Chapter 43 Necropolis Maze

  Chapter 43 Maze of the Great Cemetery

   Time flies.

  Ji Xun spent two peaceful days.

  In the past two days, apart from going on missions to collect corpses from various streets in the Fifth District, he almost spent the rest of the time in the morgue practicing the breathing method of the golden fragment.

   Practicing breathing method is very boring, especially for beginners.

  Breathing method Condensing mana requires breathing in the free and collected various elemental particles in the air, and then coordinating with the tricks of those formulas to work in the body for a week.

  The whole process requires full concentration, and there should be no mistakes in the middle.

  Otherwise, once the Qi dissipates, this cycle will be abolished.

  It's like counting silently from 1 to 10000 in my heart, without interruption, and without falling asleep.

  The effect of this golden fragment far exceeded expectations.

   But at the same time, the difficulty of practice is also several times more difficult than [Darkness Breathing Method].

  The difficulty of each cycle is probably like counting silently from 1 to 10W.

   It’s no wonder that the owner of the classics shop thinks it’s a strange idea to learn the breathing method of absorbing multiple elements.

   After all, this is not difficult for ordinary people to digest.

   At the same time, it is difficult to control the breathing of multiple elements, and to maintain the delicate balance of the mana power of each element in the body, which is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

   Just getting started is very difficult.

   Even Ji Xun himself, if he didn't have the premise of "savvy +10" by the treacherous man, he wouldn't be confident that he could master this breathing method in a short time.

   Fortunately, he is savvy enough.

   And the temper can endure loneliness.

   As long as he doesn't have a mission, he can sit for most of the day every day.

  Super high comprehension allowed him to quickly comprehend some tricks of the breathing method. After getting familiar with it, it gradually became like breathing, as if it was an instinct.

  At least the first formula is already very proficient.

  Governor Cao's family did not come to the door, and the troubles in the cellar on Tailor Street were gone, and there were no strange people to disturb during the period.

  The mana value is soaring every day.

  Everything is moving in a good direction again.

  In the past two days, although Ji Xun himself had no troubles, the city of Innocence was very lively.

  Corpse collectors can always come into contact with many murder scenes and know more first-hand information.

  The field missions in the past two days have become more frequent.

  After inquiring about it later, in addition to the noise I made in the dark rain street black market two days ago, it led to multiple fights in the city.

   More importantly, there was a rumor in Innocence City.

  Information merchants have rumored that the Governor’s Mansion’s Cao family has obtained a very high-grade ancient relic!

It is said that it was the mysterious relic brought out by "Lone Wolf" Baron in Devil's Crossing, and there are also rumors that it is a catastrophe related to the catastrophe brought out by a mercenary group, and that the treasure of the 407 space was taken by the Cao family. Got it. Various versions are available.

   In short, it is a treasure.

   In the black market of Innocence City, a huge reward was also offered, and a mysterious person begged for this treasure with a lot of money.

  So in the past two days, unknown people have been sneaking into the governor's mansion to investigate, and even assassinated the governor several times.

  Ji Xun's first reaction when he heard the news was not to wonder what relic it was.

   Instead, I feel that someone wants to fish in troubled waters and disrupt the situation in Innocence City.

  Even the news of the relic was deliberately spread by someone.

  It was as if someone threw a stone into the pool, and the water was muddied all of a sudden, and some tortoises, turtles, and silver carp that were hidden in the mud were exposed.

  Facts are also as he expected, the fighting in Innocence City has become more frequent these two days.

  Because the Dark Rain Street incident exposed too many hidden stakes of the Cao family, the conflict between the Governor's Mansion and several big gangs in the lower city became more and more acute. Recently, a lot of outsiders from unknown forces and local gangsters have poured into the city. Some people even attacked the Nuggets Wharf, the only way to the Old Continent.

  As a revenge, various assassination rewards for the governor’s mansion appeared on the black market. There was a reward of 200,000 for killing a law enforcement officer, 500,000 for killing a guard of the governor’s mansion, and even the governor.

   This price tag exacerbated the turmoil in Innocence City.

  The rain is coming.

   This also caused the cremators of the major corpse collectors branches to almost never stop.

  Ji Xundao also likes this excitement.

  The more lively Cao's house is, the less time it takes to find him.

   Others would also think that the treasure has fallen into the hands of the Cao family.

   What's more, the quality of the corpses harvested from missions is much higher.

  Although the body collector is the lowest level, he can participate in the aftermath of many high-end incidents.

  Ji Xun felt that with this posture, there was no guarantee that there would be another big opportunity like "Tailor Street Cellar".

