Chapter 6Volume 11 - Defensive Battle?

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Flagship Argos, a super-dreadnought class battleship that’s over 3000 meters in length, capable of housing a small colony.

All the important facilities are available inside, and as long as people didn’t seek luxury, they wouldn’t have any trouble living in it.

Having said that, nobles are different.

“As a true noble, I must waste resources even if space is limited.”

The room that’s been prepared for me is equipped with everything that I’d ever need, and it could very well be mistaken for a room in a luxury hotel.

It’s an absolute waste of space and equipment.

It’s as if I’m spitting on the face of the people that meticulously designed the spaceship, trying their best to fit everything inside.

However, as an evil lord, my quarters must be lush and grand, even if we’re currently on a battlefield.

That said, my junior disciples have occupied my room after returning from their work.

They’re lying around on my bed and sofa, dressed only in their underwear after taking a bath.

Rinho, who’s lying on the bed, flaps her legs.

“It’s as if this room’s in a different world. Almost makes us forget that we’re on a battlefield.”

Fuuka, who’s on the sofa munching on snacks in bad fashion, agrees while laughing.

“Senior brother always goes overboard with things.”

Anyone would question the sanity of someone that brings a luxury liner into battle.

Instead of being fed up, my junior disciples express amusement toward my evil lord behaviors.

What I’d like to point out here is that my luxury liner also functions extremely well as a battleship.

Since I’m a rich man, I can afford to have things that are both extravagant and highly efficient.

“Even if others are struggling on the battlefield, as a nobleman, I shall live a life of luxury. –That is what it means to be an aristocrat.”

I say this with a smile on my face, prompting Rinho and Fuuka to look at one another.

“I mean, sure, we’re on a battlefield, but…”

“We’re inside enemy territory, aren’t we? Man, senior brother and his crazy plans…”

–Indeed, we’re not at the Empire’s border.

Instead, we’ve crossed the border and are now invading the Kingdom of Dominion.

In other words, we’re sitting in enemy territory.

Why should I fight to defend the Empire?

Since everything’s been left to me, I’ll do whatever I like.

“It doesn’t matter where we are. We must be graceful–”

Alarm bells start ringing when I try to teach my junior disciples about the ways of an evil lord.

A small window pops up in front of me, and Eulisia, who seems to have just woken up, appears to make a report.

‘Lord Liam, the enemy fleet has noticed us and is approaching. They number at around thirty thousand.’

While whirling a glass of alcohol, I let out a sigh. It’s to do with Eulisia’s appearance.

“You have bed hair.”

‘W-well, I didn’t have time to fix it! Besides, it’s a first-class emergency!’

I’ve come to the battlefield with Eulisia, who used to be my adjutant when I was in the military, but truth be told, I’d much rather have Amagi accompanying me.

I left her in my territory since I was worried about its management, but now that we’re in enemy territory, I haven’t been able to get in touch with her.

“Haa…I want to see Amagi.”

‘Why do you look so disappointed!?’

“I am disappointed.”

It’s truly regrettable.

When I tell her so, Eulisia becomes expressionless.

‘Please hurry up and prepare for battle.’

Before I could reply, she cuts off communication.

If it had been anyone else, I would’ve had her heavily punished.

Who does she think she is to behave so rudely to me?

Honestly, there’s not a single decent woman around me.

After putting down the glass, I stand up and look toward my junior disciples.

Objectively speaking, they’re quite cute, and though I don’t feel aroused looking at them, they should still wear something.

“Prepare for battle. Also, I can prepare as many clothes as you want. Don’t walk around in your underwear after coming out of the bath.”

The two stand up while uttering complaints.

Apparently, they find it troublesome to change clothes every time.

“We’ve been fighting so often recently that it’s annoying to change.”

“I know, right?”

Fuuka stretches her legs after standing up. Then, she operates her terminal which is fastened to her wrist.

After a few clicks, she immediately gets changed into her pilot suit.

She finds that troublesome?

I shake my head without saying anything.

Our fleet of sixty thousand has commenced its attack on the enemy fleet, which numbers around thirty thousand.

I watch the scene unfold inside Avid, cutting down hostile mobile knights that approach me using Avid’s laser blade.

After kicking away the newly-formed wreckage surrounding me, I begin to spectate as my junior disciples get to work on the battlefield.

“They’re not half-bad.”

Both Rinho and Fuuka are riding the white mass-produced version of Avid.

Inside the cockpit, I can hear their voices.

Wielding a longsword, Rinho’s mobile knight charges at a battleship.

‘C’mon! You’ll all die if you don’t stop me!’

After saying that, she bisects the enemy ship using One-Flash.

