Chapter 540 Yacht Patty

  Chapter 540 Yacht Patty

   Zhou Chao, who originally planned to sleep in, was woken up by the continuous sound of waves coming from outside the window.

  Lying on the sofa on the balcony, looking at the sea level in the distance, the orange-red early sun slowly rises from below the sea level, reflecting the sky into a piece of orange-red, which is really beautiful.

  The sea breeze blows on the face, giving people a very refreshing feeling.

   "I'm so stupid. I should have known that I closed the windows last night. Hey, I don't know how I fell asleep last night."

  Zhou Chao shook his head helplessly, presumably he thought the sound of the waves was nice at first.

  Time passed quietly, and Zhou Chao fell asleep lying on the chair at some point, and even a trace of crystal saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

   "The most touching movie plots say that love can surpass life and death!"

  The phone rang for about ten seconds before Zhou Chao woke up in a daze, fumbled on the table before answering the phone.

   "Hello~" There is a full sense of laziness in the tone.

   "Young Master Zhou, where have you been? You couldn't have gone out to be happy behind the back of the brothers, right? No matter how hard you knocked on the door, there was no response!" Tie Cong said a little excitedly.

   "Are you talking fart, did you knock on my door?"

   "The doorbell is almost smoking. If you don't answer the phone, I will call the hotel to open the door."

   Zhou Chao froze for a moment when he heard this. Could it be that he was so sleepy that he didn't hear it? It shouldn't be!

   "Hey, Young Master Zhou, why are you silent again!"

  The sound of tearing onions brought Zhou Chao back to his senses, "I'm listening, where are you now?"

   "It's at your door!"

   "Right away!" Zhou Chao hung up the phone after speaking, got up and walked towards the door.

   Sure enough, as soon as the door was opened, Tie Cong, Hou Ting and Abdul appeared in Zhou Chao's eyes, and even Lin Wu was still standing at the door.

   Smiling awkwardly, he let the door open and let a few people walk in.

  As soon as they came in, Tie Cong and Hou Ting turned around the room, and the two of them were still muttering: "There is nothing here, and there is nothing here!"

  Zhou Chao sat on the sofa and yawned, looked at the two of them with a smile and asked, "What are you looking for? You don't think there is a woman in my room!"

  The two people who heard this also stopped their search and walked towards Zhou Chao.

   "Why not, the doorbell can't even wake you up, Zhou Shao, didn't you make it clear that last night was late at night!" Tear Cong's expression was very meaningful.

   "That's right, we've come here, Young Master Zhou, don't cover up, brothers and sisters won't complain to sister-in-law!"

   "We are just curious about which beauty can fascinate our young master Zhou!"

  The two talked more and more vigorously, and even Abdul and Lin Wu on the side also cast curious eyes, feeling like they were talking about it.

  Zhou Chao was directly laughed angrily by the two, and said angrily: "You are planning to make something out of nothing, right?"

  dissed the two of them before continuing: "I was woken up by the sound of the waves outside in the morning. I watched the sunrise on the balcony all morning, and then fell asleep on the balcony for some reason."

   "The two of you really know how to make up brains. If you two don't become directors, I feel like it's a waste of your inhuman brain powers!"

  Hearing Zhou Chao's explanation, Tie Cong and Hou Ting smiled awkwardly, and then sat on the sofa as if nothing had happened, and each played with their mobile phones, which made Zhou Chao want to applaud them.

  Looking at the time, it was only 8:50 in the morning, "How to say, what are the arrangements for today."

   "I've made all the arrangements last night, and I'm ready to go anytime." Tie Cong raised his head and said proudly.

   "Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" Even Abdul, who was not talking much at the side, became interested.

  Zhou Chao glanced at the three people who were about to move, nodded, and then a group of people went out.

  As soon as I got downstairs, I saw the old prostitute leaning on a big Benz and chatting with Shuyi. I saw Shuyi wearing cool clothes and white hot pants on her lower body, showing her long legs perfectly.

  Looking from a distance, Zhou Chao's mind came up with the words "Beauty and the Beast!"

   "Good morning, everyone!" The old **** saw Zhou Chao and the others coming out, and hurriedly greeted him.

  Shuyi also hurriedly shouted after the old prostitute, since she got the general information from Zhou Chao and Abdul last night, she knew that she was lucky this time.

   Being able to participate in a game of this level, others may not be able to tell in detail.

   Zhou Chao nodded slightly, and then got into the car, and Abdul followed suit, while Shi Cong and Hou Ting went to another car.

   Soon a group of people drove towards the yacht dock by the sea.

  Looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window, Zhou Chao suddenly looked back at Abdul beside him and asked, "Abdul, has the oil field traded before entered the stage of exploitation?"

   "You don't have that oil field yet, it was just detected not long ago, why, what's wrong?" Abdul looked at Zhou Chao with some doubts.

   "There is no problem. It's just that I plan to set foot in this sector. I am not very familiar with these. I just want to confirm whether it is possible to directly extract crude oil. If not, I need to prepare for those procedures."

   "Just this little problem." Abdul said with some surprise.

