Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 1: Prologue

I laid on the ground and looked up at the sky.

It would only be for the short while until I could catch my breath and dry my sweating body.

A few small clouds were drifting across the clear blue sky. And three pale moons hung among them. When I lowered my view with a sigh, an open plain that extended to the horizon expanded before me.

At the edge of the plain was a giant object that looked like a horn piercing the ground.

Its name was the Odoriji spire.

According to well-known folklore, it was said to be the horn of a giant that created the world. If you asked the long-lived storytellers, it was a tower from a foreign land that had fallen from the sky. And the Abyss priests spread teachings that said that it was a spire abandoned by the Gods.

I didn’t know whether these stories were the truth or just nonsense left behind by predecessors. All I knew was that the spire had both benefited and plagued the people of this world, and was now an integral part of their lives.

Heroes were born at times, and were killed in others. Nations were founded using amassed riches, and were destroyed by great treasures. Evil was born, and evil was created. The spire gave rise to many vivacious stories like these.

The time limit was one year, I had to explore this dungeon.

The goal was the 56th floor. I didn’t even know if it would be an easy or difficult task.

Now then, let’s explore the dungeon.

But before that,

I have to make preparations for living here first.


July, 1946. The existence of an alternate world was confirmed.

Officially, it was in 1949 that an advance squad was sent by a certain country.

October, 1951. The leader of a large nation sent a battalion to the alternate world.

At that time, the media covered the developments almost daily. Beautiful elves and strong dwarfs, a wide variety of beast-men, magic that was beyond human understanding. This cheerful topic was perfect for diverting attention away from the scars from the World War and the lingering trepidation about the next war.

Narratives about the experiences in the alternate world were published in a book. That book was adapted into a drama series, and then into a movie. Tours for the rich were also set up.

It was truly a new world.

Therein laid the dreams and envy of the people.

But dreams were things you woke up from. 𝐟𝓇ℯ𝐞𝚠𝚎𝒃𝑛𝒐ѵe𝚕.co𝚖

February, 1955. A book was published. The book was an exposé about the troops that were sent to the alternate world. It gave a true, vivid account of what humans had done in the alternate world.

Simply put, destruction, arson, rapes and massacres.

In response, the position held by the commander of the troops was that the destruction was for the sake of building a base, the arson was due to sanitary considerations, the rape incidents were not true and there was consent given, and that they had only defended themselves when they were attacked by a neighboring race and had not massacred them.

It was so shameless that no one believed it.

Of course, the exposé book was also adapted into a drama series, and then into a movie. The rich people who had participated in the tours also testified that they had shot at beast-men while hunting in the alternate world.

At the same time, the astronomical costs of going to the alternate world was also viewed as a problem.

The portal to the alternate world was a door of light around two meters wide. It was opened for five seconds for each individual person to go to and from the alternate world. The energy costs for doing that could not be covered even if each person returned from the alternate world with their weight in gold.

Several useful resources were identified, but none of them were valuable enough to offset the operational costs. What was commonly known as magic also ended up as gibberish when brought into this world.

January, 1956. The battalion sent to the alternate world was annihilated.

The words left by the commander in his dying moments.

「There are Gods in that world」

The cause remains unknown even till today.

February, 1956. A non-aggression treaty was signed with the alternate world. The name of the representative of the alternate world was not disclosed.

June, 1957. With the development of an aqueous brain, the world’s first artificial intelligence was completed. At the same time, mankind turned their eyes to the stars.

And in order to turn their back on their wrongdoings, humans forgot about the alternate world.

Living in the modern world, I only learned about the alternate world through games.

No matter how bad the environment around me was, as long as games did not betray me, I wouldn’t betray them either. Nothing else brought me, who didn’t have much of an education, as much entertainment as games did. It was a hobby that didn’t cost much and above all, it was great because it wouldn’t bother others.

Putting that aside, I encountered a certain company at the end of March.

I had returned back to Japan after a long absence, and was feeling blue because of the problem with my sister. Simply put, it’s money. I needed money. I just barely had enough to live from day to day, so it was an impossible amount of money for me.

It was that company that reached out to help me.

I didn’t have the rare talent to get headhunted, and any decent company wouldn’t get involved with a person like me. It probably wasn’t a decent job but I was good-for-nothing anyways. I accepted the interview because I wanted money.

