Chapter 38: The Guardians

Chapter 38: The Guardians

Lavender town is most known for the Pokemon tower.

And Ghosts.

Not just Ghost types, but actual ghosts.

There was enough documentation to fill a whole row of shelves on the topic in the library. Of course, humans are still humans regardless of the universe, and people still dismiss the topic when it is brought up. This is despite there being a standard job in each settlement that was large enough to have a graveyard needing to have a channeler or spiritualist working at least part-time. It wasnt seen as a prestigious position but it was seen as necessary. It was something typically funded by the local government.

From what Id seen looking into the issue there had only been one instance of a local government ever defunding the program. The council halls becoming haunted had quickly seen the funding reinstated.

These days fire departments got less funding.

Id already been open to the idea of ghosts thanks to my reincarnation, alongside some of the game knowledge, so it wasnt surprising for me.

Lavender Town itself was more than just that, however. There was a whole culture that was based around remembrance and honouring the past. Lavender town was perhaps one of the most traditional towns that existed in Kanto. There were multiple red lantern festivals alone each year. There were also multiple shrines with their various attendants. In the game, they were labelled as mere Channelers.

In reality, there were temple elders, monks, shrine maidens and spiritualists along with the channellers.

I could confirm that the shrine maidens were very cute.

They were sadly less cute when you had to arrive at a shrine near dusk. The shrine maid I got came under the category of creepy scary instead of the cute innocent type. I suspected Agatha had done this deliberately to mess with me. If you took everything at face value youd think her a normal shrine maiden, but within five minutes of interacting with her, I knew exactly what type she was. The scary kind that probably loved it when it came time to set up a haunting pathway for trials of courage.

She earned her stereotype by giggling under her breath while occasionally turning her head towards me. I couldnt tell what she looked like due to a veil she wore, and when we eventually set off she led the way with a small lantern down a long gravel path. The lantern barely lit the gravel path that we were walking along and cast barely visible shadows flitting about in the night.

With my danger Brock danger! senses tingling I wasted no time in calling up some of my Dark energy to better see my surroundings. I watched as a Rattata raced between trees and peered out. A lone Murkrow flit through the woods as if watching us. Hoothoot and Noctowls swooped by overhead with Zubat and the occasional Ekans struck out from a hollow to snatch up one of the Rattata for dinner.

The cries of the pokemon that was its dinner only added to the issue of my paranoia. Just because I could see what was going on did not make me feel in any way more comfortable.

Tihihihi! I shuddered for perhaps the seventh time in as many minutes.

Has anyone told you that it's mildly unsettling to hear your laugh when walking down a dark path at night? I said to see how she reacted to being called out on her antics.

The shrine maiden paused before continuing forward. Honoured sir, I have no idea whatever you could mean?

Your habit of giggling like that, I said bluntly. When she continued to stare at me I shrugged unapologetically. Sorry if you cant control it, but it really makes me think of that recent horror film. Graveyard tryst, I think it was called?

Im sure I have no idea what you mean, she said demurely. I huffed at her as we walked on towards what I could now make out was a large wall surrounding what appeared to be a dark manor with a large rolling set of grounds. It was Grave Lovers said the maiden under her breath.

You say something? I decided to throw her a bone by making it seem like I hadnt heard her.


I instantly regretted it. When we reached the gates I had to give the owner props for sticking to the theme, the iron wrought monstrosities wrapped with ivy were suitably creepy and gothic. They towered over me with sharp points at the top to ward off intruders.

Really going all in on the haunted mansion look. I assume this is Agathas place? The maiden didnt answer, but I could feel how she wanted to grumble or pout at my deduction. When she gestured at me to open the gates I braced two hands on them. Then I pushed.

The gates bent before rebounding slightly with a harsh clang. I stepped back in shock before blushing as I noticed the rather prominent latch that locked them together.

Youre something of a brute arent you? said the Shrine maiden. She then raised her sleeve to where her mouth would be to give her now-signature giggle. But I dont mind that in a man. Tihihihi! She reached forward with a key that was similarly on theme and unlocked the latch. I could feel her watching me in amusement as I pushed on the gates a little more experimentally. There was a small groan and that was enough as they swung slightly.

