Chapter 183: A Gathering Of Wolves, A Bunch Of Dogs VI

Chapter 183: A Gathering Of Wolves, A Bunch Of Dogs VI

Advanced adventurer Cordis Avarak.

Also known as Avarak, the disheartened.

I don't know the story behind his nickname nor who gave it to him. But this is the name used to hire the third-rate adventurers from earlier. In other words, it's a name with an established reputation.

Regure and I moved to a district in the southern part of Lemuria.

This whole area is a bedroom community[1] for the wealthy. Amid the rows of immaculately white mansions, one particularly large mansion caught my eye.

In all likelihood, that was Avarak's residence.

High walls surrounded the compound, and two guards manned its sturdy entrance gate. They were well-built Hemus, but didn't have the air of adventurers. They felt more like soldiers………no, mercenaries specializing in combat.

「Regure, any ideas?」

「Let’s crush them head-on. Anyone who gets in our way will be silenced with my fists and cut down with your sword」

「I'm begging you, please think of the babies in your belly」

I can't believe this muscle-brained pregnant woman.

The children she's going to give birth to are going to have such a hard time ahead of them.

「I am thinking of them. With children on the way, it'd be too much if I killed. That's why I'm holding back and using just my fists」

「That's not what I meant at all~」

If you're determined to do this, then go fully armed, for crying out loud. At the very least, that would ease my mind somewhat.

「Oh, I forgot something important」


I hope there's some semblance of logic and common sense in her next words.

I'm pretty sure that nothing of the sort is going to come out of her mouth though.

「Disguises. It'd be bad for you afterward if we act too conspicuously in a place like this, right?」

「Regure, in a lot of ways, it's too late」

The two guards had already gotten a good look at our faces.

「Hey! You two! I don't recognize your faces. Whose mansion do you――――」

「It's the mansion of a third-rate asshole who exploits children, right?」

Regure's fist ripped through the air. It was a left jab that looked like it could wrest the world into her hands.

The guard was knocked clean out by the blow to his chin. The other guard, I beat over the head with my cane.

「This is just ridiculous.」

In a sense, this is just like His Majesty's woman though.

「Hey, Souya. Let's get a move on, beat that asshole up, and then go home for dinner. It's gonna be delicious, right?」

「It'll be delicious! My sister and Lanseal's cooking is more delicious than mine!」

If it's just cooking rice, Rana is also good at it, and if it's just boiling pasta and making pasta aglio olio, Maria is also great at it.

I was getting hungry too. Along with my appetite, my anger also grew.

「Regure, if things get dicey, use this」

I tossed the cane-sword to Regure. She caught it between two fingers.

「And what about you?」

「I’ll use this」

I drew my main weapon from my hip and swung it downwards from an overhead stance.

After a moment of silence, the gate slid off diagonally and fell to the ground. There was a loud crash. I felt the presences inside stirring.

「Souya, how about giving that sword to the babies in my belly?」

「I'm not giving it to them. It's already promised to another」

Regure regarded my katana with a keen eye.

「Tsk, I'll give up, but I wonder what my kids will do? They'll probably be just like me~」

「Yeah, yeah」

I just wanted to get things over with, so I didn't take her teasing seriously.

Taking a deep breath, I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Probably helped along by the sound of the gate being destroyed, the footsteps of people could be heard coming from the inside of the mansion

『What the hell?!』

There were twenty of them in total.

About ten of them were dressed like adventurers and the other half had the same mercenary air as the guards.

Of course, they were all fully armed.

「You……if I recall correctly, you're the one from the foreign lands」

「Yeah, there's no doubt about it!」

「You asshole, I'll pay you back for what you did to my knee!」

「You son of a bitch! You'll pay for what you did to my collarbone!」

「Your woman attacked me from behind!」

For some reason, they all had grudges against me. Without needing to look all that closely, I could see that about a third of the enemies bore injuries.

Have we met before? It's no use. I can't remember them at all.

「What the hell are you doing here, jackass?! You stupid bastard!」

「I came to meet with……no, to defeat Avarak, the disheartened」


As one, they mocked me. ƒ𝘳𝗲𝑒𝒘𝐞𝚋𝚗𝐨v𝘦l.𝒄o𝐦

「You blubbering jackass. There's a difference between being a fool and being a complete moron, you dolt. Do you really think you can win against this many people, you nitwit?」

I was made much of by men with more bluster than bite.

Well, rather than trying to argue with such people, it's better to just beat them up and be done with it.

