Chapter 533 I'm afraid you want to fart!

  Chapter 533 You might want to fart!

"Young Master Zhou, my busy man, why did you think of calling me? I thought you had forgotten me. You usually don't talk in the group, and you don't care about the club. The boy from the club before You won’t come out to celebrate the championship in Bangzi Country, people who don’t know will think that the boss is me, and the celebration party is still organized by Tie Onion, you are really enjoying yourself as a boss who leaves hands!”

As soon as the phone was connected, Hou Ting's various complaints came. Zhou Chao smiled awkwardly, while Jiang Li, who was sitting on the sofa beside him, also covered his mouth and giggled non-stop when he heard Hou Ting's loud voice. .

"It's less waiting, it's more work for those who are capable. You also know that I don't like this kind of occasion, so I can only work hard for you. Besides, I have been busy recently. I have only returned to China in the past few days. When the time comes, we will have a good time together." Get together." Zhou Chao could only find an excuse to prevaricate.

  Hearing Zhou Chao's words, Hou Ting said with a smirk: "Yes, Zhou Shao, you said this yourself. I didn't force you. When the time comes, we will kill dogs and big families, so you can't cry!"

   "Don't worry, when the time comes, you arrange it, and I will pay for it!" Zhou Chao shook his head helplessly, but thinking about it, it was his own fault, and he was used to being the shopkeeper.

   "Hahaha, I'll tell them later to make everyone happy!"

   Zhou Chao inexplicably felt a burst of heartache, "Ahem, well, let's stop talking and talk about business."

   "Business? Zhou Shao, tell me, what needs my brother's help."

   Zhou Chao didn’t hide anything, he told Hou Ting everything about his teacher, and asked him to find an expert in Huaxi and the ward, so that when Teacher Li arrived in Rongcheng, he could live in it directly.

   "Small things, leave it to me, when will you come over, I can arrange it in advance!"

   "Tomorrow, the plane tomorrow morning, you can arrange a car to pick us up at the airport."

   "Okay, call tomorrow." After finishing speaking, Hou Ting hung up the phone in a hurry.

   Zhou Chao put the phone on the table, leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, and rubbed his forehead with his right hand to relieve his tired thoughts.

  A pair of somewhat warm hands fell on Zhou Chao's head.

   Zhou Chao opened his eyes and saw that Jiang Li was already sitting beside him.

   "It's okay, I believe Teacher Li will get better if he treats it in time." Jiang Li said with some comfort.

   "It's okay, I just lament the impermanence of the world, and no one knows what will happen in the next second. Ali, I want to formally enter the pharmaceutical industry!" Zhou Chao said solemnly.

"Pharmaceutical industry? Brother Chao, do you know how deep the water in this industry is? I heard something from my cousin before. Many big pharmaceutical companies have many prescription patents. In fact, many diseases have specific medicines. Even for some incurable diseases currently on the market, there are quite a few symptomatic prescriptions, but why do you think there are so few on the market?"

  Jiang Li's words were just a rough idea, but Zhou Chao understood what was going on in his heart. To put it bluntly, it was nothing more than two words "benefits".

If there is a 10% profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is a 20% profit, it will be active; if there is a 50% profit, it will take risks; Dare to trample on all human laws; with 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime, even risking hanging.

  So when the interest reaches a certain height, some people will let go of their conscience and pursue more interests.

   "I know, it's just a plan now, and besides, there are pharmaceutical companies under my group, I still know a little bit about it." Zhou Chao rubbed Jiang Li's head and said with a smile.

   "Cuckoo!" Jiang Li just wanted to speak when his stomach rang.

  Blushing slightly, she turned her head away in embarrassment.

   "It's not like you haven't eaten at noon." Zhou Chao looked at Jiang Li with a slight frown and said.

   "Who said I didn't eat, I just ate a little less." At the end of the talk, Jiang Li himself bowed his head in embarrassment.

   She glanced at Jiang Li angrily, and gently scratched her nose with her hands, "Let's go, let's go and eat,"

   "No, didn't you say that you cooked the food yourself at night, so you're going to regret it now!" After speaking, Jiang Li pouted and turned his head aside angrily.

  Speaking of which, Zhou Chao didn't know that Jiang Li just wanted to eat his dishes and deliberately ate less at noon.

   "Okay, I'll cook by myself, there's no food at home, I'll go buy some first." Rubbing Jiang Li's head dotingly.

   "Hee hee, go and look in the refrigerator, I have already prepared the ingredients!" Jiang Li said with some pride.

