Chapter 258 When the fragrance of the soul is gone, I will leave

Chapter 258: The lingering soul is extinguished, and I’m leaving

 “Miss Yu, I’m here to see you.”

Ji Xun has never felt that a word has made him so heavy.

The old man lying on the chair by the window also trembled slightly.

 There was silence in the room for a moment.

 She then responded: "Mr. Ji Xun."

The name "Exit" seems a bit unfamiliar.

 But as soon as I opened my mouth, the feeling was the same as before.

Suddenly, Ji Xun seemed to see the silly girl who greeted him with a smile a hundred years ago, sitting in front of the window, waiting for him.

Countless thoughts were swirling around him, and he didn't know what to say, so he said: "Miss Yu, long time no see."

The old man's tone was too calm and he said softly: "Well, it's been a long, long time."

 She has been waiting for this meeting for a hundred years.

Hearing the words "Long time no see", Ji Xun's eyes turned red without realizing it.

 He walked over.

These few short steps seem to have spanned time and space, going an extremely long time.

 The old man on the chair waited quietly.

 These breaths are neither long nor short.

 Not long in her long life.

  But not short either.

 It seems to be the epitome of what she has missed her whole life.

As if returning to the anxiety she felt as a girl, she couldn't help but ask one more question: "Would you be disappointed if you saw the former 'fisherman' become a gray-haired old woman?"

Ji Xun didn’t answer, nor did he stop.

 Feeling the weak "qi movement", at this moment, he felt like his heart was cramping while breathing, and he just murmured: "Silly girl, why have you waited for me for so many years."


As the old man listened, a gentle smile appeared on his old face.

This "silly girl" made her feel as if her entire life of waiting was no longer painful.

 She smiled in relief: " are Mr. Ji Xun."

 She is still her.

 And that person is still the Mr. Ji Xun in my memory.

 The moment she heard the familiar voice in her memory, she also remembered herself as the years passed.

The incense burner in the corner of the room was sending out curls of green smoke.

 A refreshing aroma fills your nose.

Ji Xun walked gently to the window and saw the old man in a blue dress lying on the chair.

Silver hair is pulled up high, dignified and elegant.

She just sat there quietly, as if time had not failed, which was already very beautiful.

The old man also listened to the footsteps behind him, and his eyes became gentler and gentler, with a touch of expectation.

Ji Xun walked to the chair and turned around for a moment, suddenly realizing that two different time and spaces overlapped.

Eye contact.

 At first glance, he saw those familiar eyes.

There is a touch of freshness and elegance between the eyebrows, and the clear eyes are shining with a little starlight.

 Just like the familiar appearance in my memory.

The old man looked at him, his eyes trembled, and then a slight smile of relief appeared.

 When it’s done, your wish is fulfilled.

 There will be no regrets in this life.

At this moment of trance, Ji Xun seemed to see the bright and cheerful girl in his memory.

 He murmured unconsciously: "Miss Yu, my name is Ji Xun. Nice to meet you."

The old man also said the words happily: "Mr. Ji Xun, my name is Song Yu. Nice to meet you."

It looks like the two of them had a tacit understanding a hundred years ago.

She has a head full of green hair that has turned white, but it is still meticulously combed; her face bears the traces of time, but it is still graceful and elegant; her eyes are clear, but they have a little more wisdom accumulated over the years.

This girl who has been elegant all her life, looking at her sweetheart who has been thinking about her all her life, seems to be looking at her youthful self from afar.

 She has been preparing for this meeting for many years.

Song Yu, who was walking at the end of his life, looked at the face in front of him that was exactly the same as in the photo. Even though he had long looked down on everything, he still couldn't help but sigh in his heart and sighed slightly: "You are still the same as before. It's a pity that I am old. "

 There seems to be too much to say in my heart.

But after sighing, she finally said only one sentence: "The most romantic thing in my life is that I met you at the most beautiful age. But the most regrettable thing is that I met you at the most beautiful age. If... it was a hundred years later. Years will be fine.”

Hearing these words, Ji Xun felt an inexplicable sadness lingering in his heart. "Miss Yu, why are you so stupid?"

Looking at Ji Xun's red eyes, Song Yu couldn't help but comforted him: "Ji Xun, don't be so sad. In fact, by the end of your life, you will have figured out a lot of things."

