Chapter 103 Encounter in Yuxian Tower

Chapter 103 Encounter in the Immortal Tower

 After another ten days, winter began.

Shengjing is located in the north. A bucket filled with water is placed in the courtyard, and a thin layer of ice can form over it overnight. The original clothes could no longer be worn, so Yin Zheng went to Ge Tailor Shop across the street to pick out some pieces of cloth, planning to make some new winter clothes for Lu Zhuo and herself.

Because the weather suddenly turned cold overnight, Lu Chen also caught wind and cold, and it rained for days. Du Changqing saw Lu Meng's sick appearance, and with a wave of his hand, he decided to close Renxin Medical Center for two days, allowing Lu Meng to recuperate at home.

  It gets dark early in the winter, and it rains heavily. Almost all the vendors on West Street are closed. A row of lanterns under the eaves swayed violently under the heavy rain, and the weak lights were obscured by the winter rain.

The plum tree at the entrance of Renxin Medical Center is only a bleak shadow, surrounding the small medical center and standing silently at night.


There was a gap in the black shadow, and a dim yellow light came out from it.

Someone opened the door and walked out of Renxin Medical Center.

 The heavy rain kept falling, drowning out the voices in front of the door.

 “Let’s go.”


The rain started to fall "gushingly" and fell into the river, sparkling with light.

  After days of wind and rain, the river under the Luoyue Bridge swelled. The more the river swelled, the brighter the wind lanterns tied to the bridge railings became. Viewed from the height of the Zhulou Tower, they looked like thousands of bright pearls in the ocean.

Yuxian Tower is always lively.

The cold winter rain was rejected by the restaurant. In the Yantuan and Song Tower, Luo Qixiang was constantly blowing, and everyone was chasing fun and laughter. In front of the guest banquet in the main hall, there is a high platform with gorgeous beaded lanterns and long covers decorated with gold necklaces. In the middle of the high platform is a plum tree made of gold and jade. The branches of the plum tree are steep and the emerald branches are carved with rubies. There are clusters of red plums. There is a singer under the red plums. , draped in blue clouds, wearing a fairy crown, with a face full of jade and thick clouds on the temples, he is singing a song "A Dream in the Boudoir" -

“When I left, the flowers on the street were like brocade. Today, the willows are green on the roof of the building. I am waiting in the boudoir, and the crabapples are blooming. I think of it now..."

He spoke in a sweet and trembling voice, and his words were like pearls, which made all the guests applaud.

The place was filled with red makeup and green sleeves. Among the laughing guests, a man with wide sleeves and a yellow robe walked past with a dancer in his arms. Recently, a group of young dancers came to Yuxian Pavilion. They were beautiful and charming, and everyone admired them. The veil covers the face, and the dance clothes are light and thin. They are highly sought after by young men and drunkards.

The man in the robe was drunk and had a big belly. When he turned his head, there was a hint of unnoticeable nervousness in his eyes. On the contrary, the dancer in his arms was wearing a gorgeous peacock blue gauze dance dress, and her face was covered with silk, only revealing a pair of beautiful eyes. The eyes are charming and charming.

The brilliance of the orb was dazzling, and Yin Zheng looked at the wealth and wealth in the building in ecstasy, hiding her wonder in her heart.

She has stayed in Yanguan in Southern Jiangsu for many years. She thinks she is in Jincheng Huaying. She is used to seeing the bustling scenery, but she is still shocked by the wealth of Shengjing. It was obviously a heavy rain in winter, but the Yuxian Tower was like a sunny wonderland, and the sound of orchestral music seemed to continue like this forever.

 The "person in the arms" reminded in a low voice: "Go upstairs."

Yin Zheng came back to her senses and said "hmm".

Lu Zong tightened his arms and hugged her intimately. His eyes exposed outside the veil were slightly raised, and he looked at the people around him quietly.

Today is the birthday of Qi Yutai, the young master of Taishi Mansion.