  With the halo of a bad luck gambler, he thinks the possibility is not small.

  Risks must coexist.

  But Ji Xun is a little bit looking forward to it.

  However, there is one thing that Ji Xun never thought of.

  He came to be a body collector before, in order to devour extraordinary characteristics.

  However, the occupational diseases of the body collectors were ignored.

  General corpse collectors are exposed to pollution all year round, and their bodies must become weaker and weaker.

  But because of [Feast], Ji Xun's body became stronger day by day.

   Now the physical fitness value is around 3.6, which is more than three times that of before.

  The increase in attributes is also reflected in the body shape, and the muscle dimension is also much larger.

  Although the melee professionals in the streets of Innocence City are all strong men, the corpse collectors should not be.

   This forced Ji Xun to wear some loose clothes, hunched over and pretended to be weak.

  Occasionally, the blood is too strong, and I will draw a light smoke to pretend to be polluted.

   Fortunately, she had solid acting skills in her previous life, so she didn't miss any flaws for the time being.

   But over time, he will get stronger and stronger, which is a big problem.

   Ji Xun was also thinking about how to solve this hidden danger in the future.

   After lunch, Ji Xun came to the office of the fifth team.

  Today is payday.

   Corpse collector is a high-risk occupation, and the salary is paid once a week.

   Knocked on the door, it happened that Captain Dong Jiu and two other people were inside.

  With no friendship other than work, Ji Xun walked in and said directly: "Captain, I'll get the salary."

  Dong Jiu watched him come, opened the drawer and randomly took out a thin stack of banknotes, and said, "This is yours."

  Ji Xun took it, and knew that the number was obviously wrong without counting.

  The salary of the body collector advertisement is 3500/week, and the most in hand is more than a thousand yuan.

  He asked directly: "I see that the company's recruitment says"

   Before he finished speaking, Liu, the old player next to Dongjiu, seemed to know that he would ask such a question, and said sarcastically, "Do you think the captain doesn't go up and down? If there is no captain."

  Ji Xun was not interested in listening to this guy's speech at all. Before he finished speaking, he confirmed it again: "That is to say, I can only take so much?"

  He didn't understand where the three of them had long regarded this position as a cash cow.

   You don’t need to do a lot of work, but you get a lot of money, all relying on grouping to squeeze newcomers.

  Hearing this, Dong Jiu narrowed his eyes and looked over, and asked back, "Otherwise, what do you think?"

  Sometimes, one look can tell that some people are really evil people.

  Before he was exiled, Dongjiu was a robber who murdered and robbed goods. One of the other two was a rapist, and the other was a trafficker of illegal human trafficking.

  Ji Xun listened with the usual expression, and said lightly: "Oh."

  Innocent City has nothing to say.

   The law of the jungle is the basic rule.

   As he spoke, he turned around and left.

   This attitude stunned the three of Dongjiu.

  Ji Xun didn't care about the money.

   Two thousand yuan can’t even buy a single page of the breathing method.

   Not to mention resentment.

  This kind of small role is not worthy of attention at all.

  But Ji Xun also believes that there is a reason for death, which belongs to him and belongs to him.

  The job is still needed right now.

  The rest of the salary should be kept with those guys temporarily.

   After receiving his salary, Ji Xun originally wanted to go to the morgue to dispose of the corpse, and by the way, continue to devour extraordinary characteristics.

   Unexpectedly, just as I got on the elevator, suddenly there was a shout from the brass pipe.

   "Hey, boys, it's time for a big job! All the corpse collectors in East Fifth District hurry up and get guys into the car, remember to bring more body bags!"

   "Boss Gong, what happened?"

   "Just got the news that a group of guys attacked a train carrying supplies from the upper city to the elevator near the large cemetery on the outskirts of the city. Now the two sides are fighting fiercely."

   "Who is so courageous to attack the inner city material train?"

   "Probably predators or gangsters. Whatever it is, a lot of people may die this time. We have to be busy. We have to hurry up, or we will be late and let the other teams arrive first, and there will be no oil and water."



   Temporary missions are normal for corpse collectors, and they are more frequent these two days.

   But. Big job?

   Ji Xun suddenly became interested.

  Normal sunrise missions are all in one team, this is the first time that the four teams in the East Fifth District are together.

  Ji Xun recognized who the thick and rough voice was, Gong Xu, the director of the Yinyue Company branch in the Fifth East District.

  Because Gong Xu has a good relationship with the top executives of the Golden Oak headquarters, he can always get first-hand information.

