Chapter 85: Attacking The Haters: Part Final
Chapter 85: Attacking The Haters: Part Final
Eidolon dumps Master Mold in the sun.
He watches the skyscraper-sized machine being pulled and incinerated by the star of the Solar System with an impassive gaze till it's completely destroyed. After that, he turns around to return to Earth.
The travel back home will be even faster.
There's a certain misconception in the power-scaling community. They too easily attribute FTL(faster than light) speed to characters. Maybe they don't understand physics or how absurdly ridiculous fast light is...
It's not because the Character disappeared in a dash or moved faster than a bolt of lightning that the said Character can move at lightspeed. It's simply a visual effect.
Black Widow can dodge bullets by reading the trajectory of the barrel of the gun and moving as the finger presses the trigger. It doesn't mean she is faster than a bullet. Sometimes the character simply moves before the attack even happens.
There's also the difference between Fighting Speed and Traveling Speed.
To put things in perspective, someone who truly can travel at light speed can move around the Earth 7 times in a second. It's not a feat for anyone.
Adding Physics to that... Well, the oxygen in the atmosphere would combust, and the matter would turn into energy... It's simply not possible for someone who is street-level to do that.
Eidolon can react and fight at lightspeed, even though he needs to be very careful to not destroy everything around him. Travelling is another matter...
In space, without air resistance, it's possible to have infinite acceleration, so you only need a strong body. Hence why he reached the sun so fast, almost at Lightspeed, while carrying Master Mold.
Now he is not carrying anything... His body changes, matter becomes energy and in a streak of light, he moves back to Earth. Breaking the threshold that is lightspeed, a realm that is touched only by the Cosmic-level beings.
Unfortunately. Eidolon can only emulate the strength and the speed of those cosmic beings with the combination of many powers.
But on the other hand, it is a scary fact that he is already on this level by "faking" it, one can only imagine how strong he will be when he really rightfully steps on the same stage of the truly strong ones.
As Eidolon travels as a streak of light back to Earth, he doesn't notice something in the sun... The surface of the star stirs lightly, like a wave moving beneath all the fire, or a whale moving close to the surface of the ocean.
Someone with Psychic powers would hear the faint cry of a bird before everything goes back to normal as nothing happened.
On Earth, Red Hood Hector slowly stands up from his sitting position.
"First time that I separated the bodies so far away from each other... It gets hard to control. Makes sense..." He comments with a shake of his head. "Where I am again? Ah yes, Cindy Moon..."
He looks at the sealed bunker and pulls out a cylinder from the inner part of his tactical jacket.
He ignites a red lightsaber and approaches the bunker, thrusting his hand forward he opens a perfect circle on the metal easily, finding the interior filled with webs.
"She went on hibernation mode to protect herself?" Red Hood decides to stop playing around with his tools and uses his real powers, even though they are not part of his Red Hood persona.
With a tug of his telekinesis, he pulls the tons of webs out and then her.
"..." He puts the naked Cindy Moon on the ground, professionally he stares at her and notices that she doesn't look starved or dehydrated even though she probably spent months like this.
He pulls a black blanket off somewhere and puts it above her, to cover her modesty.
"Okay, wake up, and if you try to attack me, I'm punching you back." He snaps his fingers close to her face, using a power to create a strong smell that jolts her awake.
"! Gah *Cough* *Cough* Wha- *Cough*" As her lungs, blood veins, and other organs re-expand back to normal, Cindy goes through an unpleasant experience.
The black blanket falls as she coughs on all fours.
"..." Red Hood looks away from the perky butt pointing at him and waits patiently for her. 'This Yuuki Rito luck is really something...'
Finally, she centers herself and looks around confused before her gaze stops on him.
"Blanket..." He points at her while still looking away.
She hastily covers herself and recoils away from him after noticing her state of undress.
"You must be confused, Ms. Moon."
"Who are you?" She forces herself to say, in a slow and coarse voice.
"Red Hood... But I don't think saying this will help." He removes a bottle of water from somewhere and offers to her "Your disappearance was reported more or less a year ago."
"A Year?!" She was carefully reaching for the bottle before she cried in alarm
"You have a lot to catch up on. The world changed." He says the understatement of the century.
Eidolon finally arrived at Earth's atmosphere.
Coming back to his solid form, he looks down at the planet, and at the same time, he checks everyone's status and progress.
