Chapter 944

Chapter 944: Uninvited Guests

Yue Yang’s newly researched secret technique, the Meridian Explosion Breakthrough, was of little use to the strong such as Ming Ri Hao, Sky Execution, the Dragon Emperor and so on.

They do not have the Phantom Shadow guardian beast like Yue Yang, who was capable of converting into a special attacking combat technique.

Moreover, their tactics also determine how they fight.

No matter if it was the ultimately strong Ming Ri Hao or the rapidly improving Sky Execution and the Dragon Emperor, they all used their absolute strength to directly defeat the enemy. Rarely would they attack like Yue Yang or use the ability of special effects to weaken the opponent and carry out multi-faceted attacks. They, who were better at orthodox warfare, have always used their strength to defeat the weak. They seldom use their cleverness to defeat the strong like Yue Yang as they would seldom instigate a fight with an enemy that iwas difficult to compete with. Yue Yang, on the contrary, found himself in a challenge in almost every battle. His style of fighting was much used to fighting for his life and would continue to battle until he won every fight.

“Good going, this secret technique was invented just in time,” Not only was the cool Sky Execution in awe, but the majestic Dragon Emperor and even Ming Ri Hao were also full of praise for this Meridian Explosion Breakthrough.

The appearance of this secret technique meant that the warriors of the Tong Tian Tower, such as the Eastern Goblin Tribe, the Sky Demon Palace, etc who were aiming for the Heaven Ranks, would obtain the greatest form of help. As Sky Execution, the Dragon Emperor, the Underworld Emperor and other powerhouses often came to the Heaven Realm to train, the treasures, magic crystals, war beasts, ores and herbs they brought back would benefit their relatives and friends.

Such as the Sky Demon Palace.

After Sky Wrath broke through to the Heaven Realm, Sky Calamity, Sky Crime and the others were unable to get close to the Heaven Ranks.

Although their real goal was to achieve the realm of Innate Supremacy, the Heaven Rank was their first step towards Innate Supremacy.

Sky Calamity, Sky Crime and Sky Wrath etc all have a Heavenly Ranked beast and it was not difficult for them to reach the Heaven Ranks. However, the problem lies with the fact that they needed to improve a lot by leaps and bounds after breaking through the Heaven Ranks.

Many warriors of the Tong Tian Tower do have the strength that was capable of breaking through the Heaven Ranks, but they have no hope of reaching the level of Innate Supremacy in their lifetime.

There was an abundance of those kinds of people in the Heaven Realm.

There were actually five layers of insurmountable gaps between the levels of a Heaven Rank Warrior and an Innate Supreme.

If these gaps were not broken through, then the Heaven Ranked martial artist would linger on that level their entire life, looking up pitifully at the Innate Supreme beings. Most of the Rankers would be stuck within a Level 1 and a Level 5 warrior. These five layers would exhaust the lifetime of a Heaven Ranked warrior and it would be difficult to break through. However, with this Meridian Explosion Breakthrough secret technique, at the very least, the 1st Level to the 3rd Level would no longer be a major obstacle.

“Boy, this Ming Ri Hao owes you a favour,” After Ming Ri Hao memorised this secret cultivation technique, he nodded gratefully to Yue Yang.

With this Meridian Explosion Breakthrough, he would probably shorten the time taken for him to recover his former prowess.

Compared with the warriors of the Tong Tian Tower, the Heaven Ranked warriors in the Heaven Realm were mostly stuck on the first three levels in a stagnant manner, occupying 95% of all Heavenly Rank warriors— what a pitiful number!

Although there were advantages for Yue Yang’s own use, mainly, it would still be used by the Sky Demon Palace, the Dragon Emperor’s Eastern Goblin Tribe and the younger generations of the Soaring Dragon Continent. With it, Xue Tan Lang, Prince Tian Luo, Ye Kong, Fatty Hai and the others don’t have to perceive the ‘unreachable’ Innate Supreme Realm and sigh. With this Meridian Explosion Breakthrough secret technique, they could first upgrade themselves to the 5th Level of the Heaven Rank before enlightening the immovable will from the Gates of Life and Death. Finally, they would break through to the Innate Supreme Realm.

