Chapter 17 Lan Qi's appearance is a heavyweight operation

Chapter 17: Lan Qi’s appearance is a heavyweight operation

When Lan Qi also cooperated with the order of the examination room and stepped into the giant void door under the guidance of the examiner, he suddenly felt like being thrown into a dark room that made people lose all five senses.

It was completely dark, I couldn't see anything, I couldn't even hear my own heartbeat.

Gradually, like a singularity in the darkness, the only light dotted the field of vision, and then, understandable characters appeared like meteors -

  【Welcome to the artificially created and simulated shadow world supported by the technology of Magic Engineering Institute. 】

【Note: The content of this assessment is a practical simulation of the shadow world, and there will be no life-threatening danger in the simulated shadow world. 】

  【After failing in the shadow world or the candidate is killed, he will be automatically ejected from the shadow world. 】

  【However, you will likely experience death and pain, not limited to more frightening scenes such as falling off a cliff or beheading. 】


  【Have you read the above matters and agreed to enter the artificial shadow world? 】


 Lanci did not swipe it with one click.

 Instead, read the entire manual of the Artificial Shadow World startup terminal carefully.

Then I moved my finger to the [Continue] side.

 He remembered reading in a book that if he died in the real shadow world, the challenger would also die for real.

 So, in Lan Qi's understanding, the real shadow world is an extremely dangerous place, which is absolutely different from this artificial shadow world with a protective mechanism.

Moreover, the laws of the Kingdom of Hutton clearly state that newcomers often need to practice more in the artificially developed simulated shadow world, obtain extremely high evaluations, and pass the evaluation and assessment of the Kingdom Alliance Council before they can obtain the qualifications to challenge the real shadow world. license.

 Even so, the death rate in the real shadow world remains high.

It can be seen how dangerous the shadow world is.

 Fortunately, the artificial shadow world used for the exam is equivalent to the practice mode, which is quite safe.

“The examiner mentioned that the main purpose of the exam is ‘wisdom and character’…”

“Then naturally I have to maximize my wisdom and character in order to avoid experiencing the feeling of death in the artificial shadow world.”

 Lan Qi thought secretly in his heart.

As he touched [Continue], ripples appeared on the silver-white light screen, quickly spreading at his fingertips, and new content seemed to emerge after disappearing under the text.

Before he had time to see it, it was like falling rapidly from the sky above the world.

With a sense of weightlessness, Lan Qi felt as if his whole body was suddenly immersed in a whole new world!


 The surroundings lit up quickly.

 The scene filled Lan Qi’s field of vision in an instant.

At this same moment, a biting chill hit me, like a ruthless sharp blade, heading straight into my heart.

 He felt that the temperature dropped sharply and the whole world was frozen.

The blood seemed to be coagulated, and the frosty air could easily penetrate the skin.

 “Huha! What the **** is this place!”

Lan Qi’s breath almost condensed into ice crystals in an instant.

 He could only grit his teeth and resist the stinging pain of the cold wind.

 He found himself standing on a snowfield.

 The vast white snow covered the earth, and the sound of howling wind and snow filled the sky and the earth, making his brain buzz!

At a glance, the sky is leaden gray, with thick clouds blocking the sunlight.

 The cold wind stirred up snowflakes all over the sky, flying in the air, sometimes gathering and sometimes scattering, making the whole snow-white world psychedelic and harsh.

 “Sir, we will be at their house soon!”

It seemed to be an old voice shouting hysterically, fighting against the wind and snow.

Lanqi turned around following the sound. Behind him was an old man in cotton clothes, and a heavily armored knight in silver and white armor, who were also walking hard in the snow and fog.

Although Lan Qi didn’t know what the old man meant for the time being.

 But he soon saw clearly that there was a small village standing in the wind and snow.

  It seems like a gem left in the vast snow.

 And I am in this village.

