Chapter 277 clown shadow trick

Chapter 277 The clown’s shadow trick

As soon as the blood mist cleared, the overall situation in the Shenxu Treasure House was decided.

In the dead city of innocence, a door of light appeared.

 The survivors who had been trapped in the secret realm for seven days also began to emerge one after another.

 Innocence City is an adventurous city.

City forces are mostly hunters, mercenaries and speculators.

 Death is also common for them.

Although many relatives and friends died, those who walked out of the light door were thankful that they survived.

 Every person's face showed the ecstasy of surviving the disaster.

  It's like experiencing a highly difficult extradimensional space. Those who survive almost always have their own great opportunities.

"Hahaha, we are really out! Oh, I also got a volume of gold-level potion formulas. This thing is worth at least tens of millions when sold to alchemy potion manufacturers. Now I am prosperous."

“I am a mechanic, and I got these pages of the "Tras Mechanical Manuscript" which records a lot of technologies that the Federation does not currently have! Oh my God, I have a premonition that the mechanical revolution is coming."

“I also got a secret volume of third-level secret spells. This is a spell that I have never seen in the library of the Federal Royal Academy.”

"My dear, I didn't expect that there are so many legendary strong men in the City of Innocence! "Valkyrie" Qin of the Revolutionary Army, "Four-Eyed Monk" Jialan, and the Thief Emperor "Yeying" Kuntu. I have always been I have never seen so many top strong men. And who was the old qigong master just now? Why do I feel like he is stronger than the legend?"

“Tsk, tsk! The original legend is true. It’s really eye-opening that there are higher extraordinary levels above the sixth level.”

“Although many people died this time, after today, our card master civilization will flourish. It is said that those legendary strong men have already found a way to break through the ‘super level’”

“Yes. The long-standing inheritance has been continued, which makes people look forward to it just thinking about it.”

“We, the Great Ivan Chamber of Commerce, spend a lot of money to purchase various martial arts, spells, potion scrolls, secret scrolls, and mechanical blueprints produced in the secret realm.”

ˆ “.”

 Most people do not know what those vampires mean, nor do they know the existence of the Silver Moon Sect.

 After all, all cases related to believers of the old gods are handled confidentially.

 Prevent people from reciting the names of old gods, which may lead to the spread of contamination.

Ordinary card masters don’t worry so much, they care more about the harvest.

The survivors who walked out of the light door were all sighing and chatting in groups about their experiences these days.

 It can be said that almost all those who can leave the secret realm alive have something extraordinary.

 The essence of the secret realm is a trial.

 They completed the difficult trials and received “rewards” that suited them.

 It is lucky to be alive, and even more lucky to be rewarded.

 Although there were very few people who survived this time.

 One hundred does not exist.

 But there is only one exit from the secret realm.

 In Downing Street.

 Many people did not go far after coming out, but continued to wait to see if they could wait for their relatives and friends to return.

 Gradually, the exit of the secret realm became crowded and became as noisy and chaotic as a train station.

Quietly, an inconspicuous middle-aged man wearing a cloak also walked out among the crowd.

 He got into the alley, looking like he wanted to leave silently.

 But after walking a few steps, a young man walked out of the shadows in the corner.

 Like waiting for a long time.

 The light illuminated a bloodless face.

If Ji Xun were here, he would probably recognize the mushroom-headed hairstyle as Jia Yu.

 But now he was so skinny that he was falling off his bones.

Jia Yu looked at the cloaked man and said, "Captain."

The man in the cloak was stunned, "Jia Yu?"

This is none other than Xie Guozhong, who has not been seen for a long time.

 Looking at Jia Yu's appearance, he seemed very puzzled and asked, "Why are you injured like this?"

The mushroom head chuckled: "That's not important. What's important is that I'm here waiting for the captain."

 Xie Guozhong looked confused: "Wait for me?"

Jia Yu smiled mysteriously and asked instead: "Captain, where are you going now?"

Xie Guozhong frowned and seemed unwilling to mention this topic: "I have some personal matters to deal with."

Jia Yu shook his head after hearing this and said nothing more. "If he is the captain, he will definitely fight to the last moment. He will not come out early."

Hearing this, Xie Guozhong frowned.

 There was a conflicting feeling in his heart: Yes, why didn’t I fight the vampire to the end?

 Human cognition is a very complex thing.

 If it is tampered with, it will cause a series of reactions.

 It’s okay to be insignificant, but if it’s an issue that conflicts with your own worldview and values, it will be very abrupt.