I applied more force with my next shove, even putting a little rock-type strength into it. The gates didnt get the chance to swing openly shrilly, it was instead a single harsh scream as they were flung open.

Yeah, guess I am a bit of a brute, I said as she stared at the gates. I dont think she considered how much Id shaken the gates from pushing them earlier. You coming? I asked as I gestured towards the open courtyard leading to the front door.

I will not be coming with you any further Gym Leader. I hope you have an interesting evening. She then stepped back quickly while dimming her lantern. If it had been anyone else I expect she would have appeared to vanish into the night spookily. Instead, I got to watch her scuttle away.

It was still creepy, but also kind of endearing. For all that she was trying to scare me she went about it in a sort of childish way that once you were expecting it didnt seem that bad. It was scarrousing? Hmmm, that didnt seem right. I clicked my teeth and walked further up the stone path leading to the house only to stop when I spotted the people standing atop darkened balconies watching me.

I could only just make out their profiles but I already had suspicions about two of them. One was thin and held in an upright tight position that reminded me of Koga. The other was slightly slumped with a small cane in front of her, which made me think Agatha.

I considered them for a moment more but that seemed to cause a reaction as lights around them activated. Agatha grinned at me while Koga stared impassively. The third person to the side was a younger woman with long and silver hair falling down to frame her face. Id seen her at the Little League match and she must have thought her reveal to be surprising to me now.

But Id known who she was the entire time, If only because of our battles in another life on my gameboy. The pixelated avatar and fanart didnt do her justice. Karen was fit and obviously confident in herself. She had her hip cocked, her arms resting under her chest to slightly promote her breasts in a pose that would make models proud, and a smile that made me think she was seconds away from saying ahoy there sailor and beckoning me closer.

Welcome Brock! Agatha said. I nodded my head before pointedly glancing at the other two. Agatha noticed my furtive looks. You have met Koga before but allow me to introduce you to my apprentice and future Elite Four member, Karen.

I glanced at the woman once again before humming. There was obviously a story there as typically you needed to have a strong showing with lots of people understanding that you were beyond merely powerful and skilled before becoming an Elite Four member. Challenging wasnt as simple as the games made it seem. Agatha obviously had confidence in her if she was announcing that to me. I decided to voice my thoughts. Isnt that a touch presumptive?

Lance will be introduced to her soon and she will be allowed to demonstrate her strengths in a few upcoming matches, Agatha announced grandly. I hummed noncommittally at this. Koga didnt react at all.

I decided to test the waters and get to the point of them calling me out. So, Im here now, we going to head inside and talk like adults?

Karen gave an amused look that oddly matched Agatha. I suddenly had doubts that Agatha and Karen were only Master and apprentice. Were they related?

Agatha gave a little cackle only to raise her cane up and strike the ground with it. In time. First, I am afraid you must pass a test.

A test? I said flatly.

Indeed, a test. You see the Guardians are not just a group of Aura users. We act as the defenders for Kanto. For that purpose, you will need to prove your skills in the only way that matters.

Agatha expanded a pokeball in her hand and I rolled my eyes as I plucked a pokeball of my own. What other way would ever count for much in a pokemon world but a pokemon battle?

Go Gengar! She called as a pokemon appeared below her but level with me. It landed and dark red eyes flashed ominously as a chill swept through me.

Go Knight! I released my choice and the earth thumped as a pokemon that hadnt been shown against Lance took the stage.

Aggron! Bellowed my pokemon. The larger pokemon glowered at the smirking Gengar.

Oh? A strong pokemon young man. Agathas words were mocking in the way only a backhanded compliment could be. I suspected if I stuck around with her Id be getting a few of those. I grunted before crossing my arms.

Knight buff sequence! Instantly my pokemon adopted a stance with one leg sliding backwards. Agatha didnt say a word as her pokemon slid into one of the shadows abundantly present on the impromptu battlefield. The gardens that had sparse trees still had enough statues to make it easy for the ghost type to almost be lost in the shapes and darkness Then it began to flit about the courtyard like some sort of horror villain. If Agatha thought I was above wrecking her garden shed be in for an expensive gardening bill.

Red eyes shot out at Knight but he merely grunted and tightened his stance. I felt a strange sensation sweep through me as the eyes peered at me and pulsed. A chill zeroed in on my chest.

