Chapter 30

Author Notes: Well now, In the next story we will finally start the main story of summer vacation. Please think of the last few as an introduction of summer vacation. Bla bla etc etc. (TN: Skipped the others because they are not important)

—- Arakawa Miki Point of View —- I was sending communication to earth by operating the terminal in a room. No way had I imagined that I will have the first contact with alien in the moon, so I had to consult with Suichi-san. For a while, the word “connecting” is on the screen, soon after, a slightly tired face of Shuichi-san was reflected.

“Miki huh? What happened?”

“Kouki opened the Lunar Ruins. We had an encounter with an extraterrestrial life form which species been destroyed 600 million years ago and we succeeded in having a communication with them.”

As I talk about the topic, Shuichi holds his eyebrows while lighting a cigarette. I also noticed that the number of used cigarettes is more than the normal, I was worried so I asked him.

“No, it’s nobody’s fault”

I return an answer to him, I’d like you to know your own responsibility in taking care of your own health. I complained then Shuichi asked the reason why I call him after treating his troubled face with his hands.

“Before that, is this line secured?”

“It should be fine, Claire always checks so you can rest assured.”

Claire… She is the girl from the Information Team. It seems that she can be trusted because the strict Shuichi-san who had good management of his subordinates ability said that “I can rest assured”. I am convinced so I continue talking.

“It was decided by cabinet order to provide detailed information about that opened ruin. We don’t have to worry because the troops who accompany us are from my faction. The problem is the [OOPArts] and the [Ownership of the ruins]. Please check the details from the data that I will send you right now.”

(TN: OOPArt stands for Out-of-place Artifact, for detailed explanation, check the wiki)

While sending the data and waiting for Shuichi-san to finish reading, I summarize my thoughts on the current situation. There is no real problem about the ownership of the ruins. It already collapsed and is sinking deep underground so even though we discover it we can just push that it collapses due to [an unexpected accident].

The problem is the “OOPArts”. The ruins found by chance should be excavated, I brought home what I think would be fine but it’s still something that could destroy the balance of the world. [Dimension Observer] and [Blueprint of a new Spaceship] and there are many others which are too early for humanity. A massive war will occur just like Eve said. Also, the user will need Kouki’s permission to use those items. It is easy to predict that a competition to get a hold of him will become intense. As a mother, I’d like him to experience “normal life” until he graduates from the academy. Shuichi-san who finished reading releases his voice.

“It is certainly a bit bad. I think that it will be okay if you limit it to researchers belonging to you or your faction. Majority of people will make money or an army if they get a hold of it.”

“Well, there is also the problem with Kouki. I cannot keep myself if he is disturbed.”

“But Miki, do you have any idea on what we can do about that?”

I told Shuichi-san about a certain project that I had been planning for a long time. After I told him about everything he asked “Are you serious!?”. In response to this, I reply that it is “Serious and Feasible”.

Shuichi-san think for a while, He said that he need to consult with his subordinates so after a while he hang up and cut off the communication. Certainly, I will have to consult my subordinates who follow me as well… After thinking so, I turned to the screen again to resume communication with earth and to discuss about the plan.

—- Arakawa Shuichi Point of View —-

After cutting of the communication with Miki, I asked Claire to call everyone including off-duty guys to gather at “Hakone Base” two hours later. Then, the two of us will look around the base. Although it is still under construction, it is still an overwhelming vast GeoFront Base that extends up to 800 meters underground.

“The size of the first layer is around 15km, it's hard to believe that this is underground. It would not have been possible without the [small-sized nuclear fusion reactor] developed by my wife.”

“Even though the origin of the design was Kouki-kun”

When Claire told me that with a bitter smile, I stare at her with a surprised expression. That was confidential information. I told her to “forget the remark just now” and move to see another place.

