Chapter 161 Dark clouds and thrush

Chapter 161 Dark Clouds and Thrushes

  It is getting late.

 The carriage went down the mountain and the road became much smoother.

After passing the porridge shed where the Qi family was serving porridge just now, Lu Zhu fell silent and said nothing along the way, and Pei Yunying did not speak again. The two of them sat quietly like this, and before they knew it, West Street was right in front of them.

  It was already night, and all the shops on the street were closed, and it was quiet with few pedestrians passing by. Qing Feng parked the car at the entrance of Renxin Medical Center. Lu Zhu thanked Pei Yunying and turned to get off the carriage, but he stopped him from behind.

 “Doctor Lu.”

Lu Zhen turned around and looked at him, not understanding what he was going to say.

"Yesterday you said that if I told you about the Qi family, you would do something for me."

 Lu Zhuo was startled.

She did say that then.

But at that time, this person had a very high airs and looked like he was unwilling to do business with her. After a kind **** today, it turns out that the last words I want to say are here.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world.

  Lu Huan asked: “What do you want me to do, sir?”

Pei Yunying lowered his head, took out a letter from his arms, and handed it to Lu Chen.

Lu Zhen looked at him without knowing why.

 “Do you think this is a list for you to kill people?”

Pei Yunying was amused: "Don't look like you are facing a formidable enemy. Doctor Lu is very skilled in medicine. I would like you to help me check whether there is anything wrong with these prescriptions."


 Is there a prescription in this?

The letter in his hand was cold. Lu Zhu squeezed it subconsciously, and then looked at Pei Yunying: "Is this the condition for your transaction with me?"


Lu Zhen then understood.

"I understand." She nodded, put the letter into her sleeve, and nodded to Pei Yunying: "When I figure it out, I will go to the Palace Commander's Mansion to find you. Farewell."

After saying that, Zhuo Qu got out of the carriage and entered the gate of Renxin Medical Center.

Yin Zheng had been waiting in the hospital for a long time. When she heard Lu Zhu knocking on the door, she quickly opened the door. Lu Zhu went into the shop and looked back. The curtain of the carriage had fallen. Qing Feng whipped up his whip and drove. The sound of the wheels gradually disappeared in the empty West Street. on the streets.

 Lu Yan closed the door.

Yin Zheng followed Lu Zhu with an oil lamp and said repeatedly: "The girl is finally back. Shopkeeper Du asked eight hundred times today where you have been. If Mr. Miao hadn't helped to speak, he would have almost died." Go and report to the official. What he said made me nervous. Didn’t the girl say she was going to the tea gardens on the mountain? Why did she come back so late? Have you had a meal? Mr. Pei didn’t embarrass you..."

 Lu Zhen answered one by one.

Yin Zheng doesn't ask Lu Chen much about the Qi family anymore. Maybe she knows that Lu Chen won't tell her if she asks him, so she just spends all her energy on the present.

After asking a few more questions, Yin Zheng saw a tired look on Lu Chen's face and guessed that she was tired from running around for a day, so she put the oil lamp back on the table, waited for Lu Meng to wash up, then left the room, and told her to rest early.

 After Yin Zheng left, Lu Zhuo did not get on the bed immediately.

The light on the table in front of the window was on. Lu Yan put on his clothes, walked to the table and sat down.

Today she followed Pei Yunying to Mangming Township in Top Mountain and learned about the old affairs of Yang Weng's family. Although the deeds are vague and the witnesses and physical evidence have long since disappeared, Pei Yunying's words are almost clear. The Yang family is another Lu family, because Qi Yutai killed the whole family because of a thrush.

Yang Dalang probably injured Qi Yutai during a dispute with Qi Yutai, which left a deep impression on Qi Yutai. In the next few years, he hated birds so much that Qi Taishi, who loved birds as much as his life, expelled all the birds raised in the mansion.

 Unless "thrush" may affect Qi Yutai's peaceful life, Qi Qing will not make this decision without reason.

 Qi Yutai’s mother and maternal grandfather had epilepsy, and Qi Yutai was very likely to suffer the same disease.

 Any person or thing that may irritate him may become the drug guide.

Now, she found the medicine guide.

Lu Zhen stretched out his fingers and slowly approached the flame burning in the oil lamp.

After staring at the flame for a long time, the original clear colors became chaotic, and there was a faint burning sensation coming from the fingertips, as if one step closer could burn people.

 Lu Zhen took back his hand.

Thrush is to Qi Yutai, just like dark clouds are to herself.

The dark cloud has died, but Huamei will become Qi Yutai's dark cloud, hanging over Qi Yutai's head forever and ever, until the heavy rain completely buries him.