「Regure, stay out of this」

「If you take too long, I'll join in」

「I'll make it quick then」

I flipped the katana around, turning the back of the katana towards them.

In homage to the Unfettered Shogun[2], I struck them with the back of my katana.

I had knocked them all out without asking for Avarak's whereabouts.

「What should I do now………」

「Souya, let's go. I'm sure he'll come out if we make a big enough scene」

「That's so very haphazard though」

The words prudence and planning don't seem to be in Regure's vocabulary.

「Before that……」

Regure went through the bodies of the fallen men.

「My belly is heavy, so I'll settle for the lighter stuff」

She limited what she stole to gold coins and rings.

「Regure, that’s a bit……」

「Plunder everything from the enemy. That's the way of life for a woman of a Myriad King」

Wow, we've got a barbarian here.

This is all going to be blamed on me though.

For now, I left the men at the entrance and entered the grounds.

Across the courtyard stood a white, squarish, two-story building. The surface of the building was all smooth, and I wondered if it was actually made of concrete.

On the manicured grass of the courtyard, there were lines of golden statues of nude women. They were all modeled after beastkin women, and for some reason, I had the feeling that they resembled someone I knew.

They were in extremely poor taste.

I didn't feel like staying long, so I moved on quickly.

I kicked down the door of the mansion and went in.

The maid inside screamed when she saw me.

「Excuse me, where is Mister Avarak?」

「O, on the second floor」

I had found his whereabouts relatively easily.

But the inside of the mansion was also filled with gold-gilded items. My eyes hurt.

Is this guy an oil tycoon or something?

And then……

「Regureee, leave the furnishings alone」


「Don’t you “Ehhh” me」

Regure took things out from her jacket pockets and put them back.

In the briefest of moments I had looked away, she had stolen candlesticks, cups, quills, vases, even flags and plates that had been hung on the wall.

How on earth did you fit all that in your pockets?

「No stealing. They'll claim compensation from me afterward, so don't make matters more complicated for me」


The pregnant woman reacted like a child.

She sure is free-spirited. Did Shuna fall in love with her because she's like this?

Just in case, I checked for presences around me.

There were two upstairs, one very weak and one very strong. The stronger one………it might just be my imagination, but I felt like I recognized it from somewhere.

Well, I'm not going to get anywhere unless I go upstairs and see for myself.

I took the lead, keeping Regure behind me.

I went up the stairs to the second floor.

Just in case, I checked for traps once I reached the hallway, but there were none. Not only that, there were no additional guards.

Feeling a tad disappointed, I moved closer to the presences until I was one door away from Avarak.

Regure may look down on him, but he's still an advanced adventurer. There's no harm in being cautious.

Disregarding my trepidation……


……Regure kicked down the door with a cute yell.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty, can you hear me? I'm pleading with you right now with the voice of my heart.

Your woman is messed up! Please keep her on a tight leash and never let her out of your sight ever again!

「Who are you people?」

The spacious room was filled with vulgar precious metals. A fat, middle-aged man stood in the middle of it. He had no hair on his head and his skin hung loose, making him look like a sea lion.

He seemed unfazed by the appearance of unexpected visitors, but to all appearances, he was just a stinking lump of fat. He didn't look like an adventurer, let alone an advanced adventurer.

「We're here to kick your ass. It was the work of the hooligans you hired, but I can't stand those who exploit children」

「Children? What are you talking about?」

「You're probably the one who ordered them to do it, you third-rate」

「I have no idea what you're talking about」

They were just talking past each other, so I stepped in.

「Avarak, we were victimized by a couple of down-and-out adventurers you hired」

「Who are you?」

「I'm Souya, an advanced adventurer just like you」

「So you’re the foreigner, huh………」

Seeing his scrunched-up face, I realized that there was something wrong with the man's eyes. Perhaps he was nearsighted, or maybe it was because of his age, but he didn't seem to be able to see the two of us very well.

「Wait, the woman with you, is she a silver-haired beastkin by any chance?」

「Yeah, she is. So what?」

「Oo, oooh」

Straining his eyes, the man looked at Regure.

「Please, come closer」

「I refuse. You're creepy」

Regure's eyes were full of scorn. She was full of vitality, and was even carrying new lives. His ugliness must have seemed very unpleasant to her.

「You're with child, huh?」

Regure clicked her tongue instead of answering.

