Chapter 190 Finger of Death and the Mother of Coolies

  Chapter 190 Finger of Death and Mother of Coolies


  Matthew's actual combat ability is far stronger than it appears on the surface.

  In terms of him alone, with the superposition of many fields, it is not difficult to fight against the fifth-level powerhouse with a third-level body.

   Not to mention in his home court.

  In the cemetery and the oak forest.

   All kinds of younger brothers are silently watching the Sphinx.

  The disparity in numbers can create a lot of pressure in itself.

   What's more, there are fields.

  Even if Richard the Silver Snake, the legendary rogue, is left out, the younger brothers headed by the centaur Obest and the black warrior Argus are enough to make any unit below the legend hate it.

  Sphinx is of course very strong.

   But he has not yet entered the legend, so no matter how strong he is, it is difficult to violate the objective laws.

   More people beat fewer people, coupled with the advantage of the home field, both sides only need to fight—

  Sphinx must die!

  His expression was a bit embarrassed. If he had the ability to secrete sweat, he would have been sweating profusely by now.


  He suddenly said to Matthew:

   "I have one more..."

  The words are not finished yet.

  He suddenly flew towards the purple vortex behind him at an extremely fast speed!

   Seeing that the Sphinx was about to flee.

  Matthew raised his right hand unceremoniously.

   Right here in the cemetery.

   Unless you meet a freak like Margaret, he is invincible below the legend!

  Ability: Forced captives!

  In an instant.

  Stripes of pitch-black arms that seemed to be made of mud suddenly protruded from the walls in all directions of the underground space.

  Sphinx moves quickly.

  But Matthew's ability activates faster.

   Between electric light and flint.

  These arms pressed the Sphinx to the ground.

  He was less than three meters away from the purple vortex!

   But these three meters seemed like a moat.

  Sphinx tried his best to escape from the suppression of those mud arms.

   This is the power of domains and ritual fields!

  Seeing that he still wants to struggle.

  Argus jumped up and instantly jumped between the Sphinx and the teleportation vortex. Then, under the desperate gaze of the Sphinx, Argus raised the alloy shield and hit him with a heavy shield blow on the head!


  The dull sound resounded throughout the underground space.

  The sound of liquid sloshing can be heard vaguely.

   I don't know if the Sphinx's brain was smashed out of the echo.


  Sphinx screamed and completely lost the ability to resist.

  Matthew stepped on a muddy arm and moved slowly in front of the Sphinx.

  The elite ghost Ali flew over with his men.

   With permission of Matthew.

  They went about their business—

   greedily sucked the energy of the Sphinx.

   "Isn't it a bit rude to run away as soon as you break into someone's house?"

  Matthew watched the Sphinx calmly.

  The latter panted violently, his voice seemed a little weak:

   "Wait a minute, it doesn't have to be like this between you and me."

   "We might be able to work together."

  Matthew laughed:

   "Cooperation? Like you and Luticia?"

   "If you can accurately answer every question I ask, then I will consider working with you."

   "Otherwise... You see, there is not a single undead transformed from a sphinx in my cemetery."

  Sphinx turned ashen for a moment.

  He was shocked and angry, but he had to suppress his anger, forced his head up and said:

   "I can answer your question, provided that what you ask will not harm the interests of other people who signed contracts with me."

  Matthew cut to the chase:

   "Who asked you to guard the sacrifice room of the Blood Banner family? Luticia, if it was her, why did she make the sacrifice room look like a treasure chest?"

  Sphinx looks embarrassed:

   "That's not a question I can answer."


  The black warrior next to him slammed down the shield again without saying a word.

  The Sphinx screamed again.

  He was dizzy.

  Matthew repeated the question just now, and then stared at the Sphinx with a malicious look.

  Sphinx was silent for a while, and said in a very difficult tone:

"I can only tell you that Lord Lutia is not my direct contractor. There is someone else who actually ordered me to guard the treasure house. That adult is a necromancer like you, and he is much stronger than you. Limited by the rules of the contract, I can't say more."

   There was a hint of pleading in his eyes.

   "Necromancer? Is there a companion? But I didn't feel it... Wasn't he in the cemetery at the time?"

   Matthew was startled.

   Immediately, he suddenly thought that Rhaegar hadn't mentioned that there was a Sphinx in the treasure house before, which meant that the Sphinx only appeared after he left.

   And Rhaegar's wife ran away with a necromancer.