When Yue Yang came back with the booklet in his hands, the old man Nan Gong, the old fox, Jun Wu You and old man Yue Hai who heard the news were all shocked.

Even the calmest old man Nan Gong couldn’t help shedding a tear onto his notepad when he was recording this matter. He could fully understand what the appearance of this Meridian Explosion Breakthrough technique meant to the Tong Tian Tower.

It was practically a ladder stretched out for us to head towards the stars.

This was not something that could only be used to level up the potential Heaven Rankers. Even Innate Supreme warriors and those beneath that level could practice this method as well.

Before that, it wasn’t like the powerhouses of the Tong Tian Tower had never created excellent cultivation secret techniques. However, the secret techniques they created were only suitable for their own physique cultivation or a very small number of people who had the same physique cultivation. As for a technique like the Meridian Explosion Breakthrough that could be practised by any race and clan, this was the first time one was ever created with that intent in mind. It was also truly the first book in history that promoted the secrets of partial cultivation should one be unable to achieve a full breakthrough!

What moved Old Man Nan Gong the most was that Yue Yang also developed similar but different cultivation methods based on the different characteristics of humans, Golden Elves, Eastern Goblin Tribe, Dragon Clan, Sea Race, Beasts, Demon Race and the Nether Clan.

It could be said that this was not only a catered set of cultivation but a system-wide cultivation.

Implementing this anywhere in the Tong Tian Tower would result in different outcomes!

This would not be restricted to merely improving the overall levels of the Tong Tian Tower warriors, but it would also give them a pair of wings, helping them soar into the skies! (This is figurative speech by the way)

The birth of the Beast Bracelet and the Meridian Explosion Breakthrough would completely free the plummeting warrior aptitudes from the abyss of suffering and weakness. In time, the Tong Tian Tower would return to the ranks of the Heavens and stand atop the Heaven Realm!

“San Er, you did a good job this time and Si-niang is very happy, but you still have to deal with the enemy. Time is running out for you, so I won’t hold you back!!” Yue Yang took time to go back to visit Si-niang and the little girl; he even went to see His Majesty on purpose. His Majesty was actually secretly quite happy, but he did not agree to Yue Yang’s request to see him. He only sent out a palace servant to deliver all but a single sentence.

“This secret technique is indeed a surprise, but don’t forget to prioritise your actual business!”

Speaking of business.

Naturally, it was to participate in the birthday celebration of the beautiful Zhu Guang, the concubine of the Country Lord Zhi Feng. Everyone from the Tong Tian Tower were eagerly and chaotically waiting for Yue Yang to return.

Yue Yang was the only one who could go back and forth between the Tong Tian Tower and the Heaven Realm in one day. However, the only one who truly mattered in attending the birthday celebration was also him.

When he bid farewell to Si-niang and returned to Green Willow City, it was already afternoon.

Chief Steward Ye and Leader Jin who came to pick them up were like ants on a hot pot[1].

[TL Note: A saying for being extremely nervous as they were in a bad situation]

The yard of the hotel was almost flattened by them as they kept pacing all over but they couldn’t do anything if Yue Yang didn’t show up. Ming Ri Hao, Sky Execution, the Dragon Emperor and the Underworld Emperor etc were not in sight either. Every single one of them had enlightened themselves with the methods of the Meridian Explosion Breakthrough and were currently testing if it could be useful for their subordinates and clansmen. Zhong Guan and the others could only reply in laughter, saying that their Young Master Titan was still resting and they didn’t dare to disturb him.

“Isn’t it still early for the birthday banquet? The Young Master slept very late yesterday, so he’s just resting to get that lost sleep back, I wouldn’t dare to bother him,” Of course, Zhong Guan was very well aware that Yue YAng had returned to the Tong Tian Tower, but how was he supposed to tell the truth?