Had that been glare? It didnt seem to have paralysed my pokemon so it either was and it didnt work or it was something else? Well, whatever it was I wasnt backing down from this fight. I inhaled and settled in.

I allowed Knight to continue buffing himself up while observing the Gengar. A flicker of movement to my right showed a small Murkrow landing on the wall. I turned back just in time to see Gengar launch out at Knight from the side.

Pulse, I ordered. Instantly blue-white energy appeared from Knight before blossoming outwards, forcing Gengar to run face first into the Dragonpulse. Gengar faltered but still managed to swipe its tongue across Knight. I hummed in thought.

This seemed more like a debilitating style of fighting but I doubted Agatha was going to try that against me. Her best moves of poison wouldnt work with Aggrons typing. Another pokemon flitted around to the left so fast that I couldnt spot what it was. I glanced up at Agatha, a frown forming on my face only to blink as I noticed the other two balconies were now empty.

Knight close in and thunder punch. Instead of lumbering, my Aggron shot forward with thunderous steps that came as a barrage of noise rather than a simple beat.

Ohoho! crowed Agatha as she swept her arm out. Float up and away Gengar! I thought you were just increasing your pokemons defence before, but it appears you went for speed over defence.

I grunted, not wanting to confirm or deny such information to my opponent. Not a habit I ever wanted to get into. I glanced about as another form flickered past. I was getting thoroughly unnerved by these sudden movements in the corner of my eye.

What game are you playing here Agatha? I said as Knight missed another punch when Gengar came down.

Agatha only grinned. I clicked my tongue and considered this match-up. No official rules were laid out. It was something of a choice of pride to not withdraw your pokemon first but that was a dumber part that wasnt currently feeling slightly paranoid. I raised my pokeball. Return Knight!

Instead of the light connecting. Murkrow swept around and glared with large eyes appearing out of the dark above it. I recognised it for what it was. That Murkrow had just used Mean Look to stop me from withdrawing my pokemon.

There was a beat of silence as I digested this. With the way pokemon were flitting around near me and how Agatha had just used more than a single pokemon in a match-up, my stomach dropped as Agathas grin grew.

In the pokemon world, Agatha had just broken a big taboo. Pokemon battles were seen as honourable duels with all the stories talking about how people were able to face legendaries in honour duels with only one pokemon coming out at a time. The world had to have been a harsher period. That or the Legendaries werent as strong back then. But that was beside the point. By using another pokemon Agatha had just announced that she had malicious intentions toward me.

If this had been another person or perhaps even the canon Brock I might have paused to complain. Id grown up seeing Ash and co fight through situations with only one pokemon themselves or only until they matched up. Id also seen it go wrong for them often enough that I had a prepared response when I left on my journey.

I swept my hands across my belt in a move Id practised but always dreaded ever having to use. TEAM OUT AND FIGHT! I said with a loud shout.

Instantly my entire carry roster of pokemon took to the field.

Shin stood to the side with scythes proffered dangerously. Don took to the skies with a screech with Zephyr who was a silent wraith to the wrathful ancient pokemon. Selene hovered above my head. Her psychic power reached out to take stock of the situation. Behind me, Sanchez adopted a wide stance that announced he had my back.

Twin thumps announced the arrival of my two strongest pokemon, front and centre.

Titan glowered at all around him and roared his warning as he began instantly building up energy. At this Gengar even stepped back in fright.

Next to me a slightly smaller but no less heavy pokemon stomped her feet back and forth before growling as the horn atop her head began to spin up. Her large orange arms pumped back and forth once before bracing at her sides. Rhyperior! Bertha called out.

Outstanding! Simply outstanding! Cried Agatha from her balcony. Instead of saying anything to relax my mood she drew four of her own pokeballs to toss down. From them, a Crobat, Arbok, Misdreavus, and another Gengar emerged.

From around the grounds a large Venomoth floated out accompanied by a Weezing and a Muk. I grimaced at what that meant even as my nose stung from being downwind of the pollution pokemon.

From the other side of the courtyard, a Houndoom stepped forward accompanied by an Absol. I felt that was rather apt with how this moment appeared from my point of view. I wasnt running though. I still had some options. I wouldnt even need to message Sabrina. No I should be able to take these pokemon. I leant my neck to the side in a back and forth motion to release the tension before settling in.

