Chapter 165 Is he your mount too?

  Chapter 165 Is he also your mount?


   Pegasus and Nightmare are extremely rare high-level mounts.

  From the point of view of attributes.

  The level of the Golden Pegasus is LV15, which is already very high for a mount.

  Pegasus is shy by nature and hardly appears in the sight of humans, let alone in civilized society.

  Even in the heavens, they live in the deep mountains and lakes far away from the kingdom of God.

   Pegasus often fly through the sky in groups, but only a few creatures can observe their tracks, because they have a passive ability.

"Hidden Light: During the day, when the Pegasus is running and flying in the sky, it will emit a strange halo around itself and the rider. This halo has a good invisibility ability, only the perception is 20 Only those with points higher than that can detect abnormalities in the sky.

  In most cases, people will only notice a little white line in the sky.

  But at night, under the influence of moonlight, the hidden light will turn into an unusually eye-catching bright starlight. "

  Low-key during the day.

  Dazzling at night.

   This is what this ability bestows upon Pegasus and its owner.


  Pegasus walks steadily and has strong stability, no matter whether it is running or flying, it will not bump at all.

  Golden Pegasus is the best among Pegasus.

   It comes with two additional features.


  「Easy to disguise: You only need to pass a basic trick (camouflage) to disguise Pegasus as an ordinary horse.

  Golden Pegasus also understands the master's tricks.

  It will cooperate with you to disguise as a mediocre colt.

   Until you need it to shine. "

  「Perseverance: The Golden Pegasus gives the rider higher temporary toughness while riding. This attribute can greatly reduce the probability of the knight falling down when being attacked on horseback.

  Remarks: With this feature, you can perform more tricks on horseback without falling off the horse.”


  The attributes of the Golden Pegasus are indeed excellent.

  Mainly because he has a good temper, is easy to communicate, has a high degree of cooperation, and has more diverse riding postures.

  can be the other side.

  The panel of Scarlet Flame Nightmare is not inferior, and even the comprehensive attribute is a little bit higher than that of Pegasus!


   "Red Flame Nightmare (Purgatory Creature/LV16)


  Immunity to Fire: The Crimson Nightmare grants the rider immunity to all forms of fire, including magical fire, hellfire, and even celestial fire.

   Lighting: Nightmare Hour emits bright light with a radius of 3 meters, and dim light with a radius of 3 meters.


Gaze of Fear: Nightmare's eyes can release two negative energy gazes, and the living things that look at it must accept the judgment of the fear effect. Once in a state of fear, Nightmare can bite off the opponent's head and devour its soul .

  Etheric Leap: Nightmare can enter the etheric plane from the material plane together with up to three willing creatures within 1.5 meters of it. They can stay in the etheric plane for a maximum of 10 minutes. "


  Compared, Red Flame Nightmare is more suitable as a war horse.

   Both the fighting ability and the escaping ability are stronger than Pegasus.

  Matthew went up for a test ride.

  I found that this guy is not restless at all, he always likes to shake around.

  Although there is a saddle on its back to relieve the impact, it will definitely not be able to bear it for a long time, whether it is the waist or the hip.

  Nightmare's character is even more unassuming.

  He carried Matthew on his back and ran to show off in front of Pegasus. The latter gave him a disgusted look, then glanced at Matthew, and ran away silently.

  In order to prevent Pegasus from misunderstanding.

  Matthew decisively ended the test ride.

  He actually liked both mounts, so from the beginning, he didn't consider choosing one of them, but was thinking about how to keep them both by his side.

   This is difficult.

   Pegasus and Nightmare are absolute sworn enemies.

   Their antagonistic relationship may be more serious than the hostility between heaven and purgatory.

   In the legend.

  The nightmare of the first generation was transformed by a certain lord of the nine hells who captured the King of Pegasus from the heavens, pulled out his wings alive, and then poured the power of purgatory and dark magic into it.

  The credibility of this legend is extremely high.

   Nightmares are not afraid of celestial fire, because they were once celestial beings.

  The Pegasus clan regards the existence of Nightmare as a shame and shame.

  When the two sides meet, Pegasus is often the first to attack Nightmare, but in terms of overall strength, Pegasus is indeed not as good as Nightmare. When the two sides fight, it becomes Nightmare chasing Pegasus and fleeing.

