Chapter 684 Lan Qi has the final say today

Chapter 684 Lan Qi has the final say today

 At the end of August in Paris, it is also the fourth Sunday of August.

 As autumn approaches, the clouds are gathering.

Thick clouds enveloped the entire flower capital, as if a heavy rain was just coming.

 Therefore, the Holy Silver Vine Arena did not open its open-air dome today, but adopted a closed mode.

“It turns out that there may be rain, but this is how the vaults of the Holy Silver Vine Arena are closed.”

At the table that Baptiste’s family had reserved for three consecutive shows at Tianyu Hall, Christina put her hands on the back of the sofa and looked up at the sky.

It is almost impossible to see the top of the entire venue. Its dome is a huge semicircular dome that projects the distant starry sky. It has a dark blue background and the stars are embedded in it like bright gems, flowing slowly in the sky. Occasionally, a wisp of phantom white clouds floats by. , hanging over the starry sky like a mist.

 “Christina, sit with some posture.”

On the sofa on the other side, Earl Baptiste's eldest son Kyle looked at his sister and gave some helpless advice.

Even though my sister has grown up doing whatever she wants, on this occasion, sitting casually like an old man looks too dignified as a countess.


Christina said a few words casually and sat up a little straighter.

 Looking towards his brother Kyle.

Since Butler Lodge's working hours are 1346 and today is Sunday, Butler Lodge did not come with the Earl's family.

Suddenly, Christina felt like she was less of a person.

And if she had to say who she was more afraid of, it was Rocky. Without Rocky, she subconsciously relaxed.

“Miss, let’s go home early today.”

Inoan quietly suggested to Christina from the side.

“Yes, the weather is not very good. It is said that there will be a heavy rain tonight.”

Christina was about to ask why, then she figured it out.

 I don’t feel it indoors, but I can probably guess the climate outside.

From time to time, rumbles of thunder could be heard from the corridor at the entrance, echoing slightly in the empty lounge in the arena.

During this period of time, Christina got along with Ino'an and found that Ino'an didn't like wet weather. She didn't like it whether it was raining or getting water on her body.

Even though most of Inoan’s injuries during this period were almost healed by the best medicines that Christina brought from the Earl’s family, she still looked timid from time to time.

 According to other maids in the family, they can no longer feel the magic power of Inoan, and even Christina is not sure how strong Inoan is.

 I can only ask the housekeeper next Monday.


If she wins the Tata lottery ticket she bought today, she can open Lodge Butler on Monday.

At that time, there will be no evil **** Rocky in this family, and only her Inoan will accompany her every day. Christina feels dreamy just thinking about it.

 “Can you please not fire Butler Lodge…”

Inoan seemed to have seen what Christina was thinking, and asked as quietly as a mosquito.

"You can't always rely on him or expect him to protect you. He has basically taught you everything he should teach you, and you may be stronger than him now."

Christina said to Inoan with confidence.

The Inoan she hired is not necessarily weaker than the Rocky hired by her brother, it's just that Inoan has been in a battle-damaged state for a long time.


Kyle glanced at his sister.

Although he felt a little ridiculous when he heard his sister loudly plotting to get rid of the housekeeper he hired.

 But if Christina really wanted to do this, he wouldn't stop her too much.

As long as Rocky agrees, he doesn't care.

  After all, Kyle has already discovered that people like Rocky should not be able to spend 50,000 pounds to hire a housekeeper for five years.

 Meeting Rocky can only be said to be the fate between the Baptiste family and Rocky.

Giving Rocky his freedom might as well be a good thing.

"This butler is mysterious. He doesn't want to stay with us on purpose today."

Christina looked at the entire Saint Silver Vine Hall.

 She doubted that Rocky was here today because Rocky had entrusted her to take care of the little black cat for a day.

 “Meow meow, meow meow.”

 The cat boss sat aside and pretended to be an ordinary cat.

  Ranchi gave it to Countess Rosalinda in trust in the first round of assessment.

It waited until Tata finished taking the exam and then went to find Tata.

Later, Lan Qi, who was working, took him to Tianyu Hall during the second round of assessment, and he fell in love with this luxurious branch.

So today, at the request of the cat boss, it was placed with the Baptiste family by Lan Qi.

 The final round of assessment [Artisticality] of the Platinum Level Card Maker Examination has been mostly completed.

 All candidates are taking exam questions in the film world, and some candidates are gradually completing and submitting their works.

This round of test questions is very concise and clear—

 After completing a work of art portrait, excluding the basic score for the Artificial Film World assessment, the remaining scores will be assessed by the examiner.

Christina looked at the screen.

 As the final assessment, today is quieter than any previous one.

On the holographic projection screen, each candidate in the Platinum Palace simulated by the artificial shadow world belongs to an area and can work on their own creations without interfering with each other.

 The screen moves and switches in the Platinum Palace from time to time.

In the wide central hall, the first sight is occupied by the huge stalactite vault. The extremely gorgeous and capable plaster reliefs shine under the light. The angel reliefs above dance gracefully, as if they are about to fly out of the gypsum bushes. The dome The stained glass mosaic in the center is a dazzling pearl, imprinting colorful light beams on the marble floor.

On both sides stand two seven-meter-tall sphinxes fighting mercilessly against each other. They are the epic statues "Fighting Lion" and "Victory Lion".

Going up the stone stairs, the majestic Corridor of Reason and Corridor of Prosperity unfold.

In the left-wing Parieux Square, in the center of the square stands a fountain with a statue of the God of Will and Love. The statue is sparkling with drops of water, as if it is inlaid with countless expensive gems.

In every open space, candidates sit quietly, surrounded by flat, round, and flat paintbrushes, completing their paintings.

This round of examination questions turned into ancient words and appeared on the walls of this art gallery.

