Volume 11 Chapter 1 part3-7

Part 3

An explosion strong enough to shake the royal capital Sevenwall.

That was due to the composition magic that crushed the Destruction God Europa.

Diablo was rocked in the carriage, and entered the royal castle Grandios.

In the game, he didn't feel this way but……

It was magnificent.

The gigantic structure was already enough to uplift a person's mood.

Suddenly, he noticed that there was a uniqueness to the structure of the ramparts. The ramparts of the Frontier Town Faltra were things where stones were piled up.

Even in the original world that Diablo lived in, there were castles from the Middle Ages that had a similar structure.

Grandios's castle walls had no seams.

It were as if it were a structure of concrete.


He didn't care about it in the game, but.

This other world, wasn't a game.

As long as there were buildings, someone would have to create them, and maintain and improve them.

──Well, this is a world with guns after all. There might be building material similar to concrete, right?

In the passenger cabin of the carriage, there were only two people.

Opposite of Diablo, a large man was sitting there. That large man──Maximum Abrams asked him a question.

「Diablo-dono, just where were you able to obtain such great ability?」

His face was an intellectual type that was a mismatch with his muscular body. His black hair was in a 7:3 split, and he wore black rimmed glasses.

「Hmph……If you work as an Adventurer, you naturally gain ability.」

That was how it was in the game though.

「Well now, Diablo-dono, your Adventurer registry had happened only last year. Before that……were you an Adventurer in another country?」

He had investigated down the finest details.

Diablo thought "this is hard to deal with".


Without confirming or denying it, he snorted and glossed over it. Even if he were to tell him that he had leveled up in a game and was summoned to another world with his game character's appearance, he probably wouldn't understand him.

Even he himself was still unable to understand it.

He asked a question in return.

「You have done an investigation about me but……instead, you are the suspicious one here. How did you gain that much ability?」

The Royal Palace Knights were all considerably strong people. It was certain that they were greater than level 100. Even Maximum who managed them, there was no mistake that he had some considerable skill.

This other world was different from the game.

They couldn't revive if they died, damage truly hurt, and healing and restoration wasn't something as simple as a single click.

Even for Diablo, after having come to this other world, he came to understand that after expanding as a Warrior type.

Maximum curved his lips.

「Fufu……The same way as you, Diablo-dono.」

──So you were also a game character!?

He didn't say anything like that.

That was a typical "lure". If he were to make a slip of the tongue from a trick of that level, he wouldn't be able to do his Demon King roleplay.

If he were the same as himself, he should have used language from their original world.

Going by the movements of his lips, Maximum was talking with the Lifelia Kingdom language.

The theory behind it was unknown but──despite Diablo using the language from his original world, he was able to have conversations with the people of this other world.

He couldn't read the letters though.

In other words, Maximum who was using local words even though there wasn't a need to was unmistakably different from himself.

「What useless drivel.」

「That might not be the case. Diablo-dono, it would seem that you have a basis to declare that I am not in the same circumstances as you. How very interesting.」


He stuck with his behavior of being full of composure, but he was frightened in his mind.

──This man, he's dangerous!

「About that basis……oh, it would seem we've arrived.」

The carriage came to a stop.

The door was opened, and Maximum went down first.

As if being on watch, a man with a deep red long coat was there. He was a blond haired Elf and had a black-lacquered sword hanging on his waist.

「You should refrain from any dubious behavior. If you make any suspicious actions, I, Thanatos the Immortal, will cut you down!」

It was a self-introduction that seemed like he contracted chuunibyou but……

He really might be immortal. Even though it looked like he was killed by Europa once, he is alive and uninjured.

「Thanatos, he is His Majesty's guest right now, you know?」

「That's, true but……」

After Maximum glared at him, Thanatos backed down.

Judging by his attitude, Maximum really was quite the influential person. What a troublesome opponent. He didn't want to confront him if possible.

Diablo got down from the carriage.

「I am busy. Hurry up and let me meet with this King of yours.」

「Well now, I was only ordered to "bring you along". What comes after is up to His Majesty.」

The location was the royal castle's courtyard. He had visited it many times in the MMORPG Cross Reverie.

