Chapter 204 The Corpse of the Ancient Demon!

  Chapter 204 Town: Corpse of the Ancient Demon!

  Wu Chutai sank himself on the sofa, his mind was empty, no traces could be left.

   Next, what will be waiting for him.

  Haha... How stupid, to be fooled by Wen Yang at the last moment.

  Look at the information and evidence all over the place.

   It won't be long before the Duan family will find out about this, maybe they have already found out now, just want to see how many people know about it... Fishing for short.

  It's really not something he can do that he would blame himself for secretly collecting evidence.

…never mind.

  Actually, you have already been bored.

   Just another pot.

  Hmph... But the Duan family is not a fool. Whoever is collecting evidence is not something Wu Chutai is willing to admit and can make him agree.

   That kid Wen Yang must be targeted.

  Haha... just right, this kid looks very motivated, let them fight.

  Young man, you have to suffer.

  I hope you won't be hit too badly.

  Take it as his teacher, and give you the last lesson.


  Wen Yang walked out of the room and walked alone on the small road in the imperial capital.

  His personal terminal has been turned off. In fact, even if it is turned on, there will not be a few messages coming in now.

  Most of his Imperial University social circle is from Wu Chutai, and now it is too late for them to get away, how can they have the time to find him.

  Even Hu Chen, who usually has the best relationship with him, has already deleted his friends and stopped contacting him.

   What a sarcasm.

  The social circle network that he worked so hard to build on weekdays, he thought that even if it was not strong, it was still good. Who knew that the big family just made a random decision, and everything disappeared like a cloud of smoke.

   Well, no surprise.

   Just clean it up again.

  Wen Yang began to think.

   Now, what else does he have, or in other words, what chips can help him take advantage of the situation.

  The teacher finally said that Professor Zhu would be a good place to go.

  Professor Zhu did not get along well with Wu Chutai on weekdays, and he was a little concerned about some of the teacher's achievements. He even sent someone to him to inquire about information, and even threw an olive branch.

  When the teacher drove him out, he gave himself a lot of achievements. With these, relying on his ability, it is easy to gain a little trust from Professor Zhu.

   Moreover, there are some forces behind Professor Zhu, who can protect him from strict investigation by the Duan family to a certain extent.

   But… he doesn't want to go.

   Wu Chutai is the teacher he personally chose, and he will not regret it. No matter how good Professor Zhu is, he is still the teacher's enemy.

  It's just... If I don't go to Professor Zhu, then I can't even escape the Duan family's pursuit of me later.

How to do it.

   Wenyang stands still.

  He raised his head, the sun was dazzling.

  ... Actually, there is no need to entangle.

  Although the teacher's choice made him very surprised, but... Anyway, he had already planned it, didn't he.


  What happened in the imperial capital did not reach Yu Cang's ears.

   These days, he just runs back and forth between the card making house and the laboratory as usual.

   It is worth mentioning that, with Yu Cang constantly providing new coherence samples, the speed of star-level rule improvement is quite fast. Lin Yunqing said that it may not be far from the day when it is compiled into a paper.

   Yu Cang was very satisfied with this.

   There has been no new news from the Desolate Sect for a long time, but it is precisely this that is the most terrifying.

  This shows that Yan Kingdom's investigation of this organization has not made any effective progress.

This is not surprising... this organization once destroyed a country, and even now, even the hunters are suspected to have been infiltrated by it. Such an organization has enough power to fight against the Yan Kingdom, and even fight a few times. round.

  One day this organization is not eliminated, Yan Kingdom may suffer large-scale invasions by desolate beasts one day.

  Therefore, it is very important to improve the strength of the soul card master as a whole. Naturally, the sooner this new summoning method is promoted, the more reassuring it will be.

   Fusion Summoning cannot be popularized due to the lack of popularization conditions of Star Sight. Synchroism is the most suitable choice.

   And, one more thing.

  If the homology hadn't been promoted... this time the National College League might be very boring.

   Combined with other sets to crush the audience, it is better to make the game more interesting.

  Anyway, the match between him and Duan Feng was brought forward two weeks later. As long as Duan Feng was beaten up at that time, he would have no obsession with the college league.

   To be honest, he really didn't expect that the match between him and Duan Feng could be brought forward so long... It was nearly half a year.

   All of a sudden, so much less preparation time, for Yu Cang, the difficulty has indeed increased, but from another aspect, the current Duan Feng has not yet reached its peak.

