Chapter 23:

Chapter 23:

Chapter 23

Inside the car heading to the broadcasting station.

Its quiet.

No one is sleeping, but its very still here.

Why is the atmosphere like this?

Thats because today were going on a music show for the first time.

Our first terrestrial debut.

Something became a sensational hit, and the broadcasting station contacted us out of the blue.

They said we were the first place candidates and asked us to appear.

When we heard the news, we didnt hug each other and celebrate, but rather looked at each other with blank faces.

Why are we the first place candidates?

Did we hear it wrong?

Manager, wait a minute. Did you just say were first place?

Guys, we must have heard it wrong.

To our questions, Manager Yoon Seok-hwan nodded his head.

Is this for real?

To that question, he nodded his head again.

Thats when we started to stutter and panic.

We were the first place candidates before we even debuted?

It was an unrealistic thing to the point of being absurd.

There were groups that couldnt win first place even after three years of debut, but we were rookies who hadnt even debuted yet and we were the first place candidates?

And we were strong candidates at that.

The competing candidate, TNTs Blink, might have had overwhelming album sales, but we had the upper hand in the comprehensive score that included digital performance.

Thats why the broadcasting stations appearance request was more like youre the first place, so come and get it.

But being flustered was inevitable.

What do we do, hyung? Were not prepared for anything.

The younger ones looked at me with hopeful eyes, expecting me to have a brilliant solution like I did at the end-of-year evaluation.

I had no choice but to shrug my shoulders.

What can we do? We have to do it with the determination to break our bones.

Everything proceeded like roasting beans on a fire.

The practice period was one week.

We reduced our sleep time to about 30 minutes a day and devoted ourselves to preparing for the stage.

Jang So-won sunbaes help was a big factor in this.

She was an experienced veteran in music shows, so she knew what to pay attention to.

If we had done it by ourselves, we wouldnt have dared to do it.

We practiced with the determination to vomit blood for a week, but we were still anxious.

Could we really do well?


Manager Yoon Seok-hwan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked back at us.

You know there are a lot of people at the broadcasting station, right? There are reporters too.


The photos that are taken there are all uploaded on the internet. You cant take them back once theyre up, so you have to be careful with your actions.


If you dont want to be remembered as a rookie who acts arrogant after becoming a first place candidate, you have to behave properly. Got it?

Well keep that in mind.

He seemed to be worried about us, as he nagged more than usual.

After about 30 minutes of talking about precautions, the tension eased a bit.

Bi-ju, who had clenched his palms, let out a breath.

The heater was turned down low because of the makeup, so steam came out of his mouth.

Hyung, Im really nervous.

Me too.

Is it normal to be nervous? It doesnt feel like it.

I answered Bi-ju, who doubted it.

Its true. Do you want to put your hand on my heart?

Are you asking me to touch your chest?

Hey, dont say it like that. It makes me sound like a weirdo.

Bi-ju covered his mouth with his hand and laughed, realizing that it sounded strange.

It was a smile that showed his white teeth evenly.

Ri-hyuk, who was sitting next to him, grumbled with a displeased face.

Stop pretending to be nervous, both of you. I can see that youre not nervous at all. Its disrespectful to the people who are really nervous.


Ji-ho, who was looking at Ri-hyuks face from the next seat, exclaimed.

Ri-hyuk furrowed his brows.


Hyung, your face looks amazing today.

Really? Did the makeup work well?

Ri-hyuk, who took it as a compliment, smiled smugly, when the youngest lowered his head and grinned innocently.

Nope. Your eyelids are trembling like crazy. I think its 120 times per minute.

Shut up. Its because I lack magnesium.

Shut up? How can you say that to our cute youngest?

Ugh, seriously.

Ji-ho chuckled and leaned his face closer, and Ri-hyuk pushed his face away with his hand.

The youngests face crumpled like a bun.

While they were bickering, I noticed that one of the headphones was empty.

Is Jung-hyun sleeping?

He seems to be.

I cant tell if hes sleeping or not.

Bi-ju smiled as if he remembered something.

You dont know, hyung. The way to tell if Jung Hyun is sleeping.

Theres a way?

Yeah, theres a way to tell if Jung Hyun hyung is sleeping or not. You can tell by looking at his feet.

The youngest cut in and pointed at Jung Hyuns feet.

He had taken off his shoes and was wearing socks.

Bi-ju explained in a gentle voice.

He cant sleep outside if hes wearing shoes. So he always takes off his shoes when he sleeps.

What a weird habit.

Jung Hyun is a bit strange, you know.

The others nodded in agreement with Bi-jus words.