   But Pegasus can fly, but Nightmare cannot.

  So in the process of chasing, Pegasus can always take advantage.

   Over time.

  Nightmare also hated Pegasus very much.

   The relationship between the two can be described as the same situation.

  Matthew knew that it would be unrealistic to persuade them to serve the same master now.

  So he thought for a while, came to Pegasus first, touched his head gently and said:

   "Welcome to my woods."

   "Mr. Obest, please take our new partner for a walk in the woods."

   Accompanied by Matthew's call.

  The centaur Obest arrived immediately.

   Under Nightmare's hostile eyes, Obest looked at the Golden Pegasus in surprise for a while, and then led him towards the World Tree.

  Golden Pegasus sneezed triumphantly.

   walked away as a winner.

  The Scarlet Flame Dream Demon stomped his feet in displeasure. He lowered his proud head and was about to leave silently.


  Matthew walked over and patted his butt:

   "I have a cemetery, don't you want to visit it?"

   “Maybe you will meet a lot of new friends.”


  He led Nightmare to the cave leading to the cemetery, and shouted loudly at the head below:

   "Mr. Argus, a new guy has arrived, please take care of him for me."

  Although Argus just joined the cemetery.

   But he acted like a master.

  As soon as Matthew shouted, his figure appeared at the entrance of the cave. He enthusiastically greeted Nightmare, and wanted to hug Nightmare's head, but was shaken away by Nightmare.

  Argus didn't care:

   "Let's go, I'll show you around the cemetery."

   "Mainly dungeons and crafting workshops, you will definitely be satisfied!"

   "Of course, there is also a negative energy fountain. Although you are a purgatory creature, who doesn't love a negative energy fountain?"

  Nightmare followed him suspiciously.


   There was a sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping in the dungeon.

   And at the same time.

  In the direction of the World Tree, Pegasus cheered excitedly.

  Matthew smiled slightly upon seeing this.

  The plan has paid off.

  Golden Pegasus and Scarlet Nightmare, he likes both of them very much.

   So he's not going to sign either.

no way.

   There is only one place for a mount contract bound by spells.

   Signed one and the other must turn his face and leave.

   It is better not to disclose the relationship like this.

   In this way, both of them can be hung.

  Anyway, Pegasus has woods, and Nightmare has a cemetery, so it can be considered that they have arranged accommodation for them.

  As long as the relationship lasts.

   When Matthew wants to ride them, will they not let him ride?



   There is also a hidden danger in this state.

  That is, both Pegasus and Nightmare were temporarily summoned to the continent of Aindor as alien creatures.

   It's been a long time.

  They will be repelled by the laws of the plane.

   "Under the condition of not being expelled, alien creatures can stay in the main material world for a maximum of one month."

   "Within a month, I can use other rituals to transform them into native creatures, as long as they are given an identity."

   "'Guardian of the Sanctuary of Life' or 'Minion of the Cemetery' are good titles. "

   Matthew thought so.

   At this time.

  The little white cat, who had watched the scene on the roof for a long time, finally couldn't stand it anymore and jumped down.

  She came to Matthew.

   asked very seriously:

   "Excuse me, are you recruiting mounts?"

  Matthew nodded:

"Yes, what's wrong?"

  He had already noticed her.

  The little white cat has been wandering in the woods for the past few days.

   And the first moment she entered the woods, the dedicated Mr. Centaur reported the matter to Matthew.

  Considering that the Wither Sect in the south has been completely wiped out, Matthew didn't care about the movements of one of her peripheral members.

  He thought that the other party would keep hiding.

   I didn't expect to appear in front of myself on my own initiative.

   "My name is Qiuka, you can call me Qiu."

  The little white cat came to Matthew a little nervously. She turned into a human girl with plain clothes and a clean face.

   A pair of big eyes, very pleasant.

   "I am a spy sent by the Wither Order to get close to Eli."

  Matthew still nodded:

"Then what?"

  Chuka widened her eyes:

   "You don't mind at all?"

  Matthew shook his head and said:

   "What do I mind with a bunch of dead people?"

