Chapter 19: The Red Siren

Chapter 19: The Red Siren

Port Mausarr was overwhelming.

The sights. The smells. The energy.

Alex had read that the city was the largest port in the south of the Rhinean Empire. And it showed. Seagulls trumpeted at each other above marketplaces bursting with activity.

Farmers, fishermen and vendors called to travellers throughout the cobblestone streets, all working for an early sale. Tempting scents rising from the many food stalls made Alexs belly rumble, even though theyd recently had breakfast. Half a dozen languages swarmed around them and he listened to all of them.

Then there were the people.

Alex had seen an elf in Alric once, as well as one of the beastfolka pinkish merchant with the head of a pigbut now, they were surrounded by a multitude of peoples, including the oceanic folkor Selachar as they called themselvesand several races of beastfolk.

Most of the beastfolk around the markets shared the traits of human and pig, but there were also some that were dog-people, cat-people and even hulking minotaurs. Brutus tilted his heads as he sniffed and eyed the dog-people. Theresa had to keep him from chasing after the cat-people.

The Selachar were similar to humans, except for the silver-grey cast to their skin, their eyes which were solid-black, and the gill-slits framing their necks. When one laughed nearby, Alex noticed that their mouths were full of sharp, jagged teeth. Selina quietly asked him if they also lived in the water, but he had no idea. That was something for them to learn about in Generasis library.

Or, by talking with people, he guessed.

So this is what great-grandfather saw most of his life, Theresa murmured, trying to hold her gaze straight so that they wouldnt look like gaping bumpkins. Her voice had a dreamy quality to it. So many thingsso many people. So many ports.

Its all sooo cool, Selina held her brothers hand, with her eyes shining at the stone architecture. Of particular interest to her was a cathedral they passed in midtown, one dedicated to the four elements. The symbols of fire, water, stone and air chased each other in the stained glass of its largest window. It felt a little strange to him, seeing a temple without Uldars hand raised over its front.

Luckily, it didnt look like Uldar had any presence here.

That meant none of his priests.

Yeah, Alex agreed. Its pretty cool, isnt it? And you notice the stares were getting? I guess cerberi are as rare in the Rhinean Empire as they are back home.

When theyd first arrived at the city-gates and before the guards would even consider letting them through, theyd been questioned about Brutus temperament. They kept making comments about his size, the fact that he had three large heads, and that he looked dangerous. But for his part, Brutus ignored them, staying by Theresas side as two of his heads swivelled every which way, while one would dip to investigate new scents.

I hear its even wilder in Generasi, Alex continued. Tamed monsters, wizards everywhere, people that can flyits going to be great. And itll have a lot of ways to grow.

I cant wait to see it. Theresa drew a long breath, her imagination taking over. A thoughtful look crossed her face. Its funny. Great-grandfather used to see all of this for most of his life. Then one day he thought, thats enough and left to settle down in quiet Alric. She chuckled at herself. And here I am, one of his descendants, who just kept wishing I could get away from there.

People are just different, I guess. Alex shrugged, giving her a long look ...maybe we always want what we dont have.

He thought back on Cedric, and how completely ready the young Hero had seemed to go do his duty. It wasnt just that he was brave or tough, it was that he was ready to jump into his destiny with a smile on his face. His Mark hadchosen-

Alex snickered at his own pun.

-well. He liked Cedric well enough from the short time theyd met, but they were different in a lot of ways.He definitely wouldnt have been happy about receiving The Mark of the Chosen, but he wondered what would have happened if he had gotten The Mark of the Sage.

It expanded a persons mana a hundredfold, if the legends were right about it.

That would have been incredible: having a pool large enough to construct a slew of spell arrays at the same time, and keep a number of magic circuits running without draining reserves. As Alex practiced magic, his mana pool would expand naturally, which would both increase his reservesallowing him to cast spells more oftenand increase the amount of magic circuits he could fit inside his pool at once. Eventually hed have enough room to link magic circuits and cast spells of higher tiers.

But what could he have done with a mana pool a hundred times the size that it was now, with room to grow even more?