  If you want to win, you still have a chance to do it.

  After all... Although Duan Feng is accompanied by a "companion soul", he is not alone, is he?

  The corners of Yu Cang's mouth curled up slightly.


   Soon, it was time to duel with Yan He.

   On this day, Wen Renge led Yu Cang into the arena of the Fighting Club again.

  Wang Hui and Gu Jieshuang also arrived at the scene. This was Yu Cang's first battle after entering level five, so they naturally didn't want to miss it.

   "Yu Cang." Wen Renge introduced to Yu Cang, "This is your opponent today, Yan He, and her deck is Zhengumo's Corpse."

   After finishing speaking, he turned his head again and said to Yan He: "Yan He, I don't need to introduce Yu Cang to you. You have studied other people's tactics a lot these two days."

  Yan He: "!"

   No, why do you keep saying this!

  Yan He Abba said a few times, and the harsh words that had been brewing suddenly stuck in his mouth.

  Yu Cang looked as usual, and smiled politely: "Thank you, it's my honor."

   "...Let's start then." Yan He's eyes became serious, "Yu Cang, I will not lose to you."

   After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked to the duel position.

  Qin Yueran saw that the two of them were ready, and after signaling to him, there was no nonsense, and he immediately raised his hand: "The duel begins!"


  The soul card in the sky glowed green, and the silent round began!


  Yu Cang tapped the card box, and two soul cards flew out in an instant. After reaching the fifth level, all his attributes were simply and rudely enhanced. Whether it is the activation speed of the soul card or other attributes, they have taken on a new look.

  The soul card fell to the ground and shattered, and two figures appeared in it.

  Gray and white half-dragon!

  Two muscular figures stood in front of Yu Cang, their bodies half arched, their muscles tensed, ready to go.

  Their body lines are extremely smooth, with fine and firm scales clinging to the muscle texture, their eyes have turned into crystals similar to amber, and a thick tail is lowered behind them, which is also their weapon.

   Seeing these two summoned beasts, Yan He's eyes were slightly fixed, but he was actually relieved in his heart.

  It’s’s just a regular soul card, not something that doesn’t have any information.

  After Yu Cang breaks through to level five, he will definitely upgrade his deck. After these few games, Yan He also went to get to know Yu Cang, knowing that this person is a very strong card maker, and often does not play cards according to common sense, he will take out some soul cards that no one has seen before, and It happens to be quite strong.

  She has also thought about several ways to play against the Dragon of Light and Shadow, but if Yu Cang doesn't play his cards according to the routine...she may be numb.

   It's okay, now it seems that it's not enough to blacken the eyes. can fight!

  Yan He's face turned serious, she tapped the card box, and said loudly:

   "I activate the venue card: Town·Corpse of the Ancient Demon!"

A soul card was activated in the air, but nothing seemed to happen, but after a while, the ground suddenly trembled, and four slanted iron pillars rose from the ground out of thin air, and then, a large group of shadows was fainted , a behemoth suddenly appeared on the field!

  The Corpse of the Ancient Demon!

  Generally speaking, soul card masters will not unfold field cards during the silent round.

  One is because most of the field cards have activation conditions, even if you want to use them at the very beginning, you can’t use them.

Two... The soul energy expenditure of the field card is very scary, and generally speaking, the effect needs to be linked with other soul cards in the deck to exert the maximum effect. If there is only one field card on the field, it is not very useful. Easy to be undone. With such a precious opportunity to lay out the field in the silent round, one field will be drawn out, which will undoubtedly make the start extremely disadvantageous.

  However, Yan He's deck is different... The core of this deck is this field.

  Actually... Just looking at the things she summoned, it is difficult to connect them with the field card.

   This is an ancient demon exuding a terrifying aura. Its skin is dull, its body is dry and cracked, its hair is disheveled, and there are horrible wounds all over its body. The flesh and blood are turning, but there is no drop of blood flowing out, as if it has been drained.

   After summoning this terrifying ancient demon, it sat cross-legged on the ground, but even so, its head was almost at the height of the ceiling, and its size could be described as huge.

   And creepiest of all.

  The four iron pillars that appeared at the beginning are now penetrating the body of the ancient demon, nailing him to the ground.