I borrowed a suit from the belongings of my deceased father, who had been very close with my sister. I entered a magnificent lobby in a huge building and was guided by the beautiful receptionist to the destination, an underground, narrow, dark, warehouse-like room.

The interviewer was a man in his fifties or sixties. He had thin hair and it was difficult to read his expression behind his glasses. He didn’t look at the resume that I had painstakingly created with my sister’s help.

「Please take a seat. I don’t have much time so let me get straight to the questions」

「Ah, okay」

The interview started as soon as I sat in the folding chair.

「Do you feel any reluctance in taking up life-threatening jobs?」


「Do you have many friends?」


「Do you feel any reluctance to perform immoral or violent acts?」

「If it’s necessary, then no」

「Are you passionate about any specific religion or sect?」


「Do you believe in God?」


There were 3 gods in rice after all.

「Any experience in killing people?」

「Eh? No」

I hadn’t killed people.

「Tell me concisely what you think it means to be alive」

「It means killing other animals」

「Do you have any important relatives?」

「One sister」

「Can you keep a secret?」

「If I received money to do so」

「I see……」

One beat of silence.

「Would you like to go to the alternate world?」

「Yes, if I received money to do so」

I took the opportunity to ask about the remuneration, got shocked by the amount, then confirmed that the money had been transferred to my sister’s account before I accepted the job.

Thereafter, the explanation of what my job entailed was given after we had moved to another room.

There were three continents in the alternate world.

Their names on the other side were unknown, but they were called the left, middle, and right continents because they were evenly spaced. In the past, the human troops were sent to the left continent. We would be sent to the right continent, and the objective would be to retrieve the materials of whatever monster was on the 56th floor of what was called the “Odoriji Spire”. And to retrieve it within a year.

I didn’t understand the technical explanation but apparently perpetual cold fusion could be achieved by using this material as a catalyst. How did they even know about that in the first place? That question probably had nothing to do with me, who was to be sent there as an errand boy.

The plan was to send six professionals and three A.I.s but one person had suddenly died in an accident. And the one to fill that position, was me.

They apparently couldn’t prepare reserve members because of the secrecy. I had questions on that, but work was work. It wasn’t something to be concerned about now.

Rather than that, I was worried about spending almost a year with people I didn’t know. I thought that it would be better if they were Japanese like me instead of foreigners.

「Excuse me, I have a question」

I said.

「Yes, go ahead」

Replied the interviewer.

「How many days are there until the departure?」

「It’s two hours later」

「Are you serious!?」

「I’m serious though」

I was told in such an unabashed manner. The thoughts that had been popping up in my head completely disappeared. First, I had a matter of the highest priority.

「I, I need to make a quick call to my sister! Please excuse me!」

「It’s fine but I’ll have to eavesdrop」

「Please do!?」

It was meaningless but I exited the room and called my sister from the corridor using my smartphone. My sister answered the second time I called.

『It’s me』

「Hello, Yukikaze-chan」

『Don’t refer to me in such a disgusting manner』

「I’m sorry, Yukikaze-chan. It’s my fault, Yukikaze-chan. Onii-chan has been hired」

『Die, you sickening creep. Congrats on being hired. That happened on such short notice, it’s not a decent company, is it?』

「Hm? Ah, well, in two hours, I’ll have to start my work and I’ll be unreachable for around a year, so don’t worry」

『That’s definitely a black company!』

「The pay seems good」

『Stuff like social security and pension, are they all okay!?』

The room door opened with a sound and the interviewer stuck his head out.

「We’ve prepared an exceptional insurance policy. In case you can’t return, your sister will be awarded compensation and hush-money as well. Those are an exceptional amount too」

「It seems like they have an exceptional insurance policy. Don’t worry」

『I heard that! It’s super suspicious! Get that guy on the phone!』

「Monster sisters are troublesome so I’ll pass」

The interviewer returned to the room.

「It’ll be okay. It might be a little dangerous but I’ll definitely come back, so don’t worry」

『I get anxious every time you say that it’ll be okay』

「HmmーThe money is good though」

『Dangling the reward like a carrot is the most common method used by scammers』

「That’s amazing, Yukikaze-chan, you’re so knowledgeable」

『You’re just stupid!』

What my sister said was absolutely right.

