Chapter 431 Lin Bai's future deployment

  Chapter 431 Lin Bai’s deployment for the future

  After releasing the truth about the fairy world, Lin Bai no longer cared about it.

  Whether the players believe it or not, whether they like to investigate or not, to him, there is nothing to lose.

   Compare your heart with your heart.

  From the player's point of view, losing memory is actually not a big deal for them.

  In most of the world, ordinary people account for the majority. In just a few decades of birth, old age, sickness and death, suffering and tiredness run through all the time, and there is not much happiness to speak of.

  Game companies give them new bodies, allowing them to live without worries, disasters, diseases, and exploitation for hundreds or even thousands of years.

  Even if you lose your memory later, you can still make money...

  Starting from their own interests, players don't care about dignity and freedom...


  The game company also turned a blind eye to the various protests of the players, and just distributed the game cabins to everyone step by step.

  The dying old man and the baby waiting to be fed all have their own game cabins...

   As for how to deal with Lin Bai, the game company did not give a plan. As before, it disappeared and left the problem to the players.


  But now the game is in a bad situation. Later, few people enter the game, and most people are waiting and watching.

after all.

  The dilemma Lin Bai set up for players is too difficult to break through.

  In the past three days, the players trapped in Fengqiuhuang were tortured to death.

   Endless talent shows, they couldn't even log off and delete their accounts, each of them was suffering, exhausted to the extreme.

  At the beginning, the reason why the cultivators in Lei Jie could persist for so many days was because they had stronger willpower, and second, they were under the pressure of Lei Jie, quitting Fengqiuhuang was death, so they could naturally persist.

  But most of the players are ordinary people. Under no pressure, repeating a hopeless thing is torture for them. It is more uncomfortable than endless overtime work in the factory. After all, overtime work still has wages...

   Married female players are better. Except for specific roles such as bride and groom, best man and bridesmaid, ordinary players in the wedding can go offline, but they are still in the wedding after going online.

  Deleting the number can escape the sanction of the wedding.


  A large number of female players left the game with the help of account deletion and entered a wait-and-see sequence.


  "Justice Weekly" was also circulated in the fairy world, and the heavenly people also knew the truth. However, like most players, the heavenly people did not believe in the identity of the former players.

  I am used to the life in the fairy world, and it is difficult to break the inherent ideological imprint.

  And, what if you know you were a player?

  They can't change anything at all, this incident is not even as shocking as the Nine Heavenly King being subdued by Lin Bai.

  Lin Bai became the biggest king, which is more related to their practical interests.

  The players of the Anti-Lindbergh Alliance tried to instigate a rebellion, but with little success.

  Used to peace, Celestial Beings don't want their world to be involved in war. Moreover, even the Nine Heavenly Kings were defeated, and they didn't even have the sacred artifact of the law. How could they rely on to overthrow the more powerful Lin Bai?

  Death for the player?

   When they are stupid?


   If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

   Trapped most of the players, Lin Bai ignored them and summoned all the world's high-level officials to reorganize the social order.

  Of course, it is for world peace in name, but secretly, it is for system tasks.

  Unified the world, of course you have to clear all the system tasks and take all the rewards into your hands.

  The divinity of the gods, the sacred artifact of the law, etc., are actually not as fragrant and powerful as the system skills.

   Yedo does not overwhelm her body.

  Ghost knows what other moths will come out of the game company.

  However, since Lin Bai became more and more powerful, for some unknown reason, many silent systems in his mind were not even activated, and were always in a state of dust.


  The wedding of the gods is over, but Yuelao's systematic task of filling the world with love has not been completed.

  Lin Bai guessed that it was probably because the gods in the wedding were not as powerful as him when they got married. At that time, the only ones who were really comparable to him in strength should be the Goddess of the Earth and the Lord of the Abyss, or King Mengtian...

  However, the world has been conquered by him, how easy is it to make up ten pairs of strong men who are not weaker than him?

  Unless a **** more powerful than the Lord of the Abyss appears, ten pairs of super powerful enemies will appear out of nowhere for the reward of one mission, which is not worth it. Therefore, this mission will most likely have to be shelved indefinitely.

   The immortal soul of the God of War system and the coming of the Great Tianzun system are also not completed.

  The Immortal Soul requires Lin Bai to trample all visible enemies under his feet, and to descend needs to conquer all existences that do not obey his management.

  These two tasks are actually regarded as one task.

  Currently, the only enemy who refuses to accept him is the player.

   After the player is settled, the two tasks should be completed at the same time, so there is no need to rush.

after all.

   It is really difficult to domesticate billions of players, and it can only be slowly honed over time...

