Chapter 174 Don't kneel

Chapter 174 Don’t kneel

The forest was silent, and the chirping of birds, beasts and insects was faint.

Qi Yutai looked at the person in front of him who looked like he was fished out of **** water, and his heart palpitated inexplicably for a moment.

The female medical officer was covered in bright red, and her eyes were staring at him with a fierce look, like an evil spirit that was about to seek his life.

Qi Yutai subconsciously took a few steps back.

The guards in front of him immediately blocked him. Qi Yutai came back to his senses and said angrily: "What are you doing standing still? Why don't you hurry up and take it down!"

Lu Zhen was already exhausted, and was restrained by the guards in an instant.

Qi Yutai ran towards the gray dog ​​that was no longer moving under the tree, and shouted in disbelief: "Capture the tiger!"

 The hound was motionless, its fur was blown by the wind, and its body gradually became stiff.

 He boldly stepped forward, turned the gray dog ​​over, and his breathing suddenly stopped.

 The body of Qinhu is covered with **** holes punctured by sharp points, which are so densely packed that it is frightening. The dog's head was almost smashed to pieces, and the flesh was so hideous that he felt sick after just one glance at the tragic scene. He quickly turned his head away and did not dare to look again. A thought suddenly came to his mind: How could this weak female medical officer have such a big penis? strength? Such a brutal attack?

 Then, after the shock, there was anger.

 The tiger is dead.

 She killed Qinhu.

Such a lowly ordinary person killed his Qinhu?

How dare she!

Qi Yutai said angrily: "Kill this untouchable!"

The guards on both sides were about to take action when suddenly, there was the sound of horse hooves, accompanied by the woman exclaiming: "Medical Officer Lu—"

Qi Yutai suddenly turned his head and saw a group of horses running from far to near in the forest. The female medical officer calling at the front quickly ran towards Lu Zhuo and shouted in front of everyone: "Lu Zhuo -"

Lu Zhen looked at Lin Danqing running towards him and relaxed: "Why are you here?"

Lin Danqing ran to Lu Yan and saw that she was covered in blood. He was shocked and angry: "I saw that you didn't come back for a long time, but I was still worried. I also saw the gray mark you left..."

 She had checked the censor Zhongcheng, including his people and horses, and when she confirmed that there was no more trouble, she planned to go down the mountain with the censor Zhongcheng. He also thought that he would just go with Lu Zhuo, so he asked the passing guard to ask the doctor in the driving department if everything was in order.

The class guard happened to be an old acquaintance of Lin Danqing. After asking around, she said that the doctor in the driving department thought it was cold on the mountain, so he ran around the paddock in the morning and then went down the mountain. He didn't stay that long at all.

Lin Danqing panicked when he heard this.

That man was not a doctor in the driving department, but he just coaxed Lu Zhu away. His intentions were really suspicious. It happened that Chang Jin was riding down the mountain with the prince's horse. Lin Danqing informed Chang Jin of the matter, and Chang Jin did not dare to lie. Yuan Zhen suspected that there was a traitor in the mountain. After hearing the news, he asked the guards to search nearby. But there is the whereabouts of the traitor, and I want to follow the clues to find out the mastermind behind it - the culprit who caused him to be attacked by a tiger in the hunting ground.

 Huangmaogang was very large. Lin Danqing followed the direction where the **** who took Lu Zhuo left to look for it. She didn't have much hope at first, but she didn't expect that she would actually find the gray mark left by Lu Zhuo in the end.

Before setting off, in order to avoid getting lost on the mountain, Lu Yan brought a can of ash powder to mark the route. At that time, Lin Danqing laughed and said he was too cautious.

 Luckily among misfortunes, Lu Zhuo was careful when following the escort, leaving marks along the way.

“Why are you bleeding so much?” Lin Danqing helped Lu Shun, “I have a hemostatic pill here, take it quickly—”

At the other end, Yuan Zhen reined in his horse, looked at Qi Yutai, and said, "Master Qi, what are you doing here?"

Qi Yutai looked at the increasing number of people behind Yuan Zhen and cursed in his heart.

 How come there are so many people suddenly?

He had been on the mountain. Although he heard the trumpet, he didn't pay attention to it. Therefore, he didn't know that the prince was attacked by a tiger and the hunting was stopped. Even the nearby princes and princes stopped hunting and rode down the mountain with the prince.

As thoughts flashed in his mind, Qi Yutai cupped his hands and said, "Back to your highness, I was hunting in the paddock, catching tigers and chasing hares. Suddenly I heard the screams of tigers in the forest, so I followed them. Who would have thought..." He looked under the tree.