  Qiuka shuddered, and then looked at Matthew in disbelief:

   "You killed them all?"

  Matthew didn't answer her directly.

   Qiuka whispered:

  "I originally wanted to carry out the task that Kunna gave me, she let me get close to Eli, and took the opportunity to corrupt him.

  Eli is a nice guy, I don't want to do that.

  Originally, I planned to procrastinate, but who knows that day, when I went back to check the situation, I found that all the people in the church were dead.

   Only Kunna is missing.

  I don't know where she went, but I could sense that the magic chain she left on me was broken, and I seemed to be free again, so I told Eli the truth.

  After listening to my story, he seemed to be very disappointed.

   Soon he drove me away, but I didn't know where to go, so I could only wander around here. "

   "I've heard about you from Eli. I know that Kunna is actually coming to your oak forest. Can you take me in?"

  Matthew asked without comment:

   "What did you do before joining the Wither Cult?"

  Chuka replied:

  "I am an orphan, and I have the ability to change a little since I was a child. When I was first conscious, a group of night elves adopted me.

  They thought I was a natural druid, but soon, they discovered that my changes were not only for animals.

   I can be anyone I see.

   After discovering this.

  The attitude of the night elves towards me changed drastically. They called me the Changeling and drove me out of Eversong Forest.

   I wandered around after that.

   After a while, I met a noble young master.

  At first he was very kind to me, gave me food and clothing, and took me to the city to watch the excitement.

   But it didn't take long for him to expose his ambition.

  It turned out that he had secretly discovered my ability a long time ago, and the reason why he coaxed me with sweet words was because he wanted me to become like his brother and then go assassinate his father.

   Of course I disagree.

  He locked me up and whipped me every day.

   Later one night.

  The castle where the noble young master lived became chaotic, and the order in the dungeon was also affected.

  I sneaked out and met Kunna.

   I only found out after the fact.

  That night, the elder brother of the noble young master invited Kunna to him. He asked Kunna to pretend to be the noble young master, and blatantly killed their father.

   It was also because of this incident that the castle became chaotic and I was able to escape.

  I am grateful to Kunna.

  Kunna told me that the human world is too complicated for me.

  She told me that the Cult of the Blight is the home of those of us who are frustrated, and people like me are the companions they need most.

  She was very kind to me at first, like a noble young master.

  She gave me a lot to eat and taught me how to hunt animals in the forest.

  Although sometimes I also feel that Kunna's methods are very extreme, but at the time I thought it was just a part of the law of the jungle.

   Until later.

  Kunna said to help me become better, she asked me to meet a mysterious person.

I agreed.

   It turned out to be in that unfathomable cave.

  I have encountered... a very scary existence.

  He is the incarnation of the gods walking in the world.

  He whipped me with magic and left a mark on my body.

  He told me that is the necessary step to become His believer.

   Half a day later.

  I left the cave in a daze.

   Only then did I realize that I had become a follower of the evil queen.

  During the period, Kunna took the opportunity to appear and put a magic chain on me.

  She told me that if I didn't do what she told me to do, she would send me to the cave again to face the terrifying presence we called His Mother.

  I dare not resist her.

  After that, I used my shape-shifting ability to do some sneaky things for her.

   During this period, I have been very anxious and miserable.

   But I don't know how to escape from their clutches.

   Until a few days ago.

  I found that the camp was destroyed, the magic chains on my body were gone, and even the mark of the evil queen became very dim.

  I thought this might be an opportunity to escape.

   But I don't know where to go.

   Then I thought of Eli, and thought of you.

  Kunna tried every means to harm you.

  You should be a decent person, right?

  Can wipe out the Wither Cult so easily.

  Your strength must also be very strong.


   I want to be your man. "

   These words must have been held back in Qiuka's mind for a long time.

  She explained the ins and outs of the matter very fluently.

  Matthew threw Detect Lie and Detect Evil while she was talking, to confirm that she was not lying.

   In addition, he also found a believer mark from the evil queen Babasha, but the degree of belief is very weak, and it roughly matches her caliber.

   This kind of believer mark is actually very cheap.

  Barbasa pays little attention to believers who bear these marks.

  In His eyes, the marks of hatred on Matthew are probably much brighter than those on Qiuka.