At the back of it, there was an imposing castle gate.

Other than Maximum and Thanatos, there was a surprising amount of people such as guards and stable boys in the area.

Without having to wait at all, an old butler came walking up to them.

He made a very deep bow.

「Welcome, it is an honor to have you visit. King of the Greenwood Kingdom──Your Majesty Diablo Greenwood.」


「The Lifelia King, His Majesty Darouch Sandros, is waiting for you. Please, come this way.」

Thanatos raised a loud voice.

「He's immediately having the audience!?」

「To think that His Majesty understood the weight of the matter……」

Even Maximum had made a face that said he found this unexpected.

His tone was courteous, but that didn't stop the fact that it was quite a disrespectful way of speaking.

Being brought along by the old butler, Diablo went inside of the building.

Maximum's group did not come along with him.


He quietly breathed a sigh.

He felt that he didn't want to confront Maximum if at all possible. He didn't think that he would lose in a one-on-one battle, but it felt like his acting would be seen through.

If he didn't have his Demon King character on, Diablo would find even holding a normal conversation difficult.

Putting it bluntly, if someone asserted that it was all an act, he felt like it would turn into him being only able to reply with "ahーuhー".


Part 4

They advanced down a hallway lined with works of art.

For places like this, he thought that they would normally be decorated with paintings of beautiful women, or at least half men and half women, but it was filled with nothing but paintings and sculptures of naked men.

Beautiful young boys, slender pretty boys, muscular machos……

「……Is this the king’s preference?」

He ended feeling like they wouldn’t be able to get along with each other.

The old butler spoke with a bewildered look.

「Normally, you would have been made to wait for several days within the castle but……」


「I give you my heartfelt apology as this time, through His Majesty’s idea, it has reached the stage of holding the ceremony immediately. I cannot bear the sense of shame for being unable to make any sort of preparation for such an important event like the conference between His Majesty the King of another country and His Majesty the King of the Lifelia Kingdom.」

「Ah, um……」

Diablo was the one who had refused the audience once.

In the end, taking the form of Horun and Lumachina being taken as hostages, he was forcibly taken along by Maximum though.

「The new kings of the Greenwood Kingdom and the Lifelia Kingdom──Two important persons will be having a conference. For a historical event such as this……if we were to conform with tradition, there would be more than a month’s time of preparation, an extensive appeal to even the surrounding countries, and be organized with the royal arena which can hold a hundred thousand people as the event site.」

「Fu, fufufu……」

If it were to turn into something like that, he would have run away.

To have a conference with the king, while being bathed in the attention of a hundred thousand people.


In front of some gigantic doors, the old butler lowered his head very deeply.

「Unable to prepare a befitting location despite this being a conference between two fellow kings, it pains me very much to say that it will take place in the Audience Room. Nevertheless, I ask that you please overlook this matter for the sake of the peace and prosperity of both countries.」

「Hmph……That is a trifling matter. I am not some small-timer that would fuss over the form of it.」

He was wearing his Demon King character, but he did feel that peace was best.

Even the Lifelia King should understand Diablo’s strength.

Most likely, it would turn into a conference that wouldn’t touch upon that. It would be great if it did.

The doors were opened.

A red carpet continued straight ahead.

Lined up on the left and right of it were heavily armed foot soldiers that held spears, and several retainers such as cabinet ministers and generals.

And then, on a platform, a man in the prime of his life was sitting on a throne.

His age was in the latter half of his 30’s.

Since the Humans of the Lifelia Kingdom would generally live to about 60 years old, he was probably on the younger side as a king.

It wasn’t like he had a strong presence like Galford, and overflowing magical power couldn’t be seen either.

──I don’t know about his leadership skills, but his personal fighting power looks normal.

It seemed that the rumors about Diablo had circulated as the lined up retainers were exchanging words in whispers.

「……Is that him?」

「So that’s the Adventurer that defeated the Great Demon King.」

「What are those horns?」

「The likes of a Demon.」

It wasn’t a welcoming atmosphere.

