Chapter 214 Knowing Insects and Ice City

  Chapter 214 Knowing Insects and Ice City

  Yu Cang's rhythmic body stood in the sight of Xingtian. He looked at the huge ice ball made by himself with thoughtful eyes.

   These worms are now completely under his control, and he can take their lives at any time, but... it feels a bit wasteful.

  Yu Cang closed his eyes, and asked silently in his heart: "Jieying, do these worms have any other functions?"

  Since the body of the beast has so many magical functions, then the insect...should also have it.

"Uh...that." Jieying's tone was a bit hesitant, "There should be... But I don't know the specific method, those civilizations that have developed for a long time in the horizon of the stars may record the way of using the body of the insect, But I haven't encountered this civilization, so I don't know."

   "I see." Yu Cang nodded, not surprised.

  However, although Zhi Chong's body can't be used, he doesn't intend to just kill Zhi Chong directly.

   Professor Guan Qingrui’s words gave him some inspiration.

  He definitely can't stay in the Jieying Campus all the time, and if he is not here in the future, if he encounters an insect attack, the people here must have their own fighting power.

He didn't let Professor Guan Qingrui take action just now. First, Professor Guan couldn't beat him, and second, he was just a scientific researcher after all, and he didn't know anything about combat. Even if he summed up a set of combat memory models, Yu Cang couldn't rest assured. Let him fight alone.

   Combat is not a child's play, it must go through a lot of practice to be reassuring.

  So, he planned to imprison these knowledge insects and use them as a training ground to cultivate the combat ability of these researchers.

  As for how to make this driving's pretty simple.

   "Jieying, separate another bubble world and envelop this ice ball."

   "Yes, my lord scholar."

  Bounded by the influence of Jie, he turned his head, and dazzling starlight burst out from his huge body, and then he heard a crisp sound of "Bo", a bubble was thrown out by him, and it just wrapped the ice puck well.

   While this new world of bubbles was still shaking, Yu Cang stretched out his hand:

   "Entry implantation: [Creation], [Seal], [City]!"


Cracks suddenly appeared on the layer upon layer of solid ice, and these cracks became more and more numerous. Finally, more than half of the solid ice shattered on the spot, turned into shards and floated in the air, and then melted into rhythmic lines , and finally disappeared.

   And those parts that haven't cracked have directly turned into a city!

This city is guided by the entries [Creation] and [City], and was created according to part of Yu Cang's memory, so the style of the city looks like a hodgepodge, but overall, it is very similar to Yu Cang's previous experience. of Yujiang.

   It's just that every brick and tile here is made of solid ice, the sky is covered with clouds, and heavy snow keeps falling, with some hail mixed in from time to time.

  The worms were thawed at this moment, they woke up on the ground made of ice, moving their limbs, occasionally making rhythmic sounds.

  After the activities came, these worms looked very anxious, and a few of the irritable ones couldn't sit still immediately, and their heads were on the rampage, but they couldn't do any damage to the surrounding ice.

  There are smarter mouthparts dancing, trying to chew off the ice layer formed by the rhythms around them, but as soon as they put their mouths on, they feel that the mouth feels wrong.

   Damn, why is it so hard!

   They couldn't chew at all, and even almost gnawed off their mouthparts.

   Yu Cang was suspended above the ice city, and he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the bubble world in front of him was indeed generated according to his own wishes.

  The worm can't chew it, naturally because of the [seal] entry that I planted.

  In order to transform this bubble world, he directly implanted two handed down entries—anyway, these handed down entries can’t be implanted in his hands now, so it’s better to use the implant cooling in the consciousness world.

  Using entries to affect the Xingtian horizon is still not as convenient as directly using one's own knowledge.

If you use your own knowledge, then the final result of this knowledge will be completely according to your own will, but if the entry is implanted... your own thoughts can only be used as a guide, and whether it can be achieved in the end depends on See luck.

   Fortunately, as far as I can see, my luck is good. This bubble world is no different from the creation I imagined, and I can use it.

  In the future, this ice city will serve as a place for scholars to learn how to fight within the horizon of the stars.

   "Squeak! Squeak!"

  Yu Cang heard that among the worms below, a few smart-looking guys were chirping at him, as if... wanted to communicate with him?

  However, as soon as they came to this place, they were locked in the ice city by themselves, and they didn't even have time to find the language of Yan Kingdom from the rhythm, so Yu Cang still couldn't understand what they wanted to express.

   "Jieying." Yu Cang said, "Is Zhichong born in the same way as you?"