"Hm, as expected... Even a handful of metas is enough to deal with a military base worth of normal people." He comments after seeing the results
Even the slowest groups are dealing with the task without being in considerable danger. It's too early in the timeline, those groups don't have specialized anti-meta weapons.
How can they deal with Iceman? Magneto? Jeanr? Or even Shadowcat?
He notices that some enemies escaped, but it's not a problem. He doesn't care about the lives of the low-level goons. He is not that forgiving with them personally because he sees that they are not forgiving of their victims either.
A clean and fast death is mercy compared with what they do with the poor metas that fall on their hands.
"Time to do the cleanup." He says before disappearing from his place.
Eidolon has places to be too, his main target finally acted and now it's the best time to end him.
Oh a Hidden Facility, a certain man hurriedly prepares his escape.
Today is a bad day for him, many of the projects that he invested in are falling apart like badly built castles of cards. His paranoid mind would not allow him to stay still and wait for the Danger to knock on his door.
He is getting ready to flee and go into hiding for years, decades, centuries if necessary... It's a terrible decision that he has to make, but he is in danger of losing everything now, so the best option is to flee. A normal person would be raging, but he is too old to really care.
"Only a little mishap, it's not over yet." He says to himself.
"It's over, yes." Another male voice adds to his statement, making him turn around fast.
Standing there is the biggest hero of the world and the greatest threat to his existence... Eidolon. Menacingly staring at him silently.
"Aaah~ Finally~" Eidolon sounds ecstatic "Fun story: I was searching for you for a long time, scanning through everyone possible, analyzing every piece of data... But you use 'Sublime' as your surname? Hahaha! Cortana and I had a good laugh at my wasted effort! I could've very well googled you!" The hero walks around John Sublime, amusement evident in his steps and way of talking.
"Because of some past experiences, I didn't trust my meta-knowledge that much... Haah~ Whatever, my effort worked to corner you in the end." He sighs while talking
"What are you talking about?" The Sentient Bacteria tries to act confused
"Please, let's not make this awkward... Hm, you know what? It doesn't matter. You will not live past today, Mr. Sentient Bacteria." As he finishes saying his piece, the temperature appears to drop considerably.
The carefree demeanor was gone in an instant and Eidolon looked at Sublime with laser focus, his eyes two deep pools of darkness promising no Mercy.
"You... You... How did you know?" Sublime also takes off the mask and stares at Eidolon with a serious face.
"Someone told me..." The hero lies
"Someone? Him!"
"If you know, why ask? Don't you think your final objective would annoy certain people?"
"That damned pale freak!" The Bacteria seethes in rage
Eidolon secretly confirms his suspicions.
Mr. Sinister is behind Sublime.
The two are on top of Eidolon's list to be eliminated, but today the hero focus is on Sublime. Mr. Sinister can be more dangerous overall, but Sublime is even more slippery, he will deal with the bastard today.
And Mr. Sinister is not actively trying to exterminate the mutant race.
In truth, it's very much possible that Mr. Sinister would keep Sublime in check. Not ever allowing him to put his plans in fruition... But... It would be a cold day in hell when Eidolon trusts the willingness and the cautiousness of a villain that much.
Sublime espaces a little from the control of Mr. Sinister and the result would be catastrophic.
That's why he is dealing with the Hater Bacteria now while letting the Pale Geneticist live for more time, he knows that at some point he will not resist making a move.
"Ah-ah-ah~ Don't even try." Eidolon shakes his finger in a negative motion when he sees Sublime starting to move a little. "It's checkmate. I investigated you thoroughly, everything and everyone you entered in contact with... Everything you did... Even till now, I waited till this moment where you would be cornered, so that when you entered your 'flee and hide' mode, I would see the strange motions around the world, the strings that you're pulling. I know what you control, I found your hideouts... Even the fact that I'm still talking with you is simply to allow me to discover more. Thank you for poking your head out and trying to save as much as you could Sublime." Eidolon talks as he approaches the helpless enemy, his eyes show that he is smiling from ear to ear behind his mask.
Just now, as he kept an eye on other organizations and people, he noticed how they started moving strangely. Sublime showed the claws that sank deeply on them.
And this is not enough... Eidolon still needs to "interrogate" him, a last investigation through the Sentient Bacteria mind. Unfortunately, his mind is very different from normal people's and difficult to read, if not Eidolon's work would be much simpler.
