me a worried look and I gave her a firm look before nodding and gesturing a hand that she was safe.

Jessie blinked and tilted her head. I rolled my eyes, waving her off. Monique and Joy shot me looks, aware of the by play but I didn’t say anything.

I wasn’t going to get in Jessie’s way here. I wanted her to keep trying her hand at legitimate trainer experiences and she wouldn’t get that if I hindered her on something she was actually rather good at.

I eyed the long skirt she was wearing today and the long chains she had around her forearms. It looked like she’d gotten some of her old biker gear out of the closet.

Greta on the other hand had gotten a jacket that showcased thorns rather than flowers. It was a nice twist. For both of them it showed they’d grown from yesterday’s pointers about actually putting in an effort for themselves and not just their pokemon.

Greta and Jessie locked eyes and I smiled. This was a better match-up than what might have happened if they’d encountered each other at the start of the circuit with Greta having some more confidence after beating Crystal.

“Go Bulbasaur!” Bulbasaur matched his trainer with some painted on thorny vines that wrapped around his legs.

“Go Mawile!” Jessie’s pokemon on the other hand had her bangs sticking up in a V in what she must have thought was a fierce style with the tiny biker jacket she wore. The hair reminded me more of another world’s greatest superhero.

“I am here,” I whispered as Mawile growled at Bulbasaur. My words were lost among the stirring of the crowd.

This time Archibald called the start. “Begin!”

“Fairy Wind and go on the attack!” Jessie shouted, punching forward.

Mawile twirled once and looked like it was about to break into a full dance routine only to kick off its leg and launch itself forward to hurtle towards Bulbasaur with a glittering wind buying it forth.

Bulbasaur wasn’t caught unaware however and seemed ready with Vine Whip already deployed.

“Leap!” Greta called, sending her pokemon up into the air and adroitly dodging the Sucker Punch which should have landed.

Mawile glowered up at Bulbasaur only to begin to spin up another Fairy Wind.

“Sleep Powder!” Greta responded, making Bulbasaur turn into a crop duster as he fell to the ground. Fairy Wind caused the Sleep powder to spread about and while Bulbasaur took some damage the light attack wasn’t enough to put Bulbasaur out.

“Cheer routine!” Jessie called, and Mawile began to flip and shimmy like she was a cheer girl.

Greta scowled wondering what the trick was before twitching as she realised she was falling for the distraction and being pulled into Jessie’s tempo.

“Shine combination!” She countered, as Bulbasaur twisted with vines shooting out and an orb of flame built up behind Bulbasaur before rising up. With how the vines rose with the Sunny Day it looked like Bulbasaur was lifting the sun.

Or perhaps…

“Praise the sun?” I said under my breath.

Joy who was close enough to hear me pinched me. “Stop distracting me,” she muttered, her eyes locked on the match.

I started to look away to Jessie only to frown as I noticed something else building up right where the tips of Bulbasaur’s vines were overlapping the fiery orb.

At that moment Mawile performed an impressive flip that carried her over the blighted and glittering ground that might cause her to fall asleep. As she flipped, the horn on the back of her head opened to reveal a drooling maw.

Bulbasaur twitched in fear and the action caused the vines to spasm.

A moment later an orb of energy shot down and slammed into the ground, just missing Mawile as she advanced.

“Hmmm a hidden Energy Ball, clever that,” I said. I was rather sad as I deducted Greta’s points for the failed moveset. That would have been a strong combination if she’d gotten it off.

“Jessadia’s routine with her pokemon was distracting for a reason it would seem,” said Monique. She hid the Astonish rather well and lulled her opponent into a false sense of security.”

“She’s playing to her pokemon’s strengths,” said Nurse Joy with a giggle.

With both pokemon in suddenly much closer range Bulbasaur raised his vines like a kung fu master while Mawile smiled innocently and began to twirl about.

“Whirlie top!” called Greta. This time Bulbasaur didn’t seek to evade but instead whirled his vines around as Sleep Powder disgorged from his bulb. The vines whipped the powder out only for the vines to also act like spinning lashes.

Mawile once again kicked hard off the ground and went low to the ground with a mischievous look on her face as she slammed a Sucker Punch home.

Bulbasaur tumbled backwards only to slam his vines into the ground in defiance while Mawile skipped back and forth.

The sleep powder Bulbasaur had sent out began to descend only for Jessie to sweep her hand and Mawile to swing her head and send out another Fairy Wind to disrupt it, sending yet another splash of glittering powder to the side and away from where it would threaten her.

Bulbasaur snarled in annoyance and grit his teeth. “Hang in there Bulbasaur I know we can do this!” cheered Greta, causing me to smile as Bulbasur took a single firm step forward aggressively. He obviously heard and believed in Greta’s belief which I was glad to be able to witness.

They’d need to— whatever thoughts I had were cut off as Bulbasaur growled deeply only to surprise us as he began to shine.