 Just like a tower of blocks, there may be no problem in extracting many wooden bars.

But if it touches a certain supporting wooden bar, it will collapse.

 Xie Guozhong is far more determined than ordinary people, has a solid outlook on life, and the justice in his heart is his pillar.

 Tampering with it a little bit would actually conflict with his entire outlook on things.

 It’s fine if no one wakes me up.

 If you really need someone to remind you, you will suddenly wake up and find that your behavior and ideas are in conflict.

Hearing this, Xie Guozhong’s eyes instantly became foggy and he fell into confusion.

Jia Yu did not mince words anymore and explained the situation directly: "Captain, some of your perceptions have been tampered with by the old gods."

Hearing this, Xie Guozhong suddenly understood something, "Am I contaminated?"

 “No. At least not yet.”

Jia Yu shook his head and said, "If you are contaminated, it is impossible for you to come out of the secret realm."

As he spoke, he looked at Xie Guozhong and said, "If I guessed correctly, the 'source of pollution' should be sealed in your body."

ˆ “.”

When Xie Guozhong heard this, his brain instantly stung, as if there was an idea eager to persuade him to leave here quickly.

With this thought, he felt inexplicably irritable, and his whole body was filled with evil energy that was rising uncontrollably, and his murderous intent was exposed.

 But there was obvious struggle on his expression.

 As if this behavior conflicts with certain obsessions.

This conflict was so violent that the strong man seemed to have had a fight with himself. In the blink of an eye, he was covered in sweat and panting heavily.

 “Huhu. Huh.”

At this moment, Xie Guozhong seemed to be trying his best to suppress the beast in his heart, and a low roar came from his throat.

 The eyes are sometimes confused and sometimes clear.

He raised his head suddenly, as if he could no longer suppress some of his thoughts, and asked angrily: "What the **** is going on?!"

When Jia Yu saw this, he understood something and said: "Count Nicholas tampered with your knowledge and let you escape with the source of pollution. But unfortunately, what he didn't know was that you predicted yourself before taking action. You may be affected, so some of your deep cognitions are solidified, and you will choose to 'trust me absolutely' deep down in your heart. This conflicts with your cognition that was subsequently tampered with. That's why you are so conflicted."

ˆ “.”

Xie Guozhong seemed to be stimulated when he heard it, and his whole body trembled.

 The voice in his heart told him that he must leave! !

must! !

"Shut up!"

 Xie Guozhong shouted loudly.

 This sound is more like saying to myself.

His evil spirit couldn't be suppressed after all, and it bubbled up.

However, just at the moment when he was about to run away, Xie Guozhong bit his tongue fiercely, a mouthful of red blood spurted out, and his eyes became clear for a moment.

His condensed spell power suddenly turned from outside to inside, and he shouted in a low voice, almost gritting his teeth: "All evils, Turin is sealed!"

In an instant, the red evil-killing spirit tattoos all over his body rushed into his body again before he could go berserk.

 The collision of two forces within the body is no less than being hit head-on by a top powerhouse.

He couldn't hold back the smell in his throat and another mouthful of blood spurted out: "Pfft~"

 Such as being seriously injured.

 Xie Guozhong's aura dropped by 90%, and the violent evil aura disappeared instantly.

 He chose to seal himself to prevent him from losing control and going berserk.

Jia Yu looked at Xie Guozhong who had sealed himself in front of him, as if he had expected it, and murmured: "Captain."

 This is the captain he knows.

ˆ “.”

 Xie Guozhong shook his head, not caring about his injuries.

As Mushroom Tou said, he had an intuition in his heart that made him choose to trust his former assistant.

After taking a few deep breaths, he suppressed his injuries and asked, "So, what happened?"

Jia Yu's eyes were deep and he explained: "Count Nicholas knew that he had no hope of escaping from the secret realm, so he only had one chance to bring out the 'source of pollution'. Either it would be on you or someone else. He didn't dare to bet on whether I could. You have the means to confirm the location of the jar. So if you put it on someone else, once it is discovered, you will definitely fall short. And captain, you are not only strong in strength and means, but the most important thing is that you are familiar with my character. Even if you are discovered, if I keep my hand, you There is a high chance that they will escape.”


 Xie Guozhong responded calmly.

 After pondering for a moment, he looked up and asked, "So, do I have to die?"

Hearing this, Jia Yu became unusually silent.

During the conversation, Xie Guozhong kept his eyes steady on the person in front of him.

 It was like seeing the mushroom head who was curious about everything when they first met.

Those days were really good.