Subline also has telepathic powers, that is how he controls his hive mind, which makes the task of going through his mind extra difficult.
"But it's just a little extra work at this point..." Eidolon says calmly and advances with his hand extended.
It's so easy that is almost underwhelming. Months of preparation paid off in the end.
There's a reason why this guy fought against the mutant race using dirt tactics of mind-controlling people and slowly increasing the prejudice against them through the media.
Sublime is powerless against a meta.
Eidolon grabs his head and Jonh Sublime's whole body goes into stasis.
"Now Cortana, compare the sample with all the previously prepared antibiotics, find the best match and improve it." Eidolon orders "Hm?"
Suddenly a door opens and dozens and dozens of people get out from a secret room and advance at Eidolon like beasts.
"...The Children, I think." He says calmly as he is jumped from all sides.
With a flex of his powers, his mantle shifts a little... Then Saeko bursts out of his mantle and without wasting time slashes through the enemies with her katana.
Those enemies are bio-engineered living weapons. Looking closely one would notice their similarity with Sabretooth, they're at least 50% clones of him.
They all have physical enhancing powers, with some having optic beams.
"..." Eidolon looks at Saeko having fun cutting them with an impassive gaze 'This is a Mr. Sinister thing 100%. The guy must have Cyclops' genetic material, so he must have imprinted on his mind the desire to mate with Jean Grey'
Without another word, Eidolon lets Saeko have her fun with the living weapons as he retreats by teleporting himself.
He still needs to make the last cleanup.
"I can feel it... Sublime's main body is dead." In a dark room, a woman says "It will take a long time for him to come back, if he come back..."
This woman is Arkea, sister of Sublime, and like her brother, she is a Sentient Bacteria. Her dark and long hair covers her features, dark clothes mingle with the surroundings.
"Don't worry, brother. I will continue our work...!" As she says that, she feels a hand grab her head from behind.
"No, you will not." A familiar voice says, the voice of the one she considers their biggest nemesis "I know about you too..." Eidolon smiles before dragging her away.
He took a long time to take action, to make sure that he would deliver a definitive blow.
He does not plan on leaving loose ends.
After that, Eidolon went to do a speedrun in all other hidden labs and facilities related to Sublime around the world.
He arrives like thunder, bursting through the front door or the roof, passing through everything in a blur, downloading everything that is worth and leaving while reducing the place to a little more than ashes.
He travels to all the corners of the world... Icebergs in Antarctica where Sublime froze parts of him, Hidden labs under the ocean, seemingly inconspicuous houses in the mountains, and many other places.
He even secretly got rid of seemingly normal people living their very own normal lives, but are empty shells controlled by Sublime.
He cured people with parts of Sublime in incubation inside of them too.
He did this many, many times... The Sentient Bacteria is as paranoid as him, with many backup plans.
With a *Boom* Eidolon breaks the ground and arrives in another underground facility. What he sees there is capable of shocking even him.
This facility is divided into two rooms. The smaller room that oversees and controls the whole place and the bigger room that is more like a cave, with huge pillars of rock connecting the ground with the roof.
What shocks him is that everywhere that he looks he sees incubators. The ground, the pillars... It's all covered with incubators holding small girls inside. Like a hive, or the place where Neo wakes from the Matrix... The girls stay still inside their artificial wombs.
It's at least 1000 of them. All of them with the same features, they are identical, and their age is just a little above a toddler's.
Most of them are already dead, discarded like trash, come incubators are cracked open, it gives the vibe of a failed Project. Or at least one no one expects much.
It clicks on his mind where he is... His senses catch the few of those that are alive.
This facility really looks more than half abandoned, some incubators are turned off, and some are depowered.
He disappears from his place and appears in a corner, there he can see the last 3 incubators that still work properly... And two that are failing, the last two girls dying.
"Not on my watch." Without wasting time he frees all of them.
Taking special care with the last two, he ′stabs a finger at their bodies, fixing their problems and restarting their bodily functions. He is fast and precise.
The five will be okay now.
*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*
He watches the five girls start moving up between coughs, squirming like recently awakening chicklings.
The five then open their eyes fully in a synchronized fashion. He can feel the wave of psionic power washing over him, and he protects himself from it, but this makes 5 pairs of blue eyes turn to him robotically.