Even so, the cabinet minister that stood next to the king spoke where only the words were welcoming.

「Welcome and thank you for coming, Diablo Greenwood-sama.」

His gender neutral looks are beautiful──is what he thought.

This was something that Diablo should have no way of knowing, but that cabinet minister was Duke Noa Gibun. He was the Lifelia Kingdom’s substantial prime minister. He takes responsibility of a majority of the national politics in place of the king.

Since he thought “the time when I give my name is my biggest weak point”, he was relieved that his name was put out there.

He breathed a sigh of relief.


However, seeing that attitude, voices saying 「how impudent」 were leaked out from a portion of the retainers.

Diablo was startled.

Should he have said something there?

He gritted his teeth in his mind.

──It can’t be helped, right!? I’m just a hikikomori and NEET gamer. There’s no way I would know the correct conduct to take in front of a king! After being forcibly summoned here, I get treated as someone rude. Who’s the rude one here! Well, I’m probably the one in the wrong for being ignorant though……

If he weren’t doing his Demon King role play, he probably would have flinched and hung his head down. He had a personality that would be easily depressed since long ago.

There was a mountain of things that he wanted to say, but he would be troubled if it turned into a war between the Greenwood Kingdom and the Lifelia Kingdom.

This was where he had to endure it.

Cabinet minister Noa, who was next to the king, continued speaking.

「First of all, Diablo-sama, I have called out the people that you surely most concerned about.」


When he gave the signal, a different door opened.

Two women came in.

They were a petite young girl with black panther ears and tail, and an Elf that possessed blond hair and a chest that looked like they were filled to the point of bursting.


Part 5

It’s Rem and Shera!

However, their attire was different from usual.

They wore dresses as if they were the daughters of nobles. Rem’s had a red wine color and garnished with cute frills.

Shera’s was light blue, and as usual, her gigantic chest looked like it was going to spill out.

In all honesty, I’m doubting my eyes. With just that, their impressions are different from usual, and they’re full of beautiful, noble majesty. And above all……the 《Slavery Chokers》 are gone!? That is what Diablo thought as he was surprised.

Rem opened her eyes wide.



The one that ran over was Shera.

As if forgetting that she was dressed up in fine clothes, she came running while her chest swayed, and hugged him.

「O, oi……Shera!?」

「Uwaーn, Diablo! Diablo! Diablo!」

He understood that Invisibility Magic was cast on the 《Slavery Choker》 after seeing the magical power. Since this was the Audience Room, he was able to understand that but……

「D, did something happen!?」

Seeing her excessive reaction, he became worried that something horrible was done to her.

Shera shook her head sideways.

「It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other, so I’m just happy.」

「Is, is that so.」

Rem spoke with a sigh mixed in.

「……You……please consider the situation. You are before His Majesty the King, you know?」


It wasn’t just the King, there were also many cabinet ministers, generals, and palace guards that were scrutinizingly watching them. As expected, even Shera separated from Diablo while expressing an embarrassed grin.

How could this be.

──As I thought, should I be the one to explode?

Diablo was secretly in turmoil.

The willpower he prepared in order to confront the Lifelia King had completely withered. That was how he felt.

Rem turned around, and made a very deep bow to the King.

「Lifelia King, Your Majesty Darouch Sandros, we feel extremely delighted that you granted our audience. I am Rem Galeu. This is Shera L. Greenwood. The both of us are Diablo’s wives.」

She had a dignified figure that one could be instinctively be captivated by.

This time, there were no complaints that came from the people that openly displayed their anger at Diablo’s attitude earlier.

In other words, did that mean that Rem’s etiquette was correct?

The King made a small nod.


With just that, it seemed that it was Noa’s turn to talk next.

「In these days where the Great Demon King was revived, and Demonic Beings and Demonic Beasts run rampant, it would seem that various circumstances had happened, but it is quite joyous to be able to meet with everyone of the Greenwood royal family once again.」

──No, no, the Great Demon King had nothing to do with this, since I was just running around trying to escape from the audience with the king. Rather, although you say meeting again is joyous, to begin with, the reason why we acted separately was because we were ordered to come to the royal capital though!?

