Chapter 24: Building Honor (1)

Chapter 24: Building Honor (1)

The members of Red Flames gathered together, engaging in conversation.

"Did such a thing really happen?"

While discussing what to do with Gidon, who would also participate in the subjugation tomorrow, I recounted a past incident.

The story of the argument with Gidon over Ner.

Baran reacted strongly to the story.

"I thought highly of Gidon nim... But this won't do. Well, after all, he is a noble young master, as expected..."

"If it won't do, what will you do about it?"

I laughed at Baran's words.

"Opportunities will come, Vice-captain. Just wait."

"Perhaps on the battlefield-"

"--I won't take it lightly even if it means risking my life, no matter how much I dislike it."

"...Anyway, it might be better for Gidon to stay away from us because of that."

As we continued the conversation, I noticed Adam Hyung maintaining a peculiar silence.


Upon hearing that Gidon and I had fought, he quickly put on a serious expression. Perhaps, after living together and protecting each other for seven years, there were certain aspects he was more sensitive to. He seemed ready to fight Gidon at any moment.

"...But still, Gidon did apologize first and leave."

However, since only Gidon offered the apology, there was no justification.

Adam Hyung nodded in response to my words.

After sighing for a while and blinking his eyes, he changed the subject.

"...Alright. If it's a resolved issue, there's no need to dwell on it further. Let's summarize the plan one last time and disband."

I nodded and looked out the window, gazing at the sky.

Indeed, the day was coming to an end.

It was almost time to conclude the afternoon meeting.

I thought it would be better to go back and get ready for bed with Ner.

Adam Hyung spoke to the subordinates.

"There are four leaders in total. Our first target is the 'Draig' found in the northwest forest."

Among the leaders, Draig was the largest creature.

It was a gigantic monstrous creature that walked on all fours.

An average Draig would be as tall as six adult men lined up in a row and would weigh about the same as 200 men stacked together.

It was blunt, but its destructive power and the damage it caused in the surrounding area were considerable.

However, the Draigs residing in Blackwood were exceptionally larger than normal.

It was the most dangerous leader in this subjugation operation, and therefore, it became the primary target to be subjugated - to strike when Red Flames suffered the least damage.

Everyone is familiar with Draig subjugation, so its okay, but As you know, the problem with this one is the size. There seem to be quite a few monsters that have been attracted and eroded. It's more serious because we haven't suppressed them for a long time. We need to clear out the monsters in the forest before leading the leader to the open field."

Adam Hyung explained, and everyone nodded in agreement

"Krian, you have to do well. The more monsters you drive away, the easier it will be for Berg."

"I understand," Krian replied.

"When the leader is led to the open field... Berg and Baran will take care of it from there. Afterward, we'll continue advancing north in the Blackwood territory, capturing any leaders we encounter along the way. The only concern this time is the Draigs in the northwest. Let's prioritize that. If everything goes smoothly, it should take two days. But if Red Flames suffers significant damage, we should expect it to last three days."

As everyone focused on the map Adam Hyung held, they absorbed the plan.

"In case of any injuries, seek out Theodore. He should be on the western side of the battlefield unless he's unavailable. In that case, use your judgment."

Everyone responded with determined answers to Adam Hyung's words.

Hyung pondered for a moment while looking at the map before stating, "I believe we've covered all the important aspects."

Adam Hyung clapped his hands, invigorating the atmosphere. They had already discussed all the crucial points.

He then expressed his anticipation.

"I've heard that the werewolf people are highly skilled in medicine and magic, so we should look forward to that. Blackwood has agreed to treat all the wounded this time."

Baran joined in, lightening the mood. He released his serious expression and let out a deep sigh.

Our vice-captain won't have to worry even if he gets hurt."

I looked at Baran with confusion, wondering what he meant.

A mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"You have a wife. I recently heard that all the werewolf women learn medicine for their husbands. I envy them."

I clicked my tongue.

After hearing such remarks all day, I had nothing to retort now.

Light laughter broke out here and there.

"Let's call it a day."

I said, trying to escape their teasing.

However, Adam Hyung had an unyielding sense of humor.

"Oh, dear, your wife isn't going anywhere. Already longing to be back with your wife..."

"I never knew our vice-captain could be this romantic."

I let out a sigh and stood up from my seat.

Baran and Adam Hyung began to laugh together. As I approached the door, Adam Hyung spoke.

Go, Berg. Ill see you tomorrow.


Get a good rest.

I also looked at the subordinates and said,

"Everyone, get some good rest."