He imagined standing on some battlefield, raining down hundreds of glowing forceballs onto a horde of silence-spiders like a meteor shower. Or blasting apart the hive-queen. Despite himself, the fantasy brought a smile to his face. Maybe that scenario wouldnt have been so bad: helping Cedric and the other Heroes byusing the tools he knew how to use; putting down The Ravener for another hundred years, and then going off to Generasi with experience, a colossal mana pool and the most amazing practice.

Then again, maybe none of that glory would have happened. Maybe he would have died in some dungeon.

He sighed, looking over the peaceful folk surrounding them in Mausarr, completely separated from the plightor as the legends called itpride of Thameland. How many people here yearned for more adventure? How many from home would have sold their left arm for this peace?

He brought himself back to reality. There was no use pining for things that hadnt happened. He had gotten The Mark of the Fool, and learned of what was likely a deadly secret. His eyes hardened. Besides, if something was wrong with the legends, then hed rather have The Mark of the Fool. Better to be a Fool who could figure out what was wrong and be ready for it, than a Sage who was completely blind.

He studied the people of Mausarr closer, noting once more how peaceful they were: oblivious to the threat of The Ravener.

A thought occurred to him.

He only remembered ever hearing of Thamelands Heroes battling their ancient enemy. Had it never gone to other lands? Some tales spoke of Heroes whose origins were from far off places, but they were all Thameish when marked. The people fled to other lands while the enemy was being fought at homebut had the monsters never once escaped the priests encirclement that Cedric had spoken of?

What of other realms? Were there other things like The Ravener that they had to face?

His list of things to investigate once they reached Generasi was growing.

Brother, look! Selina pointed ahead.

He pulled himself from his thoughts, realizing that they had come to another hill. Past the bustling citysplit by the River Austruswere docks and shipyards, where dozens of high masted vessels drifted in and out of port on the Prineans gentle waters.

Once they reached one of those ships and departed, theyd soon be at the city of wizards.

Passengers! Passengers to Generasi! a huge Selachar man called, revealing sharp teeth every time he shouted. A massive scar ran from his forehead, over the bump on his short nose, and ended just above the lip.

His words were followed in a stream of accented Rhineantoo quickly for Alex to begin to understand, even using The Mark. He was only able to pick out the words full, morning and drinks. The giant of a man looked around and made a strange clicking noise with the side of his jaw. He eyed the crowd, but received no takers.

What about that one? Alex nodded toward the giant. Whats he saying?

The group had bought an early lunch of skewered fish balls seasoned with sea salt and shallots. It took some negotiating to get the seller to take Thameish coins, but Theresa had finally reached a sort of agreement while Alex watched closely, listening to the language.

The food had been worth it: the fish balls were delicious, and Selina tore through about six of them and showed no signs of stopping. Brutus was slobbering all over them too, which definitely meant he liked them, andthough the meal was saltier than Alrics cuisineAlex and Theresa couldnt get enough.

Now the huntress peered at the sailorprobably the captain judging by his fine, but patched clotheswhile translating some of the Rhinean words. Cargos fulland something about passengers. Theyre leaving tomorrow morning. Mealscant understand the rest.

Finally, one thats leaving soon. Alex relaxed. For much of the morning theyd combed the docks, but most of the ships that were taking on passengers either werent bound for Generasi, or werent leaving for at least a week.

The sailor grinned widely as he saw the group approach, and said something in Rhinean. Theresa started to reply. Passagewe wantummm.

While she paused to think, the sharp-toothed mans grin widened.

Are you all Thameish? he asked in the common tongue.

Theresa startled. Uh, yes.

I thought that was the accent, he said proudly. Looking for passage? Well were still taking passengers, but cargos full, if you have cargo. Departing in the morning: meals are on me, but drinksif you take to drinkare on you!

No drinks, just passage. Theresa said. How much?

The mans jet-black eyes ran over them appraisingly. Ten Thameish silvers each. Five for the child. Twenty-five to board your big three-headed friend. Those eyes lingered on Brutus. Is he house trained?

All three of Brutus faces managed to look offended.

Since he was a pup, Theresa said quickly. There was a note of defensiveness in her voice, and she reached out and patted him.

Good, better that way. I do half upfront and half when we get safely to port. Fair deal?