 Speaking these words seemed to have exhausted too much of her energy.

  After a moment of pause, she added: "Since I met you that year, I have learned that death is not the loss of life, but being frozen in time."

At this moment, Ji Xun felt the suffocation in his heart that had nowhere to vent, so much that his breathing was stagnant.

This tone seems familiar.

Just like how she comforted herself when they parted a hundred years ago.

That kind girl, she was already feeling very uncomfortable, but she wanted to comfort others.

Ji Xun has never felt the pain more clearly than now.

 That is an emotion more painful than death.

 He clearly felt that something very, very important in his life was about to pass away.

It's like holding a ball of quicksand. The harder you try, the harder it becomes to hold.

 How similar is this scene to that of the past?

 They both want to go to a "far place" that the other party cannot reach.

 Cannot be saved.

  Since I was like this, that silly girl who was as pure as a white rose must have been so helpless back then.

Song Yu looked at him and felt all the emotions he was experiencing at the moment. His eyes were shining brightly, and he comforted him again: "We will meet again, won't we? Fate has already favored us."

The smile on her face never faded, and she said: "I am really happy. You can come and see me off at the end of my life."

Ji Xun felt even more uncomfortable as he listened, and said with difficulty: "Miss Yu, you must have had a hard time these past few years."

Song Yu did not shy away from this topic. He thought about it and said, "Well, there was a point before. Later, I figured it out."

 Looking back at those countless days and nights, I felt really sad at the time.

 But it was precisely because of those thoughts that she shielded her from wind and rain and survived countless difficult days.

 Looking back now, it is still a profound life experience.

 In life, everything is regrettable, but everything is worth it.

 It was like a flashback, and the thoughts in my mind became extremely clear at this moment.

Song Yu did not talk about this topic anymore, but instead said: "Ji Xun, don't be sad for me, and I don't want to see you sad. Because my life is already very happy. I only need to be lucky twice in life to be great. Once is to meet the person you love, and once is to live to old age. Fate has been kind to me, and I have both."

 After speaking such a long sentence, the old man seemed to be a little tired.

Ji Xun reached out and held her old hand, holding the last bit of sincerity and beauty that was about to pass away.

 When he knew, like before, he couldn't grasp anything.

 But the moment they held hands, the two familiar souls seemed to feel some kind of intimate resonance.

 Age seems to be no obstacle at all.

 He is still him.

 She is still her.

Song Yu laughed at himself and asked, "Are my hands as old as tree bark?"

ˆ “.”

Ji Xun shook his head and said nothing.

Song Yu, who has reached the end of her life, of course no longer cares about skin, she only cares about Ji Xun.

 Looking at her, it seemed like she sensed something.

Song Yu knew that he didn't have much time, so he wanted to finish everything he wanted to say, and said with relief again: "Ji Xun, don't you think our meeting is magical? That magical [stamp] allowed us to know each other for hundreds of years. "

 It was as if the [big sword] had been left behind to give her a thought.

That thought sustained her through countless days of sadness and despair.

At this moment, Song Yu also left a thought for Ji Xun, and said slowly: "Don't be sad, don't be sad. If one day in the future, you really think of me, you can go and see me in the river of time. I will still over there."

Hearing this, Ji Xun's pupils shrank suddenly, and he seemed to see a bright light piercing the thick dark clouds in his mind.

 That’s right, the law of time!

 Time and space can be traveled!

Song Yu continued in a very soft voice: "Since [stamps] can allow us to meet, then one day in the future, will you also be able to go back to the past and see me? Not me now, but eighteen I am 20 years old. I think that the youthful 'Miss Yu' at that time will still be very, very looking forward to meeting Mr. Ji Xun."

She said meaningfully: "Looking back now, my life is like a storybook, which is exciting enough. I also want Mr. Ji Xun to read it again when he has the opportunity. Read what we are doing in Great time together”

ˆ “.”

Ji Xun listened to those words, and his thoughts seemed to fall into a state of emptiness.

 It was a sense of enlightenment as if a hole had been "pierced" in the cognitive barrier.

In an instant, the mystery of time seemed to be unveiled before his eyes, and he really touched it.

 But before I had time to think about it, I heard the tone next to my ear getting weaker and weaker.

“I had so much to say, but unfortunately, I don’t have much time.”

