Chapter 155: Winds of Change (4)

Chapter 155: Winds of Change (4)

Arwin spent her time perched in a small tree overlooking Berg.

Berg was now sternly assessing the situation of the village and the mercenaries.

It was tough, but he did not delay his duties.

His resilience was evident to all.

Arwin wondered how he managed to rise each time.

Reluctantly accepting it... it must have hurt Berg to part with the saintess.

He had lost many comrades since then, and now had even sent away Adam, who was like a brother to him.

How could he possibly stand up again?

Arwin was continually drawn to that resilience.

It was that strong spirit that had once saved her.

She watched Berg from a distance.

Eventually, Berg spotted Arwin up in the tree.

At the sight of her, a burst of laughter escaped him.

Arwin felt a warmth around her heart.

Just bringing a moment of laughter to Berg’s day brought a smile to her face.

She waved at him.

Berg briefly nodded before returning to his tasks.

Watching him, Arwin continued to ponder.

...What kind of promise should she make?

It would be the most significant promise of her life, likely to last centuries.

A promise to keep even in death.

Considering that death holds immense significance to elves, this was a crucial moment for Arwin.

Of course, it wasn’t the time yet.

She needed to wait until Berg was more settled, when the atmosphere was more beautiful. That would be the time to speak.

‘...Till death... Love... No, even if I die...’

Arwin quietly rehearsed the contents of the vow to herself.

Now, the hardest times were behind her.

At last, it seemed she could be honest with her own heart.


Today, Ner had been treating the injured again, when she took a moment to rest.

Sitting alone at a distance, she recalled the events of yesterday.

The poison. The drink.

Ner still harbored anger and a heavy heart, but she was slowly digesting it internally.

Perhaps she knew that now Arwin had no intention of killing Berg.

Still, the two had developed a friendship of sorts.

It was probably the poison she had initially intended to use.

...Of course, she couldn’t be certain.

Regardless, Arwin was soon to gain her freedom.

It was something she no longer needed to dwell on.

For now, she needed to think of ways to help these injured.

-Thumb... Thumb...

Then, Berg arrived at the scene, leading his members.

Ner immediately stood up, straightening her hair and tail.

Just seeing Berg enter silently made her heart flutter.

Many of the members around also stood up upon seeing Berg.

His presence revitalized the troops, one by one.

Berg gestured for them to take a rest, and then he moved from one to another, engaging in conversation.

Soon, Berg stood before Ner.

His eyes scanned over Ner, who was splattered with blood.

Ner clasped her hands, nervously picking at her nails.

She secretly anticipated some praise.


But instead of speaking, Berg silently embraced her.

“...I’m covered in blood...”

Ner expressed her worry even though she was happy.

However, Berg held her even tighter.

“...Thank you, Ner.”

Berg whispered in her ear.

Ner felt a chill run through her body.

She hadn’t thought it possible to feel happiness in such a moment.

Amidst a place overwhelmed with the injured, she felt almost guilty for experiencing such emotions.

But her feelings were honest, and so was her body.

Her tail, uncontrollable, wrapped itself around Berg.

As their brief hug ended, Berg turned away and left.

He walked away, talking with the members of the Red Flames group.

Ner felt a surge of energy throughout her body.

And yet, she realized.

As long as Berg was there, she felt she could overcome any difficult situation.

Her heart trembled so much that her legs shook.

Still needing rest, she found a nearby seat to sit down alone again.

She realized she was falling excessively in love with him.

The village women, helping with the nursing, approached her.

“Ner-nim, we’re really grateful.”

“...Ah... Yes?”

“Thanks to you, my husband is also recovering well.”

Ner responded to their expressions of gratitude with a smile.

Though she had done it all for Berg, receiving such thanks made her genuinely happy.

“Some might feel it’s impolite to say this about nobles, but we never expected someone of your status to work so hard for us. I’m sorry to say, but there’s been a negative perception...”

Some of the women began to open up the conversation.

Ner swallowed, trying to blend into the discussion.

“It seems the Vice-captain Berg made a great choice in marrying.”

Someone began to affirm their relationship.

Ner responded with a bashful smile.

“...And from what I see, I think Vice-captain favors you more than Arwin-nim.”

One whispered a sweet remark.


“Absolutely. Oh, but you shouldn’t mention this to Arwin-nim, okay?”

“Of course...”

The pleasant chat continued.

Ner felt surprisingly well-aligned with the women, more than she had anticipated.

“Anyway, about children...”

Suddenly, the topic shifted.

