Chapter 64 - I've got this Undercover Agent's back (3)

Chapter 64 - I’ve got this Undercover Agent’s back (3)

Translated by Cyan

Edited by Sleepy Little Mushrooms

Get undressed and lie down…already?

Gu Pingming looked up, startled. Before he could say anything, Lu Baiyu, eyebrows curved. He had already raised the bed a little higher for him. He added, smiling, “It’s just an ultrasound check, don’t be nervous.”


This little doctor did it on purpose.

He looked well-behaved and quiet, but it turns out he could also be mischievous. Gu Pingming raised his eyebrows. The light in his eyes grew brighter and he let out an even deeper smile. He simply took off his hospital gown and boldly laid down.

The bedside ultrasound machine was easy to use. The patient didn’t even need to go to the ultrasound room. Unfortunately, it required a lot more from the examiner and the cost was also relatively high. This rehabilitation center was a high-end one and Lu Baiyu soon received the bedside ultrasound machine.

“Is it all so convenient now?”

Gu Pingming was still unconscious the last time these checks were done. He didn’t know how he had been treated. Helping himself with the bed, he laid flat on his back. His eyes were still curiously following Lu Baiyu around as he walked back and forth.

Lu Baiyu smiled and nodded gently, pushing the ultrasound machine over to the bed. His sight landed on Gu Pingming’s body.

Gu Pingming wasn’t wearing a shirt. He was lying flat on the bed all carefree and casual. His terrifying scars were all visible.

Many of them hadn’t even completely healed yet. They were still vividly prominent, jarring between his chest and abdomen. Through those wounds, one could almost clearly see the life-and-death situation he had encountered.

Lu Baiyu sat down on the edge of the bed. He put his palm over one of the scars on the other’s chest.

Sensing his movement, Gu Pingming propped up his upper body. He glanced over the young doctor’s abnormally quiet demeanor and softly chucked, “It’s already all better. I don’t feel anything at all now, and it doesn’t hurt-”

“Nothing at all?”

Lu Baiyu looked up at him, his palm falling down and rubbing the scar gently. In his head, he asked the system to buy a few more tubes of medicine for him.

Without using the repair medicine in the system store, even if this kind of wounds healed, it would be impossible for it not to leave some lasting after effects. For example, when it’s cloudy and rainy, itching would be a common occurrence. Sometimes it would hurt like there were a hundred ants devouring your heart. For a profession where he could encounter danger at any moment, this kind of condition that may just suddenly affect his fighting moves was like having a time bomb buried in his body.

The warmth from the palm of the hand fell on his chest and passed onto him from the gentle pressure Lu Baiyu applied. Gu Pingming’s heart tightened. He fell silent and met those dark eyes.

He was so used to walking between life and death that he almost didn’t even care about getting wounded anymore. He himself didn’t pay much attention to those scars. Now, with that warm palm gently covering him, the heat seemed to penetrate through the flesh and bone, all the way to the bottom of his heart. He couldn’t find his words.

There used to be some feeling, but it seemed nothing compared to the warmth of the touch that now covered it.

Gu Pingming closed his eyes, dismissing the hint of complicated emotions that had mysteriously arisen. He opened his eyes and smiled, raising his hand to squeeze the young doctor’s cheeks. “It’s really fine, don’t worry.”

This action was crossing the line, but Lu Baiyu didn’t react too much. He just nodded, and continued to warm him up for a while before removing his hand.

The dark eyes seemed filled with a heaviness that couldn’t be waved away. Gu Pingming saw and felt his heart constrict. He was planning, as a distraction, to tease him again. Lu Baiyu moved faster and had already applied some gel on his palm. He rubbed it on his body.

His body was suddenly coated with a cold, icy liquid. It looked viscous and mingled with the slightly higher temperature of the palm as it rubbed on his chest, quickly numbed it.

… …

That was awful.

When making fun of the little doctor, he could still control himself. Now, he was lying flat on his back on the bed. If he had a slightly more obvious reaction, it will inevitably be visible.

Not yet able to adapt smoothly to his overly candid state, Gu Pingming’s breathing turned sluggish. His body subconsciously tensed. It took his seven years of undercover experience to lie flat without moving. He cautiously opened his mouth, “Dr. Lu ……”


The young doctor was carefully applying the gel to him. He raised his head at the sound of his voice, his frown disappearing. “Call me Baiyu.”