「If the child in your belly is also silver-haired, I'll keep both of you as pets together. If not, I'll have you give birth again」

「Souya, you heard what he said」

Regure had gone beyond anger and had reached the point of being fed up.

This guy is yet another who's bound by obsession.

I don't know the story behind it, but I'm sure it's something that even dogs can't stomach(no one cares to hear about).

「We've come here to ask you for compensation」

「Silver, once more, it’s genuine silver. A mouthful of Rmir's blood is a panacea that cures all ills. Even this disease-swollen body of mine will once again be fit for the glories of adventuring―――――――」

The man babbled on and on.

He's not listening to me. Or rather, there really aren't any decent people among old adventurers, huh?

「Well? Souya, well?!」

Regure punched me in my ribs.

Alright, alright, I get it.

I can't afford to leave someone with a grudge alone. That said, there's no need to kill him. If I expose his disgraceful appearance to the world, Avarak's reputation will probably be ruined.

A thing of the past with a reputation built on falsehoods.

In reality, he's just a lump of meat and fat.

There may be some who are motivated by money, but those people can be motivated by money from other sources as well. I've anticipated that and have made my move accordingly.

「How about you accompany us to the main street?」

That's the place with the most people.

There just happens to be a gold-glided chain hanging on the wall too.

「What are you people talking about? Hey, you're up. Get to work」

In response to the man's command, a young woman emerged from the adjacent room.

「Though she's a thin-blooded fake, she's horned and as such, her strength is genuine. It should be a cinch for her to restrain you and make you obey」

The young woman he had summoned was petite, had short silver hair, and――――――


It was a face I recognized.

When Nanassy and I made eye contact, we raised our voices at the same time.

「What, Souya? Do you know her?」

「Well, sorta」

I still haven't collected my dues from the apprentice hero.

I had figured that the time was not yet right. Besides, there are times when it's better to let a debt remain a debt. This is a perfect example of that.

「Nanassy, what kind of relationship do you have with Avarak?」

Nanassy answered my question without hesitation.

「He's my first employer」

「What about now?」

「Having bought me, Arcane is now my master」

「Is there any reason for you to defend him?」

「Money, and I do more or less owe him」

「If you fight me here, I'll demand more compensation from Arcane than he can possibly pay」

「That's a problem」

「Then what will you do?」

「Avarak-sama, it's been a pleasure working for you」

Nanassy bowed her head and then headed for the door.

She's a simple person. Though she lacks emotions and reason, she's really quick on the uptake.


「Avarak-sama, I'm Nanassy now. You never once got my name right」

Nanassy walked out of the room coolly.

The hell, just how popular was Lanseal's mother?

「Now, Avarak, the disheartened, shall we go for a walk?」

I did what I had to.

I won't say that it felt good doing it, but I didn't make it this far by being soft. Besides, my misdeeds had begun with the act of dragging adventurers through the streets.

No matter who I'm dealing with, that one thing will never change.

[1] I used “bedroom community” because the original words there were literally “bed town”, but if you’re not familiar with the term, it means “commuter town”.

[2] I’ve actually explained this back in volume 4, but it’s been a while, so I’ll put it here again.

The Unfettered Shogun (暴れん坊将軍) (Abarenbō Shōgun) is a Japanese television program on the TV Asahi network. Set in the eighteenth century, it showed fictitious events in the life of Yoshimune, the eighth Tokugawa shōgun, who went after rogue councilors and daimyō who were abusing their power. As is common for shows of this genre, the moral is loosely "rewarding good and punishing evil".

Wasn’t Maria good at making Napolitan, not pasta aglio olio? Hmm, weird… Maybe she improved…

Well, that wasn’t what I expected when I learned that Souya was going up against another advanced adventurer, but I guess that’s actually pretty realistic, isn’t it?

And lol, here’s another victim of Verxina’s charms. However, from what Avarak said, was Rmir a silver-haired beastkin? If you forgot, Regure is a descendant of the child between Lyridias and Ardi but her lineage has Rmir’s blood mixed in as well. Come to think of it, we’ve also learned a bit about Rmir in the last volume from “Garving”, didn’t we? Yeah, the author has been slowly drip-feeding us info about the members of Vindoobunikuru… But would that also mean that Verxina was from Rmir’s lineage as well?

And well, with that “walking of the dog”, that’s it for this arc! It’s nice how things went a full circle and Souya is chaining someone up and dragging him through the streets again. Last time, he was almost shipped off to the center continent to be executed, but what repercussions will there be this time? Stay tuned!

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