Du Changqing once mentioned in a casual conversation that every year on the first day of October, Qi Yutai’s birthday, the young master of Taishifu would hold a grand banquet at Yuxian Tower in Shengjing and invite friends to join in the fun. And he never held banquets in his mansion because his father, a stoic grand master, liked peace and quiet and didn't like to make noise.

 Lu Zhen could not get close to the Taishi Mansion.

 Let alone the Taishi Mansion, she could not even approach the servants of the Taishi Mansion. As Du Changqing said, people of their status are even separated from the people in the Taishi Mansion. She can be "Chun Shuisheng" to get close to the Ke family, and she can be "Slim" to be close to Fan Zhenglian, but she can't do the same to the Taishi Mansion.

 Because she didn’t know the diseases of people in Taishi’s residence at all.

Time passes day by day, but those who want revenge are still living well in the world. When he heard Du Changqing mention that Qi Yutai would arrive at Yuxian Tower on the first day of October, Lu Zhuo was almost immediately moved.

She had no way of knowing when Qi Yutai left or where he was going, but he was there on the first day of October.

Lu Zong wanted to get close to Qi Yutai.

So she spent money to bribe people from Yuxian Tower to sneak in and change into dancer's clothes. She originally planned to go alone, but Yin Zheng fell ill and was thrown into the mountains by Qian Po. Lu Zhu didn't want to arouse her old memories, Yin Zheng But he insisted on following. So Yin Zheng pretended to be a guest and sneaked into Yuxian Tower with her.

  Things done by two people are indeed much smoother than by one person. At least when others see that the dancing girl has a master, they will not ask her to accompany her anymore. Yin Zheng's impersonation of a drunkard was flawless. Her belly stuffed with pillows and the black spots under her eyes made her look like a wealthy businessman who had been completely drained by wine and sex.

"Beauty, let's go up, go upstairs..." She said vaguely, holding Lu Zhuo in her arms and heading upstairs.

Lu Yingying held Yin Zheng's arm, and the two of them staggered up to the second floor.

Qi Yutai held a banquet in the wing of Yuxian Tower. It was late at night and the banquet was almost over. It's raining heavily today, so Qi Yutai will probably stay in Yuxian Tower tonight.

The upper floors are warm pavilions, which are used by princes, grandsons, noble guests and wealthy families to spend the night. The price was high. When Du Changqing's father was still alive and the Du family had not yet been defeated, Young Master Du did not dare to spend the night here for fear of being defrauded of a large sum of money. When Yin Zheng and Lu Zhen came out for this trip, they emptied out all the medical money that Princess Wenjun sent them earlier.

Yinzheng hugged Lu Zhuo to the second floor. There was a man drinking at the door of the building. Seeing it was Mr. Turtle, he smiled and walked up to him. Yinzheng understood and took out a banknote to slap him. Holding his hand, the man stepped back to make way for him: "Master, please come in! Please come in!"

The entire second floor has been renovated to look like an embroidered pavilion at her daughter's home. There are carved bamboo windows from which coquettish voices and laughter can be heard, making people's ears warm.

Yin Zheng didn't feel the heat in her ears, she only felt sorry for the silver she had just given away, and complained in a low voice: "But if you stay here for one night, the silver will cost you a hundred taels. No wonder the saying goes, 'The gold and silver on the ship cannot be filled by the fireworks debt.'" ." Then he said sadly: "But it's so expensive here, so the money you need to redeem yourself will only be more."

Yin Zheng had been thinking about collecting enough ransom money to return home, but before that day, she was thrown into a mass grave. Now that I enter this place again, I will inevitably feel disappointed.

In front of the carved windows on this upper floor, some doors hang a flower crown, which means there are people there. If there is no flower crown, it means there is no one.

Lu Zong glanced back and saw that the turtle man was out of sight, so he turned his head and pushed the door open with a flower crown in front of him.


There was a sudden scream in the room. The clothes of the man and woman at the table were half-undressed. They were in the middle of a deep love affair when they were interrupted by someone. The man among them said angrily: "Who is that person?"