“Oh my goodness!” Leader Jin felt his teeth start to hurt as soon as Zhong Guan started to utter those words.

“The birthday banquet hasn’t started yet, that’s right, but Young Master Titan is the most important VIP. It’s fine if he shows up late, but if Young Master Titan doesn’t show up at all, Leader Jin and I are not going to be able to keep our heads,” Chief Steward Ye was no longer caring about punctuality, he was actually afraid that the Young Master Titan might be throwing a tantrum fit at them.

“The Young Master will definitely participate… Oh, what timing, the Young Master is here,” Zhong Guan immediately shouted when he saw Yue Yang opening the window of the room.

“My dearest Young Master, you have woken up!” Leader Jin was about to break into tears.

“Okay, okay, that’s good!” Chief Steward Ye also put down a lump of worry in his heart.

As long as Young Master Titan wasn’t being angry at them, he could sleep in however long he wanted to.

Originally, they did not dare to come and urge them into being punctual, but the Country Lord Zhi Feng was anxious.

Due to the gift of the Divine Blood, the news was leaked somehow and there were three Country Lords living nearby who came uninvited. The three Country Lords, who had once sneered at the concubine’s birthday banquet, actually came together and even gave a luxurious gift under the pretence of wanting to congratulate the beauty.

Even the blind or the foolish were able to tell that these three men bore nothing but bad intentions, let alone the Country Lord Zhi Feng.

But as the Country Lord of Zhi Feng, to reject a guest was obviously not possible!

The only way for him to settle things was to invite the Young Master Titan as soon as possible to make sure that the attention of the three would be shifted to this wealthy Young Master Titan. It was best for the three guys to see the heart of the true hunter and plan to take him on. At that time, the Young Master Titan would be angry and wipe out the three of them in one fell swoop. As for the drop of Divine Blood, the Country Lord Zhi Feng swore that even if the Sacred Light Domain Emperor came knocking on his door, it was not something that he would give out.

“Young master, that’s right. There are three Country Lords who came here with bad intentions, probably because they were eyeing your treasure, Young Master. As the gift of your congratulatory Divine Blood had spread, it would make some frivolous people jealous and take risks, so please be on guard!” Chief Steward Ye implied that he was speaking for his own Country Lord, but he meant to remind Yue Yang as well.

“How dare they?” Of course, Yue Yang pretended to be angry.

“Although the Young Master has a noble and dignified background, there will always be greedy madmen in the world,” Chief Steward Ye was secretly delighted at his reaction and desperately added fuel to the fire.

“This Young Master wants to witness which fool would be brave enough to come for my treasure!” Yue Yang was like a rebellious young man. When he heard that someone came with bad intentions, instead of avoiding it, he decided to show up in a higher style and directly conjure a counterattack. Chief Steward Ye was overjoyed as this was the main effect that the Country Lord wanted to play out. If he didn’t stir up this Young Master’s anger, perhaps the three Lords could possibly win! Now that the fire was started, Young Master Titan had a bad impression of the Country Lords, so if the other party did anything, he would be able to guard against it!

Yue Yang, who was planning to attend the birthday party in a low-key manner, told Chief Steward Ye and Leader Jin that he decided to attend in a high-profile manner, which would be a shock.

With that, Chief Steward Ye and Leader Jin took it upon themselves to flatter him continuously.

He also presented the Thousand Star Ring and the Swallowing Dragon Pearl that had been given by the Country Lord Zhi Feng respectfully, “Young Master, the Lord gave a small gift yesterday; though it is nothing much, but it is a sincere gift. Yesterday, the Young Master left in a hurry and didn’t have time to receive it. So today, no matter what, please accept it. The lord said that if the Young Master does not accept it, this incompetent old slave and Leader Jin would not have to go back.”

Student Yue Yang pretended not to care and nodded, “Since it is the intention of the Country Lord, I will accept it, but what should I use in return?”