   "Well, if you understand clearly, you can form a related team!"

Abdul looked at Zhou Chao very seriously and said: "Zhou, we are good friends, as long as you say a word, I can arrange these things in place, and if there are no good sales channels, I can also help you! "

   Zhou Chao was a little surprised. After all, this oil field was taken out of their mouths. It is already a face-saving not to make trouble in the dark. Hearing Abdul's tone, he can help from artificial exploration to oil sales.

  It seems that Abdul really regards him as a good friend.

   "Good friend, then I will not be polite, and I will make you worry about it." Zhou Chao was also not polite, and responded directly.

   "Of course it's no problem. If you have time, you can go back to China with me for a few days, and then I will introduce you to a beautiful girl!" Abdul said with his eyebrows bouncing up and down a few times.

   "Look, if I have a chance, I will definitely go to your place to play!"

  I am still very interested in watching Camel and Zhou Chao.

   Soon the motorcade stopped, and Zhou Chao felt Kashima's enthusiasm as soon as he opened the car door.

  There are a lot of yachts parked at the pier along the coast. Zhou Chao saw a group of yachts with long legs in bikinis who were not wearing very revealing bikinis on the shore.

   Talking and laughing, even Zhou Chao couldn't help but look at the milky white of the huge swaying Xuezi several times.

Tie Cong didn't know when he came to Zhou Chao's side, bumped it lightly with his shoulder, and raised his head towards the beauties who were playing in the distance, "Young Master Zhou, how is it? Not bad, hehehe!"

   Zhou Chao directly returned a disgusted look, "Didn't you say that you have made all the arrangements, where are the yachts, and I see that there are some small yachts around."

  Looking around the pier, I found that they were all small yachts, and there were only a few medium-sized yachts.

   "It should be here soon, I'm calling to remind you!"

  Ignored Tear Onion, walked straight towards Hou Ting and the others who were chatting, and joined the chatting of several people.

  Everyone chatted for about ten minutes, and Tie Cong walked over quickly, still muttering: "When the flowers are about to wither, it's finally here!"

   This yacht was specially transferred from the Hongzhou International Yacht Club Wharf by him. It may be that the time was not arranged well and it was delayed on the way.

   "Young Master Zhou, Abdul, the yacht has arrived at the pier, let's go aboard."

   Immediately, a group of people walked towards the place where the yacht was docked under the leadership of Ticong.

   Soon a large luxury yacht appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Zhou Chao glanced at it, which was about 35 meters long.

   It’s just that there are several graceful figures on the deck of the luxury yacht, all wearing very cool bikinis.

  Red, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white, almost can be pieced together into a colorful rainbow.

Everyone boarded the yacht, and only then did they see the whole picture clearly. Every one of them was a beautiful woman with rippling breasts, with slender thighs and a thin cover for shame. Zhou Chao could clearly hear the choking sound of someone behind him. .

   "Shao Onion, you are finally here, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

   A group of Yingying and Yanyan directly surrounded them, surrounding the shredded green onion, and naturally they couldn't avoid friction and collision on their bodies.

  Tearing Onion raised his head in enjoyment, feeling the softness from his body.

   Zhou Chao looked at the few of himself who were left hanging aside, and couldn't help coughing softly, and Tie Onion finally came to his senses.

   "I'm sorry, Young Master Zhou, I can't help it!"

   After speaking, he quickly asked Zhou Chao and others to sit down.

   "Beauties, these are all young and old, you should treat them well." Tie Cong clapped his hands and said.

   Immediately, the rainbow turned into several independent colors and sat next to several people. At the same time, the luxury yacht sailed towards the outside of the pier.

  The people on the boat are all their own people, and even the people who drive the boat are all owned by the Tiecong Company.

  As the luxury yacht gradually moved away from the pier, everyone became excited, especially Hou Ting, who directly turned on the music equipment on the yacht. As the dynamic music sounded, he also started the yacht Patty this time.

  The yacht was well-equipped. When Zhou Chao and the others changed their clothes and came out of the room, the beauties from before were already swaying to the music.

  Seeing this scene, Zhou Chao immediately thought of many idioms.

   "The waves are turbulent, twists and turns, turbulent waves, high winds and high waves." In an instant, at least ten idioms flashed in Zhou Chao's mind.

Thinking about it, Zhou Chao still sat on the sofa at the bow of the ship consciously, while Abdul and Hou Ting joined in the swing, and even the old prostitute joined in, but his slightly fat The body is particularly eye-catching.

   I don't know whether it was Tie Cong's special arrangement or because Zhou Chao was alone. Two beauties, dressed in black and white, walked towards Zhou Chao with long legs.

   Sitting on both sides of Zhou Chao, before Zhou Chao could react, his hands were already buried in the milky white snow.

   "Both are D!" A thought flashed through my mind.

"Handsome guy, my name is Qingqing, why don't you go to play, don't you feel bored sitting here alone?" The beauty in a white bikini said proactively, her eyes still kept on Zhou Chao's handsome face. Turning around on the face.

   "That's right, handsome guy, let's play together." The black bikini tightly hugged her arms while speaking.

