Chapter 682 Even if a dog comes, Lan Qi will be kicked.

Chapter 682 Even if a dog comes, Lan Qi will be kicked


 Early in the morning.

The Count Batitez Palace, located in a stunning prime location on the north bank of the Selina River, is built of handmade beige limestone and paved with blue-brown swallowtail tiles.

The private grounds of the house include shady gardens filled with broad-leaved evergreen trees, and a small glass greenhouse where owners and guests can enjoy exotic flowers and plants.

At this moment, in this glass greenhouse, the housekeeper is holding a writing pad to record the cultivation status of precious plants.

There were cautious footsteps behind me.

 But he still did not look back and focused on the work at hand.

“Hey, butler, do you want to come with us to watch the platinum level card maker competition at noon?”

Christina patted Lan Qi on the back and asked him.

 At 11 noon today, the platinum level card maker exam in the Eastern Region will begin.

 As the longest first round of testing, it will last until 9pm.

 Audiences who purchased live tickets during the period will be able to go to the San Baiyin Vine Arena to watch the real-time live broadcast, while other residents can also watch the broadcast.

“It’s really rare, Miss, would you invite me?”

Lanqi turned around and looked at the blond lady of the count's family.

 “The main thing is that Inoan thinks it would be better for you to go too.”

Christina sighed.

Although Christina no longer feels that Rocky is not so scary.

 But if she could have less to do with this brainwashed housekeeper, she would be happy to have less to do with it.

 “Would she say such a thing?”

Lanqi paused for half a second in confusion.


Christina raised her index finger and waved it in front of Lan Qi as a matter of course.

"I asked her to go, but she didn't want to go, but when I said, 'What if Rocky goes too,' she was shaken."

She explained with a sly smile,

“Obviously, it’s not enough for me to give her a sense of security now, I need to add you.”

Enoan has lost all confidence since he changed his mind and was knocked down several times by Rocky when testing his strength in the courtyard.

Even though her injuries have recovered a lot now, and Christina still gives her all the secret medicines collected at home for her to use every day, Inoan is still a little timid.

In Inoan’s impression, Butler Lodge was an extremely powerful person.

"I'm really sorry. I've already asked for leave this afternoon. I happen to have other work and can't come with you."

 Lan Qi helplessly looked at the ice ghost sunflower imported from the Posen Demon Realm, and said while recording.


Christina made a sound of disappointment,

“I thought you had a lot of free time outside of work, but I didn’t expect you to have to work several jobs.”

 She looked at Lan Qi as if she was wondering if Lan Qi had any financial difficulties. He had obviously made so much money and was still working hard.


Lanqi There is nothing better than a sigh in a thousand words.

Every family has its cupboard.

 If he doesn’t work hard to make money, how can he support that person?

 “What on earth do you think I am?”

Thalia captured Lan Qi’s thoughts immediately.

 Lan Qi didn't need to mention her a word, and she knew that Lan Qi wanted to die again.

“A card that is extremely risky and costly, and requires a huge amount of mana and food at all times..."


 “My most precious birth card.”

 “Shut up, you…”

  After Thalia finished conveying her thoughts, she stopped talking as if she fell into a deep sleep.

 The exchange of thoughts between the two ended.

Lanqi, who gradually came back to his senses, looked at Christina in the glass greenhouse again.

 “Let me help you convince her.”

 He suggested, putting down the tablet and pen in his hands.

 “That’s okay.”

Christina immediately turned back and headed to the courtyard.

 What she was waiting for was Rocky's words.

 “Have you been waiting for my words for a long time?”

 The housekeeper asked sadly.

“No, no, I actually hope you can stay with me.”

Christina whistled and looked at the trees in her garden and read.

The two walked together through the garden path for hundreds of meters, pushed open the heavy oak door of the main building, and soon came to the reception hall where Christina often stayed - the ceiling was three stories high, with hanging There is a crystal stalactite lamp with a diameter of nearly two meters, and the floor is a hand-woven silk carpet.

Going up the black marble staircase inlaid with brass handles, there is a corridor that stretches for tens of meters, with study rooms, small living rooms and other carved rooms on both sides.

A pair of majestic floor-to-ceiling windows at the end of the third-floor corridor offer an unobstructed view of the Selina River and the boundless cityscape.

And Inoan was tidying up in the guest room.


The sudden appearance of a figure at the door made her nervous subconsciously, and she took half a step back as if her back was tense.


 When she saw clearly that it was Miss Christina and Butler Rocky, she relaxed.

 Made a maid's salute to the two of them.

“Inoan, stop working for a while and come to the living room to have a chat.”

Lanqi pressed on the doorframe at hand and said.

 Then he went to the small living room on the third floor, placed three chairs next to a mahogany short coffee table, and quickly prepared three cups of black tea in more than ten seconds.

 When Inoan walked in, he found that he could already sit down and rest.

This made her look a little bit like she admired Butler Rocky.

 She wants this too.

This is called professionalism. He does things so quickly. Give him a minute and he might be able to prepare a tea party.

“No, Rocky, what did you do before?”

Christina patted the seat next to her, motioned for Enoch to sit over, and asked the butler opposite who was already enjoying tea leisurely.

“I have experience in various industries, but I am better at education and management.”

Lan Qi sipped her tea and replied.

 “Then you have really rich experiences.”

Christina just wants to know a little bit about it, and doesn’t plan to delve into it more.

 She believed this guy even if he said he had been in the Resurrection Church.

“Let’s get down to business, Inoan, Miss Christina is going to the Holy Silver Vine Arena today to watch the platinum-level card maker exam. Can you accompany the eldest lady and protect her by the way?”

Lanqi looked at Inoan and asked.

“…Can other maids in the house accompany the eldest lady?”

 Innoan looked at his reflection on the crimson water of the teacup without raising his head.

“First of all, you are Miss Christina’s personal maid. Rather than working in this house, you are more of her personal employee.”

 Lanci said slowly to Inoan,

"Secondly, although the cooking maids, waiting maids, and study maids in the house are all very strong demons, they are actually not as strong as you. You have to be more confident."


 Innoan stopped talking.

 There seems to be no words to refute or refute the steward.

“Inoan, are you afraid that your enemies will discover you and harm Christina?”

Lan Qi asked again.


