Chapter 469 - Plan To Slaughter The Sages

Chapter 469: Plan To Slaughter The Sages

A calamity.

An inhuman, brutal, calamity of unprecedented and unmatched proportions.

With the Sage’s move, the momentum of the rise and revival of the human race was interrupted in an instant.

The Earth Federation suffered heavy losses, more than 10 billion humans died. Wails of grief and bitter cries abounded. The civilization fell into a state of semi-collapse.

Even though the Sage did not cause any explosions on the human base camp at Mars, ruins covered the land contiguously. Less than 30% of the population on Mars survived.

With just one Sage stepping in the scene personally, he had damaged more than half of the vitality that humans had accumulated over the decades.

And it seemed that the Sage had held back a little as if fearing retribution or getting involved in the cycle of karma. Hence, the Tianyin Sage did not exterminate all of them, leaving a little leeway.

Even so, n towering wall of hatred rose within the humans.

Countless people clenched their fists, cried until there were no more tears to be shed, and quietly vowed–they must kill all the Protoss and the Sages!

“Revenge for our fellow human beings!”

Slogans of vengeance rang out above the ruins.

Humans and Protoss were caught in an extremely confrontational state of war.

They were caught in momentum where they would fight to their last breath. It was only possible to end this war if one side was completely defeated with no hope of ever making a comeback.

This was also the moment when human beings entered the state of “enduring humiliation as part of an important mission” and “recalling one’s humiliation to maintain one’s resolve for revenge.” They licked their wounds and plotted to make a comeback.

But their foundations and morale had been hit hard. Who knew how many years it would take to complete the process of this counterattack.


Shanghai, in the villa.

“Representative Min, what’s the situation like regarding the casualties of the Chen family?”

Chen Jin was put through a mysterious dispatch and he contacted a senior representative of the Federation on Mars to enquire about some situations.

“It is not too clear. There are not many descendants of the Chen family who stayed here to develop. Most of the core members of the Chen family are participating in the Interstellar Voyage Plan, they’d flown away in the superluminal spacecraft and became the owners of other galaxies,” said Representative Min.

Chen Jin nodded.

The federal government had suffered heavy losses during this attack and fallen into a state of semi-paralysis.

However, the loss of Chen’s family was only limited to a dozen or so space cities….. it was not to the extent where it could be considered a serious blow to the family.

An overwhelming majority of descendants from the official lineage had carried with them precious resources and boarded the superluminal spacecraft, embarking on a pioneering journey of the surrounding galaxies to open up new horizons.

They had already established a considerable amount of influence in more than 50 galaxies.

Adding up their total strength, they had a population of nearly 10 billion, a massive GDP output…The comprehensive strength was equivalent to that of a federal government.

Moreover, they were completely out of the scope of attack by the Tianyin Sage this time round.

The Chen family’s loss could be said to be negligible.

The Chen family fortress still towered among those humans who lived on earth. The Chen family kept an extremely low profile on earth, including maintaining a neutral stance with regards to the War of the Races and did not get involved in the disputes.

They also took out large amounts of assets and prepared a long-term partnership contract; they had achieved several partnership agreements with the Tianyin clan.

Therefore, the Chen family branch that descended from the unofficial lineages, they who had almost become the butt of public criticism, still survived and remained healthy and active.

Due to the previous incident, the countless Protoss powers, who would think about futile attempts to profit from another’s misfortune, no longer dared to pile themselves around the Chen’s fortress and break into it seize the treasures and women inside.

Upon thinking of the treasures and women inside, a group of Protoss, who were not afraid of death, rushed into the fortress. Then, they fell under the attacks of all kinds of weapons from the defense towers. Not one remained alive.

This had a great deterrent effect. The conclusion derived from this incident – the Chen’s family fortress was a tough nut to crack. Unless the Sages were to attack them or the top ten Protoss clans unite their efforts, it would be difficult to breach the fortress with minimal loss.

But, at this time, accompanied by a few shouts, the three thousand Naga bio-mechas of the Tonghuang and Mugu clans, as well as large numbers of master practitioners from the two clans, broke into the fortress and besieged it on all sides. The formation of the surrounding Protoss launched the most violent attack.

Caught off guard, the entire mob of Protoss that had planned to devour the Chen family died. There were no survivors.

The second defensive counter-attack by the Chen’s family fortress was a complete victory.


Just when the news from earth reached Haierfa, the human race was hit hard and humans were caught in an unprecedented crisis.

Chen Jin and the AIs immediately set out to study the power of the Sages and how to deal with them.

In the video, he saw the huge palm holding Mars in its entirety. The hand gently closed together and billions of lives disappeared in an instant.

The degree of shock caused one’s mouth to hang open.