 The greyhound’s **** corpse fell into public view.


The prince looked at him suspiciously and said, "The medical officer of the Hanlin Medical Academy said that someone claiming to be a doctor in the driving department was injured and lured away the medical officer of the Hanlin Academy. How can he be with you?"

"The doctor of the driving department?" Qi Yutai was confused, "I have never seen the shadow of the doctor of the driving department."

Lin Danqing couldn't help but said: "But it was indeed the guards who led Medical Officer Lu away. Medical Officer Lu," she lowered her head and asked Lu Yan, "Why are you here?"

Lu Zhen looked at Qi Yutai.

 Qi Yutai looked at her doubtfully.

After a while, she calmed down and spoke calmly: "I came here with the guards. I noticed something was wrong, and before I could say anything, I was thrown to the ground by a vicious dog. The vicious dog hurt people, and as a last resort, I accidentally killed the hound. "

These words are very interesting. Chang Jin immediately felt bad when he heard it.

Sure enough, Qi Yutai frowned: "What Medical Officer Lu means is that I deliberately led you here to let the tiger bite you?"

 “Absolutely ridiculous!”

He sneered, "Not to mention why I would do this harmful thing without any enmity against Medical Officer Lu. Since this Hanlin Medical Officer said that there was a traitor **** to lead you away, everyone present at the time can testify, so please be serious. Look, do the guards around me have that treacherous face?"

There were only a few guards around Qi Yutai. Lin Danqing looked at them carefully and showed disappointment.

 There is no guard like the one who just brought the message.

A trace of pride flashed in Qi Yutai's eyes, and then he said angrily: "I don't know who the person you are talking about is. But the reputation of our Qi family cannot be slandered at will! Moreover, even if this matter is not mentioned, Qinhu is really being criticized by others. Killed!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at the tiger carcass under the tree.

The body of the greyhound was turned over, revealing the other side that was **** and bloody. The intestines and intestines were flowing out from the belly like water. There was no good piece of meat in the head of the greyhound. The white teeth were exposed, making it even more pitiable than when it was alive and vicious. terror.

Qi Yutai's hound was known to be ferocious and untamable, even more powerful than an adult man. He was not even afraid of leopards and wild wolves. Now that he died in such a miserable state, it was really shocking.

Qi Yutai pointed at Lu Huan and said, "If you catch a tiger, you will die in her hands!"

 Lu Zong?

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed with suspicion.

Can this weak female medical officer, who can be knocked down by the wind, kill such a ferocious dog?

It can tear her to pieces.

"Is what Yutai said true? How could Medical Officer Lu be able to kill a tiger?" Jin Xianrong said, still a little unconvinced.

He met the prince's horse riding down the mountain on the hunting road. After hearing that a tiger suddenly appeared in the mountain, he immediately sensed something was wrong and followed the prince's horse back to the bottom of the mountain. Along the way, he met His Royal Highness the Second Prince, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince, and the Privy Council members. Master Yan and other officials were gradually surrounding him at this moment.

Qi Yutai had a serious face: "Master Jin, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

Lu Zhen was actually able to kill his Qin Hu!

 He still remembered her eyes looking at him, blood red and cold, like a wild beast staring at its prey, filled with murderous intent.

 Qi Yutai shuddered, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

 This woman cannot be kept!

He made a prompt decision, lifted the corner of his robe, knelt down and said to the prince: "Your Highness, Capture the Tiger was a gift from the Queen Mother, and she was carefully raised on the jade platform, and she grew up to be as heroic as she is now. Although Capture the Tiger is not a human being, she understands human nature and is loyal. He is smart and has always been with Yutai, but now he has suffered such a misfortune..."

He looked ashamed: "Yutai deserves to be punished with death. He failed to protect the tiger and he will be punished by the Queen Mother. However, for destroying something given by the emperor...Medical Officer Lu cannot escape the blame. Please make the decision, Your Highness!"

 “That’s ridiculous!”

Before the prince could speak, Lin Danqing became furious, "Medical officer Lu has been bitten like this, and his injuries have not been treated seriously, but Mr. Qi still wants to hold him responsible? What kind of logic is this?"

Lu Zhen was slightly startled.

I never thought that at this time, Lin Danqing would risk offending the Qi family to speak for him.

Qi Yutai was very insistent and kowtowed: "Your Highness, please make the decision."

Lu Zhen killed his dog. Even if it was just a dog, it was still the Qi family’s dog.