Inoan seemed a little reluctant to admit it, but in the end he held the corner of his skirt and nodded.

"Don't worry. There is a safe city defense barrier in the North District of Posen. If you want to close it, you will have to capture the entire Parrieux or overload it. Otherwise, even the eighth-level powerhouses will be suppressed in the Parrieux city area and cause chaos. Suppress. Although Area 6 where the Holy Silver Vine Arena is located is relatively close to the Posen Demon Realm, it is still an area of ​​human society, and those enemies who want to harm you cannot do it casually. "

 Lanci explained to her in detail the working principle of the Parieux Barrier.

In the capital of a large eastern country like Parrieux, even the great priests cannot easily enter combat mode in towns. They can only fight in the wild, special venues, and artificial shadow worlds.

"Miss Christina wants you to go with her, not just because you are her personal maid, but more importantly because she likes you very much and regards you as a unique friend and playmate. So only She will be 100% satisfied by going with you. If you also want to respond to her kindness, Ino'an, why don't you consider it?"

Lanqi's eyes and words had some hints, which made Inoan's expression start to waver. He wanted to avoid it but had nowhere to escape, so he could only look at the floor with his face turned sideways.

 “Then let me go.”

Inoan looked at the blonde lady through the gap of red hair on her forehead and whispered to herself.

Lanci leaned back on the chair and looked at Christina, his proud eyes seemed to be asking her, didn't this solve the problem very simply.


Christina secretly gave him a thumbs up. She was actually quite speechless at the housekeeper's habitual way of speaking. This guy must have done some pyramid scheme, fraud or the like before.

"But what is the reason that makes you so afraid, Inoan? Are you actually afraid of implicating Miss Christina?"

Lanqi thought for a moment and asked Enoch.

 He could probably guess the reason for Inoan's hesitation.

 She was worried that her so-called enemies would come after her.

 So if she could stay at the Earl's Mansion, she would be reluctant to leave.

“I have a vague feeling that I might rank my hatred for my enemies...and the number one enemy who almost killed me and lost my memory is very must be difficult to deal with..."

Inoan tried hard to remember, but he couldn't think of any information, only the discomfort that seemed to be engraved in his bones.

“You do have this habit of doing things in a very clear order.”

 Lanci commented.

 He will always encourage Enoch's strengths and good habits.

“According to your guess, or just your impression, who is the stronger enemy, me or you? After all, I feel like you hated me in the Holy Silver Vine Arena before. Maybe I’m also on the ranking list.”

 He asked Enoch.

"No, I do not know."

 Inoan shook his head,

 “But you are definitely not my enemy.”

 Innoan said firmly.

“Inoan, in fact, if you hadn’t lost to me that day, you might not have been hunted down by the Diamond Gang in the Posen Demon Realm later.”

Lan Qi smiled nonchalantly.

He and Christina had already told Inoan the story of when they first met Inoan, and why Viscount Hammond hated Christina and Inoan so much. The agent competition in the Holy Silver Vine Arena.

“No, Christina and you are the top two people who treat me best.”

 Innoan shook her head, but she seemed very sure about this matter.

"If you really wanted to harm me or deceive me, you wouldn't let me know the truth so openly. I don't know what it was like before I lost my memory, but I understand it now."

 She raised her eyes and looked directly at Christina and Lan Qi.

 “Hey, Inoan, is this the favorite ranking?”

Christina hugged Inoan with some surprise and asked her.

She feels like she can't guess Enoch's mood changes these days, and is worried that sometimes her over-enthusiasm may put Enoch in trouble. Now it seems that Enoch is just not good at expressing.

 “I went to work.”

Inoan did not admit it this time, broke away from Christina's hand, bowed in embarrassment and left quickly.

"Inoan, what if you regain your memory one day, will you come to me angrily for revenge? In fact, when you parted with the red-haired boy in the hood that day, you didn't look like you would give up at all."

 Lan Qi seemed to have found an idea, looking at the back of Ino'an as he walked towards the door curiously and asked.

According to the doctor, after the brain trauma, Inouan's personality is likely to change drastically, but if her memory is restored, Inouan's personality may also change back to what it was before the injury, and life during this period may be more important to her. Like a dream, and recovering her memory was like waking up from a dream to her.

 “Can’t you sit down and chat calmly like this...”

 Innoan turned around hesitantly, observed the butler and said.

 She looked a little scared, like if Butler Rocky really wanted to hit her, she would probably cry.

 “Don’t worry, go to work.”

Lan Qi raised his hand, smiled and shook it at her, and only then did Inoan leave the small reception room with relief.

The room was silent for a moment, Lan Qi also finished drinking tea and was ready to continue working.

"Speaking of which, miss, I know you like Ino'an very much, but you should also be prepared to break up with her at any time. After all, you don't know her past, and maybe you are not from the same world."

Lanchi put the tea cup on the tray and advised Christina a little worriedly.

His question about Inoan just now was also hoping that Christina could understand it in advance.

"Know it."

Christina replied nonchalantly,

"No matter how she leaves me, I will let her go."

 Although she was a little bit stubborn.

But just like she didn’t understand Rocky, she really didn’t understand Inoan.

The time she is spending with herself now may be just a small fragment of less than one percent of Inoan's life, and she is just a passer-by in her life. Christina has no illusions that she can take Yinuo's life away from her. Nuo An locked himself.

 She probably thought about this when she signed the employment contract with Inoan.

 “It’s great that your ideas and style are so mature.”

Lanqi walked out of the room with satisfaction and said goodbye.

“Don’t underestimate me too much. Am I the kind of person who cries and clings to her?”

Christina made a face in the direction where the housekeeper disappeared at the door, and said with dissatisfaction.

This housekeeper is an old onmyoji, and sometimes she can’t tell whether what he says is true or ironic.


 Hours later.

 District 6 of Parrieu, St. Silver Vine Arena.

In this area close to Posen's Demon Realm, warning signs for the Senate's execution force have been hung, and patrols are often guarding the one-kilometer circular border.

Since the platinum-level card maker exam is a large-scale international project, the Poisson Kingdom has invested great security protection. At the same time, during the exam time at the end of August, there will often be powerful dignitaries from Parrieux and even the Duke of the Senate. Hou came to watch, so the further back, the nearby protective power will become more important.

