Chapter 215

Xiantu (4)

Since I got on the boat, I have been staying in the room. Although the boat is sailing on the sea, it does not feel any shaking in the boat, just like in a room on land.

When Ling Ling was at home, he was very fond of finding trouble. After two or three days in the boat, he did not see him. He felt that he was deliberately hiding from him. Yan Ling thought, he was only able to go to Zhuyang Island because of his reasons, but he did not have a half gratitude to him, but he still dared to hide from him. He had to give him some lessons.

Yongzheng was lying half-lying on the bed with a thick cushion and closed his eyes. The door was suddenly pushed away from the outside. He opened his eyes and saw that Ling Ling took several other people. It came in, but after seeing the furnishings in his room, it was clearly stunned.

I sat up and knew that they were looking for trouble, so I was too lazy to ask what they were doing, just sit and watch them not talking.

"You will enjoy it very much." After Ling Ling returned to God, he looked at him sarcastically. "It seems that my mother said that it is not wrong. You are a dirty face with no face and no skin. God? You seem to have deliberately forgotten you because you can go to Zhuyang Island. You don’t have a word of thanks, but you dare to hide from me."

"It is best to keep your mouth clean, otherwise I don't mind sending you into the sea." He looked at him coldly. "Although I don't know why I can go to Zhuyang Island, it will definitely not be because of you."

"Oh," he said with a smile. "You really thought that as long as you left home, I can't take you any more? Actually dare to threaten me? I tell you, even if I arrived at Zhuyang Island, I still have a way." Remediate you. You will immediately apologize to me for mercy, then give me out of this room and find another place, otherwise I will not only teach you now, I will die when I arrive at Zhuyang Island!"

Rubbed his eyes, then stood up and slowly walked toward him.

Yan Ling thought that he was scared, and looked at him with a smile, and looked up at his chin and waited for him to kneel down.

Because of the suppression of cultivation by the blue vine, his spiritual power is not as high as that of Ling Ling, and he always carries various treasures on his body. In the face of Yan Ling’s bullying, no matter whether it is in the Ming or the dark, there is no way to resist, and it can only resist. But even if he was bruised and bruised, he never lost his dignity in front of him, because in his heart, dignity is more important than life, and he will naturally help him.

Yan Ling has already set the posture, just waiting for a squat, he will step on his face and humiliate him.

He stood in front of Yan Ling, lifted his leg and kicked him in his stomach.

Yan Ling was unprepared, and he smashed this foot hard. He could walk back to the ground for a couple of meters before he fell down on the ground, holding his stomach to reveal a painful and distorted face.



The few people who were in the middle of the class were scared by the actions of the class. They did not expect to dare to start with Ling, and rushed to help him.

I have eaten a lot of fairy fruit in these days, and my spiritual strength has risen. Even he himself is scared. He feels that he does not use the system. It is the most immortal fairy island.

Under the support of several of them, Yan Ling still couldn’t stand up. He was also a cultivator, and his spiritual power was not low. Today he was kicked and couldn’t stand up, which made him angry. Just because it hurts too much, he can only point to the cockroach but can't speak.

"Hey! You don't hurry to apologize to Yan Ling and ask him to forgive you!" Yang Junmao looked at him with a serious look, desperately using his eyes to suggest that he would admit his mistakes.

I looked at his eyes a bit inexplicable. I used the system to quickly search for it and realized that this person named Yang Junmao had a crush on him. However, although he is the eldest son of the Yang family, one of the four major families in the South, he must not be offended by his parents, and he must do his best to please him. Therefore, although he likes it, he never dared to show it.

I watched Yang Junmao sneer a little, then turned away and looked at the shaking trembling of the pain.

"Hey, you really don't know how good, if it's not because the aunt is the apprentice of the island of Zhuyang Island, you are so likely to be able to go to Zhuyang Island?" The parents of one of the four big families looked at the lessons. You got a chance to go to Zhuyang Island because of Lingling, but lived a better room than Yanling. You don’t know if you are grateful, but now you dare to start with Lingling!"

"I didn't do anything to him." He sneered and said, "I am moving my feet."

Yan Ling finally stood up and gasped and said, "You give it to me, give me a lesson, and kill me!"