   Zhou Chao, who was originally full of concentration, felt a reaction.

  Zhou Chao looked at the dice cups in front of him and said, "Why don't we play the game, and the loser will drink."

   "Okay!" The two women replied without thinking.

   Zhou Chao's hands broke away from the soft abyss.

At this time, Tie Onion, who was singing and dancing indulgently on the bridge, glanced at Zhou Chao's direction calmly, and saw the three of them playing a game, and a smug flash of eyes flashed in his eyes, because these were specially arranged by him, I was just afraid that Zhou Chao would be sitting alone and watching them play again.

  Tearing Onion turned around and saw that the old prostitute was chatting with a beautiful woman in a corner. If he didn't see those long legs, he wouldn't have seen the two of them.

   "Old prostitute, can you accept your brother pig's appearance, and be careful that I will sue your wife!"

   As a result, the old prostitute didn't pay attention to him at all, and he didn't bother him even if he tore onion. After all, he came out to play and just wanted to have fun, so how could he bother him.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye. The black and white sisters who were originally by Zhou Chao's side had already been drunk by Zhou Chao. It didn't take an hour for the two of them to lie down on the sofa and fall asleep. up.

  Hou Ting got out of nowhere, with a look of unsatisfactory expression on his face.

  When Zhou Chao was leaning on the railing and smoking a cigarette, he felt a little silly, especially when there were two beauties lying on the sofa, he still couldn't believe his eyes.

   "Young Master Zhou, isn't it? How can you be so stable? If it were me, it would still be a mess!"

   "If you like it, you can try it too. I just don't have this hobby."

Hou Ting shook his head quickly, "Well, I'd better forget it, I still feel a little tired now, why don't you go to the stern to play, I see that Lin Wu and Shuyi under your command are diving, do you want to go play."

   "Go, go and have a look!" Zhou Chao immediately got up and walked towards the stern downstairs.

  When they came to the stern of the boat, they saw three people emerging from the sea, and one of them was holding a small sea fish in his hand.

  When the three climbed onto the yacht, Shuyi sighed and said, "It's a pity, I saw several big lobsters just now, but unfortunately I didn't catch them."

   This is Zhou Chao asking: "Is it just below?"

   "Well, it's right below." Shuyi said hastily.

  Zhou Chao nodded, his eyes flashed across Shuyi's body, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. How can there be such a big difference between people.

   Picking up a pair of diving goggles from the ground, she jumped into the sea, and disappeared in front of everyone in the next second, giving Shuyi a shudder.

   "Why doesn't Young Master Zhou wear diving suits and oxygen tanks?" Shuyi asked while looking at Hou Ting in a dazed manner.

   "Lin Wu, go down and have a look, if anything happens to Mr. Zhou." Hou Ting looked at Lin Wu who was sitting on the ground, and said eagerly.

  Looking at the flustered look of the two, Lin Wu said with a smile: "It's okay, the boss is amazing, don't worry!"

  Seeing that Lin Wu said this, Hou Ting couldn't say anything more, but just stared at the sea surface, hoping that Zhou Chao would emerge from the sea in the next second.

  One minute, three minutes, five minutes, Hou Ting's heart felt like being pulled, and the hands holding the railing were a little purple.

   "Lin Wu, are you really all right? It's been several minutes, why hasn't Zhou Shao floated up yet?"

  Lin Wu looked at the time and it was less than 7 minutes, "It's okay, the boss can be called the king of the sea in the sea!"

   "Aquaman? What Aquaman, are you serious?" Tie Cong and Abdul also came down from upstairs at some point.

   "Tear onion, you guys are here. Young Master Zhou didn't wear any protection, didn't bring an oxygen cylinder, and went down for more than seven minutes. So far, there has been no movement."

   "What?" Abdul's expression changed drastically. He often goes out to sea to play, and he still knows something about it. If he goes on like this, he will get up in a few tens of seconds at most, let alone a few minutes.

   "It's okay, you can rest assured!" Tie Cong said very calmly.

  Although he didn’t participate in diving activities on Lanai Island last time, he still learned about Zhou Chao’s toughness afterwards.

  Just when everyone was puzzled, a voice sounded from the sea, and Zhou Chao appeared with a dolphin beside him.

   Zhou Chao threw the lobster in his hand onto the yacht, patted the dolphins beside him, and climbed onto the yacht with just three or two strokes.

   "What are you all standing here, and you still look nervous. Some people have gone into the water and haven't gotten up yet. I didn't see anyone else down there."

   Zhou Chao looked at everyone suspiciously and said.

   "It's okay, they just saw that you haven't come up for so long, and they were worried about you."

   "Zhou, you are too good!" Abdul said with some surprise.

   Zhou Chao smiled, "It's not bad, everyone should leave, let's move around and I'll go and have a rest!"

   Immediately, everyone dispersed, and no one cared about the two big lobsters on the deck. In the end, Lin Wu carried them to the kitchen.

   Playing until almost four o'clock in the afternoon, everyone felt a little tired, so the captain let the captain go home.

  (end of this chapter)

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