Chapter 22: Meeting the Alpha

Chapter 22: Meeting the Alpha

Celia had two more matchups that day. In all of them, watching her was like watching a nature documentary on Ursaring in a pool of Magikarp.

Her Wartortle came out for the second-round match and tore through all of his opposition, despite some type disadvantages. She then finished up her last match with Nidoqueen once more, leaving lots of people guessing about her team and what she still had up her sleeve.

She claimed her advancement for the next round with three clean victories.

As soon as that was announced she once more raced over to my section. Her gaze turned up and I could almost imagine her sparkling up in anticipation like a well-trained Growlithe asking for praise. With her ginger hair, shed actually match the Growlithes natural look rather well. Surge gave her his double thumbs up once more but Celia only had eyes for me.

Nicely done Celia. That was a great showing. With my praise given, Celia bounced from foot to foot and giggled in glee. I chuckled at her antics. I turned to my fellow gym leaders. I think Im going to have to have a meeting with my trainer. Ladies and gent well, Surge.

Surge gave me a sneer. Damn straight I aint no gentleman! I work for a living! I rolled my eyes at him before nodding my head toward Erika and Sabrina. Sabrina inclined her head before standing.

I shall also depart. Today was agreeable. She then vanished in a flash.

Is that bad? Erika asked aloud, her eyes locked at where Sabrina had been.

Considering Sabrina? Oh, that was you and her becoming close friends. Have to say Im impressed. I think she likes you, Erika. Erika sat up at that while Surge sniffed.

Youre still third to Brock and me! he mumbled. Erika blinked at him before looking past him to see me shaking my head and mouthing. No way! She liked you better! Erika turned her head and muffled her giggles into her sleeve. Surge let his head lull to the side, giving me a stink eye, but little else.

I tossed a wave over my shoulder and made my way out the front of the arena.

Gym Leader Brock! A few people noticed me and I soon had a crowd around me asking for advice or asking if I had seen their matches. I honestly couldnt say yes to most of them but there were a few standouts.

Impressive work with your Jynx. Im surprised to see such a pokemon here today. Howd you find it?

The trainer blushed and ducked her head. I took some time to surf around some Seafoam islands. Got really lost and ended up in northern Sevii. This got a round of chuckles before a few trainers were shoved aside only for Celia to shoot through.

Brock! Lets go! She grabbed my arm and tugged me off before anyone could react. I eyed the trainers that had been basically shunted to the side. A few of them werent sure of how they ended up on the ground and there was a general air of shock at the abrupt theft of the large groups focal point.

That was a bit rough, Celia, I said to the small girl. She peered up at me.

Huh? What do you mean? I merely shook my head.

Dont worry about it. So whered you want to go for your victory celebration?

Ice cream! she said right as a cold wind blew in from Mt. Silver.

Alright, ice cream in autumn, why not?

I want a super It was moments like this when Celia acted her age, instead of trying to be extra mature. But then again that was normal for a thirteen-year-old. I nodded along with her. When Id been her age in both lives actually Id tried to act older. Somehow being a sixteen year old gym leader it wasnt that I was sixteen but that I was a gym leader that people paid attention to.

Thats a lot of ice cream, I said diplomatically.

I can share it if I need to! She grinned up at me hopefully.

Alright, Ill buy it for you and your team. She responded by pouting at me and I raised a brow at her. What, did you want to pay for it? She shook her head at me before leading me by the arm into the ice cream shop.

At the shop, an older woman with glasses smiled in our direction. She must have been nearly blind with how thick her glasses were. They made her eyes huge things that blinked slowly at us as we approached. Well hello dearies! Do you two want to share a sundae? She said in greeting.

Yes! said Celia.

Oh, arent you lucky that your older brother is lookin after you dearie! replied the old woman.

Celia twitched and I thought for a moment I heard the sound of glass breaking. She slumped and grumbled to herself but was quick to rouse when I pointed to the list above the ice cream. You want peanuts?