I whistled. “I hadn’t been expecting this,” I said, as Bulbasaur shone with the light of evolution. A moment later a much larger Ivysaur stood proudly.

“Saur!” he roared.

Greta squealed with happiness and punched her fist forward. “Quick make use of your stronger bulb with its leaves! Go for Razor Leaf with a Vine Whip assist!” she called.

Leaves whipped out of Ivysaur’s side only to be caught at the base by the tips of the vines. Ivysaur then began spinning his vines, causing the leaves to begin rotating faster and faster. Reminding me of a trick plate spinner only the ‘plates’ in question were much more deadly.

I whistled impressed at this combination. Now this was something I’d never seen before. Mawile stared in shock at the display and Jessie was caught by surprise as well as she gaped.

“Get ready to dodge!” Jessie said, moments later as she shook off her surprise.

Greta grinned as Mawile crouched in readiness. “Fire!” she bellowed, and Ivysaur snapped his vines forward causing the Razor Leaves to shoot forward.

Mawile flinched and was about to jump only for Jessie to scream. “DUCK!” and Mawile did just that, trusting her trainer.

The call proved to be almost perfect as Mawile, instead of jumping into the attack dropped under the leaves as they buzzed above her clipping off some hair from Mawile’s left most bang, causing it to fall to the ground.

“Damn, needs some work,” I said, as I deducted more points from Greta for the miss.

I could see the entire cadre of Celadon on their feet staring in shock at the fight going on. More than a few had their transceivers raised and were recording the match now.

“While she’s down! Keep up the attack with an Energy Ball!” called Greta. Ivysaur grunted and unleashed another attack only for Mawile to flip over herself as Jessie called for the dodge. When the cut flap of bang on the left side flapped down sadly Mawile noticed the ‘damage’ she’d taken and shrieked in anger glaring at Ivysaur who met her gaze unashamedly.

“Charge in!” called Jessie, deciding to make the most of Mawile’s anger. The little pokemon blitzed forward.

“Crush it with Vine Whip!” called Greta.

Twin vines rose and slammed down only for Mawile to dance between them. “Like a jump rope!” called Jessie.

Little Mawile skipped and shimmied through the lashing vines to get right in front of Ivysaur with a feral grin on her face.

“Go! Iron Head!” Jessie ordered, and Mawile had no issues slamming first her small forehead into Ivysaur only to continue to roll forward and whip her much larger horn around, also glowing with Steel type energy to slam into Ivysaur.

The hit was enough to send him sprawling and he couldn’t gather the energy to get his feet underneath him.

Greta sighed but didn’t slump as she raised her pokeball and recalled Ivysaur, not needing to wait for the call of ‘Battle Out’ from us. Before any announcement for Jessie could be called however the crowd rose to their feet and roared their approval for the match they’d just witnessed. I and the other judges joined them.

“What did we just witness?” shouted Archibald in shock.

“Greta Green turning up and turning heads despite going down! Jessie and her Mawhile have the moves though and they’re going to be the ones to advance! Wow!”

“Gadrevoir!” called Gardevoir as she mimed punching a few times and snorting through her nose as though the fight had pumped her up.

As the applause died off the Celadon girls cupped their hands over their mouths and shouted. “Greta! That was amazing!” We love you!” “Join our Gym!”

Greta and Jessie seemed caught off guard with the surge of support and I chuckled as Greta gained a red face at the Celadon’s attempts to poach her. When Greta shot me a look I shot her a double thumbs up.

“Thank you but I like it here!” called Greta bowing in apology to the girls before scuttling over to shake Jessie’s hand. Jessie dragged her in for a hug and reignited the crowd in another round of cheers. Greta broke off with a grin, taking Jessie’s hand in hers and raising it up.

I chuckled. I might not have been teaching her as much as I liked but it certainly seemed like Greta had been learning and growing. When Greta broke off to rejoin Crystal and Yolanda she gave her starter’s pokeball, now containing an Ivysaur, a huge grin and a whispered compliment.

She seemed pleased and I had to agree with her, getting her pokemon to evolve had been a good result from taking part in this contest. She’d need to adjust to Ivysaur’s differences over the much smaller lighter Bulbasaur but I had no doubts about that. And that Razor Leaf adjustment? Damn! That was good. She’d once again demonstrated that if she wanted to be, she could have easily been throwing down with Ash and Gary this year.

It would probably be time to unleash her on some other Gyms. Cerulean first and then perhaps… Kong in Saffron? He deserved some attention. In fact… Maybe I might unleash her on Goldenrod when we went there next.

I rather liked the sound of that.

Vinny’s match to close out the round of eight was almost an afterthought with how he blitzed his opponent with Gusts that his foe wasn’t able to tough out.

Everyone’s eyes turned towards the next series of matches showing up on the big screen.

They were; Bosco against Solidad, while Jessie got to fight against Vinny.

I rose with the other judges as a small intermission was called before we got into the semifinals. I considered for a second chasing after Jet before deciding he could wait.

I instead marched over to Greta to give her some well-earned praise.

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