Chapter 170 The Spore Society and the Twilight Elves

  Chapter 170 Spore Association and Twilight Elves


  The appearance of the Twilight Elves is far from the human fantasy of the elves.

  They have long and thin torsos and limbs, pointed ears and dark green hair like seaweed, and big and bright eyes.

  Because she is too thin.

  Matthew even suspected that the nutrients on their bodies had been absorbed by the mushrooms.

  Their complexion is darker, but unlike the pitch black of the drow, the skin of the evening elves has a relatively healthy wheat color.

   "Thanks, but we're not hungry yet."

   Facing the elves who were too generous, the two of Matthew took the mushrooms, but they didn't eat them right away.

  The other party happily said:

   "It's okay, you can eat anytime you're hungry!"

   "This is a mushroom grown with my blood and spirit. It has high nutritional value. One bite can fill you up for the day."

   "On Eternal Isle, you can call Dudley if you need anything."

   As he spoke, the elf named Dudley stepped aside under Clayte's gesture.

  The three continued to walk towards the center of the island.

   Along the way, Matthew saw neat and tall tree houses, with various mushrooms and other types of fungi planted under the eaves.

  The center of the tree house is an extremely open space.

  The clearing is covered with a thick layer of soft sand.

   It looks like no one lives around here.

  According to Kreiter, his lair was built on the cliff on the northwest side of the island. Because his body is so big, it almost hollowed out the cliff.

   As for the aborigines on the eternal island.

  Currently there are only three creatures: Twilight Elves, Earth Spirits, and Sirens.

   Among them, the industrious and capable evening elves occupy the majority.

   Every dusk elf is a natural druid, and they are closely united with the spore association as the core.

   A sad truth is.

  Whether it is the evening elves or the druids of the spore association, they are not recognized by the same kind.

  In Aindor, the wood elves, night elves, sea elves, and cloud elves recognize each other, among which the night elves and cloud elves are faintly superior to the other elves.

  But none of them recognized the existence of the Twilight Elves.

   The same is true for spore associations.

  The druids of the Earth Association think they are no different from the Blighter;

  Ocean Association believes that the sea is the best destination for life, not fungi and bacteria;

  Moonlight Association also cannot accept the alternative appearance of spore druids;

  The Storm Association is even more extreme. They regard the Spore Association as the scum among the druids and vow to eradicate them all.

   All of the above were introduced by Kreiter as he walked.

  He continued:

  “For a while, I thought I needed more people to spread the word for me, so I searched for like-minded people all over the world.

  At first I found the Blight Cult, but soon I found out that they are a bunch of losers.

  They don't really love withering, but because they are abandoned by nature, they have to throw themselves into the embrace of withering.

  They embrace withering because they hate nature, which runs counter to my philosophy.

   So I ditched them.

   Later I met Dudley, the only survivor of his clan in the War of the Elves.

   He introduced me to the Spore Society.

   This intrigues me.

  The Spore Association believes that decay is also a part of nature, which is exactly Huang Yulong's philosophy.

  So I took him to the Eternal Isle so that their family could thrive.


  The former sun elves not only lost the civil war of the elves, but the first generation sun **** they believed in also fell in the battle of gods.

since then.

  The sun elves have been cursed forever, and they will never return to the strong, healthy and sunny appearance they once were.

  Moonlight also keeps them out.

   Only Twilight is willing to take them in for a while.

  So the sun elves degenerate into evening elves.

  These former high elves have become weird because of this—

  I persuaded them several times not to grow mushrooms on themselves.

  This will make yourself look abnormal.

   But they just don't listen!

   They insist that this is their way of communicating with nature, and hope that through this move, they will dispel the misunderstanding of mushrooms from the outside world.

  The goal of the spore association is to hope that more people will fall in love with mushrooms.

   I'm not optimistic about this.

  In my opinion, if you want to vigorously promote the benefits of mushrooms, it is easier and more effective to grow mushrooms directly on others than to grow mushrooms on yourself. "

   Hear here.

   Both Matthew and Margaret are confused.

  Kreit laughed and said:

   "There is a kind of mushroom that makes the host slow down in thinking, and another kind of mushroom that makes the host feel in love.

  My advice to them is to plant these two types of mushrooms directly on other people—

  If mushrooms were planted on everyone in the world, wouldn’t they look normal? "

  Matthew rubbed his temples, forced a smile and said:

   "This is also a way of thinking."

   "Before I met Dudley, I only mastered the field of decay, but I didn't know how to create."

  Kreiter seems to be quite interested in talking:

  “But after going deep into the fields of fungi, bacteria, etc., I realized that the essence of biological decay is the creation of microorganisms. For this reason, I realized a new field.”