 Many executioners who were on the south bank came to the north bank.

Of course, some people from Parry who work in government agencies have heard about the recent news. The patrol troops at the border of the Posen Demon Realm may not only be for security. The deeper reason may be the mysterious case of the ancient madness curse of the demons that is about to break out some time ago. There are new changes.

There have been no madness incidents in the past few days. It seems that the suspected culprit who spread the curse in Posen Kingdom has temporarily hidden due to the thunderous search by the Senate.

But while things were calm during the platinum-level card maker exam, which seemed like the calm before the storm, some people also speculated that the culprit of the curse incident was brewing something more terrifying at the moment.

despite this.

  Small rumors and rumors cannot stop the vast majority of life-loving Parry people from looking forward to large-scale events!

The afternoon sun penetrated the huge dome that slowly opened, and shone brightly on the ancient Holy Silver Vine Arena.

Audiences from all over the Poisen Kingdom and even countries in the eastern region have already gathered here, looking forward to this annual event of magic engineering.

 “Are there any card makers who hope to be promoted to platinum level this year?”

"I think it's very difficult. Except for Eskar, a super magic craftsman from a small country, and Valastine, Katrina, a top gold-level card maker who is taking the exam for the second time, the rest of the contestants this year are There are so many mysterious newcomers that I don’t know. Do we want to look at an aging master like Balkan, or Kallen, the new star who just emerged from the Kingdom of Aloran this year?”

“However, one of the highlights this time is mainly the examiner. I didn’t expect that a platinum-level card maker would take over Mi Gaiya’s job.”

A crowd of people could be seen everywhere in the venue, with noisy discussions and laughter.

The interior of the ultra-ancient Colosseum has been renovated and repainted in a modern way. It is surrounded by high stands dotted around, and the audience stands are stacked on top of each other like a winding mountain range like a giant white conch.

 In the Tianyu Hall, which is reserved exclusively for the powerful dignitaries.

 The seat is very spacious, and even the entourage can sit on the sofa nearby.

It's just that the vast majority of the servants stood at the back in a very orderly manner and did not sit with their masters.

 Only those with a lot of money will buy the high-priced tickets here, and the purchase permission also requires the family to have extremely high points in the Holy Silver Vine Arena, so it is almost the most luxurious area.

 “Please be quiet for a while and don’t disturb other people.”

Christina brought her younger brothers and sisters to their seat early and gave instructions to them.

 The cousins, cousins, and younger sister couldn't sit still, and they looked even more excited than she was.

On the other hand, her brother Kyle lost interest after hearing that Rocky was not coming today. He returned to the study and continued to study, saying that he would consider whether to come over after the final round of assessments.

 So she was the only one to take care of the children.

 “Inoan, look after my younger brothers and sisters for me.”

Christina could only ask for help from Inoan.


 Innoan felt very uncomfortable sitting next to Christina.

 Because she was looking at other people's houses, most of the attendants were standing aside.

 She doesn’t even know how to get along with children.

She has been studying during this period, and she also discovered that there are some things that she already knows, and some things that she does not know at all. However, she is completely lacking in the basic skill of "taking care of and treating children well", which makes her She increasingly suspected that she had been a bad person before.

 “It’s okay, you are very smart and you can learn it in no time.”

Christina seemed to have noticed Inoan's hesitation, took her hands and said to her.

 “It’s all my fault that Rocky is a deserter, otherwise the younger brothers and sisters would be quiet as soon as he asked about their homework.”

Christina couldn't help complaining angrily.

 Coaxing children should have been Rocky's specialty.

 “No, I don’t blame Mr. Lodge, it’s my lack of ability.”

 Inoan whispered.

Seemingly unwilling to let Christina blame Housekeeper Lodge, she tentatively looked at the children and boldly touched their heads one by one.

 The three little ones all looked at Inoan in confusion, which made Inoan a little worried that he had done something wrong.

 She was simply imitating the natural behavior of Lodge's housekeeper.

She remembered that Rocky would say "Children, I'm back" every time at this time.

 But obviously the scene at this moment is not suitable.

 “Hey, Inoan, you are actually willing to play with us!”

However, the three children soon smiled and began to talk to Ino'an, the taciturn and mysterious maid, making Ino'an not sure what to say next.

“Isn’t it enough to just imitate it a little bit?”

Christina smiled easily and breathed a sigh of relief.

 The housekeeper has some other uses, as it can motivate Inoan to make up for his work.

This platinum level card maker exam has actually started for some time, and the screen in the Tianyu Hall is also synchronized with the interior of the artificial world.

 It’s time to prepare for a break midway through.

 Because the first round of seminars for the Platinum Level Card Printer Examination is quite lengthy.

 Experts watch the door, laymen watch the excitement, few people can watch the whole process.

 So even in the live Holy Silver Vine Arena, there are often spectators coming in and out.

 Every time two candidates alternate between each other, the screen in the arena will change to the examiner and staff discussing, preparing to lead the new candidates to the entrance after the countdown is over.

At this time, the audience was almost all talking about their own things.

Just as Christina was leaning on the back of the sofa and looking up at the clear blue sky of Parrieux, she suddenly heard something moving in the distance, as if the dignitaries in the group were saluting someone.

 She tilted her head and looked over, and immediately sat up straighter.

 The only person who came was the real power holder of the Posen Kingdom Senate—Duke Tiffany.

She was wearing a luxurious silk dress, the hem of the skirt fell on the seat, and the dark red texture reflected the shimmer. There was an ermine velvet cloak on her shoulders, which fluttered gently with her movements.

Tiffany straightened her back, raised her head slightly, and her bright eyes seemed to be happy to wander around the screen. She tapped the armrest with her seal ring, methodically fanned the feather folding fan in her hand, and occasionally raised her head. Smiling and whispering a few words to the black-clad officer behind him.

“I heard that you almost accidentally chopped him down that day?”

She pointed to a certain examiner figure in the corner of the screen with her folding fan, then lightly covered her mouth with the fan and asked.

"…terribly sorry."

 The officer in black lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

“I don’t blame you, I gave you the authorization at that time, and I am also responsible for any problems.”

Mr. Tiffany was nonchalant and patted the officer in black on the waist with a fan, as if to tell him to hold his head high and not blame himself.

 “Mr. Nigel!”