   This also allows the corpse collection teams in the East Fifth District to reap more benefits.

  If there is a firefight, there will be a lot of corpses. The corpses of gangsters who dare to rob freight trains are much more valuable than the corpses of gangsters who are fighting in the city.

   This is a greasy corpse collection task.

   And it’s in the outskirts of the city, so you have to rely on robbing.

   Whoever grabs it will be his.

   "Large cemetery in the suburbs?"

  Ji Xun's thoughts changed again.

  He remembered seeing teammate recruitment information in the Hunter Union before.

  That seems to be a primary different-dimensional space, not too difficult.

  Without delay, he quickly took the materials and ran out of the dormitory with the toolbox he was carrying, and got into the truck parked by the roadside.

   Before waiting for a moment, the four teams of corpse collectors from East Fifth District drove out of the city mightily.

  There is a rock formation several kilometers apart between the city of innocence and the federal city above the rich mineral layer. In the past, the exiled prisoners had to walk for several months.

   Now that the Old Continent has been discovered, the nobles on the upper floor have built an elevator, and a large number of people and materials are transported down every day.

   There are also many treasures from the ruins of the old continent, which will be transported from the city of innocence to the upper level.

   From the city of innocence to the elevator, there is a railway of more than 100 kilometers.

   This has also become the target of some robbers who plunder materials.

  In the carriage, Captain Dong Jiu and the other two seemed a little excited.

   After all, such a "big job" is really lucky, maybe you can get rich overnight.

  As long as you can arrive in the first time, the trophies in the suburbs will all belong to the corpse collector.

   Now the fight is the speed of the car.

  Several steam trucks were running at full speed in the city.

  There are only four people left in the car of the fifth team.

  Little Fatty Gibb asked for leave before returning home and never came back. I don’t know if something happened.

   Now Ji Xun is the only one working.

  The three of Dongjiu are a small group, they never chat with newcomers when chatting.

  Ji Xun didn't want to talk to him either.

   Sitting quietly in a corner alone, looking out the window.

  In addition to the spectacular relic buildings, the underground city has almost no scenery to speak of.

   After driving away from the outer city wall and leaving the city, there were no light sources around, and it was pitch black like deathly silence.

  The lights of the car were connected in a line, like a thorn of light piercing into the endless darkness. With the dim light, I could occasionally see some dark figures near the railway, which were ghouls and aberrations wandering the wasteland.

   "Great Cemetery" is a place name along the Eastern Suburb Railway of Innocence City.

   It is said that it is an ancient mass grave, and there are often a large number of skeleton monsters wandering here.

   There is also a different-dimensional space that is almost well-known in the city of innocence-【Maze of the Great Cemetery】.

  Being bored in the car, Dongjiu and the two old team members also chatted about the maze.

“[Great Cemetery Labyrinth] The entrance of this different-dimensional space has a wide range of influence, and the trigger method is not regular. At that time, everyone should be smart and don’t touch things that you don’t understand. In case you touch something catastrophic and get involved It’s troublesome in the different-dimensional space. The space exploration rate is always only about 40%, so far no one knows its full picture, and it’s all luck to get out.”


   "But Captain, this maze is only a primary space, why is the exploration speed only 40%?"

"Because this is a puzzle-solving space. It is said that the maze is very large and the structure is too complicated. It will take days to waste a few days if you go in just once. If you make a mistake, you will waste a lot of time and even get trapped in it. And this The space only produces low-level skeleton materials, and large teams and high-level hunters are not interested. Except for puzzle-solving enthusiasts and card master apprentices who need low-level necromancy materials, no one wants to come to this ghostly place. "



  Squad leader Dong Jiu is an old prisoner who has been exiled for several years after all, and he knows more than ordinary people.

   Ji Xun in the corner of the carriage listened carefully to their conversation.

  I also have a general impression of this maze: low yield and high risk.

   Nothing to worry about.

   Not only the old continent, there are also many strange and different-dimensional spaces in the city of innocence.

  Ji Xun also has a strong interest in those magical dungeons.

  He still hasn't figured out what kind of existence the different-dimensional space is, like fragments of the low-latitude world? God game? Or the projection of the high-latitude world?

   Nothing seems right.

  Just like the "enlightenment", the different-dimensional space also has an indescribable mystery.

  Thinking about it, unknowingly, a bright light appeared in front of him.

  The destination is here.

   Thanks to 'Medical waste starts to work' 500, 'GT Wanlihong', '1kose55s', 'Mountain Moon', '20190727190947365', 'OK Father' for their support.



  (end of this chapter)

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