If they wanted a fight Id give it to them.

Blast away! I shouted while sweeping my hands outwards. Instantly rock throws were fired off in all directions that sped towards the approaching pokemon of Agatha..

Arbok countered with a surf only to face a slab of rock being the follow-up answer. Shin darted out towards Kogas pokemon only for me to order him back against Houndoom where he would have a slightly better match-up. The ancient type twisted on a dime and rocketed back with aquajet to engage the pokemon.

When Absol tried to interject Selene called down a Moonblast. When it hit it flattened the Absol into the ground a gasp of surprise rang out into the night, revealing where Karen had been. Just like the dark night benefited Agatha and Karen, the full moon that brought the shadows they thrived in gave strength to Selene's attack.

She raised a pokeball and withdrew her downed pokemon before growling at me. Foreknowledge certainly paid off. She had likely been expecting a psychic-type move that her pokemon would shrug off.

No such luck with Selene. I might have had her train her psychic abilities with Sabrina but I had made sure to have her keep some of her starting moves. It just took a concerted effort to hone into strength. The existence of the Fairy type might not be widely known, but I knew of them and that meant I could educate a lot of other people.

Karens next pokemon proved to be more of a threat as a Weavile appeared and began peppering my pokemon and I with ice shards.

At my front, Knight and Titan linked up with Dragon and Dark pulses to keep back Agathas pokemon only for a Shadowball from Agathas heaviest hitter to break through. Titan instantly used protect and absorbed the hit without issue.

Knight switch to fighting against those ghost pokemon! Sanchez before I could give the order a heavy thunder launched up and arced down causing the attacking groups to scatter. Sadly Crobat and Murkrow dodged, but then again Thunder wasnt the most accurate of moves. Still, hed brought us slightly more breathing room. I spotted Zephyr trying to dive out of the darkness onto Crobat but the nimble bat pokemon proved too agile.

Zephyr! Use Hypnosis! I called to him. The night above began to have attacks splash out as pokemon traded attacks. With the back and forth of attacks I couldnt hear Agatha, Koga or Karen ordering their pokemon.

Quake! I called out to my pokemon that could perform it. Next to me Rhyperior stopped punching the air and lifted her feet in time with Titan, Sanchez, and Knight.

Selene! Lift! I said urgently.

Around me, a blue glow lifted me up alongside Shin as the earth buckled and broke. Pokemon shouted in fear as they lost their footing. Agatha didnt bother catching herself and instead allowed the balcony to break. Around her large cracks formed in the walls. I took a dark pleasure in breaking her house. If she wanted to play games she could learn that I could play rough when I wanted to.

Instead of retreating or demanding that I stopped, however, she grinned at me as she fell forward.

Gengy, catch me would you? She said like she had all the time in the world, instead of falling off the balcony. Then suddenly her Gengar was behind her and cradling her to the ground. Thank you, dearest! Now use hypnosis!

Selene! Magic co Im not sure what made me do it but before I finished the order I twisted to block a strike from Koga as he appeared behind me. I grunted but held firm, my eyes narrowed on the man.

Another taboo broken.

Most trainers that got injured in trainer battles were due to being hit from stray effects. It was only criminals that directly attacked the trainer. That still made up a significant percentage of trainer deaths. But that wasnt something the public was made aware of.

I glared at Koga. He had a focused expression and nodded once as though he was pleased by my block, only to try to sweep my legs with his next action. I braced, channelling Rock aura into my body causing his leg to slam into my much stronger legs.

He didnt even make a noise pain as my legs didnt shift. He stepped back as Zephyr dropped into the space he had been. My owl whirled around and raised his wings in a threat display while Sanchez turned and growled. Koga didnt seem at all bothered by their obvious displeasure. He merely took another step back.

You are doing well. Keep it up, he said cryptically before flipping away back into the shadows. Behind me, the two floating pokemon protected the rest of my pokemon from Gengars attack. Don was thankfully out of range of both as he duelled with a Murkrow while a Crobat flitted back and forth to swipe at him.

Don! Sweep into Dragon dance!