“&#k2026; &#k2026; Baiyu.”

Gu Pingming took it in stride and swallowed his saliva, his throat still achingly dry, “Is this also part of the checkup?”

Hearing the strange tone in his voice, Lu Baiyu blinked. Recovering his senses, the smile in his eyes deepened. He pursed his lips and nodded, “The gel used to enhance the effect of the transducer (ultrasound probe) is a little cold. It will be better soon.”

The development of modern medicine was amazing.

The original soreness that had been spawned in the bottom of his heart has long since disappeared. Gu Pingming slowly adjusted his breathing, trying his best to shift his attention to the fluorescent lights overhead and he couldn’t help letting out a couple of coughs.

He originally thought that he would have to endure much longer, but after only a little while, Lu Baiyu withdrew his hand. He found a tissue to wipe his palm, before taking the transducer.

Despite having just managed, with much difficulty, to control his emotions, regret appeared in his chest. Gu Pingming wanted to speak but meeting those eyes, he quieted down.

As the young doctor’s gaze fell on the display screen, the slight mischievous smile in his eyes faded away. There was now only an unobstructed focus, scrutinizing every detail.

Lu Baiyu inspected him meticulously. He took an especially careful look at several wounds on his chest, the transducer changing direction repeatedly. Gu Pingming lay on the bed, his full attention was on the delicate and pretty side profile. His heartbeat resonated in his ears, his Adam’s apple moved silently.

The room was quiet. Only the regular ticking of the clock could be heard.

“Breathe slowly… …”

The hand on his shoulder pressed on it lightly. The young doctor’s eyes were still looking at the screen. He frowned disapprovingly, and distractedly gave a doctor’s order.

The damage to the lungs was obvious. It wasn’t clear if the heart was affected. The blood was ejected so quickly that it was hard to see if there were any microscopic breaks that could cause the blood to leak out.

Gu Pingming was at a loss for a while. He braced himself up until he could see his heart rate on the monitor. It was almost over 100. Finally, dumbfounded and not knowing whether to laugh or cry, “Baiyu-”

He started to open his mouth to call out, but Lu Baiyu had already raised his hand over his heart. He slowly patted and caressed his chest, bit by bit. The force was so gentle that his chest couldn’t help but follow suit and his breathing slowed down.

However, his heart rate skipped in the blink of an eye from 99 to a 100.

Gu Pingming: “……”

Modern medicine was really annoying.

Lu Baiyu set aside the transducer in his hands and looked up at him. The light in his dark eyes flashed for a moment and turned into a serene smile.

… ….

It took nearly half an hour of looking before the ultrasound revealed some signs of a positive outcome.

“It’s recovering well, but it’s going to take time to heal. You can’t do too much vigorous activity in the meantime.”

Lu Baiyu methodically packed up the instruments one by one and carefully instructed, “There is a slight leak in the blood flow but it should be able to heal on its own. It’s not to the extent that it needs to be surgically repaired. We will continue to observe first. Rest well, don’t stay up late and don’t overwork yourself. Tell me immediately when you have chest pains ……”

The little doctor was very professional about his work. His face didn’t even show his usual soft smile.

He listened to his explanation and slowly buttoned up. Gu Pingming’s heart skipped lightly as his gaze fell on that particularly serious and solemn face.

Not hearing a response, Lu Baiyu turned around in confusion and met Gu Pingming’s gaze. The latter suddenly inhaled sharply. Brows knitted together, he raised his hand to press on Gu Pingming’s chest.

“What is—are you uncomfortable?”

He hadn’t yet learned the saying that ‘good thoughts aren't effective but bad thoughts are‘. Lu Baiyu felt a little uneasy. He walked over to feel his pulse, but Gu Pingming turned over his hand and gently clasped his wrist. A bit forcefully, he brought him to his side.

Suddenly gathered up by a strong and robust body, Lu Baiyu blinked and looked up at him.

“I’m not that weak, little doctor ……”

Gu Pingming held his hand, his gaze falling on the faint furrows on his brow. He couldn’t help but to raise his hand and gently smooth them out. “If you smile, I won’t hurt anymore.”

