Chapter 158: He Won't Listen
I chewed my lip in anxiety and begged August as if he were my last hope. “I have to do something, even if only for the reputation of the Dark Knight… There’s not a single good thing to come of a scandal between the captain and vice-captain going around. Couldn’t you have a little talk with the captain about this, Reverend?”
But the priest wrinkled his brows in discomfort. He asked, “…You are asking me?”
“Because he won’t listen to me.”
“In my opinion, he seems to listen to you the most.”
I shook my head and explained, “I’m sure he does when it comes to dungeons and squads, but this is a bit different. Do you know what he said when I brought the matter up with him? He went—it does not matter since it is untrue, no? The man fails to understand the very need to keep distance between us. He thinks he’s done nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Then there is no solution.”
“And he didn’t even know the rumors were going on. Apparently, everyone was being quiet around him.”
“Argh…” August clicked his tongue, seeming troubled. I felt a little more persuasion would bring him over to my side, so I continued the offense.
“I think it’s a bit necessary for someone other than me to tell him about the seriousness of this situation. I’m sure the captain will start minding his behavior a little then.”
“…Indeed, it does seem necessary to make him aware.”
Finally getting his agreement, I said happily, “I’ll leave it to you, then!”
“But this is as far as I can help. Please do not give me any more trouble,” August replied coldly, then swerved around to go his way. I would’ve complained about his temper at any other time, but not today. I watched his wide back disappear with hope-filled eyes, praying ardently for his success.
* * *
August was never one to procrastinate, so he immediately went looking for Mayer after his conversation with Jun was over. It just so happened that Mayer also had business with the priest, seeming glad to see the latter, which was rare. The captain began, “So, did anything happen in the last dungeon?”
Nothing much had happened, but August was well aware that Mayer wasn’t really asking about the dungeon. He wanted to know if something had happened to Jun Karentia. “So little happened that there was no need for me to even cast a healing spell.”
Mayer didn’t seem satisfied despite the priest’s answer, though, as he sighed softly and said, “Jun tends to take too little care of herself.”
August was tired of hearing this line. His captain would practically say the same thing at every opportunity. The way Mayer put it, someone might think that Jun was a person who wouldn’t mind jumping into a pit of fire. But from the priest’s observation of the woman over the past half a year, Jun wasn’t the kind to take any risks. In fact, she was closer to being a safety-first person who always took extra precautions. The vice-captain would beat a swift retreat if she sensed even the slightest danger during a raid. She always reminded the special unit to do the same. “Don’t ever get hurt. Reverend August is with us for now, so he can stick back whatever arms or legs you might lose. But if you get used to abusing yourselves like that, what will you guys do when he’s gone later?”
She was the careful type indeed. Nevertheless, it wasn’t like August was clueless about why Mayer worried so much about her.