Chapter 283 emergency meeting

Chapter 283 Emergency Meeting

“Chief, are you playing cards?”

“Ah yes, Erin, how many games do you want to play too?”

"Okay. I haven't played cards with the leader for a long time. What are you playing? Three people fighting against nobles?"


ˆ “.”

 In the backstage warehouse of Hong Tower.

Not only Jia Yu, but also Eileen, the chief intelligence officer, also sat around the table and played poker leisurely.

Ji Xun didn't know why while chatting, the three of them started playing cards again.

 The tense atmosphere that was evident just now is gone now.

Like a small ripple caused by a pebble falling into water, it soon subsided.

However, playing cards is also idle, and the topic of chatting is still what happened before.

 “Foreign wars inevitably lead to centralization of power. The Federal Parliament is going to be lively now.”

"Yes. Not only the parliament. The Royal Court of Oran should also have some ideas. After all, the Crown of Thorns is in the hands of the new king of Oran. Now that he has the only access to the Old Continent, his right to speak is much more important than before. Many. Those guys are determined to restore the country. If a few federal congressmen don’t give up their power, they will make a fuss.”

“Tsk, tsk, the abyss rift may not be able to stop those who can turn into dragons.”

"Yes. If the decision-making is not decisive enough, the changes in the Federation in the past few days may determine the fate of the major families in the Federation in the next hundred years. The five major congressmen may not dare to take risks. After all, they have enjoyed the comfort of the rich mineral layer for too long and have long since lost it. Determination to take risks. It will take some time for the enemy's army to invade the border. Hiding in the Eastern Continent, maybe they can still be nobles for a few years. On the contrary, the Lionheart family may have ideas."

"Yeah! I think so too. Judging from the current intelligence, the Lionheart family has a big layout. Whether it is the head of the family, "Silver-Eyed Lion" Carmon, or the recent younger generation, Katarina, they all have great ambitions. Even if they don't have this If something unexpected happens, the Lionheart family will sooner or later rise above the council."

ˆ “.”

Ji Xun is not very interested in the federal situation, and his height is not high enough.

 So he was listening most of the time.

 The Illuminati Priory is really like a bystander, they do not participate in politics.

However, Jia Yu and Irene almost deduce the future situation of the Federation in just a few words.

 The game of cards is still going on.

  Jia Yu: “Yes 2.”

Ji Xun: "Explode!"

  Irene: "Handsome guy Ji Xun, I'll give you a small single card~"

  Ji Xun: “A 3.”

Erin: "4. Haha, leader, you lost! Give me money!"

ˆ “.”

 Perfect technology will eventually defeat the scoundrels.

Regardless of Jia Yu’s all-out cards, Irene’s hint of flirting and flirting was still a big advantage.

And she also took special care of Ji Xun, a newcomer to the poker game.

 Even if Ji Xun was a noble, she would occasionally send cards.

Ji Xun has been playing double-player Rhodes these past few days. He has lost so much that he almost doubts his skills.

 He was also happy to see this mushroom head shriveled up.

 Jia Yu seems to have been accustomed to Irene's cheating at cards.

 Helping and helpless.

But even if he often plays one versus two, after playing a few more games, this guy's winning rate is still very high.

The copper coins piled up in front of his desk.

At this time, Ji Xun also asked curiously: "Aren't you afraid that the Federation will be destroyed?"

When Jia Yu heard this, he smiled and said: "In my eyes, the future is like the past, and history is repeating itself like today. If you look far enough, you will find that there is nothing new in history, especially politics. superior."


Ji Xun raised his brows slightly after hearing this.

 This is "I am the world".

 In this week's exchanges, he has gained a deep understanding of this mysterious magic method.

This guy can follow the historical context and deduce the rise and fall of dynasties.

 In his eyes, he must have seen something longer-term.

 That’s why we don’t panic.

As he spoke, Jia Yu's eyes gradually deepened, and he added: "Besides, this matter is not that simple. We have never lived in a peaceful and peaceful world. Crisis is always accompanied by opportunities. My teacher often tells me something The ancient proverb 'If there are no bloodthirsty beasts in the forest, the deer will become weak and exterminated'. It is not necessarily a bad thing."