  An iron pillar pierced his right knee and shoulder, and went straight behind him. Another iron pillar protruded from the root of the left thigh, passed through the right hand in mid-air, and finally pierced the ancient demon's chin, and pierced out from the top of the head.

   There is also an iron pillar that pierces the left knee and left hand together, and penetrates the right elbow after extending upward.

  Then an iron pillar pierced directly from the place where the two ankles overlapped, and pierced through the ancient demon's chest.

The eyes of the ancient demon were hidden in a shadow, and it couldn't see any life in its body, but even so, a terrifying momentum was still brewing on the field, as if something might happen in the next second Horrible things like that.

  Town·Corpse of the Ancient Demon.

   An epic field.

  The reason why Yan He was able to summon it by raising his hand was because of the characteristics of this soul card.

  When the user does not have a soul card to enter the death cooldown, and all soul cards are not in the summoning state, he can choose to consume the entire current tube of soul energy and activate this soul card directly.

   It seems that the summoning conditions are very simple, so its effect is... very strong.

  As long as Zhen · Ancient Demon Corpse is present, the mental pressure of all soul cards used by the summoner will be replaced by Ancient Demon Corpse... But as long as it is a summoning card, it will die directly after being summoned for a certain period of time.

   Moreover, the summoner's soul card will no longer enter the death cooldown, but will be directly disconnected.

  Although the limit is very large, if you make good use of this feature, this soul card will be very strong in the early stage.

   Moreover, this is not all the abilities of the corpse of the ancient demon.

  The body of the Ancient Demon Corpse was locked on the field by four iron pillars, with shocking injuries all over his body, but in fact... the Ancient Demon Corpse was still alive.

The four iron pillars that lock it are actually transformed by all the soul cards in the summoner's deck. As long as all the soul cards of the summoner are disconnected under the influence of the ancient demon corpse's ability, the ancient demon corpse will Resurrection!

   And the real strength of the corpse of the ancient demon is - handed down from generation to generation!

After the resurrection, due to mental pressure and various factors, Yan He had to put it on death cooldown only with one blow, but this handed down blow was enough to ignore all obstacles, and directly sent Cang Lianren with a duel guard. Shields are all shattered!

  So, in a normal duel, when the user of this deck uses up all the cards and revives the corpse of the ancient demon, the referee will acquiesce in victory. This can be regarded as a "special victory".

Of course, this is the assessment of the Combat Club, and the outcome cannot be easily judged until the last moment, so the duel shield in this duel is unprecedentedly thick, even if it takes a handed down blow, nothing will happen...but it works The shields are still just the regular ones, as long as those shields are broken, the duel will still be judged to be a failure.

  Thinking about it this way, it seems that the lower the number of soul cards the user carries, the easier it is to break the seal of the ancient demon corpse, but it is not the case. The number of soul cards in the deck determines the strength of the seal. If you want to completely seal the handed down ancient demon corpse into an epic card, you must have forty soul cards in the deck.

If they are dissatisfied, the final strength of the corpse of the ancient demon will naturally be greatly weakened-there is no turning back for this deck. After finishing a set, all soul cards in the deck will be directly disconnected and cannot be used. Therefore, the last blow must end the target, and the opponent cannot be given a chance to breathe!

The card maker who made this soul card was very thoughtful. This method of turning the entire deck into a seal, and turning a handed down monster into a "field card" forcibly stuffed into the deck also caused a lot of trouble at the time. sensational.

Yu Cang raised his head, the corpse of the ancient demon was majestic, the two toes alone were already taller than Yu Cang's whole body, standing on the ground and looking up, the oppressive feeling was overwhelming, and even made people feel a little breathless .

  Yan He stood on the shoulders of the corpse of the ancient demon and opened his arms.

   "Yu Cang, let's start!"



  The round of silence is over!


  Yan He threw down two soul cards, which shattered in mid-air, turning into two black shadows and landing steadily.

  Summon: Demon-Suppressing Monk!

  Two strong men with bare upper bodies and black tattoos stabilized their figures. They both held a huge pillar in their hands, looking menacing.

  Yan He showed a smile on his face,

   Summoning cards do not take up mental pressure at all, and the mental pressure of Zhen Ancient Demon Corpse is far lower than that of normal epic field cards.

  So even though there are so many things on the field, her mental pressure is still very low, and her soul energy recovery speed is even faster.

  As long as she has enough soul power, she can easily use a whole deck of cards once!

  (end of this chapter)

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