Although he was thinking that, he kept it as just a thought. He wanted to end this being as peaceable as possible.

Rem responded.

「……We are grateful for His Majesty’s sympathy, and Noa-sama’s consideration.」

As expected, there was no criticism from the retainers.

Shera spoke with a quiet voice.

「As expected of Rem huh.」

「That’s true.」

Able to negotiate with the inns and carriage shops, even having knowledge on sleeping outdoors, she even knows the decorum when being before His Majesty the King.

──Isn’t that something amazing?

Since long ago, he felt that she wasn’t a normal Adventurer but……

Noa went onto the main issue.

「We have heard that in the fight against the Great Demon King that raided Faltra City, Diablo-sama had made a great contribution to it……」

He hesitated to answer.

However, things were the same as usual.

It would be probably be best to make them thing that it would be dangerous to antagonize Diablo.

He replied with a haughty attitude.

「Hmph……Even if it is a Great Demon King, those that oppose me will face annihilation. That is all there is to it.」

The retainers murmured.

Even if they had heard gossip about it, it seemed that it was different when hearing the person themselves respond to it.

「So it really was true.」「However, what about the story of him being a Chemical Element Magician?」「A hero huh.」「No way, he’s a Demon, you know.」「Even though he isn’t affiliated with the Magician’s Guild……」

Thinking “how asinine”, Diablo lamented.

──When fighting against an enemy, what use is there to race and position?

With the retainers being like this, he also came to understand the king’s caliber.

Ah-ah, I want to go home……

If he had to compare it to something, it was like wanting to go home from unpaid overtime at first, but now it turned into wanting to go home from working on a day off. This was unbearable to a NEET.

Noa asked a question.

「According to reports, you had rushed alone at the Great Demon King that transformed into a figure that was like a castle, and slayed it.」

What had decided the situation was 《Gravity Abyss》, but what had given the most damage was the magic reflected 《Rumination Flame》.

Above all, it was questionable as to whether or not they would believe him if he said that the finishing blow was an 《Elixir》.

In the end, he didn’t talk about the finer details.

「Hmph……No matter what form the opponent takes, it does not matter. Since he had come invading my base in his arrogance, I merely crushed him!」

Again, a restless atmosphere spread amongst the retainers.

”My base?”

Does the king of a neighboring country plan on claiming that dominion on the basis that he had protected Faltra City?──That tension ran through them.

──You’re retorting too much on the minor details, aren’t you!?

Diablo ended up wanting to cry on the inside.

The speech and conduct of a king was something that could turn into an international problem from just a single phrase, but he himself was nothing more than an ordinary person. He didn’t possess something like a Political Speech skill.

Rem quickly followed up.

「……Diablo is the Greenwood King, but he is also an Adventurer that protects the peace of the Races! He has made Faltra City his “base” of activities.」

The commotion became smaller.

「An Adventurer.」「The King is?」「So Greenwood is a mercenary producing area.」「The King, himself?」「So an Adventurer became king.」「That sounds like a story of a small country.」

Noa asked a question.

「Diablo-sama, is it true that you defeated the Great Demon King with Chemical Elemental Magic?」

「That’s right.」

In the Lifelia Kingdom, when speaking of magic, Summon Magic would be what was talked about.

Chemical Elemental Magic is so weak that it’s useless──The people that thought that way were the majority.


Part 6

Finally, one of the people in attendance came forward. He was a man that was still young, and had glaring eyes. He wore a military uniform that had jumbled up decorations attached to it.

「That is utterly impossible to believe!」


Diablo glared at him.

The other party glared back at him as if to compete with him.

「I am a Lieutenant Commander of the Lifelia Kingdom Army, Harold William! For something like Chemical Elemental Magic, no matter how much you level up, it is no match against a large-sized Summoned Beast! So it is obviously a lie that he defeated the Great Demon King! Your Majesty, this man is a swindler. To begin with, it is doubtful that those Elves who have such high pride would make a Demon their king!」

Now that he said that, that certainly was sound reasoning……

Both Diablo’s speech and conduct and existence, they were quite disconnected from the common sense of this other world.