He held out a massive hand, and Alex noticed that his fingers were webbed. Both he and Theresa shook the offered hand, and he passed the captain two gold coins and five silvers. The man studied them with an experts gaze, testing the gold against his teeth.

Real enough. He quickly slipped them into one of the pouches on his belt, which didnt appear very full. Welcome to The Red Siren, my passengers! Im Captain Fan-Dor, and Ill have you in Generasis harbour in two days. Ive got three rules. One: You listen to what I say. Two: Treat my ship like you would your mothers marriage-pearl. No damaging it. No fooling around. Three: Treat me and my crew with respect. Got it?

Im pretty sure the only people that wouldnt agree with those rules are massive idiots, Alex said lightly.

Hah! the captain gave a barking laugh. I like that, boy, but youd be surprised just how many idiots we get.

Um, Selina was looking at the ships rigging and sails with utter fascination. Um, Captain Fan-Dor isis it okay to ask questions about the ship?

The captains smile turned warmer when he looked down at the small girl, though his sharp teeth still gave him a vicious look. You like ships, little one?

ItsIve never seen anything so big float. Her eyes traced the sails. And move with the wind. Its amazing that you can make it go where you want!

... The captain stared at her for a moment, before digging into his pouch and handing five silvers back to Alex.

The little one rides for free. He said seriously.

As they boarded the ship, Alex was nearly vibrating with excitement. The last potential obstacle between them and Generasi was falling away, but more than that: he had never actually been on a ship before. The stories Theresas grandfather told drifted back to his mindNo Mark of the Fool needed to call thembringing images of high adventure and danger by sea.

The high adventure part awakened boyish dreams in him, though any adventures could do without the danger by sea part. Then he remembered his earlier fantasy about being The Sage and blowing up silence-spiders.

Well, maybe a little bit of danger. Hed likely have to deal with that anyway soon enough.

The crew inspected the ship around them, a little over a dozen sailors in all. Powerfully muscled humans from many lands worked alongside beastfolk that looked similar to frogsspeaking to each other in low, croaking voicesand black-eyed, grey-skinned Selachar. Here were folk that had seen more of the world in a single week than Alex had in all his life.

He had nothing but respect for that.

Passengers? A familiar voice said close by.

Alex turned toward it and stopped in surprise.

Rising up from inspecting a long crack in the deck wasFan-Dor?

Well, not quite, he realized. The new mans face and build were identical, but he lacked the immense scar that marked the captains face.

Gel-Dor, First Mate, the large man introduced himself. Twin hatchling to Captain Fan-Dor. If youre staying until we depart, passenger cabins are down the stairs- He jerked a thumb toward the stern. -and straight forward. Two of the cabins are occupied, but the third on the rights-

He paused, giving them an appraising look.

You know what? Take the third on the right and the one across the hall.

Two rooms? What about more passengers? Theresa gave a glance back to Captain Fan-Dor, who had returned to his calling to potential takers.

People avoided his gaze.

A strange look passed over Gel-Dors face. Yeahothers, he grunted. Anyway, take the two rooms. Youll need the space.

Theresa and Alex exchanged a look.

Now that he looked around more carefully, he noticed a fair amount of patches in the first mates clothes, and the other crew members trousers and shirts were threadbare. Alex has just assumed that one just wouldnt be able to keep clothes in good repair at seabut now

He thought back on how light the captains coin pouches looked, and started to wonder if they might still be able to get their coins back. Then again, he had let Selina ride for free, and that was decent. Maybe being decent was the reason why they didnt have much coin. But then why werent people boarding with them?

Oh, and this evening. Gel-Dor pointed to a space cleared on the deck toward the bow. Well be holding the Ceremony of the Spear-and-Oar Dance to honour Ek-u-Dari, The Ocean Goddess, for safe travel.

Spear-and-Oar Dance? Theresa asked with sudden interest.

He nodded. One of our peoples sacred dances on land: a cousin of our fighting style. Youre welcome to attend and watch, if youve got interest.

Theresa and Alex exchanged another look, this time in shared excitement.

Possibilities whirled in his mind.

The Mark of the Fool hindered combat, but would it do the same to a dance similar to combat?

He intended to find out.

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