When we arrive at the weapons storage area after going around several places, it turned out that the researchers who are supposed to be subordinates of Miki are conducting a test operation of power suit. It is an experiment for a suit with thrusters. I watch it flying unsteadily and saw it falling to the ground almost immediately. One of the researchers speaks to me.

“Aren’t you Arakawa-san? I apologize for the late notice.”

“I do not mind… but what's that?”

As I point at the power suit and ask a question, the researcher answers with a shy laugh.

“Well~ we copied the 8th generation suit developed by Kouki and attached flight equipments on it but it is not going well. We are using the signal formula in the brain. Altitude controls during flight is not stable at all and it fall immediately as you can see.

In conclusion, the reason why Kouki-kun was able to fly in the sky is simply because of ‘talent’. The grasping, balance and handling ability needed are extremely high.”

Hmm… Kouki’s list of talent has increased by one again. What is he really going to be in the future? I’ve never heard of someone having first-class talent of both researcher and a soldier. I’m feeling luxurious insecurity against my own son. The researcher began manipulating the arms terminal.

“Excuse me, Arakawa-san… Miki-san is looking for us. She got in touch and told us to gather in the meeting room as soon as possible… with that said, we will take our leave.”

The researchers left quickly. Apparently, Miki also seems to have started moving. I returned to the room and decided to drink coffee with Claire while waiting for my men to gather.

While the two of us are chatting while waiting for time to pass, a communication to my terminal entered. [Gathering Complete]. The moment when I tried to walk towards the conference room where my subordinates would have gathered, Claire called out.

“Do not worry. No matter what happens, we will follow the captain.”

It seems like she has good intuition. It is as if she knows what I will be talking about. I decided to go to the meeting room without answering her.

After entering the conference room, the subordinates who were seated for each group stand upright and did a salute. While welcoming me, I went up to the stage and Claire stand watch next to me.

“Everyone, sit down. Vacancy Report for each group”

If you look at it, you will know that everyone is present but this is also necessary like a ceremony to increase unity. I will need to endure and wait for the reports to come up.

“No Vacancies, 350 people present. Gathering Complete.”

After nodding on those words, I look at my men again. I truly shared a variety of battlefields with these guys… In African Battlefield, supply was stagnant and we fought while drinking muddy water. In the armed force reconnaissance, everyone trembled with the cold and could not sleep but was able to accomplish the mission. In the Middle East country, we completed humanitarian assistance against guerrilla group who we do not know when they will attack. During the formation, we were supposed to be 1,200 people. It is because of the inconvenience of my command that we became like this right now. The surviving 352 people which includes Claire and me are the remaining troops of a unit called ‘the strongest.

What is the strongest… We got here so far because we have companions who died for their friends to survive. And I─── I will be betraying my comrades for my son. While withholding my shaking voice, I put down the words.

“Everyone. I am… I am going to quit the UN Forces.”

I understood that my men fluttered lightly in my remarks. Even I will be surprised if I said something like that while in their shoes. I take a moment to continue.

“This morning, I received ‘a suggestion’ from my wife, ‘Arakawa Miki’, in connection with my son. I cannot tell you the full details but I decided to accept it… and that suggestion is something that cannot be done while belonging to the UN Army.”

Looking around, Claire seemed to be silently listening to my story. I can also see that the captain of the B Team and Lewis who is also the vice-captain are also thinking about it while organizing their arms.

“I’d like you to know that I am already quitting the UN Forces as a fix decision but the main topic is from here… I would like you guys to come with me, of course I will not force you. However only those who agree to accompany me will learn about the ‘contents of the proposal’. In other words, you will have to make a decision in the absence of any information. I understand that you may call this cowardice but this I beg of you”

When I divide my words while lowering my head, I can hear that they are consulting with one another who are next to them. I expect a maximum of only four to five people who will come with me… but still, I want more ‘strength’ for the plan. After sometime, I raise my head that I was lowering.