 The medicine introduction has been found.

 The next how to perfectly integrate this medicinal ingredient into the medicinal materials and cook it carefully.

There is a wild cat meowing outside the window, like a sad night bell on the spring night, waking Lu Zhuo up.

 She came back to her senses, thought for a moment, opened the desk and pulled out a letter.

 This is the letter Pei Yunying handed her before leaving today.

Pei Yunying said that there are prescriptions here.

 Medicinal prescription…

Lu Zhuo suddenly remembered that night at Hanlin Medical College, when he sneaked into the medical library with a medical record in his hand. She couldn't read the records in the medical record clearly because the other party covered her eyes, but he was rummaging through it at that time. That location…

 The lights burned quietly, and Lu Zhu lowered his eyes.

 That’s all, what he wants to do has nothing to do with her, it’s just a transaction after all.

 She lowered her head and opened the letter in her hand.


The lights in the Commander's Mansion in Jingying Palace were turned on later than usual.

It was mid-month and the wind was quiet. In the green plantains in front of the window, there were intermittent cries of crickets.

When Xiao Zhufeng returned to the Palace Commander's Mansion, the night was already very deep.

The surroundings of the mansion camp were eerily quiet. In the thick darkness, only this area seemed to be emitting a quiet, dim light.

He opened the door and walked in. Inside the room, the young man was sitting at the table, lowering his head and reviewing the military documents in front of him. The stack of books in his hand was almost half a person's height, almost engulfing him.

 Xiao Zhufeng asked: "Why don't you come back so late?"

It's past midnight. At this time on weekdays, there should be no one in the Palace Commander's Mansion except for the guards who take turns to guard the dormitory.

Pei Yunying didn’t even raise his head: “I haven’t finished reading the official document.”

Xiao Zhufeng took two steps back, leaned against the door frame and looked at him with his arms folded, and said in a drawled voice: "I accompany the girl to travel around the mountains and rivers during the day, and at night I light a lamp and burn wax to read the military rolls. It's really well-intentioned."

Pei Yunying paused in lifting the pen and looked at him: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Zhufeng still had a cold face, like an iceberg that has not melted for thousands of years, but his tone was full of sarcasm,

"Sending her to Mangming Township in person, even if the Qi family finds out, they will be taboo. Isn't this considered a good intention?"

Pei Yunying said: "Am I so kind?"

Xiao Zhufeng nodded: "I also want to ask." He stared at the young man at the table, "Lu Zhen's dealings with the Grand Master's Mansion have nothing to do with you. Why do you interfere everywhere? Is it because you think it's not enough trouble?"

This tone was a bit aggressive, and Pei Yunying could no longer put down the pen in his hand.

 He simply put down his pen and thought for a while before speaking: "I want to pick up something, and I need someone to help me remove obstacles on the way."

 “She is the most suitable person.”

"Really?" Xiao Zhufeng said meaningfully: "But I think you are more like that fool who clears obstacles for others, and you have no regrets."

Pei Yunying: “…”

 The room was eerily quiet for a moment.

He sneered and did not continue the conversation. He just said casually: "I showed Lu Zhuo the medical prescriptions found by the Medical Officer's Hospital."

 “Are you crazy?”

“Her medical skills are much better than those **** from the medical hospital. She might be able to tell what’s wrong.”

 Xiao Zhufeng frowned: "Aren't you afraid that she will leak the secret?"

Pei Yunying turned over a page of official documents and said, "She is very trustworthy."

"Who said that? Who vouched for her?" Xiao Zhufeng disagreed, "Are you responsible if something goes wrong?"

 “Okay. I’ll vouch for her.”

He picked up the pen again and said in a nonchalant tone: "If something goes wrong, I will be responsible."


  Three days and ten days of rest passed by in an instant.

Miao Liangfang was thinking that he would go back to the medical hospital not long after Lu Zhuo came back. Acheng and Du Changqing had already loaded the packed dried fruits and snacks into the carriage. Yin Zheng also took the opportunity to stuff a basket of green-shelled eggs, even though Lu Zhuo repeatedly said that there was no extra kitchen in the medical hospital to make these.

Lin Danqing couldn't help but marvel when Lu Zhen returned to the medical hospital with a cart full of local goods and piled apples, loquats and apricots all over the table and cabinet in the hospital room. "Sister Lu, I thought I brought enough things when I went home, but I didn't expect you to give me more." She picked up a clean loquat, peeled it and took a bite, "It's so sweet!"

Lu Yan smiled: "There are still some in the cabinet."