  【Theme: Self-portrait】

  【Every candidate can freely use mirrors in the artificial shadow world】

  【Once completed, you can submit your work to the examiner. 】

  【Site and prism themselves are not themes and do not need to be processed】


 Everything you see comes to mind with strong outlines.

Many gold-level card makers frowned.

 Outside the artificial shadow world.

 “Isn’t the self-portrait the easiest test question?”

Christina in the audience asked Kyle.

Her brother Kyle is still a person who knows a little about art. He was also a failed student at the Parrieux University of Arts at that time. But Butler Rocky is even better. He should have been a successful student at one time.

“Self-portrait is both pure and difficult because it involves both technical challenges and deep self-exploration.”

Kyle looked seriously at the works of the gold-level card maker that were constantly changing on the giant screen, tilted his head to Christina and explained,

 “The first is the most basic technical challenge.”

At a technical level, self-portraiture requires the artist to have the ability to accurately capture and reproduce his or her own facial features. It requires not only superb painting skills, but also a deep understanding of light and shadow, proportion and composition.

  Different from painting other people, when an artist paints a self-portrait, the subject of observation is his own face, and the perspective often changes when painting, which makes the creation much more difficult.

“Secondly, there are issues such as emotional honesty and self-reflection, choices of self-presentation, the tension between public and private, etc. Strictly speaking, self-portraits may be more difficult than painting others.”

Kyle explained to Christina why many experienced gold-level card makers in the artificial shadow world fell into deep thought.

Since ancient times, many painters have created self-portraits. Among these portraits are works that symbolize the authority of the artist. There are also painters who cannot afford to hire models and simply paint by themselves.

 No matter what, many works handed down from generation to generation were produced.

It can also be said to reflect the artist himself at the moment of painting.


Tianyu Hall made a sound of discussion.

It seems that a gold-level card maker went to the examiner's room to submit the painting.

 In the screen.

In the conference hall where the two examiners and the assistant of the Card Creators Association were sitting, a young magic craftsman who was tall and straight, with firm features and long hair tied into a ponytail came into the hall with a painting.

Eskar, a new star magic craftsman from a small country, is dressed in simple black craftsman clothes, with a tool belt around his waist, and his right arm is a smart prosthesis he invented. He is standing in front of a long table waiting.

The examiner wearing a silver mask is holding his chin, sitting on the main seat admiring this work.

Countess Rosalinda, the deputy examiner, also watched quietly.

Although she is also painting, she is in a quite leisurely state and can stop at any time.

This self-portrait of Eskar is made up of a collage of various irregular geometric shapes, with bright colors and strong contrast.

  In the collaged geometry, you can see the outlines of some part shapes, as if depicting a mechanized character.

 The overall effect gives the reviewer a visual impact of bursting power and vitality, and one can feel the magic craftsman’s passion for technology and innovation.

  【Portrait·Broken Silhouette】

  【Type: Artwork】

 【Grade: Holy (Damage)】

  【Rank: 1】

  【Creatures who admire this painting have a chance to deduct a small amount of physical strength and obtain certain mechanical attribute enhancements within 12 hours. 】

“It adopts cubism and futurism painting techniques, which is not bad.”

The mysterious examiner commented and entered the scores for each item.

 In the first round of the exam, he was sweating profusely as the deputy examiner, but now in the third round of the exam, as the chief examiner, he seemed particularly calm.

This exam includes six dimensions to calculate the total score: technical ability, creativity and originality, expressiveness and theme fit, overall completion of the work, divine nature, and magic foundation.

˜Based on the self-portrait of Loggins given by the proposition team of the Western Hub Card Creators Association Headquarters.

 Set his work as 95 points and use it as a reference to score the works of other candidates.

Countess Rosalinda glanced at Ranchi's score.

 The final average was 82.

 Her eyelids twitched twice.

Rosalinda looked at it all the way and felt that Lan Qi’s score was too high.

 According to Rosalinda's opinion, the most she dares to give is 70.

Although the final passing line for the candidates will be determined by the score that Lanci gave her Rosalinda's painting, if she exceeds the score of the deputy examiner, she will be qualified.

But every student scored higher, which shows that Lan Qi did not give Loggins any face.

 Because the better Loggins’ work is compared to the reference object, the higher the score will be.

 In turn, it also shows that Loggins's paintings are not very good.

Rosalinda feels that Loggins is indeed a bit like a rich second generation who likes to show off his works and insist on being praised by others, but it is true that ordinary people will not offend Loggins.

Rosalinda felt very happy when Ranchi did this, but she was also a little worried that Loggins was about to become red-hot.


Loggins didn’t speak for a long time.

Rosalinda could feel the sullen expression on Loggins' eyebrows through the screen.

Loggins's paintings are not bad in themselves, and they are considered acceptable for the holy level.

The picture is in a blurry study room. Outside the floor-to-ceiling glass window is the vast ice field. The sky and the earth are covered with white snow. Loggins's figure seems to be in this room and blended into the vast white snow. , a pair of eyes like ice condensed, with a bit of arrogance in the coldness that refuses people thousands of miles away and looks down upon the world.


  【Type: Artwork】

 【Level: Holy】

  【Rank: 1】

  【The creatures who appreciate this painting have a chance to be in awe of the man in the painting, and consume some status to gain artistic insights. 】

 Different from a painting that was made on the spot for a few hours, Loggins’ painting was one that he prepared and produced for a period of time before the exam and submitted it to the exam team.

 The degree of completion will be much higher than what most candidates can achieve in the examination room.

 In these few hours on-site, it is almost impossible to create a painting that is better than what the current platinum-level card maker has created in advance.

 So according to previous practice, there will basically be no scores above 95 in the four examination areas.