The only ones left are the system of everything that is missing, the chief supporting role system, the peerless genius doctor system, the super idol system, the media tycoon system, the super master system, the good teacher system, the farming system, the pet system, the system of forming good relationships, and the demon system are still there. run.

  The super master and the big demon system didn't even issue tasks later, and they were in a semi-paralyzed state. Currently, Lin Bai can't do many tasks...


  In the real world, the high-level executives of the East and West Continents, the heads of various sects in the Xianxia Continent, and many gods and monarchs of the Gods and Demons Continent were all taken over by Lin Bai and gathered together.

Lin Bai looked around everyone from above, and said: "...the players are under my control for the time being, but this is not a long-term solution. There are still game companies watching our world, and they may play black hands at any time to destroy our hard-won peace. So, we have to prevent problems before they happen and tackle the root causes. To this end, I offer several solutions.”

   Everyone straightened their waists by coincidence, and turned their eyes to Lin Bai.

"One: the popularization of godhood. As we all know, the difference between players and ordinary people lies in the inequality of talent. Players have immortality and fast cultivation speed. Ordinary people do not have the qualifications for cultivation. Even if they have, they cannot catch up with players. Godhead is wiped One of the effective means to balance the gap between the two sides; just like the dark godhead is immortal in the dark, the sun godhead is immortal in the sun, although it is not as good as the player's immortal body, but as long as they cooperate with each other, they can also shorten the distance between the two sides. "

  The gods looked at each other, and once again rejoiced that they surrendered early, otherwise, if Lin Bai did this, their believers would disappear sooner or later.

  Everyone whispered.

  The high-level officials of the East and West continents frowned in unison.

The king of Taichu Kingdom raised his hand and said, "Leader, I think this method is inappropriate. If a mortal's heart is unstable, if he suddenly gains divine power, he might become an unstable factor just like the players. Besides, the godhead needs the power of faith to support it." , we can’t let everyone believe in each other, so even if everyone has a godhead, they still can’t distance themselves from the players.”

"Who says you can't believe in each other?" Lin Bai smiled, "With the godhead of the God of Darkness, can't you believe in the God of Light? You can also believe in the God of the Forest if you don't believe in the God of Light. You believe in me, and I believe in you. Everyone depends on each other, and the unstable factors will naturally be eliminated, because the person you kill is likely to be your own believer, or your own god. See, this way, the two problems you mentioned are solved."

   "..." Everyone.

"Actually, the real difficulty in the popularization of godheads lies in the quantity. My energy is limited. Even if I keep brushing out godheads, I don't know how long it will take to gather all the godheads that the world needs." Lin Bai said, "so, this piece Things can only be done slowly, start the pilot first, see how the specific effect is, and then decide how to implement it?"

   "Leader, where did the first batch of godhead trials start?" asked the king of Taiyi Kingdom.

"I don't know where to start, start with someone I trust, and give you the godhead as a trial, can you grasp it?" Lin Bai glanced at him and said with a smile, "Everyone knows, I have a fan club, and in the fan club are A group of people who admire me, the first batch of godheads will naturally be given priority to my fans."

   A word of silence.

   Immediately after.

  Many high-level officials in many countries, regardless of their feelings or reluctance, nodded their heads one after another: "Yes, yes, the first batch of godheads should naturally be distributed to people the leader can trust."

"I know what you guys think, don't be unconvinced, join my fan group, when you fight with me, all attributes will increase by 50%, and if you give them the godhead, they can become the main force to maintain stability in the future "Lin Bai looked around at the crowd and said, "Speaking of which, I have helped maintain peace in several worlds and done so many good things for your countries. You should also try to believe in me and be my fans. There are only benefits and no benefits. harm."

   "..." Many monarchs were stunned again.

"I don't want to interfere in your country's internal affairs, but in the future against game companies, you must ask everyone to be united and become my people, and you will naturally get more preferential treatment." Lin Bai smiled and said, "You are all kings , you should understand this truth, shouldn’t you?”

   Meng Tianwang and others lowered their eyelids.

  Okay, here we go again, what you say is a threat, and you say you want to be the number one in the world?

  Game companies have become your tools to eliminate dissidents.

"What the leader said is that after I go back, I will order the royal family of the Taiyi Kingdom to enshrine the leader's longevity tablet, recite the merits of the leader from time to time, and try to become a follower of the leader in the shortest possible time." The monarch of Taiyi quickly adjusted his expression and looked at the leader piously Lin Bai said.

   "So are we."

  Many kings echoed.

  Before, when Zheng Qizong and Mo Wuzong suppressed them, they dared to secretly cultivate forces to resist.

  Now that Lin Bai is in charge, they don't even have the heart to resist.