Chen Jin gasped in surprise, “The strength of the Sage is so powerful to this extent. And it seemed that the Sage did not use all his power, he had downplayed his hand. If he had used his full power, I am afraid that it would be something akin to the astral wind generated in combat. It could even easily push earth out of the way.”

It was estimated that the Sage would not have much difficulty in making a planet explode with a single punch.

This was simply unimaginable.

Nuwa opened her tiny mouth slightly, “I am afraid that our antimatter bombs and gravity bombs will achieve a similar destructive effect only after increasing their yield.”

“A Sage is equivalent to the anti-matter bomb in human form, a Sage is even more powerful than a nuclear fusion bomb with a yield of a quintillion tons.”

“A Sage’s indicators of combat power cannot be compared to those of the practitioners from the Shenguang order. It is like mastering the celestial law. Under the influence of the enormous spiritual power, he can display a power that is thousands of times superior to that of a practitioner from the Shenguang order.”

The power of a Sage was so strong to the point that it was ridiculous and abnormal.

Only a Sage of the same class might have had the potential to stop another Sage.

All those who were less powerful than a Sage were insignificant! This was the logic.

But…Seeing the Tianyin Sage attacking ordinary human beings, and using an unreasonable method of killing billions of humans, Chen Jin clenched his fists. He was so angry he thought he was about to explode.

It was unfair, just like adults hitting children or people carrying machine guns gunning down unarmed civilians. The action of that Tianyin Sage was too despicable, his behavior was too ugly and monstrous. It was like those adults who deliberately killed a nest of ants by stepping on it.

It almost made one so angry that he could foam at the mouth.

Chen Jin said, “Nuwa, Alice, do you have a more suitable way to kill the Sage and avenge the dead humans?”

“Master, let me think about it.”

Nuwa’s head wrinkled, and after running on full power for a few seconds, she presented two sets of plans.

“The first one plan, manufacturing three to four antimatter annihilation bombs, each in a class that produces a yield of one quintillion tons. They will be exploding within a range of 5,000 meters from the Sage. The bomb will generate temperatures of millions of degrees, and it can cause heavy damage or death in the instant when he is teleporting away.”

“The probability of death is about 30%.”

“If three or four anti-matter bombs are exploded in close range, the probability of death will increase to more than 70%.”

“The second plan – engulfing the Sage via a black hole.”

“Nuwa estimates that a Sage’s greatest combat power may be comparable to a fixed star, moreover, he has learned many rules of the universe. Therefore, even an anti-matter bomb might not be able to kill him instantly.”

“If a black hole bomb is used, a temporary black hole that he cannot escape from will be created and all objects within a radius of 100 kilometers will be sucked in. It is difficult to use teleportation in warped space. Even a Sage will not be able to escape, and the probability of killing him is 90% and above.”

“The difficulty is that the black hole bomb is more difficult to manufacture. It takes a few years and only one or two could be produced during that time. There will not be many opportunities to make our move.”

“Moreover, after the black hole bomb is exploded, the black hole will not disappear. It will remain there forever. The resulting suction will make the space within a radius of 100,000 kilometers into a dangerous area. It will be easy for passing interstellar material to get sucked into the black hole.”

This was equivalent to creating a polluted zone.

Summing up the two methods.

It seemed that each had its advantages and disadvantages.

But to Chen Jin… Which should he choose?

“No matter which perspective I take, the second black hole engulfing method seemed to be more reliable.”

Chen Jin muttered, the fact that the black hole bomb had a 90% and above the probability of killing a Sage; just considering this success rate alone, he already felt that it was a lot of more reliable than the anti-matter bomb.

“Master, the latter method is not necessarily more dependable than the former.”

Alice put forward her opinion, “A black hole bomb is very difficult to manufacture and it is very dangerous to use. It takes four or five years to produce one. It is difficult to store more as backup or reserves. Once the assassination is started, you’ll have only one chance to do it right.”

“If it’s a success, the probability of the Sage dying is 90%; but if it fails, with the anger of the Sage… all humans will die. This is extremely risky.”

“And it will put the Sages on guard, and it will be much more difficult to mount a sneak attack on the Sages in the future.”

“The success rate of the first plan is lower, but it is possible to prepare ten, a hundred anti-matter bombs. We can increase the quantity and raise the success rate of killing the Sage… After all, the output of anti-matter bombs is much higher.”

If hundreds of anti-matter bombs were used at the same time.

The probability of killing a Sage could also be increased to 90%, without leaving a black hole as pollution.

The same effect, and no pollution; the repercussions would be much smaller.

“There is more than one Sage; there are four in total. If you kill only one, you will alert the rest, resulting in a more difficult time dealing with the remaining three. This will also increase the risk of humans being slaughtered. You can only use the first method and prepare a large number of anti-matter bombs to attack the four Sages at the same time.”