The bird hunter was blinded by the birds. Today he wanted to vent his anger on Qi Huaying. He was waiting to see Qin Hu tear Lu Zhu into pieces and into the mud. He never thought that she would be alive, but Qin Hu died.

 Have he and the Qi family ever suffered such a loss? This despicable woman must know that even if she is offended by a dog of the Qi family, she will have to pay the price.

 He wants her to die!

The prince's position as heir apparent is unstable, and His Majesty's attitude is intriguing. There is an undercurrent between the prince and the third prince. Even though he is unaware of court affairs, he knows that the prince and the Qi family are now in the same boat. Yuan Zhen will always be on his side...

Since she can't be killed by catching a tiger, let's use the laws of Shengjing to kill her. The grave sin of destroying something given by the emperor will cost you your head!

 There was silence all around.

No one spoke, only the sound of the quiet wind seemed to be filled with murderous blood.

 Qi Yutai lowered his head and glanced at the woman under the tree.

 Lu Zong was lying in Lin Danqing's arms.

Her clothes were stained with blood, her hair was disheveled, her face was as pale as paper, only her lips were as bright as blood.

 No, it doesn’t look like blood, it’s just blood.

She bit down on Qin Hu's throat so that Qin Hu couldn't break free. In the end, she used a hairpin to leave dozens of **** holes on his body.


She looked at him breathlessly, but her weak look made Qi Yutai feel a chill in his heart.

Qi Yutai kowtowed again: "Your Highness, please make the decision!"

 No one will speak for her.

 At most, they are just a few pedantic medical officers in the Medical Official Hospital.

 But so what? There are a lot of ordinary medical officers with no power or background in Shengjing. No one will listen to what they say, and it will have no effect. They are just like people who cannot listen to the ideas of ants, or even worse than ants.


 Qi Yutai suddenly paused.

 Lu Yan, who was lying in Lin Danqing's arms, also raised his head.

 Everyone looked towards the voice.

Ji Xun, the young medical officer who always stayed out of the crowd, stood up, walked to Lu Zhuo, half-knelt down, carefully inspected Lu Zhuo's exposed wounds, and then saluted Yuan Zhen.

He said: "Your Highness, I have just checked Medical Officer Lu's injuries. They were all injured by fierce dogs."

“The Analects of Confucius said: When the stables were burned, Confucius withdrew from the court and said, ‘Did it hurt anyone?’ Don’t ask about the horse. Noble men despise animals, so I don’t ask.”

 He nodded, his voice neither fast nor slow.

“The lower official believes that the most urgent task is to treat Dr. Lu’s injury first and then make other plans.”

Lu Zong stared at him silently.

Qi Yutai gritted his teeth secretly: "Doctor Ji, can't you understand? This is a gift from the emperor..."

Ji Xun looked calm and said, "It's just an animal."

 Just an animal.

These words were particularly harsh in Qi Yutai's ears.

 He raised his eyes and looked carefully at the young medical officer in front of him.

This Ji Xun is a bachelor from a family. He is quite aloof and arrogant. He has always been a loner, and he never expected to speak for Lu Xun.

 His words cannot be said to be of no importance at all, at least they are much more important than those useless medical officers.

Qi Yutai was still unwilling to give in and wanted to speak again. Another person spoke up: "That's right, Mr. Qi. Master Taishi is compassionate and gives porridge to the poor every year and accumulates good fortune. It is better to open the net and spare Medical Officer Lu." Once, Medical Officer Lu was seriously injured by a hunting dog, so he knew he was wrong. "

 Qi Yutai's face darkened.

   Talk about his father.

He looked towards the speaker. The speaker was Chang Jin, a middle-aged man who looked very mediocre. When he saw him, he lowered his head and avoided looking, looking a little afraid.

 Another untouchable who doesn’t know how to live or die. Before he could speak, Jin Xianrong on the side also coughed lightly and whispered: "...Indeed, this move should be an accident. I think Medical Officer Lu was also seriously injured. If it was not urgent, he would not act impulsively."

Jin Xianrong glanced at Lu Huo secretly.

 He really didn’t want to wade into this muddy water. After finally getting close to Qi Yutai, these few words brought him back to his original state.

It just so happened that Lu Zhu controlled his descendants.

His disease is improving now, and his sexual skills have also improved greatly. He also hopes that Lu Zhu will allow him to advance to a higher level in the future. If Lu Zhu really dies, even if he pleases the Taishi Mansion and sits in a high position in the future, it will be nothing more. It is a high place that is not lonely.