 At the same time, the information about the shadow world also appeared before our eyes——

 【Shadow World: The Hidden Flame of Winter】

  【Level: First Level】

  【The number of challengers is 1】

  【The gap between the intention to do good and the power to do good is called benevolence and righteousness. It is foolish to force benevolence and righteousness, but there are always people who are willing to carry it out to the end. 】

  【Winter is coming. As a noble on the northern border, your territory is currently facing a financial deficit, and you don't have much money left. 】

  【When you stopped by this village, you heard the village chief say that a magic furnace was stolen in the village today. 】

  【There have been severe blizzards recently. If this magic furnace is not recovered, the three members of this family may freeze to death tonight. 】

  【Task goal: Please help this family solve their predicament before dark (within 1 hour) so that they can survive this cold winter safely. 】

[Note: As a noble of the Holy Kingdom and a believer in the Holy Rite Church, your bottom line is that you must never violate the law, never harm civilians, and never defraud civilians. Otherwise, the church around you who knows your details will execute you. The official will execute you. 】

  【Note: Correspondingly, if a crime is discovered, the executioner will also assist you in giving the criminal corresponding punishment. 】

 After understanding the requirements of this exam, Lan Qi looked forward.

Not far away, there is indeed a house made of wood. The roof is covered with thick white snow, as if it is hidden in this pure white world.

Then the old man behind him must be the village chief, and the knight in silver armor is the executioner.

 Lanqi did not rush to the house in front, but analyzed the current situation for a while.

Since I am now a noble of this inexplicable country and have strict restrictions on me, some of the simplest and crudest customs clearance methods will definitely not work.

For example, you cannot directly rob other families of their supplies to relieve this family.

 Unless you are confident that you can defeat this executioner who looks scary at first glance.

 Maybe you will die after trying it.

As for taking this family to the village chief's house for a squeeze, they can survive tonight but not the whole winter.

 Obviously it does not meet the mission objectives.

If you forcefully order which household to take in this family for the entire winter.

This kind of abuse of power to occupy the magpie's nest is most likely illegal.

“Sure enough, ordinary cleverness won’t work in this shadow world, and shortcuts are all blocked.”

 Lanqi murmured to himself in the wind and snow.

Within a short time, his cheeks turned red from the cold, and a thin layer of frost developed.

 When he was ready to move again, he only felt that the joints of his limbs were stiff in the severe cold, and it became increasingly difficult to move.

Even wearing a heavy aristocratic winter coat can't stop the biting cold air.

Suddenly, Lan Qi also realized that according to the physical fitness of the candidates, the time for activities in the outdoor snowfield is actually very limited.

 Aimless search will inevitably bury oneself in the wind and snow.

“Let’s go to this house first to investigate the clues.”

 He quickly quickened his pace and walked towards the wooden house ahead.


In a spacious and bright conference room in the main building of the Sage's Courtyard, seats and tables are arranged in the form of a round table, with several large round tables surrounding the central projection screen.

There are five or six teachers in a group sitting on each table. They are either staring at the magic screen seriously or actively communicating with others.

 This is more like a seminar or seminar than a conference.

 They are carefully recording the highlights and details of each candidate in this exam, and exchanging opinions with other teachers from time to time.

On the screen, the scene of the candidates after entering the artificial film world is clearly displayed.

 All candidates, without exception, made slow progress.

After they went to that house, they learned from the couple that there was a strange sound outside the window on the night of the theft. Then the door of the house seemed to have been blown open by wind and snow, and then the temperature in the house dropped sharply.

When the couple walked out of the bedroom tremblingly, they found that the magic furnace had disappeared, and there were some footprints left outside the house, which should belong to a tall adult male, but they were quickly covered by snow.

As for asking the little girl at home, the niece adopted by the couple, she seemed to know something, but no matter how I chatted with her, she would not speak.

 So some candidates chose to go to other villagers to investigate for clues, while others tried to find ways to deal with the abnormality in the little girl.

Of course, there are also candidates who did not examine the questions rigorously because they thought they were too clever and died inexplicably under the sword of the executioner -

 He promised the village chief to take over the family for the whole winter.

 But with the current state of the territory, the lord could not guarantee to pay out the money at all, which constituted fraud. The well-informed executioner immediately saw that the lord was deceiving and executed him.

“Guys like this who think they are very smart are often unable to notice logical omissions, and they die the fastest in the shadow world.”

 As he crossed out the names of those who were eliminated, Vice Dean Ron sighed,

 “This is the shortcoming of wisdom.”

The correct idea is that as long as you can notice the most basic clue "the abnormality in the little girl", collect some key information from other villagers, complete the decryption to reveal the truth and subdue the criminal, the problem will be solved.