   "If you are worried about the evil queen's follower mark, I can ask a monk to get rid of it for you. This is not a difficult thing."

  Matthew replied.

  Qiuka is a little anxious:

   "No, it's not like that, I just want to stay here, like Eli."

   "Didn't you just admit that you are recruiting mounts? I am very good at changing, I can transform into various animals for you to ride!"

   "If you don't believe it, I'll show you a show. By the way, I've seen a night elf's mount. It's very majestic. Do you want to try it?"

   During the conversation.

  She lay down on the ground, on all fours.

  Her skin began to show white fluff, and a strange magical light flashed across Qiuka's body.

   In the blink of an eye.

  She turned into an extremely beautiful big white tiger!

   "Is this the night elf's mount?"

  Matthew was slightly shocked by the beauty of the white tiger.

   "Come on, come on, try it."

  She anxiously walked up to Matthew and rubbed her head on his shoulder.

  Matthew just wanted to explain that what he was looking for was not such a mount.

   Can be seen in the peripheral vision.

  He suddenly saw Eli walking in his direction.

  So he immediately said:

   "Don't talk yet."

   "Hey, Matthew! What a beautiful tiger, is this your newly recruited mount?"

  Eli looked at the big white tiger beside Matthew with great interest.

  He seemed very interested in her.

  Matthew coughed lightly:

   "It's really beautiful."

  Eli agreed:

   "Not bad, but not as pretty as the Elder Tiger I turned into—you should agree with me?"

   Matthew said nothing.

  He cleverly changed the subject and said:

   "Judging from your expression, there should be something urgent?"

  Eli nodded:

"I'm here to say goodbye to you. The Great Elder hurriedly called me back, saying that there was a big mess at the Earth Association, and even the headquarters of the Druid Order was breached. I just left for a few days. What happened is really worrying!"

   "I must go back as soon as possible. I am very worried about the safety of the Great Elder. The Earth Association also needs more experts to stabilize people's hearts."

   Matthew thought for a while.

  Simply told Eli about Jeff and the holy oak seeds.

  He had no intention of hiding this from Eli.

   But after speaking.

  Matthew cautiously reminded:

   "As for whether this matter should be reported to the Earth Association, it is up to you to decide.

   I just don't want to cause misunderstanding between each other.

  I can assure you that the attack on the Druid Order has nothing to do with me.

   As you know, I was in Rolling Stones when it happened. "

  Eli nodded after listening.

  He said solemnly:

   "We are still unable to determine from which channel the merchant obtained the seeds. The situation in the Watcher's Heights is very chaotic. It is said that many unscrupulous merchants claim to be selling the seeds of the Holy Oak, but they are all fake."

   "How about I help you take a look?"

  Matthew took out the small bag and handed it to Eli.

  Eli untied the rope, before he could see clearly, he took a few sniffs, and immediately concluded:

"This is real!"

   "Well, Matthew, it's better for you to hide this bag of seeds first. Once people from the Earth Association find out, even if I explain it for you, it may not be clear.

  Those druids are real antiques, they firmly believe that the world in their eyes is the real world.

   I hate a lot of them.

   But in general, the earth association is still good.

  I'll wait until I go back to figure out the details. "


  He returned the bag to Matthew, and urged:

   "The seeds of the holy oak cannot be stored like this, this bag is too amateurish.

  You have to find a bark pocket handwoven by virgins.

  After that, you put the seeds in and hang them in the sanctuary of life, which can not only preserve the activity of the holy oak seeds, but also further promote the nourishment of the sanctuary of life. "

  Matthew nodded.

   Finish these.

  Eli gave him a farewell hug, then transformed into a horse, and ran northward.

   "So, Eli, is he your mount too?"

   Seeing the other party walking away, Bai Hu said obediently.

  Matthew shook his head:

   "He is my friend. If you really want to stay, I have no objection, as long as you don't do stupid things, I and my oak forest welcome you to join."

  The Thousand Changeers seem to be a very powerful bloodline. Matthew is not sure yet, so he has to find time to check the information

  Baihu happily said:

   "Then I'm yours now?"

   Without waiting for Matthew to answer.

  She said excitedly:

   "Can I come to you for my three meals a day?"

