Chapter 147 Suriel Chanting

  Chapter 147 Suriel Chanting Method


  Seeing Rhaegar coming out of the room, and Zeller working on the desk next to him, Matthew told the information about the Wither Cult, and also introduced Eli's situation by the way.

  Rega heard the words and showed the expression of someone who had experienced it:

   "Oh, infatuated boy, this matter is really difficult."

   "I've seen that white cat. To be honest, she doesn't look bad, and she has an indescribable charm about her."

   "My suggestion is to find a more exciting substitute for the kid named Eli. If he has a stronger taste, why not try Purgatory's hairless cats? They are more charming and explicit."

  Matthew looked at Rhaegar strangely:

   "Do you even understand the aesthetics of cats?"

   Zeller interjected:

   "Regar's ex-wife has the lineage of purgatory hairless cats."

  Rega immediately retorted:

   "It's not my ex-wife, I haven't divorced her yet!"

   "And not completely hairless."

   Zeller shrugged:

"you're right."

  Matthew looked at Rhaegar suspiciously, always thinking that asking this guy to come up with ideas would only be a mess.

  So he told everyone about his plan.

   "I plan to completely eradicate the Wither Cult, and after that, I will resolve the emotional dispute between Eli and the little white cat."

   "Lorraine, can you delay leaving for a few days? I need you to keep an eye on them for me, and take care of the woods for me by the way."

  Matthew looked at Lorraine.

  The latter nodded, and then showed an emotional expression:

   "Matthew, you are only in your twenties, why do you look like an old father?

   But then again, Eli is really lucky to meet you.

  If I had had a reliable friend like you when I was young, maybe I wouldn't have gone astray. "

   Matthew is completely immune to the top hat he puts on himself:

   "Your evil path refers to demigod plus legend?"

   "Tell me, what do you want?"

   Lorraine said with a playful smile:

   "Can you help me intercede with Ekmond, and ask him to help me remove the alliance's arrest warrant."

  Rega was taken aback:

   "Are you a wanted criminal of the Seven Saints Alliance?"

  Lorraine admitted:

   "More than ten years ago, when I made a mistake, I committed a crime.

  The main reason was that I accidentally offended a senior mage, who seemed to be a relative of Ekmond, so I accidentally got on the wanted file of the alliance and became a fraudster.

   Fortunately, it has been a long time and the amount is not large. Now almost no one remembers this matter.

   But this thing still bothers me, because I can't use my identity aboveboard.

   It is a pity for me to act under a pseudonym every time. "

  Matthew pondered:

   "How much money did you cheat?"

   Lorraine recalls:

   "Not much, twenty or thirty thousand?"

   Matthew is a bit strange:

   "The amount of 20,000 to 30,000 won't be included in the wanted file, right?"

   Lorraine sighed and said:

   "It's not about money, it's about people."

  Matthew responded quickly:

   "You lied to his family?"

  Lorland coughed:

   "His daughter is indeed a victim."

   "In the beginning, I just met her by chance, playing casually. She told me that she would not cause me any trouble, but a few days later, she changed her mind and dragged her father to the door to force me to marry her."

   "I forgot to leave the bracelet she gave me when I ran away, and I was classified as a fraudster."

  The office hall suddenly fell silent.

  Matthew no longer asked for details.

  He thought for a moment and replied:

   "I can't guarantee that Master Ekmond will give me this face. The relationship between me and him is actually very shallow, but I will try."

  Lorland made a loving gesture:

   "Don't worry, I'll take care of Eli for you. During the few days you're away, I promise he won't lose his virginity."

   Matthew felt relieved when he heard this.

  With the two legends of Lorraine and Richard sitting in the town, and Ekmond's clone, there should be no security risks in Rolling Stone Town and Oak Forest in the short term.

  He looked at the other two:

   "Is the matter in the south completely resolved?"

   Zeller replied while writing the document:

   "Last night, Hongtu Mountain sent an urgent letter, and their lord issued a statement of non-aggression to us.

  As a show of sincerity, the Hongtushan army even withdrew to the south of the Yuema River. They vacated nearly one-third of the golden fertile field. We can eat it or use it as a buffer zone. "

  Matthew nodded:

   "Kusulus' reaction is really fast."

   Zeller also said with emotion:

   "This is the power of the Seven Saints Alliance. You don't need to use a knife or a gun to scare off an ambitious dragon!"

"However, we are also busy. After the news spreads, it is expected that many residents of Golden Fertile Field will defect to Rolling Stone Town, including some small nobles or soldiers who are trying to take revenge on Hongtu Mountain. We must handle it carefully. These people cannot be allowed to have an impact on the existing order of Rolling Stone Town."

  Rega also sighed and said:

   "Yes, I'm busy now."

   Matthew and Zeller squinted at him at the same time.

  The latter silently raised the League Weekly, covering his face.

   "Mrs. Wesley, have a cup of coffee!"

  He shouted as if nothing had happened.

   Zeller suddenly said:

   "Matthew, you are going to deal with the Wither Cult alone. I am still a little worried. Take Rhaegar with you. Anyway, he has nothing to do."