   Could it be that the necromancer went too far and stole someone to Lei Jia's ancestral grave?

   Still have an inexplicable relationship with Sister Lei Jia?

  This association scared Matthew himself.

  He hurriedly asked:

   "Has the necromancer always lived in the cemetery?"

  Sphinx shook his head:


  Matthew asked a few more questions afterwards, and Sphinx answered them very simply.

  Looking at his appearance, Argus wanted to continue practicing shield strikes, but was stopped by Matthew.

  He could perceive that the Sphinx had actually suffered a slight backlash from the contract field.

  Continuing to press the question will definitely not get the answer you want.

   So he changed another question:

   "Besides the cemetery of the Blood Banner family, do you guard other treasure houses?"

  Sphinx sighed:

   "Sphinx is the guardian of the treasure house, and the location of the treasure house must not be revealed..."


  Argus's long-planned shield attack slammed down again.

  Sphinx fainted as soon as his eyes rolled.

  When a basin of water was poured on his head and he woke up in a daze, when he saw the shining light of the alloy shield, he said everything:

"Don't hit it, don't hit it, there is another treasure house. In the Helen Mountains in the main material world, there is another tomb. I was entrusted by the owner of the tomb to guard the most important treasure for generations. The owner of the tomb He was a great hero in his lifetime."

  The tombs of Mount Helen.

   Hero's Tomb.

   What Sphinx said instantly matched perfectly with a coordinate that Matthew got from the knowledge of the tomb.

   He knew the Sphinx was not lying.

  But this guy was so aggressive that he wanted to kill himself before, Matthew must not let him go so easily now.

  So he deliberately asked a few tricky questions in the direction of violating the contract.

  Sphinx frowns and dare not answer a word.

   And during Matthew's question.

  He still stared at Argus' movements with trepidation, as if he was afraid of getting another shield blow.

  Matthew was not fooled by his appearance, he knew that this guy had been looking for a chance to escape, but the power of the ceremony field was too strong to completely suppress him.

  So he couldn't help but say:

   "This can't be answered, and that can't be answered, what use do I need you for?"

   "It's better to make it undead, and at worst it can be pulled up as a human shield."

  Sphinx hurriedly said:

   "You can't kill me, you killed me, from another time now the sphinx will come to hunt you down again, and they will have the memory of me now."

   "Frankly, I broke into your domain rashly because I was too careless. If I knew the situation here in advance, I would definitely choose to ambush outside, and you will have a headache at that time."

   "Sphinxes can never be killed. If you want to use violence to solve all problems, the ending is bound to be futile."

  Matthew stared at him expressionlessly:

   "Very good, if the Sphinx is really endless, then am I about to have an army of undead composed of Sphinx?"

   "You'd better provide some other reasons, instead of threatening me faintly."

  Sphinx hurriedly said:

   "I didn't mean to threaten you, and I was just fulfilling my obligation.

  No matter what, if you stole the treasure I was guarding, I must hunt you down to the ends of the earth.

   But this is the effect of the contract, not my willingness.

  In this case, we can actually reach a new contract to avoid the effect of the old contract on me.

  Sphinx knows the secrets of many treasures.

   We can enter into a consulting contract.

  After the contract is signed.

  Every month you have three chances to call me, and I will answer your questions for free.

  We can form a very friendly relationship.

  This not only avoids the escalation of misunderstandings and conflicts, but also ensures that I will no longer hunt you down, how about it? "

  Matthew looked at Sphinx sarcastically:

   "This is the face of the most powerful treasure keeper in the world? The so-called pursuit to the ends of the earth is just a lie aimed at weak treasure robbers."

  Sphinx blushed and heartbeat:

   "Although what you said is ugly, it is true."

   "The strong should have privileges, and the Sphinx is just a smart family that serves the strong."

  He said so.

  Matthew didn't bother to continue being sarcastic.

  He thought for a while.

   The benefits of killing the Sphinx are really not that high, mainly because Matthew is a kind necromancer, and it would be very troublesome if Sphinxes from other timelines keep coming to him.

  He also didn't want a fifth-order monster to guard him all the time in Rolling Stone Town and outside the oak forest.

   Then Matthew said:

   "I accept your proposal, but the content of the contract has to be changed. The consulting contract may not reflect the mutual affection between you and me. I suggest changing it to a following contract."

