Chapter 73 Index Harem City (1)
[A/N: By popular request, I've written this beastly index for your reference. I'll continue writing index chapters so you can watch harem city grow, along with the current force. :)
This chapter was brutal, so thank you for understanding the chapter delays.]
Harem City | Civ Mages 94 | Survival Mages 102 | Combat Mages 344 | Total 513 | Lemmox
Intimate Harem | 3: Caitlyn Mira, Lindy Crestfall, Tricksie Swarmtail (Pending)
Extended Harem | 18: Reina Mirthwell, Cynthia Niflheim, Kazz Mauz, Mirth Reinpack, Manka Lamia, Foxy Densright, Mindy Lasco, Minx Lasco, Kern Ellingboe, Fritz álfheimr, [Filo, Pan, Feris, Like, and Toga] dragons, Shawna Curry, Quinn Marx, Kira Walker
Civ Powers:
(10) specialized water mages
(2) sanitation mages
(2) mining mages
(20) architecture
(20) agriculture
(10) healing and nursing
(5) electricity mages
(5) Blacksmith mages
(30) plot armor
Leon Traxler | Yandere Groomer | Age 21 | Level 78 | Greek General Alcibiades Harem God, Cosponsor Aphrodite Beauty and Sex God
Power: Harem Leveler | Yandere Groomer Title
Weapon: Sir Lance A LOT | Will create any shape of dildo his mind imagines |
Skills: Savage Clapback | Odds Defiance (Chance) | Sick'Em (20% increase STR & Speed | Suicidal Charge (50% AGL & STR 30 Sec) | Charge (50% AGL 30 Sec) | Mitus Touch | Yoink (-50% INT, 1 Power, 60 Sec.) | Parasite (5%) | Body Swap (15 Min) | Reward~ | Survival Charm (+Trust During Critical Situations) | Charm (30 Sec.) | Hype Man 50% increase in all stats for 60 seconds [to get the party started] | Killing Intent
Notes: Sexual acts restore stats depending on the act. Limitations are unknown.
FL: 157,183 Subscribers | 65 God Relationships | 584 Gifts | 87,837,183 Views
Intimate Harem
Caitlyn Mira | Yandere | Age 20 | Level 131 | Christian God Greg [Yandere God Yuno or Demon God Lucifer pending].
Power: Fallen Angel
Quirks: Stalker, Wants to be useful to Leon, major initial jealousy, triggered easily but quick to cool down when asked, clashes with Tricksie
Weapon: Yuno's Scythe | Epic Grows in power in reaction to the treatment he receives. It has grown five feet when disrespected once and over 50 feet after he was nearly murdered.
Skills: Blinding Light | Blessed Flight | Heavenly Barrier (Free INT, repairs when damaged) | Light Pillar | Minor Bless Healing (25%) | Salt Pillar | God's Voice (Reduct by relationship) | Heavenly Flames (AoE)
Harem Powers: Stalker Instincts: Danger Sense, Primal Protection (20% Stats 60 Sec)) | Obey (Contract) | Kimmy K (BJ)
Lindy Crestfall | Yandere | Age 21 | Level 128 | Greek God Charon (Boatman River of Styx)
Power: The undead: powers increase with the souls of her victims
Quirks: Sex addict, temper problem, increasingly protective and minor jealousy
Skills: Cycotus (Ice AoE 3 Day CD) | Styx (Tar River) | Phlegethon (Boiling Blood River) | Pending Acheron (River of Pain) | Pending Lethe (River of Amnesia) | ( Cyclone | Soapy Cyclone | Shampoo Cyclone | Afterglow Rinse (New)
Harem Powers: Unknown
Notes: pending powers include and
Tricksie Swarmtail (Pending) | Age Unknown | Level 99 (Pending) | God Eren Titans
Power: Titan to all: shrinks anything until she's a titan to it
Quirks: Shrinks Leon and puts him in her bra | Cute when destroying things, treats Caitlyn like a horse and declares war if called out, casual, bold flirting (you can't have my panties this time - unless you ask), shows aggression when prompted.
Skills: Wind-up (turns small, instantly turns big when leaves hand) | Unknown
Extended Harem
Reina Mirthwell | Contracted | Human | Post: Spy | Age 19 | Level Unknown | God Unknown
Quirks: Pathological liar and wildcard. Comfortable under contract, but low bonding effect due to neutral state. Noted that she won't be toxic. Uses barriers offensively under Leon's directives.