I want an everything sundae! she declared, her mood whiplashing back to being peppy. The woman behind the counter went into action, and I was rather surprised to find her becoming a whirlwind of ice cream, condiments and serving spoons. Within a minute I was staring at an ice cream monstrosity that was more of a small hill than anything I could deem as dessert.

Celias eyes glinted when the older woman handed her a giant spoon. There you go dearie!

I stared at the woman who had just handed over so much ice cream to a teenager. The older part of my soul that had been an adult despaired as the woman gained her own glint.

That will be two hundred and eighty poke dollars! I opened up my wallet before pausing as I considered how things were playing out.

Are you going to share with me? I asked Celia as she staggered away with her prize.

Nope! Thanks, Big Brother! she said from the other side of the ice cream. I turned back and looked over the menu.

A few minutes later saw me eating a double scoop out the front of the shop. People walked past and gawked openly, for once ignoring me as Celia carved a sizable chunk into her now much smaller hill of ice cream.

I contented myself with my cookies n cream, oranberry with a dusting of chocolate flavours mixed in. I nibbled at my cone and waited. It should be any second now. Noises of my small companion working furiously filled the air. I could just imagine her trying to reject the looming truth. I continued to wait.

Another minute of eating ensued and Celia slowed down before groaning in pain. She clenched her spoon before shivering and clutching her head. Only then did Celia wilt in defeat. I cant eat all of this, she murmured.

We'll share it with your team, I said reasonably, lancing out with a spoon I had claimed from the clerk just for this moment. Celia nodded her head, happier with that idea. A second later pokeballs popped open around us. From within them, a Wartortle, Jigglypuff, Nidoqueen, Phanpy, Graveller, and a Ninetails.

I glanced to the side and watched a few trainers perk up at Celias reveal. I shot her a smirk. I knew for a fact that Phanpy wasnt ready for battling yet, and Ninetails was more pet than battler. If I could ever get Celia to try her hand at Contests, I knew that the fox pokemon would take to it like a Magikarp to water.

As we ate I broached the conversation that I needed to have. So, now that Ive beaten Lance and youre well and truly on your way, Im heading home.

What?! But! Couldnt you stick around for longer?

I shook my head. Celia, you dont need me here. I cant always be there for your tournaments. This is just like the mini-tournaments that we had. Now you just need to put your best foot forward.

If if I make the finals will you come back and watch?

I sat back and considered that before nodding slowly. Sure thing, youve got four days' worth of battling to get through for that. I should be able to get some grannies lined up for the finals. When I looked up Celia had her fist clenched around her spoon.

Were going all the way! She then rounded on her team. Did you hear me team! ALL! THE! WAY! She then spun around and lanced a finger right at me. And then youll be there!

I nodded along, happy to see her motivated instead of moping. She took a huge spoonful of ice cream to celebrate her gaining my agreement. She swallowed and I grinned as she clutched her head. Urgh!

I just laughed before heading for the hotel for my last night away from home. I had to admit to being surprised when I was left alone for the first time in a long while. I fell asleep and woke up at the usual pre-dawn time.

I sat up and listened for any intruders. There was no one.

No Surge, no Sabrina, no Erika. No little siblings needing something done. I lay back down. Id had six hours of sleep and for once I could have more if I wanted. I sat up and surveyed the room. Waiting for someone to take the moment away. Part of me fully expected it to happen. I lay back down slowly. I stretched and wormed around in bed.

I sat up a little and glanced around before laying back down and shutting my eyes.

Ill just shut my eyes and someone will

I woke up two hours later, confused and feeling like Id stolen something.

I got to sleep in. I sat up and crept out of bed. No one was waiting for me. Not even Celia. Id said goodbye to her last night and now I had the entire day to myself before returning home.

I checked the amenities and found a basic cereal that I could make up before plopping myself down in front of the tv. Instead of turning on some more pokemon battles on the battlecast channel I flicked through the channels until I found the cartoons.

There was a strange new show about a Furret as a samurai that reminded me of another show that Id loved in my past life. I settled in and watched it mindlessly, enjoying the rare quiet moment I had to myself.