  Rega immediately put down the newspaper and protested:

   "What does it mean to be idle and have nothing to do?"

   "As the lord of Rolling Stone Town, am I not the most important backbone?"

   "Without me, this territory would have been disbanded!"

  Zeller just looked at him:

"are you going?"

   "You can choose to go decently on your own initiative, or you can choose to go less decently after being persuaded by me."

   "I remember that Asma and Brin are about to come out from behind the door? If there is time, I will let them go to meet you."

  Rega glared at Matthew, then said weakly:

   "Okay, okay, I'll just take a walk with Matthew."

   "I don't need to pack, I can go now!"

  Matthew raised his hand to stop him:

   "Wait, we can't start yet."

  Rega hurriedly urged:

   "Without further delay."

  Matthew looked at the sky outside:

   "Let's go in the afternoon, I still have class in the morning."

  Rega's expression suddenly became a little disappointed.

   At this time, Zeller suddenly said quietly:

   "Speaking of which, about that guy named Eli, do you need me to find him a succubus?"

   Facing Matthew's surprised look.

   Zeller explained:

   "I heard that it is difficult for a man who has experienced the ravages of a succubus to fall in love with a woman of another race. Of course, I just heard that."

   "Or can we try something else?"

   "How about finding him a different type of hobby?"

   "Like, plant a tree?"

   Lorraine shook his head:

   "It won't work, he is a born infatuated seed, he likes to weave illusory traps for himself, and then fall into it."

   "It's not so much that the women lied to him, it's better to say that he likes to lie to himself."

  Rega couldn't help but put down the newspaper and suggested:

   "Do you want him to see the true face of the woman?"

   "Find a bad woman to teach him?"

   Zeller said angrily:

   "Are you afraid that he is not deep enough?"

  Lorland thinks this plan is feasible.

  The three of you talked to each other and started a heated discussion.

   Gradually, the atmosphere of heated discussions in the office hall gave Matthew the illusion that he was in the neighborhood committee.


   Crucible House.

  Margaret is wearing a cow pattern home dress today.

  She looked a little listless.

   But during class, Margaret’s voice was still sonorous:

   "Today is the third theory class, which is mainly about frontal spell-casting confrontation.

  In the process of face-to-face spell confrontation, what is the most important link?

   is chant!

  We all know that the casting time of spells of level 1 to 2 is about 2~4 seconds;

  The chanting time of spells of levels 3 to 4 is extended to 3~8 seconds;

  Level 5 spells generally take 6~10 seconds;

  Legendary spells are longer, every half minute or one minute.

  Although there are various abilities to assist spellcasting: singing speed, silent spell casting, instant spell casting... But these skills are difficult to use on spells of the same level.

  Assuming you are a legend, of course you can instantly cast spells below the fifth level, but it is difficult for you to do legendary spells.

  By the way, bullying is not part of our curriculum.

  I will only teach you to face opponents of the same level or even higher in various situations.

   Therefore, under the same level of confrontation.

   Chanting is an almost inevitable link.

  In this session, I need to emphasize three pieces of content to you, namely "Spell Knowledge", "Spell Capability" and "Suriel Chanting". "

   Swipe, Swipe, Swipe!

  The feather note in Matthew's hand flew up.

  Margaret took a sip of water and explained one by one:

   ""Spell Knowledge" is the most useful ability, it is essentially a spell.

  It can help you determine what spell the enemy is singing, at least what domain of spell, through the first few syllables of the enemy's singing.

   Knowing what spells the enemy is using allows us to better respond.

  He's suffocating fireballs, so we give him an "Evocation Spell Reversal";

  He is summoning celestial creatures, and we are ready to "expel alien creatures" in advance;

  He is building an illusion, we can directly hang the high-level gem of truth and watch the clown.

  In short, spell awareness is the basic skill of confrontation. "

  Matthew nodded involuntarily.

   This is an ability he lacks.

  His eyesight is good, and his hearing is not bad, but due to lack of training and solid knowledge of magic, it is difficult for him to predict the enemy's spells.

  Usually only after the opponent has finished casting, Matthew reacts belatedly.

  In this regard, the system actually only plays an auxiliary role. It can only give the information Matthew perceives in a data-based and intuitive manner, and rarely skips Matthew's perception to do more.

   This is actually a very dangerous signal!

  Margaret didn't give Matthew a chance to think deeply.

   She gushed:

   "The second point is "spell ability".

  As the name suggests, this process is to solidify the combat spells you often use into your own abilities.

  Spells need to be chanted, but abilities are not. This is the meaning of spell ability.

  At present, there are dozens of ways to transform spells in the alliance.

   But I personally only recommend two.

  First, find a high-level mage and let him help you solidify the target spell on your body. This is the easiest and easiest way. You can just lie down, and the only thing you need to pay is the interpersonal relationship;

  Second, train hard, use the spell every day, and cooperate with the corresponding potion. Usually, after 2~3 training cycles, you can initially turn a common spell into your own ability.

  Each training period ranges from 14 to 21 days.

  This method is very hard, but it is the most down-to-earth way.

  Spells like "Spell Counterspell", "Spell Knowledge", "Spell Reversal", "Bronze Skin and Iron Bones", "Bull Power", "Dash", etc. are very suitable for ability-based spells.