 He smiled calmly: "If so, please kill me immediately."

That smile is more like encouragement.

Even at the critical moment of life and death, he did not hesitate.

 This is the justice in his heart.


Jia Yu closed his eyes and said after a long time: "I don't know."

Although this plan killed most of the senior Scarlet believers, including Count Nicholas, there are still some remnants outside.

 He could conclude that the Scarlet Corruption must have some backup plans.

 The current situation is that only by killing Xie Guozhong can you get the jar.

 Let’s find a way to deal with it.

 If he is not killed, he will either be polluted or pollute others while he is alive.

 Sooner or later it is a bomb that will explode.

 By making Jia Yu hesitate, Count Nicholas's purpose has been achieved.

“Xiao Nan, do you know when the exit of this secret realm will be closed?”

 “It should be after sunset.”

“In other words, there are about ten hours left?”


 “I plan to try the ‘Advanced Shadow’ trial.”

 “Huh? But that would be very dangerous.”

ˆ “.”

On the other side, in the secret realm, Ji Xun and Nan Jing packed up the remaining materials in the altar.

 Those pollutants aside, there are still a lot of extraordinary materials.

 Magic core, energy crystal, high-purity crystal, blood-patterned steel, abyss scale copper.

 Many of them are top-quality goods in Bureau X's warehouse.

Ji Xun also happily stuffed it into his storage ring.

The people in the Oran Royal Court probably knew that the overall situation was decided and they could not kill Nan Jing, so they quietly retreated.

Ji Xun didn’t find the jar in the altar, and he guessed that someone had probably taken it out.

 But he didn’t dwell too much on it.

If you can think of this yourself, the Light Chaser must have taken it into consideration.

 So there must be someone at the exit guarding some fish that slipped through the net.

 Don’t worry about it yourself.

The "Innocence City Incident" has caused such a big fuss that even the top federal officials have woken up, and Bureau X will also be purged.

Although it is not possible to completely eliminate the remaining believers of the old gods in the sewers, at least many of them will disappear for many years to come.

 But those are no longer what Ji Xun needs to consider right now.

 There is no more overwhelming crisis of pollution from the Old Gods.

This Shenxu treasure house has also resumed its original role.

 There are still sporadic fighting in the city.

The one who made the most noise was Gong Wu Nawu Chi, who was still chasing Count Nikolai with a hammer.

 It’s rare to encounter an opponent who doesn’t know the outcome. This is definitely not the old man’s character.

Then there are people like Ji Xun who want to seize the time to get more rewards, and they are also looking for opportunities everywhere.

Not long after, the two found an underground training ground where the Law of Fear still existed.

 The sun is shining outside right now, so there is no need to worry about monsters suddenly appearing. Although Nanjing was worried, he was also familiar with Ji Xun's character and didn't say much.

 Empty room.

Once Ji Xunmo was released, the power of the spell rolled like flames.

 He stood there, this time he did not absorb the threads of fear, but allowed them to invade his body and induce the instinctive fear in his heart.

 He was also curious about what he feared in his heart.

 After a moment, the fear was amplified, and a murderous intention suddenly condensed in the empty training ground.

High up, Nan Jing, who was swinging a pair of big white legs on an iron frame, was also the first to notice, and his pretty face became nervous for a moment.

 I just wanted to warn him to be careful, but I didn’t expect Ji Xun to react faster.

 He does a roundhouse kick.

 A muffled sound of "dong".

 Accurately and skillfully cracked the fatal sneak attack on the shadow.

Nan Jing blinked and breathed a sigh of relief, sighing in his heart: "His perception has become so strong."

Ji Xun kicked the guy behind him away, and he already made an assessment in his mind: Is his strength and agility still at the same level as when I came in before?

In the past few days, while he was clearing monsters with high intensity, he also improved his proficiency in "Yi" and "Qi Sense" by several levels.

 Just now I sensed the enemy in advance, so I could easily handle it.

However, Ji Xun also saw that this shadow did not have the integrity of a head-on contest at all.

  To achieve the goal, use any means.

 This is quite different from my usual personality.

On the opposite side, the gray figure stepped back ten meters, neutralizing the force, and then stood there.

Ji Xun's pupils narrowed slightly when he looked at the face that was exactly the same as his own.

 Shadow also looked at him.

The smile on its face is evil and weird, and the arc that stretches to the corners of its mouth reveals a violence and madness that is visible to the naked eye.

Ji Xun looked very familiar and murmured in his heart: "Demon personality, isn't it? To be precise, it is a monster that manifests those negative emotions that cannot be controlled by reason."

