Chapter 50: 0

Chapter 50

It was a cool and pleasant morning in the small mountain village in summer. As usual, Grandma Guo woke up, washed her face and brushed her teeth while wondering what to have for breakfast. There were a few cucumbers in the vegetable garden that would go bad soon if not eaten. She couldn't finish them herself, so why not invite Fengbao and her husband over for breakfast? The children must be tired from working hard yesterday and wouldn't want to cook for themselves.

Stir-fried noodles and cucumbers, that's settled then.

After washing her face, Grandma Guo tied up her hair neatly and went out refreshed. Having company after living alone for so long put her in a particularly good mood. There was a fence between the two households, but an opening was left for visiting. As Grandma Guo walked to Zhen's yard, before she could see if the door on the first floor was open, there was a sudden creaking sound from upstairs.

That sound...

Grandma Guo looked up and listened for a few minutes, then understood. She shook her head with a smile and went to pick cucumbers to prepare breakfast first.

The cucumbers were cut, seasoning prepared, water boiling, noodles laid out, just waiting for the children to come down so she could cook them quickly and eat. It took Grandma Guo over half an hour to do these seemingly trivial chores, but she estimated it was about time. The old lady went to Zhen's house again.

This time she didn't even have to step into their yard to hear the creaking bed and Zhenbao's half whimpering, half moaning.

Youth is bliss...

Grandma Guo sighed inwardly, then went back home to watch TV first. Her son had bought her a new TV with very clear images. Grandma Guo flipped through the channels and settled on a drama rerun. Though she had seen it once, Grandma Guo still watched enthralled, and didn't realize when a whole episode finished.

Hearing the ending theme song, Grandma Guo glanced at the door. It had been over an hour, surely they must be done by now?

The old lady went to Zhen's house for the third time, cocking her ear to listen. Finally there was no movement upstairs.

Grandma Guo breathed a sigh of relief. The children weren't hungry but she was, anxious to eat.

Looking up, Grandma Guo was about to invite the children down for breakfast when the front door creaked open. Grandma Guo jumped in fright and quickly looked over to see Fu Mingshi. The man wore a plain black T-shirt and knee-length shorts, looking strong and sturdy. His exposed arms and legs seemed very muscular, and his face was even more handsome than Elder Fu in his youth.

Grandma Guo stared, transfixed.

Just noticing someone in the yard, Fu Mingshi took a step out and saw Grandma Guo. Recalling Zhenbao's pleas last night and this morning, he inexplicably felt a bit guilty. But his expression didn't show it as he greeted politely, "Do you need something?"

Grandma Guo came to her senses and quickly smiled, "You haven't eaten breakfast yet right? I've prepared stir-fried noodles, just need to boil for a bit and it'll be done. Come over with Fengbao and eat together?"

Fu Mingshi was indeed hungry. He glanced back and nodded, "Thank you. Fengbao and I are going fishing in the morning, we'll treat you to lunch later."

"Wonderful, wonderful," Grandma Guo beamed, unable to stop smiling. "Then go get Fengbao, I'll go cook the noodles."

After she left, Fu Mingshi watched the old lady enter the house before going to the bathroom to relieve himself. He then washed his face and brushed his teeth, and brought up a basin of water upstairs. The door was slightly ajar. Fu Mingshi gently pushed it open. Morning light flooded the bright room. Zhenbao was sleeping in bed, her fair shoulders exposed from the heat. Her beautiful long legs were completely bare, the blanket only covering essential parts.

The room still held the particular scent remaining after pleasure. He couldn't tell if it was left over from last night, or just now.

Putting down the basin, Fu Mingshi walked to the bedside.

Zhenbao was sleeping soundly, face still flushed, pink lips slightly swollen.

His gaze moved to her smooth shoulders. Fu Mingshi's throat went dry. Before having her, he could still restrain himself, but after, it was as if he could never have enough, wanting to hold her forever, be with her in eternal worldly bliss.

"Time to get up, Grandma Guo called us for breakfast," he said softly, kissing her face.

Frowning, Zhenbao didn't catch what he said. Annoyed by any sound disturbing her sleep, she turned over to continue sleeping. As she did so, the blanket slipped down, exposing both front and back. Fu Mingshi's eyes darkened, his lips landing on her shoulder and gradually kissing down her arm.