Of course the qualification does not need to be so high.

You only need to have a higher score than the work created on the spot by the deputy examiner Countess Rosalinda under this exam question to pass.

 “Why is this examiner better than the Melaya people?”

“He is really too gentle. Even though a few candidates tortured him like that in the first round of assessment, he would still give high marks.”

“In the first round, a large number of candidates were recommended to pass, and a few even got grade points. In the third round, this guy took the exam and started to give such high artistic scores to the candidates again.”

“And he is really not afraid of being criticized by Loggins fans. If he continues to rate like this, Loggins will turn black under his forehead.”

 The audience was talking about this year’s mysterious examiner from time to time.

 From the first round, he had some show effect. As expected, in the third round, he was still very unique.

 Highlight a person who is tolerant to others and at the same time upright.

"I feel that this mysterious examiner has a very good relationship with Countess Rosalinda. Loggins does not give Rosalinda face. As the president of the branch, Countess Rosalinda has to take care of the overall situation and it is hard to say anything. But this guy obviously doesn't care about anything and comes directly to rectify Luo. Kings."

 It can only be said that some newcomers really don’t care about things like seniority and sophistication.

  Do things as you have to do them.

“Be quiet, this is not an occasion for you to chat.”

Logins' voice came, and the Saint Silver Vine Arena fell silent for half a minute.

The common people in Parrieux are not very afraid of him, but some powerful people are unwilling to talk anymore because they may have interests involved.

Logins is, after all, a management platinum-level card maker at the Card Creators Association headquarters.

“Hahaha, this mysterious examiner is so funny. Brother, can you please invite him to your house for dinner? I want to entertain him with a feast.”

Christina kicked her legs happily. She was very unhappy when Logins warned her during the second round of the exam a few days ago.

This guy is a little bit sick. He has to look after the audience through the screen and not talk about him.

“Although my father knows Countess Rosalinda, it is impossible for the countess to reveal the identity of the examiner.”

Kyle shook his head.

 “You useless brother! Think of a way!”

Christina criticized unceremoniously.


It’s hard for Boss Cat to tell her that this examiner is her housekeeper.

And she still dislikes him very much.

More than ten minutes passed.

  New candidates came in to the conference hall on the holographic giant screen and submitted their works to the judging panel.

 “Hey, Sister Kallen finally finished the painting.”

Christina looked excited and asked Inoan next to her to look at the senior sister in their school.

“She is the most famous genius magic craftsman in our Aloran Royal Academy in recent years. She may even be comparable to the young Duke Milaya!”

Christina feels that she has a good eye for people.

For example, I gained a perfect personal maid and good friend like Enoch.


 Inoan seemed to have something flash in his field of vision and pressed his forehead.

“You must have heard of Duke Milaya before, right?”

Christina saw Inoan's state, and immediately held her shoulders with concern and asked.

In case Inoan had even met Duke Milaya, it might be an opportunity to awaken some of her memories.

“He was really handsome when he was making a big splash in Posen Kingdom. Even the platinum level card maker exam seemed to be easy for him.”

Christina added information, hoping to provide some help to Inoan.

 "Mi Gaiya...him? Isn't he a black-haired girl?"

 Inoan murmured in a daze, as if his memory was confused.


Christina could only sigh.

It seems that Ino'an really can't recover his memory for a while, and to Ino'an, Milaya is a woman.

Inoan also shook his head in confusion, no longer entangled in this confusing clue.

Christina looked at the world of artificial shadows again.

 At this time Kallen's work has been revealed.

Her self-portrait stands in a very simple background, with only a pure white wall. Her own image is mainly in light colors, as if a dazzling hole has been torn in the plain picture.

Her long hair hangs softly on her shoulders without any artificial hairstyle. Her dress has no decoration, but the flat fabric is supported by her straight back and confident posture, which outlines her petite and graceful figure.

 The most attractive thing is the look on Karen's face. She has a beautiful face, and her emerald green eyes are like a small sun, warm, hot and dazzling.

She seemed to be looking down at everyone, exuding an innate sense of restrained pride and vitality.

“This painting is very modernistic, using the simplest realistic techniques to create a fantasy effect.”

 Lanqi held the magic device tablet and commented on the painting.

 【Portrait·Pure white and flawless】

  【Type: Artwork】

 【Level: Holy】

  【Rank: 1】

  【Creatures who admire this painting have a chance to recover a small amount of mana and reduce a small amount of mental magic resistance, and have a small chance to fall in love with the woman in the painting. 】

 The audience was quite surprised when they saw the identification results on the screen.

 Being able to create a sacred-level painting on the spot means that it is possible to compare with the demonstration work [Portrait·Icefield].

 The specific multi-dimensional scoring needs to be judged by the examiner.

 Generally speaking, being able to create a damaged sacred painting that meets the proposition under limited time and temporary conditions is already quite impressive, and it is even more incredible to be able to create a painting that is not sacred.

But it’s almost impossible to go any higher.

 There is a natural chasm between the sacred and epic levels.

Even a famous painter in history will only leave behind a handful of epic works of art throughout his life.

It is not a work that can be completed on the spot or with good planning and preparation. It often requires chance and coincidence to make the painting come into being.

  In the end, the examiner gave her a score of 88.

 “Crazy, too crazy.”

 “He really dares to give points.”

 There was another sound of having fun in the audience.

Judging from the craftsmen who know how to appreciate this work outside the venue, Kallen’s paintings are indeed good, and a score between 75 and 85 is actually quite reasonable.

 85 and above means that Loggins is not regarded as a human being.

When Loggins, the examiner who was connected in real time, saw this score, the pen in his hand made a slight crackling sound.


