Chapter 686 Tata, the optimistic girl favored by Lan Qi

Chapter 686: Tata, the optimistic girl favored by Lan Qi

 After bidding farewell to Rosalinda and Atio, Ranchi and Tata left this magnificent office.

 “Tata, change back to your original self.”

Lanci said to Thalia beside him.

Thalia has been taking the platinum level card maker exam this afternoon. After recalling her, Lanqi can slowly recover his mana.

Thalia glanced at him but said nothing.

 But it still disappeared in place and merged into Lan Qi’s soul space.

  She felt as if this guy really regarded her as his magic card.

 After passing a staircase corner, Lan Qi was the only one left.

He walked along the corridor. The walls on both sides were lined with dozens of meters of murals from the Lost Empire and old plaster niches. His footsteps were swallowed up by the thick carpet, and the entire corridor was silent.

 “Then I’ll rest first, if you have something to call me.”

Thalia heard the voice of her thoughts.

 “Okay, okay, take a rest.”

Lan Qi responded in his heart.

Talia had a full meal just now and ate up a box of coconut crisps. Now it’s time to go to bed.


Thalia started to speak but stopped.

After listening to what Boss Cat said, she was a little confused whether scolding Lan Qi meant punishing him or rewarding him.

Even though Lan Qi didn't have to deal with it twice, she was still panicking, but no matter what, try changing the strategy first and see if it works out.

 Occasionally, the noise of tourists can be heard in the distance.

As we reached the end, the heavy walnut doors opened wide to both sides, revealing a straight staircase leading to the outside of the museum.

Lan Qi, who had turned into brown hair and green eyes, walked down the stairs. The lights in the dim night became brighter and brighter, and finally arrived at the outdoor square of the Holy Silver Vine Arena.

 He looked around and soon spotted a figure in black standing in the square.

The man was wearing a well-tailored black dress with a light overcoat. He had sharp features under neat short dark brown hair and a strong jawline.

 He stood slightly sideways, with one hand in his coat pocket and the other holding a long black umbrella with a straight handle.

Today’s executioner Nigel did not wear a military uniform, but was dressed more appropriately, as if he was going to a formal banquet.

 Seeing Lan Qi coming, he nodded slightly in this direction.

 “Where’s Tata?”

Nigel knew that Tata was in the Holy Silver Vine Arena just now.

In a blink of an eye, Lan Qi was the only one left, and of course at this moment, Lan Qi turned into Rocky again.

"She is nearby, but we can't see her. She will appear when there is danger."

Lanqi came to Nijie’s side and replied.

"That's good."

Nigel is convinced of Tata’s strength.

Now he has some doubts that Lan Qi and Tata are actually the same person. They are like one soul and two bodies, or one body and two souls.

“It may indeed be a bit uncertain tonight. Could you please help me keep it for one night?”

 He thought for a moment and handed a crystal key pendant to Lan Qi.

"no problem."

Lan Qi held the crystal key and muttered to himself.

 He could feel that this was a key-type magic device mechanism that could open or close something, but even as a magic craftsman, he couldn't figure out its specific meaning for a while.

Since Nigel didn't explain more about what this key was, he didn't want to pry more. Probably Nigel thought it was safer to leave it with him, so that Nigel could let it go without any hesitation when encountering uncertainty. Fight.

“The curse spreader you talked about last time, have you fought against him again in the past two days?”

The two set off to the Posen Demon Realm in the north, and Lan Qi asked Nigel.

When Nigel found him and Tata after the second round of the platinum level exam a few days ago, they just speculated that there was a high probability that the curse spreader would take action tonight, but looking at Nigel's solemn expression today, it seemed that they were no longer interested. Determine if you can win.

“Many colleagues have been killed in the Posen Demon Realm. He is very strong and very good at curses and disguises. The dark blue flame is also quite dangerous. Once contaminated, the curse attached to it is difficult to purify.”

Nigel was not able to analyze the true strength of the curse spreader.