   "It can be said that the worship of fungi by the spore association has benefited me a lot. Sometimes when you look at the world from a different angle, you will find a different scenery."

   "Are you two mages of the Seven Saints Alliance?"

  Margaret nodded.

  Kreit asked expectantly:

   "Are you or any mage you know interested in studying this topic?"

  Margaret looked distressed.

   Still Matthew stood up to smooth things over:

   "We do not rule out such a plan in the future. Microbiology is indeed a neglected field. As long as we make preparations and time permits, we will conduct in-depth research."

  Kreiter seemed quite happy.

  He repeatedly exhorted:

   "If the Seven Saints Alliance has a topic in this area, be sure to ask me to be a consultant, and I will provide free support in the field."

   "It's a pity that I am not a mage myself, and I don't know how to conduct domain research."

   "But I have a strong hunch.

  In the next hundred years, a "King of Fungi" will definitely be born in this world.

  Introduction, microbes will shine on the world stage, can you imagine that kind of picture?

  That was an exciting scene! "

  However, what Matthew imagined was a terrifying scene of a huge mushroom destroying Rolling Stone Town.

  Although he also likes the mushroom fried noodles made by Peggy, he has no expectations for the world dominated by fungi.

   But right now, he can only vaguely talk and get away with it.

  Crete took the two of them around the island.

  Eternal Isle is indeed very exotic. The landscape and buildings here are different from other places in Aindor.

  But after watching for a long time, it is actually the same thing.


  Colorful mushrooms.

  Mushrooms, big or small.

   Mushrooms with different aromas and smells.

  Everything here seems to be related to mushrooms or other fungi. After a long time, it gives people a feeling of being in the mushroom kingdom.

  It was getting dark quickly.

  Kreiter invites the two to have dinner by the cliff.

  This is near the dragon's nest, and it is the only place where there are no mushrooms.

  But there are negative energy crystals everywhere.

  Under the sea cliff.

  A group of Krakens came on the waves and offered them a sumptuous seafood feast.

   And Kleite himself is transformed into the original form, Huang Yulong's huge body is submerged in the ocean, and he will dive into the deep sea to have a feast.

  Dinner will be over soon.

  When night fell, Clayte personally brought them to an empty mushroom tree house and told them to rest here.

   After that, he left in style.

  The two of Matthew entered the room, and Margaret quickly set up a magic tent on the ground.

  Matthew just wanted to say something.

   His mouth was covered by Margaret.

  She grabbed Matthew's hand and wrote several words on it.

  Matthew was so itchy that he couldn't tell what she wanted to say.

   Fortunately, there is also a data column.


  「Reminder: Your partner Margaret reminds you that there are traces of "wiretapping" in the room"


  "This old dragon respects us on the surface, but the arrogance of the giant dragon is indispensable.

  He just wants to see us do what a husband and wife should do.

  And once he finds out that we are pretending, I am afraid that we will be retaliated even more.

  In the alliance's materials, Kreiter acts perversely and is moody. Don't be fooled by his appearance, and be vigilant at all times! "

   See Matthew unresponsive.

  Margaret simply took out a piece of paper, and wrote the above content on it with a suspended quill.

  Matthew disappeared after reading the contents.

  He knew it was a magic prop for encryption.

   So he took the quill and wrote:

   "So what are we going to do tonight?"

  Margaret pondered:

   "We have to sound like a couple, we have to act realistically."

   "After tonight, we will find a way to say goodbye tomorrow. In short, we can't stay on this island for long—

   Have you noticed that Dudley's twilight elf, almost all the twilight elves on the island look like him!

  The mushroom smell in this place is too strong, I always feel a little weird. "

   Matthew agrees with Margaret's concerns.

   As far as how to sound like a couple.

  The two fell into deep thought.


  At night, in the dragon's nest by the sea.

  Clayte turned into his original form, lying on a pile of gems and gold coins, fiddling with a crystal ball with his dragon tail.

   From time to time, male and female conversations can be heard in the crystal ball.

  Most of them are boring homework.

   Until late at night.

  The female voice suddenly said:

   "It's almost time for bed."

  The old dragon was shocked.

  But I heard the man answer:

   "Wait a minute, I have to copy another scroll, why don't you sleep first?"

  The woman complained:

   "You have just finished the wedding, but the time you go to bed is getting later and later. You were not like this when we first got together eight years ago."

  The man coughed:

   "I am indeed copying scrolls."

  The woman said angrily:

   "Scrolls can be copied every day. Didn't you hear Mr. Clayt say that you want to have more children! Come up to me!"

  The man sounds forced to laugh:

"All right."

   Then there was a sparse, chirping sound.

  Crete's vertical pupils narrowed.