As Song Yu spoke, he opened his eyes with some difficulty as if he was sleepy every day.

She tried hard to spend the last moment of her life to see her lover one more time.

 It’s really exactly the same as in my memory.

In a trance, she seemed to have returned to the first time she saw this face.

Song Yu looked at Ji Xun, the smile on his old face was extremely happy and gentle.

"Oh, I have written you some letters over the years. But [stamps] failed to send them out. I originally wanted to burn them, but I was reluctant to leave them to you. If you want to read them, just read them. .”

The voice became fainter and fainter.

Ji Xun listened, as if his soul had been pulled away, and all his thoughts were breaking out, turbulently stirring up his soul.

At this moment, I heard the old man murmuring to himself, saying his last farewell words: "Mr. Ji Xun, goodbye. When the fragrance of the soul is gone, I am leaving."

Ji Xun found that the hand he was holding was still trying hard to hold him, but it was getting weaker and weaker.

 He quickly took hold of it.

 But I found that I couldn't hold it.


 Silly girl, don’t go!

Looking at those clear eyes gradually blurring, Ji Xun's face was already full of tears, and he said softly one last time: "Miss Yu, I like you!"

 Listening, Song Yu smiled.

With that said, Ji Xun went down and kissed the girl's forehead.

 At this moment, the green smoke from the incense burner in the corner suddenly stopped.

At the last moment of his death, Song Yu wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

 But she always had a happy smile on her lips.

 The last moment she closed her eyes, she looked at Ji Xun's eyes, which were still so gentle and full of love.

 But the next moment, the blood vessels all over her body lit up with pink light.

This fisherman lady, who had been elegant and arrogant all her life, disintegrated into pink rose petals in the sky under Ji Xun's kiss. Like a rose at the end of its flowering period, it eventually falls in the wind.

Looking at the petals all over the sky, in a daze, Ji Xun seemed to see that pretty face smiling at him, and also heard the familiar voice ringing in his ears: "Hello, Mr. Ji Xun, my name is Song Yu .Nice to meet you. Goodbye."

 But this time we say goodbye, it’s forever.

 Never seen again.

 You know, Mr. Ji Xun, meeting you is the greatest luck in my life.

 You know, Miss Yu, meeting you is also the greatest luck in my life.

 Fate is really like a clown, sometimes it likes to make people happy, sometimes it likes to tease people.

Ji Xun thought he would never be sad for anyone in this life, but when he saw Song Yu leaving, Ji Xun still had red eyes and tears streaming down his face.

 On the empty chair, only a picture frame remained.

Ji Xun remembered that this was what the silly girl had been holding in her arms.

 He stretched out his hand.

 I don’t know why my hands that wouldn’t shake even when killing people are trembling non-stop at this moment.

  Picked it up and looked at it.

 The background of the black and white photo is a beautiful small auditorium with a small spire.

 The walls of the auditorium are covered with waterfalls of roses.

 The flowering season is in full bloom and the flowers are blooming brilliantly.

 In the middle of the photo, the corners of the young man's mouth are slightly raised, and he looks heroic;

 The girl in the floral skirt had a happy and bright smile on her face.

 Youth is the most beautiful age.

 Their smiles are frozen in the photo.

Looking at that bright smiling face, what the girl said instantly came to Ji Xun's mind.

 Death is not the loss of life, it is just frozen in time.

 “Silly girl, I will come to find you in the long river of time”

Ji Xun held the photo frame and muttered to himself.


 Looking at the black and white photos, it seems like yesterday.

It was as if I could see that cheerful girl with bright eyes and white teeth coming back to life before my eyes.

 But the empty chairs in front of him made sad thoughts immediately come to his mind.

Ji Xun also knew that for her, that was a hundred years ago.

 For him, it has been a lifetime.

Ji Xun just stood there blankly holding the photo frame.

for a long time.

for a long time.

There is a small bookshelf next to the chair, which is densely packed with letters in dark yellow envelopes.

I haven’t sent it yet, but I have organized it neatly.

After his thoughts calmed down a bit, Ji Xun sat on the chair that was still slightly warm.

 Lie down for a while.

 He took down a bunch of letters and opened them one by one.

 The beautiful and kind handwriting comes into view.