Houndoom unleashed a huge torrent of flame only for Shin to counter by punching up the middle of the gout of flame with an Aquajet. When Weaville swept in with claws glinting with ice he retreated quickly enough to only have a small cut on his flank.

I scowled. This wasnt working for me. They would be able to continue forcing the issue with more reinforcements. There was also the fact that there might be more of them than just these three. Koga had shown he wasnt above striking the trainer just to further complicate matters.

This was far from a typical pokemon match. If anything this was a brawl or an actual battle. My mind lingered on that before I glanced at Bertha who nodded at me once.

Return! I shouted as I raised pokeballs to pokemon that couldnt escape what was to come. I found myself oddly unable to return Knight before I recalled the earlier mean look on him from the Murkrow. I clicked my tongue and called for my psychic types for an assist. Selene raised both myself and Knight off the ground.

The battlefield stilled for a moment at my strange move before everyones eyes swept to Bertha who was posed with a fist pointed straight down at the ground. She gave out a fanged grin. I glanced up only to see Agatha staring at me with a hungry look.

Seismic Twist.

In the old games there were ways to increase the chances of a one-hit K.O move from landing. Most of these involved temporary buffs or items. That didnt mean it wasnt possible to raise a pokemon to learn the moves. Sadly they would be underpowered, meaning you needed another route to empowering them.

Id found such a method by watching duo fights where one trainer had allowed their heavy hitter to hold back while building up with Focus energy. A marvellous strategy that Id then built on with learning how to use combination moves.

Id had Bertha doing nothing but that for the last minute. In a battle, a minute may as well be an eternity.

Berthas fist launched out and dug into the ground like a boring drill then the earth around her fist twisted as she gripped into it. Then, like metal being rent, she grasped the area like a giant grabbing a childs playmat before spinning it. The pokemon on the ground were hurled about. The front section of the manor was sheered off as it was also caught in her grasp.

Pokemon cried out while others grabbed their trainers protectively as bubbles of hexagons formed up around them.

It lasted only five seconds, but in those five seconds, everything changed. The layout of the battlefield became hazardous to charge across and the areas of small bushes and trees that had been idyllically placed about the grounds were now thrown about offering no cover for Karen or Koga.

Houndoom growled from its position beside Karen while Koga hovered back to the ground having been raised up thanks to his Venomoth. His other pokemon had to be withdrawn, I noted. I glanced about only to see Agatha fade into a fully corporeal form. I tilted my head. Was that something people versed in Ghost-type energies could do? I had to admit, that was kind of cool. She had a hand on her Gengar that was still smirking at us, unbothered by the destruction wed just unleashed.

I grabbed my pokeballs to return my team to the field as Knight dropped down next to me. Bertha drew in huge lungfuls of air as she recovered from the AOE attack.

Agatha threw her head back and cackled, Hahahaha! Yes! Thats what were looking for! Stupendous! Absolutely fantastic! I thought you might have some proper bite to go with your bark!

I raised a pokeball as she continued to smile. I jerked my head aggressively. What in the world are you playing at? You invite me out here and try ganging up on me?

Yes, as I said it was a test. One that I do believe you passed with flying colours! She smiled widely at me. I only scowled harder at her, not liking what she was saying.

I think Ill be leaving if it's all the same to you. I looked to Selene who would serve as my getaway in this instance.

Peace, Brock! barked out Koga as he slowly approached. While it was shameful it held merit for the purpose of pushing you more than most are used to! Too often trainers become locked into the mindset of only ever fighting in show matches and they do not understand the harsher, more dark aspects of our world. How often do you hear of pokemon hunters stealing a trainers entire team by dishonourably ignoring the traditions of battle?

I shifted. That was information I was allowed to know thanks to making sure to stay friendly with Officer Jenny. The police department didnt broadcast the number of thefts to the general public. You had to go looking for them. The anime had only ever demonstrated it once with Hunter J being dedicated to it. But then again Team Rocket for all their antics, were cut from the same cloth.

So I can fight with more than just one on one or two on two What does that matter? I said testily.

It means when people step outside the rules you can and will match them, Karen said with a rather husky voice that sent tingles running up my spine.