Loggins now feels that this guy named Lan Qi may be a little desperate, and he dares to give a gold-level card maker candidate's on-the-spot work a score close to his carefully prepared painting.

“Examiner, can you tell me what you think of my painting?”

 Karien smiled at the examiner and asked.

Although this examiner was naive in the first round and had a few choices, the score given to her shows that the examiner did not have any prejudice against her, and it was even much higher than she expected.

“…If the essence of avant-garde art lies in using the simplest shapes and brushstrokes to break through the conventional visual presentation, then this work can undoubtedly be included in the hall of contemporary masterpieces.”

 The examiner praised.

 But I didn’t boast too much.

 So Karen bowed to him, turned and left.

 She had a smile in her eyes.

Whether it’s exams, gambling, or men, it’s all easy.

She was now convinced that this examiner was a real talent. As expected, he didn't understand anything. He just finished the first round and continued to do so in the third round.

But as long as I give her high marks, she doesn't have any objections.


 The Shadow World Conference Hall was quiet for another moment.

 Lanci, who was sitting in the main seat, hadn't put down his writing tablet long before he noticed that Countess Rosalinda next to him was gesturing for him to look at the painting.

Countess Rosalinda has finally completed the deputy examiner's painting.

 “Come and help me score, Mr. Examiner.”

Rosalinda deliberately imitated the candidate's humble tone and said to Ranchi.


Lanqi smiled.

Even Countess Rosalinda dressed as a girl was more natural than that one.

Today's Eastern Region platinum-level card maker assessment, the score given by the examiner will determine the passing line for this exam, so it is also the most critical review.

Whether it was in the conference hall or in the auditorium outside the Film World, many viewers sat upright and paid attention to the work brought by the deputy examiner.

The painting depicts a window sill. Behind the glass is a female figure holding a wine glass alone. She is raising her other hand to gently press the glass window. The patter of rain falls on the glass, as if covering her face. , people can’t tell whether it’s the rain on the glass or the tears on her face.

Although her image is a little blurry in the rain and fog, it can be seen that she should have a mixture of sadness and joy. She is both endearing and full of energy.

  【Portrait·Rainy Night in the Mirror】

  【Type: Artwork】

 【Level: Holy】

  【Rank: 1】

Those who appreciate this painting will have a chance to have a deeper understanding of "wine" and gain some improvement in their wine-making and wine-tasting skills. 】

 Lanci looked at it and scored 97 points without hesitation.


The entire Saint Silver Vine venue's attention shifted from the painting to the examiner.

 The reference works given by the headquarters are all only 95 points. If Countess Rosalinda draws 97 points casually, it means that the reference works are nothing more than that.

 More importantly, even if the score is reduced by 10 points through adaptive adjustment with the authority of the examiner, the passing mark is still 87 points.

It will also mean that there will be almost no qualified candidates in the third round of assessment in the eastern region. Only Kallen, who scored 88 points from the Kingdom of Aloran just now, can barely pass the line.

 “Don’t make it difficult for everyone.”

Rosalinda was also a little panicked.

 She didn’t expect Lan Qi to think so highly of her work.

 And to some extent, it also shows that it is not that the previous candidate did well, but that the scores he gave everyone were relatively high.

“It’s okay, I will use the examiner’s adaptation authority to lower the passing line by 10 points, because you are too supermodel to be the deputy examiner, and your performance is extremely good.”

Lanci replied.

“I think her score is too high. Examiner, please explain your opinion.”

This time Loggins finally couldn't bear it anymore.

 Now it’s time to directly ask “What are you grading randomly?”

But the less calm he showed at this time, the more he seemed to have lost his composure. Instead, he had to suppress his anger and pretend that nothing happened to communicate with the examiner.

 “Well, let’s do what you want.”

Lanqi agreed without arguing or arguing,

 “How much will it drop?”

Lanci asked him.

“Change it to 92.”

This made Loggins very unhappy.

 Because Lan Qi's attitude was like taking care of him, just like hitting cotton.

To a certain extent, Lanci’s way of speaking is more like a leader treating his subordinates.

“Okay, I’ll listen to you. If you change it to 92, I’ll just adjust it down by 5 points later.”

Ranchi put down the scoreboard.

Upon hearing this, Loggins felt that Lan Qi regarded him as a fool.

 Originally, Lanci planned to use the examiner's adaptive authority over scores to lower the passing line from 97 to 87.

 After changing according to Loggins, he still dropped to 87.

 It was equivalent to just giving Loggins a formal comfort.

 Essentially, the nature of the insult has not changed.

"Examiner, let me warn you. It can be seen from your performance in the first round that your ability as a card maker is seriously flawed. If any candidates question or challenge your scoring later, I will start from the beginning. We will handle it strictly and will never tolerate examiners who lack any professional qualities, professional ethics, or professional abilities."

Loggins’ words were like sharp ice cutting through the silence of a winter night.

After hearing this, Rosalinda's breath suddenly flashed with panic.

If he is dealt with strictly by the headquarters, Lan Qi's platinum level qualification may be revoked at most.


Lan Qi just smiled helplessly at her.

Rosalinda thought about it and breathed a sigh of relief.

 She had only seen this kind of wealth of a strong man in Milaya.

Even this Lanqi is a bit too much.

The most insulting thing is that the honest registration system in the world of artificial photography determines that the examiner will be checked if he scores randomly. This only shows that the examiner really thinks that the example painting used as a reference is ordinary.


 After Loggins hinted like this, no candidate wanted to challenge him.

 Because the examiners are indeed very good to these candidates.

The first round was forgotten, but in the third round, they were rewarded with kindness and given high marks, which made the candidates feel a little embarrassed.

 If you can't pass it, even if you challenge it, you won't really have a score that can exceed the passing line.

 Even if some students can't pass, they still get grade points because of their high scores, so there's no need to say anything else.