Ji Xun listened carefully.

 Having realized where this mushroom-headed indifference comes from.

 The "Illuminati Hermitage" has always been a lonely traveler walking in the shadow of history.

 Times have changed and civilizations have changed, but they are still there.

 As long as they are here, the hope of civilization is there.

 Hong Lou’s utility room was in a leisurely mood.

 But outside, as the news spread, the entire Sinless City exploded.

 Hunters Guild, Mercenary Guild, Card Master Guild, Adventure Tavern.

 It was crowded with people inquiring about information.

 “I heard that a giant dragon appeared in the Old World and attacked the city? Oh my God, that kind of mythical creature actually exists!”

"That's false news! I just heard that a super-level ruins have been discovered over at Devil's Crossing, and the nobles are planning to surround them and develop them. There are really giant dragons, and they only appeared because of the appearance of the treasure. As for the The rest are all fake news spread by the nobles. It’s not like those guys have done this before.”

“I asked why the Nuggets Pier was blocked, but it turned out that I wanted to eat alone.”

"Yes! Don't listen to those nobles, we must go for this opportunity to make a fortune!"

ˆ “.”

 The common people had no idea what was going on.

There are all kinds of rumors.

 No one knew that the one attacking the city was another card master civilization that had been passed down by the "fire" for three thousand years.

I don’t know that the current Card Master Federation is in danger.

The Federal Parliament did block the news immediately and spread some ambiguous false news.

 After all, not everyone is qualified to know the truth.

 While Ji Xun and the other three were playing cards and chatting in the warehouse, they were in a heavily guarded building in Innocence City.

Chao, Bai, Morton, Olin, and Capone. High-level representatives of the five major parliamentary families and several major federal military families convened an emergency meeting here.

 The expressions of the top leaders, who are usually aloof and aloof, are getting uglier than the last at this moment.

 The atmosphere of the meeting was very serious.

"The people from the Bai family who responded have disposed of the bodies and sent some information. Now it has been basically confirmed that those who attacked Cross New City were another 'fire' from three thousand years ago. And what's worse, that empire It also has far greater strength than imagined. What is coming now is just a vanguard army. But it is said that the empire over there is not only the seventh level, but also stronger card masters and dragons!"

"Hey, I guessed it from the previous information. It may be a 'fire' that has been passed down continuously. Damn the Royal Court of Oran, you missed me for a thousand years!"

“There’s no point talking about it now. Think about how to deal with it.”

"Our current strength is completely incapable of fighting. We can only think of ways to defend. I think the war fortress on the Nugget Pier will fall sooner or later, and the focus of defense must be on the Innocence City."

 “You want to give up the Nugget Pier before we fight?”

"I didn't say give up, I just said that sooner or later it will fall, so it's better to make plans early."

ˆ “.”

 In the conference room, the well-dressed old gentlemen were all arguing and their faces turned red.

Under the destructive oppression of absolute force, it is difficult for these big men who are used to being pampered to maintain their elegance.

  After all, the Card Master Federation is really going to collapse, and they who are in high positions will suffer the most pain from the fall.

 And on the other side of the five major seats.

 As a military representative, sitting at the seat of Lionheart's house was an old general who looked calm and confident.

This is the head of the Lionheart family, the federal grand marshal, the legendary strongman "Silver Eyed Lion" Carmon.

Beside the old man stood a blond girl with the same serious expression, it was Catalina.

The grandfather and grandson watched the several high-ranking congressmen arguing endlessly and remained silent.

There were no outsiders who could attend this meeting, they were all top federal officials who knew the ins and outs.

 Members of Congress have no scruples when speaking.

“Now that we are facing a formidable enemy, I feel that many members of our parliament should no longer fight on their own, but should elect a speaker to lead the overall situation.”

“Yes. Otherwise, just scheduling and order execution would be a big problem.”

“My Cao family has been operating in Innocence City for the longest time and has the most thorough understanding of the Old Continent. I recommend myself.”

“Boss Cao, your Cao family’s reputation in Innocence City was not very good before. I think if we really want to elect a speaker, the Cao family should avoid suspicion and avoid unnecessary criticism.”

 “I am the Morton family.”

 “Everyone, this is the moment, so stop playing tricks.”