   Not long.

  The sound stops.

  The woman asks:

"what happened?"

  The man's voice is a bit unnatural:

   "Today's condition is not very good, tomorrow."

  The woman is silent.

after awhile.

she says:

   "Then you have a good rest today..."

   respond to her.

   Only men snoring.

  Kreit felt a little wrong when he heard this, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

  He thought for a while, intercepted the conversation just now, then took out a smooth magic mirror, and asked in a deep voice:

   "Quickly answer me, Mirror Trian, is the above dialogue more common among human couples?"

  An old-fashioned square face quickly appeared on the magic mirror:

   "The answer is yes."

  Kreit muttered:

   "It seems they didn't lie to me."

   "Let's prepare some gifts for that man tomorrow. I know at a young age that it's not good to copy scrolls all night."


  The next morning, Matthew woke up earlier.

  According to the agreement between him and Margaret, he will go to Krete first, and give her the opportunity to explore the Eternal Island alone on the grounds that Margaret is not feeling well and wants to rest for a while.

  The sleep requirements of dragons are obviously different from those of humans. As soon as Matthew left the tree house, Clayte greeted him.

  The old dragon obviously didn't sleep all night.

  He invites Matthew to visit his collection of undead.

  Matthew readily agreed.

  The two of them came to the bottom of the dragon's nest. On the cliff about ten meters away from the sea, separate rooms were carved out here one after another.

  These rooms are connected to the dragon's nest.

   Each room is guarded by a siren.

  Most of the rooms are piled with objects of unknown significance.

   There are many even salted fish, seaweed and other items.

  However, Matthew knew that all of this was just the effect of camouflage.

  Crete took Matthew to the most spacious room.

  After Matthew went in, he found that the cave was empty, except for a large sand table on the middle stone platform.

  He took a closer look.

   Found that the sand table is full of dense undead creatures!

   "Reduction technique?"

   Matthew asked.

  Clayton nodded:

   "It took me a lot of money to hire a mage to shrink all the undead in my collection into this sandbox.

  As I grow older, I like to perceive the world more and more in human form.

  Whenever I'm bored, I sit by the sand table and observe some undead creatures.

   Look, they're all funny, aren't they? "

  Matthew walked around the sand table several times from an overlooking angle.

  The abundance of undead creatures here is comparable to a shrinking negative energy plane.

   Matthew quickly found the mummy that Clayte had mentioned yesterday that kept tripping over its own bandages.

  That guy is too tall, and the bandages on his body are too long, so he will inevitably bump into bumps when he walks.


   There are also zombies that are as fat as buckets.

  A skull with three eye sockets.

  The headless horseman who is always unclear about the direction.

   And a bone dragon that has to remove the bones from its body and count them again every day.

   The undead creatures in the sand table have their own characteristics, but their strength should not be underestimated.

  If it wasn't for being kept at this size by the reduction technique, and restrained by the power of the sand table itself, there are several undead creatures that are the strength of a king.

  Kreiter introduced their history to Matthew like a few treasures.

   Matthew is naturally crazily pandering and touting.

  One morning.

  The host and guest enjoyed themselves.

   "I'm not bragging, am I? My collection of undead creatures is definitely the weirdest in the world."

   "If you have a similar undead creature, you can show it to me. If it becomes my collection, I will exchange it with you with other treasures."

   After triumphantly introducing the undead creatures in the sand table, Kreiter said so.

   Matthew's heart skipped a beat.

   Right now, he took some effort and summoned a zombie and a skeleton from the cemetery.

   The zombie is a silver moon zombie, with a tombstone on its back.

  The skeleton is a very common skeleton, but the crotch always twists and turns when walking.

  Clayte really liked it when he saw it.

  Matthew said wittily:

   "Just accept it as you like, and you don't need to give me anything."

  Kreit shook his head:

   "I'm vulgar, but I never take advantage of my friends.

   It is said that it is an exchange of collectibles, it is impossible to just enter and exit.

   Is there anything in particular you want? "

   Matthew shook his head.

  Crete grabs it casually:

   "Then just pay you back whatever you want."

   Next second.

   He has two extra coins in his hand.

  The coins are dotted with magical sparkles.

  Crete forced the two coins into Matthew's hand.

   Matthew had to accept it.


  "Hint: You got Featherfall Coins and Weight Coins.

Featherfall coin (accessory): When you put it in the pocket of the jacket (it must be a pocket of the jacket, if it is a jacket without pockets, it will not work), when your body falls from a high place, it will automatically get featherfall (slow and safe landing) effect.

  Weight Coin (Accessory): When you put it in your jacket pocket, your weight will become 5 times your current weight. "


   "A very interesting pair of props."

