Chapter 34: An Old Story of a Certain Ar

After contemplating for a while, Nick answered "I don't know". I kind of expected this answer, but asked that question anyway. Nick then said "Maybe in the future, you will be able to find the answers, which I was not able to find". I nodded my head, and said "I will try". Nick woke up from his thoughts, and continued "Focus on the Art of Stealth from now on. Reading the books, is secondary at this stage. You already have good knowledge of the Art of Medicine, you just lack experience".

I asked "Then, what about the Art of Hidden Weapons? You taught me nothing yet, and I suppose we don't have much time left". Nick sighed deeply, and said "Fine, I shall tell you". I listened carefully, for what Nick would say next. "Do you remember the story, about the emperor being the slave?" he asked. I was a bit confused, but replied "Yes, I remember". Nick continued "What did I say then?". I tried recalling what the story was about, and replied "I only remember you saying, that he was a slave, and that he had to develop the Art of Hidden Weapons. You also said, that he never mastered it though".

Nick said "Yes, that is correct. Yet, there is a second part of this story, which I never told you about". I looked at Nick, and replied "I still think, that this is not true. I mean, to fake so many books and records… it's not really possible". Nick said "It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not. What matters, is the story".

Nick then continued "I only told you that Endros was a slave, and that he was the founder of this Art. I also told you that he had apprentices, and taught them his Art. Later, these people had their own apprentices, and so on. But the story, is not that simple".

I asked "Why?", to which Nick continued "I only told you a generalisation. Now, I'm going to tell you the full story. When Endros was young, he lived a very poor life. He slept on the streets most of the time, and had to resort to stealing in order to live. One day, he stole from a wealthy trader, and got caught. He was beaten up and enslaved, then sold for couple pieces of copper. He was 10 years old at that time".

Nick paused for a while, then continued "Although Endros lived on the streets, he was still kind to others. What you would call "a good kid", who tried to help those in similar situation. That was not his real nature though. His real nature, was evil, pure evil. But somehow, it didn't awaken, even though he lived on the streets, and his situation was nothing to envy. This started to change, when he got sold as a slave. He was tortured mentally, physically and was forced to work. Growing up like this, being humiliated at every step, being tortured or beaten up everyday, and used by other slaves, something inside him finally broke. His rage finally arrived at the limit. In the heat of the moment, he killed one of the older slaves, that worked for the same master".

"He was punished severely for that crime. They cut his skin with knives. They drowned him, until he almost died. He was abused to the point, where many would simply take their own lives, just to end everything. He lived through it, and never regretted killing that slave. When his torture ended, he vowed to take revenge. This prompted an idea for him, and he started developing the Art, that is known today as Art of Hidden Weapons. He would practice hiding pebbles, sticks and whatnot. He was already thinking, how to kill, and how to stay hidden while doing so. His real nature, awakened at the age of 14. From that point on. he developed his Art for about three years, until he was sure, he could kill any slave or soldier with his Art. When he was about 17 years old, he was called to his master bedroom, for reason I'd rather omit. Before his master could do anything, Endros killed him silently, with a sharpened stick".

I interrupted Nick and asked "What about the guards?". Nick continued "He was check before he entered the masters bedroom, but due to his training, the guard didn't manage to find anything on him. After he killed his master, the guard outside, was still unaware of what just happened. With an element of surprise, he opened the doors, and killed the guard outside. He then took his weapon, and slowly slaughtered the whole mansion. It didn't matter, whether the person was a slave or not. All of them died". I asked again "What about other guards? That master surely had more of them" to which Nick said "Yes, he had apparently 5 guards. But because only one guard stood at the doors to the his master's bedroom, no other guard was even aware of what happened. He killed them one by one. Endros lived in that place for many years, this allowed him to learn their habits, and positions".

Nick waited for a while, and let that sink in. He then continued "You may ask. What does this have to do with Art of Hidden Weapons? The answer is precisely a part of the story, which I just told you. There are four conditions, that someone has to fulfil, in order to develop the real Art of Hidden Weapons. Revenge is the first condition. When there is revenge, there is rage, anger or bloodlust. Second condition is slavery, or in other words, true restrictions of your movement and possessions. Slavery just so happens, to be the best method. Third condition, is the mind. You need to be strong mentally, just like Endros. Who managed to get through couple of years of torture, and still fulfil his revenge. You are different though. Your nature alone, fulfils that condition. The fourth condition, is to kill someone and feel nothing".

I asked "So, what am I supposed to do?". Nick replied "If I teach you how to do it, you will only reach my level. If you learn by yourself, you have a chance of mastering it. All the masters of this Art, learned it by themselves. No one showed them, how it's done".

Nick then continued "I wanted for you to learn it by yourself, while creating some special events. Now that I already said this, it's pointless. I will still give you the choice though. You can learn from me, or learn it by yourself. Whichever you choose, is up to you".

I thought about it for a while, and asked Nick "Can't I choose both?". Nick was stunned for a while, and thought about something. After a while, he replied "Right, choose both... Maybe this has a chance to work". I nodded, and said "Why don't you teach me what you know, and I will also practice by myself. I always got some ideas, so I might be able to develop this further. Who said that, if you teach me, then there is no way to improve anymore?".

Nick answered "Normally it wouldn't work, but because of your unyielding nature, it might just work. I always forget about that nature of yours, it really is very rare. Funny enough, I never heard of anyone with unyielding nature, trying to learn the Art of Hidden Weapons". I thought for a while, and said "So you will teach me, but you mentioned that there are four conditions that I need to fulfil, in order to learn the real Art of Hidden Weapons. I don't have all the requirements then".

Nick shook his head, and replied "No, you are wrong. You met all of them. What I was after, was to intensify the rage inside you. I know you are enraged deep inside, but that is not enough for the true skills to be created. I wanted to create some... events for you, to gain that extra rage". He then continued "If you didn't meet all the conditions, you wouldn't be able to learn, what you did as a slave. You met all the conditions, because you learned".

I asked Nick "What about the 4th condition? I began my training in the Art of Hidden Weapons, long before Dina died by my hands". Nick smiled, and replied "You met two out of four conditions, because of your nature. That is why, I once said "your nature, is worse than being of evil nature". In other words, for people with your nature, there is no good or evil. You were a slave already too. This condition, was also met. The last condition, was revenge. You already wanted revenge, long before you became a slave. It only intensified, when you became one".

"In overall, you met all the conditions. Yet, we shall do it differently. I will teach you what I know, and you must develop your own Arts as well. How you are going to achieve this, I don't know. I'm certain of one thing, you will try it until you die. That is your nature".

I nodded my head, and said "I shall try". Nick smiled, and said "First, you will need a real weapon. You will create it by yourself, and with your own imagination. Don't try to copy my knives. Just go with whatever your mind and body is telling you. When you have the weapon, we will start the training".

Nick then continued "Don't forget to read the book from time to time, and practice the Art of Stealth as much as you can. Remember, you need to combine the whole training that you did, and remember the phase 'Avoid the light'".

I replied "Alright", and went outside to practice. My work at the blacksmith's workshop, would start tomorrow. Gathering enough materials to create a few weapons, would take me a while. 'A few more weeks, and I should be able to create my new weapons. Then, I will finally learn the Art of Hidden Weapons!' I thought.

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