“The world of shadows requires a combination of wisdom and talent. Sometimes it also requires noble conduct, so that you can win the favor of the characters and unlock the clues.”

 While they were discussing.

Another teacher saw a candidate who used wind magic to chop down trees and then used magic to quickly dry the firewood.

Even more, they have tried to make fire-attribute magic props that can be used to replace magic furnaces.

  It can be said that each person shows his or her own special powers.


These seemingly eye-catching operations are not favored by many teachers. “Sometimes the shadow world can indeed take shortcuts through its own characteristics, but sometimes it can also fall into traps..."

"This original version of the First Order Shadow World, I remember being very disgusting, because in the end of the investigation, it was discovered that this evil couple deliberately hid the magic furnace in order to freeze the little girl to death in the snowstorm, thereby defrauding the north. High funeral allowances under border regulations.”

“Even if you give them dry firewood or a magic stove, you can’t save the little girl, because what’s cold is actually the twisted human heart.”

“Sometimes being too arrogant and trying to skip the mechanism of the shadow world may lead to unexpected failure. This is because the mind is not calm and stable enough.”

 A group of teachers sighed and discussed the core of this entrance exam.

For most candidates who are at the second or third level, this first-level shadow world does not have any combat elements that require the use of force.

 It is just the most basic and simple shadow world model.

 But it can also fundamentally examine whether the candidate has the suitability to challenge the shadow world.

 “Hey, what’s going on with this guy?!”

  An exclamation suddenly attracted the attention of all the teachers.

The teachers at each table looked towards the corner of the split screen.

 I saw that he was a candidate belonging to the Knights Academy.

 His painting style in his shots is completely different from other candidates.

He was not wearing a nobleman's long coat, but only a pair of trousers. His muscles were clearly defined, and he stood in the cold wind with his arms folded.

Even though his messy gray hair was covered with snowflakes, he still didn't seem to be afraid of the cold at all, and his dark purple pupils were as tough as a lone wolf.

 “What is this guy doing?”

"Wait a minute! In fact, as a noble, the clothes the candidate wears are worth some money. It is enough to allow the village chief to take over the expenses of a family for the whole winter. In this way, the little girl will be protected by the village chief."

 It is impossible for ordinary people to be so cruel to themselves, as if they have not considered their own life or death at all.

However, this shadow world does not require challengers to live to the end.

 Sacrifice oneself and implement benevolence and righteousness is not an option.

“The reckless men in the Knights’ Academy are like this. Occasionally, there will always be one or two people who are not very smart.”

"But this knight's college candidate named say he is stupid, but he feels strangely smart..."

Although Frey completely violated the purpose of the exam, he did use his noble character and abnormal physical fitness to complete the requirements.

“Perhaps completely giving up wisdom and character is also a manifestation of wisdom and character?”

"You have to say that he does embody many of the virtues of knights, including honesty, compassion, bravery, and sacrifice... It's just that he completely deviated from our original investigation goal. The Knights Academy found a treasure this year."

Slowly, although it was difficult for the teachers to make a fair evaluation of Frey’s ideas for clearing the level, they could not help but admire him in the end.

 At least as a knight, he deserves it.


 Vice dean Ron, who suddenly lowered his head and was flipping through candidate information, said in a deep voice,

"...I found that this guy seems to be addicted to gambling. He often loses only one pair of pants and is used to mortgaging all his clothes...So he may have formed muscle memory. Once he comes to this shadow world, he will be able to deal with troubles." If you are still undecided, take the clothes and discount them first to solve the problem."



  After blowing for a long time, it went wrong. Everyone felt embarrassed, and the conference room suddenly became extremely quiet.

 After a while.

Vice Dean Ron finally broke the oppressive silence, coughed slightly, and tried to redirect the meeting back on track.

“Looking at the best, this guy is a candidate of the Knights Academy, and the one who should have the headache is also the Knights Academy.”


“The students here are obviously much more normal.”

 The teachers nodded one after another and couldn't help but feel happy.

 It didn’t take long.

 Gradually, teachers discovered it.

 The candidates of the Sage Academy.

 There seems to be a guy who is not quite normal.

 In the picture, he saw a young man with black hair and green eyes.

 Not only did he not rush to investigate.