 Thinking about it, the lower body is still more important than the second half of life.

 As soon as he said this, Qi Yutai's expression changed several times.

 Ji Xun, Chang Jin, Jin Xianrong…

 One by one, they all came to speak for Lu Zhuo.

He originally thought that Lu Yun was just an ordinary medical woman who only seduced Pei Yunying with her beauty, which made Hua Ying sad. But now it seems that she is much more powerful than he imagined.

 That's why so many people wanted to speak out for her at the risk of offending the Grand Master's Mansion.

 Especially Ji Xun.

What on earth did she use to confuse Ji Xun?

The surroundings were quiet, and suddenly, a woman's calm voice sounded.

"The Laws of the Liang Dynasty states clearly: All livestock and biting dogs bite and bite people, but if the binding is not done according to the law, if the mad dog does not kill, it will be flogged forty times; if it kills or injures someone for this reason, it will be considered a fault. If it is ordered to kill or injure someone for this reason, it will be deemed as fault." Otherwise, the number of casualties will be reduced by one level.”

The words came out suddenly, and everyone around looked at her.

Lu Xu said: "Master Qi raised a rabid dog to kill people, so he should be held responsible for his fault. But I killed the vicious dog in a fight. According to the "Laws of the Liang Dynasty", I had no fault and should not be held accountable."

 She looked at the prince who was surrounded by everyone, as if he was making a last ditch effort, his eyes were gray and indifferent.

 “Please make your decision, Your Highness.”

Yuan Zhen’s expression changed.

Looking around at everyone, the prince had seen through Qi Yutai's lame drama. If it were in the past, there would be nothing wrong with him following Qi Yutai's words.

 It just so happened that Ji Xun was present today.

 There is an undercurrent in the court. Although the Ji family does not take sides, they are not insignificant people. In addition, he was not in high spirits because of the assassination in the forest today. When he saw Qi Yutai causing trouble for him, he felt a little impatient.

 “The doctor’s words are reasonable.”

Yuan Zhen said: "Although Medical Officer Lu killed dogs, the dogs hurt people first, so there are extenuating circumstances, so he will not be punished severely." He looked at Qi Yutai, and his tone contained a warning: "It is better for everyone to take a step back."

 This is a hint that Qi Yutai should not be entangled.

 Qi Yutai's heart sank.

There is no room for change in Yuan Zhen's words. At least today, it is impossible for him to get what he wants.

So many people worked together to save Lu Zhuo.

 The smell of blood in the air was thick, and for some reason, there was a dull pain in my forehead, and an unknown fire enveloped my heart, as if I had returned to the moment when I was thirsty for cold food. Anxious, violent, and eager to destroy all living things.

Trying to suppress the unwillingness in his heart, Qi Yutai took another look at the tiger's corpse on the ground, and handed over his hand again: "Your Highness has spoken, and Yutai dare not disobey. In fact, Yutai doesn't want to embarrass Medical Officer Lu, it's just..."

 As soon as he changed the subject, he changed his expression to a sad one.

"Quinhu has been by my side since I was a child. He was considerate and loyal. Now he dies miserably..."

 Everyone followed his gaze.

The greyhound’s tragic death is horrifying.

 “Yutai asked Medical Officer Lu to kill the tiger and eat three of its heads. Let’s forget about it.”

 Lu Zhuo paused suddenly.

Qi Yutai turned his head and looked at her as if he was giving in.

He knew that this was wrong. He knew that this would damage his image in front of others. Even if he returned to the mansion, his father would definitely punish him.

But this woman's eyes made people uncomfortable, and he couldn't restrain his impulse at all.

 The urge to destroy the other person.

  Since all the people here are "our own people", the powerful always keep each other's secrets. What happened today may not be spread to the outside world. Even if it is spread, most of the "own people" will bear witness.

The more arrogant and arrogant the other party is, the more he wants to humiliate him.

Lu Zhen clenched his fists and stared at Qi Yutai, a surge of anger rising in his heart.

  Kneel down, kowtow, and give to a dog.

A quarter of an hour ago, the dog bit her all over her body and almost died, but now the victim had to kowtow to the murderer.

This is really the most ridiculous thing in the world.

Yuan Zhen nodded: "That's fine."

 One word to the point.

Lu Zhen couldn't help but want to refuse, but Lin Danqing secretly pulled his sleeve and met her worried eyes.

 She shook her head gently at Lu Huan.

Lu Zong bit his lip.

 She understood what Lin Danqing meant.