Agatha brushed aside a loose strand of hair. The Guardians arent about being nice, she said with a tone dripping in condescension. Were a group that needs to be able to fight harder than others, and not in ways the League would ever condone. Instead of neutering ourselves, we hold to older practices. When you were ganged up on by not one or two but three trainers you dug in and fought back! Better you even had thought of this! Do you know how many trainers in your generation would fail this test? As a Guardian, you may need to fight any number of trainers at once should you need to! She stamped her cane into the ground. Guardians need to be able to be strong! But they also need to be as a shield to the weak!

Agatha nodded to herself only to stamp her cane into the ground again.

The League has forced mediocrity upon many of the trainers these days! Made them blunt their fangs for the good of all. But that does not mean there are not others out there similar to ourselves promoting certain trainers. Kanto needs to have strong trainers in more than just one idea of what strong constitutes.

She stepped forward and raised a hand in my direction. I will formally ask, Brock of Pewter city, would you join us and learn our ways. Grow strong and in turn, offer your strength to us so that we can continue our work for the betterment of Kanto?

I dont agree with how this was handled and it leaves a foul taste in my mouth so I think I will have to

Dont reject us because we push you to be more! Snapped Agatha. You dont have the experience in wielding your Aura! You wont find anyone else with the contacts, or the training methods like we do Brock! You might harm your family without meaning to if you dont control yourself!

I turned that over for a moment before clicking my tongue. Oak only had research, not contacts and training methods, and even then hed seemed uncertain of his materials. Hed also said that Agatha would be rough to deal with. This was her rubbing me the wrong way I supposed. Still, that didnt mean I was going to roll over for her. Pull that sort of thing again and I will walk away. Got it? I locked eyes with Agatha and she matched me, her smirk growing.

I understand perfectly. She seemed to be happier from my drawing a line in the sand. She then raised a trio of pokeballs to withdraw her pokemon. Come, let us retire back to the shrine. Im sure Tiffany will have a lovely tea service made up for us by now.

She strutted out with her cane barely having to support her. Karen walked up with her Houndoom still eying me warily. She gave me a welcoming smile and a wink. Those were some very nice moves out there. I think Im going to enjoy working with you.

She offered her hand and I shook it once. Hmmm youve got some rough hands there, she said while winking. My eyes were drawn to her hips as she sashayed after Agatha.

Beware the women in this group, young Brock. They are very forthright but no less dangerous for it. I inhaled sharply as Koga appeared at my side.

Can you not do that? I said.

He turned to look at me. Do what?

I rubbed my forehead. The appearing at my side like that out of nowhere! I was apparently a bit too wired from the fight to be giving the more senior gym leader and future Elite four member as much respect.

Hmmmm, he considered this for a moment, crossing his arms as he closed his eyes as if to consider the request. No.

You know what? Im really not as surprised as I feel I should be. I rolled my shoulders before frowning after the departing women. I glanced back at the house that was now wrecked. A suspicion formed in my mind that wouldnt leave. Whos house is this?

Koga pat me on the shoulder. It is good that you know to ask the right questions. It is one of the people that have wronged Agatha recently. Do not scorn a Ghost-type master, he looked me straight in the eyes, without expecting ramifications. He then gestured after the women. When he stepped he did so with a small hitch that made me feel oddly happy. It was good that he couldnt walk off kicking me in the shin.

Another thought occurred to me. You didnt use a poison attack on me when you went to punch me did you?

Not this time, he said. We are to be allies, not enemies. That being said, you have a number of openings in your defence. I shall inform Janine to rectify those while she is working with you.

Why do I feel like that just means shes going to start attacking me at random?

Koga chose not to answer, causing another sigh to escape me. I suppose you were the one to infiltrate my gym and leave the message in my schedule?

He nodded. Indeed. Your gym had good security.

You still made it in to pencil in this appointment, I said.

His lips twitched in amusement. Its only good, but no defence is perfect.

Couldnt you have just messaged me on the hologram pad Agatha sent me?

I could have, yes, he said without elaborating. I sighed. Wonderful, as much as Agatha liked to play games I got the impression Koga was no less eccentric. This suddenly seemed like so much more trouble than I thought it would be. Still, I walked after the group to the shrine Id passed when I arrived.

It would be good to start learning more about Aura.

Sadly it came with strings.

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