His slight stubble tickled, making Zhenbao shrink back instinctively. She had barely moved when he suddenly pressed her flat and buried his head directly down. Zhenbao bit her lip, now completely awake, and awkwardly pushed his head away, her hand touching his face though she didn't dare use force.

Fu Mingshi took the chance to kiss her intensely several times.

Zhenbao sucked in a breath, feeling slightly uncomfortable since he had been feasting on her tirelessly both day and night.

Reluctantly Fu Mingshi released her, still wanting to look some more, but Zhenbao flew to pull up the blanket.

Left with no choice, Fu Mingshi had to abandon the thought. He kissed her face again, "Let's go eat, then you can sleep more."

"You go out first," Zhenbao said with eyes closed. She needed to get dressed.

Knowing she was shy, Fu Mingshi had to take it slow. He laughed and ruffled her hair before going out to the corridor to wait. Hearing the door close, Zhenbao opened her eyes and looked around the room. Her gaze landed on the still swaying floor fan. Including this morning, Fu Mingshi had pressed her down four times, each time accompanied by the drone of the electric fan and creak of the bed. For the rest of her life, Zhenbao felt, just seeing wooden beds and floor fans would probably remind her of last night.

Her clothes were all tossed inside the bed. Still sore in the waist and legs, Zhenbao gritted her teeth and put them on one by one. While wearing shoes, her eyes inadvertently swept past the plastic trash can not far away, immediately spotting the four square packets inside. No more no less, just right for four times. Memories of last night flooded her mind again, and Zhenbao suddenly felt a bit frightened.

According to her recollection, Fu Mingshi lasted longer each time, she really...couldn't take it anymore. It was like the French baguettes at the bakery, one look and you know you can't finish it. She would always buy the smaller ones to eat.

After spacing out for a while, Zhenbao got up to wash her face, but her legs immediately started shaking as she stood.

Zhenbao gave a wry smile, standing in place for a few dozen seconds to adjust before moving again.

Hearing the sounds of her washing up, Fu Mingshi went back in to help make the bed while she washed. The summer blanket was neatly folded. The bedsheet...

Seeing the few red spots in the middle of the light blue sheets, Fu Mingshi paused for a beat before pulling it out to soak in water. Just as Zhenbao finished washing her face, he started rinsing it. Seeing that, Zhenbao couldn't help turning away to dry her face with her back to him.

"Does last night count as our wedding night?" Fu Mingshi hugged her from behind and kissed her nape.

Zhenbao inevitably slowed her face drying motions.

"Fengbao..." He kissed her ear. "I think I'm addicted."

His tone was too dangerous. Zhenbao promptly interrupted him, "Let's go down, don't keep Grandma Guo waiting."

Fu Mingshi laughed and straightened up, following behind her down the stairs. Going down, Zhenbao's legs were still weak, frightened into clutching the handrail. Guessing what happened, Fu Mingshi easily picked her up and carried her down step by step, putting her down with a frivolous kiss after reaching the first floor.

Arriving next door, Fu Mingshi resumed his proper demeanor.

"Eat more, both of you," Grandma Guo said with a smile, bringing over the noodles. Zhenbao sensitively noticed eggs in both her and Fu Mingshi's bowls but not Grandma Guo's.

"Why aren't you eating?" Embarrassed, Zhenbao wanted to transfer the egg to the elder.

Grandma Guo blocked her, refusing, "Granny is old, you two are still young, need to nourish your health."

No matter how Zhenbao heard it, she felt the words had deeper meaning. Blushing, she secretly glanced at Fu Mingshi, but he just kept his head down eating noodles, as if Grandma Guo chatting with her had nothing to do with him. Feeling guilty, Zhenbao didn't dare look at Grandma Guo either, just lowered her head to eat.

After the meal Zhenbao volunteered to wash dishes.

Fu Mingshi returned home to prepare offerings, while Grandma Guo eyed the door and sidled up to Zhenbao to whisper: "Fengbao dear, did you two use protection?"

Zhenbao nearly dropped the bowl in hand. Her face immediately turned beet red, she just knew it - the bed sounded so loud, for such a long time, Grandma Guo must have heard everything!

"No need to blush with granny." Grandma Guo teased Zhenbao affectionately, then continued her "serious" questioning, "Did you bring it up or Mingshi?"

