Chapter 453: They Exis

I ran past the Obsidian Mountains and Sludge Factory, before arriving to Sedon. What I saw made me stop in my tracks. The city, it was in ruins once more. No, it was worse than before. The two newly built walls, were completely razed to the ground. The bridge connecting the wilderness and Sedon, gone. The gate didn't fare any better. 'What the hell happened here?', I asked myself while rushing towards the destroyed walls.

Corpses of various races littered the ground, which suggested to me it didn't happen that long ago. I made it to the destroyed walls, and grabbed the first guy I could see for questioning. "I can see you were attacked, but what exactly created such damages?". The Lizard looked hurt, and had a hard time answering. I gave him some medicine, and waited.

"After you left… Eterians and Furians arrived… They were too powerful", he said. I realised that he wouldn't tell me anything useful. I made my way towards Crow's place. The damages were severe to say the least. Most buildings were destroyed or heavily damaged. The state of the city was much worse compared to the previous Mordar Army attack. Corpses littered the streets, while people huddled in corners, fear plastered over their faces. 'I knew I had a bad feeling about this', I thought.

One of the Shades called me over, just as I approached Crow's place. "We are in deep shit this time. The lack of weapons didn't help us much you know". He was rather pissed, but who wouldn't be. I replied, "I have your weapons, you will get them soon… I know, they are useless to you now, but you are still alive. The walls Ama built saved you". He sighed, "I'm not saying it's your fault, but people will blame you. Crow is inside, go meet with him. He will tell you more bad news".

The situation seemed to be getting worse and worse. I climbed the stairs towards Crow's office. I was able to hear a few voices arguing about something. When I entered, the room was filled with all sorts of people. "You finally returned!", Crow exclaimed. Besides Crow, there were Voltars, Shades and Lizards inside the room. The presence of Voltars was odd to me, but I didn't think much of it at that time.

"Crow, what the hell happened here?", I asked. "It's not only here. Boltier is down, we lost it". I stood there in shock. "How is that possible? If the Eterians and Furians attacked you, who attacked Boltier?", I asked. One of the Voltars replied while gritting his teeth, "Corpse Dogs". Before I could say anything else, another Voltar added. "There were thousands upon thousands of them. An army we never saw before". I grabbed the bridge of my nose while asking, "How could Corpse Dogs force your walls?".

The Voltars looked at each other, before one of them replied. "There were Human looking dogs…". I stopped him. "Wait a minute. Corpse Dogs returned, and now you tell me there were Humanoid Corpse Dogs…". It clicked in my mind, I finally figured out where those Corpse Dogs came from. I didn't listen to what they say anymore, I was lost in my own thoughts. 'Corpse Dogs, of course they are the fucking descendants of Bramans! The answer was in front of me this whole time', I thought.

"Fuck me", I started. Everyone went quiet inside the room. "Do you guys have any idea what those Corpse Dogs are?", I asked. They shook their heads. "These are not some Corpse Dogs, these are descendants of Bramans. A race thought to no longer exist". Crow asked, "Bramans?". Others seemed as clueless as Crow. I replied, "Yes, Bramans. A race Humans fought in the past. This whole thing, the wars and all that? It began from Bramans and Humans". One of the Voltars asked, "Then what are we supposed to do? We lost our city, Sedon is in ruins. No matter how fast we work, we might simply not be able to repair everything in time for the next attack".

There was something bothering me though. "Why did Eterians and Furians leave?". This time Crow replied, "They sustained some loses for sure, Scorpions took out a good portion of Furians. But they were on a winning position after the walls were destroyed. They used Destroyers, and a lot of them. Maybe they left due to Voltars?". I asked for more details. Crow explained how the battle occurred. In reality, Boltier was attacked first. When Voltars realised they couldn't win, they abandoned their city and escaped towards Sedon. That was when Sedon became under attack. Voltars made their way towards Sedon, without the knowledge of enemy striking at the same time.

Crow also told me we had some great losses. Although Harlin was alive, Lerion died during the battle. He paid with his life, to securely escort Voltars back to Sedon. Harlin was in a bad shape, asleep in the medical room. After Voltars arrived to the City, the Eterians and Furians retreated.