「But it’s too elaborate to be a scam and these people can’t deceive me」

『I’ve said it many times, but don’t let the issue with my foot bother you. The doctor even said that once I got used to the prosthetics, I’ll be able to run even faster than before』

「That’s true」

I’m her brother after all so I wanted to do something for my sister. I was sorry for involving my sister over my own problems, but I would rather feel regret after doing something than feel regret for not doing anything. So, even if it was suspicious, I had to jump at this chance. I was that sort of a fool.

「Sorry, I’ll definitely come back so don’t worry」

『Tch, you idiot! You don’t ever listen to what I say anyways! Die! Come back after you’ve led a life full of suffering! Idiot!』

She hung up.

The door of the room opened.

「Are you done?」

「I’m done」

「We’re pressed for time, so let’s prepare your equipment and give you a lesson about the world on the other side」

With that, I changed into a combat uniform and put on a vest lined with ceramic armor. It was light-weight and I could carry a large amount of spare ammunition in its various modules. The boots were also lightly reinforced with metal.

The prepared rifle was an AK47 which, using modern technology, had been manufactured to look as close as possible to the ones made in 1953. The handgun was a Colt Government that had been manufactured in the same way.

I removed the AK’s magazine, pulled back the cocking lever to check that the chamber was clear, then pulled the trigger. I thought that it wasn’t bad. It was enough as long as bullets came out when the time guns were needed came. I put the magazine back and checked the Government in the same way. No problem. I secured the karambit I owned personally on my arm, an old Japanese hunting knife at my waist, pulled on a poncho made from aramid fibers to hide all my equipment from the locals, and I was now fully equipped.

「Well, you look the part now」

「Thank you very much」

I was just an amateur though.

Soon afterwards, I was crammed with the knowledge of the alternate world until the very last minute. Race, religion, balance of power, economic situation, culture of the civilizations, projected climate and endemic diseases. A rough estimate of the dungeons’ history, structure and enemies. Information on its surrounding regions. I had a bad memory so I forgot about 70% of what I was taught.

And one last thing.

All of this information was half a century old, and it would be hard to be certain or know what it was like in the alternate world now.

And we moved to yet another room, which was bright and spacious.

There was an ostentatious device in the center. It was pedestal-shaped and looked like an altar for offerings. Around it, people in work clothes were busy running around. Loud shouts and replies were flying back and forth.

Before me, five professionals were waiting.

There were five men and one woman. Even though they were just standing normally, they showed no openings. Their eyes were steady and calm, but I felt something shining deep inside them. Those who were at the height of their chosen path had a mysterious presence.

All five of them had it.

Did I have it?

The ability to overawe others.

「President, is that the last person?」

A leader-like man with a scarred face asked.

「I can’t guarantee someone of same quality as the rest of you because I didn’t have time. His talent is around 60 points」

「That’s better than a minus」

The interviewer was the company president.

「So you’re the president」

I thought you were just a dull old man.

「No, it’s because the company is riding on this, you see. So I can’t leave it to others. It’s jackpot if this succeeds, but if it fails, all the people here and their families will simply have to be subcontracted to affiliated companies or be turned out into the streets. So just take it easy」

He said such scary things so lightly.

「I’m surprised you chose someone like me」

「I’ve spent an astronomical amount of money for this so I don’t want to waste even one person. I have a rule of thumb that says that the better the business negotiation, the more I should take the plunge. And what clinched it was your name」

「That’s so irresponsible」

Was this going to be okay?

「Don’t mind it, kid. This president is always like this, and if he was wrong, he would never have been able to make this huge thing. As someone chosen by such a person, straighten your back and pump yourself up」

The president muttered a few words.

「It’s actually just a force of habit though」

「You dumbass」

I heard it clearly. I should punch him once even though he’s the president.

「Kid, we’ll introduce ourselves after we arrive on the other side」

An old man in work clothes waved at us, gesturing for our attention.

「We’re going to deploy the portal! First, we’ll open it for six seconds and throw in the resource containers! Followed by the Makina units! You living humans are after that! After throwing in the inorganic stuff, the portal will close for twelve seconds, then after that it will open for seven seconds! Everyone jump in during that time! There’s no next time! Don’t stupidly fall over and be late!」

Containers suspended by cranes were lined up on the installed rails. Weapons, food, medical supplies and all kinds of other things that would be a lifeline for us. Behind those were three cylindrical shaped A.I. units. And the humans lined up behind them. I was the last in line.