"Ji Xun, when you read these letters, I will be gone. I leave these letters not to make you sad. But to let you know that I have really lived a happy life. Thank you. Thank me. I have you in my life.”

Ji Xun looked at it, his eyes seemed to have endless grit.

"June 11th, today is the third day since you left, Mr. Chaoyang. I'm sorry, I cried unsatisfactorily for a long time. Don't laugh at me. Then, I remembered that I still have a magical [stamp]~ "

"Today is the fourth day. I want to tell you that I remember everything about us, but I have forgotten your name and appearance. Obviously I miss you all the time, but why do I forget your appearance? Well, it’s not even in the photo anymore. I was so sad. Later I asked my grandpa, and he said that it seemed that some memories were disturbed by the law, and he was very distressed.”

"Today is the thirteenth day since we were separated. Mr. Chaoyang, I know clearly that it may take a long time for us to see each other again. But I am still afraid that you will suddenly come back one day and I will not be there. So I have been in the tree house these days. . If I open the door and see you, I will be very surprised."

“Today is Mr. Chaoyang. I have faced life bravely as I promised you, reading, playing the piano, growing flowers, and writing to you.”

“Every time I miss you, I take out the letters we exchanged and read them several times, and then burst into tears. Chaoyang, do you think I am useless? I can’t do anything.”

“Mr. Chaoyang, if you don’t reply to my letter, I will ignore you! Hum, I won’t write to you anymore. Well, if you reply to me, I will still write to you.”

“Some interesting things happened today. Do you remember the bird’s nest outside the window sill of the tree house? Haha, today I found that the skylark I fed last year came back and brought its mate with it.”

“Chaoyang, you know, every year when the roses are in full bloom, I go back to the manor and stand under the flower wall of the chapel, thinking that we have taken pictures here.”

"It's been ten years, Chaoyang, where are you? I'm very sad today. When I looked in the mirror, I found a wrinkle at the corner of my eye. If you don't come to see me, I'm afraid you won't recognize me. Even if you do, it's still... She’s an old girl (* ̄︿ ̄)”


“This year is the fifteenth year since we were separated. Oh, I don’t want to tell you, but I recently got seriously ill. It’s very bad. I’m afraid I won’t be able to see you anymore.”

"Chaoyang, time flies so fast. I have been waiting for fifty years and still haven't heard from you. The passage of time has made me forget too many things. I am afraid that one day I will forget you too, but I I can’t bear to part with you. Even if I forget everything, I still don’t want to forget you.”

"Obviously I thought we were separated not long ago, but unknowingly, it has been sixty years. The second half of my life is like a reflection of time. It often reminds me of my youth. Even though the years have changed, I still feel that it was The happiest days of my life."

"I was confused for many years as to why [Stamps] didn't send letters out again. It wasn't until these few years that I gradually realized it. It wasn't that the letters weren't sent out, but that it had exhausted its energy when it allowed us to meet each other. Wow, doesn’t it mean that when the [stamp] has more energy, you can send me a letter again? To the eighteen-year-old me? Hahaha. Thinking of this, I suddenly don’t feel sad. Well, it’s still very good. Looking forward to it."

"Time is passing faster and faster. Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that I am already very old. I always feel very weak when I go on a long trip. I feel that in a few years I won't be able to find you everywhere. . I asked the younger members of my family to take the [Big Sword] to major cities. If you see it, remember to come see me as soon as possible. I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for you."

“This year marks the 70th anniversary of our separation.”

“Time flies so fast. It seems like a blink of an eye. This year is already the 81st year since we parted.”

"The younger generations in the family reminded me that this year is my 100th birthday. Oh my God, I am so old. But every time I write a letter, I still feel that I am the fisherman that Mr. Chaoyang knew. Well, My birthday wish is still to see you."

“Time is really amazing. It makes me forget a lot of memories, but it also makes some memories become more mellow.”

“Oh, I finally understand some of the mysteries of time in stamps. Every time I think of that time, I am still very lucky. I met the most handsome you at the most beautiful age~”

“The detective I commissioned said that he found you! I finally understood everything. I understood that the time you didn’t tell us about the meeting turned out to be a hundred years later. It’s really amazing.”

"I leave these letters not to make you sad. But to let you know that because of your presence in my life, I have been very happy and have no regrets. What's more, I want to tell you that I will always feel like you when I write. By my side. And after reading these letters, do you also feel that I am by your side? Hahaha, then we have been with each other for a lifetime? But from now on, you are the only one, so be good."