   "No, Master Scholar." Jieying's voice came from outside the bubble world, "Sense beasts are conceived by the Xingtian Sight, but Sense Insects are not. They will reproduce themselves, very difficult to deal with..."

  Hearing the news, Yu Cang's eyes lit up.

  He said: "That means... worms can be bred?"

   "Eh." Jieying swallowed, and he blinked, "It seems... that's true."

   "Then these worms, are they easy to feed?"

   "I don't know...but as long as there are enough rhythms for them to eat, it is no problem in theory. Compared with beasts, insects do not have so many requirements for the quality of rhythms."


   There was a smile on Yu Cang's face.

   It is a good thing to be able to raise them.

   Now he doesn't know how to use Zhi Chong's body, but it doesn't mean he won't know in the future.

  If you can breed... then you don't have to worry about it when there is a demand for worms in the future!

   Add another function to the function of the ice city—the insect breeding base!

   Yu Cang nodded with satisfaction.

   "Jieying, fix Bingcheng near the Jieying campus, don't let it run around."

   "Okay, my lord scholar."

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to know." Yu Cang looked at Jieying, "I don't seem to have found any record of a large-scale invasion of worms in the history of Blue Star. I want to know, this time I encountered these worms. Worm, is it because of a pure coincidence, or is there something else hidden?"

   "This... shouldn't be a coincidence." Jieying lowered his head, pointing his two long and narrow side fins together in front of his body, his tone seemed a little guilty, "I'm sorry, scholar, Jieying should have told you earlier..."

   "Oh?" Yu Cang raised his brows slightly, "It's okay, let's talk about it first."

   "Okay." Jieying said hastily, "That's right, although the knowledge worm can directly plunder knowledge, this ability sounds domineering, but it has many restrictions.

"We beasts can eat anything, because we are just copying, and insects...their eating method is very domineering, but at the same time, it takes more effort to find food. If they want to eat some advanced Rhythm, the time it takes will be extremely long.

"Even some weak worms can't 'bite' the shell of advanced rhythms. Not to mention that many advanced rhythms will 'resist'. Therefore, even if a group of worms pass by a certain world, if there is no one to help them, You can only eat some ordinary rhythms on the periphery, and you can't get into it to eat.

"So, there are generally two ways for worms to eat high-level rhythms. One is to parasitize in the body of a psychic beast just like you did when you first met me. It is very easy for worms to absorb high-level rhythms. worms can be directly from the Some preliminarily digested high-level rhythms have been obtained in the body of the beast.

   "Another to find scholars to cooperate with. Especially the first sage like you to enter the horizon of the stars in one world, you are the most hopeful partner for them to cooperate with."

   "Oh?" Yu Cang rubbed his chin, "That is to say, these worms may also come to me to 'look for a job'?"

   "Ah, so to speak."

   "...You won't tell me that the fact that Blue Star has a 'saint' has already spread in Xingtian Vision?"

   "No!" Jieying explained, "Insects have the ability to perceive scholars who can enter the field of vision of the stars. These insects may pass by here and happened to see you, so they came here!"

   Yu Cang was a little dumbfounded.

   "Then what can these worms do for me?"

  Jieying's raw material for creating the bubble world is his own body. Those who know insects with small arms and legs, no matter how they think about it, they can't do this job.

"It's like this." Jieying explained, "The ability to recognize insects is very overbearing, and they hide in the field of vision of the stars. It is difficult for the strong in this world to find them. If you have any enemies, just let these insects come out quietly. The Xingtian vision is parasitic in his brain... Although eating some important memories will cause alertness, it is still easy to erase some corner memories when the strong man is not paying attention.

"Another point is that the worms are very sensitive to the existence of scholars. They can help scholars find other people with the potential of scholars around the world, and erase the possibility of these people entering the field of vision by devouring memories... This is also Why do they like to cooperate with saints? There are many 'sages' who hope to monopolize the right to use the star field of vision in this world, and the insects can perfectly meet their needs."

   "...a very powerful ability."

   What Sophon.

  Technical lock, right?

  He finally understands that this worm is not the one who does good things.

  Yu Cang turned his head and looked at the worms that kept screaming in the ice city, trying to communicate with him.

  He will definitely not do this kind of monopoly.

  There is no normal world near the blue star, like an isolated island. The desolate beast doesn't know what kind of conspiracy it is gestating, and it is really too long to die if it is still thinking about internal fighting at this moment.

  Xingtian Vision, Yu Cang will definitely promote it—of course, after Yu Cang has enough power and influence. With entry loggers around, that day isn't too far away.

  However, aside from that, the ability to recognize insects is also very useful to him.