Shera objected.

「It’s not a lie! Diablo became the King. He went and ma……married me……after all.」

「Elves are a thin bodied race! It’s doubtful if this woman is even an Elf.」

「That’s so mean!?」

Maybe because she was surprisingly bothered about it, Shera became teary eyed.

Rem opened her eyes wide.

「……Now that you mention it.」

「Hold on, even you, Rem!?」

Lieutenant Commander William came instigating with a triumphant look.

「Horn growing Demon! If you insist that your words are not a lie, then bring out proof!」

Diablo shrugged his shoulders.

「If you do not believe me, then that is fine as well.」


He had grown used to not being believed since long ago. Many people would look at the person who made the claim rather than the contents of the claim. It was because he himself did not have true friendship with them……

「If it is just as you say, then it means that I did not subdue the Great Demon King, nor am I the Greenwood King. In that case, I have no reason to be called here, no?」

Rem shrugged her shoulders.

「……That is how it would be. We also would have no reason to have an audience with His Majesty.」

It seemed that deep down, she also got mad at the fact that Diablo and Shera were doubted. There was a sharpness in her tone.

Diablo turned his back to the King.

「I will be leaving then.」

Shera clung onto his arm.

「Don’t leave us behindー」

The retainers became noisy, but there was no one that tried to stop them.

Noa spoke with a cold voice.

「Lieutenant Commander William……?」

As if he were snapped to it, the military man with glaring eyes rushed out in front of Diablo’s group.

「W, wait!」

「Hmph……If you do not want to get hurt, move out of the way, small timer.」

「Small timer!? Me, the one who became a Lieutenant Commander at the age of 30!?」

「I don’t care.」

He didn’t know at what age someone was amazing when someone reached a certain rank in the Lifelia Kingdom.

William drew the sword at his waist.

「If you have spoken lies to His Majesty, that is lese majeste! I will not turn a blind eye to this!」

Shera hid behind Diablo.


「……You are the one who drew their sword first.」

Rem put herself on guard.

Diablo held one hand out.

「You, what is your level? If you do not wish to die, then answer me honestly.」

「Wh, what was that!?」

「Answer me. It is because if your level is too low, you will be blown away by my magic.」

「Are you mocking me, a Lieutenant Commander of the glorious Lifelia Kingdom Army! You useless Chemical Elemental Magician and lowly Demon!」

William raised his sword overhead.


Is he around level 40? As a soldier of this other world, that is probably above average though.

「Damned fool……《Glakius Cannon》!!」

It was magic that fired a clump of ice.

However, the ice that was generated through Diablo’s powerful magical power was a gigantic lump of ice that was bigger than a single adult.

That went flying at a high speed.

If it made a direct hit, there was no telling if a trace of the person would even remain.

Aiming away from William, he made it hit only the sword that William had raised overhead. The blade broke. And then, the lump of ice flew behind the man.

It penetrated the wall of the Audience Room.

A thunderous sound reverberated.

It didn’t end with that.

The castle walls had the outward appearance of concrete, but was it not that hard? Or could it be that the power of 《Glakius Cannon》 was larger than he imagined?

Loudly opening up a hole, and piercing the wall on the other side, it penetrated through several walls.

From the holes, the sky dyed in a red sunset could be seen.

William’s eyes became bloodshot, and while foaming at the mouth, he sank down to the floor.


He lost control of his bladder.

The cabinet ministers became flustered, made a commotion, and ran about trying to escape.

The generals and the foot soldiers similarly tried to escape, but maybe because they remembered their vocations, they readied their swords and spears.

Shera and Rem went pale.

「Di, Diablo~!?」

「To use such powerful attack magic in a place like this……Didn’t you go a bit too far!?」

──I thought that it would end with just cracks in the wall though.

However, having discomposure wasn’t Demon King-like. He snorted with an attitude filled with composure.

「Hmph……Did you say attack magic? What I did just now was a small greeting. If I attacked seriously, I could erase this whole castle.」

Noa narrowed his eyes.

The one who instigated William, was him. Maybe because he had predicted this sort of situation, he had no signs of panic.