"Emma Frost is up to a surprise..." He sighs while the Stepford Cuckoos stare at him unblinkingly.
After checking on them one last time, he pats their head and makes them sleep. Now it's not the time to open this can of worms.
He teleports them carefully to Isabella, before continuing his work.
"Well, this one is interesting..." Eidolon hovers above the Facility.
It's not a facility, it's the Facility.
This time he slows down to attack this place because there's a person of interest here.
In a swift motion, he breaks in, and using his super-speed he passes through guards, security cameras, and other defensive measures in an instant. People can only see a glimpse of the black blur that hits them.
He moves through the maze-like Facility with ease, leaving clean destruction on his path.
Easily reaching his final destination...
X-23 just received her last order, stop the intruder.
As much as she wants to refuse or escape, after years of conditioning it's hard for her to go against their orders... And the collar on her neck it's a problem too.
Her super-senses tell the chaos going through the whole Facility. Even when she is in an untouched room, which is the only path to the final lab, she can hear the small explosions and screams. She can also clearly smell the blood and smoke.
She is tense... Whatever is doing that, it is dangerous, and her instincts are about to be proved right.
The double door opens normally, like the whole place is not under attack, she can see the smoke and glimpse of flickering light from the opening, but what is more important is the being walking relaxedly through it.
"Being" because she is not sure if she can call that a man.
It looks like a man, sure. With his four limbs, head, human features... Wearing black with some white highlights, a mantle covering most of his body... But she knows that he is more than that.
All her senses are screaming danger right now, like never before in her life.
This being is incredibly unsettling, he walks without making a sound, and he smells too clean... Odorless, even. No, almost... there's a smell there... Weak. Something she never felt before. It's not an artificial sterile smell from a lab, but more like the purest breeze possible, uncontaminated by the world or anything.
He is completely out of place. He looks so harmless that he almost doesn't appear to exist, but when you notice his existence, there's nothing more that you should focus on if not him... She feels that if she loses sight of him, she is dead.
Her fight, freeze, and flee instincts are in overdrive. Fighting themselves to decide her next action.
But Wolverine blood flows in her veins, so obviously she will jump at him with a roar.
*Snikt* She shows all of her claws, even the ones on her feet, as she opens her arms, jumping at him.
"..." Eidolon simply looked at her without moving a muscle "Hello." He says and she notices that she is not moving anymore.
She is paralyzed in the air.
"I know you..." He continues as she struggles against the invisible hold that he has on her. "I will take you out here."
"...!" This makes her pause for an instant and look at him.
"First..." She flinches as he raises a hand in her direction, but he simply flicks his finger and removes her collar.
"..." She watches with curious eyes as he crushes it and throws it at the corner like trash.
"I'm gonna put you in the ground now. Are you gonna attack me?"
"You and Shadow will be good friends..." He ends up putting her in the ground anyway.
"..." Beyond looking at him warily, with her claws raised, X-23 doesn't do more.
"Do you have a name?" He asks calmly
"...Are you sure?" He presses further
"..." He is a patient guy.
"...Laura Kinney." She finally says, making him smile
"I see. Laura... Nice name." He can't resist giving her some head pats, even if she is a 15-year-old.
"..." At least she doesn't try to bite him or anything, only looking at him strangely.
"Well, Laura. I plan to destroy the rest of this place... Why don't you accompany me to gloat over your former... bosses?"
"...I'm going." He starts walking to the last lab after noticing that this conversation is not going anywhere.
He is happy to notice that Laura followed him almost immediately.
Then he opens the last door with a bang!
Inside the small lab, he sees two people. He also notices Laura growling at them.
He has information about the two.
"X-23, what are you doing? Kill him!" One of them, a black woman, shouts angrily at Laura.
"Grr." Laura does nothing, she stays in place, growling and trembling in anger and... fear.
"..." Eidolon noticed that when he gave Laura a side glance.
And he doesn't like that.
With a wave of his hand, the woman was sent flying at a wall at high speeds, creating a small hole in it.
"Cough* Ha... Hahaha." She laughs even though she was attacked with such brutality "You can't hurt me... You can't hurt me, Eidolon! Even you can't hurt me!" She shouts manically.
She is indeed completely unscathed.