There were a lot of letters, but Ji Xun read them carefully, word by word.

 These letters span a full hundred years.

 Every word between the lines is filled with deep thoughts.

 Later, it was like talking like a family member.

Ji Xun looked at these letters and realized that people can really rely on longing and memories to love someone with whom they have no contact, year after year.

 No letter was sent, but the silly girl was still writing silly.

 She thought about what she had done before, thinking that [stamps] could help her deliver these letters to Chaoyang.

I have also looked forward to replying to you countless times.

 But I was disappointed countless times.

 Even if I never received any reply,

 She still insisted on writing.

Even though the years have changed, she is still the simple and kind-hearted girl in her memory.

 Even the tone of the letter has not changed.

She had a glimpse of some of the mysteries of time, and she was afraid that the "Chaoyang" who received the letter would not remember her.

  I used to write almost every day.

 Later, there were several days, more than ten days and several months apart.

  But at most one year.

 Almost every year, Song Yu writes a letter on the fixed day of June 8.

 Because that was the day they parted a hundred years ago.

I don’t know how long it took before Ji Xun finished reading these letters and let out a long breath.

A letter is like the girl’s intimate chatter in her ear.

Obviously they are just ordinary words of longing, but they make people's soul seem to be soothed. The sadness is still there, but it is gentler and deeper.

 She recounted her life in her letters.

Although Ji Xun was a hundred years late, he seemed to have seen with his own eyes every bit of her growth experience over the years.

 As a reader, I personally accompanied her and read her life.

These letters will be read again and again by Ji Xun for many years to come.

As the letter said, the two seemed to be together in this way, crossing time and space.

 “silly girl”

While Ji Xun felt melancholy, the mystery of the time in front of him gradually became clear.

 He knew that these letters were a priceless gift from Song Yu to him.

 Some of her understanding of the mystery of time is hidden between the lines.

Ji Xun's thoughts immediately came to that question.

Since the [Time and Space Stamp] allows him to travel through time and space,


 If stamps could be reused in the future, or if I could see into the mystery of time in the future, would I go back to see her?

Most definitely!

 This thought flashed through Ji Xun's mind.

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and looked somewhere in the void, as if muttering to himself inexplicably: "So, you are here, but I can't see you?"

Ji Xun feels that if he really has the ability to travel through time in the future, he will definitely be at this point. Let’s look at himself who has just come into contact with the mystery of time.

So, are my future self and I looking at each other at this moment?

for a long time.

 I didn’t wait for the response from “my future self”.

Ji Xun’s eyes were deep and confused.

 There seems to be some kind of cognitive conflict.

 He cannot understand something beyond what he currently knows.


 What is the nature of time?

 Like a story book that has already been written?

After mastering the power of the laws of time and space, from the high-latitude perspective of a "reader", which page should I turn to if I want to see it?

 It's as if Song Yu's life has ended and her story has ended.

 But if you turn it back, she is still there.

 What about myself?

 Is it an unfinished storybook? Or will it be finalized only when it is finished?

Or maybe the protagonist of this storybook is the "universe" itself, which never changes with the will of all things?

The countless thoughts in my mind are getting more and more complicated.

Ji Xun knew that it was a higher dimension that he could not recognize at the moment.

  The supreme law of the Law of Time will take a long, long time to comprehend in the future.

 I definitely can’t figure it out now.

 But those letters from Song Yu seemed to have opened a hole in his cognitive barrier.

 Some light came in.

 This beam of light is very weak.

 But it has never been as dazzling as this moment.

 And it makes people persistent.

Having glimpsed the secret of time, Ji Xun felt more and more that human beings were really insignificant.

 And ignorant.

Just like when chatting with Master Merlin before, Ji Xun knew a saying about extraordinary laws: Even if humans can touch the laws of the universe, only less than 5% of them can be "perceived" by the five senses.

 The world you see is always the world expressed by your limited cognition, which is paranoid and narrow.

 The meaning of transcendence is to allow the card master to glimpse the mysteries of the universe that exist in itself.

 Including the mystery of time.

 Unconsciously, Ji Xun fell into a strange state of thinking.

 (End of this chapter)

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