Chapter 455 - Mobilising The Sages

Chapter 455: Mobilising The Sages

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

They could not go back.

At least not for now.

Because Mu Yunhua had raised the suggestion to Jin. She wanted to go back to Haierfa for a look, and asked if she could borrow a “Silver Gun Lord” so that she could go home at a faster speed.

She wanted to see if there were any remaining survivors.

To see if the planet had recovered.

It would take at least a few decades for a round trip using a traditional spacecraft that was not equipped with a non-warp engine. The only way for them to arrive quickly was to take the superluminal spacecraft which could cut down the travel time by more than 90%.

But all the A and S-class warships belonged to Jin and they could only borrow.

No matter what purpose or use, one must go through the application process and get the Jin’s consent.

But this time.

No, you can’t go back to Haierfa for the time being.”

Unexpectedly, Jin had refused without hesitation.

“W… Why?”

Mu Yunhua was stunned. This was a small matter. It was as simple as lifting a finger. Why did Jin disagree?

“Because… I can’t tell you anything yet, but you can’t go back to Haierfa, no one can.” Chen Jin lived in Haierfa, it was his private territory. Of course, he did not want Mu Yunhua and those human survivors who left Haierfa to return home.

He did not want to share his territory with others.

Moreover, he had adapted very well to his current lifestyle, and he did not want any significant changes to occur.

“I beg you to help me? Satisfy this little wish of mine. After all, it is my hometown. I want to see what it is like now. I want to see if anyone else exists.”

“Unfortunately, the humans of Haierfa is extinct. The civilization in lays in its apocalyptic ruins and has not been reborn. However, the environment has changed a lot. It could be said that it has been restored to its original beautiful ecology, but all humans are dead, there is no point reminiscing about the planet. In fact, you would only feel a greater sadness. There is no need to return.”

“So, do you know the situation of the planet Haier?”

Mu Yunhua was very surprised. As she listened to the tone of Jin, it seemed that her hometown of Haierfa was in his control. He was very familiar with the past and present situation. She could not help but say, “Jin, can tell me some details about my hometown? Why wouldn’t you want me to go back and see?”

She asked a lot of questions, and she had a lot of complicated thoughts in her mind. Her brain churned like crazy and she thought about Jin’s purpose and intentions.

If not for the overwhelming amount of assistance that Jin had provided her with over the years, and deep friendship between them, she would have come up with a lot of conspiracy theories in her mind.

“Stop asking so much.”

Chen Jin was a little impatient: “Now is not the right time. Why would you want to go back to Haierfa?”

“And we made a promise a few years ago. That is, I will provide you with assistance and in exchange, you have to agree on one condition.”

“Now, I will state that condition. Before your All Stars Federation controls more than one million star systems, no one can return to Haierfa, including you.”

“Work hard and do your work well. Make greater contributions, and no matter what dreams you have, they will naturally come true.”

“In addition, I don’t want to keep this from you anymore. Haierfa is now my private galaxy. It has changed a lot since the past, and it has great value….. Think of ways to fulfill my request. Your journey is far from over.”

A millions star systems.

Mu Yunhua took a deep breath.

This was 1,000 times the current territory of the All Stars Federation.

Assuming that they fully occupied and developed 10,000 stars every year, Jin’s request could only be achieved in 100 years.

It was a heavy burden and the road was long.

Going home became a distant dream.

But Mu Yunhua could only accept this.

After all, the Federation was not very strong yet.

She owed Jin too many favors, so she could only agree to his request.

Now, she could tactfully refuse the pleading of the old men in the Federation.

“Now is not yet the right time to return home, the higher civilization backing me has given me a more difficult task. Only after meeting his request can we hope to return to our hometown… We have to push forward with all our strength. There’s no time to look back.”

Mu Yunhua said with a stern face as she poured the metaphorical bucket of cold water.

The old men below the stage lowered their heads as they saw there was no other way. They could only go back in disappointment.


“Ah, although I have been trying to delay this moment, what will come will always come. After the threats have been eliminated and life becomes stable, there must be a considerable portion of survivors who want to return to Haierfa to search for their roots and their forefathers or those who wish to return home to live out their old age in their hometown,” Chen Jin sighed. This day had arrived earlier than expected.

“Master, there are not that many people who want to come back. Those who are homesick are mostly survivors who were on board the ‘Blue Space’; there are less than 100,000 of them.”

Alice analyzed, “With several wars against the Selains, suicides and mental breakdowns, there might be less than 30,000 final survivors. The remaining billions of humans regard the Walf galaxy as their homeland all their lives.”

“Assuming that about half of the remaining 30,000 people want to return to their hometown, they would only make up the carrying capacity of a medium-sized passenger spacecraft. After returning to Haierfa, we could build them some facilities and settle them down, they will not disturb our control of the planet.”