   "Hey, good guy, you've got it all right!"

   Zhou Chao opened the refrigerator and took a look. Sure enough, there were a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, including beef, pork ribs, and a lot of vegetables.

  Watching Zhou Chao walk towards the kitchen with the dishes, Jiang Li smiled like a little fox.

Early the next morning, Zhou Chao rushed to the hospital with Jiang Li, bodyguard Xiao Yang and others. He didn't know how Du Qiang negotiated with the hospital. The hospital readily agreed to Li Xuemei's transfer, and was willing to send An ambulance accompanied by accompanying doctors and nurses in case anything happens on the road.

   "Teacher Li!" Looking at Li Xuemei who was still lying on the ambulance with a strong face, Zhou Chao walked up quickly.

   "Xiao Chao, thank you!" Li Xuemei's voice was a little weak, even Zhou Chao couldn't hear clearly.

   "Teacher, don't talk, take a good rest, it will be fine when we arrive in Rongcheng!"

   After Zhou Chao finished speaking, he turned around and looked at Du Qiang who was beside him, and nodded to indicate that he was ready to go.

   "Uncle Qiang, you will follow our car later, we will go directly to Wudu Airport, and then fly to Rongcheng, so the time will be faster."

   "By plane? I'm afraid your teacher won't like those planes." Du Qiang looked at Zhou Chao with some doubts and said.

   "Don't worry, I've arranged everything, let's go." Zhou Chao didn't say it clearly, just let him rest assured.

  Du Qiang nodded when he heard the words, and then got into the ambulance, and soon three cars drove out from the open-air parking lot of the hospital and merged into the traffic flow.

  The three cars did not drive very fast along the way, but many passing cars consciously gave way to the road ahead, but it took about an hour and a half to arrive at the airport.

   "Mr. Du, let's go back first!" The accompanying doctor released Li Xuemei from the ambulance and carefully placed her in the wheelchair.

  Due to some related treatments in the early stage, my body is still quite weak, and with the development of the disease in the middle stage, so now I rely on wheelchairs for travel.

   "Wait a minute, doctor!" Du Qiang was about to nod when he heard Zhou Chao's voice from behind.

I saw Zhou Chao walking over quickly, "Doctor, please come to Rongcheng with us, there will be a caretaker on the way, don't worry, I will never treat you two badly, when the time comes, after the hospital over there accepts you, you will go to Chengdu." You can come back."

  Hearing Zhou Chao's words, the doctor's eyes flashed a trace of confusion.

   "Doctor, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Du Qiang's expectant eyes made the doctor feel uncomfortable, and he also knew something.

  Finally, the doctor gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay, we will accompany you there, but we have to rush back when we get to the hospital!"

   "Thank you, doctor!" Du Qiang said excitedly.

   Waiting for the doctor's reply, Zhou Chao didn't want to delay any longer, so he said, "Let's go, let's get on the plane first."

   "Get on the plane? Xiaochao, don't we need to buy a ticket?" Du Qiang asked with some doubts.

   Zhou Chao pretended to look at them mysteriously, "Just follow me."

Immediately, a group of ten people walked into the airport and entered the interior of the airport through the fast lane under the leadership of the airport staff. This scene really stunned Du Qiang and the others, especially the doctors and nurses. .

  Now is the information age. I often surf the Internet. I have never eaten pork but I have seen pigs run away. I don’t know that such a program is a fast track for charter flights or private jets.

  As the group boarded the airport shuttle bus, the two of them became more certain about their conjectures, "No way, is this young man so rich?"

   Soon the shuttle bus stopped in front of a large plane. Even Li Xuemei, who was physically and mentally exhausted, noticed something unusual at this time.

   "Xiaochao, what is this?" Du Qiang asked stammeringly looking at the large plane in front of him.

   "Uncle Qiang, let's go up first, the wind is strong outside, and the teacher can't stand it!"

  Du Qiang didn't speak anymore when he heard the words. With the efforts of all the bodyguards, he lifted Li Xuemei up. Looking at the extremely luxurious interior of the plane, he knew in his heart that it was a private jet.

  At this time, Du Qiang, Li Xuemei, and the doctors and nurses all looked at Zhou Chao with different eyes, especially Li Xuemei, she never thought that her students were so rich.

  The scene became deserted for a while.

   Zhou Chao also knew the reason. When he knew that the identity of the person he knew was beyond their cognition, a kind of estrangement appeared.

