Chapter 671 Ranch and Talia sometimes click together

 Chapter 671 Lanci and Talia get along sometimes

The paths of Parrieux are filled with the fresh fragrance of flowers and morning dew, as well as the aroma of roasting coffee beans coming from the cafe in the distance.

As the two of them walked, they had nothing to talk about.

"Meow meow…"

 The cat boss looked up and observed Lanqi and Thalia.

It seemed that the two of them really had no communication with each other this time. They simply didn't know what to talk to each other about.

It remembered that Ranchi taught Loren the last time that on a first date, if you are not sure about the other person's interests and hobbies, it is best not to start the topic rashly to avoid falling into a dead end of conversation that may be embarrassing for both parties.

Even if you have nothing to say, never ask low-level questions such as "What is your favorite color" or "What is your favorite food?" If you die after answering the basic topic, it will only be more embarrassing.

But at this moment.

Lanchi understands Talia’s interests and hobbies very well.

He could only talk about food.

 So he seemed to have reached a dead end now, and he didn't know how to talk to Thalia for a while.

 It can only be said that Teacher Dalan is indeed a little unable to cope with Tata.

Tata is different from other girls.

People began to get busy along the streets of the old town that the two passed by. Some Parrieux people hurried to work, and some stopped in front of the street shops. In the small shops, the bakers were making freshly baked croissants and soft French bread. The bag is handed to the early riser. The steaming, golden bread is still shiny with tiny sugar particles.

The two walked quietly along the Selena River, with the breeze blowing and ripples appearing on the water. Occasionally, one or two white pigeons danced, freely drawing arcs in the air, and then landed lightly on the bridge railings. Quietly looking at the city in the morning.

 “Lan Qi, what is your favorite food?”

Thalia suddenly spoke.

It seems that she also felt that it was a bit awkward for the two of them to be unable to speak for a long time. It was not like a date that Professor Borao said could improve tacit understanding, so she decided to be more proactive.


 Lanci looked at Tata, as if his brain was short-circuited.

“By the way, is this really the first time for the two of us to hang out together?”

 He frowned.

 I always feel that the sense of déjà vu is too strong.

 It was like living this day in a dream.

  “Strictly speaking, yes.”

Thalia was convinced.

She and Lan Qi had either had a meal together before, or stayed together for official business, or they had met by chance. This was the first time they had made an appointment to go out aimlessly early in the morning.

 “It’s strange.”

Lanqi touched his head.

 “Why, are you bored with me?”

Thalia still had very few questions in her voice.

“Not really, I just feel like I know you too well, so I’m thinking about what I should talk to you about.”

Ranchi stated his true thoughts straightforwardly.

 “What do you know.”

Thalia looked at the road ahead and spoke calmly, without a trace of ripples in her voice.

 She didn't like that Lan Qi always acted like he understood her very well.

 “Know what you want to eat every morning, noon, afternoon and evening.”

 He said.


  The simple answer made Thalia a little angry, but she also felt a little unable to be angry.

 Because she really felt that if someone could reach this point, she would be very satisfied, and it would also be a hard-won friendship.

 “How long until the destination?”

 The strange and beautiful environment slowly passed through Thalia's eyes. She didn't know the way, but she was sure that Lan Qi had carefully read the map of Huadu Parrieux.

On both sides of the street, the green branches and leaves of the plane trees sway gently in the breeze, telling every passer-by their eternal voice.

 “About half an hour? How about it.”

Ranchi asked.

If Thalia feels it is too long, they can also change transportation.


Thalia replied.

The last time Ms. Zhu Zhu went on a date, Ms. Zhu Zhu’s partner was very reliable in this regard. Girls could follow her with peace of mind during the date without having to worry about route planning.

 Lanqi seems to have this rare advantage for boys.

 “But why do you know the way?”

Thalia felt that it was okay to be in Icerita. When he arrived in a foreign country, he could find the correct route quickly without looking at the map.

 “Because I have this book.”

 Lan Qi took out a booklet from his pocket, "A Map of Huadu Even a 3-Year-Old Child Can Understand".

“As the saying goes, one learns from every experience. Now I am very good at reading a map.”

Since it’s not too far away and it’s still early before the auction starts, you can take a walk to admire the flower capital Parrieux and check out if there are any good dessert shops on the street.

 The most important thing is that both of them are very leisurely, and are more accustomed to nature than a fast-paced life.

“That’s right, there are some things that I don’t need to teach you.”