The woman who broached the subject faced some backlash from the others, but they all listened eagerly nonetheless.


Ner had been pondering that very topic.

She glanced around cautiously and then nodded subtly, murmuring.


The women gasped in surprise, letting out brief cheers.

The gloomy atmosphere lifted, and laughter blossomed like a relieved sigh.

As Ner answered their question, more followed.

“Ner-nim, how was your wedding night?”

“Do you still do it regularly?”

“Of course, she must be, she said ‘soon’ after all...!”

Ner couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the barrage of questions.

These women seemed to know no boundaries.

Was it because they were commoners, or was this kind of topic normal for them?

The questions felt intrusive, even rude.

Yet, Ner wasn’t particularly upset.

After all, they were talking about her and Berg.

Ner realized it was a moment to satisfy her own curiosities.

Always curious, but having no one to ask, she had kept her lips sealed.


“Yes? Go ahead.”

“...Is it really that good?”

“What do you mean?”

Ner blushed, averting her gaze as she posed her question clearly.

“...Being intimate.”

The women burst into mischievous laughter.

“Ner-nim, haven’t you experienced it yourself?”


Faced with that ignorant question, Ner clamped her mouth shut.

Would they all be shocked to know she hadn’t yet been intimate?

Ner swallowed and offered an excuse.

“I was just curious about what others think.”

Another woman answered honestly.

“Well... being embraced by a man you love is joyous in itself.”


“There’s no greater expression of love than that, really. Wouldn’t you like to feel truly loved, even beyond the physical thrill?”


Ner gained sudden insight from this conversation.

In the case of the human race, sexual intercourse seems to be used more strongly as a means of expressing love.

Though similar to the werewolves... for her race, intimacy had more to do with reproduction.

Hearing these women speak, she felt anew the differences between herself and Berg.


Simultaneously... she felt a growing desire that hadn’t been there before.

It was a subtle shift, yet a profound change.

The greatest expression of love.

Berg too had not shared this with anyone else.

...Not even with the saintess.

Desire bloomed to exchange their first experiences with each other.

Ner found herself lightly biting the tip of her lip.

She recalled the moment Berg had tried to embrace her, her cheeks flushing hotly.

She had pushed him away then... but Berg had returned as promised.

Ner took a deep breath.

It would be soon.

Next time, she wouldn’t push him away.

...Though she wasn’t planning to initiate either.

It seemed too forward for a woman to propose such a thing... and she wasn’t sure of his emotional state at the moment.

Ner was still cautious with Berg.

She looked out the window.

...Inadvertently finding herself waiting for the full moon.


Days passed.


Inside Adam Hyung’s house, I looked over the letters Baran had brought.

Gale was also beside me, offering his help.

“Leave them.”

I told Baran, scanning through the letters.

Baran bowed his head and left upon hearing my instruction.

Gale came closer and helped me go through the letters that had arrived for the Red Flames group.

After rummaging through them for a while, he handed one to me.

“Berg. Start with this one.”

“This one, you mean?”

“...It bears the royal seal.”

I examined the letter sealed with wax.

Gale explained to me.

“...It’s probably an invitation.”


“Now it’s time to receive the reward for your service.”




The wind of change arrived with that letter.

The invitation brought news.


I couldn’t react to the huge shock conveyed by the words.

Had I expected the decision to come this quickly?

There’s a big difference between what is scheduled and what is decided.

The letter was decorated with many flowery words, but ultimately they all meant one thing.

‘The abolition of polygamy.’

It was a royal decree.


Gale also sighed beside me.

I read the letter over and over again.

The law was to be established, and within a year, I was to keep only one wife.

No matter how many times I read it, the content did not change.

Finally, I let out a long sigh.


All the promises and resolutions I had made were shattered by this letter.

But at the same time,

It was also an opportunity to fulfill my wives’ wishes.

The pain of parting would surely be there… but my two wives wouldn’t be too unhappy with this news.

In the first place, we were forced into this relationship.

Ner, who had opposed the marriage from the beginning.

She has someone waiting for her, somewhere.

She had been the one pushing me away until this moment came.

Ner had also desired the abolition of polygamy.

Arwin, who claimed she couldn’t love a short-lived man like me.

Ner told me that long before, Arwin had wished for my death.

Although that might not be the case now, it’s true that our emotional distance hasn’t lessened.

She wanted to travel the world, and I was the last barrier before her dream.

Perhaps this is for the best.

Once the decision was made, I actually started to think this way.

For Adam Hyung’s dream as well, I couldn’t oppose this law.

Nor could I defy a royal command, not for the sake of the Red Flames group.