Chief Steward Ye hurriedly stopped him. If he waited for the Young Master to choose a gift, it would be dark.

No matter what, it was still a ceremony held by the Country Lord, so they should get there first before trying to figure out a returning gift.

He believed that the Country Lord would also appreciate the glory of having someone like the Young Master present a gift in front of everyone else.

“Young Master Titan is here!” Leader Jin ran back to the Lord’s palace to report as fast as he could. In fact, his personal guards and entourage were rushing to do it, but he decided to come by himself. As he knew, this was an honour in its own right!

“Invite him in!” Lord Zhi Feng was chatting with the three uninvited ‘friendly foes’ when he heard the announcement.

“Brother Zhi Feng, there are distinguished guests coming, why don’t you introduce us to one or two of them?” The three guys looked at each other and immediately stood up, asking to greet them together. Judging from their appearance, even if the Country Lord Zhi Feng tried to stop them, they would still force him to bring them along. The Country Lord was scolding a bunch of profanities in his heart, but on the surface, he showed a warm smile and ushered them along to meet the guest.

In the distance, they saw a group of people.

With a massive entourage, they accompanied a young man who looked like a god, asif he came afar from the stars and the moon.

On both sides of the young man, there were two beasts. One was jet black and looked like a canine pet as it was also difficult to determine its strength. It accompanied the owner lazily, chewing a bone slowly in his mouth, dripping saliva all the way.

The gazes of the three Country Lords fell on it but the beast completely ignored them!

However, on the other side, the pet seemed like an extremely vicious and murderous monster in the wild made the corners of their eyes twitch.

Goodness, that monster is actually an Earth Divine Soldier.

There were very few of such Earth Divine Soldiers in the Heaven Realm. To be honest, they have never seen such a powerfully psychic one that carried itself like this. What was the identity of this Young Master Titan? Even in the Heaven Realm, how could the children of ordinary families have such psychic Earth Divine Soldiers? The news was indeed correct— there was no doubt that the Young Master Titan, who owned the Earth Divine Soldier, possessed the Divine Blood!

The guy Zhi Feng was definitely lucky to have such an important guest!

The three uninvited Lords looked at each other as they all saw a kind of palpitating shock reflected in each other’s eyes!

“Look, that guy…”

One of the Country Lords snorted coldly, which attracted the greedy eyes of the other two people to steer away from Tao Tie’s body while they turned to Sky Execution, who was standing faintly behind Yue Yang. The expressions of the two of them immediately changed drastically.

At the same time, they thought of the man mentioned in the top-secret news— Sky Execution.

If Sky Execution wasn’t here, even with the Earth Divine Soldier, they were daring enough to try and steal the Divine Blood. With the Divine Blood, one would possess everything; even if they were to give up their own countries, they would do it in a heartbeat. They didn’t have to become Country Lords, but the Divine Blood had to be obtained no matter what. However, fate just had to get in the way of their brilliant plans! With Sky Execution here, even if they wanted to take away the Divine Blood, they wouldn’t be able to do so. Besides, by the sides of Sky Execution were two faintly present men who had formidable abilities as well. Though they might be able to take them on, what was the point if they couldn’t get through the main boss!

Lord Zhifeng looked at the expressions of the three of them and sneered inwardly.

For a well-known disciple of the Upper Heaven Realm, how could three warriors of the Country Lord-levels take him on?

Even if the Domain Emperor were to grace them with his presence, he would probably leave in disappointment.

Just as he was about to lead the crowd to greet him, suddenly, a golden light flashed from the east and west sides of the sky at the same time. There were two super-strength celestial ranks that descended at the same time. They cut through the sky in tacit timing and aimed themselves straight through the manor of the Green Willow City’s Lord and arrived the moment when the Country Lord of Zhi Feng and Yue Yang were about to meet.

Upon seeing the two of them, even the originally calm and composed expression of the Country Lord Zhi Feng changed greatly as he exclaimed out of control, “Ah, it turned out to be…”

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