Power: Legendary support class with barriers, otherwise unknown
Cynthia Niflheim | Uncontracted | Race Elf | Post: City Manager | Age 100+ | Level Unknown | Norse Elf God Freyr
Met: First wave Sanctuary
Quirks: Silver Hair, amethyst (purple) eyes, resting bitch face, hyper-logical, terse, and ruthless
Power: Spatial magic, Reversal (reverses attacks), Weaving Light (Multiple Purple Homing Arrows)
Kazz Mauz | Uncontracted | Race Tigress | Post: Special Forces | Age Unknown | Level Unknown | God Unknown
Met: First wave Sanctuary | Apocalypse party | Hot tubbing
? Quirks: Black silky pixy cut stripped with gold, god dangle earring, mercenary, blunt and willing to be vulgar, battle ready
Power: Can transform into any type of cat in the universe
Mirth Reinpack | Uncontracted | Race Canine Woman | Post: Military | Age Unknown | Level Unknown | God Unknown
Met: First wave Sanctuary | Apocalypse party | White T-Shirt Contest
Quirks: Olive skin, short brown hair, greyhound ears but thicker, extraordinary abs, military duty, willing to do anything for the leader arbitrarily
Power: Werewolf
Foxy Densright | Uncontracted | Race Fox Woman | Post Unknown | Age Unknown | Level Unknown | God Unknown
Met: First wave Sanctuary | Apocalypse party | Hot tubbing
Quirks: Fox woman, red hair, orange ears with white tips. She has zero barriers and didn't mind when Leon ended up in her crotch. Girl talk.
Power: She can walk through walls and has a low level as a result.
Mindy Lasco | Uncontracted | Race Cat Woman | Post: Leads Cooking | Age Unknown | Level Unknown | God Unknown
Met: First wave Sanctuary | Apocalypse party | Hot tubbing
Quirks: White ears, neck-length pink hair, short, very nice. However, she acts like a spoiled eighteen-year-old in the future. Not a loli, but maturity is pushed down to a naive first-year college girl.
Power: Can transform into a cat, noted charm power.
Minx Lasco | Uncontracted | Race Shadow Cat Woman | Post Pet | Age Unknown | Level Unknown | God Unknown
Met: Road to Paradise. Starting a landslide gambling for power that split men from women.
Quirks: Mindy's sister. Has gambling addiction. Minx has silky neck-length black hair and amethyst purple eyes that glow pink when angry. She walks very sexily, leaving shadowy afterimages. 𝒇𝗿𝙚ℯ𝑤ℯ𝑏𝒏𝑜ѵe𝙡.c𝐨m
Note: Every woman in this novel has toxic issues that change for the better… for Leon.
Power: Skill Gamble | Gambling powers | Shadow cat powers | Can transform into a cat.
Manka Lamia | Uncontracted | Race Lamia | Post Special Forces | Age Unknown | Level Unknown | God Unknown
Met: Road to Paradise, became a retrieval team member instantly
Quirks: Black woman with dreaded hair. Has a disturbing amount of muscle showing every human muscle possible. Snake body that's 20 feet long and 8 feet tall. She likes to [crush shit].
Power: It makes her up to five times larger currently, so she can [crush bigger] shit.
Kern Ellingboe | Uncontracted | Race Human | Post Military | Age 24 | Level Unknown | God Celtic Beast Immortal Cernunnos
Met: Road to Paradise Battle, where she slaughtered all surviving men.
Quirks: Viking appearance with braided hair, two large braids that go over her shoulders. Blonde hair, brown eyes. She wants to win, battle junkie, like rewards, ruthless without distinction, but it's not personal.
Power: She speaks to beasts in their language to give them orders as a general.
Fritz álfheimr | Uncontracted | Race Fairy | Post Head of Medicine | Age 300 + | Level Unknown | God Asclepius
Met: Road to Paradise healing people. She stopped a tital wave of blood from Kargon the titan.
Quirks: Fairy with transparent wings, red hair, and a pixie-cut, green eyes, and is two feet tall. She can shrink to the size of a fairy. Wears a romper.
Power: Healing powers. Mass clotting power to stop bleeding, full healing, and other skills.
Filo, Pan, Feris, Like, and Toga | Race Dragons | Special Forces | | Age Unknown | Level Unknown | God Unknown
Met: Road to Paradise transporting non-combat survival classes to the sanctuary
Quirks: They're known as the dragon squad. Filo is red, Feris green, Toga is blue, Pan is Orange, and Like is white. Jagged scales with corresponding fire and color breaths. They are all honorable and respectful.