   "There are milk, biscuits, sausages, and mushroom fried rice made by Ms. Peggy... These are all what Eli told me! When can I enjoy them?"

   "I've been hungry for days!"

   During the conversation.

   There was a gurgling sound in her stomach.

  Matthew said in amazement:

   "Is this why you want to be my man?"

  Baihu asked suspiciously:

"if not?"

  Matthew touched the right half of his face:

   "Peggy is in the cemetery kitchen, go find her yourself!"

  Baihu happily jumped down.

   Not long.

   Peggy's cheers came from below.

   Matthew glanced down.

   It was found that both the Red Flame Nightmare and the White Tiger Qiuka were revolving around Peggy.

  The tauren skeleton looked at Matthew excitedly:

   "I heard that you found two mounts for me?"

   "Then can I take turns riding in the future?"

   "Don't look so sad, Matthew, you know I'm very generous. I'll ride one, and I'll lend you the rest for free!"


  The next afternoon.

   Matthew walked out of the morgue of the public security station after a long absence, with a dignified expression.

"How about it?"

  Brad asked.

   "It is rare that no soul answers my call."

  Matthew truthfully replied:

   "There is no residual spirituality in this corpse, and I can't even summon him as an undead creature: zombies, skeletons, ghosts, nothing."

   "This means that the elements of the deceased were completely removed by some force—where did you find the corpse?"

  This morning, Brad found Matthew, hoping that he could help examine a corpse.

  Although Matthew has resigned from the police station, he has been free recently, so he agreed.

   It just surprised him a little.

  This corpse is very special, not to mention spiritual, and any valid information has been stripped away.

  There are no facial features on his face, and no lines on his hands and feet. Apart from being able to tell that it is a male corpse, Matthew can hardly find any valid information.

   This surprised him very much.

   It has been a long time since there has been such a bizarre death in Rolling Stone Town.

  Brad replied sadly:

   "It was discovered by a farmer in the lower reaches of the Old Lady River. He was swimming in the river with his family and children, and the body floated from the upper reaches."

   "My people went upstream to check, but nothing was found."

  Did it float over in the river?

  Matthew thought this was too abnormal. Except for a little water on the surface, the body showed no signs of swelling.

   I don't want to be soaked in water for a long time.

   But if it is not soaked, how does it float?

   This is a case where even magic cannot be explained.

  Because Matthew didn't detect any traces of spells on him.

  He talks to Brad for a few words.

  But no matter how much we talked, we couldn't figure it out. After a while, Matthew was about to leave.

   At this time.

   A rare face came to the police station.

   "Mr. Richard?"

  Brad greeted him somewhat unexpectedly.

   "I heard that you have a strange corpse here?"

   "Can I see it?"

  Richard leaned on a cane, his waist straightened.

  He nodded at Matthew with a serious face.

  Brad quickly led him into the morgue.

   Twenty minutes passed.

   The two came out of the morgue.

  Matthew went up to meet him:

   "Did you find anything?"

  The other party is a legendary rogue after all, and may be more professional than himself in autopsy.

  Richard pondered and said:

   "It's hard to say, but there are some clues."

   "I'm afraid you have to say hello to Rhaegar and the Committee of Five for me. During this time, I have to leave Rolling Stone Town to confirm something."

   "Hopefully it won't be what I imagined."

   Finish these few riddles.

  He strode out of the gate of the security station, holding the exquisite cane in his hand, and he didn't even care about his usual graceful walking posture.

  Matthew looked at Richard's leaving back, feeling a little worried.

   Commissioned by Brad.

  Matthew put away this bizarre corpse in a high-grade body bag.

   Three days later.

  The magic classroom in the Crucible House.

   Matthew, who was gradually recovering, contacted Margaret, and the two parties entered the content of the practical class.

   "To be honest, the timing of your contacting me is not ideal."

   "Recently, there seems to be no place particularly suitable for you to practice, let me have a look..."

  Margaret's dress today is extremely cool.

  Crop top and white skirt, and the color of the glasses frame is also changed to milk blue.

  At this moment, she is staring at a crystal ball:

   "Purgatory? A little too dangerous."