 Instead, he rushed back to the village chief’s house as soon as possible.

 After the village chief’s consent, he began to find several books on the bookshelf.

 Then he leaned back on the sofa leisurely and read a book by the fire.

Even took a sip of hot tea from time to time, looking particularly happy.

 Apparently, his strange behavior attracted the attention of teachers.

 “What is this guy doing? Is he enjoying himself?”

 The teachers who paid attention to Lan Qi began to ask each other.

Soon, a young teacher sneered lightly, then shook his head and said:

“Generally students who give up the exam midway will do this and stay in a safe position, but I have never seen anyone give up the exam as decisively as he did.”

 Other teachers heard this.

They all nodded.

 I was almost deceived by this guy's relaxed and calm temperament.

"Lanchi Wilford...the results of this guy's attribute test are not ideal. His family is a well-known wealthy businessman in the South Wantina border territory. The eldest son of the Wilford family is here to experience life?"

The vice-principal looked up the admission information of Lan Qi and sighed helplessly.

 After the teachers learned about his situation, they began to lose interest in this rich young man with a loose attitude.


Just when the professors' attention gradually left Lan Qi.

 He finally closed the book in his hand.

And with this book in hand, he took the executioner and decisively went to the stolen home again.


Lanqi gently knocked on the door.

Then there was a faint sound of footsteps coming from inside the door accompanied by howling wind and snow.

As soon as the door was opened, he saw the middle-aged man who came to greet him and was shivering from the cold.

 “Lord, has your investigation made any progress?”

  The middle-aged man asked with a hint of expectant worry.

 But he actually laughed secretly in his heart.

The direction of this idiot noble's investigation was completely misguided.

The next step is to lure this shabby lord away from home again and let him continue wandering around in the ice and snow with his stupid benevolence.


Lan Qi just stared at the middle-aged man with sharp eyes, seemingly convinced of one thing.

“The investigation has made no progress. But didn’t you bow to me before and just now when you saw me?”

Lan Qi slowly raised his hand and pointed at the middle-aged man at home and asked.

"I'm sorry, Lord, I heard that you have always been very kind and don't care about these details. It was our negligence..."

 The sudden question made the middle-aged man become frightened. He and his wife quickly pressed the little girl's head, bowed to Lan Qi and whispered.

 He didn't understand what went wrong that caused this nobleman to suddenly change his face.

This good old lord obviously didn't conduct any investigation in his own home, how could he detect the slightest clue! ?

Lan Qi sneered:

"According to the etiquette of the Northern Border Territory, you and your wife should bow to me, but you did not show me the due respect twice. I think your attitude towards me is extremely contemptuous, which makes me insulted."

He opened the code in his hand and scolded sternly,

"According to line 3 of page 719 of the Holy Kingdom Code, I will arrest your whole family for the crime of insulting the nobility. Children under the age of 12 are exempt from this crime. However, according to the custody and ownership regulations on page 134, this girl has lost her caregiver and will be It is in compliance with the regulations for me to take him back to the town and be taken care of by the church."

After finishing speaking, Lan Qi looked back at the executioner, raised the open book in his hand, and showed the "Insulting the Nobility" page of the code to the executioner.

This is clearly written above.

As for the etiquette of the northern border territory, Lan Qi had just confirmed it with the village chief and executioner in detail.

The executioner was slightly dazed.

After a while of hesitation, he finally stepped forward and controlled the three people who were confused.

"You will be temporarily detained at the village chief's house. When the snowstorm passes, all of you will come back to town with me. Those who should go to jail will go to jail, and those who should go to church to study will go to church."

Lanqi stared at the code and spoke word by word.


 Watching the three people, led by the executive officer, they set foot on the road to the village chief's house.

 In the wind and snow.

 Lan Qi put his hands in his pockets, breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled happily.

“Obviously, this exam tests the students’ legal awareness, so that their family can spend a warm winter in prison and church.”




 The professors who inadvertently witnessed Lan Qi's operation began to twitch crazily at the corners of their eyes.

Even the examiner Loren, who saw all this in the examination room, widened his eyes.

This chapter has 5,500 words. It is almost three chapters in one. I can’t break them into chapters, so I posted them together. Thank you all for reading, thank you so much!



 (End of this chapter)

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