ˆ “.”

 War centralization is a truth that everyone understands.

 Politicians like them who have been in high positions for a long time know this very well.

However, as soon as this topic was mentioned, the five major congressmen immediately fell into a quarrel.

 Once centralized, it is likely to remain centralized in the future.

 No one wants to hand over their rights to others.

 Seeing that the debate surrounding the candidate for speaker is getting more and more endless.

At this time, "Silver-Eyed Lion" Kamon, who had been silent until now, gave a soft drink and interrupted the argument: "Everyone, I think we should discuss how to deal with the enemy now? Don't you think that those people are really going to attack?" Give us any chance to negotiate peacefully? Who is the Speaker? This question can be discussed later.”

As he spoke, his resolute eyes like a lion glanced at the several great congressmen who were silent.

He also expressed his opinion: "The current intelligence shows that it is impossible to defend any city in the Old Continent. Therefore, the time limit of the war will inevitably be extended. If we want to have a chance to make a comeback, we must Before the enemy comes, complete the layout of the Old Continent as soon as possible, focusing on guerrilla warfare. After all, everyone now knows that the Old Continent is a treasure house. As long as we are given time to develop, we may not be able to cultivate some super-powerful people in the future and reverse the situation. war situation"

As soon as these words came out, the conference hall immediately fell silent.

As expected of a military generalissimo, he clearly analyzed the entire war situation at a glance and proposed a response plan.

 In fact, it is not that the five major congressmen cannot see the situation clearly.

But everyone knows that going to the Old Continent now is almost equal to death.

Who is going?

No matter how many people go to the bottom, they are all cannon fodder.

 If you want to gain a foothold in the Old Continent and make a comeback, you must go to the elite and top powerhouses!

 But no one wants their family’s elite wealth to be greater than that of the Old Continent.

 Otherwise, they will immediately lose their right to speak on the Eastern Continent.

As soon as these words came out, the conference room fell into silence again.

They are all old foxes playing politics. Everyone knows that if they speak first, they will inevitably bear heavy responsibility.

 No one wants to speak first.

 There was only the sound of breathing one after another in the conference room.

 The atmosphere is slightly awkward. After waiting for a long time and looking at everyone looking at each other, Carmon's silver eyes showed a hint of anger, but it was expected.

He thought of something, and then suggested: "Since everyone wants to choose a joint speaker, otherwise, I will support whoever comes forward to take charge of the overall situation in the Old Continent. What do you think?"

 Lionheart is now the number one warlord in the Federation and has a very powerful voice.

 Hearing this, the expressions of several major congressmen froze.

 This is indeed the most reasonable approach at present.


 Several people want to be the speaker.

 But this is a war that has no chance of winning no matter how you look at it.

 No one wants to die in the Old World.

 They don’t want to watch others be fooled.

 So we can only remain silent.

 I can’t be worthy of it, and no one can be worthy of it.

Seeing this, Carmon couldn't help but sneered and sneered.

Several major congressmen became increasingly afraid to speak out.

 The meeting is going to be cold at the sight of it.

This is when someone spoke to break the deadlock.

"Well, everyone, I think we are a little too worried? Haven't we not fought yet? What's more, there is also the chasm of the abyss. What if they can't cross the chasm? Aren't our worries in vain?"

"I think so too. Rather than strengthening the war fortress at the Nugget Pier, I think the top priority is to find the Oran remnants. After all, as far as I know, the new king holds the 'key' that can control the chains of the abyss. As long as Put away the chains and you can immediately cut off the passage to the Old Continent.”

"Yes! I also agree with Councilor Morton's proposal. After all, the Eastern Continent is our foundation. Only by keeping the foundation can we talk about other things. We have been here like this for more than two thousand years before we discovered the Old Continent. Without the Old Continent, Actually it’s nothing.”

ˆ “.”

 At this point, the conference room became lively again.

 When the Old World was discovered, several congressmen did not agree with its development.

  After all, except for the Cao Family and the Lion Heart Family, which were deployed in advance, the development of the other companies in the Old Continent was much slower.

Now the two companies that have taken the lead have reaped huge benefits and have the potential to overwhelm the “two giants” in parliament.

 It was an inevitable trend and there was no way to stop it.