  He was still very confused before. He could even take life and death lightly, so why should he be afraid of it?

 This secret realm gave him the answer.

“So, what I fear is not death, but the fear that my uncontrollable will will twist myself into a monster?”

Ji Xun suddenly understood.

 It turns out that the fear hidden deep in my heart is myself.

 If his own will cannot control himself and allows it to turn into a monster, this kind of life will indeed be meaningless to him.

Ji Xun felt the fear in his heart, but remained calm.

 Fear has always been one of the weakest emotions for him.

He observed carefully, thinking that "Advanced Shadow" should be very difficult, and maybe he could do something he didn't know.

Just when he was thinking about what the other party would do, he suddenly saw the shadow body opposite him suddenly rise up, and in the blink of an eye he transformed into a werewolf.

Ji Xun raised his eyebrows slightly: "Is it true that I can't do it?"

 He is now contaminated by scarlet, and the blood plague suppresses the werewolf's ability to transform.

 But the shadow can.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a "pop" and the werewolf with red eyes rushed over.

 The speed was so fast that the moment Ji Xunba's body had just condensed, wolf claws appeared on his chest.

 The moment the overlord body touched the overlord body, there was a metallic muffled sound like a bell.

 The hard concrete floor also felt like it had been hit hard, and large spider web cracks instantly appeared.


The moment the two figures clashed, they immediately turned into two afterimages, colliding like ghosts in the huge training ground.

Ji Xun also realized the difficulty of "advanced shadow".

If it weren’t for absorbing a large number of extraordinary characteristics in the past few days, his attributes would have skyrocketed.

 Otherwise, I'm afraid that in the face-to-face encounter just now, my own attributes will be crushed by the transformation.

 Even severely damaged.

However, even if the physical attributes have reached the level of full body, it is still a little worse than the shadow of the werewolf state.

 Fortunately, the proficiency of various martial arts and magical mystical arts has been greatly improved in the past few days, and I can barely cope with the pressure with skills.

Ji Xun then fought fiercely with the werewolf shadow.

Having killed elementary and intermediate shadows before, he already knew that the other party was familiar with all his martial arts.

Shadow can think of almost everything he can think of.

 And the methods are even more sinister.

Ji Xun has finally learned his vicious side.

 Shadow will use any means that can hurt people.

Ji Xun himself never thought that even many martial arts skills could be used so viciously.

This kind of fighting not only consumes a lot of physical energy, but also cannot relax the mind at all.

 Think about what means the shadow will use to deal with you at all times.

 The "Devil Personality" is a pure killing machine, it does not have any burdens.

 Shadow will use the "Immortal Curse" to recover at all costs, which still becomes Ji Xun's biggest headache.

However, Ji Xun also has advantages.

 He has absorbed too much corrupted blood media and is worried that he cannot consume it.

Moreover, the blood plague contamination gave him some vampire recovery abilities.

This fierce battle was destined to last for a long time since both sides failed to end the battle quickly from the beginning.

 In the huge training room, it was like a thunderstorm night, with thunderous vibrations constantly heard.

 Enlightenment is constantly being refreshed.

"Fighting proficiency +331, you have advanced to 'Master Fighting Skills'"

“Combat Comprehension ‘Floating Kick’ Proficiency +21”

“You have captured the flaw of ‘Gangqi Prison’, and your proficiency is +17”

“Combat Comprehension, ‘Yu Liu·Beng’ proficiency +14”


 Like the previous two battles with shadows, Ji Xun's skill proficiency skyrocketed in his battle with himself.

Not only did he see his own shortcomings, but his understanding of martial arts also reached a new level.

It feels like two selves are practicing at the same time, and then all the insights converge on the ontology.

 Dangerous and wonderful experience.




ˆ “.”

The two men were fighting fiercely in the room.

On the steel frame on the top, the south mirror can also be watched intently.

 This Miss Meathead just realized that her friend whom she hadn’t seen for a long time had become so powerful.

The endless means are emerging, even with her current vision, she is dumbfounded.

From the very beginning of this battle with this bystander, it was destined that Ji Xun would not die.

 However, if outsiders intervene, the rewards will be much less.

 So Nanjing also listened to Ji Xun's instructions and never took action.

 She just looked at it.

 Watching Ji Xun fight with his own shadow for two full hours.

 Both sides are gluttonous breathing methods, possessing spell power and recovery abilities that far exceed those of the same level.

Like a tireless, fierce battle from beginning to end.