"You have also seen that there is still one scholar missing in my cemetery. How about this? After I let you go, you must spend half of your time serving me in the cemetery. How many questions do I ask you?" , as long as it does not violate the agreement between you and other contractors, you have to answer."

  Sphinx held back his anger and said:

   "You are humiliating me!"

   "It is impossible for me to sign such a contract, you might as well kill me!"

  Matthew snorted coldly:

   "No, you will sign."


  He took out a piece of parchment and quickly wrote a consultant contract based on the knowledge in his mind.

  The field of contracts has already been opened.

   After writing.

  Matthew slapped the contract heavily in front of Sphinx.

  Sphinx looked around desperately.

  The black warrior silently raised the alloy shield again.

  The few ghosts on the head sucked their own life and energy like mosquitoes.

   Not far away, a tauren skeleton is pointing at herself. She still holds a kitchen knife in her hand, and there is blood on her fingers. The image is truly terrifying.

   That moment.

  Sphinx finally lowered his proud head.


  「Reminder: Your domain abilities "Supreme Contract" and "Overlord Contract" are in effect.

  You signed a consultant agreement with the Sphinx. In the next five hundred years, he must spend half of his time in the cemetery every year waiting for your dispatch. "


   "Welcome to Matthew's Cemetery!"

  The black and hard arms disappeared instantly.

  Matthew also had a warm smile on his face:

   "Dear Mr. Sphinx, I believe you will adapt to the environment here soon and find the same feeling as home here!"

   "However, I have to remind you that your body is too large now. When walking among the cemeteries, it is best to change to a smaller and more friendly image."

  Sphinx said angrily:

"Of course I know!"

   "What you see now is my mythical image, I am a meow with a mortal image!"

   Speaking of his body shrinking sharply.

   Transformed into a clean hairless cat with big eyes!

at this time.

   Sif, who didn't know the truth, squeezed over from the pile of skeletons. She spotted the hairless cat in the crowd at a glance, and hugged him excitedly:

   "Is this your new pet, Matthew?"

  The hairless cat pouted suddenly.

  Matthew winked at her:

   "Well, if you are free, you can take Mr. Sphinx to visit the cemetery."

   "He'll love it here soon, I'm sure."


  「Reminder: A knowledge advisor "Sphinx" has been added to your cemetery, and you have gained a small amount of strategic experience (ceremony field).

  You can improve your strategic experience through the following behaviors, and finally increase the strategic level of the cemetery—

  1. Recruit more guardians (elite template and above).

  2. Build more outbuildings.

  3. Open up more layers and areas.

  4. Establish more negative energy channels.

  5. Summon more mid-level undead. "


  The forced addition of the Sphinx has improved the strategic experience of the cemetery by a small amount.

  Matthew took a look, and his strategic level is still about two-thirds of the progress bar from LV2, which doesn't look far away.

  The increase in the strategic level of the cemetery means that the ritual field will become more powerful.

  The importance of running the home court was fully reflected in the scene just now.

   Matthew wants to build the cemetery into an unprecedented fortress, he must take one step at a time to meet the needs of all aspects.

   "It may be too early to open up the second floor, as well as the negative energy channel. You can try to build additional buildings and summon more intermediate-level undead."

   Between thoughts.

  Matthew dispersed the crowd and returned to the workshop.

  After he sat down.

  Choose to enter the realm of necromancy that has been backlogged for some time!

  In an instant.

   Endless darkness enveloped him.

   And right there in the darkest depths.

  A white light flew towards him at lightning speed.

  The white light flew faster and faster.

  But Matthew seemed to never be able to catch it.

   Soon he realized.

  My own body is also flying backwards.

   This scene lasted for a long, long time.


  The halo around the white light is rendered like splashing water.

   Form a large gray area.

   Right on those gray areas.

  Matthew saw endless spell runes.

   Each set of those spell runes represents supreme necromancer knowledge.

  He watched hungrily.

   It just seemed like five minutes had passed.

   Those runes lingering in the gray area are swallowed by the boundless darkness.

  A huge force of gravity fell on Matthew's shoulders.

  The phantom in front of him suddenly disappeared without a trace.


  「Reminder: You have successfully entered the sub-field of magic, the Necromancer, and the exploration status is first entry.