Christina on the other side noticed the figure of the black-clad officer and accidentally called out his name, so she simply waved to him.

The last time she and housekeeper Rocky went to the Posen Demon Realm, they met the executioner, and it was he who handed Inoan over to them.

Nigel, who was standing behind the Duke, noticed where Count Baptiste was sitting, glanced at Christina, and nodded slightly in greeting.

“Inoan, it was Mr. Nigel who saved you that day.”

Christina reminded Enoch next to her.

In the Posen Demon Realm, if Nigel hadn't arrived to stop the leader of the berserk Diamond Gang, Inoan might have been beaten to death by the berserk cursed demons.

Hearing this, Inoan also bowed slightly towards Nigel.

Nigel also responded to Inoan.

 He found out that it was the Baptiste family who took in the human being he rescued.

 “Look, Inoan, it’s not so dangerous outside, and there are still many people with good intentions.”

Christina taught Enoch.

  “That’s what you said.”

 Innoan nodded with some relief.

 Before she could say anything else.


She stood up as if she suddenly realized the danger, and stood in front of Christina. She protected Christina behind her with her hands to prevent her from moving.

 At some point, a tall figure appeared in front of them, almost blocking the sunlight.

“Miss, may I ask if your housekeeper has brown hair and green eyes?”

The figure in front of the sofa had deep red eyes, flashing with teasing light. He ignored Inoan and only asked Christina.

He was wearing a black satin coat, with his long black hair hanging freely, and his pale and delicate face with some wild beauty.

It is none other than the demon lord of Parrie 7, Astros.


Christina looked away.

 She remembered that it was Butler Rocky who gave the demon lord a black elbow that day, allowing him to be defeated by Master Chief Nigel.

Although she was standing far away that day and should not have been noticed by the demon lord Astros, Rocky is now well-known in the Holy Silver Vine Arena. After a little inquiry about the strong man with brown hair and green eyes wearing a butler uniform, It didn't take long to find out that he was the butler of their Baptiste family.

 “I don’t know where he went.”

Christina replied with sweat on her forehead and a silly expression on her face.

"Really? I was careless last time. Let me see him next time..."

Just saying that, veins popped up on Astros' forehead.

He has never had an opponent who used such despicable means to lose without even seeing the opponent clearly.

 “I really don’t know where he is, he’s on leave today.”

Christina repeated again.

"Are you lying? Tell me his whereabouts, and don't let me find out that he is hiding in this arena."

 “I’m really not here!”

 At this time, it was on the other side of Tianyu Hall.

Nigel noticed Christina’s direction and frowned.

 “Mr. Tiffany, I want to step away for a while and chat with acquaintances.”

Nigel thought for a while, then lowered his head and asked Duke Tiffany for instructions.


Duke Tiffany slapped his hands casually, indicating that he could leave.

Although Nigel was her executioner and bodyguard, she had so many life-saving tools on her body that it would not be easy even if someone wanted to threaten her.

Nigel nodded and strode across a series of long aisles to where Christina was at the right end of the Tianyu Hall stand.

“Oh, there is such a strong maid. You should be able to pick up, three moves from me? As expected of a rich earl’s family.”

Asteros looked at Inoan, who was becoming more and more hostile, and finally moved his eyes from Christina to her.


Inoan was like a wolfdog with explosive fur, his trembling eyes sending out ferocious warning signals, driving Astros away from Christina, otherwise she would take action.

 The air became cold for a moment.

 Before Christina could think of a way to resolve Astros' troubles.

 “Astros, go back to where you belong.”

Nigel stood in the middle and put the scabbard in front of Astros, signaling him not to harass humans.

“Tsk, I got it, Nigel, you don’t think I’m stupid enough to attack a noble lady in the human world.”

Astros saw Nigel coming, and looked at the cold eyes of Mr. Tiffany behind the folding fan in the distance, and waved his hands as if he was defeated.

 He put his hands in his coat pockets.

He took out another letter from his coat pocket and handed it to Nigel.

 Nigel’s eyes did not soften his hostility and he did not take Astros’ letter.

 “I sent Mr. Perlman’s invitation letter for you, Nigel.”

Astros said as if he had accomplished his mission.


  When Nigel heard the name, he also looked away with an uncomfortable look, and then there was a long silence, and he took the black envelope stiffly and slowly.

Perlman, Lord of the Demon Realm, is the manager of District 10 and the strongest person in the Posen Kingdom today.

He even adopted Nigel as his teacher.

Nigel and his teacher’s twin daughters grew up together like brothers and sisters.

Now only my sister is left.

Nigel was even more afraid to see her, because seeing her would remind him of his sister who was killed by his own hands.

 “It doesn’t matter whether you go or not.”

 Astros shrugged nonchalantly.

Anyway, Nigel is quite unpopular among the demons. After all, he is an executioner who works as a dog for humans.

  Perlman’s dinner to celebrate his daughter’s birthday is next Sunday.

It also happened to be the night when the platinum level card maker exam ended.

"Although theoretically you can bring friends, I don't think you have any trustworthy friends on the human side. After all, you are a traitor yourself."

Astros's voice was full of pity, as if he didn't understand why Nigel wasted so many years on the human side.

 “Whatever you think.”

Nigel just stared down at the letter.

"Nigel, I heard that you are currently investigating without telling the Senate, but I secretly tell you that [Parroni's Grudge] may be in the hands of the Senate. Don't forget where you are. My compatriots on the other side, don’t let humans take advantage of you.”

As Astros walked by, he tapped Nigel on the shoulder and whispered in his ear.

  “…”   Nigel remained silent and did not respond to Demon Lord Astros .

“Well, what should I do if I hear some words?”

Christina shrank her neck a little timidly.

 She was worried that she had heard something she shouldn't have heard.

 “What can you do if you hear it?”

Astros’ cold eyes made Christina shiver all over and she froze in place.

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked straight down the aisle until he disappeared.

"It's okay, don't worry about what that guy said, he's just talking nonsense."

Nigel’s voice softened half a minute and he said to Christina.

 “Thank you for helping us out, Mr. Nigel.”

Christina quickly saluted him.

 Inoan also followed Christina and bowed again.

