Chapter 160: Traitors (5)

Chapter 160: Traitors (5)


As soon as I stepped outside, my legs froze.

I was unable to speak or act.

Overwhelmed by a sudden sense of betrayal, I felt crushed.

My eyelids fluttered weakly, my hands lacked strength.

My ragged breathing echoed back into my ears.


Slowly turning my eyes forward, I saw the rain pouring down refreshingly.

I couldn’t remember when it had started.


Still, I walked on.

My clothes soaked through, but I couldn’t afford to care.

I moved without knowing where I was heading.

Memories revived around the village.

Despite not wanting to recall, everything came flooding back, tormenting me.

The place where Ner and I had laughed.

The street where I walked hand in hand with Arwin.

The square where we watched the circus together.

The dances with Ner and the embraces with Arwin.

All of stockpin was filled with memories of them.


But it hurt more than ever to distrust those memories.

This betrayal shakes and tortures me.

It wounds my heart deeply.

If they had meant nothing to me, it wouldn’t hurt this much.

The pain was as great as they were precious to me, as they were my support.


In this pain, I finally looked up at the sky.

Trials keep being thrust upon me despite my disbelief.


I murmured without even uttering the name of a god.

I’m tired of precious people leaving my side.

If there is any duty that requires this...I wish it would stop.

“...Please, enough already...”

Luckily, no one from stockpin could be seen through the pouring rain.

In the empty streets, I walked wherever my steps led me.

Wandering aimlessly, I came to my senses at one spot.

Endless tombstones lined up before me.

The tomb of my comrades from the Red Flames group who had died leading the charge was spread out in front of me.


Looking at the tombstones, I lowered my gaze.

There was Adam Hyung’s grave right in front of me.

‘Adam, resting here.’

I read the tombstone.

I realized something.

That I was sinking.

...But this time, there was no one who could help me.

The rain streamed down my cheeks.

Whether they were tears, I couldn’t tell.


I knelt before Adam Hyung’s grave.

The death of my Hyung that I had been postponing in my heart.

A death I had been enduring thanks to my wives.

My brother, my most reliable comrade, Adam.

I placed my hand on his tombstone.

And with the other hand, I covered my eyes, frozen in place for a long while.

The tears I had held back began to flow.


No matter how fiercely they fought, a married couple must meet at night.

Arwin chewed over this fact alone while waiting for Berg.

They were not yet divorced.

Berg was still her husband.

After wiping away her endless tears, Arwin sat by the bed, waiting for Berg.

The night deepened, but Berg did not return.

In the quiet silence of the house, Arwin quietly waited for him.

She was afraid. Afraid of what Berg might say to her next.

But retreating was not an option either.

She wanted to believe that Berg’s previous outburst was due to surging anger.

Even if that wasn’t the case, she desperately wanted to apologize, to reconcile.

Unlike physical pain, the agony stemming from her heart seemed endless.

Every moment away from Berg was painful, every moment filled with anxiety and fear.

She feared that they might actually part ways for good, becoming strangers to each other.


Arwin grimaced, clutching her chest.

The pain forced a groan from her as she curled up.

In the darkness, she could only gaze at the Berg’s world tree leaf.

The withered leaf showed no signs of reviving.


Just then, the front door opened.

Arwin, as if jolted awake, sat up straight.

She wiped her eyes and swallowed her saliva.

Calming her breath, she cautiously placed her hands in front of her knees.

Footsteps echoed through the house, heavy as if soaked by rain.

Sure enough, the door opened.


Arwin looked up at her husband.



Berg glanced at her briefly...then scanned the surroundings.

As if searching for Ner’s presence.

However, Ner had followed Berg out of the house shortly after he left, and Arwin didn’t know what had happened afterward.

Disregarding that, Berg walked in, drenched, and Arwin slowly approached him.

Without being able to ask why he was in such a state, she reached out to him wordlessly.

“...You’ll catch a cold, Berg. Your clothes first...”

She tried to sound casual, but Berg’s cold gaze stopped her words.

Arwin shrank back under his look.

Her feeble attempt was completely blocked.

Arwin’s strength finally gave out, and her hand drooped listlessly.

Somehow, she managed to squeeze out the words.

“I’m still... still your wife…”


“...I’m... worried…”



Arwin didn’t know how to handle this completely changed Berg.