If this kept up Id have to think about getting a massage or something crazy. I snorted into my tea at that thought. As if.

I checked my transceiver and sighed to myself. There were already a few messages asking when Id be back, and one from Surge asking to meet up. I messaged them all back before sending another off to Sabrina to check in.

She replied back quickly.

Tired from yesterday. The crowds were tough. It was nice.

I tapped my chin, considering her words. She was getting much better. It seemed like she was doing it much faster of late as well. It also seemed like it was tiring her out a lot more than it normally would.

Id send her another message later when I was home. Instead of heading straight home I decided to do something I had been meaning to do for a while. So I packed my gear up and checked out.

When I walked towards the door I saw a small crowd of reporters waiting for me. I turned and looked straight at the bellboy who startled before hurrying away to escape my ire. Sadly, the reporters werent going to be so easily scared off. So I exhaled my dark mood and marched out to meet them.

Brock! Rumour has it that youre leaving the Plateau today? Any credence to these rumours?

I nodded. Yes, Ive spent more than enough time watching the new up and comers. Im proud of everything theyre showing and I think they have a bright future ahead of them, no matter their showing this year. This year has been a tough one to take part in, with a lot of quality trainers and pokemon making appearances. There, that sounded good didnt it?

Do you feel you dont need to stick around because you think your Gyms sponsored trainer is guaranteed the win?

Guaranteed wouldnt be the words I would use. I believe she has a strong chance. Shes impressed me a lot with her use of strategies that I both have, and havent, taught her. Its great to see her growth.

And what of the other trainers youve worked with that are performing strongly this year?

I tilted my head, a bit caught off guard. Other trainers? Ive only worked with Celia in this tournament. The only other sponsored trainer of my gym is currently doing a circuit of the Sevii islands after making an attempt at the Orange Islands circuit. Jackson had done well, reaching the quarterfinals before being beaten by an eventual finalist but that was neither here nor there for this question.

So the success of the Pewter trainers isnt something youll claim?

I have a hand in working with most youngsters these days with the gyms outreach program along with having school outings to the gym. I shook my head, however, This wouldnt be anything that would have affected these trainers. Most of the kids that have been a part of this program are at least another year away from going on their journey. I searched the reporters before settling on the man that had asked the question.

Im not sure what youre referring to with the Pewter city trainers success. It was a bit of a turn to ask them for information but I knew theyd like to have my reaction on camera.

Pewter trainers so far have boasted an eighty percent win ratio with at least five of them advancing to the next round out of the nine that entered the tournament. The other four of whom had to fight other representatives of Pewter for placement.

I whistled. Wow, go Pewter City! I said loud enough that the mics would have had no trouble hearing it. It was impressive to hear as with the large number of trainers there was little doubt that theyd have to really shine. I thought back to when Id met Celia coming out of the tunnels.

I think a lot of this is on the trainers themselves. When they came to the Plateau, they came together and have really meshed as a group. I think this has helped bolster them as young trainers and people both. Im proud theyve done this, but it is not something I had a hand in creating.

Would you say your exhibition match against Lance might have inspired them?

I laughed and rubbed the back of my head. Haha! Well my team and I gave it our all so I hope others can take something away from that. It really depends on the individuals and their teams though. I cant deny it might have helped, but by how much? Whos to say? I then gestured to the side, indicating that I was done with this interview. More of them called out to me but I ignored them as I strode away.

With my hotel room packed, and goodbyes said I didnt have any need to stick around. I plucked a pokeball off my belt. Go Zephyr! a gust of wind swept through the sidewalk and a few people shouted in surprise. I grinned as a much larger than normal Noctowl swept his wings another few times before settling down. His head spun around in the way that only an owls neck could, blinking at me.

Owl? He said. I nodded. He crouched down further allowing me to clamber up and grab onto the harness that he wore whenever I called him out.

Noctowl was one of the pokemon Id gotten early in my journey but hed slowly shifted from fighter to transport as I went around. Id been surprised when hed continued to grow beyond the norm of a meter fifty. Hed eventually settled in at two-thirty, which enabled him to easily lift me. He didnt have the speed of Fearow or Pidgeot, the two most common pokemon to see trainers soaring through the air, but he certainly was fast enough for me.