It is very difficult to catch his whereabouts, because he may disguise himself as any person, including humans, demons, men, women, and children. Only when the action is taken can the unique magic power be judged.

 Every pursuit is accompanied by a large number of sacrifices.

 But the other party seemed to be teasing them, and the teasing eyes seemed to tell them that the official confrontation would soon begin.

“Is there any reference? For example, who do you think is stronger, the other person or your teacher?”

Lanchi stared at Nigel's clenched fist, feeling that Nigel was full of anger towards the curse spreader.

“The pressure on the opponent is quite similar to that of the teacher... Maybe the teacher can deal with him, or if even the teacher can’t deal with him, then he actually has nothing to worry about in the Posen Demon World.”

Nigel thought for a moment and replied.

 “How are the strength of the several lords of Posen Demon Realm?”

 Lan Qi has only met the lord of area 7, Astros, and the lord of area 9, Etiou.

But Lanci didn’t understand Nigel’s teacher, District 10 Lord Perlman, at all.

"I don't know how to describe and compare it specifically. When I fought against the teacher before, I hadn't reached the seventh level yet. I felt like he was like a god. No matter how many there were, I couldn't fight against him. Moreover, I haven't been back to Posen Demon Realm for a long time. Going deep into the zone, I am convinced that the teacher is the strongest, followed by Etio, and then the lords of areas 7 and 8."

Nigel shook his head.


Lanqi thought for a while.

He needs to roughly estimate the overall strength of the Posen Demon Realm, otherwise he may make mistakes in tactical choices even if he encounters a curse spreader.

Then he took out the communication magic card and started to contact the intelligence supplier.

“Today happens to be the weekend, and this intelligence provider should be open for business.”

Range said to Nigel.

Nigel was a little surprised. He didn't expect Lanqi to know the intelligence dealer in Huadu Parrieux.

 They are getting closer to the border of District 6 at this moment.

Saint Silver Vine Arena is only one kilometer away from the entrance to the Posen Demon Realm.

· Gusts of wind swept by, rolling up sand and gravel on the ground, causing the patrol guards to squint their eyes from time to time, wary of the sweeping wind and sand.

 At night in Parrieux in late August, the sky was covered with layers of dark clouds, and the air was a little damp and dull.

At this moment, the communication was finally connected.

“Mr. Zefa, do you know the strength of several demon lords in the Posen Demon Realm now?”

Lanchi asked immediately.


 There is no sound from the other end of the communication.

And Nigel stared at Ranchi in shock.

The intelligence dealer you are talking about is the police chief?

The Parrieux Police Headquarters, a long-established agency responsible for maintaining public security and order in the city of Parrieux and its suburbs, is one of the most important security agencies in the Kingdom of Poisson and is directly affiliated with the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Poisson. The work content of the hospital's execution force is completely different, and they can really master a lot of information.

 But the communication magic card was always dim and there was no response.

The leaves of the sycamore trees on both sides of the street have begun to turn yellow, and a heavy rain may cause them all to fall. Pedestrians wrapped their coats tightly and hurriedly walked on the street, as if they wanted to get home before it rained.

“Mr. fortune teller, can you help me divine the level of the demon lords in the Posen Demon Realm now?”

So Lan Qi asked again.

  “73, 72, 80, 84.”

 The other end of the communication only reported four numbers to him.

Lanqi didn’t ask any more questions, but he understood what Chief Zefa meant.

 This is based on the hierarchical system spread from the Kingdom of Hutton a year ago, which can more clearly divide the strength of the same rank.

Astros, the lord of District 7 who fought with them last time, should be level 73.

 The 9th district lord Etiou has just been promoted to level 80.

According to another classification of combat power, 80 to 81 belong to the ordinary eighth level, 82 to 84 belong to the stronger eighth level, 85-86 belong to the quasi-bishop eighth level, and 87-88 are bishops known as the strongest in the world. Level 89 and areas infinitely close to 90 may be considered super bishop levels.