Except for Hyung, everyone responded in unison.


The meeting had concluded, but I was preparing for the upcoming situation.

Today, I happened to be protecting Ner.

At that time, I thought it was the right thing to do... but in reality, I hadn't considered Ner's perspective in my actions.

By opposing her brothers, I may have unintentionally made things more difficult for Ner.

Perhaps it would have been better to resolve the situation through conversation and gently guide Ner out of it.

I always found myself regretting things after they were over.

I let out a sigh.

Standing in front of the shared room with Ner, I pondered for a moment on what to do.


At that moment, a soft voice came from behind.

When I turned around, Ner was standing there.


She flinched at my call.

Only after speaking did I realize the awkwardness of the situation.

It was the first time I had called her by name. It felt strange, but there was no way to take back what I had said. So, I continued.

"Weren't you inside?"

Ner shook her head hesitantly.


She didn't say anything about that. Instead, she changed the subject and asked,

Have you Eaten?

Her voice was trembling a bit.

However, it was definitely much better than the previous day. Yesterday, she couldn't even make eye contact with me.

But now, she looked at me directly. She spoke to me. She asked if I had eaten.

It seemed that helping her and enjoying waterfall together earlier in the day, had made a difference.

For some reason, a smile appeared on my face.

I had put in the effort and asked her to act, but I didn't expect her to change so quickly.

Ner turned her head slightly instead of smiling.

I answered her.

"I haven't eaten."

She closed her mouth again after that response. This time, it was my turn to ask.

Have you eaten?

She also shook her head.

"We haven't... reached mealtime yet."

"When does Blackwood have dinner?"

A momentary darkness clouded Ner's eyes.

She remained silent for a while before speaking.

"...Family members will soon..."

I frowned at that strange answer.

"Family members?"

After that I

I was speechless at her words.

My expression began to slightly furrow.

"Was it always like this?"

Silence approached with an affirmative tone.

Was she saying that she had been having meals alone all this time?

I knew she was disliked by her family, but I didn't realize it was to this extent.

In that distant statement, I couldn't even fathom the depth of loneliness she must have experienced.

As a noble heiress with a beautiful appearance, I thought she had been cherished more than anyone else.

But perhaps she had a painful past that was even more severe than anyone could imagine.

I couldn't manage my expression properly.

After struggling for a long time, there was only one question I blurted out.

"...Are you not on good terms with your siblings?"

I already knew the answer, but it seemed like something I needed to hear through her.

Ner nodded with a darker expression, as if feeling ashamed. Even though it wasn't her fault, she carried herself as if she were a criminal.

"...But isn't that too much?"

I couldn't hold back and asked.

But Ner shook her head again.

"Ah, it's... my choice to avoid..." older brothers and sister

With each word she spoke, a glimpse of her life unfolded.

She must have experienced torment to the extent that she had no choice but to avoid them.

If she had experienced the same torment during meals, like she did earlier that morning, it was natural that she wouldn't want to eat together with them.

I didn't necessarily want to pry into her past, but I couldn't suppress the uncomfortable emotions that arose with the questions.

What about the father-in-law?

Even if the other siblings were like that, how even Gibson could treat her in such a way. After all, he was her father.

But it turned out to be my misunderstanding, as Ner vehemently shook her head.

"Ah, my father occasionally had meals with me. He didn't say anything, but..."

Its rare, but he also intervenedand recently too

Ner paused as if recalling something and then closed her mouth.

I silently watched her in that state.


The more I got to know her, the more I understood the sense of rejection she expressed towards me.

How could she not feel that way after living a life of loneliness and being sold to someone she didn't even love? To someone who wasn't even of the same race?

But ultimately, there was nothing I could do.

If I thought that today's confrontation with Gidon might have been a burden to Ner, then I couldn't afford to worsen my relationship with her other siblings in the future.

So, it seemed like a better choice to turn my attention away from her siblings and focus on treating Ner well, who was right in front of me.

There might have been sympathy involved, but if I didn't take care of my wife, who else would?

"...Let's go."

I said, breaking the silence.


Doubt appeared on Ner's face.

I didn't want Ner to have a meal here if she didn't want to.

In this mansion that had always been filled with wounds, where she had always been alone, I didn't want to feed her.

Once again, I grabbed her wrist.

It might be a bit rude, but it would be good for her to experience this side of things as well.


Ner looked down at her own wrist.

Until just now, it was the wrist that Berg had firmly grabbed.

After hearing her circumstances, he didn't ask for her opinion and led her to the campsite of the Red Flames.