Zhenbao mumbled almost inaudibly, "...Him."

Grandma Guo immediately worried, pulling Zhenbao into the room to earnestly advise: "Zhenbao, men are all the same. Before getting in bed, even your farts smell fragrant to them, but after sleeping together, they slowly won't be as attentive as before. Mingshi looks like a good boy, but who can say what the future holds? Best to have a child first, so in case something happens in the future, having a child means he can't abandon you, ensuring you don't end up with nothing."

Zhen Bao awkwardly smiled, "I'm still in school..."

"School can wait, you should get married first, silly girl. You're already together, why not think about it?" Granny Guo disapproved.

As natives of a small rural village, Granny Guo was uneducated and still held old-fashioned views. Zhen Bao believed in modern perspectives on love, and although she didn't agree with Granny Guo, she knew the elder was looking out for her. So she nodded perfunctorily and chatted for a bit before finding an excuse to leave.

Fu Ming Shi was in the main hall. He had packed the paper money and wine in his backpack, ready to visit his father-in-law's grave. Seeing Zhen Bao return with an uneasy expression, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Zhen Bao smiled. "All set?"

Fu Ming Shi nodded. They were going to the cemetery today.

Carrying his backpack, fishing rod in one hand and a spade in the other for digging, Fu Ming Shi was prepared. Having gone with the old master last year, he knew what to do for ancestral worship in the countryside.

Zhen Bao locked up and turned to see Fu Ming Shi equipped for the trip, looking like any other village man. Her unease stirred up by Granny Guo's words gradually dissipated.

She had slept with Fu Ming Shi because she liked him, because their relationship had developed to that stage. She wasn't afraid they'd part ways in the future, nor regret what intimacy they'd shared. She only worried that Fu Ming Shi would really become indifferent after intimacy, as Granny Guo said. If that happened, she'd be heartbroken.

But looking at the smiling man waiting for her, Zhen Bao thought to herself - her Fu Ming Shi would never be so shallow.

She had faith in her feelings for him.

"Let's go," Zhen Bao smiled and went to his side. The two walked shoulder to shoulder, leaving the Zhen family's small courtyard along the narrow dirt path lined with wildflowers on both sides. They crossed the village's only stretch of concrete road and continued forward, soon arriving at the foot of a hill. Further up was the mountain trail.

Zhen Bao offered to help carry some things, but Fu Ming Shi only let her lead the way.

Atop the hill, the breeze felt pleasantly cool. Zhen Bao briskly ran to the peak, then turned and looked down at her fiancé still climbing up the slope. Fu Ming Shi looked up to see her standing at the end, arms spread against the vast blue sky. Her fair face glowed like a flower with her radiant smile.

"Don't move," Fu Ming Shi said, setting his things down.

Zhen Bao obediently stood still and watched as Fu Ming Shi took out his phone, wanting to take a picture of her. She loved photos and smiled even more happily. Glancing between his phone and the pure girl ahead, then down at the lone stretch of concrete road below, Fu Ming Shi suddenly felt immense gratitude.

Agreeing to come here and fetch her was the best decision he'd ever made in his life.

The Zhen family graves were overgrown with weeds. Zhen Bao and Fu Ming Shi pulled them out together, then Fu Ming Shi shoveled fresh soil over the plots. Born with a silver spoon, such menial tasks proved clumsy for Fu Ming Shi. But Zhen Bao loved watching him - she found everything he did incredibly handsome.

When Fu Ming Shi finished and turned around, he caught his fiancée staring at him, utterly enthralled. Their eyes met and Zhen Bao immediately lowered her head as a familiar blush bloomed across her lovely face.

Fu Ming Shi just smiled without teasing her in such a place.

The mood had been lighthearted before the formal worship. But kneeling before her late father's grave, Zhen Bao couldn't help crying as she thought of her dad. When elders pass on, their children continue living and smiling, but that doesn't mean they don't miss them. In solemn remembrance, the past vividly unfolds and tears flow freely once the dam breaks.

Fu Ming Shi waited until she had cried enough before drawing her into his arms to soothe her.

After sobbing for a while, Zhen Bao lifted her head, eyes swollen from weeping.

"Going down the hill later, others won't know and think I bullied you," Fu Ming Shi gently brushed her nose ridge.