Their closeness was almost instinctive. For some reason, he just couldn’t stand to see him frowning, especially if it’s because of his own body.

There weren’t even that many serious injuries. He was even half-dead when he first came here. Now all he had to do was just rehab. As long as he worked hard and cooperated with the doctor’s medical arrangements, his body would quickly recover well.

There was nothing to worry about.

Lu Baiyu looked at him, and after a long while, a little soft smile gradually spread in his eyes. He then leaned over and stuck himself against the other’s chest.

As he was about to listen to him breathing, Gu Pingming wrapped his arms around him, to keep him from slipping. He tried to start breathing according to the other’s instructions, but Lu Baiyu turned his head slightly sideways. As he rested his forehead gently against his chest, he said, “You won’t hurt anymore.”

The little doctor’s look was so solemn and serious that Gu Pingming’s heart suddenly clenched. His arm tightened a bit around him. His face closed off, smile withdrawing. “Alright.”

He’s going to be all fine soon.


After completing the last bit missing from Gu Pingming’s medical records, Lu Baiyu returned to his office. He began to work nonstop and was busy for a while.

Gu Pingming’s physical foundation was very good. Such an injury wouldn’t be fatal to him anymore. Even so, an old injury that was left alone would not only affect his quality of life in the future, but could also have an impact on his reaction speed and fighting level.

A sound rehab plan must be made to go along with the medicine the system bought from the mall.

The busy hours tend to fly by fast. The night was just beginning to dawn when he turned on the computer. By the time he had thoroughly revised the first phase of his rehab plan, the sky was already brightening.

As he hadn’t slept, his body was exhausted. Lu Baiyu propped himself up to move his somewhat stiff body a bit. He also raised his hand to rub his eyes.

Although he was only in charge of Gu Pingming, the interns all had to work the night shift. People who were specially recruited were no exception. Today was his turn. During this period, no matter which patient in the ward has a problem, he had to be responsible and handle it. He couldn’t go back to rest.

So tired, his chest was starting to feel blocked, Lu Baiyu put away the materials at hand. He pillowed his arm in front of the table, before closing his eyes. Suddenly, sharp calling bell sounded.

… …

In the world of medicine, the special gift some people have for the night shift has always been a mystery.

For a rehabilitation center with a high percentage of recovering patients, this night was actually quite eventful. By the time Lu Baiyu finished dealing with the last patient who had sudden chest pains, the sky was already completely bright. Colleagues were arriving at work one after another, it was already time for him to hand over the work.

Lu Baiyu drank a mouthful of water and leaned against the end of the corridor to reply to the shift message. As he was about to put away his phone and go back to rest, a dark shadow suddenly stood in front of him.

He raised his head to see Gu Pingming standing before him.

“Pingming ……”

His body was overworked and his brain’s reaction reduced, Lu Baiyu blinked up at him. “What’s wrong? You don’t feel well?”

Gu Pingming didn’t reply. He just took a good look at him.

The young doctor was sleepy and wobbly. His face was pale, but his dizzy dark eyes remained serene, soft, as though he could never be impatient.

“I’m fine, Doctor Lu.”

It was rare for Gu Pingming to address him properly. Gu Pingming raised his hand to support him. He brushed his hair away from his forehead, his fingertips touching some cold wetness. “You, on the other hand, don’t look so well.”

“Don’t worry. I just finished a night shift. I’ll be fine with some sleep.”

Slightly rough fingertips traced his forehead before the warm touch fell down. Lu Baiyu raised his eyebrows and borrowed his strength to stand up straight. “I will come to see you at night. Are you still going to the rooftop? Let’s try the new rehabilitation program-”

Before he could finish his sentence, Gu Pingming took his wrist and led him over to his room.

Gu Pingming had on a serious expression. Maybe something happened. Lu Baiyu roused his spirit up and followed him into the room. He was about to ask questions, but he was already slowly being pressed down on the bed.

“Just sleep here, no one will bother you.”

Meeting the questioning dark eyes, Gu Pingming spoke softly. His arms were folded behind his back as he leaned over, looking at those black eyes. “Rest well, don’t stay up late, don’t overwork yourself—Baiyu, you said this to me, but you can’t set an example yourself at all.”

“It’s not like I was hurt.”