Power: Transform into dragons, otherwise unknown.
Shawna Curry | Uncontracted | Race Human | Military | Age 23 | Level Unknown | God Unknown
Met: Paradise Road taking control of candidates and survivors, protecting people with earth magic
Quirks: Stunning black woman with cornrows who took control of the candidates and survivors while protecting others with earth magic.
Power: Healing powers. Mass clotting power to stop bleeding, full healing, and other skills.
Quinn Marx | Uncontracted | Race Human | Government | Age 19 | Level Unknown | God Unknown
Met: Leon's Skylift Service
Quirks: Red hair, cannot drive, smart people person, completely incompetent with technical matters. She's extremely sarcastic when talking to Leon.
Power: Unknown
Kira Walker | Uncontracted | Race Human | Special Forces | Age 18 | Level Unknown | God Unknown
Met: Leon's Skylift Service
Quirks: Kleptomaniac. She is usually great with people but becomes a whiny brat when she doesn't have something. She isn't open about it, but she's jealous to an extreme rate, leading her to want everything. Her power steals attributes, which can have horrifying effects on her body. Wildcard.
Power: Klepto - steals powers and attributes from others for a time. It's extremely dangers; if she steals Lindy's Cocytus power, she could die from mana deprivation.
Developing Haremites
Klash - Fire magic orc
Phan | Asian, aids Quinn because the redhead can't do anything technical. Leon met her with Quinn and Kira on the Skylife Service.
Tanya - Blue humanoid with wind magic. Wind Dance power.
Tisha - Shadow Magic
Danny - Gravity magic human
Zora and Zena - dark elves of Freyr
Mary - Cthulhu. Huge jaw with toothpick teeth. Her voice is heavenly, and she has ink-black eyes. She needs a mask.
Hygieia - Mental Health Counselling
Cthulhu - Water God
Freyja - the Norse god of lust and war
Frigg - Freyja sister that replaces her. The Norse god of lust and war once her sister dies.
Shiva - Destroyer of Worlds
God Vestri of the Dwarves - … Dwarves
Ares - Conventional War
Thor - Lightning Hammer
Loki - Trickster God
Cronus - Titan
Atlas - Titan
Poseidon - Water
Aphrodite - Beauty and Seduction
Eros - Cupid
Julius Caesar - Charm and Philandery
Alexander Shulgin - God of Drugs
Alcibiades - Harem God
Buddha - Gives Leon the Buddha's Palm power
Yuno - Yandere
Thompson - Writing god giving Leon breifcase
Aegir - Ale
Zeus - Greek Head god
Oden - Norse Head god
Hephaestus - Cameo for hangover.
Charon - Lindy's - Ferry's souls over the River of Styx - Boat: Shades of the Dead
Cernunnos - Celtic beast immortal
Freyr - Elf god for the elves in general
Aphrodite's Corner, Eros Erotica Boutique, Frigg's Fantasies (New!), Cliodhna's Catalogue, Rati's Random Pleasures, and Daikokuten's Vending Machine
Beast Overclock - Fight Against Anya Lostinbolt and Mazon the Beast Emperor, Freyja's Candidate. Gets Freyja banned. Pudding battle against Melton Tarca the Mecha-bear.
Sanctuary Battle
Road to Paradise
Best of Party Crashers; Catapulting Jealous Men in the Apocalypse.
God Candidate uses Sanctuary to Playboy an Apocalypse Party.
Flipping Aphrodite the Bird! It has been uploaded to the Forbidden Library.
Harem Member Gets Into Screeching Match with Scar Drake Mid Orgasm and Scares Dragon Away!
Adorable Kittens Protect Puppy During the Titan Soccer [Ball Cup]. Scores Winning Goal in the Process!
Candidate uses enemy attacks as mood lighting for his party airline service!
Tasty Revenge, A Sociopath's Guide to Cuisine.
God Candidate Threatens War with Gods Over Earthian Snack Food!
Whipping Reaction! Greg and Lucifer fight over who has the right to sponsor a God Candidate after she adds a new technique to the Kamasutra.
Lindy's Wet T-Shirt Contest: Hot Cyclone and Bubble Bath. The Most Cultured Shower in the Apocalypse.
Minxion - Country
Tibulion - Beast Overclock
Lemmox - Sanctuary
Kaskmont - City strip