   "Between Purgatory? Why is there a truce there recently? Didn't the **** Blood Banner Kingdom and the Bru tribe say they would fight to the death?"

   "Shallow abyss? It's not challenging. The demons are a group of reckless men who rely on physical fitness to crush the enemy. They are only suitable for warm-up exercises."

"Underdark? Forget it, the ancient dark gods are a bit active recently, the evil queen is restless, and Gailan and Midnight Fairy, tsk, none of them are good things. It seems that the Scourge Mage is also wise to keep the Underdark. It was decided that there must always be a place for the evil **** to use as a trash can..."

  She seems to be temporarily looking for a location for a practical class.

  This made Matthew inevitably worried about the quality of the course.

   But at this time.

   An unstable crack in time and space appeared in front of him!

   Didn't wait for the stuff in that crack to come out.

   Matthew picked up the mace and went down with one blow!


   The space-time rift disappeared.

   Margaret glanced at it, and Matthew immediately put the mace back behind him, showing a gentle and harmless smile.

  She didn't care either, and continued to look at the crystal ball.

   But it didn’t take long before it stopped.

   Another crack in time and space appeared.

   Without further ado, Matthew went over with another blow.

   The crack disappeared again.

  Margaret couldn't help asking:

   "Who is looking for you?"

  Matthew smiled wryly:

   "I don't know. I tried to summon a mount a few days ago. As a result, in the past few days, alien creatures of unknown origin have always come to my door."

   "Although the frequency is not high, it is very troublesome. I am considering whether to buy a talisman that hides my coordinates, but the one in the alliance mall is too expensive."

   By contrast, Matthew fell in love with solving problems with a mace after a successful attempt to attack a creature that hadn't come out of a crack with a mace.

   Margaret said in surprise:

   "Could it be that you summoned with your real name?"

  Matthew nodded innocently.

   Margaret exclaimed:

   "Who did someone call with their real name? It must be anonymous."

  Matthew frowned and said:

  “I bought a lot of “Summoning Mounts” knowledge guides, but none of them mentioned the need to call anonymously. "

  Margaret said silently:

   "Because it's common sense."

  Matthew scratched his head helplessly.

   This is the sadness of being a wild mage.

  Although he has tried his best to make up lessons, there are always things that others think are common sense, but he is completely unaware of them.

   "The real-name summoning will leave a space-time gap in the astral world. These creatures may come to you along that gap."

   "There is a delay in the summoning ceremony. They may mistakenly think that you are still recruiting mounts. Of course, some of them may be disguised by the subordinates of the evil gods. You must deal with them carefully."

   Margaret reminded.

  Matthew swung his mace:

   "Is there any other way to solve my problem of being harassed besides this?"

   Margaret said:

   "If you still have money, you can go to Lord Roderick, he is a master in the field of prophecy, and he can easily solve the problem of time and space gaps for you."

   "But I guess you just came back from my mentor, so you probably don't have any money with you."

  Matthew touched his nose to express his acquiescence.

   "Then let's practice the mace skill well, and treat it as part of the practical class."

   Margaret encouraged.

  She didn't seem at all surprised that Matthew would use this exotic weapon.

   Two people chatting.

  Another time-space rift is formed.

  Matthew raised his hand a little slower this time, and the shadow of a little guy came out of the crack, and shouted while drilling:

   "Master's master! My bone pigeon!"

   "Bone Pigeon Bone Pigeon!"

   "Master is about to be beaten to death!"

   "If you go later, I can change the owner!"

   "Why don't you be my new owner?"

  The voice fell.

  Matthew hurriedly removed the mace.

  He glanced at the data bar, and the relevant information was long overdue.


  「Warning: The undead king "Dark Pharaoh" and "Old Age Bone Dragon" have launched a siege on your summoned Philoreus!

  The dark pharaoh used the miraculous "earth-binding bottle" to shield the undead contract between you.

  Your summoned Philoreus is about to die! "


   Matthew stood up from his position in a jiffy.

  He held a mace and asked Margaret very politely:

   "Can I suggest a location for a practical session?"

   "How about the negative energy plane?"

  Margaret looked at the bone pigeon, and then pushed the glasses:


   "By the way, is this pigeon for sale?"


  (end of this chapter)

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