Zhen Bao lowered her head again and used a wooden stick to stir the piled paper money, ensuring it all burned thoroughly.

"Dad, don't worry. I will take good care of Fengbao," Fu Ming Shi suddenly knelt down and solemnly kowtowed.

Zhen Bao was startled by his term of address. She stared at him blankly.

"I'll have to change what I call you sooner or later," Fu Ming Shi said, straightening up and smiling at her.

Zhen Bao felt a warmth in her heart. If Granny Guo heard Fu Ming Shi's words just now, maybe she wouldn't think that way anymore.

After paying respects to the elder, Zhen Bao led Fu Ming Shi down the mountain by another trail. At the foot of this hill was a lake where she often fished with her dad as a child. On lucky days they could catch two big ones, otherwise the two had little entertainment in this small village.

Sitting by the lake for half an hour settled the sadness in Zhen Bao's heart.

Fu Ming Shi caught a grass carp, probably four or five jin.

Zhen Bao excitedly ran over. With no action until now, she'd thought there'd be no fish for dinner today.

"Do I get a reward?" she asked, her smile returning. Fu Ming Shi deftly pulled the crouching fiancée into his arms.

"That's enough," Zhen Bao anxiously looked around. Old grandpas from the village often came here to fish and she was afraid of being seen.

"I'll let you go if there's a reward," Fu Ming Shi pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes full of laughter.

Zhen Bao lowered her gaze and pondered before replying, "I'll make sweet and sour fish for lunch."

Fu Ming Shi kissed her lips. "Doesn't count, you were going to make it anyway."

Zhen Bao tilted her head and his lips fell to her neck, lightly sucking. Her heart rippled like the lake waters.

"Give it to me tonight," Fu Ming Shi huskily demanded his reward in her ear.

Zhen Bao stayed silent. This was like kissing - once was never enough, right?

Carrying the fish, they headed home.

Zhen Bao helped Granny Guo prepare lunch while Fu Ming Shi, unable to contribute, sat at the door listening to Granny Guo's stories about Zhen Bao's childhood, gazing at Zhen Bao and imagining what she looked like as a young girl. Lunch was abundant with fish and meat. After the meal, Granny Guo left and Fu Ming Shi told Zhen Bao to rest first while he washed up.

The afternoon heat was stifling. Even the fan blew hot air. Sitting on the bed, Zhen Bao felt it was too risky to nap here this afternoon. But she was exhausted last night and now genuinely tired.

Fu Ming Shi's footsteps sounded outside.

Zhen Bao nervously stood up.

Fu Ming Shi pushed open the door to see his fiancée poised as if facing a formidable foe. He found it amusing. He had wanted to, had been thinking about it all morning, but he wasn't selfish - of course he'd give her time to rest. Once inside, Fu Ming Shi spread out the new bamboo mat he'd brought from the car by Zhen Bao's bed. "You take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor."

He knew there was no resisting if they lay together.

He took the initiative, putting Zhen Bao slightly at ease. She handed him a pillow and they slept.

Zhen Bao slept soundly through the nap, only waking in the evening when it was already dark outside. Fu Ming Shi had long left the floor. Still groggy from her deep sleep, Zhen Bao massaged her forehead to shake off the discomfort before going downstairs to look for Fu Ming Shi.

Fu Ming Shi was making dinner, cooking porridge in the rice cooker while slicing potatoes.

"Let me do it," Zhen Bao offered, knowing Fu Ming Shi had no kitchen skills beyond cooking noodles.

"Go wash your face first," Fu Ming Shi glanced at her and continued slicing potato shreds steadily, one slow cut at a time - clearly unfamiliar with using a kitchen knife.

Zhen Bao washed her face first before checking on him again. Fu Ming Shi had barely finished half that potato. Hungry, Zhen Bao nudged him aside and started chopping at lightning speed, her expression focused and movements skilled. Her potato shreds were much thinner and finer than Fu Ming Shi's laborious efforts.

"So virtuous," Fu Ming Shi hugged her again once she finished chopping.

Zhen Bao suddenly realized that intimate Fu Ming Shi clung to her even more than before they'd slept together, completely unlike what Granny Guo described.

A plate of sour and spicy potato shreds, a plate of stir-fried eggs - dinner was very simple.