His “brook no argument” logic made Lu Baiyu laugh helplessly. Lu Baiyu raised his head, wanting to retort. But Gu Pingming had already started to unbutton his neatly buttoned white coat. “It doesn’t matter if I was hurt. Seeing you unable to rest well, my chest hurts. It hurts so bad that I can’t breathe……”

Listening to his nonsense spoken in such a serious tone, Lu Baiyu was speechless. He didn’t try to retort anymore. He just let him peel off his doctor’s coat from his body.

Without his white suit, the other’s seriousness and coldness brought by his status completely dissipated. Lu Baiyu was sleepily confused, quietly leaning between his arms. His soft short hair brushed slightly against his forehead. With soft eyes, he looked at him a little dazedly through his slender and thick eyelashes.

“It doesn’t hurt as much now.”

Nodding in satisfaction, Gu Pingming rubbed the top of his hair. He took off his shoes and socks for him before laying him down. He carefully tucked him inside the blanket.

The little doctor was already notably thin. Curled up under the blanket, he became an even smaller bundle. The edge of the blanket covered his chin. His short hair plastered down completely. All this made the whole man appear even younger than his actual age.

Gu Pingming couldn’t help but raise his hand to touch his cheek. It was cool and soft. He watched him with warm eyes.

Gu Pingming, due to his undercover habits, never slept too deeply. He knew that, last night, there were at least four times where Lu Baiyu had to go to handle messy situations. The longest one lasting almost an hour.

It was a long way back to the dormitory, and the doctor’s quarters there were far inferior to the high-class ward he was in. It was only logical for his attending physician to rest in his own bed.

Probably because he was indeed too tired, Lu Baiyu had fallen asleep in but a moment after lying down. After closing his eyes, his breathing was even and long. Gu Pingming squatted on the edge of the bed and touched his still somewhat pale cheeks. The sleeping little doctor didn’t try to avoid him but instead relaxed and rubbed against his palm.

Gu Pingming looked at him, the corners of his lips curling up a little.

It didn’t hurt at all now.


Lu Baiyu slept for most of the day.

Gu Pingming went to buy a meal at noon. Seeing that Lu Baiyu was still sleeping, he didn’t want to wake him up. He just kept it in the shade, intending to wait for him to wake up, and then heat it up before eating it.

At the hottest part of the afternoon, the sun became blazingly bright.

Gu Pingming pulled up the divider for him and went off to finish his rehab assignment for the day. In a rare moment of not lingering outside, he bought some cake downstairs and hurried back to the ward.

Walking to the door of his ward, there was a figure standing at the edge. It was pacing back and forth in the shadows.

“Brother Gu!”

Finally seeing his figure appearing, Liang Xia’s eyes lit up. He hurried up to meet him and followed him excitedly. “How come you didn’t come out for barbeque yesterday? Were you caught by the doctor? Did he confiscate your cigarettes?”

Gu Pingming didn’t respond, only waved a hand at him to keep his voice down. He raised his hand to open his room’s door.

“It doesn’t matter. You will be free sooner or later. And when you come out, you will still be a great man.”

Gu Pingming’s room was a single. Liang Xia didn’t know there was someone else in it. He also didn’t notice Gu Pingming’s gestures, and enthusiastically pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He then tried to hand it to him. “Brother Gu, I’ve brought you a new pack of cigarettes. You must hide it well ……”

To his surprise, Gu Pingming didn’t take it this time. He even crossed his arms and shook his head. “I quit. You can keep it.”

“What would I keep it for? This was bought specially for you. It’s expensive, I wouldn’t even give it to our boss to smoke!”

For Liang Xia, he was a teacher and an older brother, someone to admire. He didn’t feel the need to hold back when talking with him. He tried to hand over the pack. “Take it, no need to be polite. Don’t let the doctor find out. If you could quit smoking, the sun would rise from the west ……”

Gu Pingming raised his eyebrows and took it. Hearing some movement inside, he twisted the door and pushed it open. Lu Baiyu, who got up and changed into a white suit, was standing in the doorway.

The little doctor who had slept well really looked a lot better. Gu Pingming nodded in satisfaction and smiled at him. He handed over the box of cigarettes straight away. He then complained to him, denouncing his friend to his face with no remorse.

“Doctor Lu, he’s making me smoke.”

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