MTL - Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!

MTL - Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!


Authors : System

Status : ongoing

Genres : Xuanhuan, Fantasy

Chapters: 254

Last update: 5 months ago

- MTL (Machine Translation Literature) refers to novels that have been translated using automated machine translation tools. This approach allows for quicker translations compared to human translators, but may result in less accurate and nuanced translations.
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One day, an alienation took place in the world.The last object you touch will be strengthened and become part of your body. What will you touch?The day has come.Someone finally touched a cow. His bones turned into beasts, his body was tall and straight, with horns on his head, and he became the world-shaking cow demon king;Someone finally touched a stone, and his skin could be petrified at will, making him invulnerable;Someone finally touched a hair, and his body grew strange hairs, becoming a long-haired monster;Someone finally touchedIn the end, Li Qingshan became a cultivator.Just when Li Qingshan thought everything was on the right track, strange things happened to himWhen the alienation ends, the earth turns into a planet after a brief period of tranquility, crashing into a continent full of opportunities.After being reborn, Li Qingshan has assumed the responsibility of protecting all human beings invisiblyThis is a chance, but also a disaster, if it were you, what would you touch? - Description from Novelable

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