Light exploded and converged. On the pedestal in the center, a portal came into existence.

「Push, pushー!」

People in work clothes pushed containers that slid along the rails. The containers were sucked into the portal without any resistance and disappeared. I felt like I had seen this scene in a movie before.

The A.I. units were also sucked in without problem.

They had one second to spare thanks to the quick work of the workers. I wondered if the process could have gone much faster if they had just used more mechanical devices. But it was very Japanese-like to use human hands where it really mattered.

Next, it was our turn.

I had never experienced it before but I supposed that this was how it would feel when going skydiving. I felt my heart beating faster. My body became stiff from nervousness. Without knowing why, I hit my leg with my fist.

「Come to think of it, the president said that he made his decision based on your name」

The woman in front of me said in a slightly nervous voice.

「I’m called Souya」

「Oh, it sounds like a name that brings luck」

I had been living a good-for-nothing life though.

「Deploy! Run, run!」

We started running at the old man’s angry yell.

The light exploded and converged again. A portal came into existence.

Having come this far, there was no more hesitation or pulling back. The leading person leapt into the portal, then the second, then the third person also disappeared into it. I followed behind them.


for some reason, time slowed, as if a critical situation was unfolding.

The scenery passed by slowly.

The fourth person disappeared into the light, and I looked at the swaying of the woman’s short hair. She also disappeared into the light. Sweat gushed out of me. I had an intensely bad feeling. I had experienced this many times till today, and it was always an omen that there would be a serious injury.

This was bad.

This was definitely bad.

And the worst thing about it was the fact that even if I could stop my feet’s momentum, the light was already right in front of me. Instantly, I closed my eyes and crossed my arms in front of my face.

I could see a torrent of dazzling light even through my eyelids, and then it was dark. When I opened my eyelids, there was nothing there. I realized that I was in a space too huge for my senses to grasp.

One instant of weightlessness. And then, I started falling. My body was enveloped by wind. But because of the darkness, it was hard to tell if I was really falling. For all I know, I could actually be sucked towards the ceiling. The speed was rising at a terrifying rate. I heard my own short scream amidst the sound of the wind rushing past my ears.

I’m going to die.

I’m definitely going to die.

I’m probably going to go splat like a tomato. I’m sorry, Yukikaze. Onii-chan is going to die in a really absurd manner.

I instinctively curled up into a fetal position.

Even so,


the howl of the wind was really noisy. My mouth was feeling dry. It was a relief that it didn’t feel that cold.

「Give me a break」

The fall dragged on and I kind of got used to it. Even on the verge of death, humans get distracted if they have free time. I turned on the light on my wristwatch and illuminated the surroundings.

There was nothing. Just perpetual darkness.

But I thought I saw something wriggling in the back.


Something so big that it was reminiscent of a whale. Because of the difference in scale and the darkness, it came into view very slowly. It was a tentacle. It reflected the bluish-white light which highlighted its figure. The tentacle opened like a blooming flower, exposing its origin.

It just barely resembled a person.

That was all I managed take in.

I screamed my throat hoarse. There was something more terrifying than death here. I could see that overwhelmingly huge thing approaching me.

Without a specific name in mind, I prayed to「God」.


a glaring light shone on my eyes.

I felt warm sunshine on my skin. My eyes adjusted gradually and I could see the blue sky. I felt the earth on my back.

A dream? Still, it was such a terrible nightmare. Besides, the dream had continued as I could see three pale moons in the sky. I counted my fast pulse as I straightened out my body to let it recover from shock. I took a deep breath of the clean air.

After confirming that there was no pain and no injuries, I stood up.

The wind’s caress made waves on the grassy plain.

I could see a stream and a forest in the distance. On the other side was the target dungeon. A structure that could hardly be built by modern people.

Without a doubt. It was the alternate world.

I was still in Japan in the morning and after that intense flurry of activity, here I was. I felt deeply emotional. If I had a little more time, I would probably reflect on the fact that I had stepped into an alternate world.

Well, the escape from reality was over.

The resources containers and A.I. units had fallen messily around me.

There were no obstructions and the visibility was good. I could see all the way to the horizon. I looked around and there was nothing that I had overlooked. The grass on the plain undulated as the fluffy wind caressed them.

I thought long and hard on the inescapable facts and took it in.

Apparently, I was all alone.

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