Before they could talk, Christina heard a slight noise in the distance: "The daughter of the Baptiste family actually has contacts with the demon lord Astros and the executioner Nigel. She really plans to let Viscount Hammond destroy her family." Christina's brows couldn't help but tremble.

As we all know, Duke Tiffany’s executioner is a ruthless law enforcement demon. As long as there is an illegal act, almost no one can escape his iron hand.

Christina admitted that she had a bit of a feud with Viscount Hammond, but why did it become known in the aristocratic circle that she was going to have **** with someone?

“Miss Baptiste, please pay attention to your safety recently.”

 Nigel's eyes swept from the three ignorant children of the Baptiste family until they landed on Christina and said to her.

In an instant, Inoan's eyes became frightened, and his eyes began to wander uneasily, as if they were falling into the abyss.

 “Don’t worry, it’s not because of you.”

Nigel shook his head, he felt that Inoan had misunderstood.

Although it is dangerous to provoke the Fang Pian Gang in the Posen Demon World, the incident has been resolved. After investigation, it was found that some demons attacked her first.

This woman named Inuo'an was just a passer-by who accidentally got involved in the dispute and had nothing to do with the overall situation.

The person who is really likely to be targeted by the mastermind behind the scenes is Ranch, or his pseudonym Rocky McCarthy.

Because the leader of the Diamond Gang who went crazy that day failed to get any useful information from him in the end, Nigel could also see that it was very likely that the turmoil in District 7 of the Posen Demon Realm that night was actually an attempt by the mastermind to fish out the solution. The bait set by the curser, as long as you follow Nigel, you will definitely find the one who can break the curse.

“You are talking about Butler Lodge. He is indeed dangerous.”

Christina agreed,

"But what is the relationship between you two? Has Butler Lodge ever been involved in any illegal activities?"

  She looked at Nigel's expression curiously. Nigel might know more than she did.

 She has been getting along with Butler Lodge for quite some time, but she still feels that this man is a mystery.

"He is my assistant, so he may be involved in some cases."

Nigel simply replied.

 Then, he said goodbye to Christina and Ian, and walked back to the table where Mr. Tiffany was sitting.

Christina was left sitting on the sofa with a frown on her face, thinking deeply.

 She started to think wildly.

 She has also heard about the potential unrest in Huatu Parrieux recently.

The Senate, represented by Duke Tiffany, is the largest authority in the Poisson Kingdom.

The demon lord sitting in the north of Parrieu needs to negotiate with the Senate. In essence, it is another force, and there have been disagreements with the Senate for many years.

Nigel the Executioner is an independent investigator. He switched jobs from the Demon Lord to the Senate. He seems to have his own intelligence network and judgment.

The Kraiyu Empire in the south is exerting pressure from the outside, and it is unknown whether they have spies inside the Posen Kingdom who are planning something.

In addition, there is also the mastermind behind the curse of [The Grudge of the Great Wizard Parroni].

And the Church of Resurrection are also suspected of having actions in the Posen Kingdom for some unknown reason.

 The first three are our own forces that are not very united, while the last three are enemy forces that have always been evil.

No one knows how much information the various forces have under the calm surface of the lake, what their goals are, and what processes are being advanced every hour, every minute, every second.

Something unseen may be brewing to a breaking point.

 It will erupt at any time.

Fortunately, Count Baptiste's family is just an old family, mainly engaged in some agricultural products and wine industry from the southern border of Poisson to the north. Once unrest occurs, their business will definitely shrink, but they will not go bankrupt. .

Even so, Christina can only glimpse the tip of the iceberg of the current situation in Posen Kingdom.

This Master Chief Nigel should be the game-breaker who feels like the most protagonist in the entire event.

It seems that Rocky, who is friends with Nigel the Executioner, is a mysterious and strong man who is surrounded by mysteries. He is most likely a good person and can change the entire situation at a critical moment.

“Miss, will Parrieux become dangerous in the future?”

Inoan's voice interrupted Christina's thoughts, causing her to come back to her senses. Turning her head, Christina only saw Inoan's purple eyes full of worry under her red hair.

“Don’t worry, unless the entire Huadu Parrieu is on the verge of falling on a large scale, no one will be able to attack the Earl’s Mansion.”

Christina patted Inoan on the back and assured her.

They also have ancient barriers passed down from their ancestors.

As the two chatted, they discovered that a new candidate's project on the principles of magic engineering had begun on the giant holographic magic screen hanging in the center of the Tianyu Hall.

 “Hey, Sister Kallen is here.”

Christina grabbed Inoan’s wrist in surprise and asked her to look at the scene of the artificial world.

This time there are lottery tickets for betting on who can pass the platinum level card maker exam.

Christina originally wanted to gamble a little for pleasure, but Butler Rocky recommended that she single-player the guy named Tata.

 She asked Housekeeper Lodge why he recommended this newcomer with little resume.

Rocky hesitated for a moment and said that Tata was good-looking, which left Christina speechless.

What's the use of looking good? Can it be used as food? Can it make all your wishes come true?

I didn’t expect Rocky to be such a superficial man.

After much deliberation, Christina decided to buy a three-hundred-pound Tata to give it a try. After all, Rocky was a bit evil.

If Tata really passes, Christina will get more than 60 times the bonus, and then she will be able to raise 50,000 pounds to fire Butler Lodge.

In the shadow world at this moment, the circular steps in the center of the auditorium go up in a circle and finally reach the main seat.

 For this assessment, the artificial shadow world is simulated on the third floor of the Colmton Library located in the Evert House of the Parrieux University of the Arts.

This spacious seminar classroom is quiet and solemn, with thick old oak floors inlaid with red carpets, and dark brown wooden bookshelves filled with books on the surrounding walls.

There is a long bronze table more than ten meters long in the middle of the classroom. There are more than a dozen classic Poisson-style armchairs lined up beside the table. The immortal crystal chandelier on the ceiling twinkles under the magic lighting, and the fireplace in the back is still burning with wood. .

Under the protection of the barrier, the only sound that could be heard was the rustling of the quill on the parchment.

 Six assistant clerks of the association sat at the end of the long table, concentrating, either holding their chins in thought or writing and sketching on paper.

They will remain silent and will only respond when the examiner needs their help and gives instructions.

“Okay, then the exam has begun. Mr. Deputy Examiner, please discuss with the candidates according to the eight questions you have drawn.”