"By the way, if you are going to travel to Posen Demon World, you'd better cover up your human aura, otherwise you may run into demons demonstrating or extreme demons. In the past two days, there have been several violent conflicts at the border of District 6 of Huadu. event."

The communication magic card flashed again, Sheriff Zefa reminded. "How did that happen?"

Lanqi took the card closer and asked.

"As the Senate's searches in the Posen Demon Realm became more and more serious, many demon residents were dissatisfied, thinking that the Senate was directing and acting on their own. There was even a saying that started to spread, [Parroni's Resentment Record] 】This magical device is actually in the hands of the Senate. The reason why the curse has been unable to be cut off in the past hundred years is because the Senate is doing ulterior things."

 Hearing the Sheriff's revelation, Lan Qi couldn't help but look at Nigel.


Nigel was silent and clenched his hands.

Hundred years ago, after the great wizard Parroni was executed, the whereabouts and information about his cursed magic weapon were gradually erased. However, the curse has not disappeared in these hundred years, but the frequency has dropped to an extremely low level.

 For the demons living in this land, this is like a terminal disease, and whoever is infected will definitely die.

 Many years ago, he would kill the teacher's second daughter with his own hands precisely because she was cursed and turned mad.

“Yes, why are only the demons in the Posen Kingdom subject to the curse? There is no such case among the demons in Helrom.”

Lan Qi murmured in his heart.

"Indeed, in the past hundred years, no matter in the northern or southern continents, I have not heard of any demons going crazy because of this curse. According to my analysis, it should not be contagious."

Thalia affirmed his thoughts.

Although there is no demon autonomous territory like Posen Kingdom in the Northern Continent, there are a few remaining demons and mixed-blood demons, such as the Protos Empire that Lan Qi has visited.

This kind of curse goes crazy. It seems that they all agree that there is no such thing in the Northern Continent.

It is not like an infectious disease, but more like a constant source of pollution.

 “I’m sorry there’s nothing to pay this time.”

Lan Qi came back to his senses and spoke to the communication magic card.

“It’s okay, just think of it as a favor to Countess Rosalinda.”

Sheriff Zefa hung up the communication after speaking.

He is an acquaintance of Countess Rosalinda, a platinum-level card maker, and he is willing to exchange favors no matter what.

“Your teacher Pearlman Quilston is really strong.”

Lan Qi didn’t even expect that there was such a powerful demon in Parrieu.

Mr. Perlman can confront a strong man at the quasi-bishop level head-on.

Generally speaking, the most advantage of the immortal species is time, and you can practice slowly. If the talent is good enough, from the profit curve point of view, it is very disadvantageous to challenge a dungeon like Shadow World that can be completed quickly but requires gambling on life.

With a long period of time, compared to obtaining natural magic cards from the shadow world, practicing and researching spells on your own, or developing magic tools and earning resources to replace magic cards will be better from the perspective of expectations.

Of course, if you are an immortal species who urgently needs to become stronger or is extremely ambitious, you will also choose the mode of entering the shadow world.

Lan Qi couldn't help but think of a senior demon clan.

 Even the new generation of demons are almost stronger than the old-timers like her.


Thalia immediately sent him a non-verbal response.

Even though Lan Qi didn’t need to speak, she could still hear Lan Qi’s high-intensity and uninterrupted thoughts—

 We are all demons, why is there such a big gap?

 Although it is true that the higher the level, the more difficult it is to practice.

 But you can’t stand still for a hundred years.

Among the big demons alive now, you are a little stronger than Antanas, but Antanas, let alone being suppressed in prison for a hundred years, is a noble shield girl, even one level lower than you. More useful than you.

 “Ifatiya is definitely not as strong as me.”

Thalia suppressed her anger and said confidently.

 She kept thinking that because Lan Qi drew a painting for her today, she would let Lan Qi go for the time being.

At that time, the important ministers of the demon world said that as long as Ifatiya could become a great demon, they would no longer bother her with her princess's style, responsibilities and other matters.