Now this "unknown enemy" suddenly appears and has the opportunity to blockade the old continent again. In a sense, this news may not be a good thing for other companies.

 As long as the Old Continent is sealed off, in their view, at least the status quo can be maintained.

 They are still high-ranking parliamentarians in high positions of power.

As soon as these words came out.

 The huge conference room fell into silence again.

 The "warring faction" and the "retreating faction" were immediately separated.

If the Old Continent is laid out in advance according to Marshal Camon's proposal, then it can be expected that someone will have to make sacrifices.

  And the risks are unpredictable.

 No one wants to take the initiative to die.

And if you choose to retreat to the Eastern Wasteland and cut off contact with the Old Continent, at least it will be fine for the time being.

 General Cocamon's face has darkened.

How could he not see that even at this juncture, these guys still have their own agenda?

This is a battle for the destruction of civilization. If we are not united, we have no chance of winning.

However, the conversation has been settled, they are all colleagues, no one has expressed their position, and it is difficult for Carmon to speak again.

Seeing that an emergency meeting is about to reach a stalemate, it is very likely that they will choose to "retreat."

 At this time, a person who surprised everyone stood up.

"Everyone, have you ever thought about it? At present, the enemy has not blocked the Nugget Pier. This may be the only time we can touch the way to the upper level of the card master. It may also be the only time in the next countless years that we can go to the old continent. Opportunity? If we take this step back, it means that from now on, we will be cut off from super civilization! From now on, we can only huddle in the Eastern Wasteland for generations to come!"

These words are very resounding.

 Reverberates in the ears for a long time.

 Everyone took a closer look.

The person who spoke turned out to be Catalina, who was wearing a straight military uniform and a heroic appearance.

The juniors were originally just observers of this kind of meeting, and they were not qualified to speak.

No one expected that this "Silver Mist Rose" would actually stand out now.

After Catalina finished speaking, facing a group of top powerful figures in the Federation, she said neither humble nor arrogantly: "We have been ridiculing the Oran remnants for delaying the Card Master civilization for two thousand years. But if we retreat, wouldn't we have done the same thing? etc. A few years from now, when our descendants talk about our decisions today, how do you think they will judge them?"

As soon as these words came out, all the congressmen fell silent.

 Even though he is in a high position of power, he still cannot hide the embarrassment in his eyes.

 No one expected that they would be taught a lesson by a junior.

Only Marshal Camon listened to his granddaughter’s statement. Although his expression was the same, his heart was indescribably happy: Well done! These old guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death!

 On normal days, Catalina would never be so reckless.

 It is impossible to speak on such an important occasion.

 However, we are already on the eve of the overthrow of civilization, and there is really no chance of retreating any further.

Katrina pondered for a moment, but her tone was still sharp: "What's more! There may be no future!"

Her eyes were sharp and her brows were full of heroic spirit.

  Responding to any questioning glances without any sign of weakness.

She asked back: "Now it is clear that the enemy has super strong men and giant dragons. Are you sure that they will not be able to cross the abyss? It's just that they were not discovered before. We can still live safely in the Eastern Wasteland. Now we have been After discovering it, do you think they will let us go? Don't take any chances. There is always only one outcome in war! Everyone, don't have any illusions!"

These words were like a sharp scalpel, mercilessly cutting open the chest, exposing the rotten and dirty hearts of those big shots.

 They understand the truth better than anyone else.

 But two hundred years of comfortable life have made them lose their determination to take risks and take risks.

Now that she has said it, Catalina no longer cares about anyone's face, and said bluntly: "And after we really cut off the connection with the old continent, we will become weaker and weaker, and the enemy will become stronger and stronger. Even if the abyss crack can really block it What about them ten years or a hundred years? I dare say that if we are huddled here, one day in the future, all of us here will be able to see the enemy crossing the abyss in our lifetime! By then, our strongest card master will still only be at level six, then There really is no chance of a comeback, we can only be a lamb at the mercy of others!"

She said, looking at the crowd who still had no expression, like an angry little lion: "The blood we are shedding now is for our descendants! If our descendants can live a peaceful and happy life in the future, It’s not that times have changed for the better, but because their ancestors once shed their blood and fought for civilization! They will remember, be grateful, and be proud of our sacrifice!”