 The examiner at the main seat is a middle-aged man, about fifty years old.

A few strands of white can be seen in his short brown and black hair, but he still exudes an elegant yet heroic demeanor. He is wearing a burgundy formal suit and his eyes are staring at the long table behind half-moon lenses.

He is Bruton Izainha, a platinum-level card maker from the Kingdom of Aloran, and a master of magic engineering.

 What he is responsible for today is to score each candidate's discussion content, and at the end, he will discuss with the deputy examiner to determine the average difficulty and score line of this assessment based on the deputy examiner's score.

 “Then it’s your time.”

After speaking, the examiner of the Brunton was transferred to the examiner's authority of the artificial film world to the deputy examiner who was sitting on the long table.

"So Karen, are you ready? According to the questions drawn, we will start with the topic of developing research on thermal energy furnaces."

 In comparison, the young deputy examiner gives people a completely different sense of mystery.

He looked to be in his early twenties, with a tall and slender figure, and wore a night blue slim-fitting robe.

What’s weirder is that he wears a silver metal mask on his face, completely covering his appearance. The only thing that can be seen is a pair of indifferent blue eyes.

However, even his eye color should be disguised.

Even so, his voice seemed gentle and charming, as pleasant as the flowing water of a hot spring.

"no problem."

Karien sat opposite him like a lady and nodded.

"The first question we need to discuss - in the thermal energy furnace starting system, how to achieve efficient magic energy conversion with the lowest possible loss? Please demonstrate a solution from the technology you have mastered, and here are several basic structures Modules are available for you to use quickly.”

The deputy examiner explained the question in a clear and logical manner, and projected a translucent three-dimensional magic mechanical device in front of Kallen.

 Kallen did not hesitate much, raised her hands, and began to use her magic power to reconstruct the projection of the magical mechanical device.

"First, the natural magic particles free in the environment are collected through the magic energy induction coil, and these particles are standardized and synchronized to form a highly efficient and highly ordered magic flow. Secondly, the magic flow is focused in an arch through a special curvature convergence array. shape, greatly increasing energy density.”

 She murmured.

“The arched focusing array you are using now reminds me of the magic energy concentration implementation technology in the energy storage pool. How can we prevent the magic particles from generating too much thermal noise when overloaded?”

 The deputy examiner asked kindly while watching her actual operation.

“The swirling ion cooling technology that I am best at and developed by myself is to solve this thermal noise problem.”

As she spoke, the inside of the mechanical components was enlarged by another viewing window and replaced by several circulating vortices.

"By applying centrifugal force and introducing a specific magic field, the particles flow to form a spiral vortex, which can effectively separate the high energy density area and the low heat dispersion area. In this way, when entering the next step of magic amplification, there will only be Enhance the magic output of high-energy areas."

Karien explained to the deputy examiner easily.

  She is better at the wind attribute than making fire. Even when it comes to the fire attribute, she can turn it into her area of ​​expertise.

 At this point, the deputy examiner basically has no doubts.

 Because he doesn’t know much about wind, but he does understand a little bit about fire.

"It can be seen that you have unique insights into theory and practical application. However, in the magic power amplification process, simple amplification alone cannot achieve no heat loss, and it will violate the law of whether magic power can survive on its own. What do you think? "

At this point, the deputy examiner could only ask this question.

“I noticed this problem, so I designed the coupled wind noise cavity.”

Kallen raised her fingertips to signal, and a spherical cavity gradually appeared, and she explained to the deputy examiner,

"The cavity is made up of dozens of magic light brazing rods, which can form a wind energy coupling effect on the flowing magic particles, thereby amplifying the magic power. The coupling process itself does not produce any new energy, but only changes the energy of the magic particles. Energy levels and vibrational modes.”


Examiner Bruton didn’t speak much throughout the whole process. He just listened and graded quietly. Sometimes he picked up a feather felt mechanical pen to write details on the drawing board, and sometimes he controlled and rotated the three-dimensional magic components projected in mid-air to observe the trial.

 “Mr. Examiner, do you have any ideas?”

 When Kallen finished speaking, she looked at the deputy examiner wearing a mask and asked with a smile.

 “I don’t have any problems anymore.”

 The deputy examiner answered.

"Then I would like to ask, have you found out whether such a high-density magic output will cause the force field to go out of control even if it is perfect? ​​And whether there is such a risk, how can I ensure that the magic output is controllable? What about **** and stability?”

 Karien asked him sincerely for advice.


 The deputy examiner was silent.

 He really doesn’t know.

"In my humble opinion, I have a guess. This is the biggest challenge in this case. What we are pursuing is not just a simple quantitative value. Outside the cavity, I assume that a special layer of magic energy grid can be designed. The chemical field uses its unique heterogeneous distribution properties to form a cage-type constraint on the magic output. Only when the amplitude, frequency and other factors of the magic power reach a precise balance can a new layer be opened at the interface of the constraint field and the anti-constraint field. Controlled 'exit'."

Karien seemed to notice the deputy examiner's dilemma and explained it as if to help him.

Examiner Bruton nodded slightly approvingly, seeming to give her some points.

 Outside the Shadow World, in the Holy Silver Vine Arena.

 Gradually, the frowning brows of the audience relaxed.

 They found that Kallen seemed to have found a way to increase her points.

This deputy examiner actually seems to be a bit unfamiliar with [Principles of Magic Engineering].

 Perhaps Kallen figured it out during discussions with the previous candidates.

Then as long as the topic is introduced into an area that the deputy examiner is not good at, you can torture the deputy examiner and ask and answer your own questions.

Although the deputy examiner looks like he is in jail, it is absolutely efficient to improve your scores like this!

 By the time the picture appeared, the deputy examiner had been tortured to the point of not wanting to speak.

"Okay, the time limit for the first question has come. The candidate's performance is indeed impeccable, which is enough to demonstrate his profound knowledge in the transmission and transformation of magic power. Let's move on to the next question."

 The deputy examiner finally spoke and started the next question.

 This cycle repeats over and over again.

 Karien completed the [Magic Engineering Principle] exam calmly in this way.

Even if the score is not announced immediately, it can be guessed that it will be quite high.

 Inside the Tianyu Hall.

“It would be great if I could make friends with senior Kallen. Regardless of whether she can become a platinum-level card maker this time, she is a leader with great potential among gold-level card makers.”