Thalia commented.

Although I don’t know who helped Lanqi develop these excellent habits, it’s good as long as she can enjoy them.

“I think the food in the Posen Kingdom should satisfy you quite a bit.”

Ranchi mentioned.

 The cat boss was shocked in his hands.

When you encounter a topic like "What do you like to eat" that will only end the conversation, just change it to a similar topic.

 “Then introduce me to Poisen cuisine.”

Thalia spoke lightly.

 She decided to test how much homework he had done.

  Although she and Lan Qi were not dating for the purpose of Miss Zhu Zhu, she would not be angry even if Lan Qi was perfunctory, but she was curious about how much Lan Qi cared about her.

“Then you’ve asked the right person. The cuisine of Poison Kingdom is famous for its innovation. As the heart of Poison, Huadu Parrieu provides many gourmet experiences from luxury restaurants to alley restaurants and dessert shops. "

Lanchi suddenly became serious and explained to Thalia beside him,

"Broadly speaking, the cooking of Posen cuisine emphasizes the use of seasonal and high-quality ingredients, including fresh vegetables, fruits, meats and seafood. Such picky ingredients ensure the taste and nutrition of the dishes, from basic frying to From sautéing and roasting to more complex cooking methods like braising, braising and dipping, every technique is designed to maximize the flavor of the ingredients.”

  He was gesticulating as he spoke, as if giving a lecture to Thalia.

And Thalia was listening particularly raptly at this moment, nodding slightly from time to time.

 The cat boss looked at these two people like this.

 Chatted for more than ten minutes.

They all still look very interested.

 One talks and the other listens, focusing entirely on the other, not even looking at the road.

"Tata, let me tell you, sauces and seasonings are indispensable to Poisson cuisine. They are used to increase the taste level and richness of the dishes. In addition to the five mother sauces, there are countless variant sauces, which are pursued after seasoning. A perfect balance of flavours, textures and colours, each region of Poisson has its own unique cuisine, from seafood in the north to Mediterranean flavors in the south, as well as local dishes in the centre. Its rich culture and diversity can be seen in the diversity of cuisine. geographical features.”

The famous Poisson-style pastries, cheeses and drinks are not to be missed.

At this point, Lan Qi finally finished speaking, and Talia was already feeling a little hungry.

"pass the exam."

Thalia praised.

  …“…You seem to seldom praise me.”

 Lan Qi looked slightly stunned.

 He did not expect Thalia to say something out of the blue.


Thalia did not answer, just hummed softly from the corner of her mouth.

 Although his face was still expressionless as before.

 But I seem to be in a better mood than before.

“You two, meow, you forgot about me while chatting.”

 The cat boss looked at the two of them and said.

 “Isn’t it you who doesn’t speak?”

Lanchi looked down at the black bread ball in his hand.


 The cat boss is hard to say.

 The two people were immersed in the situation just now, and it was not like anyone could intervene and influence them.

Perhaps if you want to succeed in cooperative card making, you have to maintain the selfless state just now.

“Meow Meow Meow, at the Huadu Auction House we are going to visit later, can we also buy work contracts for demon employees and the like?”

 The cat boss decided to change the topic to a topic that he could also talk about.

 “Uh, do you want demon employees?”

Lan Qi asked with some uncertainty.

“Hmm, meow, after seeing Lisa, I felt that our restaurant could actually hire a demon chef to add some special dishes.”

Boss Cat nodded.     In the past, it was very afraid of demons.

It was only after the airship came into contact with Lissancy that she discovered that there were such docile and friendly demons.

Now it is interested in recruiting employees who have mastered the skills of demon cooking to bring them back.

The most important thing is that this kind of professional demon chef from the Posen Kingdom might be very good at making attribute-added magic dishes! It also wants to have magic dishes in its shop. Occasionally, if it looks around, learns, and asks questions, it may become a kitten who can master magic dishes!

Recruiting a demon shouldn’t be a problem. Their restaurant still has a relatively high proportion of human employees, and they won’t be heavily investigated by the Hutton Security Bureau, the Food Business Hygiene Department, and the United Kingdom Council during this year’s annual inspection.

“Lan Qi, will there be any problem in bringing the demons back?”

 The cat boss inquired about Lanqi's legal risks with some concern.

 Otherwise, if something goes wrong and is exposed, it will have a great impact on its reputation. It also wants to live in the Kingdom of Hutton for a long time.

 “Hire it, just hire it, it’ll be no problem.”