The ship explodes, but Rinho manages to come out unscathed and searches for her next prey.

“Go big or go home. That seems to be her style of fighting. As for Fuuka…”

Fuuka’s aircraft is wielding laser blades in each hand, and she’s up against countless mobile knights.

‘Bring me someone powerful! Weaklings like you aren’t qualified to be my opponent!’

She charges forth, slashing her swords at the enemies.

The light coming from her aircraft’s thrusters makes it look like she’s moving in a line, with explosions occurring wherever she passes.

They’ve learned swordsmanship from the same master, but they’re walking down completely different paths.

I’ve been watching the situation while defeating the enemies around me.

Just then, I detect dozens of enemy ships approaching Avid, their main guns aimed toward us.

Inside Avid, I pick up the enemies’ voices. Apparently, they’ve launched an attack after noticing my presence.

‘It’s Liam! If we take his head, we can win! We must take him down and protect our home! All men, fire!’

“You guys must’ve organized this ragtag fleet in a hurry. Though I commend you for your spirit, you appear to be a few ships short.”

Avid doesn’t bother to dodge the lasers and beams fired by the enemy ships as a spherical force field gets generated around it, repelling the attacks.

Avid then points its left hand at the enemy fleet.

Several magic circles appear behind it, and various weapons including heavy artillery manifest from within, bombarding the enemy ships.

The enemy fleet gets engulfed in a sea of explosions, and soon, everything turns silent.

“I wonder if their elite troops are looking for us right now? Oh well, it’ll be too late by the time they realize and rush over.”

The first batch of troops deployed by the Banfield Family has entered enemy territory without clashing with the Kingdom of Dominion’s expeditionary force, and we’re now in the process of wreaking havoc.

Naturally, the Empire’s borders will also suffer devastating damage as a result, but that’s none of my business.

“Let us enjoy a fun fistfight! I hope you’re prepared, Kingdom of Dominion.”

Around the same time…

The expeditionary force of the Kingdom of Dominion was confused by the weak resistance of the Empire’s defense force.

Aluna, who was now the Crown Princess, was listening to a battle report on the bridge of their flagship.

The Kingdom of Dominion had been winning consecutive battles, invading the Empire’s territory without suffering any real damage.

However, Aluna didn’t seem pleased as she wrinkled her brows.

“What’s going on here? Didn’t reports say that Duke Banfield will be heading the Empire’s army?”

According to the information that their intelligence department had obtained, Liam was to be dispatched to the border, which was why Aluna was participating in the war.

This would be her first battle as the Kingdom of Dominion’s Crown Princess, and it had garnered a lot of attention inside the kingdom, with its citizens expecting her to display a high level of skill and martial prowess.

Winning was good, but it wouldn’t be evaluated highly if their opponents were a bunch of weaklings.

Her dissatisfaction was reflected in her demeanor, and her subordinates were equally perplexed.

“I doubt he’s fled. This might very well be a part of their strategy.”

“It’s quite possible. After all, the Banfield Family was the one behind Lord Izel’s defeat.”

“According to rumors, Klaus, the Empire’s strongest knight, would be making an appearance as well.”

These two were the ones that the Kingdom of Dominion was really after.

The heads of Liam, who was supposed to be the Empire’s command-in-chief, as well as Klaus, known to be the Empire’s strongest knight.

The Kingdom of Dominion was under the impression that Klaus was the one behind their previous defeat, which was why their commanders resented him.

However, at the same time, as warriors from the Kingdom of Dominion, they held him in high regard, so much so that he was thought to be their ultimate opponent.

Aluna had personally come to the front lines to obtain Liam and Klaus’s heads.

“I can’t imagine those two cowering in fear. But in that case, why aren’t they appearing on the battlefield? The Empire’s been ravaged to this extent already. I don’t think Liam’s the type to remain quiet after all this.”

Aluna put one of her hands over her mouth, contemplating what was going on.

That was when a subordinate of hers stood up from his seat after having received a message, seeking permission to speak.

“Your Highness the Crown Princess!”

“What is it?”

“We’ve received an emergency call from the rears! The Banfield Family’s fleet has invaded the Kingdom of Dominion! Their number is estimated to be around five hundred thousand, and Avid, the mobile knight that took down Lord Izel, has been spotted as well!”

People began to discuss amongst themselves inside the bridge as Aluna stood up from her seat.

‘We’ve been had!’ her expression seemed to say.

However, that soon changed to a smile.

“How bold of them to invade our land. I understand where they’re coming from though. After all, I also prefer offensive battles over defensive ones.”

Aluna was happy to learn that Liam was behind them.

Be that as it may, something bothered her.