  By the way, I can reveal to you—

   I have over 40 empowered spells on me. "

  Matthew heard the words and exclaimed:

   "You really worked hard!"

  Margaret glanced at him:


   "Only 1/4 of this was obtained by my own hard work, and the rest was spent to find legendary or quasi-legendary mages to help me solidify."

   “They are the root cause of my **** debt.”

   Speaking of which.

  She sighed frowningly:

   "This brings us back to our first lesson."

   "What is the most important thing for a mage?"

   "Money! Money! Still **** money!"

  Margaret looked resentful.

   It seems that her financing plan has not been going well recently.

  Matthew obediently bowed his head and listened.

   Fortunately, she quickly entered the state of explaining again:

   "The third piece of content is the focus of today's class, and it is also the best singing technique I think so far. It comes from my teacher, Ms. Suriel.

  After in-depth exchanges with the dragons, Ms. Suriel extracted part of the essence from the dragon language magic and incorporated it into the chanting of human spells.

  The advantage of this singing method is that the sentence is clear and the rhythm is high. You can control the speed and rhythm of the singing, and then control the injection and outflow of magic elements.

   This is a bit abstract, let me show you the comparison. "


  Three figures appeared in front of Matthew.

  They are all chanting the classic spell of fireball.

  Margaret lightly.

  The three of them spoke separately. Three different styles of singing, but at full volume, sounded in Matthew's ears.

   According to Margaret.

  The first person is a wild mage who has not been trained by the alliance, and he uses the most common singing method.

  After listening to it, Matthew did not sing very well, a bit like a third-rate rapper rapping.

  The second person is a mage apprentice from a professional class. He uses the "mechanical singing method" that the alliance is currently vigorously promoting.

  The characteristic of this singing method is that it has no characteristics.

  The whole process of monk chanting, without any emotional ups and downs, is a bit similar to electronic synthesis.

  The advantage of the mechanical singing method is that the specifications are uniform and the threshold is very low. After forming a habit, it will be much faster to learn new spells.

   It is commonly used to train mage apprentices.

  The third image is Margaret herself.

  As soon as she spoke, Matthew was startled—

  At first it was a few sopranos alone, but soon fell down again.

   Between the paragraphs, there is a clear distinction, sometimes like a gurgling water, sometimes like a stormy sea.

  A small fireball incantation, with a total of 18 syllables and a duration of 3 seconds.

  Matthew actually heard the feeling of an opera!

   "You can see the changes in the magic elements around my body when I am singing."

  Margaret shows a slice diagram of the flow of magical elements.

   "Suriel's chanting method can actively control the progress of the spell, control the flow of magic power and elements, and then make a spell cast more powerfully.

   But if that's all it is, I wouldn't recommend it to you either.

  Its biggest advantage is that it can achieve self-interruption and more advanced skills through "screaming forte": "spell grafting". "


  She showed Matthew another scene of herself casting another spell.

   "Attention, here I am chanting the standard fifth-level spell "Gate of Different Degrees" at the beginning. This spell takes a long time. Even if I have the assistance of spellcasting, it takes a full 13 seconds to complete the chanting.

   But in the middle here, listen—”

  Margarita played the phantom chant while speaking.

  In order to prevent Matthew from being unable to hear, she also deliberately set the speed to 0.3 times.

  Matthew listened intently, and indeed heard a slightly abrupt scream in the other party's singing.

   with that syllable.

  All the magic elements in her are backwards.

   This means that this spell was actively interrupted by her during the 1/2 of the singing!

   Immediately after.

   A more bizarre scene appeared.

  After the howling sound, Margaret's singing continued, and soon after 8 seconds, she completed the spell.

  It is nothing more than the "Gate of Different Degrees" that summons alien creatures from a large scale by magic.

  It has become "Thousand Arrows Piercing the Heart" that summons a large number of arrows to physically pierce and throw blows to the target area.

   Matthew got a chill behind his back.

  If her opponent uses "Spell Awareness" at this time and judges that she is using the Gate of Different Degrees, then there is a high probability that the opponent's response will be overwhelming!

  Margaret looked at Matthew seriously:

   "Smart, you should realize how powerful this singing method is now, right?

  Not to mention that this singing method brings spell amplification effect.

   "Screaming Forte" allows you to interrupt the spell at any time when the singing progress does not exceed 2/3;

  And "spell grafting" can secretly and conditionally replace it with another spell.

  Mastered the Suriel singing method.

   Grasp the absolute opportunity of the mage's head-to-head confrontation!


   Come sing with me.

  Ah~~~! "

  Matthew opened his mouth subconsciously:


   "No, look at my mouth shape!"

  Margaret corrected:

   "At the same time, pay attention to my chest. Using the Suriel chant method, you must master abdominal breathing."

   "Come on, open your mouth with me—"


  Matthew followed her with his head up, chest out and belly in:


  Margaret pointed earnestly:

   "Yes, and not true."

   "Right now."

   "No no no."

   "Half right."


  In the magic classroom, only the sound of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" was left.


  (end of this chapter)

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