  Not to mention the game company, but it is inevitable that Fan Linbai let go of those players who were pinned down by him, and their country fell apart in minutes. After careful calculation, Lin Bai's achievements are indeed worthy of their admiration.

  However, if the whole people worship Lin Bai and bear his interests, they will be unable to resist even if they want to resist in the future.

   This is a real country like an iron barrel!

"It's not just you, the policy should also be tilted in this direction." Lin Bai said earnestly, he looked at the [Xianxia No. 1 Paparazzi] recorded on the side, "Go back and use "Justice Weekly" to publicize this matter, my head Hanging in every town, in theory, I am by everyone's side, and the attributes of the whole people will be increased by 50%. This is a big project that benefits people's livelihood, and we must pay attention to it."

   "Yes, leader." [Xianxia No. 1 Paparazzi] replied excitedly.

During this period of time, the leader was making troubles everywhere, and the reputation of "Justice Weekly" became more and more famous. Now that Lin Bai ruled the three realms, he thought that there would be no big news anymore. Who knew that when he turned his head, Lin Bai put a piece of paper in his hand. .

  Benefit people's livelihood?

  Benefit you!

  The monarchs of all the countries dared to be angry and dare not speak out.

  The gods looked at Lin Bai enviously, and thought to themselves, if they had Lin Bai's means, the power of faith would be endless, and becoming the most powerful **** was just around the corner.

  Following this way, the mission of Idol Heart should be completed.

  Even if the heart of an idol is useless, it is hard to imagine how much his divine power will expand if he gathers believers from several worlds.

  No matter how he calculates, he is not at a loss...

Lin Bai smiled and continued: "At the beginning, the chain industry created by the Justice League must continue to be developed. The expansion of publicity such as pills and refining workshops, since it is to benefit people's livelihood, it is natural to take care of all aspects. I have no time to refine pills. However, the elixirs in the elixirs workshop must be sold in my name, so that people will think of me when they eat the elixirs, and they will think of me when they use the utensils. Over time, beliefs will naturally form."

Mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are. With backup skills, high-level elixirs are endless for Lin Bai, but the tasks of the peerless doctor system must be done. If you want to get it, what if a big reward similar to absolute suppression is accumulated in the end!

   What else can you say? All they can do is obey.

  Lin Bai brought them here, saying that they were discussing and formulating a new order together, and now it has completely become his own words, so everyone will simply put it down, and he will do whatever he says!

  In the autumn of troubled times, Lin Bai stood on the top, and being a nominal monarch is not bad...


Looking at the gradually silent people, Lin Bai coughed, and continued: "Everyone, whether it is the bonus of fans or the power of godhead, they are all trails. The real strength is the way of law. After all, game companies frequently mobilize With the resources of several worlds, can we control the players in one world, can we control more worlds? Therefore, the law is king.”

  Everyone looked up at Lin Bai again, waiting for his next words,

  Lin Bai used the way of law to suppress all strong men. This is an iron-like fact. Whether he can break through Lin Bai's iron barrel, perhaps only the way of law passed on by the Gate of Justice.

  Cultivating the way of the law, even if he is still not Lin Bai's opponent, at least he is qualified to be his comrade in arms, not a subordinate who obeys orders.

"The way of the law is not like a godhead. It takes time and energy, and you can succeed if you have understanding. Three worlds, billions of people, anyone can practice the law, but if there is one success, we will have more strength to fight against game companies .Besides, preaching is what I do.”

Lin Bai glanced at the crowd, his eyes fell on [Xianxia No. 1 Paparazzi], and said, "Editor-in-Chief Dog, so, for some time to come, the propaganda of "Justice Weekly" will focus more on the way of law. We must use the power of the whole people Cultivate the Tao."

   "Yes, leader." [Xianxia No. 1 Paparazzi] said.

Lin Bai nodded, turned to everyone again, and said, "Because of me, the way of love has been widely spread throughout the world and is well known by everyone. But the incomplete way that is easier to practice is rarely mentioned now. Dao 50 , Tianyan forty-nine, people escape one of them. Everyone should be able to understand the meaning, the way of heaven is incomplete, and the one that escapes is a glimmer of life.

  Enlighten the Tao with incompleteness, and you can spy on the secrets of heaven. Knowing five hundred years ago and five hundred years later, there are no secrets between heaven and earth. This is the true way of holiness. To fight against game companies, one is the way of heaven, and the other is the incomplete way of heaven.

Next, I will offer a reward for your incomplete comprehension in the "Justice Weekly". Everyone can express their own opinions, and the top 3,000 most spiritual people will be selected to study the way of incompleteness with me. All finalists will get A godhead..."

  (end of this chapter)

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