  Matthew played with the two coins curiously:

   "What would happen if you put them both in your jacket pocket and jumped off a cliff?"

  Kreit laughed and said:

   "There is a cliff outside the door, you can try it yourself."

   Matthew did not attempt to jump off the cliff with two coins in the end.

  Leaving the cave where the sand table was located, Kreiter led Matthew to visit other collection rooms.

   I have to say that the ancient dragon's treasures are eye-catching.

   What Craig showed Matthew was just the tip of the iceberg, and its value was already more than one Margaret.

   It can be seen that the wealth of a dragon is also highly linked to its age.

  Ordinary youth dragons may not even be able to make up hundreds of thousands.

   Even a stable dragon nest is difficult to build.

  Ancient dragons like Craig are much richer.

   Correspondingly, he has more than one dragon lair in each major plane.

  Craig chatted while showing the collection to Matthew:

  “In fact, one thing that often bothers me is that after my death, these collections will face the dilemma of no one taking over.”

  “I am not afraid of death, but I don’t want my collection to exist alone in the world, so I long for a longer life.”

   Is that why you want to become a dracolich?

  Matthew secretly complained in his heart.

   Sure enough, Kreiter said immediately:

   "My time is approaching, and my body will soon die. I thought about it last night. The transformation of the Shadow Dragon not only requires the cooperation of the strong in the Shadow Domain, but also requires a little luck. That is not what I want."

   "The dracolich is the best way I have found to extend my life so far, but in the meantime. I need a necromancer to help preside over the ceremony."

   "Matthew, would you help me?"

  Although during this day or so, Matthew has realized that Clater is a very straightforward character, perhaps it is the great strength of the ancient dragon that makes him act as he pleases.

  But now suddenly talking about the matter of transforming into a dracolich after death, it seems a little bit of a casual conversation.

  Matthew cautiously replied:

   "Of course I am willing to serve you, but limited by mana and strength, I am afraid it will not be satisfactory to you."

   "Speaking of which, with your connections and experience, don't you know other high-level necromancers?"

  Crete immediately complained:

   "Of course I know, I have even negotiated a preliminary cooperation agreement with Blinken of the Dragon Cult.

  But when I went to find him last month, I found that he had disappeared.

  Even the prophecy spells couldn't find his whereabouts.

   I suspect he wants to repudiate. "

  Matthew said in amazement:

   "Blinken? Repudiation?"

   "He took your money?"

  Crete said angrily:

   "No, but he took a lot of mushrooms from me, the kind that are worth thousands of dollars."

  What does Blinken want mushrooms for?

  Matthew felt strange, and was about to ask in detail, but he heard Kreiter say earnestly:

   "It doesn't matter if your current level is lower, the growth rate of human mages is extremely amazing compared to other races."

   "If you haven't become a legend by the time I die, then I will naturally choose someone else to host my transformation ceremony."

   It turned out to be a strategy of casting a wide net.

  Matthew nodded and said:

"I will work hard."

  Kreit patted him on the shoulder seriously:

   "You really have to work harder, after all, I only have a thousand years left to live."

   "It's really distressing that it passed in a blink of an eye."

   Matthew heard the words.

   Immediately fell silent.


at the same time.

  Margaret also walked out of the tree house.

  She walked briskly on the narrow path of Eternal Isle, her eyes carefully surveying the details around her.

   At this time.

  A somewhat familiar evening elf appeared in front of her.

  He greeted warmly:

   "Good afternoon, Ms. Mary, would you like mushrooms?"

   "Just call Dudley if you need something."

   Margaret smiled and declined his help.

  She took the side road.

   It didn't take long.

  Another roadside elf greeted her with a smile:

   "Good afternoon, ma'am, do you want mushrooms?"

   "Just call Dudley if you need something."

   Margaret frowned:

   "Your name is Dudley too?"

  The elf smiled and said:

   "I am Dudley himself."

  Margaret subconsciously turned around and said, "But he also said his name was Dudley."

   I don't know when, several evening elves gathered around.

  They looked at Margaret with a smile, and said in unison:

   "We are all Dudley."

   "So, just call Dudley if you have something to do."

   "Are you busy?"

"What's up?"


   Waves of strange noises came from all directions.

  The evening elves walked towards her with a smile on their faces.

  Margaret's eyes lit up brightly.

   Next second.

  She shouted suddenly:


  All the elves trembled, and then, an unhappy voice came from a distance:

   "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

   "What are you all doing here?! I'm the real Dudley!"

  A Twilight Elf who looked similar to the others ran over.

   Panting, he pushed away the others and came to Margaret.

  The others dispersed sullenly.

"what on earth is it?"

  Margaret asked with her hips on her hips.


  (end of this chapter)

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