「As expected of you. According to reports, Diablo-sama, is it true that you describe yourself not as a Demon, but like this?」


「──As, a Demon King of another world.」

The retainers became the noisiest they’ve ever been up until now. There were even some that raised screams.

Diablo became flustered.

──This is bad. I don’t possess an art of conversation that could suppress this chaos.

If it turned into a battle in the royal castle, he was doubtful as to if he could protect Rem and Shera. He didn’t want to needlessly kill the soldiers either.

He could only overawe them, make them feel afraid, and avoid battle!

He shouted.

「That’s right! My name is Diablo! A Demon King, that came from another world!!」

He declared that with an extraordinarily villainous looking face.

He was holding his head in his mind.

Ahーahーahー, as I thought, it turned out like thisー. I went and claimed myself to be a Demon King in front of the Lifelia King.

Even though he was running around trying to escape from the audience because he thought it would turn out like this.

A criminal? A fugitive? Dead or alive? Farewell, relaxed other world life. Hello, life of being on the run.


Part 7

There was a laughter.

Just when he was wondering who that was, it was the king who didn’t move all this time, and who he started to suspect was just a doll that was left there──Darouch Sandros.

「Kuhahahaha! To think you would be a Demon King!」


Diablo peeked at his appearance.

The King asked him a question.

「Are you an Adventurer, the Greenwood King, as well as a Demon King?」

「That is how it is. I am not some small timer that would sneakily lie or make excuses.」

──The Demon King thing is all an act though.

Darouch leaned forward.

「It is also true that you defeated the Great Demon King Modinalaam?」

「How annoying. Shall I show you my true power?」

「No, no, this was plenty. I have seen many boasts of strength and technique, but to penetrate through Grandios’s walls and show the sky, you are the first to do so.」

「Hmph……It means that you have seen nothing but small fry.」

──Well, there isn’t anyone else irrational enough to destroy the royal castle──that might be what that means.

「You sure are an interesting man, Diablo. To think you would protect a town of the Races despite claiming to be a Demon King. Are Demon Kings not ones who kill people of the Races?」

──There is also a Demon King who loves biscuits you know?

「Hmph……I have no interest in the life or death of the Races.」

Noa spoke with a conservative voice.

「Diablo-sama is a Demon King of another world. He is different from the Demon Kings of this world……I am sure that is what he means.」

Darouch nodded with a triumphant look.

「I see. So, in that case──Diablo, do you have any interest in serving me?」


The retainers grew lively.

Noa knitted his brows.

However, Darouch did not change his opinion.

「I hate tradition. Things like style or social rules, who decided them and when? Whether it be the place to live, the things to eat, even the speech and conduct to take, all of those were things decided in the past. Am I not a King? Why must I obey the things decided by the kings of the past?」


「Within the history of the Lifelia Kingdom, there has not been a king that has employed a Demon King. Diablo, you should serve me.」

He was being somewhat excited.

Diablo replied.


I refuse!

Before he was about to say that, Noa gave advice.

「Your Majesty, Diablo-sama is the Greenwood King and, although it is of another world, a Demon King. Making a king into your retainer would be the same as dominating a foreign country. Regrettably, speech and conduct that would disrupt the peace and produce strife between countries would not be in your best interests.」

「But however!」

「Your Majesty, none of the kings of the past have reconciled with a Demon King either. Even if you do not employ him, would that not be enough to carve your name in history?」

「……Fumu……That is true.」

Diablo felt relieved at how it seemed that the conversation had calmed down.

The retainers did too.

And then, Rem and Shera also breathed sighs.

Darouch asked a question to Noa.

「What, should I do?」

「I believe that acknowledging Diablo-sama as the Greenwood King, and confirming an unchanging friendship between both countries would be enough.」

「Is there anything else? Are there no plans that could make it known to the princes of the neighboring countries that I have reconciled with a Demon King?」

Noa pondered for a bit.

「Diablo-sama is an Adventurer as well. How about giving him a request in Your Majesty’s name? There is the matter from this morning, which is just perfect.」

Darouch’s complexion became brighter.