"Then I won't be polite to you," Lin Danqing held a small basket of loquats in front of him and said with a smile while eating: "Speaking of which, after you went back, you looked much better. You haven't seen me since you've been here for so long. You are so happy."

 This is not an exaggeration.

Lu Huan has always been cold and indifferent since he entered the medical hospital. However, after taking a break every ten days, although he is still the same as before, he always feels that the smile on his face is more genuine, as if something good has happened.

Lin Danqing sighed: "Sure enough, all happiness in life depends on a ten-day break." Then he sighed, "It's just too short. Three days is not enough, at least ten days is enough."

Lu Chen smiled and was about to speak when he heard Lin Danqing say again: "There are so many people in the Medical Officer's Hospital. We only have a few days off. Once we come back, there will be a lot of things. It won't be possible without our Medical Officer's Hospital." Normally, when I came back today, Dr. Chang asked me if I had returned, and said how many times the Minister of Finance, Jin, had urged me..."

 “Jin Shilang?”

"Yes," Lin Danqing spit out a fruit core, "a renal cyst is not a terminal disease. As for being so anxious..."

 Jin Xianrong was naturally panicked.

Ever since he found out he had this disease, he has been worried all day long, fearing that he would follow in his father's footsteps. Take medicine on time, take good care of yourself, and just hope that the diseased tree will rejuvenate and be revived again.

However, Yingying Yanyan, who was self-righteous when she was young and robbed a house, has been ill for a long time, which inevitably arouses suspicion.

Jin Xianrong's proud manly self-esteem did not allow others to trample on him, so he couldn't hold it back three days ago and had **** with the concubine in his house. When he woke up the next day, he was shocked.

Lu Zhen had always told him not to have **** during the treatment. If he broke the precept, he didn't know if his previous efforts would be wasted. Jin Xianrong wanted to ask Lu Xu, but when he asked someone to go to the medical hospital, he learned that Lu Xu had returned home.

 These three days have been like a year.

Jin Xianrong had nightmares for three days in a row. Every night, he dreamed that he had turned into a **** and was stared at with contempt by a roomful of concubines. His originally sparse eyebrows were now almost invisible.

Now that Lu Xunxiu has returned, Jin Xianrong almost bursts into tears.

"Medical Officer Lu, do you think I... still have a chance?"

Jin Xianrong clenched his hands and stared at Lu Huan, as nervous as a child.

The female medical officer frowned and looked at her with a serious tone: "Having **** during treatment is a taboo, Master Jin has violated it..."

She was silent for a long time. It was so long that Jin Xianrong's heart was in his throat and he was about to cry. Then he slowly said: "The effect of the treatment will slow down later, but Lord Jin must remember not to have **** again in these few months." ”

 “Just slower?”

 Jin Xianrong breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought that Lu Zhuo was going to sentence him to death, but he didn't expect that he still had a chance to survive. For a moment, he felt lucky to survive the disaster, and he just nodded and said: "That's it, that's it, it can't be done, it can't be done, I must listen to Medical Officer Lu's explanation." ."

Lu Zhen stood up to pack the medical box, walked past a house door, and glanced inside. The red sandalwood screen with gems inlaid at the door was still there, but there was no one on the red sandalwood couch deeper inside.

She seemed to ask casually: "Isn't Mr. Qi here?"

"Yutai," Jin Xianrong waved his hand, "Since the last time you came here, he didn't know whether it was because he had caught a cold or something, and he was not in good spirits. There was nothing wrong with the household department, so he was asked to go back to his house to recuperate."

"That's it." Lu Zhu nodded, turned around and said, "Master Jin, I have something to give you."

Jin Xianrong was stunned: "What?"


 At the Grand Master’s residence.

 It is afternoon and the sun is lazy. In the courtyard, two sweeping maids had cleaned the yard and were hiding in the shade of the trees to enjoy the cool air.

The younger maid was wearing a cyan skirt, with pretty features and a somewhat childish look. She was lying on the edge of the rockery pond, looking down at the goldfish swimming in the pond.

“Suqing, what are you doing lying by the pool? Be careful and you will fall.”

 The older maid sat aside and reminded.

"Sister, it's the first time I've seen so many beautiful fish. Auntie didn't lie to me, the Grand Master's Mansion is really great!" The little maid giggled and raised her fingers slightly above the water to scare the fish that gathered. After a jump, they suddenly dispersed.

The Taishi Mansion has strict requirements for selecting servants, and they must have good family members who are good-looking, capable, and smart. Suqing is young, only fourteen years old this year. When the Qi family's housekeeper went to choose servants, he saw that she was fair and tender, so he also chose her.

When the news came, Suqing's family was so happy that they were speechless.

That is the residence of the current Grand Master!