 Saint Silver Vine Arena.

Kallen, who has arrived outside the artificial shadow world, sits in the audience with her arms folded, looking at the giant screen with satisfaction.

 Her score in the first two rounds was a little higher than that of the old woman named Tata. As long as she continues to be higher than her in this round, or similar to her, she will win. However, it is obvious that even this examiner will not give Tata unreasonable marks.

Soon she will be able to persuade this woman to stay away from Lan Qi, and then play with Lan Qi, the little cutie. If Lan Qi can really become the eighth level strongest one day, it is not impossible to consider him.

 It is almost the time when most candidates finish their paintings.

Not long after waiting, a candidate with gray hair and golden eyes had just finished submitting his painting in the conference room, and a figure with gray hair and golden eyes came with the painting.

 The examiner also seemed to have been looking forward to it for a long time.

 The moment he saw the gray-haired girl, he became more energetic.


Countess Rosalinda glanced at Ranchi speechlessly.

She is the only one who knows about the relationship between Lan Qi and Tata. They seem to be candidates and examiners, but in fact they are senior siblings whose relationship is a bit unclear.

 From Lan Qi’s subtle reaction, it can be seen that he usually interacts too much with Tata.

If she had to describe their relationship, then Rosalinda remembered a story told to her by the little black cat who could only talk. There was once a biologist named Pavlov who conducted a conditioned reflex experiment. As long as he As soon as the bell is ringed, the puppy will salivate and know that it is time to eat lunch.

I also heard about the little black cat from Ranchi. Lanci used this story to vividly describe “Lanchi’s view of his relationship with Tata.”

But in fact, Countess Rosalinda discovered that apart from the puppies, it was not Pavlov himself who was domesticated?

“Tata, a candidate recommended by the Kingdom of Hutton, unmarried, 25 years old.”

The examiner picked up the writing board, looked at the registration information on it, and confirmed with the examiner.


Thalia believes that other candidates should not have to go through this process, but regarding her information, Lan Qi must read it at the beginning. It is difficult to describe what he wants to emphasize.

 Her eyes began to grow colder, as if she couldn't wait to capture Lan Qi six times.

Lan Qi's eyes looked a little scared for a moment, as if he was telling her not to attack the examiner.

 And Tata's eyes seemed to tell him, if you have the ability, don't go back with me today.


Countess Rosalinda could only cough twice.

In fact, even if the two people don't interact like this, many spectators outside the venue can guess that the two people know each other.

Because in the platinum level card maker examination, it is not uncommon for the examiner and the examinee to know each other. What's more, these two people are from the Kingdom of Hutton. It can be seen from the first round of the examination that this Tata is very good to the examiner and would rather I didn't torture the examiner even though I got less points.

Lanchi came back to his senses and moved his gaze from Talia to Talia's painting.

 To be honest, this was the first time he saw Talia's painting.

 She chose a very unique perspective to depict her back on the canvas.

In the painting, she looks back with a slightly pale complexion, her cheek lines are sharp and strong, her gray hair is scattered on her back, and her looming golden eyes seem to be examining everything in the world, but also seem to be saying goodbye.

No one knows what she saw, maybe it was her hometown or an old friend, maybe it was an obsession or it was letting go.

  【Portrait·Looking Back】

  【Type: Artwork】

 【Level: Holy】

  【Rank: 1】

  【Those who appreciate this painting will recover a small amount of mana, and have a chance to permanently increase the upper limit of a small amount of mental attributes, only once. 】

 “Still as beautiful as ever.”

The moment Lanci saw the painting, he smiled with relief and gave her the same 97 as Countess Rosalinda on the scoreboard.

 Off the field.

“You really dare to give such a score? Aren’t you afraid that Logins will transfer all his hatred towards Milaya to him?”

“Although it is indeed very beautiful, I can’t quite understand the difference between these sacred paintings.”

“Maybe I’ll just give it according to my mood? Anyway, as long as I’m not detected as violating the rules, that’s fine.”

If the examiner really doesn’t know much about painting, even Artificial Film World’s honest registration system won’t be able to detect anything wrong.

“That’s enough for you, examiner, get out of here and I’ll give you the marks.”

Loggins said it without any mercy after all.

 “Wait a minute, Mr. Loggins…”

Countess Rosalinda was about to smooth things over when she was stopped by Lan Qi raising her hand.

Thalia sighed.

 She felt that there was no need for Lan Qi to give more than 95. In fact, giving 93 would allow her to win against Kallen.

However, Lan Qi was willing to like her paintings so much, and even if she wanted to give her corresponding high marks regardless of offending the people at the Card Makers Association headquarters, she was still relatively happy, and she wanted to make breakfast for him for a few more days.

 “No, brother, is there anything wrong with my beating?”

Ranchi looked in the direction of the voice coming from Loggins.

"The art exam is not a place for you to express your subjective preferences and play around. It should be taken over by more professional people. From now on, you no longer need to be responsible for the platinum-level card maker exam. In other words, you may be a platinum-level card maker. The identity of the card master is also gone."

Loggins declared coldly.

“I actually wanted to give it a 100 subjectively, because she is indeed too beautiful, but out of the examiner’s absolutely objective stance, I only gave a technical score of 97. Am I not objective enough?”

 Lanqi did not compromise this time and did not accept the score adjustment. He looked at Loggins’ connection screen and asked.

Such a straightforward compliment immediately made the audience at the Holy Silver Vine Arena roar with excitement.

Talia also tilted her head uncomfortably.

She didn’t know whether Lan Qi was sincerely praising her, or whether he was deliberately saying such words on this occasion to embarrass her, thinking it was fun to tease her like this.

 But when she met Lan Qi’s gaze, she knew the answer—

They all have them.