The only pokemon that allowed me to move quicker was using Selene to teleport around but she usually could only do a handful of teleports a day before resting for at least as long if I was trying for distance.

Lets soar boy! Zephyr hooted once before crouching low. Then he hopped while sweeping his wings down harshly causing another wave of air to rush out. I grinned when one girl performed the classic Marilyn Monroe pose.

Another few beats of Zephyrs wings saw us rising up and away. However, instead of flying east we moved west. Towards Mt Silver.

There was an old friend I needed to meet, and it felt right to go now. I couldnt quite put a finger on why that was but it simply was.

It had been a long time since Id trekked my way into the nature preserve known as Mt. Silver. They called it a preserve, but the truth was that Mt. Silver and the Range that raced away northward were lands that were considered untameable without the efforts of hundreds of pokemon trainers descending and marching forth. It was a wild, dangerous place.

It certainly hadnt been a place for a child, one that was far too cocky for his own good, to wander into with nothing to back him up. When I first came into this world, I had been unsure of a lot of things. The arrival had been strange and left me wondering where I stood in the natural order of everything. I had started at home in the original Pewter City Gym with my father. Heck, even Lola had still been around, pregnant as she was with the twins.

Shortly after my arrival, there was an excursion by the gyl to the bottom of the range. Something I couldnt protest or fake sick on as Flint and Lola had been adamant on having me attend. And so I had found myself, as a young Brock, within throwing distance of what I knew to be home to some of the most powerful Rock types in the world. I was barely a week into this life and still highly uncertain what was going on.

Id decided to do something insanely stupid.

Its strange how sometimes the stupidest things you can do have the greatest payoff. Id always been rather cautious in my previous life. Id even worked out that, due to how much I drove, it wasnt a matter of if but when I had a car accident despite my caution.

Finding oneself inserted into a young Brock had been too surreal and for that week I had gone through the motions before deciding to dare to reach. And so, Id wandered straight into the preserve despite all the written and verbal warnings.

Id sparked a few search parties and a very distressed Flint had been called only to arrive in time for me to return, scratched up, hungry, and cold, but with a young Titan in my arms.

Zephyr flew west. He flew over land that Id hiked once and since returned to everytime upon his back. His head locked onto a peak close to the infamous Mt. Silver but not the famous site where one would find the final hidden boss of the Gold or Silver games. That lay higher still and was usually not visible due to cloud cover.The Mt. Silver region wasnt a single mountain like in the game and it wasnt a site that was awarded to those that had passed through the League. Instead it was a free reserve where powerful pokemon wandered. That still made it an area people tried to get into, but more people entered it each year than came out.

The peak I was aiming at was actually rather flat and had a hidden spring of water, making it the ideal resting place for certain pokemon.

We received more than a few challenging snarls, howls and wails as we flew but Zephyr was able to direct a look that conveyed how beneath us those particular challenges were. When this only inspired more challengers I happily unsealed Don. Don! Intercept duty! He screeched at being let loose before plummeting at an Ursaring that was even now charging up a Hyper Beam.

Don swept in and raked him with his claws before spinning tightly about to snap his jaw closed around the bears neck. I watched him, ready to call him away if he went further than he needed to as the Ursaring rolled harshly and got Don off his neck. Then he made a show of snarling at Don only to turn and run. Don flapped his wings and screeched loudly to announce his victory. I whistled to call him up. He rose eagerly to face the next challenger.

Some rocks and water were hurled our way but they either missed or Zephyr diverted them with a casual use of psychic energy. Don descended on the pokemon that dared attack us with glee.

As we closed in, Zephyr hooted loudly and some of the attacks that wed been facing died away. Either Don mangling all challengers or Zephyrs pronouncement of who we were here to see did the trick and we were able to soar into our destination.