This gentleman is not only a high-ranking and powerful man, but also an upright and upright man. He is also a very kind-hearted man. He sets up a porridge shack in the city every year to give out porridge to relieve hunger, and also builds bridges and roads. Even if it was a servant's job in Taishi Mansion, many people would struggle to get it.

Suqing's family all worked for others at Zhuangzi, but they never imagined that they would be selected to enter the Grand Master's Mansion. After entering the house for three days, although she didn't even see her master, Suqing was very happy every day.

The verandahs and gardens of Taishi Mansion are beautiful, and the cups and dishes are all gorgeous and exquisite. Even the goldfish swimming in the pond under the rockery are more valuable than they look elsewhere.

After all, I was young, so I just ran around chasing the most beautiful dark eyes without even seeing anyone coming. Until a figure suddenly appeared on the edge of the pond in front of her, and the long shadow cut off the path in front of her.

Suqing was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously raised her head and saw an old man in black robe standing not far from her, looking at her lightly.

The old man was probably in his sixties, with a white beard and eyebrows. He was wearing a black Taoist robe. He was born with an immortal air, and his eyebrows were quite aloof. Behind him was a short butler, standing respectfully with his head lowered.

 The panicked voice of the older servant came from behind.



 In the entire Taishi Mansion, the only one who can be called "Master" is Taishi Qi Qing.

Taishi Qi usually takes a nap at this time. She didn't expect anyone to come at this time. The house always pays attention to the rules of the servants. She is running around and making trouble in front of the master like this, which is beyond words.

Suqing's heart flashed, and she knelt down and kowtowed: "I'm rude, I beg you for mercy."

 There was silence for a while.

Just when Suqing was feeling uneasy, the calm voice of the old man came from above her head: "Get up."

Su Qing was startled and cautiously raised her head to look at the person in front of her. The old man lowered his eyes and looked at her. His expression was not as angry as she thought, and his tone was even very gentle.


"Yes." Suqing whispered: "My servant Suqing, I will go to the house in three days."

  The old man nodded, "It's easy to fall into the water near the pool, so be careful in the future."

Suqing was stunned for a moment, then became a little excited.

 The Grand Master didn’t blame her!

Not only did he not scold her, he even reminded her not to fall into the pool!

 Ordinary wealthy people are always harsh towards their servants, but there is no one who is so easy to talk to. The rumors outside are true, Master Qi is indeed a kind-hearted and good man! Later, she will send a letter to her parents about this matter, and she will want Master Qi's good name to be spread well!

Suqing lowered her head, hiding her excitement, and responded obediently.

Seeing her like this, the old man nodded, said no more, and left. When he turned around, his eyes fell on the kneeling person. The little maid wore girlish buns and lowered her head humbly, revealing a section of her collar. There was a small pattern embroidered on the snow-white collar.

The wings are bright and the birds sing loudly.

  is a thrush.

 He suddenly stopped.

Suqing was kneeling when she saw that the person who had already taken steps suddenly stopped again. The next moment, a hand as dry as tree bark reached out and suddenly pinched her collar. His fingers were like a piece of pale dead wood, and he crushed her hard. The raised pattern on the collar.

She suddenly panicked.

 “What is this?” The old man’s voice came from above his head, and he couldn’t tell whether he was happy or angry.

 “It’s…a thrush.”

 The older maid behind her trembled and looked at her in fear. Suqing didn't see it.


Suqing said cautiously: "My nickname is Huamei. I embroidered it by my mother."

 Before she entered the Grand Master's residence, although her family was happy for her, they were also worried. Before leaving, Suqing took her original undergarment with her, which had the thrush embroidered by her mother herself. Wearing it, it felt like having family around her, adding a bit of warmth.

 There was still no movement on the head.

For some reason, Suqing's heart was beating "dong dong", as if she had a premonition that something unknown was about to happen, and the light shirt and skirt she was wearing seemed to have become thicker, making her unknowingly feel a layer of pain. Sweat.

There was silence all around.

Suqing wanted to take a sneak peek at her master's expression, so she mustered up the courage to raise her head, and she saw—

The old man with a white beard and eyebrows stood in the sun. The afternoon sun fell straight through the gaps in the shadows of the trees, blinding people's eyes so that they could not clearly see the expressions of the people under the trees, which were only covered with a layer of shadow.

Like a compassionate and indifferent fairy.

 After a long time, he raised his hand, stroked the beads on his wrist, and spoke slowly.

 “Towed away.”

Xiao Pei: I want to get something, and I need someone to help me remove obstacles on the way.

Xiao Er: Come on, brother, don’t deceive yourself (.

  (End of this chapter)

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