This woman is called Kimura, her power made her the perfect handler for X-23. Her skin can become nigh-indestructible because she can control the molecular arrangement of her epidermis.
Not even X-23 adamantium claws can cut her skin because her molecules are tightly together. A pico-blade can't cut her.
"..." Eidolon looks at the sadistic woman gloating and narrows his eyes.
Then he zooms in and lightly touches her stomach.
His thumb and index finger make a U shape as they touch her simultaneously.
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A mini Rokuogan. The impact passes her indestructible skin and...
"Uh? *Bleerghh*" And hit her internal organs that are not indestructible.
She falls on the ground while vomiting blood, great pain traveling through her body. Eidolon put her organs on the brink of being turned into paste.
"Tsk Tsk~ Why is it always the bulletproof ones that think that they are invincible? No one is invincible, you know?" He shakes his head while looking down at her. "Small fishes in even smaller ponds..."
Then he grabs her by the hair and drags Kimura to Laura.
"Here..." He shoves her in front of her former victim. Presenting the woman to Laura, to do anything she wants.
"..." But Laura doesn't move.
She tried before. She tried countless times. She is the daughter of Wolverine so obviously, she angrily lashed out against those people, but it was never effective. Kimura was immune to everything she could do and after that, Kimura would torture her.
Laura's healing factor allowed Kimura to go crazy in her sadistic tendencies. Only they know the hell Laura lived all those years, only her mother gave her a semblance of humanity, but... Those people don't need Laura to be human, so they got rid of her mother.
"It's okay... Look." He crouches down and grabs Kimura's head.
At the same time he takes away her power, he effortlessly cuts a line on her arm with his finger to show his point.
"! What?" Kimura winces in pain and shock.
"She is not invulnerable anymore..." He once again throws her at Laura's feet.
"..." Laura looks down at Kimura as realization slowly down at her.
It's hard to overcome years of trauma and conditioning... Laura starts breathing hard, her body trembling, her chest heaving...
"X-23... Don't do that... Kill him..." Kimura says on the ground, she can barely move.
Laura's face morphs into one of pure anger, and maybe pain, becoming something animalistic.
"You can go crazy..." Eidolon's permission is the last drop to overflow the cup.
"No!" Kimura tries to beg... Raising her hand...
"Raaaaah!!" But Laura doesn't give her chances.
While screaming and roaring, she slashes down on Kimura, on the woman's arm.
Her adamantium claws go through the limb like a hot knife in the butter. It really works, Laura can hurt her now.
"Bulletproof people rarely have a high resistance to pain..."
"..." The truth in front of her only made Laura crazier and bloodthirsty.
Still screaming she slashes down again... One, two, five, ten... Fifty... A hundred times...
She doesn't stop.
Kimura died between the third and fourth attack but Laura continued to attack her, making minced meat of the woman.
One can only imagine how much she hated Kimura. How much she suffered under Kimura's thumb.
"..." Eidolon looks at the bloody scene calmly, the gore can't faze him. He is famíliar with it. He is also familiar with the need for revenge.
It's almost familiar... A teen mutilates a body, a puddle of blood expanding in all directions.
He can almost see himself on Laura.
*haah* *haah* *haah*
Laura stops attacking when there's practically nothing solid to hit beyond the ground, her shoulders move up and down as she tries to recover her breath.
"There, there~" Eidolon starts cleaning her with some gentle powers, she has blood all over her body. He also saw in some footage that the people here cleaned Laura using a water hose, like she is some kind of animal or prisoner. So he does it gently, with warm water.
"..." She is still out of it, a little overwhelmed, and can only lean on the nice sensation.
"I hope you can leave her behind. Forget about her, she is not worth remembering." He says as he finishes cleaning her.
Then he finally turns to the last occupant of the room, the man who watched everything that happened in fright.
"Dr. Adam Harkins... I can't say that it's a pleasure." He walks to the scientist without a hurry.
"You... You monster." The man retreats cowardly "You're not what you paint yourself to be! You're a monster!"
"Funny that I never said that I'm a paragon of virtue or anything... I even once openly stated that I'm not a good person." Eidolons steps forward
"You're evil!"
"Yes, and I'm good too. I'm both. It depends on who is on the receiving end of my actions..." Eidolon extends his hand and chokes the scientist telekinetically "You on the other hand, it is only evil."
"Gah! Ugh!" The man struggles out of breath.