Thats weird.

He didnt seem like a four-dimensional character.

Did my doubt show on my face? Ri-hyuk looked like he had a lot to say but wouldnt.

Youll know when you experience it.

But hes a good kid.

Bi-ju added casually.

No, that makes it sound even weirder.

And why does his expression look like our dog doesnt bite?


PBS Broadcasting Station.

The front of the building was crowded with fans who had been waiting since dawn to see the singers who appeared on the music show Music ON.

The place where the singers arrival was openly shown.

The fans who gathered with the fan spirit of wanting to see the appearance of my singer, who was dressed modestly in casual clothes, even once more, and the paparazzi who wanted to capture their appearance in photos, mingled together.

Maybe it was because of the overseas popularity of K-POP, but I could hear some foreign languages here and there.

The people who gathered inside the yellow line had various fashions, but most of them wore masks or sat on mini ladders.

Soon, the singers started to get out of the vans.

Hello! We are La Vie en Rose!

One, two, three. With your girls, hello, we are Autumn Girls!

Hello! We are Teen Spirit!

Every time the singers greeted the photo zone, flashes went off.

Hyunyeon hyung! Youre so cool!

Yubin-ssi! Yubin-ssi!

I love your song!

The camera enthusiasts chatted with each other as the singers came in and out.

It seems like there are a lot of rookies this time, right?

Theres even a rookie whos a candidate for first place.

Really? Who?

New Black. The ones who collaborated with Jang So-won.

Thats because of Jang So-wons influence. Honestly, would you have listened to them if they released it under their own name?

Sugarfish does have a strong name value. They were digital monsters, after all.

Hwai Entertainment is too much. Instead of caring about Jang So-won, they should pay more attention to our Ontops song quality and outfits. I heard theyre in a total mess this time. Im just holding back my words because it seems like theyre bashing our kids.

Are you a fan of Girls on Top?


It must be hard these days. Cheer up.

Honestly, its all because of Sixty Seconds. If it werent for those bastards.

The surrounding people agreed with the words of a fan who cursed Sixty Seconds.

Especially the fandoms of Laviang Rose and Girls on Top, who had Baek Yujin and Ju Hana involved in dating rumors with Juwan.

Girls on Top are coming in now.

Theyre here! Theyre here!

Did you see Hanas cheek? How much did she suffer from the hate comments that her cheek became hollow? I feel so sorry for her, really.

As Girls on Tops turn ended, a buzz came from the other side.

The big shots who had secured their spots near the photo zone turned their heads.

Whats that? Its not time for TNT to come in yet.

TNT, the hottest boy group among the current ones, usually appeared last on the way to Mewon.

It wasnt time for them to appear yet.

But the fans soon realized what the buzz was about.


Five young men were walking towards the photo zone.

When they lined up, people gasped for a moment.

Who are they?

Are they rookies who are debuting today?

They had distinctive beauty rather than common handsomeness.

From the right, they seemed to be lined up in order of age.

The youngest member who had a handsome face but turned into a puppy when he smiled.

The member who had sharp eyes and looked intelligent.

The member who had a tall and sturdy physique and looked manly.

The member who had a boyish appearance and somehow graceful movements.


One member who received the most attention.

He stood out like a peacock even with the same makeup as the others.

His face was so small that it was amazing how his features fit in.

He looks unreal.

His nose bridge cant be natural, right? It looks like he put chalk in it.

He would survive without any editing.

People were immersed in their own thoughts when the five young men bowed politely and shouted in unison.

Hello! We are New Black!


Were late. Were so late.

I was so nervous that I felt a tremor in my knees.

If I had relaxed, I might have collapsed.

It wasnt just me.

The other guys were nervous too.

We stood on the photo zone, which looked like a red heart cushion in the empty parking lot, trying to hide our trembling hearts as much as possible.

Hello! We are New Black!

The camera flashes went off and the clicking sounds were heard.


I swallowed my saliva and smiled awkwardly.

I hope I didnt look nervous and natural.

Please look this way!

But criticism came from the start.

We waved our hands in the direction of the voice.

Put your hands down! We cant see your face!

We tried to make V signs and thumbs up.

I had thought of all kinds of poses in the car, but I was so nervous that my body froze and I couldnt do them.

The empty parking lot.

We were standing in the middle of it.

Strangers were taking pictures of us.

I felt more nervous than I ever did during the year-end evaluation.

What were they thinking as they looked at us?

Did we look like clueless rookies?


I shouldnt think like that.

Just be natural, natural.

As I saw Bi-ju posing naturally next to me, I regained my composure and smiled and posed as well.