“Just like two hundred years ago, our ancestors overthrew the old dynasty with countless blood! We are proud of this. This is the immortal glory engraved in our blood and surname!”

As soon as these words came out, it was as if the glory of the ancestors shone from two hundred years ago, and Catalina's body was filled with radiance.

 You can hear a needle drop in the huge conference room.

 Several congressmen felt guilty for the first time.

They didn’t even dare to look directly at the junior standing in the court.

 After a long time, there were a few light coughs.

Cao Zhengxiong, the head of the Cao family, finally broke the embarrassment and said: "Niece Carter, everyone actually understands this, but war is not a child's play. The actual operation is much more difficult and there are more factors to consider."

He originally thought that Catalina was young and had not yet considered the intrigues at the political level, so he started to remind her.

 From the bottom of their hearts, the Cao family prefers to fight.

 After all, they have too much information about the Old World.

 This has more advantages than other companies.

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that there was a step.

Several other senior congressmen also spoke one after another.

"Yes. This matter is not that simple. I think we need to think about it in the long term."

“I think it can be done with both hands. Little Carter’s plan can be considered, but it’s just a question of who will take the lead.”

"Well. That's what I meant originally. We're not saying we won't fight. At least we have to stay alive first before we can plan for the future."

ˆ “.”

Several old foxes also walked down the steps and resumed the previous discussion.

However, once a person has the idea of ​​retreating, it is difficult to muster the courage.


Katrina knew that if the discussion continued like this, it would inevitably fall into the previous deadlock.

 No one is willing to stand up, and it will inevitably end in nothing.

These old guys will inevitably choose to preserve their current selves.

So before a few people had finished speaking, Marshal Carmon spoke up: "I think Carter Jr. is right. Some people really can't get up or down from high positions of power. I still remember that two hundred years ago, we each overthrew the old dynasty. What is it for? For freedom and civilization. What about now? Tsk tsk. Some people have really stayed in the rich ore layer for so long that they no longer have the heart to take risks and make progress!"

The old man is not like Catalina, who wants to give people face.

 When he said this, it was as if he had lifted up the gentleman's coat that covered the fat bodies of the MPs.

 The five major council members all had dark expressions.

Finally, someone couldn't help it and choked out: "Since you Lionhearts are righteous, then the defense line of Nugget Pier needs soldiers to handle it."

Everyone knows that Nugget Pier must be the front line of the battlefield in a real fight.

 Going to garrison there will lead to death but no life.

No one dares to take this task.

 Speaking out seems to save some face for them.

Didn’t you, Lionheart, scold you so hard just now?

What now?

 Do you, Carmon, dare to go?

  If you leave the Lionheart family, your status in the Federation will immediately collapse!

However, before the sarcastic smiles appeared on those fat faces,

Catalina, who was still in the conference hall, did not flinch and shouted: "Uncles and nieces, although I am a prostitute, I will never flinch! After today, I will lead the troops to the front line of the Old Continent. There are constant crises. Never come back again!”

These words are sonorous and powerful.

  It seems as if there is an invisible magic power that hits people's souls.

 After saying that, she walked away.

 A group of old gentlemen who were firmly in high positions were all dumbfounded when they looked at the frail but heroic back.

Although Carmon was distressed, his eyes were more filled with relief and appreciation for courage.

 The hero's destiny has been condensed, no matter how extraordinary it is.

 He had a brief chat with his granddaughter before coming.

At that time, Catalina expressed her thoughts.

 She has her own unique insights into this war.

As long as the enemy cannot cross the rift in a short time, it will inevitably be a protracted battle.

 Carmon also knew that the Old Continent was the future and the only hope of winning the war.

 It is both a danger and an opportunity.

 Absolutely never give up.

The old man withdrew his eyes from Catalina's back, looked at the people in the council hall, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, since you are not willing to go, then I will go to the Lion Heart Family! I want people, resources, and you can Everything provided! It’s at this juncture, you just have to figure it out.”

There is no hope in being trapped in the Old Continent.

 This time, the Lionhearts risked everything for that little hope.

    I'm stuck, please overdo it~



 (End of this chapter)

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