I didn’t know who would be the one to leave, but I could remain good friends with the one who leaves.

Parting with Adam Hyung was hard enough; this wouldn’t be as tough.

I tried to rationalize it to myself.


At Berg’s call, Ner and Arwin walked to the office of the Red Flames group’s captain.

The two said nothing to each other as they walked to where Berg was.

Since Ner learned that Arwin had been hiding poison, there hadn’t been much to talk about between them.

Ner only hoped that Arwin would soon disappear from Berg’s side.

“Please, come in.”

Following Baran’s lead, Ner and Arwin stopped in front of Berg’s office.

Baran left them there and departed.

Before entering the room, Ner and Arwin took a deep breath.

Ner neatly arranged her tail and hair.

She also adjusted her clothes a bit, to appear even slightly more appealing.

Looking to the side, she noticed Arwin was also making herself presentable.

Ner wondered why she was bothering.

Ner kept her mouth shut, but eventually, she spoke.



“It’s just a thought but...”

She needed to transition the conversation smoothly.

Struggling to clear her throat, she forced a polite smile and said,

“If this meeting happens to be about the abolition of polygamy...”

Arwin’s eyes sharpened, suddenly focusing on the conversation.

Ner continued,

“...then I will be the one to stay. Arwin-nim, as you once wished, please go and find your freedom.”

Motivated by a desire to spend her life with Berg, Ner spoke.

How dreamlike would that future be?

Now, there would be no other rivals.

Arwin froze at Ner’s words, then managed a smile.

“...You’re kind, Ner.”


It wasn’t kindness but honesty about her desires. However, Ner didn’t care what Arwin thought.

Just as she was about to open the door, Arwin spoke up.

“...But it’s okay. I live a long life. Go and find your freedom after you leave.”


Ner’s hand froze on the door handle.

Arwin continued.

“You should seek out your fated partner.”


Ner blinked. She wondered why Arwin, who had not wanted to stay by Berg’s side, would say such a thing.

Was it just politeness?

Was she trying to sacrifice a bit more of herself?

Realizing she needed to be more honest, Ner responded.

“....No, it’s alright. I’ll stay by Berg’s side.”

“I’m okay with it, too. I mean it.”

Ner wanted to end the conversation quickly.

“I, I want to stay with Berg.”



Arwin’s expression hardened at her words.

Ner, sensing an unease she couldn’t place, looked at Arwin.

Arwin slowly blinked and replied.

“...What do you mean...?”


Ner’s heart began to tremble.

Why did it sound like this wretched elf also truly wanted to stay by Berg’s side?

Arwin whispered.

“ live...with Berg too...”



Ner stared blankly at Arwin, lost in the surreal nature of the conversation.

Arwin, saying nothing more, watched Ner.

Ner tried to grasp what this information meant.

Before she could fully process it, the door opened.

Startled, Ner watched as Berg appeared.

“What’s going on? Why are you both just standing here?”



Gale, who had been inside, left the room.

“Berg. Let’s talk later. I’ll give you some space for a while.”

Ner watched Gale leave the room, giving them space.

Berg then addressed her and Arwin.

“...Come in. We need to talk.”

Ner, unable to grasp the unfolding situation, followed Berg.

Her heart was racing with the sudden possibility that had arisen.

It seemed Arwin truly wanted to stay by Berg’s side.

Could it be... that the one to part ways with Berg might be herself?

How should she accept this?

If Berg chose Arwin, would she have to leave his side and watch a future unfold between Arwin and Berg?

Leaving Berg.

Ner couldn’t understand what that meant.

She couldn’t fathom what it meant to not be able to stay beside the person she loved so deeply.

Hadn’t she been intertwined with his life all along?

Suddenly, her fingertips trembled with terror.

From dreaming of a happy future, she was now facing the possibility of an abrupt separation.

‘...What? ...What?’

She kept questioning internally.

The drop was too steep to regain her composure.

Though she hadn’t fully grasped what parting meant, she was already overwhelmed.

Her heart throbbed painfully.

She tried to deny this information.

Berg sat down in his place, and for a long time, he said nothing.

And the longer he maintained his silence, the more her fear grew.

She had yet to have a proper conversation with Arwin.

She didn’t fully understand why Arwin had said what she did.

- Swoosh.

Then, Berg handed them a letter.

After scanning the letter, Ner felt her heart sink.



Berg, after opening his eyes from a long blink, looked them in the eye, his voice devoid of any playfulness.

“.....We need to get a divorce.”

– – – The End of The Chapter – – –

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