Yin Zheng staggered and burped: "...Are you here?"

Lu Zong supported her and apologized to the two people in the room: "Young master got drunk and went to the wrong room. I'm sorry." After saying that, he quickly supported Yin Zheng and left the room.

The door was closed, and the curses and the woman’s soft words of comfort could not be heard from inside. Lu Zhuo glanced at the flower crown in front of the door, and his eyes flashed.

 “Not this one.”

The people in Qi Yutai disappeared very quickly, and there was no trace of them in the hall of Yuxian Tower. Each room in Xiu Pavilion on the second floor looks exactly the same, and no one can tell which room Qi Yutai is in.

 She could only use stupid methods to search from room to room.

Long before coming, Lu Zhuo had already inquired about Qi Yutai's appearance and had seen Qi Yutai's portrait. The man just now was not him.

 She took Yin Zheng's arm and fixed the veil again: "Go to the next room."

 Hsiu Pavilion is bigger than expected.

Lu Zong and Yin Zheng "accidentally broke in" while choosing a greenhouse with a flower crown. When they came out after checking the last one, less than half an hour had passed.

The two of them entered and retreated quickly, and Yin Zheng was in a drunken state. Although they interrupted many good things in the house along the way, because the people in the house were busy continuing, no one chased them out and entangled them. Discover.

Yin Zheng grabbed Lu Zhuo's hand and whispered: "Girl, why is there nothing? Could it be that he has left?"

The Xiu Pavilion was searched over and over, but no one from Qi Yutai was seen. It was already late at night, and walking along the corridor would probably attract more attention. Lu Zhuo shook his head: "No, he must be here."


Lu Zhen raised his eyes and looked to the higher reaches of Xiu Pavilion. There is a corner of the raised eaves that flies out, like enchanting wings on a rainy night, strangely gorgeous.

“Isn’t there another level?” Lu Yan said, “I want to go up.”

No one seemed to be going to the third floor. At least after Lu Zhu entered Yuxian Tower, he saw no one walking upstairs.

 But if there is no one upstairs, why build a separate floor? To live with those girl singers? It doesn't look like it either.

 She held Yin Zheng in her arms and said, "I'll go try it."

Lu Zhen had planned this. Unexpectedly, just halfway up the stairs to the third floor, the turtle man who had just been sitting and drinking ran out of nowhere and stopped the two of them from going any further.

Yin Zheng smelled of alcohol and handed out a banknote: "Young Master...Young Master has a lot of money!"

“Alas,” Mr. Gui stared at the silver note in Yin Zheng’s hand and said with a smile, “This is not about the money. You can’t go up there!”

 “Hiccup, why can’t you go?”

Mr. Turtle stepped forward and said, "To tell you the truth, it is a resting place for big figures from the government. We who run a small business cannot afford to offend you. Master, you should choose another room."

 A big shot in the official family…

Lu Zhen's heart moved slightly, and then he climbed up the silver zheng with a smile and said goodbye to the turtle, then went to the other side.

After walking a few steps, Yin Zheng stopped and asked Lu Zhen, "Girl, what should I do now?"

Judging from what this man said, Qi Yutai is most likely upstairs. But now I can't buy a place upstairs with money, so I have to find another way.

Lu Zhen thought for a while: "You find a place to hide, and I'll sneak up there."

Yin Zheng was startled: "No!" He added: "He is guarding the stairs, how can the girl sneak in... How about," her eyes lit up, "I pretend to be drunk to lure him away, and you take the opportunity to go upstairs. Is that possible?"

Lu Zhen frowned: "It's too dangerous to act like this."

"Don't worry," Yinzheng patted her chest, "Don't forget where I come from. I know best how to deal with them. This floor is fine, but it's more dangerous upstairs. The girl really wants to go?"

 Lu Zhen nodded.

She has no way to get close to Qi Yutai. As long as she gets close to Qi Yutai, as long as she has a chance, she can take action.