'They were winning, yet retreated. Why? Conservation of people? Awaiting Bramans to sweep past the city? Or was there a different reason?', I asked myself. The question to me was, why did they fully invaded Boltier, but not Sedon. I asked, "What happened to the Collecting Crystal inside Boltier?". One of the Voltars replied, "It should still be there. The Corpse Dogs didn't attack it, if that what you ask for. They would blow up, if they destroyed it". I said, "You can keep that fairy tale to yourself. As for the Crystal, you had pretty much an unlimited amount of energy, yet you were overwhelmed. Tell me, how did the Corpse Dogs behave? What did they do?".

They were confused by my questioning, and even angry. "What the hell do you mean? How they behaved? Unlimited energy?". The other Voltar stopped him, and continued himself. "You are right, their behaviour strikes me as weird now that I think about it. The Corpse Dogs made way towards the centre of Boltier, of course that is where the Collecting Crystal is. What struck me as weird, they sometimes ignored us. As in, if we were further away from their advance, they would leave us alone".

'That means they were after the Collecting Crystal from the start. Since they got it, Eterians decided not to waste strength and people. That was their objective', I thought. Before anything else, I asked another question. "Bramans, those Humanoid Dogs. How did they fight you?". Both replied "Formations", while one of them continued. "They used some sort of Formations that melted out walls. It wasn't the heat, it looked like a black bile that melted anything it came into contact".

The other Voltar said, "They didn't enter the city together with the Corpse Dogs. At least as far as we are aware. They stayed outside, and let the Corpse Dogs take care of the rest". I took out the two bags with equipment, and handed them to Crow. "This is the improved equipment. I know it's a bit too late, but pass it onto people. I need to leave immediately". One of the Voltars exclaimed, "You want to leave us now!? At such time?". I grabbed him and said, "You have no idea how dangerous this situation is. If Bramans returned, this war is nothing compared to what can really happen".

I turned to Crow, "Leave this city immediately. Go to Obsidian Mountains, and wait there". Crow sighed, "Alright". The others were stunned, and demanded an answer. "If you are attacked here, you are dead. There is nothing I can do about it, no amount of improved weapons will win you this war at this stage. Leave for Obsidian Mountains as soon as you pack your stuff". Just as I finished speaking, a Lizard entered the office. "I have news from Obsidian Mountains!".

I turned around and asked for the news. "A Human Army has arrived to aid us! They are currently staying at Obsidian Mountains". The others cheered, thinking the situation was resolved. I said to the Lizard, "Expect the whole Sedon at your Obsidian Mountains. Convey that message to them, tell them Sedon retreats to Obsidian Mountains, where the last defence will be". The Lizard was stunned, but nodded his head and left quickly.

The Voltar objected, "With Human reinforcements, we don't need to retreat. We should stay here, and wait for them to arrive!". I repeated myself, "No, you will leave". They argued, "You are not our leader! We don't have to listen to you". I grabbed the two Voltars by their necks. "Don't fucking waste my time. When I tell you to leave, I have damned good reason to say that". I dropped them to the ground, and looked at Crow. "Leave, I'm serious. Take all Lizards, Atols and Shades with you. If Voltars want to stay, let them be".

He nodded, while I motioned for him to follow me. We left the city, where I said. "Once you arrive at Obsidian Mountains, tell the Humans that Bramans returned. Tell them that Eterians have a poison which can seal their Auras. Make sure to convey that message to them". He nodded while asking, "What's so serious, that you need to notify Grey Lizards about it?". I replied, "If Bramans had anything to do with Hydra, they might try to release it again. The question is, why didn't Hatmandor intervene yet?".

"Hydra?", Crow asked. "A being that dwells below the North. It was sealed by Hatmandor from what I gather, a long time ago too. This also ties in with the barrier surrounding the North. If they try to release it, we will be doomed", I replied. "If that is the case, Hatmandor would intervene right? Or do you mean Hatmandor was destroyed by Bramans?", Crow asked. I shook my head, "I don't know. The Grey Lizards need to know about this. They are the ones responsible for the seals. I will inform them, but make sure you retreat. No matter how you convince them, make them retreat". Crow nodded, while I bid him farewell.

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