“But why would he corner himself like this? With only five hundred thousand troops, they’ll be surrounded once we turn around.”

The fleet led by Aluna was in the millions.

Her fleet vastly outnumbered Liam’s, and his actions seemed completely reckless.

Aluna’s subordinates were awaiting her orders.

“Your Highness, what shall we do? Should we continue invading the Empire, or should we turn back for Duke Banfield’s head?”

To advance or to retreat.

Their original goal had been to invade the Empire, but Aluna’s real targets were Liam and Klaus.

She quickly came to her decision.

“We turn back. If we miss this opportunity, we might have to wait dozens of years before we can confront Banfield again. We can invade the Empire whenever we want, but the same can’t be said about taking Banfield’s head.”

Aluna revealed a beast-like smile as her subordinates stared at her in anticipation.

“All forces are to aim for Banfield’s head!”

Aluna opted to take Liam’s head over the Empire’s easily obtainable territory.

The Banfield Family’s second batch of troops arrived on planet Augur, where Liam had previously served as deputy.

Decades ago, when the previous lord ruled, the people led miserable lives as the lord had taken away their technology and education. It had made Liam question whether this was truly a planet that belonged to an intergalactic nation.

When Liam took over as governor, he had some of his territory’s citizens migrate over, making Augur a planet that had close ties with the Banfield Family.

[Marion Sera Olgren], who was acting as Margrave Olgren’s deputy, greeted the generals of the second batch of troops that had hurried on over.

Marion, who had short hair and a boyish look, seemed angry at the bewildered group of knights and soldiers from the Banfield Family.

“You’re late! The Kingdom of Dominion almost managed to reach Augur!”

One of the generals spoke to Marion on everyone’s behalf.

“But we came ahead of schedule! Anyway, more importantly, is Lord Liam safe? We haven’t been able to contact him at all, and the people on the home planet are worried sick. How’s the war progressing? Why do I only see fleets dispatched by the Empire?”

They had come with hundreds of thousands of ships as reinforcement, only to be greeted by over a million allied ships docked at the spaceport.

These were the fleets that the Empire had dispatched, composed primarily of old-model ships. They were essentially paper mache tigers.

Marion held her head in her hands as she replied.

“Liam-senpai has gone into enemy territory. Easy job, my a*s. What kind of punishment is this!? We almost had to confront the Kingdom of Dominion’s main army while we were stripped naked. I hate you, Liam-senpai.”

There were tears in the corners of her eyes.

Marion had been dispatched by Margrave Olgren to serve as a link between him and Liam.

Previously, everyone had thought that Liam would be protecting the border.

Even if he lost, it probably wouldn’t be one-sided, which was why she thought she’d be safe as long as she stayed next to him.

The generals faced each other when they heard this.

“What in the world…!?”

“Did no one stay behind? Klaus-dono? Even Christina-dono or Marie-dono would do. It doesn’t matter who—”

With tears in her eyes, Marion began to laugh. ƒ𝑟e𝘦we𝑏n𝑜𝚟𝙚Ɩ.𝒄𝚘𝐦

“There’s no one here! He took everyone with him to attack the Kingdom of Dominion!”

The knights that had been listening were at a loss for words.

“T-this can’t be good. There’s something we must tell him as soon as possible.”

The second batch of troops was beginning to panic. That was when Marion delivered a message from Liam.

“Oh, and this is an order from Liam-senpai. The fleets here are being reorganized. Bring them with you as reinforcements and attack the Kingdom of Dominion.”

Under Liam’s orders, new ships and aircraft were being shipped in one after another, and the fleets dispatched by the Empire were being reorganized.

The generals pressed Marion for more information, confused by the ambiguous order.

“Reorganized? A fleet of this magnitude!? Also, is there any detailed instruction? Data that we can use? To begin with, how many reinforcements is he looking for!?”

“I asked him those as well, but he said to make your own judgment. Seriously, what is he thinking…”

Marion turned her head sideways.

The knights and generals that had been watching covered their faces with their hands as they looked up at the sky.

Wakagi-chan ( ゜∀゜)ノ: “It’s a harem, a harem I say! Young girls walking all around in their underwear! It has to be a harem! I know it well!”

Brian (´・ω・`): “If only it was a harem. Lord Liam refuses to touch the women around him. It’s painful.”

Brian (`・ω・´): “Volume 4 of ‘I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Nation!’, which details Lord Liam’s heroic deeds, is currently on sale! I’m sure even the readers of the web novel would enjoy it. By all means, please purchase a copy!”

Wakagi-chan (゜д゜): “Should I make an appearance there as well? I’ll be able to advertise even more.”

Brian ( ^ω^): “We respectfully decline.”

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