For medical officers like them, whether they are treating officials on a daily basis or treating nobles in the palace in the future, their dignity is always worthless.

They have to kneel and bow to countless people. Compared with their lives, what is dignity?

 Not worth mentioning.

Chang Jin seemed to be afraid that she would be stubborn, and just hoped that the matter would be settled as soon as possible, so he urged: "Medical Officer Lu, what are you still doing?"

"Medical Officer Lu," Jin Xianrong also added, "Thanks to Yutai for his soft heart."

 Thank you very much.

Lu Zhen just thought it was ridiculous.

She raised her eyes and saw Qi Yutai standing next to Greyhound, with a hint of pride in his eyes. He seemed to have noticed how humiliating it was for her to kneel and kowtow, so he became more and more interested and wanted to see her in pain.

The crack from the greyhound bite seemed to slowly start to hurt at this time, and Lu Yan gritted his teeth in hatred.

Lin Danqing is right. For them, dignity is not worth mentioning, and many people will kneel down in the future.

 But who is this person in front of me?

 It’s Qi Yutai!

It was this person who killed Lu Rou. It was this person who made Lu Qian become a prisoner and abandoned in the wilderness. His father was buried under the water, and his mother’s body was not found. The fire that annihilated everything in the Lu family was all thanks to him!

How could she kneel?

How could she kneel down to this enemy!

The hatred in my heart was so intense that my eyes seemed to be bleeding. Lu Yan raised his eyes and looked at the crowds on all sides carefully. At no time was he more hopeful than now that someone would stand up and save her from suffering this sad, ridiculous, pitiable humiliation.

 She saw everyone.

Chang Jin shook his head slightly at her. The prince was a little impatient while sitting high on the horse. Jin Xianrong frantically signaled to her to stop as soon as she was ready. There were also the second prince, the fourth prince, many dignitaries and ministers she didn't know... and Ji. Xun.

Ji Xun looked at her with unbearable expression on his face, but did not speak. Lu Chen knew that he had spoken for her just now to avoid worrying about her life. This was the ultimate act of benevolence.

He can't say any more. He has the Ji family behind him, so he can't drag the Ji family into this muddy water.

The wind blew quietly through the dense forest, and the sound of wind was quiet all around.

Lu Zhen looked at it and suddenly laughed at himself.

 There will be no one.

In the past years, when she was in Luomeifeng, she had called her family members' names countless times. She thought it would be great if her parents were here, it would be great if Lu Qian was here, it would be great if Lu Rou was here. But she knew they wouldn't come.

 This is the moment.

 No one will come to save her.

 It is perfectly merciful for ordinary people to apologize when they suffer.

Lin Danqing supported her and slowly stood up.

Her whole body was covered with wounds from hound bites, and the wounds hurt whenever she moved. With an expressionless face, she walked step by step to the body of the gray dog ​​under the tree.

Qi Yutai looked at her, pretending to be sad, his eyes full of malice.

 Lu Zhen's eyes fell on the body of the hound on the ground.

The dog's corpse was in a mess, and the flesh and blood were disgusting. Only the shining golden collar around the neck was still shining, showing the distinguished identity of the owner.

 Suddenly, the words Lin Danqing said to her before going up the mountain rang in her ears.

“Look at the gold collar it wears around its neck. I have never worn one of such fine quality. In this world, humans are really inferior to dogs.”

Humans are inferior to dogs.

  There are dignitaries and nobles on all sides, but she is the only commoner, humble and ordinary. Even the dog on the ground was nobler than her in the eyes of those people.

Lu Zhen clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

It was as if there were thorns under the knees of both legs. Every time I bent down by a centimeter, my heart hurt more and more.

The harsh and absurd world fell on her back, like an irresistible mountain, carrying her down little by little.


 Unable to break free.

Just when his knees were about to fall to the ground, there was a sudden sound of horse hooves behind him, along with someone's indifferent voice.

 “Don’t kneel.”

 Lu Zhuo was startled.

Immediately afterwards, someone got off the horse and an arm stretched out from behind her, firmly supporting her spine that was about to bend.

 She turned back suddenly.

The young man must have come rushing in from outside. His robe was slightly wrinkled, but his arm holding her was very strong. He helped her stand up and let her lean on him.

 “Shuai Pei?”

 After a brief moment of surprise, Qi Yutai's face sank, "What are you doing?"

Pei Yunhu stood in front of Lu Yun, still smiling, smiling, his face gradually became colder, and his loving eyes also had a sinister look.

 He spoke, his tone contemptuous.

 “I said, how can a man kneel down to an animal?”

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