After an evening stroll, Fu Ming Shi told Zhen Bao to shower first.

Zhen Bao made him promise not to trick her like last night again.

Fu Ming Shi raised his hand, "I swear to God."

Zhen Bao smiled and went upstairs to grab clothes. Still, she kept her ears pricked while showering, then heard music playing upstairs - Fu Ming Shi listening to songs. Knowing he was upstairs, Zhen Bao relaxed and closed her eyes to rinse off the suds.

Before all the bubbles were rinsed off, she suddenly heard a light cough outside the crude wooden shower stall.

Zhen Bao nearly yelped and scrambled for a towel instead of minding the showerhead. At almost the same time, Fu Ming Shi swept the curtain open and entered wearing only his briefs.

Zhen Bao covered her chest with one hand and her privates with the towel in another, bowing her head to plead, "Please go out..."

This was too stimulating!

"Speak softly," Fu Ming Shi turned off the shower head and gently reminded her.

Zhen Bao didn't want to talk to him. She wanted to leave, but the only exit was blocked by Fu Ming Shi. She leaned against the wall awkwardly, wishing she could find a crack in the floor to crawl into.

"Let me wash you," Fu Ming Shi walked over and embraced his tense and trembling fiancée. Then he lowered his head, resting his hands on her shoulders, and really helped wash her, but his movements were very gentle and intimate. If all the bathhouse attendants washed people like him, but without his physique and good looks, they would surely get complaints 100% of the time.

"Fengbao, when you dropped out of school for those two years, did you farm the land?" His gaze roamed over her back as Fu Ming Shi asked softly.

Zhen Bao rested her forehead against his chest and nodded slowly, eyes closed tightly.

"How come you didn't get tanned?" Fu Ming Shi lifted her by the waist and moved under the shower head.

When Zhen Bao did farm work in the summer, she tanned a little. In the winter her skin lightened again, but she knew Fu Ming Shi didn't really care about her answer.

"So fair."

He turned on the shower head and hot water poured down like rain, drenching them. Fu Ming Shi kissed her ear, "So fair and soft, really beautiful."

He stirred restlessly, and Zhen Bao instinctively put her arms around his neck. The water kept falling on her face and she could barely breathe.

Seeming to guess her predicament, Fu Ming Shi suddenly lifted her legs and Zhen Bao immediately clung to his shoulder, gasping deeply like a near-drowning victim.

There was a small stool in the shower stall. Fu Ming Shi hooked it over with his foot and then sat down while holding her.

"Wash me," Fu Ming Shi grabbed her hand and put it on his back. His dark eyes gazed at her as he said, "Wash me." His short hair was already drenched, exuding allure.

"Let's go back to the room," Zhen Bao pleaded, leaning against his shoulder anxiously.

But Fu Ming Shi just kissed her and said, "It's too hot in there."

Zhen Bao wanted to persuade him more, but he started touching her inappropriately. Afraid Auntie Guo next door would hear, Zhen Bao had no choice but to bite her lip tightly.

The song from the second floor played once then stopped. Although the shower provided some noise cover, Zhen Bao still kept her mouth tightly covered, afraid several times that the opposite wall couldn't withstand the force transmitted through her hand from Fu Ming Shi, and would collapse.

They stayed in the shower for a long time, so long that the hot water reservoir ran dry.

Finally Fu Ming Shi carried Zhen Bao upstairs.

Zhen Bao sprawled limply on the bed, completely exhausted. Her legs were even more sore than after running a kilometer in gym class.

"It would be nice to live here long-term too," Fu Ming Shi lay down and hugged her, saying "Unique ambience."

Zhen Bao hit him.

Fu Ming Shi grasped her small fist and kissed it. "Fengbao, come live with me?" he asked gently.

Zhen Bao's heart skipped a beat.

Fu Ming Shi slowly moved over her, gazing at her watery eyes. His expression was serious. "Can't leave you anymore," he said.

His masculine allure and sweet words were very moving, but Zhen Bao was still rational and firmly refused, "I'll be staying in the dorm until graduation." Being with him everyday would distract her. Zhen Bao still wanted to get a scholarship.

Fu Ming Shi caressed her face. "What if I miss you?"

Zhen Bao held back a smile. "Do what you did before. Keep going like that."

Indulging in passion would harm her. She couldn't agree for his sake either.

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