“I did not say that you have to decide immediately. I will come back again after an hour or so, those who do not intend to quit the UN Forces may leave. When I quit the UN Army, I will properly write ‘Best’ on the evaluation table so you don’t have to worry about your future.”

After telling that, I tried to leave however a voice rose from the area around where the Team C is sitting.

“Captain, it is a waste of time. Tell us the continuation of the proposal and the time of the discharge.”

I guess the man who calls me out with a loud voice is someone who is called Rodriguez. What does he mean that it is a waste of time? Lewis takes over the conversation.

“Even if I wait for one day rather than one hour, I do not have any relatives to leave. Everyone will follow the Captain”

You are such an idiot! What on earth are you guys thinking?! You do not understand the meaning of the proposal that you are accepting. If you do not think about it carefully, you might be used. You should think a little more. As I told them, Thomas laughed hard and was allowed to speak.

“I know I was stupid but─── when someone came to help when I was shot, is there any other fool who isolated himself and took us who is 20km away and toppled the middle of enemy group?”

That’s me… but I just could not abandon you! Even though you were dying, it was still okay to have saved them. With such as an excuse, this time the one with a coat raised his hand.

“When I was arrested on suspicion of murder of a prisoner of war, there was also a fool who had crushed into the international court while sticking a gun at the head of the criminal.”

That’s also me. Certainly the face of the guy with coat is full of scratches and looks like a murderer but in reality he has a gentle heart. I know this base keeps stray cats secretly, I was shocked when I saw a big man who is over 2 meters giving milk to a kitten using a feeding bottle.

“Captain, did you notice your own remarks. The Captain is ‘grasping’ the names of his subordinates. There is no other superior than the captain who can memorize all 1200 full names and their 9 digit identification numbers.”

I know that my face turns red in Claire’s words. It is natural to do that because we are ‘family’ who shares the battlefield! That’s why the entire conference room is surrounded by a whirlwind swirl.

Why am I such a funny person, when I glance at Claire she smiles with a smile that is rare and clear, and she said…

“Because we are family, we will follow the captain. So please, tell us the content of the proposal and the time of discharge. We will need to move our necessity for living to this base.”

Really… was there no need to worry from the beginning? It seemed that I had not trusted my subordinates yet. This time with that embarrassment while holding my red face, I tell my subordinates the contents of the proposal that I received from Miki. The men who heard the contents told from my mouth had a startle expression while asking for more detailed explanation.

—- Arakawa Kouki Point of View —-

“Ue~eee~nn. Shin-kun, Arakawa-kun is bullying me”

(TN: Ue~eee~nn = Crying Sound)

“Kouki, I think that the way you say it is truly terrible”

“Kouki-kun is the worst”

When I told Aikawa-san about the lunar ruins, ‘I am so envious’ is what she started saying. I told them a little about what happened and I am getting a lot of boo. No, I was honestly lost because I did not expect her to cry like that. Shingo look at me with cold eyes. Alice is looking at me like I am some kind of garbage so I reflected on my own action.

“Sorry, I’m really sorry! Here, I will show you a video inside the ruins so please forgive me.”

I had a recorded video that I had not erased yet in the terminal in my room. Everyone is will be watching the video while I explain in between. Aikawa-san fix her mood in an instant after that.

“This is the entrance that I opened for some reason. It was a puzzle made with pretty simple ‘picture’. By the way, They were also expressing their intention to communicate by using such pictures inside.”

When the video shows the entrance puzzle, I saw Aikawa-san who is interested on it started to take down notes so I hurriedly stopped her.

“Aikawa-san sorry but there will be an explanation about the meaning of those pictures later. We need to pretend that these things did not exist. It is still too early for humanity. So do not take notes and just enjoy the video.”

As I tell her so, she tear away the memo as if I had convinced her. It was really nice to have friends with good comprehension. We cannot teach this mass of over technology to earth. I apologize but this video is also shown with the “permission” from my mother. We will also erase this video once this is over.