Today is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Yin Zheng turned around and left. Before Lu Zhu could catch her, he saw Yin Zheng stumbling towards the turtle man's place just now, shouting: "Bitch! You don't know what is good and what is good, please replace her!"

Then there was the sound of cups hitting the ground again, and accompanied by Mr. Gui’s screams and apologetic laughter, Yin Zheng tugged at the opponent’s clothes. I don’t know what the two said. After a while, Mr. Turtle led Yin Zheng. Went downstairs.

 There is no one at the stairs.

 Lu Zhuo took the opportunity to go up.

 There are very few stairs on the second and third floors, and they spiral upward. One side of the embroidered pavilion in Yuxian Tower is adjacent to the hall, and the actors singing downstairs can be heard in the room. The other side is adjacent to the courtyard, and the sound of heavy rain washing through the courtyard can be heard.

Lu Zong stopped at the entrance to the third floor.

This floor is very quiet.

   There was no sound of men and women laughing and joking, and there were no bright flower crowns hanging in front of the doors. This floor looks even colder. The cold lamp in front of the door illuminates the dim corridor. It looks quiet at first glance, but if you look closely, you will see a row of red railings with carved bamboo heads. There are red and gold lanterns hanging in front of the house. The rain has stopped. The bigger it is, the brighter the lights of the jade tower are.

There is no one in the corridor outside the door. The performer downstairs sings in this quiet and distant place. Lu Zhen is wearing a gorgeous dance costume, and the long skirt drags across the corridor floor, making a rustling sound of fabric.

Since there is no flower crown hanging in front of the door, it is not known which room in this row of houses is occupied or unoccupied.

Lu Zhen paused, his fingertips touched something in his sleeve, and his steps suddenly stopped.

As long as she can get close to Qi Yutai, she can find an opportunity to kill him.

  A dim light came out from the crack in the door. There was someone in this room, but there was no sound.

This is really strange. Turtle Gong said that the third floor is where dignitaries sleep, but there are no guards or servants in the entire corridor. Without this light in front of you, it would be like an empty building.

The pouring rain continued, falling along the eaves and into the yard. Lu Yan hesitated and stretched out his hand to open the door.

 There is no one in the house.

The ground is covered with a gold brocade and coral carpet, which is soft and silent when stepped on. On the incense table in front of the door, there is a gorgeous beaded lamp, with many peonies painted in gold and covered with ice gauze. The bead lamp was dim, illuminating the lampshade like peony smoke. There was a piano not far away, and behind it was a large nanmu, primrose-colored engraved glass screen, behind which the screen was invisible.

Lu Zong’s eyes fell on the ebony-edged rosewood table in the room.

There are several blue and white jade hollow chi pattern cups placed on the table. The cups are empty and there is a wine flask. I don’t know if anyone has used it.

 She looked at the coral flower bench again.

 A cloak was casually draped on the stool.

Lu Zong walked over, and the black cloak in front of him looked extremely luxurious, with silver lines outlining clusters of clouds pressed against the black brocade, and shining brightly under the silver candle.

 It is not something that ordinary people can afford.

 She stood in the room, hesitating for a moment.

There is no one here, and there seems to be no movement in the house. The original plan cannot be implemented. She didn't even know where Qi Yutai was.

On the desk at hand was a mandarin duck incense burner, which was burning incense. Lu Zhu picked up the incense burner. If she could confirm that Qi Yutai was in this room, she could tamper with the incense. It would be fine today, nothing tomorrow, and wait until the third day. , something happened in Taishi Mansion.

She was thinking with her eyes lowered when a voice suddenly came from behind her.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Zhen was caught off guard, his hands loosened, and he turned around suddenly.


With a muffled sound, a burner of incense fell and covered the floor with a layer of dust on the coral tapestry.

Under the beaded lamp, the young man stood in front of the screen, dressed in black and gold brocade, holding a silver knife. The glazed screen behind him was glowing with splendor, but it made the people in front of the screen even more colorful and attractive. .

 Lu Zong was shocked.

 Why is it him?

 (End of this chapter)

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