Lanqi stroked it and said.

 At this point, it doesn’t matter even if we recruit a hundred demons.

 “That’s great, meow!”

 The cat boss was rolling around happily.

“Why are the activities in Poson Kingdom in August related to the recent popularity of Petras Auction House?”

Thalia walked aside and murmured in confusion.

Last night, she and Lanci heard Countess Rosalinda say at the Count's Palace of Asturias that transactions at the Petras Auction House were very popular during August, and they might be surprised if they went there. , such as encountering rare treasures for sale.

 Apart from the delicacies of Posen Kingdom, she didn’t care much about other matters related to Posen Kingdom before setting off.

"On the one hand, it is the Posen National Festival and the Platinum Level Card Maker Examination, which attracted a large number of card makers to watch, which also drove consumption. The other point is that it is the final transfer period of the Huadu Holy Grail Familiar Competition. Many have Contracts of potential new players and contracts of more famous familiars may be sold there.”

 Lanchi answered Talia.

 Basically, as long as she doesn't ask a question like "Why are we in prison" that makes him feel stuck in his throat, he will answer her seriously.

  The upcoming Huadu Holy Grail Demon Competition was originally being discussed this year as to whether to cancel it temporarily.

Since almost all participating demons have private contracts, which are more likely to be affected by curses than citizen safety contracts, the competition is also more likely to have hidden dangers of cursed demons going crazy on site and causing safety issues, according to the analysis of the Parrieux Municipal Government. The government is prepared to stop it.

But the intention of the Senate seemed to be to allow the contest to continue.

As long as the person behind the spread of the forbidden curse dares to take action, Posen must grasp some clues to the current situation.

“The curses of the great wizard Parroni have occurred frequently in the Posen Kingdom recently. If the main messenger wants to destroy the relationship between humans and demons in the Posen Kingdom, these activities are an excellent stage.”

Thalia said with her arms folded.

She felt like there was a line connecting them. Although there was no exact clue yet, she could probably feel some cause and effect.

 “I will buy the tickets and we can go see it then.”

 Lanci had originally planned to go to this game.

 The history of the Huadu Holy Grail Competition they are talking about can also be traced back to the period of King Lanyi XIV of Posen, with a history of about three hundred years.

 Originally, the game was developed as a way to resolve business disputes, avoiding open violence and possible damage to business activities.

 Companies or merchants would hire messengers to fight on their behalf in competitive games. In this way, disputes and competitions were resolved, with the winner of the game deciding the outcome of the dispute.

This system gradually developed into a huge league project, involving not only commercial disputes, but also a contest for power in the Posen Kingdom.


Thalia was very satisfied with the experience of having someone arrange everything for her trip.

Their trip to the Posen Kingdom felt like official business and travel. It seemed to be dangerous, but it was actually very relaxed.

 “Help me, help me buy a ticket too, meow.”

The cat boss said, fearing that the two of them would leave it behind.

"Know it."

Ranchi assured.

 The rules of the Huadu Holy Grail Familiar Competition are quite simple and straightforward. The main purpose is to determine the winner. The specific rules may vary from competition to competition, but the core principles remain the same.

 Participants must represent a business or individual. These participants are called "employers". Each employer can choose an envoy to participate in the competition as its representative.

"Among them, the messengers can be either demons or humans. There are also some elves, orcs and other rare races that are rare in Posen Kingdom. However, in recent years, demon messengers are the most numerous. Those famous players are basically long-term. I will keep fighting for my employer."

Lanchi told the Cat Boss and others about what he learned about the game.

The competition is basically without rules, allowing the use of any fighting skills and methods. The purpose of the competition is to make the opponent lose the ability to fight until one party is unable to continue fighting, or clearly expresses surrender. Later, after the artificial shadow world was introduced, the casualty rate also changed. also.

Of course, there are also employers who are rich but are not good at training messengers. They will hire coaches and competition training teams to train the messengers they have.

 The results of the competition will directly affect the business interests between the employers, the results of negotiations, and even the ownership of the contract according to the agreement.

There will be a knockout competition every August, and the two major countries in the eastern region, the Kingdom of Aloran and the Kingdom of Hutton, will broadcast it.

“Don’t go to the meeting, meow. I’m afraid that High Priest Loren will recall the incident of criticism in the Icerite City Hall notice last year. If Xiubao sees you on the screen, he probably won’t be able to sit still.”

The cat boss jumped on Lan Qi's shoulder and whispered in his ear.