“Are you obviously trying to bring your ignorance and deceit to the table?”

Loggins asked.

"Then what do you think is knowledge and truthfulness? I can give you face and lie to you that this painting is only 90 points compared to your 95-point painting. Or I can tell you the truth and tell you your true level. "

Lan Qi didn't want to get used to this kind of man who grew up in the most affluent place in the Kingdom of Canberra. Others didn't dare to teach him a lesson. He was pragmatic and said what he said.

At the moment when the examiner and the examiner were facing each other **** for tat, the entire audience in the Holy Silver Vine Arena said that the tickets were worth the money.

 Suddenly, Examiner Loggins, Chief Examiner Ranchi, and Deputy Examiner Countess Rosalinda all seemed to have received the news.

 Information soon appeared on the projection screen.

 Some candidates reported the examiner and launched an examiner challenge.

Even anonymously, Ranchi and Tata knew who it was.

 It must be Karen.

 Because although Kallen is qualified, she cannot win the bet with Tata, and she will definitely not accept the fact that she loses to Tata.

 Obviously, reporting the examiner at this time would naturally help Loggins. Once Loggins defeated the examiner and gave Tata a lower score, she could turn defeat into victory.

 At this time.

 In a lounge of the Holy Silver Vine Arena.

Carlene controlled the candidate’s terminal magic device with a smile on her face and reported the examiner to the Card Creators Association.

 When she walked out, her face suddenly became much gloomier.

 “Stupid examiner, I thought you were a good person.”

She said to herself with trembling lips.

On the one hand, she never thought that Tata was really so powerful, and on the other hand, she never thought that the examiner whose identity was a mystery also knew Tata and cared for the gray-haired woman so much.

 But it doesn’t matter.

With Loggins here, whether this gray-haired woman can pass the test is a question.

Just thinking about it, a smile bloomed on her cheeks, until it gradually subsided, and returned to her usual pleasant smile, and walked back to her own audience seat.


An artificial shadow world, simulating the conference room of the Platinum Palace.

"Very well, according to the rules, Rosalinda, you can exchange places with the examiner. If his strength cannot exceed the minimum passing line of 87 set by him, then I will be qualified to assert that the examiner's actual skill level is insufficient. He is not qualified to be the examiner, and he disrupted the order of the exam indiscriminately."

Loggins has already begun the process of his involvement as a reviewer,

“In addition, since there are examiners accessed, my opinion will be higher than that of the temporary examiner during the review, so your final score will be drawn up by me.”

Loggins added sternly.

“But your side is not even connected to the integrity registration system. Even if he draws a good enough painting, you can only give him 70 points.”

Countess Rosalinda could not sit still and raised objections.

 Even though Loggins was a censor, it was possible for him to do something outrageous and shameless.

According to historical assessments, as long as it is a non-destructive pink sacred, the minimum score will be more than 70. If Loggins is more shameless, it is possible to score 69. Even if it triggers public outrage, others will not be able to say anything against him, because Not everyone can understand paintings.

“Oh? Are you doubting me, Rosalinda Branch President?”

Loggins's face was still so cold.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll show you my skills.”

On the other hand, Lanci had a bright smile on his face and waved to Countess Rosalinda.

“Since it’s not convenient for me to draw a self-portrait, I will draw a self-portrait of any candidate, right?”

Lanchi asked.

This is a decision agreed by both the Card Creators Association Headquarters and the Posen Kingdom Senate due to the situation in the Southern Continent—Lan Qi does not need to show his face, and his identity information is the highest priority.

 “That’s right.”

Loggins didn't care who Lanqi planned to draw. According to the association's charter, it had been noted in advance that if the examiner whose identity was confidential was challenged, he would be adjusted to draw the examinee. This could also better compare the level of the examinee with the examiner. .

But it’s the same for everyone.


Rosalinda was very panicked. She never expected that any candidate would report Lan Qi at this time.

 In fact, as long as the examiner is reported, the examiner will have a way to find out the examinee's information. Generally, no examinee will do such a thing unless the examiner is at fault.

“I did not handle the first round of assessment very well. Although I felt a little uncomfortable because my assistant was gone due to some special reasons, this is not an excuse.”

 Lanci said to Countess Rosalinda with some guilt, then smiled and became particularly calm,

"But in the third round, it's the same with or without her. I think my scoring is correct, and I don't allow this exam to be unfair. If Logins, after seeing my painting, you still want Give it a lower score, that’s fine.”

As long as Loggins dares to withstand the pressure of public opinion.

Lanchi looked up at Loggins on the screen and said.

"who do you think You Are?"

Loggins sneered disdainfully.

  Even if Hutton had a second Milaya, he would not dare to show such a confident expression.

He just wants to see the examiner turn into a defeated clown later.

No matter what, he will not give more than 70 points today, just humiliate this eastern country bumpkin to the extreme.

Lan Qi said nothing more.

 Outside the shadow world.

“Wait a minute, no matter what this guy draws, Inspector Loggins will tell lies with his eyes open.”

 “Does he still agree to be reviewed by Loggins?”

 “Then what if he doesn’t agree?”

“Actually, it’s okay not to agree to the review. If you give in at this time, at least a more impartial reviewer from the headquarters can come back and review him.”

Under the intense gaze of the audience at the Holy Silver Vine Arena, Lanci started painting on the side of the conference room in the painting, without even needing to prepare.

"Can you help me?"

Lanci looked up at Tata, who was still in the conference room, and made a slight gesture to tell her to come closer to him.


Thalia nodded.

 It seems that Lanci chose her as a model.

 She didn’t mind Lanci painting her.

And Lan Qi listened to her words very well and did not secretly draw her again this time.