I chuckled at the thought, rubbing Zephyr's head in gratitude as he alighted on the top of the peak. Id only come here once in truth, when Id finished the Orange and Sevii islands. Then, as now, Id come after completing a significant challenge for myself and the team. Todays milestone would be more significant with Titans victory over Lances Dragonite.

I pulled Titans greatball out. He appeared with a flash of red light before looking around. His stance morphed from wary to relaxed instantly. He eyed some old boulders and the trees with interest before opening his mouth. When he roared he did so in greeting rather than challenge.

Tyyyyyyyyy! Tyran! His call echoed and the cries of other pokemon throughout the wilderness died off at the call of the alpha pokemon.

He called again. I hummed in thought continuing to rub at Zephyrs head, the Noctowl unconcerned with what was going on as his teammate called into the wilderness.

That changed when something called back.

Zephyrs head snapped up at the bellow that shook the forest.

Titan only grinned harder before tilting his head back and matching it. Zephyr eyed Titan before huffing and nudging me for more scratches. I chuckled even as trees began to be pushed out of the way leading up one side of the peak. We all watched as a path was cleared up to us. The earth trembled like a giant was stomping its feet, feet that slowly picked up cadence and power the closer it came.

Then a huge shape burst through the trees causing branches to splinter and break as another Tyranitar emerged. While it had been in the trees it had been tough to judge its height due to the hardy nature of the vegetation on Mt. Silver. But as it emerged it was clear that this Tyranitar was tall, taller than Titan by at least a head which made it stand twice my height. It sported large scars all across its front and sides that spoke of the battles it had endured to grow as it had. I grinned as it eyed us briefly before turning to Titan. It tilted its head before stepping forward cautiously, its nose twitching.

It was strange to see such timidness from the pseudo-legendary, but it was only matched when Titan stepped forward just as carefully. His own nose sampling the air with tentative twitches. He moved forward glacially, while each step had weight to it. The large pokemon moved now with care, each step was slow and carefully placed.

Like he might break the other pokemon if he wasnt careful, or they might react poorly. I watched, trying to make it look like I was unaffected even as my heart hammered in my chest. Instinct wasnt an easy thing to overcome and having such a powerful pokemon walk up to me was rather frightening even though I had sought this out.

Titan and the other Tyranitar sniffed each other. Then they crooned at each other before finally nuzzling into the others neck. If I didn't know better I would have thought they were lost loves. I remained quiet as both pokemon slowly wrapped each other into a hug. Then they crooned to each other.

A touching moment that one wouldnt expect to see in the wilds of Mt. Silver.

I cursed my lack of camera but then realised that it would have ruined it. I resolved to simply lean back and enjoy the moment. This wasnt for me but for Titan. I merely had the good fortune of being able to witness it.

Small moments like this are more important than most really consider. It made me think of my own welcome for when I'd get home. I felt a warmth building in my chest as I realized Id probably made the right call stating I wasnt going to make a challenge for the Championship. Funny how I was learning that from my pokemon.

Titans mother cracked an eye and looked at me.

It had been years since wed last seen each other. Shed been an enraged pokemon that had been chasing a poacher, and Id been new to this world. Id encountered Titan as an egg fallen off their truck and had hatched him with my own body heat. Id offered him back to her, but then Id gone a step further.

At the time I couldnt really claim to be thinking of anything or perhaps the truth was I hadnt been thinking of all. And so Id asked if I could be his partner. I vowed then and there to make him strong. As strong as I could, to reach for heights hed never be able to achieve and see sights hed never have a chance with for anyone else.

Shed stood over me that day and Id felt terror the likes of which Id never thought to experience in both my lives. Shed loomed like a mountain over a small village. The threat of an avalanche crushing it ever-present. The difference being that this mountain had teeth and claws that were in no way metaphorical.

For long, long minutes shed merely observed me.

And then she agreed. It had been nothing more than a slow nod but when a pokemon like her nods, it has weight.

And so Id gained my starter in Titan as a young Larvitar. I hadnt been expecting so much back then. It had been a long road. I grinned. I still had a ways more to go but sometimes the best parts were stopping with friends. This time it was with an old friend.