   In return for getting involved in the field, you will get one of the following three abilities—

  1. Spell empowerment (you can designate a spell to enable it, and the empowered spell does not have any forward swing when it is cast, and does not consume mana;

  Warning: It takes about a month for the spell to become capable, and there is a very low probability of failure)

  2. More summons (Your undead summoning has been improved, and when summoning low-level undead, you will be able to get more upper limit—


3. Finger of Death (You have learned the fourth-level spell Finger of Death in advance. You can concentrate a large amount of negative energy on a finger you designate, and when you touch a living creature on the physical level, the latter will become Undertake a relatively harsh judgment of instant death.

  Specially, your spells Claw of Estel and Hand of Mage can share some effects with Finger of Death)”


   Entry into the realm of necromancy was unremarkable.

   Matthew only hates his lack of memory ability, otherwise, if he memorizes a little more knowledge, he may gain more than he does now.

   As for the three abilities, he chose "Finger of Death" without hesitation.

   It’s not how good this option is.

   But the others are too stretched.

   "Spell Enabling" seems to be okay, but there is no spell on Matthew that is particularly worthy of being able to use.

   What's more, there is still a certain probability of failure.

   "More Summons" is also very general, mainly because this thing is an additional upper limit of the number, and there is no way to enjoy the ten times bonus of the undead army.

   Matthew really doesn't lack this right now, what he needs is more mid-level undead.

   As for the finger of death.

  Although this spell is a fourth-level spell, it is actually better than the fifth-level law of death.

  Law of Death creates a ballistic ball that hits the enemy, which is easily blocked by small creatures.

  And the finger of death is about sticking your finger in someone else.

   Regardless of whether close combat is dangerous.

  In terms of accuracy, it is actually much better.

   What's more, this spell can also be linked with the Claw of Estel and the Hand of the Mage.

   This undoubtedly greatly increased his usage scenarios.

   It can also be used as a self-defense spell even if it is not good.

"The magic spell of Finger of Death seems to be very suitable for speeding up with Suriel's chanting method. With its own various bonuses, I even have the opportunity to practice it to less than 1.5 seconds. It is still very useful when combined with the steel body or the immortal body." There is a high probability of counter-killing the opponent in a desperate situation."

  Matthew carefully browsed the spell in his mind.

   Except for the finger of death.

  The Necromancer realm also brought Matthew a brand new permanent state.

   "Meditation Enhancement: When you use meditation to exercise the negative energy plane of spirit and communication, you will get 200% meditation effect and 300% soul crystal generation efficiency."

   This state is quite good.

  The soul crystals that came to Matthew recently can be said to be stretched.

  If it wasn't for Xiao Bo's filial piety before, he might not be able to pay his salary a long time ago.

  Now the soul crystal generation efficiency is improved.

   He has the confidence to recruit more undead brothers!


  After that, Matthew and Zeller greeted each other, and narrated what happened in Escana.

  The two discussed for a while.

  Matthew began to prepare the giant amber tree.

  Just wait for Little Parton to come back.

  He intends to paste all the space-time cracks first, and talk about it later.

   That evening.

  Matthew came to the mushroom house.

  The mushrooms that have been coming all the time are growing very prosperously, which may be related to the border of the two major ceremonial grounds.

   Underneath the mushroom house is the wine cellar.

  Before, Matthew used his wine-making ability to make several barrels of wine. In theory, it could be finished in six hours.

   Half of this batch of wine is fermented with apples;

  The other half is barley.

   These two things are the most common fruits and food in Rolling Stone Town.

   Matthew pried open a wine barrel, and bursts of fruity aroma came out.

  He strained some of the residue and poured himself a glass of cider.

  The tip of his tongue lightly touched the wine, and the lingering taste from sweet to sour and then sweet stimulated his taste buds.

after testing.

  In addition to the characteristics of ordinary alcohol, these two wines also have additional attributes.

  Drinking a glass of cider can slightly increase mental strength;

   And drinking a glass of barley wine can actually improve a person's language fluency!

   "It seems that the wine brewed with different materials does have different effects. This ability does have the potential to make a fortune!"

  Matthew put away the barrel.

  Take out several empty barrels and experiment with six kinds of grains: wheat, corn, mushrooms, peaches, and grapes.

  He intends to try all the brewing materials he can obtain.

  See if you can brew a variety with a particularly good effect.

if you can.

   Then not only can it be used for its own use, but the Oak Chamber of Commerce will also add another blockbuster product!

   This is not something unreliable like Rhaegar's sword oil.

   This is a high-end drink that has the potential to be a real sensation!