"Greetings… Earthlings"

“Fuhi!? Human?”

I am not surprised that Shingo is shocked. I also have the same thought at first. I tell them that it is not a human being but an “artificial life form”. Shingo who specializes in engineering leans out to me and ask “How was it?”. I tell him that she is almost like a human being. He was totally disappointed that we could not keep detailed data about her.

Well, it will certainly change the history of human beings if an AI like Eve with perfectly formed personality is completed… “Chabane” was completed to a certain extent but it was not at this level.

“On the way home from Earth to the star of Adam, The outer space exploration fleet───”

“Ne~e according to her explanation, They have lived for generation on a ship? For genetic abnormalities and diseases, How do they deal with it?”

Alice comes to ask a question that I do not understand. My mother brought back some materials which may point to those so I guess you can check on it later? I kind of regret saying that to her. Honestly, I doubt that I know any specifics related to it. Mom will probably know more about it.

“The number of seeds decreases and the civilization itself continues to decline───”


It now enter the problem scene. Everyone is silent. I can see Aikawa-san already started to cry. We cannot announce yet the “Adam People” who sacrificed themselves for humanity but we can carve it at least in our hearts. When the time comes that we can publish it someday, I want to set something like a monument on the moon.

“I don’t think they deserve to be extinct”

“Arakawa-kun, I just want to check one more time. Eve is one of the Adam People right? She is the survivor of the race that protected humanity.”

“Yup. In this video, you will not think so but she is certainly an Adam.”

The video shows Eve requesting to remove her authority. I see that Aikawa-san was puzzled. It should be fine, I was the same. See~ this is the evidence. It shows that the video did not move while recording the corner of the room.

At that time, I was looking at the ceiling while escaping reality. Although the video did not change for a while, the appearance of my mother who has various things in both hands is cast out. It’s about time Eve will go home. Hmm… Wait!! If this keeps up, it will show. In a hurry I try to push the stop button but I did not make it.

"Consider it as a thank you for removing my authority… Ja, Bai bai~♪"

The moment when Eve kissed me is being showed in the video… “BEKKO!!” I heard the sound of a strangled bottle which is being held by Alice. I am scared and unable to look at her. Besides, the bottle Alice had is for space use and is designed not to be dented unless a pressure of 100kg or more is applied.

I heard Shingo and Aikawa-san says ‘Hyii~’. How dented is it? It look awesome at Alice’s hand.

“You are squeezing it”

Although my voice has come out unintentionally, the bottle that Alice was holding was deforming in her soft hand. This is hopeless… I’m finished. I will probably die here. I endure the barrage when I went to rescue Alice, I can feel the same hopelessness overstroking me at that time.

“A-Alice, just a minute-“

Goton! korokoro─── and the ‘deformed bottle’ rolls in front of me. As I look at it, I can’t helped but see it as ‘my neck’. I desperately start giving excuses. [That was an accident], [She is not human], [I was not happy], I talk to Alice with a painful expression. When my excuse is over, she ask a question with her perfectly set eyes.

(TN: Goton is SFX when the bottle hit the floor. korokoro is the SFX when it is rolling.)

“Is that all you can say?”

Wait please! I try seeking help from Shingo in a panic but he doesn’t even look at me. Aikawa-san is pretending to be asleep. I’m done? I heard a knocking sound on the room when I started thinking about my last prayer. A savior came!? When I open the door of the room with a dash, mother who had a serious look on her face was standing.

Author Notes:

Bonus… The content of the protagonist said to Aikawa-san below:

Kouki: Aikawa-san, I met an alien at the ruins

Aikawa: Eee?

Kouki: Well… it was amazing! It was too bad Aikawa-san could not come. It really was regrettable. It was an opportunity to know the history of universe. (doya gao-face)

(TN: Doya gao Face = Showing Off Face)

Aikawa: Ue~eee~nn. Shin-kun, Arakawa-kun is bullying me

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