Lanchi looked at Thalia sitting down not far away, and couldn't help but feel that it was amazing, and smiled freely.

More than a year ago, he never thought that one day Thalia would sit in front of him so quietly, become his model, and let him paint her.

 At the Tianyu Hall outside the stadium, Boss Cat was already nervous in the audience of the Baptiste family.

It was a little scared when it saw Lanqi holding the paintbrush.

Remembering that Lan Qi was going to paint rather than make cards, he realized that he had gone a little too far.

This guy won't explode when he paints.

From a row of paintbrushes, Lan Qi finally chose a paintbrush with a reddish body.

 “A tribute to the legendary painter, the tenth ancestor Ulises.”

 Lanci stared at the paintbrush in his hand and recalled an old friend.

 This is his second unforgettable enemy after Lao Sang.


Thalia thinks Lanqi’s habit is very bad.

 The opponents he defeated will be paid endless tribute by him from now on.

 On the other side, Lanci skillfully composes the picture and starts writing.

 His eyes could not conceal his smile and joy when he looked at the figure in the distance.

 Drawing Thalia made him very happy.

 Although I have drawn Thalia countless times.

 But I always feel that this time when I painted her, it was the most realistic time.

 Perhaps when they first met her near the temple, they didn't even notice each other, but from then on, the story had already begun.

Every time he counts the gains and changes he has experienced over the past year, and how he has gotten closer to the retirement goal he wants to achieve, it is easy to recall the moment when he first set the goal.

Like waking up from a dream or waking up from alcohol, the memory of Zhumei is more like a dream given to him by the goddess of fate, illusory and ethereal.

 On the contrary, the memory of being Lanqi is more real and has not changed from beginning to end.

 The timer on the wall of the conference room keeps beating.

Outside the film world, the audience can only look at the figure of the examiner and the back of the easel, whispering among each other and full of expectations.

How today’s tumultuous exam will end will probably be revealed soon.

Until the sky outside the Holy Silver Vine Arena became a little darker, and it was probably entering sunset, Lan Qi's painting was finally completed.

 He stood up, turned his easel, and faced the audience.

 I saw a gray-haired woman in the painting.

 A dove flew past and blocked her face.

 But if you look carefully, you will find that you can still see her faint golden eyes.

 The more this happens, the more people are curious about what she looks like.

 Can’t see clearly until closer—

 She is looking at you too.

Just this amazing glimpse will never be forgotten.

 【Portrait·Mysterious Beauty】

  【Type: Artwork】

  【Level: Epic】

  【Rank: 1】

  【Creatures who appreciate this painting will feel better to a certain extent and have a chance of receiving a small amount of spiritual magic gain within 24 hours. 】


At this moment, Tata, who was sitting motionless as a model opposite, could not hide the hint of emotion in his eyes.

Although she had already seen Lanci's epic paintings and was not too surprised, this painting still made her heart beat a little.

 Only she knows that this painting is somewhat consistent with the one Lanci painted of her.

 It is like the encounter between the two of them, the duality from different perspectives.

 The person looking at her from the opposite side of the painting is undoubtedly Lan Qi.

Countess Rosalinda’s heart was relieved the moment she saw this painting.

“Examiner, do you have the guts to give him a score other than 100?”

She showed a relieved smile and looked at Loggins, who was not still on the connected screen.

Rosalinda finally knows why Ranchi is so confident!

Rather, because the upper limit of the score is 100, this epic painting can only be given a limited rough rating.

The Card Creators Association's assessment of Lanqi's artistry is actually inaccurate. It is wrong to say that he is an ordinary compass warrior. He should be an extraordinary compass player.

 Saint Silver Vine Arena, various venues.

  After the painting was revealed, the entire arena fell into an eerie silence. Everyone seemed to be so shocked by the sight before them that even their breathing was stagnant.

 Finally, an exciting cheer suddenly broke out from a corner.

This sound gradually ignited the atmosphere in the entire venue, and soon more spectators stood up.

The atmosphere erupted with cheers and arguments among each other.

“The concept of this painting is not on the same level as the previous works. It is full of surrealist romance and challenges the viewer’s conventional understanding of reality through unusual visual elements.”

“The examiner may not only want to explore the theme between hiding and revealing, seeing and being seen, but also trigger thoughts about identity, existence and metaphor.”

 Many people in the audience could no longer sit still and began to talk excitedly.

“Perhaps it… symbolically reflects a reflection on the role of the individual in society, and the human tendency to hide who we really are?”

"Who is this examiner? Isn't he pretending to be Mi Gaiya?"

 “No, no, it’s impossible. Milaya is an all-rounder, and his paintings are not as exaggerated as this person’s!”

Loggins's face immediately darkened, and he didn't say anything. After a moment of silence, he cut off the real-time connection.

And Rosalinda also smiled and signaled to Lan Qi that his examiner's seat was back.

His score today is indeed good.

 And today we can say that he is the authority.

On the contrary, Loggins has become the clown among clowns today, and Loggins jokes may be spread in the western hub area in the future.

This Sunday night, not only did the platinum-level card maker exam come to an end, but there were at least ten thousand people in the Holy Silver Vine Arena shouting, clapping and shouting that the tickets were worth their money. For a time, there was an unprecedented excitement.

 After witnessing the miracle, everyone could not conceal their excitement, and their generous admiration echoed in the venue for a long time.


 The other side a few minutes later.

 The corridor leading to the outside of the Holy Silver Vine Arena.

 Karien was walking quickly on the road.

Her eyes began to become bloodshot, full of unwillingness and anger.

 But then his steps became a little panicked, so he turned back and quickened his steps.

But suddenly, she seemed to have hit a mountain and fell to the ground.

At some point, a gray-haired woman stood in front of her, and beside her was a man wearing a silver mask.