   "Teacher, take a break first, you will arrive in Rongcheng soon, and then you can take care of your body with peace of mind." Zhou Chao also knew that if he didn't speak again, the scene might really turn cold.

   "I'm causing you trouble, and I've made you waste so much of your heart!" Li Xuemei's complexion seemed to be a little better at this time, and the whole person seemed to be in a bad mood.

   Zhou Chao shook his head lightly, "No trouble, this is all within my power!"

   Soon the plane took off from Jiangbei Airport while everyone was chatting.

  The accompanying little nurse took out her mobile phone and secretly took a few photos of the inside of the plane. She seemed to be chatting with someone, smiling silly and proud at times.

  After about half an hour, the plane landed at Rongcheng Airport, and several cars parked on the tarmac after getting off the plane, among them was an ambulance from West China Hospital.

   "Young Master Zhou, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you in the cold wind for nearly twenty minutes." As soon as Zhou Chao got off the plane, Hou Ting got off a Rolls-Royce.

   "That's really hard work for you!" Zhou Chao glanced at him angrily, it was really hard work lying in the car.

   "Wait a while about reminiscing about the past, let's arrange my teacher's affairs first."

   "Okay!" Hou Ting waved behind him, and a beautiful assistant-like woman came over with two doctors.

   "Nana, take Zhou Shao's teacher and Huaxi's two doctors to the hospital, and come back when the arrangements are made!" Hou Ting didn't make too many arrangements either.

   "Understood, boss!" A sister-in-law's voice came from Nana's mouth.

   Zhou Chao also turned around and came to Li Xuemei and Du Qiang, "Teacher, I have already made arrangements, you just follow them to the hospital!"

   "Thank you!" Du Qiangqiang said with tears in his eyes.

   "Uncle Qiang, it's okay, you guys go, it's getting late."

  Du Qiang nodded, and pushed Li Xuemei towards the ambulance. Before getting into the car, Li Xuemei looked back at Zhou Chao with a smile on his face.

   Soon the ambulance left, and the two doctors and nurses who were accompanying them stood there in embarrassment at this moment. They didn't know what to do for a while, and could only hope that Zhou Chao would look at them quickly.

   "Young Master Hou, do you have any cash on you?"

   "Yes, it's about 40,000 to 50,000, why, do you want it?" Hou Ting asked suspiciously.

   "Well, give me 10,000." Zhou Chao nodded, and glanced at the doctor not far away.

  Hou Ting understood immediately, and hurried back to the car to take out a wad of money, "I don't know how much, I just took it, and here it is for you."

   "Okay!" Zhou Chao walked towards the two after taking the money.

   "You two have worked hard all the way, you take this little money and treat it as your hard work in the field!" Zhou Chao said, and he was about to put the money in his hand into the doctor's hand.

   "This can't be done, it's a mistake!" The doctor waved his hand quickly.

   Zhou Chao didn't expect this to happen, so he smiled, "Well, if you play in Rongcheng for two days, it's your leave. If you don't accept it, I'm going to be angry."

  The doctor was in a dilemma for a while, but the nurse behind him stood up and took the money, "Thank you!"

   Zhou Chao nodded, turned around and walked to Jiang Li's side, holding hands and sitting in the back row of Hou Ting's Rolls-Royce.

  Hou Ting curled his lips when he saw this, opened the door of the passenger car and sat in it, and all the bodyguards got into the spare car after seeing this, and soon several cars left, leaving only a ferry car and the doctor and nurse.

   "How did you take the money just now!" The doctor turned his head and looked at the nurse in surprise.

"If I don't take the money, you think he will let us go, and look at this private jet, Rolls-Royce car pick-up, typical rich and young, if you don't take it, you won't give him face. Move your fingers casually in the back, there are good fruits for you to eat, and we all ran to Rongcheng, so it doesn't cost money to go back!"

   "What you said seems to make sense, so what should we do now?"

   "How about we have a meal first?" The nurse thought for a while and said.

  At this moment, a voice interrupted the discussion between the two, "I said, can you two get in the car and chat in Manman, don't you think the wind at the airport is quite cold?"

  The two followed the reputation, and it was the driver of the shuttle bus who was talking, looking at them impatiently, the two smiled awkwardly, and quickly got on the shuttle bus.

The shuttle bus drove towards the exit of the airport, a breeze blew by, and the voices of doctors and nurses could be heard vaguely, "I think we should have a seafood dinner first, and take a good stroll in Huiwudu, Otherwise, I would be embarrassed to spend the money."

   "You're thinking about farting, go back after a small hot pot meal!"


  (end of this chapter)

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