  Knowledge insects can help him find people with scholarly potential. This ability can be used to collect talents. What kind of monopoly is it?

  Yu Cang cast his eyes on the ice city and thought for a while.

   If you want to let the insects work for you, then you must provide them with some advanced rhythms.

  These rhymes enter their mouths, and they can't come out.

  For Yu Cang now, this is a disadvantage.

   Moreover, he doesn't have a good impression of the insects now. Some of the insects in the ice city don't even have basic wisdom, they only know how to run rampant. This kind of beast-like behavior made Yu Cang not dare to trust them with the work of collecting talents.

  Yu Cang carefully looked at the few intelligent worms, remembered their rhythmic breath, then turned around and left the ice city.

   Shut them down for a while, and then suppress the flames.


  Jieying Campus.

  Guan Qingrui's eyes widened when he saw Yu Cang's profligate behavior.

  Beside him, Ren Zheng also had trembling eyes, apparently irritated.

   "Principal, Xiao Cang this, this, this..." Guan Qingrui couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

  In the beginning, Yu Cang used [Han Tian] to freeze all the worms, and he could accept it, but silently sighed in his heart that he was useless, and he needed young people to make sacrifices instead of them.

  But then Yu Cang threw out a lot of entries casually, he really couldn't sit still.

   What a waste! Isn't this pure waste!

  Obviously your first strike is enough to kill all these insects!

  Ren Zheng was also quite **** off, but he basically remained calm.

  Intuition told him that Yu Cang should not be such a wasteful person...he should have his own ideas.

   "Wait a minute... Let's see how Xiao Cang and others will explain."


  Behind the two of them, Feng Qi didn't dare to take a breath.

   Damn, what did he see!

  In just such a short while, he didn't even figure out what the Jieying Campus was, so let him watch this?

  Yu Cang's actions just now shocked him too much.

   Just a snap of the fingers, a piece of space was frozen, and another wave of the hand created a world directly!

  Although Jieying also made a move, but judging by his pitiful appearance next to Yu Cang, he was probably a support player.

  You are so humble... You said that you didn't create this Jieying Campus. I'm afraid it was created by you with a wave of your hand...

  Feng was shocked.

  At this time, a flash of light flashed by, and Yu Cang's rhythmic body appeared beside him.

   Before he could stand still, Guan Qingrui's voice came from one side.

   "Xiao Cang!" His voice trembled, "How about it... Can you still remember the rhyme you used just now?"

  Yu Cang shook his head: "I can't remember."

   To be precise, he didn't remember it.

   Several entries were provided by the recorder, and it never occurred to him.

  He is not enough to learn the rhythm handed down from generation to generation.

"Ouch!" Guan Qingrui let out a mournful cry, looking even more uncomfortable than he had forgotten, "You are so confused...Xiao Cang, just because you can master so many handed down rhythms at such a young age doesn't mean that your speed at learning the handed down rhythms is always the same. It's all so fast..."

At the beginning, there was a genius in Yan Country who made a handed down soul card at the age of fourteen, and he was also famous in Yan Country at that time, but since he became an adult at the age of eighteen, he seemed to have suddenly lost his aura, and he couldn't learn anything. In the end, everyone disappeared...Speaking of it, this person and Yu Cang seem to be about the same age.

  Ren Zheng frowned: "Xiao Cang, tell me what you think."

  Yu Cang smiled lightly.

  Professor Guan's and Ren Zheng's reactions did not exceed his expectations... It doesn't matter, as long as he uses [Cold Sky] again tomorrow, their worries will naturally be dispelled.

  So he was not in a hurry, he just opened his mouth and explained the existence of the insects and his purpose of setting up the ice city.

   "...Xiao Cang, your idea is indeed good." Guan Qingrui sighed, "But you can tell us... I can do this kind of thing..."

  Yu Cang did not answer Guan Qingrui, but suddenly said: "Professor Guan, you created a combat memory model, right? Can you tell me the principle?"

"Oh, this..." Guan Qingrui didn't mean to hide it, "It's very simple, it is to preset a set of derivation models in your mind, and what rhythms you forget during the battle, as long as you activate this model, you can quickly forget things It is deduced that it is very suitable for fighting in the Xingtian Sight... because I have just perfected it, and there are still many details that have not been processed, so I did not tell you."

   "That's it." Yu Cang nodded, and then said, "Professor Guan, what if I tell you that the rhythms I used just now have already used similar techniques to form 'models'?"