Hey there, remember me? I wanted to come to tell you how your son has done. He just beat the strongest Dragonite in the world the other day! Titans Mum cocked her head before giving her son another look over and sniffing before tilting her head in a disbelieving fashion. It was as if she was saying really? This son of mine? I dont believe you.

Titan warbled at her in annoyance and she huffed before gesturing to me to tell my tale.

And so I began to tell her all about the things her son had done since wed last seen each other. It took a few hours but it was worth it. By the end she had a proud look in her eyes when she looked at her son. Eventually, she turned back to me. At some point, shed sat down to listen. Now, she stood and walked towards me. She still towered over me. My heart still beat like it had back then. I wasnt as small as back then, and I liked to think I was stronger in a lot of ways, but having her assess me was still nerve-wracking. She bowed her head stiffly. I blinked before matching her.

Thank you, I said back hoarsely. I cant think of a better pokemon to be my companion and friend. Thank you for letting Titan journey with me. She crooned back at me and I laughed.

I looked to Titan. Youre among the strongest, buddy, you ready for whatll be coming our way next? For a moment I considered asking if he still wanted to be my partner. A greedy part of me denied my voice while another urged me to at least offer. Titan was my friend after all, not some mere pet. One of the first friends Id made upon awakening in this world.

Id hated it when Ash did it in the anime, but I felt I had to do it, in case it was what he wanted. Titan huffed and merely walked up to me before giving me a hug, knowing how my thoughts had run away from me. He held me for a moment before relaxing his grip. Then he leaned over me and breathed heavily on me before tapping his Great ball with a claw. My face hurt from the smile that quickly grew. He really was the best friend I could ever ask for.

Titans mum huffed at me before stepping up to me once again. She huffed on me like her son had done before pointing at the ground. Tyranitar! She pointed empathically down.

You want me to wait here?

She nodded her head.

And so I waited as she stalked off. It took a while, the sun slowly crawling further and further across the sky with me simply sitting and waiting on the peak, but she eventually returned.

I blinked when I saw what she was carrying.

She came back with an egg. Thats? Ummm, I dont think I should take another egg!? I She growled before leaning in and sniffing me. She pointed at her egg and then at me before sniffing pointedly. You can smell something about me? She leaned down and made a gesture that seemed to imply small. My siblings? She nodded again then pushed the egg into my hands, nodding once before she turned to walk away.

I was rather stunned at this but bowed at her retreating back. Thank you for your trust!

She didnt answer, merely stalking out of the clearing without a backward glance.

Zephyr nudged me and nodded before turning myself towards home. I climbed atop him more carefully now, a pokemon egg in my grasp. I wiped my face down before coughing out the tightness in my throat. Lets go home Zephyr!

Noctowl! he cheered before leaping skyward and homeward bound. We soared back to the east. I vaguely noticed that we faced no challengers on the way out, something that might have had something to do with the roars from Titan and his mother making pokemon huddle down lest they draw attention to themselves.

I felt something relax within me even as I held onto the egg shed given to me tightly. I was honestly touched by the act and would have to ready one of my siblings for caring for a Larvitar. I was actually finding myself rather looking forward to it as it would mean Id get to spend more time with them and teach them little things Id learnt myself from my time raising Titan.

The plateau passed far beneath us as Zephyr caught a tailwind boosting his speed further. Half an hour later, I could see my familys home. Zephyr landed to the side where our family home entrance was located behind a tall fence with thick hedges that offered privacy.

I lamented the fact that even with the clear signage of private property and owned pokemon, trainers still tried to walk in for a host of reasons. I detached the harness from Zephyr, allowing him to fly to a nearby peak that he shared with Don, then I opened the door.

Hey! Im home! I called. Instantly an avalanche of thumping running feet sounded out from around the house.

Suzie! You come back here with that! Brock! Tommys being mean to me! I huffed in amusement as the family drama had obviously continued without my being here.

I wasnt sure why I expected anything else.

This content is taken from (f)reewe(b)novel.𝗰𝗼𝐦

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