Without humoring the man anymore, Eidolon throws him on a portal.
"It seems the good scientist left one final gift to us, Laura." Eidolon looks at the panel close by
"..." Laura is also feeling something.
"Raaaaaawwwrr!" Suddenly a section of the wall bursts open and a huge beast appears.
It's a mix between a dog and a dinosaur, its whole body covered in metal... Adamantium.
"Predator X, the most perfect of them." Eidolon comments.
There are a lot of those prototypes all over the laboratories and facilities around the world, the X-men, Brotherhood and even Eidolon's own people fought against them.
But this one is much bigger, easily reaching 3 meters of height when on all fours.
"Grrr" Laura puts a battle stance, ready to pounce on the creature, but Eidolon simply raises a hand to stop her. "..."
With another roar, Predator X advances, its huge maw open to take a bite of Eidolon's torso.
"..." *Bam* But the hero grabs the creature and smashes it in the ground with a hand, the grip on the monster's forehead enough to keep it down. "Like I said... No one is truly invincible." *Boom*
He changes his hand posture a bit, a blast goes through the creature's body, making it jerk and spasm unnaturally... before going completely still.
The adamantium exoskeleton and the Healing Factor are not enough to stop its insides from being liquified instantly. Becoming a carcass full of red paste.
"Why don't we go out, Laura?" He turns to her "Do you want to press this place's self-destruct button?"
Then Cortana's voice cuts his mind "Another Asian girl, Master?" She asks full of mirth
"I swear I'm not doing this on purpose!" Maybe Shego was right and he really has some sort of Asian Magnetism. He will re-check his long list of powers later.
It's finally over.
Everyone completed their raids and rescue missions.
Now, did they clean the world of the Anti-mutant groups and people? No. There are some that did do anything illegal or questionable to be targeted by Eidolon. Do they hate mutants? Yes. But that's all. Just because they disagree with you, doesn't mean Eidolon will go and kill them.
Some of the X-men and some of the Brotherhood are also not that efficient in cleaning the "trash", many escaped. But is okay... Cortana already has all she needs to upload the horrible truth to the world, exposing the main perpetrators.
Those groups won't go far without investment.
The antibiotic to deal with Sublime is also being produced in mass and will be sprayed around the world soon. Completely harmless and invisible to anyone but the Sentient Bacteria and his sister.
Eidolon then decides to teleport back to the X-mansion.
"Well, that is a huge crowd..." He comments after seeing more than a thousand people in the Garden of the Mansion.
His arrival obviously attracted the attention of everyone. From the corner of his eye, he can see Illyana receiving an earful from her brothers Mikhail and Piotr. He knows that she sneaked out to help with the raids.
"There's more inside." Storm is the one that greets him, she was probably the one keeping everyone in order "And this is?" She gives a look behind Eidolon.
He only brought Laura with him. The rest of his group had already gone back. With the exception of Mikhail.
And he saw Deadpool annoying Wolverine when he arrived.
"This is Laura Kinney and... You will understand in a minute." He says cryptically
"..." Ororo looks strangely at the girl that is sniffing the air.
Eidolon points in the overall direction of Wolverine to Laura and nudges her to go there.
"Well, Time to check on everyone, huh? The hard part of my job starts now." He metaphorically rolls up his sleeves.
Ororo gives him a smile "Good Luck."
Then they watch the interesting scene of Logan and Laura facing each other in silence before *Snikt* Laura shows her claws, to everyone's shock, and then, to everyone's shock again, attacks him.
"That family is kinda crazy..." Eidolon comments
"..." Ororo can't say anything to that.
He could've laid off a groundwork to de-escalate the situation, but it wouldn't be fun.
Eidolon, with a clone playing a Panacea as his side, went around healing and checking every one of the rescuees' health. He also checked their background, to the ones that had a life or family outside of the labs he would return them with some help. The others have the option of staying with Xavier or Magneto.
Some older ones are gonna move to Meta Town.
After finishing his duty, he walked through the rows of tents, that he prepared, and went back to talk with the X-men and Brotherhood.
"Good work there." Jean greets him after he leaves the area where the recently rescued are living "I can only imagine the headache to bring them back."
"I have help." Eidolon says humbly "Where are Xavier and Magneto?" He knows where they are, but he asks anyway.