Nan Jing also noticed that Ji Xun was taking this opportunity to explore his own weaknesses and learn new things.

 The more the battle goes on, the higher Ji Xun's skill proficiency becomes.

 At a certain moment, the turning point of the battle appeared.

Suddenly, the enlightenment is refreshed: "Combat comprehension, proficiency in causing the gods to fall by +14, you have comprehended the magical power 'Natural Disaster·Earth Crying'!"

 At that moment, a strange color suddenly appeared on Ji Xun's expressionless face: "It's done!"

Actual combat is the best shortcut to improve martial arts.

Gong Wu once said that his understanding of most of his special skills was due to accidental death in actual combat.

 Sure enough!

These words have come true at this moment.

  The fragment of the magical power [Natural Disaster·Earth Ming] that I had never been able to learn before. In this kind of high-intensity fierce battle, I caught the moment of inspiration by chance.

Ji Xun did not hesitate to waste some of his life to drag out the battle until now.

 Just waiting for this opportunity.

 He has been waiting!


 Ji Xun’s depression was swept away.

 Shadow knows something that he doesn't know. Similarly, if he wants to kill Shadow, he has to use something that the other party doesn't know.

 This newly obtained magical power of [earth ringing] is perfect.

At the moment of realization, Ji Xun punched the shadow.

The violent shadow in his eyes was still immersed in that crazy fighting state.

He thought it was the same as before, thinking that even if he resisted a hard blow, he could recover instantly.

 Even regardless of the severity of the injury, he wants to exchange injury for injury.

However, unexpectedly, when Ji Xun punched out, the strange gravity lingering on his fist suddenly exploded.

Hitting in the air, it was as if a piece of transparent glass had been shattered, and the void was actually cracked with white light cracks.

 “Ba Fist·Earth Ming!”

Ji Xun saw that the shadow had been fooled, and his expression suddenly froze, and the gravity accumulated in his fist erupted like a volcano.


The sound of cracks caused by earthquakes and landslides shakes people's hearts and minds.

The shadow was dumbfounded. It didn't expect Ji Xun to hit such a punch that it couldn't understand.

 But if you want to react and dodge, it is already too late.

  The force of this punch not only covered the surface of the fist, but also a large space nearby, which was all shattered at the same time.

 The winner was decided at this moment.

 The magical martial arts triggered the laws of natural disasters. It was like a mirror being shattered, and the shadows in the mirror were also torn apart.



However, before Ji Xun could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt a "qi" appear in his own shadow!

"not dead!"

Ji Xun’s pupils shrank sharply.

Although I don’t know what secret method Shadow used to avoid the fatal blow just now.

 But from the moment he understood [earth ringing], no matter how hard this advanced shadow struggled, it had no chance of winning.

What's more, Ji Xun didn't give it a chance to attack.

Without hesitation, he punched out again, smashing the void where the "qi" was into pieces.

After the second kill, Qi Di gave the prompt: "Kill the 'Advanced Mirror Copy' and obtain the exclusive secret technique 'Joker's Shadow Trick*1'"


Ji Xun punched twice in succession, using up most of the mantra he had just accumulated.

Just about to take a breath to relieve the pressure on his heart, but in the blink of an eye, when he looked at Qi Di and the booklet on the corpse, his expression suddenly brightened.

 A soft eh.

  【Clown's Shadow Trick】

Detailed explanation: JOKER career sequence exclusive talent ability; after use, it condenses a shadow clone that can share perception and some abilities; the shadow can superimpose 100% of the body's perception, comprehension, and practice progress; the attached skill [Shadow Double] is immune to critical strikes;

“It’s actually an exclusive secret method?”

Ji Xun was stunned for a moment.

 Although he had previously felt that killing high-level shadows would bring high rewards.

 Unexpectedly, he got JOKER’s exclusive secret method.

“So, the shadow that escaped the fatal blow just now used this substitute ability?”

Ji Xun looked at the introduction to the secret method, his eyes slightly glazed over.

 This is a life-saving skill!

Ji Xun also saw another important point: can shadows be superimposed to achieve 100% perception?

“In other words, I can let the shadow practice in the future and do other things myself? Or practice at the same time to get double the effect? ​​Or is 1+1 greater than 2?”

Ji Xun didn't know if this secret method was what he understood.

But no matter what, this is just right for him who now has mastered many magical and mysterious methods!

 Before, I felt that there was too much to learn and I was too busy to do it alone, but now the shadows can practice and comprehend together.

Honestly exclusive magical skills!

 (End of this chapter)

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