   "It would be great if we could invite Mushroom King Dudley to the main house directly. His skills in growing mushrooms and making wine can feed a lot of people."

  Thinking so.

  Matthew left the mushroom house quickly.


  The black warrior Argus reported to Matthew that the patrol team has been formally formed, and the training has been quite fruitful, and it can be used to patrol around the cemetery.

It is worth mentioning that.

  Red Flame Nightmare also took the initiative to join the patrol team as a ranger.

  This adds a lot of mobility to the patrol.

   Considering that the Underdark region is also about to move recently.

  Matthew asked the patrol to start performing tasks.

  Although Argus was unwilling to leave the cemetery.

   But the patrol task is not far from the cemetery, so it is still qualified for this position.

   Once the patrol team is put into operation, the security level of the cemetery has improved a lot.

   This made Matthew quite satisfied.

   And even more surprising.

   Just a few hours later.

  The road sign in the center of the cemetery suddenly changed!

  A gray-black portal opened.

  Out of it came a staggering, tall and fat figure.

   That is a fat zombie!


  「Hint: Your negative energy beacon has worked!

  Mushaqi (LV14/Elite), the mother of coolies from the Negative Energy Plane, was inspired by the Beacon and came to join you.

   But if you want to gain Myuzaki's loyalty, you must pass her test! "


   "May I ask the owner of the cemetery, are there many zombies who are not doing business here?"

  Muzaqi asked tremblingly.

  Matthew felt a little strange.

   But what she said seems to be correct, she raises these undead, and most of the time they have nothing to do.

   It’s no wonder that everyone twisted their legs and carried their tombstones, saying that it’s okay if they don’t do business.

"What's wrong?"

   “My cemetery does have a more relaxed vibe.”

   Matthew said.

  Muzaqi bowed sincerely, her voice was a little hoarse like an old woman:

   "Can I join the graveyard and drill them for you?"

  "I hate the idle people the most in my life, so I vowed to train them to be useful characters for the cemetery. You just need to give me a chance, and I can return you a group of energetic zombies!"

   Matthew was stunned.

   Is there such a requirement?

  But he looked at the soul fire in Miaozaqi's eyes, and asked involuntarily:

   "Do you have any other requests?"

  Musatch suddenly showed greedy eyes:

   "Oh, not much, I will only charge you a small fee, about 5 soul crystals per month."

  Matthew frowned and wanted to refuse.

   can be next second.

  Muzaqi suddenly spread his hands respectfully.

  A wonderful domain power was transmitted to Matthew.

  Data bar.


  "Hint: Myo Thatchi, the Mother of Coolies, shows you her "Coolie Fields".

  Coolie field: Museosa has a series of means to train zombies into better varieties—

  1. Coolie Zombie (can complete high-intensity work such as digging tunnels, carrying heavy stones, and moving objects, and at the same time, strength and constitution +1)

  2. Farmer Zombie (can complete tasks such as planting fields, collecting fruits and vegetables, and expelling birds and beasts with both skill and strength, and at the same time, physical fitness and agility +1)

  3. Unknown”


   Coolie field.

  Is there such a side thing?

   I don’t know if I can enter?

   One thought of this.

  Matthew's expression changed subtly:

   "How long does it take you to train an ordinary zombie into a coolie zombie or a farmer zombie?"

  Musatchi showed an ugly smile:

   "One month, at least thirty."

   "Trust me, it's an absolute steal."

  Matthew tried to perceive the field of coolies.

  However, Miaozaqi seemed to sense something, and suddenly withdrew the effect of the domain.

  Her expression is still respectful, and no one can fault it.

  Matthew thought for a while:

   "It's not impossible to let you stay."

   "But I have one condition. When you are training, I have the right to watch."

  Muzaqi thought for a while:


  So Matthew stretched out his hand generously:

   "Welcome to Matthew's Graveyard!"

   Exactly at this time.

   A group of zombies with tombstones on their backs and their hips twisted unscrupulously walked by the side of the road.

  They looked at Moussaki, and made provocative gestures among zombies.

   Myuzaki just smiled slightly at this.

   Under the hint of Matthew.

  She quickly walked towards the group of zombies.


   In the cemetery, there were bursts of strange biting sounds.

  The sound of biting did not subside until midnight.

  The next morning.

   Matthew just woke up and planted a few trees in the northern wasteland.

   Then I got a message from someone sent by Zeller:

   "Regar is back!"


  (end of this chapter)

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