In this uncertain situation where anyone might remain at Berg’s side... precious time was slipping away.

Soon, Berg wordlessly took off his wet shirt.

It didn’t seem to be out of consideration for Arwin’s words.

However, Arwin felt a brazen warmth watching him like this.

Seeing his bare body was like glimpsing something intimate... it felt like a breeze was clearing her stifled heart.

Arwin wanted to warm Berg’s chilled body.

Just like they had under the tree roots in the past.

Maybe sharing warmth and begging for forgiveness could change something again.

Arwin knew they were facing a significant crisis in their relationship at this moment.

But her dream was to share her life with Berg.

She wanted to believe this was just one crisis they could overcome.

If that was possible... this would be a mere moment of pain in their long relationship.

Arwin slowly approached Berg, who was sitting on the bed.

Silently, she tried to find her place beside him.


But Berg’s cold command halted her motion.

Arwin’s heart froze in the moment, unable to speak.

Berg said those words without even looking at her.

He carelessly lay down on the bed, covering his eyes with his forearm.


Arwin couldn’t move, paralyzed by Berg’s command.

She didn’t want to leave.

It was their shared master bedroom.

It was the closest she could be to Berg.

It was the night that, as a married couple, they were supposed to be together.

Arwin’s eyes fluttered, and she took a step toward Berg.


“-Leave. This is your last warning.”

But before she could come any closer, Berg cut her off.


Tears slowly welled up in Arwin’s eyes.

If this situation continued... the feeling of never being able to sleep by his side again filled her with dread.

Arwin couldn’t imagine not sharing a bed with Berg for the rest of her life.

It meant not having someone to protect her from nightmares, someone to share warmth with on cold nights.

It meant there would be no one to wake up to with a smile, no moments of feeling secure just by having someone beside her.

But Arwin didn’t dare defy Berg’s words.

If she disobeyed him here... she might end up being the one divorced.

It hadn’t yet been decided who, between Ner and herself, would remain by Berg’s side.

Thus, Arwin had no choice but to comply obediently with his words.


She moved her heavy feet as if they were laden with weights.

She hadn’t anticipated that being driven from the master bedroom could be this difficult.

“...Sleep well.”

With those words, Arwin finally left the room.

Hoping Berg might change his mind, she slowly closed the door.

But until the moment it shut... Berg didn’t spare her a single glance.


That’s how Arwin closed the door herself.


And as soon as the door closed, Arwin collapsed to the floor.

Tears began to flow.


Ner was outside.

As always, she waited for Berg outside, out of habit.

The rain soaked her, but she could endure it.

She could do this if she believed that someday Berg would come for her.

They were a couple.

And in their race, couples... they restrained each other with worrying hearts.

Though Ner had committed a betrayal hard to forgive... they were still married.

Hoping that Berg might come to find her, Ner held out here.

It had always been their way.

Ner always went for night walks, and Berg always came looking for her.

No matter where she hid, whether in stockpin or not, they always spent the night together.

Listening to the sounds of crickets, owls, and the wind.

They quietly built memories, hand in hand.

Every time, Ner had to restrain her smile, feeling Berg’s affection.

Of course, she knew things felt much different now.

Yet... she believed that Berg would appear in the rain to look after her.

He was that kind of person. He had cherished her so.

He had praised her beautiful tail and always sought her out, no matter where or when.


Feeling the rain settle on her head, Ner waited endlessly.

But the sound of approaching footsteps did not come, even as the night deepened.

Darkness fell like pitch black... and Ner was still alone.

The cold made her body tremble uncontrollably.

Her wet hair and tail fur hung limply.

Yet, no chill could compare to the cold emanating from her heart.

And she knew all too well that she herself had brought all this upon her.

Time continued to pass.

The sky mercilessly poured down rain.


How long had she been sitting there in the rain?

...Dawn finally broke.

And with that, Ner had to accept the truth.

Berg no longer had even a trace of affection for her.

Everything was over.

As this reality became clearer, Ner could no longer hold back her tears.

Berg was granting her the freedom she had so longed for.

The restraint that had once felt like a leash was gone.

And it hurt tremendously.


It was hard knowing that Berg no longer cared, no matter the situation.

It seemed he wasn’t worried, even though she might catch a terrible cold.

He who had once been endlessly tender.

Memories of their time together kept surfacing.