"There." She says and walks in the said direction, he follows by her side
Arriving at the place, Eidolon meets the Leaders and a good part of their followers.
"Our disagreements don't look so bad after seeing our enemies, huh?" He says this even before greeting them.
Some like Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, and Logan already experienced humanity's potential to be evil. He is addressing the younger ones with his words.
After a light chuckle, he doesn't wait for anyone's response before continuing "Good Job, everyone. All of you really did something good today, I can almost feel our destiny changing for the better." He says with a hint of emotion
After some civil talk with Xavier and Magneto, he asks for some prisoners "I would like to take Typhoid Mary and others 'enemies metas' captured under custody."
"What are you gonna do with them?" Magneto asks, but there's no accusation in his voice
"Well, in the beginning, I admitted that I don't have the facilities to hold and provide to children like the Professor... But you all need to admit that you two also can't keep dangerous metas in check." Now what he said days before comes back to reinforce his argument. It will be hard to refuse him now.
He shrugs "It's dangerous to keep those individuals in a school with children and you're a little too lenient with criminals Magneto."
"..." They can't deny that.
"Don't worry, I will not give them to any government or anything. And I will do my best to reform them." He assures them.
They eventually concede. It's evident that the three leaders developed some form of mutual respect for each other.
"Well, that's all... Tomorrow I will come back to take the ones that want to go home or anywhere else. Bye- Hm?" As he is preparing to do a superhero exit, he feels someone pulling his mantle.
"..." Laura Kinney is grabbing it while looking at him without blinking.
Everyone, including Eidolon, looks at her strangely.
" you... want to come with me?" He asks in a slow and unsure voice.
Cortana: (???)
"Hn." She grunts
"You can use your words to communicate, Laura. Don't be the animal they tried to make you be." He says in a gentle but firm tone.
"...yes." She finally answers
"I see... But it's a little problematic to bring someone that is not in my inner circle to my bases." He holds his chin between his fingers
"Just abuse of the Professor's hospitality for a while. I can bring you around to show the world, then you can make your decision. No hurry, no one is forcing you to choose your path now." He pats her head
"...Hn... yes." She eventually agrees.
"What is happening?" Jubilee asks her friends in a slow voice
"I don't know... He tamed a Wolverine girl, I guess." Kitty shrugs her shoulders. Logan is growling at the side...
"Probably because he rescued her... Let's make her feel welcome, guys." Jean says, gaining nods from all of them
Laura finally let go of Eidolon's mantle.
"Till tomorrow, Laura." He pats her one last time "Everyone." He gives the rest a nod.
With a small bending of his knees, he shoots to the sky, at the right height he changes direction and shoots to the horizon in a streak of light that cuts the night sky, leaving behind only the gust of wind and the sound of him breaking the sound barrier.
He finished here, but the night didn't end for him yet.
Emma Frost was getting ready for bed when she felt something with her telepathic powers. The presence of someone just outside her bedroom.
She knows this presence "Eidolon?" She also knows that he is making himself known to her. He is basically knocking on her door. She is also feeling something strange surrounding him.
She opens her bedroom door to the small living room that precedes the place where she rests. Her room is so big that is basically a house on its own inside her mansion.
"!" Her eyes widen seeing Eidolon kneeling on the ground fixing the clothes of five small girls. Five identical girls... Identicals to her.
The five turn their little head to her in a synchronized fashion, at the same time Emma's eyes shine with power. The six minds connect immediately, the quintuplets' little minds orbiting around her... Like she is a planet and they're moons.
She understood what was happening instantly.
"Well..." She starts "Normally is the other way around... A woman that normally knocks in a rich man's house with a child on the hip." She can't help but joke to lighten the mood.
"Don't worry, I'm not here for Alimony or Child Support." He rolls his eyes "Let's have this talk elsewhere." As he said that, Eidolon stands up.
He stood up but he was still on the ground kneeling close to the quintuplets, he split himself up, leaving a clone behind.
"Follow me." She turns to enter her bedroom again, Eidolon follows her as Clone Eidolon guides the kids to sit on the couch.
After closing the door, the hero starts "Two things to say... First, I found them in a lab together with other thousands of failing clones of you. Someone harvested thousands of your eggs to try to make some sort of anti-meta weapon hive mind." He explains
"..." Emma Frost's hand instinctively goes to her lower abdomen, her face showing anger. She knows who did that with her.