「Ohh! As expected of you, Noa. That is an ingenious idea!」

It looks like things have become troublesome──is what Diablo thought.

However, it was probably better than being chased as a criminal, or having things turn into a war between the Lifelia Kingdom and the Greenwood Kingdom.

Shera silently listened.

In place of Diablo who was fundamentally bad at talking, Rem inquired about it.

「……Will His Majesty, acknowledge Diablo as an Adventurer, and confer a request?」


Noa explained the details.

「Recently, the fortress of the newly developed southern territory of Caliture was attacked by a pack of wild beasts and has fallen.」


Rem’s voice faintly trembled.

Noa continued.

「Exterminating wild beasts that attack a town of the Races──That is truly a request fitting of an Adventurer, is it not? However, the enemy has the strength to bring down four fortresses that the kingdom’s army was stationed at. I have heard that even a giant Spriggan had appeared……I am sure it will not be easy.」

Expression vanished from his face, and there was an impression as if he had a mask.

──A Spriggan huh.

In the MMORPG Cross Reverie, they were guards meant to prevent anyone from stepping foot into important places. To think they would attack a fortification of the Races……it seemed that they were different from how they were in the game.

Rem asked while sounding uneasy.

「……What do you think, Diablo?」

The enemy seems strong, but he doesn’t want to become a criminal or go to war, and he didn’t want to become the king’s retainer even more.

A quiet and comfortable life free from worldly cares in another world……although it didn’t reach that far, he could wake up when he liked, eat when he liked, and accept quests if he felt like it.

Even though he finally became free.

Why would he have to cast away that carefree life and get a job!?

──I’m not good at talking with other people, but going to work is even more impossible.

Diablo folded his arms.

「It is a pain but……Well, if you say that it is a quest, then I am fine with accepting it.」

Rem nodded and moved onto the more specific negotiations.

「……What will the rewards be?」

「Of course, a suitable amount has been prepared. Recently, I have heard that the Greenwood Kingdom received a Demonic Being attack, and that a considerable amount of victims came out of that. How would sending support funds from the Lifelia Kingdom sound as a reward? I believe that it would be possible to prepare an amount of money that other countries would not be ashamed of.」

「……Thank you very much, for the consideration.」

Was he actually thinking of this from the start? The proposal from Noa came out without any hesitation to the point that it seemed like that.

Shera cast her eyes down.


It was rare for this girl who would usually speak out without thinking to swallow her words.

Going “Yosh!”, Darouch clapped his hands.

「Diablo, go and exterminate those wild beasts that attacked Caliture!」

The conclusion was acceptable.

Normally, he would lower his head and exit the room.


Diablo took out the 《Tonnerre Empereur》.



Darouch made a puzzled face, while Noa revealed unease for the first time.

「Wh, what do you plan on doing, Diablo-sama!?」

Even if this caused a settled negotiation to become unsettled──if he were to allow this, he wouldn’t be a Demon King.

He pointed the Magic Staff at the King.

「Do not be mistaken! I do not obey you. I am only lending you my strength after you requested it. Do not think that you have conquered a Demon King!」



Rem and Shera were at a loss for words.

With sweat showing on his forehead, Noa’s shoulders were trembling.


Among the retainers, there were even some that looked like they were going to try and cut him down at any moment.

Tension filled with bloodlust ran through the area.

However, Darouch was the only one that was different.

He gave a broad smile.

「Kuhaha! Good! I shall firmly remember that! However, I am the Lifelia King──the one who governs over the Races. To tremble violently from a Demon King, is impossible!」

「Hmph……It would seem that you are not some coward that just hides away in a castle.」

「That true strength said to have defeated the Great Demon King……I will have you demonstrate that it is the real deal, you know?」

「Who do you think you’re saying that to!」

As they glared at each other, they expressed fearless smiles.

Diablo turned his back, and left the Audience Room.

「Ah, wait upー」

Shera followed him with a semi-jog.

Rem flusteredly made a deep bow to the king, and hurriedly chased after them.

Next to Darouch, who was expressing a smile, Noa was displaying a cold expression that was like ice.

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