 “You don’t want to escape, do you?”

Tata bent down and stared at Karen's evasive eyes and asked.

 “Tata, don’t scare her.”

The man in the silver mask patted Tata on the shoulder with concern, and at the same time cast an apologetic look at Karen.

 “Master, examiner?”

Kallen asked with some uncertainty.

Comparing to Tata who appeared here, she couldn't understand why the examiner was also brought out by Tata.


Tata tugged on the examiner's tie, as if forcing the examiner to obey her.

This familiar feeling reminded Karen of the same easy-going man who was also grabbed by his collar at the Card Creators Association that day.

 “No, you’re not, you can’t be him…”

Kallen opened her eyes wide, with a trembling smile, and shook her head slightly.

 In an instant, many clues flashed through her mind, and terrible thoughts began to appear, which would cause her cognition to collapse.

"I'm not."

 The examiner could only comfort her and hope that she would not be frustrated.

 But this kind of coaxing tone made Karen's mentality even more broken.

"no no…!"

Karien began to shake her head desperately, as if she couldn't accept this fact.

 Her face lost the vitality of the past, replaced by it, as if she suspected that the whole world was fake.

  Every mocking sentence she had made to Lan Qi at Icerite College, and every recall of Lan Qi's gentle response, lingered in her ears like a curse.

 She tried hard to find an exit to escape reality, but she couldn't find any direction!

 “Then do you still remember our bet?”

Thalia showed no mercy to Kallen and continued to ask.

 “You, what are you talking about?”

 Karien looked at her absentmindedly.

Thalia nodded.

 Seeing Karen in this state, she must have wanted to renege on the bill.

But Thalia never thought that Kallen would honor such a verbal bet honestly.

 Promise is particularly important to Thalia.

What’s more, for a demon royal family like Thalia.

"If you want to default on your debt, I will make public what you said to him, the mocking words you said to him in the ancient pagoda library of the Sage Academy, and the fact that you secretly reported him. I think you don't want it to be made public. Did you fall from the Queen's seat at Aloran Royal Academy and become a despicable clown?"

Thalia lowered her voice and whispered in Kallen's ear with her magic voice.

Her voice had become a little psychedelic, making Karen dizzy and feeling dizzy.

 “No, don’t do that.”

Kallen quickly grabbed Thalia's legs, raised her head and cried to her.

 “Okay, then fulfill your promise.”

Thalia's voice slowed down for another half minute and she said.

At this moment, seeing those golden eyes gave Karen a chill all over her body, and her tears almost froze.

Fear filled her heart. She felt that this woman named Tata had a dangerous magic power that could destroy her at any time.

  Simply a devil.

But Kallen couldn't accept it. She had just become a platinum-level card maker. If she did something shameless like that, it would also make it impossible for her to live!

 “Out of pity for you, I allow you to wear the mask.”

Thalia knelt down, looked at Kallen, and said softly.

Kallen was trembling all over, as if she was without any clothes in the ice and snow. The sight of this gray-haired and golden-eyed woman made her whole body tingle. She struggled for a long time.

"I promise you."

 A broken voice came out from the corner of Karen's mouth with difficulty.

 “Hmm? What should you call me?”

Thalia asked again.

 “Lord Tata…”

 Karen’s voice was so weak that it was about to evaporate.

“Very good, then choose the day of the Fireworks Festival. Report to the Card Creators Association in the morning and I will arrange your outfit.”

Karien held back her fear and tears, nodded, and ran away with all her strength.

 Until Karen disappeared.

“Tata, do you have a bad taste?”

Lan Qi said in confusion.

He now feels that Tata is really a bit like a demon queen.

Karien has not yet realized a serious problem.

 Tata's concession gave Karen room to reluctantly accept it, forcing her to comply with Tata's conditions step by step.

 Lanchi seemed to have read Tata's thoughts. She wanted Kallen to wear a men's swimsuit.

 At that time, Kallen could only desperately hug the sign "Lord Tata, I was wrong" to cover up her last bit of self-esteem.

 But he believed that Kallen had already compromised on the first step, and would compromise on the second and third steps to Tata in the future, until she was completely trained by Tata.

 “Oh, that kind of green tea who has no good intentions should be trained into a mean sow.”

Thalia spread her hands, looking satisfied.

 “You are so scary. You have learned a bit about Lan Fu’s character.”

Lanqi felt that the great love poet's ability had been completely absorbed by Talia. Generally, this kind of sadistic idea was the love of the great love poet.

 “Don’t worry Lan Qi, I won’t treat you like this.”

Thalia actually imitated the voice of the great poet and said to Lan Qi.

For a moment, Lan Qi couldn't tell whether what he saw in front of him was the return of Laofu or Thalia pretending to be one.


 A first-level poet of great love, Lan Qi never considered that she could bite him back.

but now.

 The eighth-level Demon King of Crazy Love made Lan Qi feel this possibility for the first time.

The more Lan Qi thought about it, the more exciting it became!

“No, are you sick?”

Thalia originally thought she could scare Lan Qi, but when she saw him starting to tremble, she wanted to laugh.

 After reading this guy’s brain waves, she wanted to punch him again!

"Tata, the more you act like this, the more excited he will be. This guy will only be obsessed with you who may kill him. If you are gentler to him, he will have no interest in messing with you."

 The cat boss emerged from the shadow and finally complained.


Thalia clenched her fists unwillingly.

 She kind of understands.


 Next time I find her a chance, she will treat Lan Qi tenderly for a whole day, and see if she doesn’t disgust Lan Qi to death!

   I tried my best to finish the exam in one go, and the burning of the night was over...

ps: Recommend a friend’s book ~ "Help!" My wife is a descendant of the evil god! 》



 (End of this chapter)

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