Thus, they more than 10,000 native humans from Haierfa would be added to the planet’s inhabitants.

Chen Jin shook his head, “No, this is my territory. I don’t like so many people here. If there are only one or two people, I can still accommodate them. Too many and it will be really difficult to manage.”

He actually did not have much experience as a ruler and could not do a good job of many things which required him to make connections and interact with people.

Many of his interests laid at home.

“Master, we could just receive the Queen alone, it will be a more lively here,” Nuwa suddenly made a suggestion.

Hearing this.

Chen Jin was slightly stunned. Some images appeared in his mind, some were healthy and some were not. There were also many fantasies that made him smile.

Unconsciously, the expression became very expectant.

But as he saw Guo Yan, who was sitting on the sofa not too far away, drinking tea and watching TV, Chen Jin could not help but shake his head, flinging those absurd ideas aside.

“Friends, we’re just ordinary friends, and I can’t be a scum anymore in this universe.”


Protoss society.

The situation had become more complicated in recent years and circumstances grew increasingly chaotic.

Large-scale conflicts that resulted in more than 100,000 deaths and injuries had occurred more than 10 times in the past two years.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the social structure of the Protoss was undergoing intense turmoil and changes.

There was a phrase that could be used to most precisely describe this extremely chaotic situation – the rise of political parties.

Every Protoss party with their extraordinary organizational capabilities were rapidly advancing as they rose to power. They were shaking up the old ruling classes of the Protoss that were teetering in the balance.

What was the original ruling structure of the Protoss?

There were sociologists who had analyzed this and came up with this conclusion. Strong family clans + lower class slaves = Protoss system.

Each clan and sect which had continued for thousands and tens of thousands of years made up the ruling class at the top of their society.

The authority of rulership was based on violence.

There are very few middle classes.

Most of the Protoss that belonged in the lower class were severely oppressed by slavery.

There was no well-developed legal system that worked according to standards. There were only individual clan laws and regulations….. That were usually harsh. The execution of a punishment could be quite arbitrary. One could even be trampled and ignored….. Everything was mainly dependant on the individuals.

In short, it was the rule of man.

Moreover, there were tensions and disputes between the top family clans and sects, it was to the extent that they would never stop fighting unless one of them was dead. They would only unite when they were faced with a huge crisis where they had no choice but to work together to resolve the crisis. Otherwise, they only grew more and more divided.

But political parties had risen to power in the past few years.

And what these political parties had learned was based entirely on human society. They had a program of action, specific goals, and a path of struggle. Many ambitious Protoss applied this set of skills that they had learned, and they could always gather up a very powerful force in a short period of time.

And it did bring a lot of advanced ideas.

For example, everyone was born equal and those with power must not be allowed to abuse it; the wicked should be punished, and a fair and stable order must be established.

Then, the parties organised seminars to brainwash their audience and to take in members with the same aspirations. These actions also attracted military campaigns of “encirclement and suppression”.

At the beginning, these political parties suffered heavy losses, and many large parties were destroyed. They could not make a splash.

Later, there were practitioners who joined the parties. Many of the lower class Protoss learned a lot of advanced cultivation exercises and skills with the help of the virtual helmet, Dream Fantasy: 8th Generation.

In addition, in the process of contending with the powerful clans, they came across a red colored book from which they learned guerrilla warfare, mobile warfare, sparrow tactics, and the people’s war that made one think of the vast ocean.

The political parties also seized their advantages.

And that was numbers.

Generally, there were no more than a thousand people who were exceptionally strong in a typical large-scale clan or sect.

However, as long as the main ideas of a party were sufficiently tempting and the rewards narrated suitably impressive, the party could gather more than 100,000 people in a short period of time.

There were even more ridiculous numbers in the hundreds of thousands and millions.

They had the advantage of numbers, an advantage that was a few hundred times, thousands of times larger than their opponents.

Hence, for every war fought against the parties, it was like a tiny minority encircling a majority.

At the beginning, those family clans and sects could deal with the fights against the parties. But as time went on, when they had to encircle and suppress the party forces daily, they gradually failed to keep up with the exhaustion of their minds, the consumption of the spiritual energy, etc. …. The numbers of powerful practitioners who were beaten to death by mobs were increasing.

The local tyrants, and their once hired thugs and lackeys were trampled in the mud by a group of weaklings. They died very unwilling and unhappily.

A few years later.

There were clans who could not take it anymore. They chose to compromise. They helplessly agreed to reduce rent, increase salary, promised not to arbitrarily kill people, and no longer required the lower class to be conscripted into the army etc. The ruling classes would never have agreed to these requests in the past.