"What are you making here?!" A woman with a stern face and seriousness suddenly appeared at the door. This woman is one of the disciplines of teaching disciples, and is also dedicated to picking up their people.

"Xu Guanjiao..." Yan Ling turned to look at the female discipline, and then pointed at the swearing, "You said before that you are not allowed to make trouble on the boat, but he actually dared to kick me, my stomach must have been kicked by him."

"So why do you want to go to someone else's room to be kicked by him?" Xu asked the face of the unpleasant frown.

"I, I..." Although Ling Ling is impulsive, but not stupid, he knows that at this time he can't say that he is looking for trouble in the face of Xu Guan, he can only transfer the topic "Xu Guanzhi, Why is his room only so much better than us?"

"This is not something you should manage. No matter how we arrange it, we are acting according to the rules. From the time you set foot on this ship, you must obey the rules of Zhuyang Island. There are two days to go to Zhuyang Island. Now, I think I need to remind you of the biggest rules on the island of Zhuyang. Don’t ask if you don’t know it. Don’t be curious about things you should manage, or you may be killed at any time!” Warn them.

"My aunt is the apprentice of the owner of Zhuyang Island. They are all because I can go to Zhuyang Island. Isn't it that I should live in this room?!" How couldn't he swallow this breath, he could only move his mother. Come out, kick his hatred, he can wait until he goes to the island and report again, but now he must live in this room.

"The rules of Zhuyang Island are all under the authority of Bai Guangshen. Even if you are a niece, you can't be offended. Otherwise, you will be punished. If you don't want to be punished, it is best. Leave here right away and stay in your room until you reach Zhuyang Island."

His face was whitish, and he was holding a sigh of gas in his heart, standing still in his teeth. Several other people, look at me, I look at you, don't know how to be good.

Xu Guanxue saw that several of them did not do what she said, and the body side stepped back two steps. Then, with a wave of hand, several of them were rolled out by a force, all fell to the ground, and the force was shut down. The door.

Xu Guanjiao called, "Come to the people, and shut these people into the confinement room to reflect on them. They are not allowed to give them any food for these two days."

They were dizzy when they were thrown, and they were dragged away by the sudden appearance.

When I saw that the farce was over, and there was nothing about him, I went to sit down by the bed and continued to lean on my eyes.

He closed his eyes and thought, according to the reaction of Yu Ling just now and the words he said, it is only the room where he lives alone is particularly good, so Ling Ling will be so reluctant and embarrassed. Reminiscent of the blue-violet purple burned by Xuanhuo, it should be that after he was born again, someone began to protect him and give him special care.

He took out the white jade, and it didn't seem to have any special place to look at it, but when he held the piece of jade in his hand, he vaguely felt that Juppe was beating in his hand.


I slept and sat down. I woke up and stayed for a while. Then I thought I should almost go to Zhuyang Island. I have been in the room for so long. It is better to go out before I disembark. Seascape, he used to like the sea.

He got up and got out of bed, went to the door and opened the door. Because he was unprepared, he was stunned by the blizzard that slid across his face like a knife.

If he is not very clear to remember that this is the world of cultivation, he thought he was going to the North Pole. Are they not going to Zhuyang Island? Why is there such a big snowstorm at sea?

He sat back on the bed and thought about it while holding the quilt. Fortunately, the room was not cold at all, otherwise he would wear so little and directly become a popsicle.

When I didn't want to understand what was going on, the two teenagers in thick clothes walked in with a tray and said to them, "I will get off the boat soon. Let us help you put the clothes on." ”

I didn't ask much. After I got out of bed, I let two people help him to wear clothes. When he finally put on a white coat to a big cloak without a variegated cloak, he put on his hat and walked behind them. This room.

Just like what I thought, it was a snow and ice, and the wind with the **** was blowing, and the body wrapped in a large cloak was not cold.

Their ship, now on the ice, glides on the ice, and when he walks to the bow, he sees several other people who are already standing there. Although they have already put on thick cotton coats, they are still cold blue, blue lips and purple, and the body is constantly shaking.

He stood at the bow and looked far away. There was a very large island in the distance. It was too big to see the end of the two sides. There were several tall peaks on the island, which was covered with white snow at the moment.

The boat stopped at the edge of Zhuyang Island. After they disembarked, there were more than a dozen people waiting for them around a sedan chair. Xu Guan taught the man with the lead and said a few words, then the man walked over and asked him to sit on the sedan chair.