Christina sighed as she watched Kallen look confident when she completed the research.

Although it is impossible to ask a card maker of this level to sign a long-term contract with the family, it is definitely a good thing to make a friend.

Once a war breaks out in the Southern Continent, magic engineers will invest heavily in military industry, and such high-level magic craftsmen will be even more difficult to find.

“Why is this examiner so good-tempered?”

 Innoan asked.

Even she could see that Kallen's words seemed polite, but in fact they were embarrassing to the deputy examiner.

But it’s hard for the examiner to say anything to her, because she always shows weakness. Saying a few words about her makes it seem like the examiner is bullying the candidate.

 The average examiner may already be familiar with the exam.

However, the examiner just looked helpless.

“It can only be said that there are more gentlemen in the Kingdom of Hutton. It is said that the great priest Loren is also famous for being gentle and honest.”

Christina thought for a while and said,

“In the past two years, everyone really didn’t expect that there would be a new platinum-level card maker in the Hutton Kingdom. We originally thought that this time we would specially invite Mr. Borao to help.”

She remembered that there were many magic engineering textbooks at their Aloran Royal Academy, all of which were compiled by Bolao.

"Then why not let that Borao come? If you let such a new platinum-level card maker barely cope with the work, he might even be deprived of his platinum-level qualifications."

 Innoan asked Christina in confusion.

"For a magic engineer of Borao's level, even if he wants to come, the Kingdom of Hutton will not agree. If something happens to him, no one here in Poson can bear the responsibility, but this time Platinum The level card maker examiner heard that it was Polao who recommended him personally."

Christina should still understand the international situation.

 Once Borao leaves the capital of Hutton, he may become the target of an assassination by the Creja Empire.

But Professor Borao's strength has always been a mystery. According to most accounts, he is a pure magician with little combat ability. However, based on the intelligence of the Creation Empire's secret service intercepted many years ago, he went to assassinate Borao's elite. The agents all disappeared without a trace.

So the onlookers in the venue can probably understand why this platinum-level card maker wears a mask and looks mysterious.

 Everything is to protect the safety of magicians.

 But correspondingly, it also made people particularly curious about his true identity.

Christina knew that Mr. Tiffany must know his true identity, but it was impossible for Mr. Tiffany to tell her, and she did not dare to talk to Mr. Tiffany and ask such a stupid question.

 The process of studying and examining the [Principles of Magic Works] in the artificial shadow world is still going on at a rapid pace.

 The next few hours.

After Kallen, other candidates began to imitate Kallen, as if they had found the password to increase their scores and tortured the examiner to expel gold coins.

 Only a small number of kind-hearted candidates did not torture him.

Even the audience gradually realized that this deputy examiner really seemed a bit incompetent, and anyone could ask him a little confused.

 After all, the exam has an integrity monitoring system, and examiners cannot help candidates cheat.

 Karen is the most cruel in abusing food.

 The question made the mysterious examiner sweat profusely.

“No, what the **** is this deputy examiner?”

 “He let the water go?”

“I can’t let it go, it seems to be at the bottom of the gold level.”

“Then let him serve as the examiner in the third round, isn’t it funny?”

The audience who originally planned to leave the show after watching the show, but because of the effect of this year's show, many stayed. Some even came back after dinner to continue watching. The deputy examiner's performance was quite satisfactory.

  Why do you torture someone just once when he comes?

Although this deputy examiner looks mysterious, he is a very nice person. He is not difficult at all towards other candidates and is very polite.

The audience couldn't help but ask in their hearts, if you treat the examiner like this, are you really afraid that he will kill you all in the third round?

A dog came today and seemed to want to kick him.

 The prerequisite for passing the Platinum Level Card Printer Examination is to pass all three rounds. However, sometimes if you fail to pass the exam and you only get a very high score on a certain exam question, you can still get grade points.

 When the high grade points of the six exam questions are met, you can apply to the Southern Continent Card Printers Association.

If you can meet certain additional conditions, you may be able to become a platinum-level card maker under the application system.

 So the temptation of grade points is also quite big.


 It’s the turn of a new candidate.

A freelance card maker from the South Wantina Territory of the Hutton Kingdom, a young woman with gray hair and golden eyes.

  In the seminar room on the third floor of the Colmton Library in the Evert House of the Parrieux University of the Arts, the deputy examiner looks very tired.

However, nothing unexpected happened to him today, and he would have to go through several more rounds of torture.

“This type of recommended candidates without resumes are either mediocre or monsters, such as Miya Ya back then.”

 “This gray-haired young lady looks like a severe iceberg type at first glance.”

 The audience in the arena hall couldn't help but sigh with pity.

“First, confirm the personal information according to the process.”

The deputy examiner picked up the information sheet presented to him by Shadow World and spoke to Thalia who had already sat down across the table,

“Tata, a candidate recommended by the Kingdom of Hutton, unmarried, 25 years old.”

 When he finished speaking, he seemed to be biting his lip under the mask.

It seemed to be so funny that it cured him of his fatigue all afternoon.


Thalia lowered her head slightly.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't hit the examiner, Talia would have beaten Lan Qi to the ground right now.

 No, is this person really sick? He has been tortured all afternoon, and he is still in the mood to think about such **** things?

Thalia felt a little confused about Lanqi.

Originally, she was still thinking about whether she should care about Lan Qi today and comfort him after the exam, but now she just felt that she was overthinking it.

 “Ms. Tata, you...”

 The deputy examiner continued.


Her golden stone-like eyes glanced at the two examiners. The deputy examiner wanted to say something, but was choked back by Tata's gleaming eyes.

 “Please start the exam.”

 She prompted.


 The deputy examiner suddenly sat up straighter.

This made the chief examiner Bruton look sideways at the deputy examiner.

 Are you so afraid of her?

Moreover, you are the examiner and she is the candidate. What kind of conditioned reflex are you doing?

“The first question is about the basic theory of spiritual magic. First of all, please start the discussion from the core.”

 The deputy examiner cleared his throat and asked Thalia.

“As we all know, the core of spiritual magic lies not only in the power of consciousness, but also in the unity of mind and soul…”

 Thalia began to speak.

 The deputy examiner didn't say a word and looked like he was in a bad state.