And inside one of the tents in the camp, sitting in front of a board that replaced a table, Berg was waiting for the food he had ordered his subordinates to bring.

At first, Ner felt a secret fear about being led here by him without a word. However, as she watched him order the food and quietly seat her, her heart began to feel at ease.

Gradually, Ner started to understand that this could be Berg's way of showing consideration.

He consoled her not with words but with actions.

It was the same with the waterfall, and it was the same now.

As soon as he heard her say that she doesnt normally eat with her family, Berg took her out to that place.

It was as if he was telling her not to stay in that lonely place anymore.

Once again, she looked down at her wrist, recalling the moment when his warm and rough hand tightly held onto it.

However, she couldn't understand why she didn't dislike the moment he forcefully led her.

"Theodore, Krian, stop gawking and leave."

Ner observed Berg as he sighed.

She cautiously raised her head and looked around.

Through the gap, she could see numerous soldiers outside, and sitting next to the table were two men named Theodore and Krian.

However, even with Berg's words, Theodore didn't move and only raised his chin in response

Ner had heard rumors that Berg was a man feared even by his comrades, yet his comrades seemed at ease in his presence.

She recalled Berg's request from the previous day and made an effort not to look gloomy.

I cant believe the vice-captain is already being nice to women like this.

"Just go. Stop talking nonsense."

She wondered how Berg usually treats women for such words to keep coming up?

Ner didnt know how to take that fact.

Should she be afraid that he was treating her differently from his usual self, or should she be grateful for being treated specially?

"It's hard to believe no matter how much I look at it."

As Theodore muttered with a sigh, Ners eyes turned to him.

Sensing Ner's gaze, Theodore smiled and began to explain.

The vice-captain really hated women. No one could even touch a finger of him-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Krian, who was standing beside Theodore, unexpectedly hit him on the head.


"-Hey, you idiot! What if you say something like that!"

"Krian, you leave too. Don't make it uncomfortable."

Berg interjected.

There seemed to be a part of Krian that was trying to show consideration to prevent misunderstandings, but for Ner, his violence was the more surprising aspect.

Startled by the sound of Theodore's head being hit, Ner flinched and jumped slightly. And seeing such a startled appearance, Berg smiled softly.

It was becoming increasingly difficult for Ner to look at him whenever he laughed. She was still unfamiliar with other people's smiles.

Krian looked at Ner again and spoke.

"It wasn't that the vice-captain hated women... He had his own standards. The vice-captain didn't enjoy the company of women until he met you, Ner."

Berg stood up from his seat, interrupting the conversation.

Ah! Vice-captain!

"Just a moment! I'll be right there!"

Theodore and Krian quickly got up in a panic.

The members standing outside laughed out loud.

Berg immediately chased away the remaining officers and remained alone in the tent with Nehr.

However, Ner couldn't help but ponder the story she had just heard from the man named Krian.

Was it true that Berg distanced himself from women before she appeared?

If that was the case, it wasn't that Berg hated women... He just didn't enjoy femininity.

Could she be the first woman Berg treats kindly?

...For some reason, that thought didn't feel unpleasant.

Looking up at Berg again, she caught his gaze. He casually asked her a question.

Do you like meat?


"I asked my subordinates to grill some meat... I wanted to make sure it's okay."

Ner liked meat. It was one of her favorites after pie.

So she nodded her head slightly.

Yes. I like meat.

Upon hearing that, Berg also nodded as if relieved.

Soon, Ner realized that Berg intended to resume the silence. However, she still had something to say, something she should have said much earlier.


She called his name for the first time.

His name felt unfamiliar as it rolled off her lips.

In response to her words, Berg turned his head and showed interest.

Would he keep looking at her like this if she continued to utter his name, "Berg"?

Setting aside her idle thoughts, Ner spoke.

"...Thank... you."

It was a word filled with mixed gratitudefor the fatigue, for the dinner, for not trying to console her or pry into her past.

Nehr felt heat rising in her face.

But Berg, the person in question, just nodded briefly as if it was nothing.

We are a couple.

Berg's response made Ner's feelings inexplicably agitated.

It was the same emotion she felt at the waterfall.

"...And you can let go of your formalities."

It was an odd situation where a commoner was telling a noble to speak comfortably.

After that, silence fell again.

However, to Ner, this silence now didn't feel as awkward as it should have been.

Was it because she had said everything she wanted to say?

'...This shouldn't be happening...'

Ner thought to herself.

The calm atmosphere she shared with him already felt too comfortable from the start.

End of Chapter

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