   "That can't be... What did you say?" Guan Qingrui was stunned, and re-confirmed in disbelief, "Xiao Cang, the battle memory model I said refers to the one that I can quickly deduce after using a certain rhythm..."

  Yu Cang nodded affirmatively: "That's right, that's what I meant."


  Guan Qingrui stopped talking.

  He felt that Yu Cang was lying.

   Can the prosody handed down from generation to generation be deduced?

  If the handed down rhythm can be deduced, then why go to those dangerous places?

  You can get it in the lab with a piece of paper.

  But he murmured again in his heart: This Yanhuang Medal winner, he can't make fun of himself as a fool, can he?

   So he was silent.

Yu Cang could tell at a glance that he didn't believe him, but he didn't explain, he just said: "Professor Guan, Mr. Ren...Principal Ren, anyway, things are already like this now, so there's no point in getting entangled. How about this, tomorrow I'll repeat what I just said. Use one side of the used rhythm, the two of you should believe it, right?"

  Ren Zheng blinked.


  You said that you can deduce the rhythm handed down from generation to generation, it's fine, there are many unreasonable things about you, and this one is not bad... But you said that it only takes one day?


   "Okay, okay." Yu Cang walked out with two eyes, "You two should think about how to raise insects in the future, and don't worry about my affairs. You will know tomorrow."

  Guan Qingrui intends to refute, but here he is just a line of sight, where he can withstand the push of Cang Yun's rhythmic body, so he can only sigh helplessly, turn his head and leave.

  Seeing off the two of them, Yu Cang also heaved a sigh of relief.

  The entry recorder specifies that they can't let them know, and although this battle memory model is a bit nonsense, it can be used as an excuse.

  At least, it makes sense in theory, doesn't it.

   Turning around, Yu Cang looked at the gaze on the bench.

   "Sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

   "'s okay." Feng seemed more restrained than before.

   "Don't be nervous." Yu Cang sat down on the bench and stretched.

  He felt a little helpless.

  Originally, after he revealed the strength of this place, this peak would definitely rush to him and beg him to let him study here.

  But when that happened just now... it seems that Feng became timid, and now he even becomes cautious when speaking.

   Then you can only take the initiative yourself.

   "Feng." Yu Cang said, "You are also a card maker, right? How about it? Do you want to come here to study for a while?"

  Hearing this, Feng's eyes seemed to brighten a lot for a moment.

  Yu Cang smiled lightly.

   My heart is moving.

  But who knows, Feng hesitated for a long time, but still shook his head.

   "...sorry. I'll just... forget it."

  When Feng said this, Feng's eyes were a little dim, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

  Yu Cang was very surprised.

   Judging by Feng's expression, he was obviously very excited just now.

   "Do you have any concerns?"

   "Well, actually I... well, it's nothing." Feng suddenly smiled, "Thank you for your kindness, but I have a special situation, so let's forget it."

  Yu Cang looked at Feng, and looked away for a while.

   "To be honest, there are very few people who can see here. You are very talented, and you are also a card maker, so it shouldn't be wasted. Is there any difficulty? Maybe I can help you."

"You can not help me."

   "I see that you really want to come here to study... Could it be that someone disagrees with you being a card maker?"

  Yu Cang could only think of this possibility.

"Roughly the same."

   "A family member?"

   "It is."

   "That's it...that's difficult." Yu Cang rubbed his hair.

  He actually didn't understand why some family members wouldn't allow him to be a card maker.

  This profession can be regarded as the most valuable profession... No matter whether the card making technology is high or low, you can always find a job after graduation.

   Could it be that Feng's family has hundreds of millions of property to inherit, and his family wants him to study business?

   Then there is no other way, this has to go to a specialist.

  In Blue Star, except for the third courtyard of the Soul Card, all other majors are in junior colleges.

"The suggestions of family members really need to be respected." Yu Cang sighed, "However, your own ideas are also very important. Go back and communicate with your family members. I can say responsibly that your You are very talented, if you don't do this job, it will be a loss for the entire Yan Kingdom, I can ask Principal Ren Zheng to go to your family and say this in person."

  Hearing this, Feng smiled.

   "Really, I'm so good."

   "Maybe it's even worse than this." Yu Cang clicked his tongue, "In short, no matter what happens, face up to your own heart. It doesn't matter what others want you to be, what matters is what kind of person you want to be."


   "Okay, let's talk about this." Yu Cang said, "Go back first... If you encounter any difficulties, you can come to the Card Creator Academy to find me at any time. By the way, my name is Yu Cang."

   After finishing speaking, Yu Cang waved Feng and sent Feng out of the Jieying Campus.

  (end of this chapter)

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