When there was a first, there would be a second, third…

Of course, there were many clans who were unwilling to surrender their rights and interests. On the contrary, they became more cruel in their military campaigns.

Until the first Protoss family, who was rather famous, was destroyed by a political party because of their heavy slaughter.

There were more Protoss family who saw the situation clearly.

There were even some political parties who succeeded in capturing the governing power of an area.

This spark of success that lit up the metaphorical stars was an encouragement to even more political parties, and their struggles became more intense. The appeal of the lower class became even louder and clearer.

The family clan + sectarian rule that had lasted for a million years was actually seriously shaken.

The extremely important authority of control over “people” was actually about to slip away and go to the hands of the lower class. Even the ruling class had to be bound by the so-called “law” and had to stop doing whatever they want.


A table was smashed to pieces by a fist.

“The absolute disgrace of the ‘Protect People’s Party’! Those damn scummy rabble! How dare you get our Tonghuang clan to give up our rights to the entire free city, to hand over our taxation rights, exempt corvee labor, and to give the people one tenth of the revenue as taxes paid to the higher authorities.”

“Who do you think you are?!!”

“We are the Tonghuang family clan, the number one clan of the Protoss!”

“You dare to provoke us, you actually… make demands of us?”

“Good, you’re courting death, this is what you are looking for!”

“Even if you have millions of members under the Protect Peoples’ Party, the experts from my Tonghuang clan will definitely slaughter every single of you!”


After receiving the notice, the Tonghuang family was enraged.

Soon, a troop of more than 3,000 high-powered practitioners were gathered and they vowed to slaughter every member of the Protect Peoples’ Party from top to bottom.


They met with countless traps and ambushes during the encirclement process.

It was okay if they stuck together for safety, but once anybody was accidentally left out, he would encounter horrible collective attacks.

In just three months.

More than half of the 3,000 powerful practitioners that were sent out by the Tonghuang family were lost. There were also hundreds who collapsed and left hundreds of people. The number of people who came back covered in dirt, dejected and depressed were less than 1,000.

The vigor of the Tonghuang family suddenly suffered a great injury as they had lost half of their mid-strength military forces.

Of course, there were still a few ancestors of the Shenguang Order within the Tonghuang family. Once they make their move, they could kill thousands of those insignificant beings with a wave of their palms.


Under the strategy of guerrilla warfare, where the enemies’ soldiers were scattered, only about ten of them could be killed at a time.

In a situation where millions of those insignificant beings were scattered, even the experts from the Shenguang Order couldn’t do anything about it.

Moreover, a clan could not rely on a few practitioners from the Shenguang Order as support, without a backbone and cornerstone, whatever that was left was just a castle in the air.


The Tonghuang clan, the strongest clan, also had no choice but to accept certain conditions laid out by the parties. They took out some of their benefits; they just wanted to end this endless nightmare.

Hence, individual party forces began to occupy the mainstream on Earth and began to establish a formal ruling structure.

A new era seemed to be coming soon.

Moreover, even the Chen family on Earth had to handover 30% of their profits to a powerful political party in this whirlpool so as to gain the protection of the party, and to get rid of the Tonghuang and Mugu clans.

The vast numbers of the lower class Protoss were celebrating and cheering. Their faces were filled with longing and hope, some were covered in tears or burst into tears, shouting “long live freedom”, “long live equality”.

The surging momentum of history was seemingly unstoppable.

A new chapter was about to begin.

But at this time.

Suddenly, films of giant light membrane landed on Earth and they painted separate grids on the ground.

And then, there was a gray hole in outer space that seemed to open and countless natural spiritual energy of a high concentration poured down.

An incomparably imposing voice, fell from the sky like rolling thunder, ringing in the ears of all Protoss and humans on Earth.

“All clans, listen to your order!”

“I, as a Sage, has laid down an inescapable net where you are to kill all within this short time frame. Only those from the Jushen Order and above can travel in and out of the net freely to direct and attract an endless amount of spiritual energy so that the practitioners do not need to worry about the lack of energy…”

“I order all practitioners with exceptional abilities to proceed to the strongest grid, and start to gather your murder energy from here. Kill everyone who joins the political parties in the mortal world. Leave none alive!”

“Those who follow our orders will prosper and those who do not will die! All who rebel against us will face punishment by the Sages! We will execute them on behalf of the Heavens! All the major clans, make your move noe!”

Once this statement was heard.

The expressions of numerous people underwent a crazy change, there was also a minority who looked ecstatic.

They had made their moves.

Faced with the rise of party power, the peak of the practitioners’ strength – the Sages – actually made a move personally.

And it seemed that the first thing out of their mouths was to kill all everyone from the parties!

The historical trend of rolling forward had suddenly encountered an unimaginable individual strength.

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