 Now it looks like he won’t resist even if you throw gold coins at him.

“The hierarchical model of spiritual magic is the Trinity—consciousness, spirit and soul. The builder of the spell must achieve perfect unity among these three in order to achieve the ultimate coordination of spiritual magic.”

At this point, she did not discuss it any further. She raised her eyes and looked at the deputy examiner sitting opposite.

“Mr. Examiner, what aspects do you want to know more deeply about the content I mentioned above?”

 After saying that, she waited quietly.


 The deputy examiner's eyes were stunned.

 He seemed to have never been asked such a question.

Although he was also asked by the examinee, this time, the examinee completely gave him the right to choose.

His puzzled eyes seemed to be asking Thalia, you can just use me to score points, why do you have to ask such a thankless question.


Lanchi’s eyes were questioning, and Thalia responded to him with a slightly smiling and naughty look——

 The more you try to make me angry just now, the less likely I will treat you as a tool as you wish.

 She would rather get less points and maintain Lan Qi's dignity.

This time, the deputy examiner was silent for longer than ever before.

 “It’s about will, I’d like to hear your opinion.”

“This is neither purely psychological nor a level of life energy…”

Tata spoke slowly, with a confident look, always looking at Lan Qi opposite.

Lan Qi also listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

At this moment, the audience outside the venue looked at each other in confusion.

  Everyone thinks that this candidate named Tata will also burst the examiner's gold coins.

 She didn’t.

Rather than wasting many of her scoring opportunities, she also patiently cooperated with the examiner, making the conversation between the examiner and her particularly relaxed.

 From a certain point of view, the audience can’t tell whether this is an exam or not.

I felt that the two of them were chatting very naturally, just like discussing magic engineering issues. Even the deputy examiner had a rare smile on his lips, as if he was intoxicated in chatting with her.

 “It feels like the two of them have a good understanding in this state.”

“Actually, in terms of scoring efficiency, there should be no tacit understanding between the two of them.”

“It’s not worthwhile for her to do this. It’s useless to take care of the examiner’s mood. It’s just a waste of her own points.”

“Unless she has a good heart and doesn’t want to embarrass the deputy examiner.”

"But you have to admit that she is very strong. Even so, her score should not be low."

The audience couldn’t help but sigh at this seemingly mundane, yet gentle and intense discussion.

  It has been a long time.

Thalia finally completed the exam and walked out of the Void Gate passage dedicated to candidates.

 “Tata meow!”

 A little black cat ran over on the ground.

 “I thought you were going to torture him.”

Boss Cat said.

  After all, no one is better at torturing Lan Qi than her. Lan Qi has been trained by Tata since he became a card maker.


Thalia picked it up without saying a word.

 “Where’s Lan Qi? Didn’t he even come with you today?”

As soon as she walked towards the rest area, Thalia saw Kallen sitting in the audience not far away.

 She waved to Thalia very cordially, as if greeting a friend.


Thalia didn't want to talk to this woman, she just glanced at her and continued walking forward.

 “It seems you don’t want to win, Miss Tata.”

 Karien spread her hands.

 She was a little surprised when she saw Tata's strength.

 But seeing the way she took the exam, Kallen breathed a sigh of relief.

 In this first round alone, she beat Tata by many points.

 “Let me tell you after you win in the second or third round.”

Thalia turned around and said to Kallen.

“Don’t forget…this will be the examiner for the third round? He’s really cute, I can’t help but bully him again, Fufu.”

 Karen seemed to enjoy torturing the examiner.

She can even step on platinum level players, which further proves that she is the genius who should become platinum level.

"Are you worthy of bullying him?"

Thalia's golden eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

Just based on Kallen's words, she decided to choose a men's swimsuit for Kallen in the future.

“Why, this examiner belongs to your family? Are you still protecting him?”

Kallen asked her with a smile as she narrowed her eyes.

 “I’m looking forward to your expression after you understand everything.”

Thalia ignored Kallen and just walked forward.


 Until the venue gradually began to darken, today’s first round of exams also ended successfully.

 Only the staff are still coordinating the final work.

 In the artificial film world seminar classroom.

"not bad."

 The examiner, Bruton Izainha, is totaling the scores.

 The scores of candidates this year are quite high.

 But Examiner Bruton felt it was strange during the previous exam.

After the actual inspection, he found that the ability of the deputy examiner was indeed too low.

 At present, the candidate with the highest score is 82, and the candidate with the lowest score is 35.

 But deputy examiner, why do you only have 31?

Bruton has tried his best to give Lanqi points. He really wants to give Lanqi a higher score, but he really can't force him to get a higher score without conscience.

 In the end, there was no other way. The Bruton examiner had no choice but to use his authority and increase the passing line to 41.

Even so, this qualifying mark has reached a new low, which will definitely trigger a review by the Southern Continent Card Makers Association headquarters in the western hub area. It is very likely that the third round of exams will have external examiners to access and observe the entire exam.

Bruton glanced at Lanqi, who was still sitting beside him, with a complicated expression.

Although he had heard that this platinum-level card maker was completely different from the Milaya back then.

 Migaiya is a hexagonal warrior, and this guy is a compass warrior.

 It is said that he specialized in artistry.

 So in the last exam, judging from the data recorded by the association, Ranchi's artistry was slightly better than Countess Rosalinda, so he was the main examiner and Rosalinda was the deputy examiner.

 But at the end of the Magic Works Principle scene, he really looks too much like a fake platinum-level card maker!

His level of magic engineering is probably considered poor even among gold-level card makers.

Generally speaking, his strength is very special among platinum level card makers. If he is still like this as the examiner in the third round of exams and everyone will kick him, then the pace will really change.

Bruton remembered that there was a platinum-level card maker at the headquarters who was very jealous of Miaya. If he were to review Lanqi, because Lanqi and Miaya both belonged to the Kingdom of Hutton and were both talented rising stars, he might It would be pretty bad.


Bruton pinched his eyebrows.

 In short, everything is in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Southern Continent Card Creators Association, there is nothing to say.

Anyway, he called it a day and didn’t care about public opinion or anything like that.

 Come on a monthly ticket and we’ll continue to update in April. I can’t leave every night.

Recommend this brother's book ~ "Is this enough to be considered a full crime?" 》



 (End of this chapter)

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