After a short photo session, a voice came from the crowd.

Thank you!

We bowed and greeted them.

Thank you!

We were so tense that when the photo zone was over, we felt like we had been released from prison.

We finally walked towards the broadcasting station with bright smiles.

There were still people wearing masks on both sides of the fence, holding cameras or phones, but it wasnt as nerve-wracking as the photo zone.

We bowed and greeted them as we passed by.

Sometimes we heard some light greetings.

Im enjoying Something!


I love your songs!

I dont know who you are, but I love you too.


Was it because we were on the real stage of the broadcasting station?

The small words that people gave us felt like they were giving us strength.

Of course, most of them were more indifferent than friendly.

Honestly, would the people who came to see their idols at four or five in the morning care about another group?

But we all walked to the broadcasting station with wide smiles and greetings.


It was the same when we entered the broadcasting station.

Hello! We are New Black!

We greeted the staff and singers who passed by countless times, and repeated our group name over and over.

I think I said it more than I ever said my own name.

[Waiting Room Jang So-won, New Black]

After the hectic morning rehearsal, we had some time to wait.

While Jang So-won sunbae went out for a while, we decided to play a game to choose who would go out to buy drinks for us.

As usual, Ri-hyuk, who had low stamina, sprawled on the sofa and said with a blank expression.

I dont want to go. Wow, Im exhausted.

Youre tired already? No, no. You cant. Your hair setting will get ruined, manager.


At my call, Director Yoon Seok-hwan smiled and said to Ri-hyuk.

If you ruin your hair, Ill charge you for the hair cost.

Im sorry.

Lets leave him out, just us Theyre all asleep.

In just a few minutes, they were nodding off and dozing.

I was the oldest one and I was fine, but these kids.

I thought I should hint to the fitness trainer later that the kids were lacking stamina as I left the waiting room.

How many were there?

Including Jang So-won sunbae, the stylists, and the road manager hyung, ten? Eleven?

As I approached the vending machine, I ran into a familiar person.

A girl group member.

When I saw her back, I was curious who she was because she had such a good sense of fashion, but when she turned around, I almost froze my face without knowing it.

Gil Chaekyung.

A momentary expression of stepping on poop crossed her pretty face.

Are you the only one like that?

Im the same.

But no matter what was inside, I greeted her with a bright smile.

Hello, sunbae-nim. I finally see you on a music show.

Ah, yes.

She was the same.

She couldnt manage her expression for a moment, but a gentle smile like a queen in a historical drama returned.

A warm expression of the world.

Unlike before, the reason she showed this attitude was because our song was doing well right now.

You must be the first candidate for first place. Congratulations. Oppa.

Interpretation) Weve won first place a lot. You guys are the first now, right?

Thank you, sunbae-nim. Weve been the first place candidates since before our debut, so were nervous. Sometimes we wonder if its a dream or reality.

Interpretation) Yeah, weve been the first place candidates since before our debut.

Thats right. You must be happy. By the way, whats sunbae-nim? Just call me comfortably. I debuted when I was in middle school, so Im not that old.

Interpretation) You debuted at that age, right? I did it when I was much younger.

Sure, Chaekyung.

When I suddenly spoke informally, she widened her eyes and I smiled.

Isnt that a bit too much to say? No matter what, youre still my sunbae. Im the type who likes to be polite.

Gil Chaekyung bit her lip slightly.

The gentle smile she had just shown disappeared and her expression turned cold.

Get out of the way. I need to get a drink.

She pushed me with her shoulder and put a bill in the vending machine.

By the way, why does she hate me?

I can understand hating Ji-ho, but I dont know why she treats me like a hated kid in bulk.

Is it because Im next to a hated kid?

She took out a drink and gave me a smirk.

Youll see if you get first place.

What do you mean?

Todays first place candidate is TNT, right? Their fans seem to be itching to take care of you guys. You know how extreme their fans are, right? Even if you win first place, theyll say its rigged or something and leave a lot of hate comments.


Well, maybe if someone in TNT says theyre friends with us New Black, dont do that, then maybe.

Thats when it happened.

Gil Chaekyung, are you talking about us?

A voice came from the other side.

Gil Chae-kyung and I turned our heads and saw a boy group member with red-dyed hair standing there.

Gil Chaekyung hesitated as if she was flustered.

Uh, Tae-hyun oppa.

But the one called Tae-hyun didnt even look at her and looked at me.

His eyes widened.

Woojoo hyung?

Long time no see, Tae-hyun.

Gil Chaekyung, who couldnt figure out the situation and rolled her eyes, smiled brightly at her.

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