坐 Sitting on the sedan chair in the eyes of other people and complicated eyes, although Ling Ling’s heart was very angry and dissatisfied, but was confined for two days, let him learn to shut up when he shuts up.

The so-called confinement is not just about keeping them in a room, but while they are being shut down, the room that shuts them will consume a lot of their spiritual power, and when they have resistance, there will be The feeling of a splitting headache.

In the thick snow, in addition to the hardships of the few people who walked in Lingling, the people on the island of Zhuyang were light and fluffy, and they walked very easily and naturally. The four strong men carrying the sedan chair, the sedan chair did not shake on their shoulders. For them, the weight of the sedan chair and the cymbal was light like a piece of paper.

Sitting comfortably in the sedan chair, he opened the curtains and looked at the snow outside. His heart still felt a little strange, why a sea of ​​Xiandao would be covered with such thick ice and snow. From the beginning of knowing Zhuyang Island, he thought that it was a warm island with four seasons like spring flowers, and he did not expect it to be like this. Such a cold weather, such a big snow, how do those fairy fruits and beasts survive?

Yan Ling was assisted by Yang Junmao and Cheng Yi and You Xiang, and walked forward with pain in his stomach. He looked up from time to time to look at the sedan chair in front of him. The more painful the stomach.

He didn't understand why the person who got such a good treatment was jealous instead of him. It was obvious that his aunt was the apprentice of the island owner. He felt that they must have made something wrong and gave him such a high treatment. He thought to himself that after he saw his aunt, he must sue them and let them regret it.

He was holding his chin and staring at the snow scene. The sudden screams and noises brought his thoughts back to reality. These voices were obviously sent out by a few of them.

I haven’t even drunk in the past two days, although for those who have spiritual power, it doesn’t matter if they don’t eat for a few days, but he consumes a lot of spiritual power in the confinement room, and there is no injury on his stomach. Get treatment, even if Yang Junmao and Cheng Yi's help, he has no way to move on, and the legs are soft and fall down in the snow.

"逍凌, are you okay?" Yang Junmao squatted on the ground and asked Yu Ling.

"I, I can't move." Yan Ling is really painful, tired and hard, but he hasn't been able to continue to go, but he thinks that he is tired and tired step by step, hehe But sitting comfortably in the sedan chair, he was angry and didn't want to go any further.

"Hey, hey!" Yang Junmao shouted loudly.

"Stop." The sound of the man who lifted the sedan chair stopped. He wanted to see what those people wanted to do.

"Hey." Yang Junmao stood up and walked a few steps and said, "Yu Ling was kicked by you, and lost a lot of spiritual power. Now there is no way to continue going forward. You give him the sedan chair." ”

"Why?" He said faintly in the sedan chair.

"He is your brother after all. If he really does something, you can't explain it to your father and mother." Yang Junmao thought that he was bitter and persuaded.

"This is Zhuyang Island, not a family. I don't need to explain anything to anyone. There is, my mother passed away many years ago, and the woman who is now at home is not my mother." Say.

"Hey!" 逍 逍 的 大 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ My aunt, don't regret it when you arrive!"

"Isn't he very spirited?" he said ridiculously. "It seems that you are far from being able to walk." If you want to retaliate, I will follow. I will continue. We will continue. Just look at whether you were killed by me first, or if I was killed by you first."

When the person who lifted the sedan resumed moving forward, Yang Junmao called, "Wait, can you sit up with Ling Ling, he really can't go any more."

"Xu Guanjiao, have you not told them about the rules of Zhuyang Island on the way to the road?" said the man who had confirmed his identity with Xu Guanzhi.

"Nature has said it, but among these people, there are the nephews of the vines, and they think they can go to the island to take advantage of the reputation of the vines. I think they still need to suffer any more before they understand. What kind of place is Zhuyang Island." Xu Guanzhi said to the man.

The man turned to look at Yang Junmao and said, "Zhuyang Island is not the place where you can ask for it. Any request will not work. If you can't walk, don't leave. Even if you die here, no one will take care of you. ”

Watching those people go further and further, and the snow is getting bigger and bigger, even if they are not willing to be convinced, they can only keep up with it, otherwise they may really die here.

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