Moments when he had gently stroked her head.

Memories of hugs and praises also came to mind.

That it all could be over.

That things could never be the same was overwhelmingly hard.

Ner finally burst into tears in the rain.

Clutching her chest, she cried out loud.

She hadn’t wept this sorrowfully since parting with her grandmother.

But the sound of the rain swallowed all her sobs.

No one heard the sounds of her regret.


As time passed, the Red Flames Group began preparing to head to the capital.

Berg was checking on his members, touring around stockpin.

For the past few days, Ner had not exchanged a single word with him.

-Tap tap tap tap...!

Ner followed behind Berg.

She couldn’t cling to his side or wrap her tail around him as she used to... but she still followed him.

After waiting for Berg that day, Ner had suffered from a severe cold.

Her head was dizzy, and she had a fever.

Breathing was difficult, and the endless coughing made her throat hurt.

But the pain of Berg not being by her side hurt even more, so she dragged her heavy body to follow him.

“Cough...! Cough...!”

During that time, Ner felt how much Berg had once cared for her.

His pace was fast, making it hard to keep up with him.

Every time she lagged, she hurried to catch up to him.

She feared that if she fell behind, he might leave her behind and disappear.

How long had she been following him?


Berg sighed heavily and turned his head.

His eyes scanned over her.

“Stay away. I’ll call you when it’s time.”

Berg’s words were cold.

He used the tone he reserved for women he had no interest in.

Ner couldn’t get used to his cold words no matter how hard she tried.

Blinking, she cast her gaze downward.

Tears welled up in her eyes again.

Being rejected by the only person who had ever cherished her hurt more than anything Ner had ever experienced.

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and whispered.

“...I’ll just stand back here.”


“...I can’t do this without you now...”


“...Just let me breathe here, okay?”

Ner couldn’t let go of the happiness she had felt for the first time.

She had learned through him what it felt like not to be lonely.

Ner tried to lighten the mood with her charm, forcing a smile and slowly wagging her tail.

She knew it might look pathetic from his perspective, but it was the best Ner could do at the moment.

Berg looked at her and then moved on without a word.

As if speaking to her was a nuisance.

Despite the sinking feeling in her heart.

Ner couldn’t bear the thought of staying away from him.

She followed Berg again.



Suddenly, Ner tripped over a stone.

Her dizziness from the cold must have contributed.

“Ah... it hurts...”

Ner groaned as she saw blood running down her knee, then looked up.

Berg glanced over his shoulder at her, then continued walking.


Maybe he had shown a little concern.

Ner felt a slight relief of breath.

Uncharacteristically for a noblewoman, she wiped off the blood and followed Berg again.


Just then, someone bumped into Berg.

“I got you, Berg!”

It was a little girl.

Oblivious to the mood, the cheerful girl clung to Berg and made a fuss.

Watching this scene from behind, Ner felt envious.

Just a few days ago, she too could have been that close to Berg.

Berg, seeming to lighten the mood, gave the girl a small smile.

Ner found herself selfishly wishing that smile were for her.

“Sara, it’s dangerous here. Can’t you see the horses running around?”

“No! You haven’t played with me lately, Berg. You’ve always been busy!”


Berg silently stroked the girl’s hair.

But Sara was not satisfied and continued.

“You’re always paying attention to your wives! When... Ah!”

Suddenly, Sara spotted Ner and pointed at her.


As Ner looked surprised, the familiar girl approached.

Berg watched Sara quietly and then looked towards Ner.

Ner met Berg’s eyes and then looked down at Sara.


“Ner-nim, you need to keep your promise...!”

Sara whispered, but the young girl’s whisper was clumsy, and all her words carried to Berg.

Ner couldn’t remember any promise she had made with Sara.

And then Sara shouted.

“You promised to give Berg back to me...!”


Ner blinked.

Unable to respond to the child’s innocent request.

Like her feet were rooted, Ner looked up at Berg and shook her head.

“...Berg... I...”

Berg looked at Ner silently.

He showed no emotion.

Then he approached Sara.

Lifting Sara up, he turned his back to Ner again.

“Come on, Sara.”

Holding Sara in his arms, Berg walked away.

Sara easily smiled and clung to him as Berg walked off.

Ner, unable to react, just stood there, frozen.

– – – The End of The Chapter – – –

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