 So Ifatiya reached the eighth level, easily promoted to the Great Demon Clan, and never practiced again.

So according to Lanci's level theory, Ifatia must still be a level 80 goalkeeper a hundred years later, not as good as her sister at all.

“What if she suddenly feels like practicing?”

Ranchi questioned.


Thalia thought about it again and felt a little bit of a crisis.

It seemed that before she knew it, she was about to become the weakest demon.

“Impossible, Rosalinda has already said it. Iphatia has even become lazier since she came to the human kingdom. She must not be as strong as me.”

Although Thalia admitted that she had been a bit degenerate during her more than a year in Icerita.

But presumably Ifatiya, who was already very degenerate in the demon world, will only become more depraved. She even got married and started a family, and she will probably never practice cultivation again in this life.

Just thinking about it like this, the guilt in Thalia's heart disappeared.

“Stop talking about Tata, your sister has already won too much to some extent.”

"What's the meaning?"

“Tata, a candidate recommended by the Kingdom of Hutton, unmarried, 25 years old.”

 “You die! Lan Qi!”

In addition to communicating with Talia in his mind, Lan Qi was also walking and chatting with Nigel, and was about to reach the entrance of Posen Demon Realm.

"Teacher, he was not a demon army a hundred years ago, but a demon scholar from the Northern Continent. After the war between the demon world and the human kingdom began, he had an anti-war attitude. He wanted to study and pursue the peaceful coexistence of humans and demons. So after the demons were defeated, he also received preferential treatment from the Posen Kingdom."

Nigel replied to Ranchi, the respect hidden in his voice could not be concealed.

 Long ago, the teacher was a demon scholar who survived the war era, and he was an orphan adopted by the teacher.

Even though the master and apprentice are now somewhat strangers, he still does not deny that many of his ideas were influenced by his teacher.

They walked through the narrow alley and came to the side of an old church.

Passing through the door made of weathered oak and peeling back the thin vines covering it, the view instantly brightened.

At this point, the two of them were walking in the lobby of the broad station gate. As long as they passed through the inspection gate, they would be in the Posen Demon World.

 “This is no wonder.”

Lan Qi felt that he could somewhat understand why Nigel was different from other demons.

 Nigel can be regarded as a demon who treats humans and demons equally and always remains awake and determined.

  It turned out to be because of such a teacher who taught me since I was a child.

"It seems that after building the Demon Realm, Perlman and the Posen Kingdom have achieved mutual success. After a hundred years, he has not only reached the eighth level, but is also a stronger existence in the eighth level. And the current prosperity of the Posen Demon Realm must be attributed to Perlman Indispensable credit.”

Thalia commented in Lanci's mind.

  The harmonious coexistence of humans and demons is an unimaginable ideal situation even in Thalia's opinion.

However, after a hundred years of hard work, Pearlman did achieve it to a certain extent.

“Yes, this kind of faith that can stick to a goal for a long time and carry it out to the end is really amazing, in retrospect.”

Lan Qi sighed, unwilling to say any more.

 “Reflect on what?”

Thalia's voice began to get colder.

"Sometimes learning to let go is also a kind of wisdom. The stronger the obsession, the scarier and more extreme it will become once the obsession is broken. So I say that on the other hand, looking at a princess with a very mature outlook on life, her wisdom is It’s more worth learning from.”

Lanchi said to Thalia seriously.

 “Are you trying to trick me?”

Thalia can now understand Lan Qi, the old onmyoji.

"how come."

 Lanchi conveyed his thoughts innocently.

“...If the demons really regain their kingdom someday, I will make you a grand duke. Then we will see how they will evaluate you in the history books of mankind.”

Thalia sneered, fell into a deep sleep, and stopped paying attention to him.

 “You are indeed an optimistic girl, Tata.”

Lanchi laughed happily.

 Don't mention it, Tata's optimism always brings him endless happiness and makes him laugh.

 (End of this chapter)

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