If all four Sages could be killed, the biggest stumbling block in front of the human race would be completely kicked aside.

Without the protection offered by the Sages, the Protoss would no longer be so fearsome.

“So what you mean is…. killing the Tianyin Sage is not enough, it is best to kill all Sages at the same time?”

Alice nodded. With the sage’s bug-like combat power, even if one was left, he would be enough to turn the universe upside down.

Chen Jin’s expression changed, “This is a bit difficult…”

After repeated planning and discussions over a few days.

A more feasible “Sage Slaughtering” plan was formulated.

The main content was as followed.

First, using the anti-matter bombs. One hundred bombs would be detonated in the effective range of damage. The success rate of killing the Sage would be increased to 95%.

Second, recruit 800 soldiers to die.

Third, there was only one target – the Tianyin Sage. This Sage had to die no matter what.

Chen Jin’s target had turned into one.

“It is too difficult to kill four Sages at the same time. The probability of success is too low. It is better to focus on the Tianyin Sage and let them experience the fire and rage of vengeance enacted by humans. We’ll let them understand them even if the other party is a Sage, human beings have the definite ability to strike back. ”

“Humans cannot be humiliated!”

“The blood debts that the Tianyin Sage carries must be paid immediately. He must repay it right now!”

The specifics of the plan was confirmed.

But how should they implement this Sage Slaughtering Plan? It was a rather complicated project.

Including the transportation of weapons, the recruitment of soldiers to die, how to approach the residence of the Tianyin Sage and how to launch the attack; it was a very complicated project.

From the planning stage to the very end, it would take a total of four or five years.

This was nothing to Chen Jin.

For example, in the phase of recruiting soldiers to die, he had privately released the news to the human base camp on Mars.

It could be said that countless of the best human personnel were eager to participate, they were undaunted by the dangers to themselves!

“Count me in as part of the dead soldiers! My parents, wife, children, all of them died because of the Sage. I want revenge; I must take revenge!”

“Let me go, let me go! I want to be the dead soldier!”

“Wife, daughter, I will get the Sage to go to hell immediately to accompany you.”

A large number of human practitioners or elite soldiers had cried rivers. They filled out the application form in droves, hoping to become a dead soldier.

He had received tens of thousands of applications in just a short period.

Hence, it could be seen from this that there was no need to worry about the shortage of manpower.

Seeing the number of applicants, the federal government selected a group consisting of the most elite 3,000. After several rounds of brutal screening, only 800 of the best personnel remained.

Suddenly, he had the manpower that he needed.

Besides, Chen Jin made a lot of preparations on earth.

For example, he got the robots to move the anti-matter bombs to earth… He was extremely careful throughout the whole process. Otherwise, one-third of the earth would be destroyed if just a small amount of positive and negative matter came into contact with each other.

Besides the weapons, there were crucial pieces of information that they needed to know, including the whereabouts of the Tianyin Sage so that they could get a lock on his location.

The problem was that the Sage had disappeared without a trace. The Sage Palace that he lived in was always moving. Combined with the cover provided by various spiritual arrays and dimensional spaces, there was no way to know where the Sage lived… It felt a little like a hide-and-seek game.

What should he do?

How would one find a Sage?

Finally, Chen Jin thought of a way. He found a clue–the Wuyin clan.

“The Wuyin clan must have a way to contact their Sage or to know where he is.”

“It was also due to the instigation of the Wuyin clan that drew the Sage to make a move the humans. The Wuyin clan had received countless benefits and used a portion of the treasures as remuneration to the Sage. So as long as we work on the Wuyin clan and send them some benefits, we’ll soon get a lock on the location of their Sage.”

The Wuyin clan?

Chen Jin smiled. They could be persuaded simply by giving a little benefit. The Chen family’s fortress had countless money and treasures. He would take out a small amount and give them to the Wuyin clan to worm his way into being their friend. After leaving a favorable impression on them, wouldn’t he know where the Sage was?

Finally, five thousand pieces of top-grade spirit stones and one hundred units of the naga bio-mecha.

The Chen family paid this mere price through a third-party and received the specific coordinates of the Sage Palace.

Five days later, ten small spaceships headed straight into the cosmic space that was several astronomical units from Earth.

Then, they reduced their speed and slowly got closer.

On the top of a giant and a rather regular-looking meteorite, was a faintly discernible door just behind a defense spell formation.

Through the gate, was a dusky and strange space. A small amount of fog spilled over from time to time.

It was like paradise on earth.

They continued to approach.

At the door and surroundings of this secret space in this dimension.

One hundred cylindrical antimatter bombs were evenly laid out all over.

Subsequently, the light that was hundreds of billions of times brighter than the sun suddenly blossomed.

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