"Second... Tonight, I will upload the dirt of a lot of people. Including the ones that we talked about... If you want to move to grab their assets, be ready."
"Really? Tonight? Damn, I need to make some calls then." She says a little exasperated with the hero who is not playing the game with her.
They can time it better, but Eidolon doesn't care. Frost needs to do her thing to maximize her profits.
"Now, about the girls..." He takes the conversation back to the most important topic
"What about it?" He gives her a glance
"Are you gonna take them?"
", and what if I don't?" She narrows her eyes, watching his reaction closely
"I will take care of them..." He says "I saved them personally, so my responsibility only ends when they are 100% safe."
"..." Emma's eyes narrow even more "Couldn't you have let them with Xavier, then?"
"It almost sounds like there's something more on it... Something personal..."
It happened so fast that if she had not paid laser focus attention to him she would have missed. His eyes flicker for a millisecond... She almost thinks that she is imagining things.
"That's a good idea, I can leave them with him." He answers in a nonchalant voice
"No. I will not leave them with that baldy. They will stay with me." She denies fast "I never wanted children, but skipping through the hardest part of having them is a blessing. And I will keep my body in top shape." She runs her hands through her body, trying to bait him to look.
But Eidolon's eyes never leave hers.
"Good. I'm going now, but I will be coming to check on them regularly. Clones tend to have some congenital problems." He turns around to leave her bedroom.
"What about Shaw?" She asks suddenly
"He is one of the few that are cautious enough to not leave their dirt around." He answers without turning around to face her
"Then that's it? He will be left alone?" She asks annoyed
"When did I say that?" He looks back, his eyes glowing red "He is involved. I already judged him guilty."
She can't help but gulp at his gaze.
"He will probably call you to a meeting... To discuss how to deal with your fallen...friends. Even more, if he notices you seizing their assets." Eidolon predicts Shaw's actions easily.
Emma can imagine Shaw doing exactly that. When he discovers that she is getting richer and richer with the downfall of the others he will arrange a personal meeting to ensure she is giving him a slice of the pie. More than a slice...
"Then?" She asks
"Arrange the meeting with him after you get ready to seize his assets..." He says in a deep voice "Then call me to the meeting. I will deal with the rest."
"..." Oh, she likes that. She can't contain the smile blooming on her face. Releasing Eidolon on her enemy, how cathartic will be?
She likes it very much!
Eidolon finally goes back home.
With a sigh, he goes back to being Hector. His hair shortens, becoming curly and black. His body deflates a little and goes back to his teenager normal self. The mantle flies away and he stays there using only his tight body suit.
"Ugh, Cindy Moon wants to go around already? I don't want to babysit a recently awakened girl with spider powers." He groans in annoyance after receiving Cortana's message.
The work is never done.
"Let's go then, better than fighting a planet burster threat..." After one last sigh, he prepares to send himself as Red Hood again "I'm still surprised that things went smoothly and no final boss appeared."
In a dark passage, a tall and pale man wearing dark clothes walks slowly.
After arriving in a big and circular room, he looks down on a bunch of people working on what appears to be a prototype of a robot.
It's interesting that all those people working look exactly like the man, the only difference is that he is wearing a flamboyant black cape that wouldn't be out of place in a Dracula costume.
"It's not time yet... You almost fought him without being ready..." Mr. Sinister says he retrieved this robot just a little before Eidolon attack the facility where it was being made "...Nimrod."
White House
The President of the United States just received the News of what Anonymous and Eidolon have done. He can already imagine the chaos that will happen.
Some people of the military tried to convince him to use... a certain weapon against Eidolon. To assert their authority over this Rogue vigilante who thinks that the world is his sandbox.
To stop him once and for all from messing with international politics.
It's what they said at least.
But he is not sure about it. The President can bet that many want to save their own hide.
He saw what happens when gods fight, mortals suffer... This can be worse than starting a nuclear war.
He simply stares at the blue M on the file, together with the picture of a black man in silence, unsure of what to do.
He then closes it. Not today...
A.N.: Hello there. Uff, Eidolon almost fought some strong people... I guess he can be lucky sometimes... or not, it's only postponing the trouble to later.
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Hope you all enjoyed, make a comment because interaction motivates me to keep writing. Thanks for reading.
Till next time and stay good y'all.
Bye Bye~