 It has recognized that Lanci is a legendary coach.

“Don’t worry, the fierce competitive competition is over, now it’s time for me to learn how to enjoy it calmly.”

Lanqi touched the cat’s head and replied.


Thalia also has a deep impression of that day.

 She was too afraid of being discovered about her relationship with Lan Qi and was mistaken for a demon. She was expelled from the kingdom as a resident and left early in the process.

 Facts have proved that her decision was right, and it turned out to be a big accident and made the news.

She didn't know how Lan Qi trained five cheerful third-year students into the Demon King's Army's special killing force.

But the help of great poets is definitely indispensable.

 Now that the great poet has been banned, Lan Qi will definitely not be able to survive.

 She decided to believe Lan Qi's words for the time being.

“Back then, it was said that Duke Milaya won the championship as his employer, and after the victory, he returned freedom to the champion envoy.”

Lanqi suddenly thought of it and said to Talia and the cat boss.

As Countess Rosalinda said, this country is full of legends left by Duke Milaya, and it would be a pity not to bring Hyperion here.

Of course, Hyperion may not have any feelings when she comes. She always feels that her father is just average.

 “Why does he want to participate?”

Thalia felt that Hyperion's Duke's family was not short of money at all.

The annual knockout tournament is mainly an event for players to determine their worth. The 3,000 pounds bonus and free choice of pink sacred materials for winning the championship are actually not much for the employer, and they are not very attractive to Duke Milaya.

Although there were prizes such as honors and medals, Hyperion also told her that the Duke's Palace could hardly let go of these things. Hyperion's father never cared about reputation, otherwise he would not marry Yifa. Tia.

“Duke Milaya said in the interview that the reason was very simple. He just wanted to please Miss Iphatia. She likes to watch the game very much.”

Lan Qi spread his hands and replied.


Natalia can understand it.

Epatiya sometimes does enjoy watching the excitement, but wherever she lies, it doesn't matter to her as long as her house doesn't blow up.

“Then his messenger is a demon?”

Thalia asked again.

It seems that hiring demons to do this kind of work is very popular in this country, so even the competition is called the Demon Contest.

"She is indeed a demon, I think her name is Atio. She was not very favored at the time, but Mi Gai Yahui discovered her talent and taught her a lot of knowledge and skills, which allowed her to grow rapidly and become extremely powerful. , and finally won the championship all the way.”

Ranchi told the story he learned this morning when he was looking through the championship record book,

“The messenger partner of Milaya is now said to be a powerful lord in the Posen Demon Realm. She originally became a slave because of her sins, but she regained her freedom more than ten years ago and started a new life.”

The Posen Demon Realm now belongs to several demon lords. They are almost the highest decision-makers in the Posen Demon Realm and are directly connected with the Senate of the Posen Kingdom.

For example, the former teacher of Nigel the Executioner was also a lord of Posen Demon Realm.

"Wait a minute, then what if she fell in love with Milaya because of this kindness and experience but couldn't say it, and Miliya helped her just because she wanted to please Ifatiya, what would she do? Mood?"

 The cat boss interrupted Lan Qi and asked.

 “Uh…probably not.”

 Lan Qi thought about it and felt that Boss Cat was too romantic.

 “This is too twisted.”

 It should not work.

Based on Countess Rosalinda's description of Milaya and Iphatia's daily life together, he couldn't imagine what it would be like for her every day if the messenger really had heavy feelings for Milaya. torture.

And there can’t be any other women in Poson who want to be Hyperion’s mother.

The demon named Etiou may meet the two criteria of "having a demonic aura" and "cold", but he lacks the most crucial "eight-hundred-year charm".

 It will be directly rejected by Hyperion.


Thalia stared at Lanqi, pressing her thumb on the knuckle of her index finger, making a slight joint sound.

There seems to be no police around here.

"But Miss Kaliela is really charming. Many big demons in the demon world listened to her at that time, which is not comparable to ordinary demons."

Lan Qi suddenly sighed.


  Hearing that Lan Qi was talking about the Fallen Lord Kaliela, Thalia let go of her hand.

Moreover, the implication of Lanci’s words—

 Calliera is charming, and so is she.

 “You two are chatting privately again, meow!”

When the cat boss heard Lan Qi’s sudden and inconsistent words and the expressive micro-expression changes between the two people, he knew that he was being squeezed out again!

Recommend this book ~ "I have maxed it out, do you think this is the favorability level?" 》



 (End of this chapter)

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